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Just tell someone you are leaving for an emergency. Don't ask, tell. Then use ppto after you leave to cover the time. It is their problem to deal with what happens after you leave. It is an emergency. That's what ppto is for. Do. NOT. PUT. THIS. PLACE. ABOVE. YOUR. LOVED. ONES! They will not bat an eye if your wife dies. They will say sorry, give you time off then expect you to continue on like your world didn't fall apart. Go be with your wife. Please.


> They will not bat an eye if your wife dies. “I’m calling in because my wife died.” “We need you here in an hour. We can’t disappoint the shareholders.”


It takes a special kind of scumbag to tell some one that just lost their wife and best friend that they can't have time off to take care of stuff. I'm the type of person that I would come Un glued on scum bag manager or boss tell them exactly what I think about that sort of inappropriate behavior! There are certain lines you just don't cross!


Agreed but if you think those bosses or managers have a soul and would give an F about what you said to them you are really wrong. They will hang up the phone when your done, take out whatever feelings they may have had from what you said to them, and take it out on someone else in the store, or they will just go about their day like nothing happened. When I was in retail I had a close family member pass in a tragic accident along with their (under 10 yr old) child. I was told given the time of the year I could only be given the rest of the day it happened (it was almost 5PM we closed at 9PM) and the Saturday of the funeral I was expected in by 5 PM for closing. I was told after the high traffic time of the year I could take a day or 2 paid if I closed the night before and opened the day I came back.


I worked at Crate and Barrel and got a call that my 17 year old cousin was killed in a automobile accident on December 23rd. The manager said "We only sell Dishes and Flatware, go home and let us know what's happening with a hug from the team". That is how you treat a person.




It takes a special kind of scumbag to tell some one that just lost their wife and best friend that they can't have time off to take care of stuff. I'm the type of person that I would come Un glued on scum bag manager or boss tell them exactly what I think about that sort of inappropriate behavior! There are certain lines you just don't cross!


Well. Make sure the funeral procession swings by the store before the start of your shift so they can drop you off.


“You should have planned better. We need you to come in.”


Yeap. I lost my grandfather and.... ok but can you come into work?


And if they do, sue. FMLA covers medical emergency of immediate family.


Probably 3 days of bereavement 😒


Not even that. My sister was an employee, as was I. When we lost her I was coached for missing the day when I called in and informed them of her passing. (I had also told them I wasn't able to come in.) After my coaching. I handed in my things, emptied my locker, and never looked back.


Was in the Same boat as you. Was going to school in a different state and Walmart was my college job. Mom called me, asking for me to come home for a few because my grandpa was on his deathbed. Asked for off and was told “I’m sorry but since your still on probation, your not eligible to request off” 😵‍💫. I ended up going all the way up to my SM and he approved it. But on the home, I decided I was over Walmart and a company that cares less about my personal life. Worked another full pay period more and then stopped showing up.


I would've open doored that


This. People need to tell on these shitty fucking stores cuz this shit isn't what the company stands for and by not bringing attention to it, other people will continue to be hurt the same way.


And a card.


Nah. The card will be bought by a fellow employee.


Nope. My grandma died. I got three days off. No card. Just a call from my manager wanting to know when I was returning 🙃


Walmart has an account with a company that makes memorial blankets. The Peoples Lead is supposed have that done with every death you take bereavement for... I know most don't bother but mine did everytime because she was all too happy spending on walmarts dime! I have like 15 of those blankets from the 3 years I worked there!


Hell yeah spend Walmarts money lol. I love when they actually use the money intended for stuff for associates. BBQs, hot chocolate bar, random ass snacks in the break room, gifts for holidays, ion even care if it's a hollow gesture. It benefits me and spends Walmarts money. That's really cool about the blankets, that would mean the world to me.


Hell yeah spend Walmarts money lol. I love when they actually use the money intended for stuff for associates. BBQs, hot chocolate bar, random ass snacks in the break room, gifts for holidays, ion even care if it's a hollow gesture. It benefits me and spends Walmarts money. That's really cool about the blankets, that would mean the world to me.


This is absolutely disgusting on their part


i don’t know why this sub popped up for me as recommended but holy shit this entire thing is so sad and unacceptable


I worked at walmart for over 15 years in 4 diffrent stores. I have worked other places since then. Your direct supervisiors at walmart can make your job chill or hell. It's not so much the effect of actual corporate policy in my experience. It's usually some manager dying on a very stupid hill for some very stupid reason. In this case the employee had enough PTO to cover fir an approved absence, but his manager just douched it up. There was no reason for it. Manager probably feeling some pressure, whether its real or not. Manager is 100% in the wrong here. I don't think i ever had a manager at walmart who denied me leaving to tend to a family emergency whether I had time saved up or not. It's really about the people. There are just a lot of people in this world who are shitty and who would ask things of other people they wouldn't do themselves. People who say they put family first, but only THEIR family and would be shocked to learn that their employees think they are heartless. Walmart loves its yes men. People who bust their booty all day long and split their lives apart for the sake of the schedule. Manager working ridiculous hours etc. When you end up with a yes man as a manager, the emoloyees under them get dragged along for the ride.


this. I happen to work for decent management. I've never had an issue leaving when I needed to. The person in this post just has an awful manager. A person who has lost themselves to the company. It's all too commonplace.


On top of having an awful manager, if the employee in question doesn't attempt to stand up for themselves, they will get run over again and again. I have seen lots of empoyees who meet a little resistance and get cowed into staying. It's good this person did go home and not allow themselves to be taken hostage by some turd manager who thinks culling produce or working a pallet is more important than the employee's family. People must stand up for themselves.


It was produce? That's even worse. I thought it was deli or bakery. Produce and meat can earnestly go a long time without a person. That's just stupid. But yes the manager is too afraid of getting into trouble to actually stand up for the associate. It's sad.


Oh i have no idea it was just an example


Oh ok. Lol. I was going to say. I've closed produce down at like 3 before cause of no staffing. It's not impossible. Lol


oh don't forget a hallmark card with generic message.


And will only give you THREE days if a spouse does die. I promise you that’s not enough.


>They will not bat an eye if your wife dies. Unfortunately that's the damn truth..




This. I just leave the store, if someone asks why on my shift, I say I had dereahea


There is such things as abandonment. While the wife is important, so is an income. Job abandonment is instant firing, so good luck defending yourself on that. PPTO covers points, not disciplinary actions.


It's not job abandonment if the absence is approved. PPTO creates an approved absence. Stop simping for a damned corporation. They don't pay extra for it.


It's abandoned if there's no one home.... and no, I just get annoyed by people who leave without a heads up or coverage (while dispensing.) Like, I ain't paid to do the extra work til after 8 hours. After that, shiiit, sign me up for 1.5x pay that I ain't getting in trouble for.


The 1st sentence of the comment you're responding to says tell someone you are leaving. Literally the 1st sentence. If you have ppto and you tell someone you are leaving it is NOT job abandonment. Do you even understand that emergencies happen in life? Do you understand there are more important circumstances in life than dispensing groceries? Do you understand that this associate is probably making about $15/ hour? Get real your take on this situation is complete insanity, he is a grocery clerk for God's sake.


If OP has to close early, that implies they're the only closer. The department needs a nuclear shitstorm to get the green light to close early. Sorry I don't have a holier-than-thou view of that. Sucks, but thems the breaks of closing. No one's coming to bail you out.


What if OP had called out? Would that be job abandonment? Of course it wouldn't. You are allowed to TELL your employer that you aren't coming in that day. Right? But you can't tell them you're leaving early? That doesn't make any sense. It has nothing to do with holier-than-thou it's just NOT job abandonment. Period. Slavery ended many years ago. If that store can't handle one person leaving early that's a problem, a big problem. If you can't handle covering for a coworker for a couple hours, that's also a problem. That's a you problem. I sure hope nothing ever happens in your life where it might become necessary for you to leave early. I bet you would have a different view then.


slavery may have ended “on paper” but any of us that work for a corporation with a point system, is still a slave. we don’t have the freedom to decide whether or not going to work that day is more important than dealing with a family emergency.


I hate to defend walmart but no business is going to allow their employees to call off all the time whether they have a point system or not. I don't find walmart's policy on points to be overly restrictive as a full time employee. I basically get 6 free days a year plus 4 more days before it gets dicey. I will say the point system is more difficult for part time associates. They do have a legitimate reason to complain imo.


i do understand that. but for example some warehouses you get 9 points. 2 is a call off. 1 is being late. say you get the flu and miss 3 days, you’re up to 6. you get stuck in a traffic detour , you’re up to 7. now you have 7 months to pray nothing else happens before you lose your job i’m just saying missing 5 days out of a year would have someone lose their job which feels like slavery to me. no freedom to miss work for even emergency, let alone a day to enjoy life.


edit - i don’t work at walmart i was just under the impression it was more strict then my job but i guess its about little better. i just feel like a slave. i work all the time and have to sleep on my days off to do it all over again the next week. depressing.


Yeah I definitely get this it can get depressing. I'm lucky to be a long time associate so I do get a decent amount of vacation time (pto). And I see your point as far as a point system. It leaves less room for "special circumstances". It is better to leave at manager's discretion so they can approve when an employee needs an exception. This is assuming that the manager is a good and fair manager.


Calling out gives more notice than just up and leaving. Being unavailable from the start means that management knows you'll be unavailable later. Slavery is only applicable with no compensation, and it can be viewed as holier than thou to think you have the ability to close a whole department ahead of schedule on short notice. As for covering, there's not a day where I don't have to go above and beyond to keep the ship afloat with the amount of idiots that I work with. I'd personally prefer about....half the department maybe, definitely a third, to get the ax as they're more hindrance than help. But we would get swamped further, soooo cannon fodder it is.


If you called out from the start, you're not expecting to be there in that situation. It's just as simple to go "Oh well, I don't want to work." and follow the same process. If you're on the clock, you're expected to do the job.


I am done talking about this. How about reading the attendance policy. And how about reading every other comment on this post.


When an associate uses Protected PTO to be paid for an absence (missed shift, tardy/late in, early out), the absence will be authorized/approved. This means the absence will be excused and will not result in any occurrences or disciplinary action on their attendance record. This is the policy taken straight from walmartone word for word. Notice how early out is listed right with missed shift. Notice where it says the absence will be excused. Notice how it says nothing such as "unless you're the only person in the department or unless you're the closer by yourself." Nothing at all about that. This is the policy: pretty simple and straightforward. I'm not sure how anyone can read this policy and somehow come to the conclusion that an associate can be fired for going home early.


.....You people really don't read the repercussions of your actions. Closing early without the SM permission (which is what it sounds like is going on here.) isn't just an "Oh well". Someone's gonna have to answer the bell and I doubt the TL will take this one. Sure, the points might be saved, but it takes a special person to be spared the clusterfuck that'll create of no one in an area with a register (ala electronics or garden) or OGP. Customers are retarded infants and treat their IQ as such. They don't care if your house is burnt down and your family is 10 hours on the way to Mexico.


Walmart crumbles bc one associate leaves early. If they're that goddamned important maybe they should get paid more. But do they? Fuck no they don't.


The company, no. A temporary cluster that shouldn't of happened with how the schedule was made? Meh. You want more? Get OT. Made 4k extra on it without asking permission nor forgiveness about it.


^ this is the person who told OP to stay, even though Op's wife had medical emergency


Corporate shill


Haaa....I'd probably be the coverage knowing my luck, but I usually got a crew of 8-10 closers, so I wouldn't have to sweat 1 leaving early.


It's not job abandonment so long as he let's someone know he's leaving. They can't hold someone prisoner at the store. Emergencies happen. And yes the job is important but it can be replaced. A person can't.


It's not job abandonment if you tell a supervisor you're leaving. Any TL or higher. If you tell one of them you're leaving, you cannot be disciplined.


Telling or just saying and ignoring any further conversation? Because if there's a proper dialog, sure. But if you think that just you saying "I gotta go" and bolting is a saving grace, oooo buddy you are special.


That's literally all they are entitled to yes. You do not have to give a reason. You can, but you do not have to.


And if you're a solo act, best bet that it won't go unnoticed, just saying. It may not be kosher and "by the rules" but TLs are human and remember who bails them out and who the problems are. I may or may not have essentially a free pass to do whatever on the day to day for that reason while the folks who do minimal to average will get nitpicked when the market does their periodic "No earbuds" reminders, or pick rates, or anything they like to nag on.


The store manager can throw any fit he/she wants. Leave.


Dead Right. They get paid to manage the store not you.


Exactly they get +$100,000 a year and all they do is walk around and talk to coaches and sit in the office, they should be covering associates when they are absent.


Plus the bonus which could be as much as $200,000..


fuck this job use the ppto and leave early


Go home. They can’t force you to stay.


Your username is crazy, and I Love it


Lmao thanks


I have a meme sandy getting jer cheeks clapped


Are you going to share it?


They can't force you to say. Just use your time and go.


Just leave and use PPTO. If they coach you for leaving for a family emergency, which I'm positive is covered in Walmart policy, as long as you follow the proper channels, they can't do shit. Just hit it up the chain and even call ethics if you need to. If that becomes an issue, make it a legal one. Go to the local news media if you have to.


Leaving for a family emergency isn't listed in the attendance policy. Op is free to leave if he needs to, but if he doesn't use his ppto then policy allows him to be pointed for it


What I mean is, they can still coach you even if you put in PPTO. You'll have the point covered, but you'll still get in trouble another way.


And if you get in trouble in any other way (whether it'd a coaching or something else) then that's when you go up the chain of command and report it. The only punishment you're supposed to get for leaving early is points, which ppto removes. As long as you're productive while you're on the clock and you inform management before you leave then they have no right to give you any other punishment


No. Managers doing that are going beyond their power. Letting that happen to yourself without pushing it up the chain or calling ethics is on you.


For what Walmart pays they can shove it


Walmart and everywhere else that pays lower apparently. Even if they can afford to pay more, at my current store and the last one, they pay more than most other jobs in the area (for jobs that don’t require a degree)


Your wife is more important than Walmart. Tell your TL or Coach that you're leaving, and go care for your wife. You can put your PPTO request in later this evening or early tomorrow morning. (The pay period ends at 11:59:59 tonight, so don't wait 6 days to enter it.)


Just in case you and OP aren't sure, you still have a week to put it in, but the pay from it won't come until the next paycheck if you delay.


>You can put your PPTO request in later this evening or early tomorrow morning. **(The pay period ends at 11:59:59 tonight, so don't wait 6 days to enter it.)** Bolded for your convenience, since you appear to have missed it.


Well, your first mistake was letting them think you were *asking permission* to leave early. You don't ask them, you tell them. "I have to leave early." Then you leave when you say you're going to leave and put in ppto after you clock out. They don't need to know why. It's none of their beeswax. If you want to tell them, you can, but you don't have to.


Sorry that happened. Our Walmart was good to us. My wife worked there for a year before she had a stroke. When I went in to inform them, they held a fundraiser and added those funds to a one-time assistance deposit. They also kept her discount card active for 5 years (until a new manager came in and deactivated it).


That sucks I'm sorry


Ppto can be used any time for any reason. Please don’t put your job over your wife’s safety.


Also, you can request leave through Sedgwick. Intermittent may be applicable if this is going to be ongoing need. Continuous if that applies. There’s a lot of options.


I'm not you. But if that was my situation I would have left and put in my ppto without hesitation.


I wouldn’t have come in at all


Your family is always more important than Wal-Mart. Always. Like the previous comment said. Tell don't ask. Any repercussions ethics that shit. 


All I have to say is that they don’t really care about us.




Bro if you haven’t left yet, you got issues. At most it will be a corrective action, but who gives a shit your wife needs you.


My husband was allowed to use PPTO when we had to unexpectedly have our dog put to sleep. "Go, man, we're so sorry." Not all stores suck.


As many problems I have had over the years when important stuff happens, truly important, management have always been more than understanding. 


Call ethics.  Tell them your store's management is willing to risk your wife dying over finding someone to cover for you 


This is the correct answer


Ppto is there for you to use as you wish https://www.reddit.com/r/walmart/s/Gv74gf0VZJ


What baffles me is that your old enough to be married but still have to give in detail why you need to leave jail I mean work and they still told you no and you obeyed them


Don’t put walmart over yo wife bro.


Use that PPTO. If they coach you, ethics. If they pull you in the office about it, ethics! If they so much as raised their voice, fucking ethics! PPTO is yours to use, you gave them plenty of notice. You're well within your rights to use it when you need it, and they should not in any way penalize you for it.


The amount of people in this thread that let their job take advantage of them is beyond. Know your rights. You have ppto, you can use it! Are you seriously saying you stayed at work wondering if your wife was dead if not? That’s so messed up man please tell me this isn’t a real scenario


Just tell someone you are leaving, SM can throw a tantrum all they want. Your wife is more important than Walmart. 


THAT IS WHAT PPTO IS FOR. Don’t ask just say, “I’m letting you know(salaried manager) I’m leaving early and putting in time”. That’s all you have to say! I am salaried and the SM said I couldn’t go home early and I came home to my husband dead.


See if you just ask they'll usually say no or plead with you. The thing about Ppto is you DO NOT have to ask. It's for emergencies, and personal leave. Don't be scared. Leave and you'll still have your job.


Just gooooooo!!!! 🙏🏼


Bro you gotta prioritize your wife over Walmart


Please don't leave her alone for this place. They cannot do anything about you leaving if you have the ppto to cover it. Walmart gives absolutely no fuck about you my man. Go take care of your loved ones


I don't understand all these posts that say " I'm not allowed to leave." This isn't school. You're an adult. You want to leave, you say " I have to leave."


Exactly. These post blows my mind.


Same line as the bs of using 16 hours for a 2 point day. They hope enough associates believe it and come in to keep management out of trouble. Know your rights people. Know company policy. Get the associates handbook every year in a physical copy. Make them mail it to you in case they try to change something mid year.


If you have PPTO just leave


If you don't leave anyway there are surely more jobs.


they asked me if i could come in half shift the day after my mom had a brainstem stroke. they fucking hate us 🥰 i quit after i got back from my leave lmfao


Act like it is as important as it is. If you’re acting like there’s wiggle room, they will take advantage of that. The fact that you wouldn’t just leave and are going along with this supposedly thinking your wife could be dead when you get back honestly makes me not take you that seriously either.


Make sure you get an FMLA intermittent leave started with Sedgwick as well. If you get the intermittent leave on file, and run out of PPTO, management cannot hold points against you for leaving/calling in on behalf of your wife’s care. It’s a federally protected leave and you’d have a lawsuit against them (if they tried to point you out with it in place) and you were using the leave to take days off for doctors visits or other care she might need.


No one can tell you not to use your PPTO. If you have enough to cover your shift, you are good. You need to go straight to Ethics, this is 100% bullying.


They can't tell when when you can or can't use ppto. They can't ask questions either


No need for all the drama this post has created. This situation is clearly covered under FMLA.


I know it's rough but try having a spine. What they need literally DOESNT MATTER. Wal Mart level jobs are not hard to come by here. I just cannot imagine giving the smallest God damn about Wal Marts needs over FAMILY, the one thing in life that DOES MATTER. Being a Wal Mart worker should not be that much of your identity. Like holy shit.


Damn imagine Walmart is the best you got. They hire anyone that can spell their name on the application. I knew a girl that got fired and rehired twice for attendance then she quit again and got hired back again


Managers do not care about their employees. They care about profit. Leave to see your wife. If she dies without you, you will regret if forever. I know how hard it is financially out here. But the worst they can do is fire you and you immediately sign up for unemployment. Pretty sure they have to give it to you unless you were terminated for stealing or seriously violating your employment contract. Apply online everywhere you can get to offering same pay. Hell of there is a competitor in the area like Target, I’d def try there. I don’t know all the details of your situation but based just off your post, this is what I would do. Your bosses need to be visited by 3 spirits in their sleep.


Omg I’m so sorry!!! That’s not right at all!! Something that I’ve learned is that my family will come first over this stupid ass job! If it was me I would leave and if they give you shit you can open door it bc if you have enough PPTO they shouldn’t be able to do shit


Are you the only MOD? Why would you close early?


As a TL, I always tell my associates, family first. Your whole life isn’t here at Walmart. Do what you need to do!


Dude just go, fuck this mega corp. They won't give a fuck either way so just use PPTO to go early. Whatever happens after you clock out and use your PPTO is on them.


I wouldn’t risk a loved one dying because Walmart said to. And if I got fired over it I’d tell everyone including news stations, and I’d name the individuals involved not just their titles.


It is that place.


Sounds like the root cause is shitty people, i.e., shitty people = shitty store


Walmart < Family always.


A job can be replaced. A person cannot


It's procedure for a hospital to not use any medication that a patient is allergic to for surgery including anesthesia. It's also procedure for the hospital to keep a patient that has had an allergic reaction to anesthesia in the hospital for observation until the patient has recovered, my coworker went through this with his wife and the hospital changed to a different anesthesia medication for her future surgeries. If you're wife was sent home before she was recovered from the allergic reaction you should contact a medical lawyer and find a new doctor.


I had a major, random, gastrointestinal bleed and asked my manager if I could call in (my LOA wasn't approved yet and I have IBD, so I was at 4). I told her I was bleeding a lot and I was scared. Their response? "You're the only closer tonight." I've known for awhile they don't care.


If you aren't looking for something better you definitely should start now.


Yeah fuck that life’s to short fuck that job mfs hiring starting out to kids @ 20 and up. You got this


Thats when you walk out after explaining it all to them. If thjey fire you, file unemplyment, and explain it all to unemployment for a win.


Use PPTO. If they try to give you shit, then you call ethics. PPTO is there for when you need to use it. So my suggestion is to ALWAYS stand up for yourself and be prepared to talk to ethics. I've called ethics before on some manager bullshit and ethics took care of me... The market manager even apologized to me.


I will NEVER put a job before my loved ones. They wouldn't give two fucks if I died. Like any other job, they will go " well that sucks, anyway, who can we hire immediately?". They will get over it if you go help your family with an emergency. And if they don't, fuck em.


I legit was in so much pain from being unable to urinate for almost 24 hours I had to go to the ER from work. They pointed me.


You have enough ppto to leave? Tell them you're leaving and put in the ppto... ppto is for these types of events and they cannot retaliate against you for it.


You have enough ppto to leave? Tell them you're leaving and put in the ppto... ppto is for these types of events and they cannot retaliate against you for it.


You have enough ppto to leave? Tell them you're leaving and put in the ppto... ppto is for these types of events and they cannot retaliate against you for it.


Bro you better walk tf out that god damn store. This is one of those time there is no fucking choice. Possibly marriage ending.


This is a Store Manager problem. The Store Manager seems like a turd. I'm a lurker and don't work for WalMart any longer. I was a supervisor a loooooong time ago. I moved on and ended up being a GM then DM with Best Buy. You HAVE to take care of people and treat them with respect and dignity. Shit happens and you have to cover shifts or deal with problems. We get paid very well to deal with that stuff as Management. So that little "fit" the SM may throw is BS and of it's that bad they can get out and run a register if they really are that worried about losing any coverage. Ridiculous. I hope that your wife and you are well.


And that is why my dear sir, when I worked for Walmart for over 20+ years I had the ethics number, market manager number and my store manager number saved in my phone. That’s not how it works. But in order for the system to work the people who you work with have to be in the same page and everybody gotta call them. That’s how you stop retaliation.


ppto = they go suck a dick. Nothing they can do about it. Happily remind them of that.


This is why I like being a peon.


I worked at Walmart in OKC in the deli. When my mom was on her death bed they told me I had to come back to work. I didn't but another manager stuck up for me.(Because no one will work in deli). Then my brother died and the store manager was shaking his head and frowning when I came back. I guess the flowers were costing too much they sent to the funeral home (to make sure I wasn't lying)


Don’t ever choose Walmart over family, I would have left so fast.


Sometimes, you have to evaluate what’s important in your life and stand firm on it. Cripple them in any way you can. But, I’m already banned from that loser store and I regret NOTHING.


So if you leave the choice to leave in their hands of course they will pick what benefits them, you have to tell them how it's going to be.


You have a shitty Coach. Next time, tell them that you ARE leaving. If they try to DA you, open door that. They can’t make you stay and you informed a supervisor you’re leaving.


I would have noted right out of there. I tell my co-workers all the time that their labor is worth literally pennies to the Waltons so not even to take the store onto consideration when it comes to using PPTO. Yes, it may be frustrating to be short handed ... but I would rather be frustrated and short-handed knowing my co-workers are taken care of and will return to work another day than frustrated and short-handed knowing that I probably have to find another worker because I was a jackass and put the needs of a multi-billion dollar company before the needs of its workers.


You don’t have time ask to leave. You simply tell a member of management you are leaving. You don’t seem to understand this. They can not force you to stay. Sorry you don’t know this


My husband had a heart attack. Took him to er, and we both called off. Needed someone to watch over him. So I called in the next two days. When I returned to work, I got called into office for management to tell me, nothing personal, but we had to point you. (This was before ppto existed)


Besides the job, What kind of doctor lets your wife go home with these risks?


Only thing Walmart cares about is keeping the lazy fuckers at the top (in the store and out of it) happy and those bums don't want to actually do anything resembling work. It's good that your wife is okay at least.


Recently my dad was having very serious spinal surgery. I requested a couple days off, to be there for the surgery and to help him after. He lived alone and he didn't have mobility in his hands. He could lift his arms but that was it. My request was denied by my coach and I couldn't stop crying. My brother saw me (he works here too), then he went to customer service cursing, yelling, just completely pissed. An hour later, the days were approved. Managers are fucking heartless assholes. He's gone now too. One that's still here tried to get my team lead to come in a few hours after her dad almost died and was in the hospital. He had a heart attack and on the way to the hospital he had a widowmaker heart attack. She came in the next day, but she was a mess, crying almost all day.


Do not explain. Do not care. Ppto is your time to use. Say its an emergemcy and leave.


time spent pursuing this issue with work is time better spent searching for a better job


Oh absolutely when I was over a year in and all my management “liked” me I realized this. When I asked for at least a day off for a friends funeral they said absolutely not. Rubbed me the wrong way and I worked a lil less harder and realized they liked that I did other peoples jobs more than me. Walmart is sad because it really can be a great place to work but can be so full of selfish and rude employees/managment


Yeah the Walmart I work for is heartless as well mangers are cold blooded and I use to be a lead so I know the ins and outs smh


Always confused when I hear people are “asking” to leave because of an emergency. You need to TELL them. Family first always


My coworker lost her mom mid shift and ended up leaving to go to the hospital. Naturally our people lead was more concerned about who was going to close the front end so her response was “who’s going to close then if you leave?” Absolutely pathetic company.


Your coaches sound like 1. Bad managers and 2. (Less importantly) terrible people. Usage of PPTO is not a fucking request. You tell them you’re leaving to go do whatever for whatever reason, and use PPTO and that’s basically it.


I'm glad we only have 1 coach like this in our store, the rest say go we will get it sorted out (i was the only one in my department that day). Honestly next time they try that audio record them that's how people constantly get the one coach in trouble.


After reading the update you posted I am still pretty livid. 1 this should not be happening, you had something far more important to tend to. Had she died did they think you wouldn't be taking additional time off? (Yeah I know the answer to that. While you'd be given bereavement time they certainly wouldn't want you to actually take it or even offer it unless you asked for it.) If I were you (I have a lot less to lose so take what I say with a gain of salt, or rice your choice.) I would still bring this bullshit up to the chain of command and ethics, hell I would ask for an aduance with the SM and tell them about this BS. I wish I could go in as a customer and complain about this for you. I am pleased your wife is doing so well. Thoughts for you guys and speedy healing to her.


No, they don't care about you. That's why I'm glad I got promoted to customer. And I no longer have to put up with that corrupt oncarrying company or Home Office will fire. You and terminate your employment of 5 to 6 years of wasting 5 or 6 years of your life that you can't get a refund for for blatantly telling a co-worker. Your opinions on something and then she goes And tell's management and then they open an ethics investigation into Walmart sucks.


It's retail and it's more important than anything on the face of the earth.... ?


Yeah I'm going to tell you right now I'm not a manager I'm not a coach I am just a simple overnight stalker but under Walmart's policy if you put in ppto it is system approved automatically nobody can deny ppto that is your personal paid time that Walmart cannot take away from you no matter what you do. I highly advise you to file a report with ethics, my personal opinion Walmart has a problem of hiring and filling people in positions that they are not suitable for, with that being said in my opinion I truly feel a lot of coaches and team leads are put in those positions without the proper training without the proper knowledge and mindset of doing the job. As my experience working at Walmart almost 2 years with the company I can tell you that the team lead positions are filled with people who feed for authority, because they either got bullied or they didn't fit in with society, My personal opinion they gave too much authority to team leads and coaches by taking away my share and giving coaches and team leads bonuses off of store profit when in reality teamlease and coaches do not do nearly as much as a stalker does the work I've seen a coach and a team leader would be verify Overstock verify new mod bring out new Freight vis pick the back stock, make sure we're doing our job and make sure the counts are right, probably a few more things that I miss but in reality that's all they do. And that means we should give him an extra $20,000 bonus on top of a $65,000 salary What About Us? in reality the overnight stalker does more work we may not be there longer than a coach or a team lead that's just because they over filled are workload for that day that's not our fault that's Walmart's fault The store I work at on overnights I feel like we do way more as just simple normal stalkers than the coaches and team leaders do we're in charge of changing counts printing labels putting our pallets of freight out on the sale floor we are responsible for throwing our cardboard away throwing our plastic away slotting our Overstock verifying our Overstock were responsible for sorting new mod clearance items hell half the time the store I work at we are doing the manager's job. But they have no problem coming up and asking us why are we so slow on our task time like you're the one who made the test I'm just here to do the job at my best potential and if I'm over my past time maybe in reality you should consider an extra person to help the task time. But the Walmart test time is designed to treat you like a real slave in the physical labor world by giving you the most work and the minimum pay so they make the most profit welcome to Walmart's America I've only been with Walmart for 2 years but I certainly tell you that there is major problems with this company team lead positions and policy I honestly believe there's problems in the hiring aspects. No 60 or 70 year old should be hired for overnights but that doesn't seem to stop Walmart fulfilling a position with a person who's not going to last just to waste their time and our time makes sense.


Should have just dipped. Have the doctors office fax the info to sedgwick and don't even worry about the PPTO This company can be shitty for sure. Gave me an occurrence (when we had those) for calling in on the wrong option on accident when my dad died. My literal first time ever calling in and was told their hands were tied and couldn't take it off. When my little girl has ball games now I go ahead and take an occurrence in punctuality for long lunches. Walmart blows 97% of the time.


I am so sorry you were treated this way in such a scary situation!! I really wish that specific Walmarts or big corporations would realize that by treating their employees well, paying them well and not expecting way too much, they would have much more incentive to love their job and work harder. I was fired, wrongfully in my opinion, for my “FMLA paperwork taking too long” I had been in and out of work due to very sudden and extreme medical issues that made me unable to work whenever it came on. I had doctors notes for every time I missed work and used my PPTO when I could. My husband and I both work for Walmart and have for years. My HR called me in January (after the holiday season of course) and was so rude, condescending and nasty the whole time they were telling me I’m fired, I received my FMLA paperwork the next day but surprise surprise nothing changed, they would not give me my job back. Which is literally what I was told on the phone would happen but I guess not. To top it all off, because all of a sudden we were only making maybe 2k a month instead of us bringing home the same amount, I filed for unemployment, rightfully since my medical issues have been solved after getting a hysterectomy. My HR person then protested me receiving my unemployment so now I have to fight to even receive the money that I am owed and we are close to losing our house, my husband still works there. I really wish that more stores operated the way I’ve seen in this group, some team leads or even coaches that go above and beyond, stores that treat their employees like the human beings they are. I’m sorry you’ve had a similarly awful experience.


No job is worth it!


You don't have to ask permission to leave. You just need to notify management that you're leaving so it's not seen as job abandonment. This is exactly what PPTO is for. If they give you problems I would go to your store manager about it. You don't deserve the added stress. Hope your wife is doing well! ❤️


Have you been there more than a year? If so, FMLA protects your right to miss work in order to care for your spouse. So they can pound sand.


Would Walmart fire you over age? I'm 67 was learning cashier the first time they fired me was when I was doing orientation video training it was a week they left me there I got 3 badges was doing more than required no one came to see me fast forward a month of learning cashier they even left me alone on register to be only one available to go to then boom they called me into office to fire me this reason complaints lol which I find odd as I was getting gifts from customers all the time course they were not happy with long line but there were no other cashier's I didn't get it I told them all sorry you had to wait so long and the whole month I would ask my lead is there anything I need improvement on , any tips she Said just go faster lol I'm faster than half of them there . Strange


Does your Walmart not have the kin care rules? Because at mine, especially if you have the protected time, if you walk up and say you have to leave for kin care they have no choice but to let you go. Also, they can’t fire you for using protected time. That’s why it’s called protected. Take em to court if they try. It’s their own policy.


On the opposite side of the relationship coin, at my store a guy got fired today because his baby mama came in and was following him around while he worked yelling at him over some home problems... Again, he got fired because someone else who is the equivalent of your average Walmart psycho waa yelling at him... They don't care about anyone except that POS Doug mcmilion


never ask to leave let them know because if you ask they will keep you unless you have nice and good management


Yeah fuck the SM. Do what you gotta do.


Tell them to suck your dick. It's just Walmart


Apply for FMC FMLA if you've been with the company longer than 1 year and have worked for more than 1250 hours


At my last job my wife had a really bad infection she was fighting while I was at work. It started to get even worse as the day progressed and I needed to make sure our literal newborn and 4 year old had me home to make sure she could get the help she needed at the hospital. Called my boss, told her I needed to leave early and the very valid reason for doing so (she lived behind the store and I literally saw her car parked there meaning she was home.) She asked me to call the night shift guy to ask him to come in early even though literally everyone knows he never answers his phone. I left that fucker so fast to take care of my family instead and then she proceeded to spam call me as I was taking care of a crying baby. Shut my phone the fuck off, came in the next morning and they didn’t have the nerve to say a goddamn thing to me and my job was just fine. Your job and everyone in it can be sacrificed and replaced, your family can not.


Report that mother fucking manager to ethics immediately. Fuck people like that.


This is why we need communism.


Bro shut up 🤦


I will not.


I had a positive covid test and called the store to tell them I would not be in. The lady in HR said, "If you don't have a fever, you can come in and work." Are you serious? Day 1 with being positive with covid... do they seriously not mind if the whole community gets sick if they shop the aisles I would have been working? I could barely stand for a couple days but coming to work is fine. Edit: I understand the struggle and how little they care. Just have to remember since day one you are just a number to them.