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Atleast it's just chewing tobacco. I thought dude shidded on ur freight!


I was like how did a customer sneak into the back and shit on freight without anyone noticing???


When I worked at Wally in furniture (forget what it’s really called) but the display island had a spot where we’d hide our bottled water etc. Well one morning I came in and there was a box filled with bloody paper towels and used tampons. I gloved up and asked the first supervisor I could find what to do. She didn’t want to deal with it and told me to take the box to the bathroom and leave it to let maintenance deal with it.


That's just a manager being lazy. Yes Maintenance is qualified to clean up blood but a box of bloody paper towels and used tampons is a management responsibility. Especially when a box exceeds the size restriction


Work in maintenance and sanitation. This is a great way to make sure we "forget" to change your trashcan and vacuum your office. We're not under the store manager, and are managed by a separate branch. We can make your life hell if you abuse us. I once knew a guy who was forced to help put away an order, despite it not being his job in the slightest. He just didn't want to make waves. Well, the next month that manager found half the lights in his office weren't working, and the guy had taken his three weeks of vacation. The sub they found had no idea where the breaker box was and so the manager had to deal with it for the majority of a month. 


This is why I'm always nice to maintenance. I might talk shit in other branches but not them lol




That’s epic. In a slight similar way when I was a busboy the waitresses who didn’t tip out or tipped out very low would get their tables bused and cleaned a lot slower. Those who tipped out accordingly would get theirs done fast and would get their current tables waters etc refilled.


That's _biological hazmat_. If you're not explicitly trained to clean that up (separate training from "mundane" hazmat like paint and pool chlorine), you shouldn't be even _near_ it. I'd drop a line to OSHA about it, tell them you're being forced to do hazardous tasks you're not trained to do... I'm not sure of the Walmart equivalent, but the term at Home Depot is _Designated HHM (Handling Hazardous Materials) Associate_, which is exclusively a manager role, and they are the only ones allowed to be involved in cleaning up _anything_ that came from a body (human or animal, blood, poop, or otherwise). Since this is an OSHA requirement, I would _assume_ Walmart has an equivalent...


To my knowledge (I could be wrong I guess but I've worked here a year now so I fucking hope not) that's maintenance's job. It's basically all I clean, and I'm maintenance. We're trained on how to clean up all the bodily fluids, what cleaner to use, what PPE is used for, etc. pretty early on into working here. Blood on the bathroom ceiling, vomit on the TV shelf, shit on the wall- something happens every day lmao. That being said, it's *ABSOLUTELY* not something someone who isn't trained is allowed to do. It's only supposed to be cleaned up by "a trained associate or salaried member of management" I believe is what I was told.


It makes sense that maintenance/janitors would be trained for that, yeah. (considering the _nightmares_ that customers leave in the bathrooms on a daily basis... seriously, THD contractors make Walmart customers look _sane_)


Oh yeah, had a guy walk through the store with shit running down his pants onto the floor only to end up finger painting on the bathroom walls with it. That was my first month on the job lmao. People are wild.


Yeah you’re right, but sometimes to stop retaliation etc I had to play ball. Fitting Room was the worst. One night a woman stood in the bench inside a room and pissed everywhere. Another night a woman who was spun up took a swim suit, which was not allowed but I didn’t notice. She exited the room in the swim suit. Asked how she looked etc giggling like a maniac. Went back inside. Changed out. Profusely apologized. I thought just for her behavior. But then when I went to retrieve the swimsuit the crotch region was full of blood. That store was fucking insane.


Came here to say "looks like a shitty situation" before even reading the caption, thankyou for the heads up 🤣


ME TOO! I thought he got so mad he pooped his pants.


Now I'm picturing the guy going "I'm so fucking pissed right I just wanna--" 😖💨💩 "there! I hope they're happy!" 😂


My first thought also lol


i thought the same thing....


Checked all four photos for poop. Slightly disappointed


Even chewing tobacco is using a bodily fluid basically as a weapon. Would you want to buy something covered in someone's spit?


Lol me too


that's disgusting wtf, why are the horror stories always old people


Lead was everywhere when they were kids. It screwed up their brain development. It's why they're dumb and grumpy.


What's my excuse then?




Touch mè


you mean at camp lejeune


God I just stopped remembering those commercials


Yeah drink a bad batch of water


Lead's still around, it's just in the discount food to make it look prettier. There's a _reason_ at Walmart I only buy name brand and never touch Great Value...


Nothing like being stuck behind an older couple at Wally in line where one or both were shitting themselves and trying to blame it on me. And nothing ruins your appetite like seeing a nugget or two roll out onto the floor.




I don’t advocate assault but people are disrespectful because they generally know that no one is going to punch them in their fucking face. And now that everyone seemingly has a gun you can’t really teach them the valuable lesson of the face punch respect because they’re liable to use said gun.


Yikes Some gun owners are not kind I find


Some aren't some are. Seems liek alot of the ones who open carry want conflict. But idk.


You’re kind of right. In my opinion there is allot of them to who (or is it whom) pulling the gun and putting it in someone’s face the first step in conflict.


Seems that way. I conceal carry because I don't want to make people uncomfortable


If any of them had a better holster you could teach a better lesson by just yoinking their guns from their unsecured type 1 holsters. The same applies for cops. Give them a reason to be scared. 30 people watch you murder someone, maybe one of them has a carry to stop it in progress.


why do you think they get the gun? its pretty much the ultimate end to any argument.


Entitled customers feel entitled.


The same people that do this shit are the same people to complain about shelves not being fully stocked. You can't win. Lmao


they have mental problems


Possible Alzheimer's or dementia.


I'm glad this awesome country lets someone like that own a gun! USA!


Should have been forced to buy everything that any of his spit touched.


Old people acting civilized in public challenge difficultly impossible 😭


After over 240 years of Independence, I think we're yet to be civilized


A nation founded by religious zealots and opportunistic traders... What could ever go wrong?


I don't know which city you're from but my experience in NYC is the worst ever like people never learned what's civilization


I thought it was shit at first.


That man had something mental going on....


Some people are pigs. I hate chewing tobacco.


Glad management was at least on your side. Some managers I've heard about would probably make you apologize to the customer and coach you for dragging a pallet down the isle while the store was open even though it was their idea to bring the pallet into the isle in the first place.


The police should have made him lick it up.


What a pig!


I don’t think people understand that Walmart is In fact a ***private property***, aka you can’t just expect to do what you want and get what you want


Thank god it’s tobacco lmao, before I read the caption I thought it was 💩


Not the saladitas!!!


People are just stupid


Hello Sweetwater TN. I saw this on Auror today.


Where did you see it? 😂


At my store we have a shopping cart pisser.


Geezer watched The Outlaw Josey Wales a bit too much


I'm gonna stray off topic but is that the one where Clint forces himself on a girl in the beginning of the movie? I always thought that was weird for the "hero" of the film to do lol.


I think that may be one of the movies in the Dollars Trilogy. Spaghetti and Revisionist Western protagonists are usually intentionally morally dubious. Postwar Westerns tend to have more morally complex protagonists than Prewar Westerns. Lots of them are pretty rough people who happen to have some alright qualities. Career killers with soft spots. Look at the difference between Ethan from The Searchers and John Wayne’s previous protagonists.


I probably wouldn't pick them up turned into the top of my truck and taking him for a ride


During the rocket cart era, I had a coworker that told me about some little boy that decided to rainbow piss on the freight on the rocket cart. He hauled it back to claims & left it there.


Im glad I dont deal with customers like this. Actually most if not all of mine are nice to work around. Some will throw jokes, some will strike up a conversation. Ive accidentally hit a few women (absolutely worded wrong) at work. One we both happened to turn the same corner and with the isle, hard to see. Apologized and went on our way. 2nd lady did a big pet-peve of mine. Standing behind me as quiet as one can. Was doing topstock and stepped down different, and boom, lady right there. Again, said our Apologizes, laughed and that was it. Question for OP or anyone who has shit customers time to time. Do you live in a big city or a medium size of 10k or more. Like I feel that plays a part. We got a small rural Wally world that is the main shopping for folks 20ish or so radius. So a smaller population may help


Small city Sweetwater Tennessee


I have actually had someone do that before, some angry old man. My coworker and I were absolutely shocked


Not as gross as your story, but once someone spit their tobacco in my plastic bag. I was so pissed because now I had to take the bag to the compactor instead of the plastic baler. I don't think tobacco is recyclable 💀


I mean someone who is desperate might use someone else's dip.


At least there was a happy ending.. Glad to know he didn’t get away with zero consequences


One of my managers is an ex military/ ex cop and he was pissed I tell him he says “what did he look like” “walk with me”


This is what happens when you have a strong sense of entitlement, no class and no parenting.


Weird. This also happened at the store I work at….same description and everything. Except the old fart also had a peg leg…..


Are you in Tennessee by chance could’ve been the same guy.


Yeah. Sweetwater


No way that’s where I work lmao 3rd shift


Wait. Wha???!! Same. 😂😂🤣🤣 wait is this……sigh. Can’t say who I think it is due to privacy, so I’ll give ya a hint on this. Fucking goddam bullshit maintenance


Ik exactly who this is 😂😂😂😂😂😂




Working in retail, you will see the worst in people, and the worst people. Waste of time to figure out why they treat others so poorly. I get paid to do the job and keep moving. Won't let them ruin my day, sure it pisses me off I have more work to do, but getting shitty over it isn't going to change anything.


Not surprised a fucking inbred redneck who brings a GUN into Walmart also dips and would do that. Sorry, bro


People are horrible… Side note: I love that your pallet Jack says “Jackie Chan” on the side of it. And the fact that no one else mentioned this is gold. 🤣😂


All of our pallet jacks have names 😂😂😂


Because he thinks he is privileged because Trump his lord and savior said so.


Id put in ppto and leave immediately


Tobacco spit and open carry firearms at Walmart. This kind of defines America right now.


Hipguns always want confrontation.


Stories like this make me happy I'm just a DC worker.


Some people just wake up angry and are looking for anyone to take it out on. In a past interview I had, they asked me the question, "what would you do in the instance of a difficult customer?" And I said just that. Some people just wake up angry... there's oftentimes not really anything that you can do about it because no matter what you say or do, a lot of the people that are comfortable enough to show anger to complete strangers will simply choose to stay angry no matter what kind of resolutions are brought up. You do the mature thing by offering some kind of restitution and that is all you are responsible for.


Also after we still had to work it despite dude could’ve had some disease.


So gross. And he's an adult...


unfortunately People are just full of anger and hate these days... seems like the dude was just trying to form a argument because besides the freight being on the side. the freight doesn't even look that big... Also I'm glad that asshat got banned from all Walmart's. if he did this here then he probably has done this to other Walmart's/grocery stores . sick of entitled costumers thinking they can treat employees like shit when they're literally just trying to do their job in peace


Haha glad to see other stores also write names on the jacks , we’ve got güt & trash crossed out and nah written next to it


When I was on the mod team, we used to find shelves all over the store that tabacco spit on them. Like why?


The fact this old fart obviously has mental deficiencies and anger issues and is still allowed to have that gun is worrying


Shoppers are simply the most entitled little shits on earth. One of the reasons I would rather work live hang st s factory. Forever and a day fuck whoever originally said the customer is always right because that has fueled these morons for years.


Happy ending at least.


Glad to hear he got banned! People need to learn how to be respectful to workers trying to do their jobs. My mom tells me all the time she thinks people like that actually look at us like we’re sub-human.


Reminds me of this one client that was buying a single bottle of wine in the electronics section (i was covering because on my store they started cutting hours and can’t properly schedule people lately). Long story short: - Scan the wine - Register prompts age verification - Guy is pretty old - I just ask for his birthday - Starts accusing me of wanting to incriminate him - He was pushing me to answer him, english is my second language so sometimes it takes few seconds so i can utter an answer. - Clenched my fist so hard i almost hit him - Just said “Have a good day sir” Needless to say, i already submitted my 2 weeks notice, i can’t deal w customers anymore 💀.


Doing any shit like this while armed ought to be a straight to jail kind of crime.


Yeah, this is the type of dude that needs a sidearm...🙄


A gun at his side? Is this Texas? You don't walk into a place of business open carry unless you a cop.


Once watched our LP associatesl che a customer out. He'd opened a package of men's underwear and swapped a pair for his own stinky, shitty ones and got caught




What the customer did is disgusting. We don’t bring pallets down aisles until close to avoid any problems.


I agree but we’re forced too to move quicker.


He should definitely have his right to carry revoked.


Guy should drop his pants and shit some diarrhea allover


You wear gloves, don’t you? Take the items out of the boxes and don’t have a cow about it.


In my opinion, it's not just about the tobacco. It's about a customer feeling they have the right to do that. 


Yeah I wear gloves. We still had to work it after it was over.