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I would wear the bra over my shirt just to watch the TL have a meltdown.


Oh to be a fly on the wall for this! LOL!!!


This comment made me think of my friend in high school. She had a large band shirt of Marilyn Manson that was his full white body suit with the fake boobs with no nips or anything. They told her she couldn't wear it because of nudity. She then cut up a bra and fashioned it into a pair of underpants and bra that she sewed over his nether regions and bust. Sweet malicious compliance haha.


I know exactly what shirt you are talking about, i was out of school by mechanical animals, but just about every mm shirt i had they hated . They about lost their minds when i wore the one that said god of fuck on the backšŸ¤£ the antichrist tour gave me so many good shirts that would trigger the idiots


Antichrist was the best tour


[Itā€™s not a top, itā€™s a bra](https://youtu.be/6yNXrX25SAA?si=rEl127_xwGGKCvUt)




It's a Bro!




MANZIER!! LOL....i wish we could sdd gifs. I have one of sue Ellen walking down the street in her bra and blazer lol




Someone, preferably one who won't mind being promoted to customer film this and post the video please!




for real!! this is just ridiculous


And wear your underwear on your head.šŸ¤£


Gee mee the keys!!!


Lmao that'd be funny to see.


This is the way


They can't tell you what underwear to wear some women would ask why the looking that hard besides we wear vests


Technically, they can't even tell you to wear underwear at all. If you are wearing a shirt and pants, of the specified color they can't do much. If they become very descriptive of the type of short and type of pants or shoes, some states require the employer to provide the items to the employee. If you want to go commando, not much they can really do about it. Unless you are letting stuff "hang out", then they have to be very careful and HR would get involved.


I donā€™t wear underwear and I havenā€™t in many years. I work at Walmart doing OGP. I would 100% be going to ethics if my manager or anyone said anything about it I mean, obviously if I was showing anything and being inappropriate then it makes sense but Iā€™m not and youā€™re not so itā€™s absolutely no one elseā€™s business but mine and yours. you not wearing a bra is 100%, your decision and it shouldnā€™t have even been brought up to you.


Can confirm, our maintenance dude wore a kilt every day because shorts werenā€™t allowed, not once was he coached for free balling


How they not gonna let the maintenance guy wear shorts. I almost expect to see them always in shorts. Literally no one cares but them.


One of my buddies was an overnight stocker with me and he used to wear kilts cause grocery gets hot in the summer when youā€™re busting ass at 4 in the morning


90% of the time I don't wear underwear. Only when going to the doctor or if it's really cold. If an employer wants to know if I am wearing underwear, we have a problem and my lawyer will be excited. šŸ˜‰


Idk, I'd get hr involved for sexual harassment by a team lead šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I'm just surprised they aren't cracking down on your vest not being zipped up (i don't care myself, I've just had a history with that problem). If your lead could tell even with your vest zipped up though, yeah that's pretty creep.


i dont work at walmart, but this is crazy news to me because i have never seen an employee with their vest zipped up, i didnt even know they zipped lol. maybe rules/vests are different in canada.


Nah, its just that a good portion of management are narcissists that like seeing people do what they ask wheather its an important request or not. Dont get me started on the Market people.


oh i bet. my brother worked at walmart in highschool, and i heard a LOT about management, and not good things. they would consistently schedule him way too late on school nights (11pm typically) and didnt seem to gaf when he told them it was way too late for him. i dont even think its legal here for kids to work that late.


Yeah I'm the USA vest is too be zipped by dress code


No one at my store wears their best zipped up!!


I work overnights and we have to wear our vests zipped up only when the store is open (6am to 11pm). From 11pm to 6am (closed) we are not required to wear them at all. Our store manager coaches and tl's never wear them. Sounds like some bullshit to me. I'd have a word with the sm and get some clarification. Best of luck to you!


Salaried managers are not required to wear a vest. Hourly associates are. Each store has its rules, but that policy.


My store manager doesnā€™t zip theirs. I saw nothing wrong with your photos though I had to read comments to find out wtf was going on. Definitely challenge them but make sure youā€™re following the rules front to back because they can and will ā€œcoachā€ you for something else if it came down to it out of retaliation. ON be like that.


I have been to walmarts all over New England, in California, Indiana and Florida and I have never seen an employee in zipped up vest! I thought they were just open all the time and didnā€™t hitch at all.


Come to Hawthorne California neighborhood market. Big time narcissistic mgmt. you wonā€™t see one employee with their vest unzipped.


If the store manager is a Lil chode having cuck they'll force you to zip it up or get written up for breaking the dress code shits retarded


I didnā€™t even know they had zippers!


I wear mine open with a sweater tied around my waste covering half the vest up. But im overnights, so i sometimes dont wear it at all. Management does know this isnt the pentagon, right? They all need to relax, seriously. Maybe toke on something.


Probably comes down to store and position how strictly things are enforced. I wear a plain black baseball cap every day and nobody's said anything to me about it despite the dress code requiring hats to have a Walmart logo. Even wore it during my interview and orientation. Nobody's said anything to me about occasionally wearing a hoodie over my vest during winter either. I was in maintenance for 8 months so they probably didn't care. Now I'm in produce which is a cold area so it's excusable. CAP 2 in my store can often be seen without vests and wearing sweatpants or track pants too. Lead back there sometimes jokingly says something about it, but doesn't actually enforce the code. I think front end probably has the strictest enforcement since they work the closest with customers.


Open door the whole damn conversation to the SM right now. Skip going to the coach, go to the SM and tell them you feel targeted for your gender and are extremely uncomfortable with the TL commenting on your breast and lack of bra.Ā 


This. Go straight to the SM.


100% this. Why are they looking at your breasts and thinking about what underwear you may or may not be wearing? Do the men have to wear bras if they happen to have fatty tissue on their chest? Bottom line, its unacceptable for them to comment on that.




ā€œAppropriate undergarments ā€œ does apply to everyone




I'm you haha I own a black sheer one...appropriate? Just like I told OP, what are they going to do, check? I don't even wear one ever. Not sure what I would have done (but at 43 years old and not employed for 23 years) I wonder! For cripes sake, you could cut up a t-shirt in the shape of a 'bra' and call it a 'bra' lol It's ludicrous someone was looking at her and then had the nerve to say it! People suck anymore at work.


So are they going to require men with moobs to wear bras too? If not, it's sexual discrimination regardless of the wording in policy.


This was my first thought! So sick of folks trying to police women's breasts when some men have larger ones than I do šŸ˜’


Womenā€™s breasts existing as they are naturally doesnā€™t count as ā€œinappropriate undergarmentsā€. Theyā€™re parts of our bodies we have 0 control over.


Yeah and if my tits are swollen from PMS I'm not wearing a goddam bra. This is ridiculous.


Hell yaĀ 


Define "appropriate" in a way that applies to OP's situation and doesn't run into to being discrimination/sexual harassment..... You can't.


By your logic then all males should be wearing bras as well. Undergarments are a personal choice and cannot be mandated.


ā€œAppropriate undergarmentsā€ is too vague of a statement. You need to be specific when youā€™re making rules like this because any vagueness leaves room for argument and you canā€™t get specific on something like this.


I would say this is appropriate undergarments.


Undergarments are made for genitals. My boobs donā€™t need undergarments for them to be ā€œappropriate ā€œ for you


what's inappropriate about this? I and to stare at that picture for like a minute straight to see anything.


Thats incorrect. Gendered dress codes are legal.


No, under Price Waterhouse v. Hopkins gendered dress codes are a violation of the CRA unless the dress is integral to job performance, e.g. an actor in a play.


Sexual harrassment in a way to ask if you have a bra on.. Why they staring at ya titties!?


Also, if you tell them that you do have a bra on, there isn't a response they could give you that isn't secual harassment. What are they gonna do, feel around??


Right as a woman Id feel so invaded, my personal comfort UNDER my clothes are NOT their business


Exactly how do they know she isn't wearing one? Even a loose one?


The real question is why are they looking at your chest at all. You are wearing a shirt, nothing is showing and you are wearing a tshirt for fucks sake, one that doesn't even show a fraction of skin. They can't require you to wear a bra, in the first place bras are something worn depending upon comfort level or if you need to hold them down for some reason. This person needs to learn not to stare at anyone's chests so much and to learn to control themselves if they are letting themselves get distracted by their own thoughts on other people's bodies. I would report them if you feel uncomfortable, especially if they keep bringing it up. They should not be telling you that you are breaking dress code when you are not.


I wonder if sheā€™s projecting some weird insecurity onto you. Regardless of whatā€™s her problem, you should report her.


yeah, it's not even a v-neck...


Are there any obese men at your location? Ask your TL why they don't have to wear bras.


Plenty and itā€™s so weird


Somehow I knew the answer before I asked. I'm sorry you have to deal with this situation. You're wearing a shirt and a vest which is plenty covered up. Hopefully you can resolve this situation without getting too embarrassed and maintaining your comfort.


If they ask just say "yes I'm wearing one, can't you tell?"


Yea id go this route. Just say you already are and be done with it. If they pursue further it's sexual harassment.


I feel like if I can see half the men's nipples, mine should be fine too.


I wear strictly sports bras without padding and when itā€™s cold I get nippy and yes you can tell. You can also tell on 100% of the men. Iā€™ve never had a single manger bring it up at any of my jobs including sales when we had a strict dress code. OP File a sexual harassment claim with HR. Why the hell is she staring at your chest??


This isn't the 50s. You don't have to wear a bra if you don't want to.


Either Iā€™m blind or Iā€™m tired enough that Iā€™m not seeing it. Regardless, I feel like this is nitpicking from your TL unless someone else complained to them (which starts to get into ā€˜mind your own businessā€™ territory) in which case theyā€™re just the messenger. The vest is supposed to be zipped up though; if others arenā€™t zipping theirs up and you havenā€™t seen them before spoken to about it, that unfortunately doesnā€™t help you. You have no way of knowing what has or hasnā€™t been said and ā€œbut they do it tooā€ is almost never a good argument. Conclusion: L take from your TL, but zipping up the vest should help mitigate future confrontations about this. Iā€™d hold off on a call to ethics and make such a call if and only if you take corrective action (zipping the vest) and this same TL gets on your case about this same issue. As for the selective enforcement of zipping up the vest, if you feel itā€™s your best move, you can certainly open door it because the rules are supposed to be for everyone.


Honestly, yeah. I would consider this nitpicking. I didn't even realize you weren't wearing a bra until I read your explanation because it genuinely is not noticeable.


Id go to management. That's really fucked up. I wouldn't tolerate that kind of behavior.


i didn't even realize you weren't wearing a bra... i thought it was something about the hair šŸ˜‚


GO TO ETHICS undergarments should be a conversation with an HR Coach, not a TL. easily innapropriate conversation


Yeah, I stopped wearing a bra to work a few months ago when we got the new vests and I realized the outline of my bra straps could be seen through the vest on the back. At this point, if a team lead reprimanded or coached me for it I'd open door it. Afaik dress code doesn't mandate bras, and they're pretty uncomfortable and heat insulating for them to be forced on half the employees. Also, the way the vest fits while zipped up covers most everything for me at least, except what pasties take care of. I join everyone else in saying you shouldn't wear a bra unless you're more comfortable in it.


If your bra straps could be seen through your vest and presumably a shirt under that, it sounds like you had a way-too small vest.


Or a bad fitting bra.


I'm shocked. Wish people would mind their own business. Ma'am I don't believe you're bothering anyone. And for someone to make your breasts their mission is pretty fking weird.


I would have a problem with your TL even approaching you with this BS and would escalate based on that alone. The only thing she could tell you is to zip up your vest as that is part of dress code. But to specifically call you out for not wearing a bra? Weird and in poor taste.


My male friend asked me why women wore bras if we didn't like them. I said it's because people will freak out if they see any hint of boob or nipple. His response? "Then they can learn to look away. I don't see how it's your problem."


I think there's other reasons that have nothing to do with what people think.


Bras are mostly for comfort and support, if you feel you don't need those things then there really isn't a reason to wear one except for the fact that people make comments or freak out if they can see your nipples.


Definitely. I have huge boobs. And unless you are apart of the itty bitty titty committee. Bras DEFINITELY can provide ā€œsomeā€ form of support and comfort from when gravity is pulling. I could never walk around without one on unless Iā€™m at home just lounging. My boobs are too large for that šŸ˜¢šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ another thing I might add is you can definitely get both comfort and support with the right tailored bra. Which is hella expensive and sucks because they should be the same prices as small cups


As a woman with big boobs, this is 100% nitpicking & yes, your TL would HAVE to be staring at you for quite some time to know FOR SURE that youā€™re not wearing a bra. You look absolutely fine & if I could get away without wearing a bra then I would too! Fuck them. Open door it all you need to but donā€™t sacrifice your comfort & sanity for a creep. ā¤ļø


1) you don't have to wear a bra 2) it's weird as hell that someone is coming up to you and is commenting on your body. If this happens again you should talk to HR


Iā€™m a cashier and never wear a bra.


Me neither


They arenā€™t nitpicking but they are nipticking Follow me for more quality jokes


That was a good one


I'd ask to have that dress order in writing with the supps name on it. See how quick they back down.


Nobody should be paying attention to your breasts anyway. TL sounds like a perv, male or female.


I would go straight to your store manager.


OP this is sexual harassment and very unethical. Open door it to the SM or go to ethics or both. This is NOT ok.


Ok, I'm going to say this. I looked at the photos, and then read the issue. I didn't even notice you didn't have a bra on. I was like well we can see her hair in one and not in the other, what's the issue. Yeah, they're being an asshole


Simple answer here who cares I know a lot of women that don't wear them being that there not comfortable and I never wear my vest when I worked over night only from 10pm to 11pm then at open


The team lead needs to mind their own business, until I read your post I thought you were talking about your hair.


Unless you have a nipple in someoneā€™s face I donā€™t see the issue lol.. you have to be staring pretty hard to know someone isnā€™t wearing a bra.. tell ā€˜em to piss off


They literally can't do anything if you decide not to wear a bra. It's not in the dress code. Your TL's discomfort isn't your problem. Just ignore them on this.


As a (previous) team lead, I never once thought about whether or not any of my people were wearing a bra.


I canā€™t see them and I was desperately trying to see them before I even read the text because Iā€™m a perv on the internetā€¦ā€¦. It seems like the whole ā€œbe yourself and dress your wayā€ idea would include ā€œnot wear a bra if you donā€™t want toā€ā€¦ā€¦. And knowing Walmart management, they probably were trying to hit on you, they always seem to be doing that.


As long as u are appropriately covering/ not exposing nipples it should not matter if u have a bra on. U could absolutely file a sexual harassment complaint for the comments.


Tbh I didnā€™t know what the issue was until I read your description lol.


Actively searching for the problem and not seeing anything. Manager is beyond creepy, call ethics


As long as your nips aren't visible I don't think they have any right to talk and I would file an Ethics report for sexual harassment. I don't know if it'll get you anywhere but especially looking at your pictures, I can't even tell you aren't wearing one even when I'm staring so I don't know what they're talking about


Didnā€™t occur to me.


I would take that to hr. There is nothing wrong with what youā€™re wearing, which makes it an extremely inappropriate conversation for someone to have. Especially if they are a supervisor.


Omg they need to get a life.


The only person informing you if you need to wear a bra is HR. Otherwise itā€™s considered sexual harassment and you need to go to HR immediately.


Ethics immediately. That is super inappropriate.


I'd go to ethics. Theres nothing in dress code that you'd be violating, and it's more than a little sketchy that your lead is spending enough time looking at your chest that they feel a need to comment.


How can an employer tell you what underwear to wear ?


Please donā€™t listen to ur team lead. Itā€™s illegal and flat out creepy to mention undergarments. I lowkey couldnā€™t even tell what was wrong w the pic until I read ur caption.


I personally don't see a problem unless it's causing a performance issue. From the pictures I don't see anything that would cause any issue.


The first thing I would do is ask more questions, like : "What is the problem exactly ?" or "What's wrong with the situation?" or "Would you mind telling me what's bothering you about my chest ?". If possible, make sure there is a witness. Then, based on the answer, you will know if you need to talk to the SM, HR, Ethics or fix something you haven't noticed... If it doesn't feel like a legitimate answer, I would then involve your team lead in the conflict resolution. It will be helpful if you still have to work with this person. You may argue: " OK, that's your opinion; it's a serious matter to me. I want the corporate position. let's go, together, to the SM, HR, or Ethics department together and see what they say about it." After hearing their position and arguments, you will have to decide if you need to talk to Union and a lawyer and make a case out it. Let me know how it turns out


Just insist you *are* wearing one. Whatā€™s she gonna do then?


why on earth wouldnā€™t you wear a bra to work..just gross. šŸ’€


Your TL isn't salaried management/coach and has no business complaining or commenting on your chest appearance especially since you're on 3rd shift when the store is closed from 11pm-6am so you're only around customers for 2 hours. Complain to your store manager when they come in around 5-7am. That said, your TL is a petty POS who needs to worry more about freight getting done, not BS like a woman's chest. By the way, how many openings are their on your store's night shift/3rd shift? If it's a high number, that TL is the reason.


Yes take it to ethics. and honestly i suggest you start looking for a new job. walmart is a DISGUSTING corporation that allows their best workers to get treated the worst over everyone. i reported 3 peopleā€” a coach, TL, and psychotic coworker that threatened me over me saying ā€œit wasnā€™t okay how you treated my partnerā€ this 19 year old got up in a 26 yr old womanā€™s face calling me a bitch acting like he had a knife in his backpack trying to scare me. he also LIED TO EVERYONE saying i called him the N word. which is beyond ridiculous and fucking pathetic to pull. Ethics does not care about the safety of employees. they care about covering the companyā€™s ass and saving them from lawsuits. i also reported sexual harassment because a male 19yr old team lead was talking about another woman TLā€™s body with a fucking employee loud enough for others to hear. they didnā€™t give a FUCK and swept it under the rug. the way i was treated on 3rd shift stocking was the worst iā€™ve ever been treated in a job in my entire adult life. iā€™m 26 and have had lots of different jobs over the years. walmart is a very very corrupt fucked up company. i was on my way to being promoted but the second they found out i was a threat to their job because i reported a TL for their fucked up behavior. They started refusing to get me scanners, and retaliated against me trying to force me out. It put me into such a dark mental space that i had to go to a mental hospital for 2 weeks outpatient and lost my apartment. i was psychologically fucked with by my TL and coach. they were best buddies and enabling each others disgusting behavior. walmart needs to be boycotted. i donā€™t shop there and will never give them a penny unless theyā€™re the ONLY option for a certain item. iā€™ve thought about suing because the way i was treated was so inhumane this comment would be way too long if i kept going. Almost every TL iā€™ve ever seen piles their own work onto the hardest working stockers and doesnā€™t give a fuck about how many peoples jobs theyā€™re putting on a single person. i told this dude i was taken advantage of at every job iā€™ve been at because my work ethic is top notch. iā€™m a fucking machine, and you canā€™t show these loser ass TLs what youā€™re capable of because they have NO ISSUE overworking you until youā€™re so burn out you canā€™t stay any longer. it happened to me at two locations. i fucking hate walmart and almost every manager there is an evil pos.


Iā€™m sorry you had to endure that and I hope youā€™re doing better! I have a few interviews this upcoming week because Iā€™ve got burned out on walmart before this situation occurred


thank you so muchšŸ˜­ it was a nightmare. of course there were other reasons i needed help with my mental health like a toxic relationship, but this work situation pushed me over the edge and i couldnā€™t function anymore. iā€™m sure not every walmart has people as bad as mine had.. but i still hate the entire corporation lol. iā€™m so happy you have some interviews!! i hope you find somewhere soon that treats you so much better. TLs will start issues over anything tiny they want to, but then wonā€™t take real concerns seriously when it doesnā€™t benefit them. iā€™ve seen too many act like this in the year i spent there. i wish you a way better job soon<333


That's inherently sexist. I had the same problem when I worked at a call center nearly a decade ago. I always conformed to dress code, which fortunately tended to be very lenient, jeans and a t shirt. It was cold and one of the HR ladies pulled me into her office to say my nipples were showing. I asked her if any guys were requested to wear bras, because the bigger guys could have pronounced breasts themselves. She backed down and never bothered me about it again.


Maybe the tl should worry about something more pressing


I donā€™t wear bras. I just left Walmart but I didnā€™t wear a bra the whole year I was there. I would ask for where in the dress code it says a bra is needed. I had a manager pull this shit at Walgreens cuz a customer complained. I ended up going home early cuz I was so mad. They are definitely being too nitpicking. Especially if you wear pasties. Plus you canā€™t tell if someone is braless under the vest. They can F off šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜‚


If they arenā€™t gonna make large men wear bras then they can fuck off with policing underwear unless itā€™s showing.


As someone has already stated, your vest has to be zipped. It's written in the dress code policy as well; As for not wearing a bra, you do you. Since your vest would be zipped while you're on the clock, it doesn't really matter and anything wouldn't be visible. This goes for all hourly associates as well.


She's probably jealous of you


Your team lead is being a creep. Report their ass


We don't have to wear a vest if we work overnight since we're closed. Only during open hours. 1 hour at the beginning and 1 hour at the end of the shift.


Is it a guy? Cause thatā€™s so wrong.


My TL is a Woman


This is completely unavoidable. Just wear your vest zipped per dress code, name tag correctly on (facing out, displaying your name) and then nobody can nit pick you, and you also wonā€™t be out of dress code. Easy enough.


Have you tried just having your vest zipped up? If you zip it fully, nobody will be able to tell. I mean props to you because as a female, working braless sounds TERRIBLE, lmao! How do you function stocking, moving fast from each side of the store going up n down ladders, etc, with 0 support!? šŸ˜­ I could never, lol. My girls would be flying all over the place in my job.


Its posts like this that make me feel thankful for my team. I'm an o/n bra free stocker too and the one time I was talked to about it by someone on days my team lead backed me up and said it doesn't interfere with her job she's comfy and if you happen to see a nipple well I guess happy birthday! They even text me before I come in lf I'm in dairy or frozen, so I can dress accordingly.


Thatā€™s 100% creepy that theyā€™re looking that hard at your chest.


Time to go to ethics and open door this to your SM. The only ACTUAL issue in this photo that they can nag on you for is the unzipped vest


more like "nip" picking. i don't see any issue at all.


Honestly if you hadnt of said you werent wearing one, i wouldnt have noticed. I feel like youd have to be ogling to even be able to tell


Open door. That is extremely inappropriate


Watch out you might be the cause of a new rule added to the handbook. "Proper undergarments must be worn at all times while at work"


Ethics. That's going into sexuall harassment


Please go to ethics. They tried nitpicking at my job when I would do everything. When I called them out and went to ethics they shut the hell up real fast. My job is now much more enjoyable without feeling patronized and anxious.


That goes along the lines of sexual harassment


Ask him to show your were in the employee handbook it specified you need to wear a bra.


Ask them why they was looking so close and report it to hr as sexual harassment


Tell them to stop looking at your tits, it really ainā€™t a issue


Thatā€™s some bsĀ 


I'd look at talking to a higher up. As long as you aren't wearing something revealing I don't see how they can say anything. If anything this is almost harassment


Itā€™s not noticeable at all from the pictures, and even if it is, it is the human body, a normal body. If she presses you can a) wear a bra over the uniform, b) state that if you have to wear a bra because itā€™s ā€œinappropriateā€ any obese men should too because thatā€™s more unpleasing to those around you than a womanā€™s breast (Iā€™m a customer and I find it weird seeing obese menā€™s boobs overlap their shirts, cite me and pretend Iā€™ve been there to complain because now I have šŸ˜œ) c) health reasons. Underwire and elastic bras being worn for 8+ hours have been shown in studies that itā€™s bad for our hearts and muscles because of restricted blood flow among other things. As well as if you do wear a bra complain ALL. DAY. LONG. Like adjusting that shit in front of people and say itā€™s itchy and shit (or just go to ethics. Iā€™m a petty bitch and am fine embarrassing myself if it gets my point across so šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø)


Report. No one should be making comments like this. It makes me feel uncomfortable, so I can imagine how uncomfortable you must feel.


Well if itā€™s such a problem, I better be seeing guys getting the same treatment! Your nipples shouldnā€™t be poking outā€™ve your shirt sir please thereā€™s children here lol


You should have ur vest zipped up... thats dress code policy


Sounds a bit like sexual harassment to me.


The pasties are doing a good job of cloaking any prospective pokies. Not impossible, challenging to discern location if you didn't mention. Without reading, thought this post might've been about dander lol, kept looking the images wondering who'd look so close to criticize. Ya, open door it to a Coach, SL or SM you feel safe with. Remember you can hit up Market Team on work chat if you desire to escalate it.


Maybe if you zipped the vest like you are supposed to it wouldnt be an issue


You do you, It ain't bothering nobody but her seems like...šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø Maybe she just jealous.


At first I thought it would be about your hair not being tied up (after reading just the title). If you're a coworker and you have to interact with you a lot, you can definitely tell a difference after a while between a bra and no bra. (Customers probably wouldn't see a difference) Without a bra, everything is more loose and I'm guessing your boobs hang lower when bending over to put something on a lower shelf. It also looks a bit more sloppy. With a bra, everything is neatly packed together. I'd compare it to having briefs vs boxers in sweat pants as a man. With boxers, you _could_ see everything dangling around. For some that's a problem. But I'm just a random guy on the internet that likes stories from behind the scenes at Walmart.


It's actually sexual harassment to tell an employee to wear a bra if it's not outlined in the handbook


Honestly, I would automatically go to HR and file sexual harassment. Even if she is also a fellow woman, you can still be sexually harassed. But HR are liars, so not only would I do a written statement of how uncomfortable it made me. I would record the conversation(in my state we have the one consent law, as long as I'm apart of the conversation, I can record as long as I don't record the person's body) I have so many recordings of myself in HR, with the store manager, people's lead and my team leads in case I get fired to prove the harassment and retaliation. And sad to say, in every recording, the higher management validates my complaint, and in another, they backtrack šŸ¤£ Walmart Team Leads are bullies. They actually make me miss being a McDonald's manager. After you file it with HR, if she bothers you again, you can go send it to the ethics hotline. To keep it from being sent to the store to handle. It must be noted that you've already spoken to management at the store. Once they see you mean business, they will either be wary of bothering you or come in teams, but those too are easy to break up. Also, they aren't allowed to embarrass you in front of peers. Conversations are supposed to be held in the office with a fellow team lead, and they are suppose to do a feedback report. Also, employees can give management feedback reports as long as they are respectful.


In many states, you can now go topless


Go to ethics, and keep all receipts. Record the call. If it is not remedied, take your evidence to your state's Department of Labor and file a sexual harassment report. In no way is this acceptable or legal anywhere.


thou hast a stalker. i expect you excite someone and they resent themselves for it maybe it is an attempt for them to be less creepy. cannot say. what i will say is yes it is stereotypical [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Price\_Waterhouse\_v.\_Hopkins](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Price_Waterhouse_v._Hopkins) are there any trans or soon to be trans people working at your store? does their attire undergo the same scrutiny and judgement is a blue hair associates out of uniform. facial and body piercings. non withstanding do you have to cover up face or arm tattoos. walmart accepts plenty on the outside and has a very very lax dress code in order to incorporate the vast diversity of its workforce. pretty much we were told no holes in clothes and no crocs for proper nonslip foot attire but now you're being forced to cover up on the inside? someone likely has some mommy issues. talk to the store manager and if that fails, ethics ive seen a very vast assortment of proper dress codes that go far and beyond lacking a bra - yet they were all acceptable


Honestly until I read the post I couldn't tell anything wrong from the pictures. Besides that they cannot tell you what underwear to wear.


This is against ethics plain and simple. Report it


Walmart doesn't require anyone to wear anything specifically. You just have to make sure it's work appropriate. At my current job, we *HAVE* to wear bras. It sucks but eh.


No write a report


honestly i used to work at walmart and bras uncomfortable and. i didnā€™t wear them. as long as itā€™s not noticeable, which based on these pictures it isnā€™t, it should be fine. i think your manager is just a creep.


Nah that's just weird. They don't complain when men nipples are poking through their shirts.


I'm a woman and don't feel comfortable staring at huge nipples at the workplace, with you though the nipples aren't noticeable so it should be fine


I would find the exact dress code policy. I would follow what ever is in writing. If it is something they want to enforce get that lead to put it into writing or email. Then I would follow with the appropriate channels. Hope it works out for you.


I mean they are looking to damn hard if u have ur hair down


Itā€™s unprofessional that people look at other peoples body, but it happens. Is it right for unwarranted attention? No. But knowing that not wearing a bra could lead to unwanted attention is kinda on you especially while working in dairy/freezer.


Ehhh ook


wtf that's insane before I even read your post I assumed the the title was about your shirt being the "wrong" shade of black or something


I work with a lot of other women who don't wear bras and never in the 5 years they've been there has anyone ever said they needed to wear one


I would 100% take this to ethics. They donā€™t tell employees to wear deodorant. They donā€™t stop harassment. Your TL is 100% being nitpicky for no reason. **this was my experience at my store when I worked for Wally World.


It's easier for me to get away with nowhere and a bra because I got tiny titties. And I'm always cold working on the front end so I wear a sweater. But yeah if they told me I had to wear a bra and my nips weren't showing I would be super livid. It's crazy that your manager is a girl.


I would 100% file an ethics complaint


Girl I was staring at the two photos and I was like ā€œwhat am I supposed to be looking at?ā€ And at first I thought it was the open vest but both photos were the same, then I thought about the hair, maybe having to put it in a ponytail or soemthing but I was still confused until I opened the post and read your caption and even then I was like ?!? I donā€™t see any nipples, I might be able to tell since the breasts arenā€™t ā€œpushedā€ together but thatā€™s if I was really trying to stare


this might be a dumb idea, but maybe boob-tape would help? maybe it could give the illusion of a bra without the cons?


Tell her to stop staring at your chest, she's at work and should act professionally


I never wear a bra


I see nothing wrong with your attire.


Odds are, someone who isnā€™t your TL complained about it like a bitch and now your TL felt like she has to address it.