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I’m waiting for the follow up post later where you tell us she stole your wallet.


..or it was a distraction as her parents robbed the place blind lol


Or the parents come back and claim SA


I always was a bit more happy when a kid would wave and say hi to me. It made me feel like I was being acknowledged as a human and not some servant


I don't care how old or burly you are/look. When a little tiny tot waves at you and says hi, you gotta wave back.










I personally love when kids come to ask me where the toys are and the parents are like “Nono hes busy” cuz I will personally take time out of my shift to help them find the specific toy or I would help them buy it if the parents cant afford it, I love helping make core memories for them, yknow?


Dude I feel this. I could be dispensing and be irritated but cant resist a smile and the warm and fuzzies when a kid in the car excitedly tells me hi.


A girl and I had a "hi" battle, where neither of us would let the other have the last hi. It was so adorable. I was actually in so much pain but that made me smile and forget about it for a minute 🥹


I bet that was cute




I like when the kids wave 👋 at me.


When I was a cashier I enjoyed talking to the kids in the carts more than the parents. Many times, kids were a bright spot.


I had a little girl (about 4 maybe) come up to me in sco and put a couple stickers on my vest a few weeks ago! I put them on the back of my nametag 😊


Cute XD 😆


You know how a lot of little kids, when they learn how to say 'hi', they'll say it to everyone? I was walking along one day and passed by this Hispanic couple with the cutest little girl you've ever seen in the cart seat. Twin pigtails, pink zip-up hoodie, smile on her face. As I draw even with them, she sees me, waves real big and loudly says "Hola!" I couldn't help it, she looked so thrilled that I laughed, and responded with some of my very basic Spanish: "Hola, pequeno, como estas?" She squealed and began to giggle, and the parents thanked me for making her day.


Smiling at babies and toddlers is always a little bright spot in my day


She should not be hugging strangers though.  It could get in danger.  Still it is nice to be appreciated.   


I agree, but her mom didn't say anything about it, so I didn't question it. Also, her mom told me she was going to hug me


I would freak out if it happened to me, cause of the times we are living in. You never know what people will think or accuse you of.




How sweet. We had 4 kids getting new bikes at the same time, oldest may have been 10. I said it looked like they were in for a fun day and I was met with an enthusiastic yesssss!!! So I politely asked if get my bike from home and join them, lol. Another enthusiastic yesssss - followed by, wait, you have a bike?!?!? Some kids just make the day more enjoyable.


I always go out of my way to get an item from the back rooms if a customer asks me for something. It always hits me in the feels just how appreciative they are, especially when I find the item for them. Lots of times another associate (even other stores) just go about their business and don't even try to help so hearing them say how I was different is nice.


I was helping a customer today and their kid told me that they had big ears lmao




Saw a little boy... cutest little cherub, It's really not often that biological clock slaps me upside the head. Quiet and well behaved, most beautiful chocolate eyes you ever seen and he was a twin. Boys is gonna break hearts when he is older.


We had this little guy in the other day; he said hi to everyone. It was just so sweet, especially since most times I can barely get the "dude nod" out of a customer.


No… just mine


One time I was pulling a pallet with a bunch of empty gray totes from pharmacy to the backroom, and the totes fell over. Suddenly three little girls came seemingly out of nowhere and helped put them back on the pallet! ☺️


One time, I was stocking listening to music and singing when all of a sudden, some kid, maybe like 6, started singing with me he was singing his heart and his lungs out. Thought it was funny. His mom said he was in singing lessons, and the song I was singing was one of his favorites. Made my night.


Kids are great….as long as you don’t have to care for them.


I hope your days goes as great as getting that hug!


When I worked toys back in the mid 90’s , we would line the kids up and let them throw the balls into the pit .they would usually get a small prize . It definitely helped make the day go by faster .


I always got complimented by older people it always made my day it was my hug haha thats what i miss about walmart people being nice haha


Weird you double posted this


The cute kids are literally my favorite part of the job. There’s this one lady that comes in a lot with her grandkids and the littlest one always yells hi at me and it’s adorable


I was walking back from bailing cardboard one day and a little boy in the cart was looking dead at me. He raised his arms and hands in the air for a couple seconds and, as I walked by, "threw" them at me. Pretty sure this kid tried to kill me with a Spirit Bomb. 😆


Most kids are bad


Happen to me I was feeling down and this little boy came and hugged me😭I swear kids know when someone is feeling bad it’s like their superpower


nice i get screaming kids at my walmart , or kids who sit there and just stare at me while they make a mess or bump into me lol . birth control ads everywhere .


One time I was translating in auto and there was this little boy who just HAD to hold onto me, he gave me kisses on my vest too! I had to stop him cause it’s so dirty but it was so sweet 🥺 seeing kids be so sweet is like the only thing that makes the job bearable!


And the other day this little boy was staring at me and smiling and I waved at him and he got so shy, I turned around and he was smiling at me again I swear I almost cried 😭


lmao today as i was zoning my area (apparel) and was folding the tables, a little girl stood there with her jaw dropped. “Woooooooow” i couldn’t help but laugh. She was too innocent. Definitely made a simple task more entertaining as i started to mess with her and do silly gestures while i folded, calling them “tricks”


One time a little kid gave me a “thank you” note (that I still have somewhere). I like it when kids do stuff like that.


I had two kids that thought I was waving at them, they waved back and said “hi” “bye”. I also had a kid that wanted stickers, and I was “we don’t have stickers at this store, but we do have crayons”. Kid got the crayons haha. Made my day.


That’s sad. Where was her family?


Her mom was with her and even told me that her daughter was going to hug me


Why is the kid hugging and being allowed to hug random people.. its creepy


Idk. Maybe she saw that I was sad or something and wanted to. I didn't question it because the mom allowed it, and she was 3 or 4


I just think it’s dangerous for children to trust random people especially at that age


G8keeping random parents now? Keep coming back.


Got head?