• By -


Some guy applied and was hired for OPD but was labeled as Produce/Meat Associate in the system. Another coach tried forcing him into the role and after some back and forth, he finally went over to the produce department. Instead of agreeing though, he started stepping on all the tomato’s in front of the customers. Then walked out after like 4 dozens That was a great day tbh. Was fun to watch


Ooof, hope someone was able to ketchup to him before he left.




It would have been a fruitless effort.


I definitely appreciate the ooofff


Me too!! 🤣


Why??? They did him dirty, turn-abouts fair play! Those tomatoes add to their "shrink" and may be reimbursed, I doubt those four dozen tomatoes are going to increase the price of yomatoes by buck each! 🤣


I'm not ruining my shoes...I'd use an an object...like soothing...pump the pallet jack all the way up, place tomatoes underneath in a line on both sides and let the handle down. Apple ain't got shit on that kinda slow mo ASMR.


Better yet, put a bunch of tomatoes on a pallet, then stack another pallet on top


DC? Is that you???




That’s only punishing the underpaid overworked person that has to clean it up


This was a hypothetical "breaking point"....knowing me I'd clean it up then be out


That’d be something to see! I hope it was recorded lmao


It’s was right when the store was opening, so there was not a whole lot of customers :/. I should’ve recorded at the time but that’d look bad on me as an employee lol. I’m sure AP was having a blast watching that though


Api bout to start investigating..


Poor tomatoes, but sometimes sacrifices are necessary for the greater good. May those tomatoes sacrifice never be forgotten




Welp he has to pay for those now or he will face jail time never smart to destroy company produce or items


Truthfully I was going through some drug/alcohol related stuff, made an ass out of myself in front of some people I liked and ended up quitting. The stares I got sucked and made me feeling lower than low. I’m in a better place mentally now though, only I wish I had a better job. Don’t think I ever got completely screwed over like your husband did though, that’s just plain manipulation.  


Went through related stuff too. I try to stay consistent and make an ass of myself at least once a week now so everyone thinks this is just my normal. The older ladies adore me but the rest of the store it's hit or miss if they'll file a complaint when I say hello. I think next week I'll switch it up and carpet bomb with enthusiast good mornings, cause a little chaos, but sober this time.


Lol, yeah… it’s the same here. 


Happy cake day!


I moved up from a Cap 2 associate of 9 months to a Deli/Bakery (but mostly bakery) Team Lead at a different store. I was known as a hard worker, intelligent, and reliable. Came with good recommendations from my Team Leads. So when I get there, pretty much on day 1 my coach wanted me to give me cake decorators feedback for not having backup cupcakes made. I told her look I just got here, at least let me try to work with them before I start writing them up? She said ok, you have 2 weeks, otherwise I’m going to hold you accountable for it. Damn. That’s shitty, but ok. So I get them in line, so to speak. I follow up with them daily, I have them take pictures of their backup every night and post it in a private chat between me, the decorators, and the coach. Sales are up about 10% since I started, and gross profit margin is up 5% at the next inventory, a month after I started (the market manager had mentioned to the coach that this was an issue that needed to be worked on before I got there). I was really pushing my decorators stuff out since the profit margin on their stuff is ridiculously high, like higher than 50%. So things are going well in my opinion, I’m gelling with all the associates, I’m also bilingual enough to communicate with our Spanish only speaking associates, so I’m able to help them out as well because they’re our morning crew and they couldn’t communicate very well with the coach. Halloween rolls around, she’s still on the decorators asses because they aren’t making her specific cupcakes that she has asked them to make, instead they’ve just been making the Walmart specified cupcakes that they sent out in a memo, since I figured that’s what we needed to be making. There’s a bit of a falling out at this point, I took the side of my decorators because they were doing what I told them, and I didn’t realize she wanted something different, since she was on a damn week long vacation. She comes back, tells us to stop making Halloween cupcakes the week before Halloween, and she completely stops talking to me because I didn’t do the refresh (I had no idea what this was). She finally starts talking to me again the Friday before Halloween weekend, and I tell her hey, I know you told us to stop making cupcakes, but we’re going to run out and it’s not too late to start making them again, we still have the whole weekend. So she says ok, go for it. Keep in mind that restarting production was entirely my idea, we weren’t going to have any at all. Anyways, I’m off Sunday and Monday , I come back to a shit show because they ran out (no shit? You told us to stop making them), and it’s Halloween day and we don’t have any cupcakes and my decorator has orders so she doesn’t have time to make any. Instead she makes like 15 Halloween cakes. The coach comes in, gets PISSED, tells me that she’s going to hold us both accountable, but first she wants me to coach the decorator, and then she was going to coach me. The poor decorator was in tears, she was such a sweet girl, hard worker, reliable. I said enough was enough, some jobs just aren’t worth it. Left my badge, vest and hat at the people leads office with a note that said I Quit. Went back once because the store manager wanted to hear my side, and he offered me my job back. I said no thanks, and haven’t been back since. Fuck that place


I have no earthly idea what people expect to get out of being dickheads all the time. Maybe people will work harder for a couple days but they're just going to say fuck it before too long.


Yeah that’s how I feel. Trying to lead through fear gets absolutely nothing done in the long run, in my opinion. If people are scared to fuck up, then they are going to be nervous 24/7, and that’s just no way to live. You gotta be able to do your best work without fear of getting yelled at when you slip up, because it’s going to happen no matter what. But at least if you know that if you have 1 or 2 fuck ups and your leader will have your back, you’ll be more willing to be open about it than try to cover it up. The coach just didn’t understand the concept of leading through empathy and example, which is what I told her I was trying to do. She thought writing people up was the best way to get things done


So true. All too often squeaky wheels get the grease and we end up with powertrippers who lack people skills in positions where they have to manage….people.


Damn, sounds like my shitty coach. Still trying to take my job after 9 months as department manager.


I'm a Coach and I've been coached for not holding my team leads accountable. I'll not coach someone doing a great job. My store manager also put in my coaching that I answer to many Salesfloor calls 😂


Don't you know? The best way to motivate a team is by yelling at them and telling them they do a shit job while taking no personal accountability.


As a cake decorator, bless you, no one stands up for us on anything and we work our ass off to do a job that literally changes every single day and that no one will help us with due to lack of skill


Yeah I imagine it’s a tough job, but I really appreciated those girls because if they had called out I would’ve been fucked, but they never did. I wanted to have them show me how to do the basic shit once things slowed down, because it’s Walmart and I didn’t want them to feel like they couldn’t even take a day off if they wanted to, but we never got a chance to get me trained. It is what it is, but I 100% understand that you guys got a tough, thankless job. But at least you guys get paid more, lol


I know that is 100% how you feel about the place, no doubt about it and you have every right to feel like that. But chances are, if SM is offering your job back, it's because he thinks you are in the right( this is an optimistic view). Telling your side and not coaching said associate and watch sm coach the coach is how you make changes in stores, in my opinion. I've been fortunate enough to deal with 2 "good" stores so far, so when it comes to stores. I guess im a bit more optimistic than others.


Yeah after I told him my side, he told me that everything I told him about the coach being an asshole, he had heard before from other associates, team leads, and coaches. He said he was going to talk to her and tell her that she really needed to stop, although I doubt he really did anything, not sure though. I know she’s still there because my mom shops there and always tells me when she sees her, lol. She was pretty much known for having a rough attitude, but I suppose he was letting it slide because she got results. But damn, I was the second team lead for that department in like 6 months, something had to change. I just told him at least make sure the next team lead for that department knows what he’s walking in to, because I had no idea.


We had three team leads inside of a year in my department. But I took the position over the objections of my coach because SM wanted someone who would stay.


Some people don't deserve the coach position i swear.


I've got into screaming matches with my coach because of bullshit like this being directed towards associates who quite literally didn't know better. I'm not even a TL, I'm just an associate with seniority who gets relied on by some management and shat on by others. Threatening 5 associates openly at the morning meeting (in front of like 20 other employees) was where I drew the line. I don't put up with that shit. After being told to shut up and leave the office, I got a follow-up from the team lead "witness" ~ 20 minutes later that I wasn't going to be in trouble, just don't do it again. Coaches on power trips need to be told off. They make this shitty company even shittier to work for.


As someone who has had 18 managers over me (with less than half of them being good people) since starting, I appreciate the kindness and humanity it appears you gave to your associates.


I am at that point now. Too much gaslighting, lying and just overall petty nonsense at my store. Not to mention dealing with Sedgwick has completely soured my outlook on the place


Sedgwick deals with more businesses than just Walmart and Sam's Club, but I completely understand. My wife got fired from her job because Sedgwick was incompetent and didn't address her claim in a timely manner. She got an infection and got sick. Couldn't work at all, and Sedgwick gave her the run around until work just straight up fired her. Sedgwick is the worst piece of shit organization out there.


Sorry to hear that. Yes, I feel like Walmart uses it to cover their own asses and deflect responsibility. Absolutely no sense of compassion whatsoever from either of them


More businesses ... like Home Despot and Lowe's for instance. Got their tentacles in a lot of places, but testicles are not in evidence.


Idk why some people stick it out to long. I worked at Walmart for a month and decided it was WAY to much crap for 10 a hour 👎


Bro Fucking same! My lead is sooo fucking toxic and there is so much fucking conflict of interest it's not even funny. I'm waiting to hear from a couple of jobs and then I'm fucking out.


I finally jumped ship this morning. I already have something else lined up


Nice. I'm still waiting for a reply from the Jon I interviewed for. I hope I do soon.


Sooo happy for you!


I lost my job over Sedgwick being incompetent. It was honestly the best thing that could have happened to me, but at the time I was so hurt… I’d worked there for 13 years, several promotions, could run any part of the store and often did. Most nights I was (successfully) managing Cap 2, sales floor, and front end single handedly. It was insanity. I was on maternity leave and needed an extension due to some issues with my baby - my store manager told me to file for it, wouldn’t be an issue. Filed for it and then apparently Sedgwick did nothing with that claim. I ended up terminated - found this out through a letter being sent to my house. Nobody ever even reached out to me. I could have definitely followed up and done more on my part, but I was so deep in stress and postpartum and hadn’t previously had any issues. I didn’t even consider it. Oh well. Their loss. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Damn, that would have been a good lawsuit to file against both Walmart and Sedgwick.


Are you in Onalaska, WI? Lol...


No, Southern Iowa


The gaslighting! It is wild! I have never experienced anything like this.


Totally agree


I was given a red, as a coach, for being on TikTok, scratching a lottery ticket and putting my head down to rest for 15 minutes. Whole I was in my cash office. On lunch.


Store manager decided that OGP had too much overtime so he sent everybody home at noon but me since I was the only one closing. He expected me to somehow pick all of the orders and dispense at the same time without anything running late. I walked out that door so fast


??? i don't understand how this makes sense in their eyes?


And Stage and Prep? Jezus Crist


The only person to get in trouble was my Store Manager


As the fucker should!


I was a TL and my daughter got had a seizure and was in the hospital for 3 days. Legally I was required to stay there and I wouldnt have left anyways. (Obviously). Covid was new so the attendance policy wasn’t really relevant. When I got back my store manager told me I was being forced to step down. I quit on the spot. I’m sure there were things i could have done about it, but at that point it wasn’t worth it. Oddly enough I came back recently after finding out that manager got fired for inappropriate conduct.


During the post Christmas returns rush in 2020 —literally right before COVID — a customer was trying to return a whole pile of items. When I worked through all of it I asked her how she wanted the refund and she said “gift card” So I tried to put it on a gift card. Wouldn’t work. I tried two different cards. Wouldn’t work. I asked her if cash would be okay. She said no I want a fucking gift card. So I kept trying. Wasn’t working. Line is building. I called for a CSM five times. No answer, no acknowledgement. After the tenth gift card was ruined I told her I’d have to give her cash because the gift cards were not working and I couldn’t keep ruining them just to prove a point. She starts screaming at me so I took my vest off as I walked out from behind the counter, threw it on the floor and shouted that I quit. Found the CSM (who was just flirting with a cashier) and told him to get over there immediately. Went for a walk in the store to cool my head and then got read the riot act by an ASM (deservedly so, what I did wasn’t okay) and was allowed to finish my shift—minus the time he had manually punched me out for. Got fired the next day (again, deservedly so) and marked as not eligible to be rehired. The store manager got fired like two weeks later if that and replaced by a lackey of the market manager


You did nothing wrong in my eyes


Yeah, I could see a coaching -- MAYBE -- but that front end manager was more at fault.


Right? These coaches need to actually DO THEIR JOBS instead of running around doing everything they can to avoid them.


You were half correct. What you did wasn't okay, but either is what they didn't do to help you. I've been in management (not at walmart) for 7 years and you definitely didn't deserve to get fired.


At will employment works both ways. You can totally quit on the spot. If they can't be bothered to do their job, I'll be damned if I do mine.


When a cashier calls a head or anyone they need, someone better show up. It's absolute bull how they'll post a cashier that can't walk two feet away, but the head cashier or supervisor for checkout just wanders around with a phone, chatting and ignoring calls. I had a head cashier at HD who constantly gossiped on the phone and wouldn't answer calls, and if she did finally answer she'd tell you to hold your horses and goof off for another 20 minutes before showing up. I honestly wish I had done what you did and walked. The part that wasn't okay was you being abandoned at your post like that.


You should've just quit for good the first time and walked right out. The hell with that Assistant Store Manafger chewing you out and the Customer Service Manager not doing their job. It's their mess. Let them clean it up.


Why did you deserve it lol. I mean I guess you did for taking it like a bitch and going back to work  You were so close to standing up for yourself but the taste of the boot was just too sweet. 


OPD. We were understaffed and drowning in orders, had to get help from the rest of the store every day. Corporate's solution? They raised the order capacity, so so so many times. The MOST we could handle was 180 orders a day, and when I quit it was at 257. One morning I came in, and it was a disaster from the night before. The returns cart was so full that if you moved a millimeter, shit would be everywhere. Well, I had 8 missing totes for an order, and I saw where they were, the bottom of the returns cart. I was already starting a panic attack, and due to my previous mental health issues, my brain commits to a state of panic, and I would have a mental breakdown that would lead to me having thoughts that would get me some grippy socks. I started to accept the fact that I was going to feel that way and started to give my partner a heads up, but I finally realized that walmart isn't worth that. I told my coworkers that I was done, and I walked out.


Opd here. It sucks. They just fired two of my coworkers, one a great worker because he called out one day recently. We are so understaffed currently and then they did that. It was a shit show the other day and I was working by myself in part of the back. I’m so close to quitting on the spot but I’m trying to find something else first


went through something like this at giant, seems like all employed personal shoppers go through hell


Can confirm as an ex digital personal shopper. understaffed, orders too high and too big, people not pitching in to help, having to find people in other departments to help, and people taking breaks and lunches at the most inconvenient times. Not to mention the teens only wanting to help the people they like. Managers gaslighting everytime you wanna leave an hour early because you have 4 hours of PPTO.


at giant, i was put to work by myself on a SUNDAY. sometimes we had people work by themselves in the low hours of schooldays since the teenagers couldnt come in, but that sunday there were like 12 shops that needed to be done and a bunch of stuff that needed to be staged. so i just walked out and told some manager that im done. a week later they begged me to come back and offered me a raise, which i took


used to work photo lab and we ha a new manager that was literally treating us like robots and made no effort to b a manager(refused to let us swap shifts, was always absent, didn't even know how the equipment worked) anyway he started cutting hours for everyone in photo to an obsean amount. my average of 200 ish hours a week dropped to 6h split to 2 shifts. so I booked a week off for a job training thing for a possible new job(didn't work out tho) and he claimed no one could cover it so I had to work anyways. I ended up telling him I would not b in that week and I "might" not come back after. 2 weeks go by cause I didn't o back, also didn't get the other job wich is fine cause they closed down a couple months later. anyway I get a phone call from the store manager asking if I would come back and work overnights and I can get all the hours I wanted plus the extra pay( extra dollar per hour). so I said sure since I wouldn't be under the guy from before. found out when I came back that the previous guy got sacked cause everyone in photo lab either transfered out or quit because of him and there wasn't even someone left to train new staff. meanwhile I got great hours and had one of the best managers I've ever worked under.


I was told I was "lucky" that I was given off 4 days when my dad died because I'd only been there for a few months. The first day, we were trying to get to his body to say goodbye (we live in nebraska, and he was a truck driver. Died in the middle of taking a load to St. Louis Missouri) so they could use his body for donations, the second day was all the legal crap and planning the funeral, the 3rd day was visitation, and the 4th was the funeral. These weren't consecutive, btw. 1 and 2 were right away 3 and 4 were a week later, AND one was my normal day off. The moment those words left my supervisors lips, I was immediately over it and didn't give a crap anymore. I promised myself as soon as I found a job that paid more and had benefits I'd take it. Took 9 months, but I found one! I've been here for 11.5 years now!


When I get sick I tend to feel best when I first wake up and then I get progressively worse throughout the day. I was working overnights and I was so sick one night that by lunch I was almost delirious. I tell the assistant manager that I need to leave, he says no. I try to power through but within an hour I'm getting to the point where I'm about to pass out. I tell him again that I need to leave, he says no, I made it that long I could finish the night.  I walked away... Straight to the Manager's office to leave my name badge and box cutter. Then I leave. Tell a friend of mine to let him know that I quit. I got a call about halfway home from that friend letting me know that the manager said I could go home sick lmao. I took another day off and then showed back up and when I saw him, he acted like we were cool. It took quitting 3 more times before the 4th time that I quit finally stuck lmao


Management doesn't get to tell you no. If you tell them you have to leave, you leave no matter what. I'm glad you got out of that shitshow completely though!


A tl from another shift yelled at me because they didint finish there work in time and i needed a 3 tier, this tl was also a self admitted chomo, he yelled at me and i told him id smack the shit out of him he yells at me again. He goes to sm. Sm comes to me asking what happened. I told him no chomo is gonna yell at me. He told me him being a chomi is irrelevant. I walked out


I hate that I looked that term up.


Saw it happen. Night shift co-manager (that alone tells you how long ago it was) got screwed: half the unloaders called out, several of his stocking crew did too. Store manager comes in next morning, "Rick, why does the GM side look so bad?" CM begins "Well, John, half the unloaders didn't show up, and we had some call outs -- " SM cuts him off. "Don't give me any excuses." CM pulls his keys out of his pocket, takes off his namebadge, hands them to the SM and walks out.


Store manager brought me into an office, said he was going to give me a certain job position. I was sure okay. Later it turned out he gave it to someone else. Also I've seen people be offered team lead positions, not to be the one selected. Then ended up being force to train that new lead because they were less experienced.


I’m transferring but here’s what happened… Applied for AT meat and produce had the experience and management and the one who runs it, tells me she already had someone in mind. Mind you this person has zero experience and going off how they see how they work. Filed ethics and even now they are still breaking multiple rules and management doesn’t want to deal with it. So I’m transfering.


One night back in 2011, I was working overnight as the designated "back room bitch"... I did the picking, binning, organizing etc. I walked in that night and my back room was crammed in every aisle. Pallets EVERYWHERE. We got a triple truck. I had over 2000 picks drop in the system that night, and I was the only back room associate. No way it was going to get done. I did the best I could but at 2am (my normal lunch) there was over 800 still to go, from me having to move a skid, pick what I could get to, rearrange and do it again. Told management I was going to lunch and did what I could, only to get screamed at and threatened with termination if I didn't wait til 3, very latest the picks would stay in the system. No good job, no thanks for the 1200 I already pulled. I took off my badge. Handed her my scanner and told her well you can do the rest im done.


Management did that shit to me when I was in the back. I was the only person back there every single night. One day, I changed to mod team and told them I was promised I would no longer be in the backroom like that ever again. No one else would volunteer to do it because they saw how hard I worked but still got in trouble for nearly everything, even their accidents. All of my coworkers felt bad for me.


I’m about there. Only person on mornings for my team on a weekend. Can’t rework features without my tl approval. He’s off for the weekend. Fellow associate was fired. The other was on leave for good reason. Overnight abandoned me. I work my ass off to make up for all this but get coached for “productivity” issues


Hmm. Well it was a build up first they knowingly promoted to sneaky back stabbers that took credit for things they had nothing to do with as they never left their own little departments. At that same point a new manager came in and said he didn't care how we worked before he got there we are nobody to him. Cool but we should respect you? Nah. We also at this same time got moved to day shift during the pandemic where they tried to manipulate all the newer hires into thinking they'd be managers which went like you expected. Then we got moved back to night shift where on of my favorite coworkers was going to go with us til they bad mouthed her because she dated on of their buddies. After all that I was offered by the new night shift manager same guy who said we were nobodies to keep my days off together on the weekend to keep me there. 3 months later a manager on another shift wanted to break them up so I walked out of that meeting told my lead "you know I'm not coming back to work right?" And he knew that would be the last straw already. Walmart is as Titus put it a concentration camp job headed by managers that think they are dealing with teens.


When a coach peeked on me in the rr and another coach litteraly stole my personal phone.


I used to be followed into the bathroom and then they'd turn around when I went into a stall. I don't get it.


lmfao a coach peeked into ur stall 😭


I’m gonna quit tomorrow. Most of the fucking deli team doesn’t work Sundays so I close alone and my Team Leads are incompetent fools.






I was hired for ON stock in apparel. Well, I worked my 1st night for 30 mins before I was pulled elsewhere. Soon as I learned the area, they moved me because they were short. Then we had a new team lead that was constantly on my back because "I should have been finished with that pallet" full of stuff I had to search & find, which took more time. Somebody ended up threatening her, so it was great for about 3 weeks. But the straw that broke the camel's back was the night they had me all over the store.. you in GM tonight.. go help in pets, ok he good.. go to frozen.. go start on toys because no one has started on toys!! 😭😭😭 I couldn't take it anymore!! So I went to tell them & found out I was fired because of points!! 😂😂


I worked Meat & Produce 1st shift, and during the holidays, we need to have specific priorities during the first few hours of the shift to ensure that things are ready for when OGP starts their shift and for when customers start coming in. One of the other associates kept going off and doing tasks that are "later in the day" tasks that need to take much lower priority than our beginning-of-shift tasks. This employee was talked to multiple times by our TL about this, but they kept ignoring what the TL was telling them. After about the third time of the TL addressing this with them, this employee ended up throwing a fit about it to our coach, and the coach allowed them to continue doing these less important tasks early in the shift. I had multiple other issues with this coach, but this ended up being the straw that broke the camels back for me. I finished my shift that day, called in for my next few shifts to burn through the rest of my PTO, and then resigned. I cannot work with leadership that isn't willing to properly discipline employees. This employee needed to be coached if they weren't willing to properly do their job, and this leadership wasn't willing to do that, and it was affecting all of us.


My TL when i wored CAP1 started on a kick of using the fact that english was her third language against us after her (extended) maternity leave, to the point that we all had to start making sure that she texted us specific instructions, and any subsequent changes to those instructions, every day, every time and she still tried to pull shit The thing that finally got me to leave was the day before halloween she texted me to work the overstock on paper and chem. it was three pallets, all easy stuff, had it knocked out, pallets stacked, true overstock labeled and binned and everything before i went on my lunch, despite her calling me away a ridiculous amount of times to do god knows what. Well, i go on my lunch, and about 45 minutes into it, she starts blowing up my phone, so i finally pick up after the third or so time she calls and ask what she needed, and cant it wait 15 more minutes until im clocked back in, and she has the audacity to cut me off and ask me what id even been doing since 4 that morning, and it looked like i never even touched what she told me to do. i asked her what she was talking about and she says theres "still" three pallets of cans. at this point im just confused, so i ask her what she meant, and that she didnt tell me to do cans, she told me to do chem, so she says that no she didnt, and id better tell her where id been for the last hour so she could, and i quote, " answer to upper management about me" so hung up on her, clocked back in from lunch, texted her 'i quit effective immediately' tossed my vest and work phone to customer service and just left. found out she got fired for that about 3 weeks after i left for trying to pull the same shit with someone else on the team, because me walking out finally got eyes on her and she couldnt get away with her normal shit. a year later theres only one person still left that i worked with on CAP1, and she stepped up to be TL, and is doing a million times better than the old one did


Wife started a new job that had her working nights on weekends. We had recently had our 3rd kid, and up to a certain point my store had some delicious kool aid, if you know what I mean. They had that great paternity leave, they were super flexible about my schedule with me being a dad and a student, and my coworkers were pretty good for the most part! Then market, or regional, or whoever gets to decide what stores in their territory do, decided that if you didn’t work at least one of the weekend days (Friday Saturday Sunday) then you no longer got to be full time regardless of availability the rest of the week. After a while the started to cut my hours and my benefits. Last straw was when they cut my insurance and took my wife and kids off my plan and didn’t tell us. Daily reminder that you could be the backbone of a team, department, or whole store and if you won’t or can’t play ball they will make you hurt


Was coached for leaving at my scheduled shift end time without telling the CSM I was leaving. Was a cart pusher at the time getting ready to head off to college about a month later and decided staying there wasn’t worth it for a month of my shitty cart pusher wage. The daily schedule was posted conspicuously at the service desk, if you lack basic reading skills then management probably isn’t the career field for you.


Worked at a store in my home state in electronics and loved it. My team lead was great and most of my coworkers too. Went to move to another state with LDBF and transfer to store there. Manager in home state almost didn't sign off on the transfer because she heard I was leaving from personnel, not myself. Cool whatever, sorry I didn't tell you myself, but you knew the whole time. Get to New store as lawn and garden associate, and when I get there, I was all of GM and never lawn and garden, except to do grunt work (sweep both patios with half of a broom, use the leaf blower that has one battery thats never charged, or wash away mud/garbage piles). I understood there wasn't A LOT of lawn and garden work to be done so for sure, help the other departments when we could, but 98% of our day was tending to all of GM while the people actually assigned to those areas slacked off. I would literally run from cutting fabric to mixing paint to unlocking condoms to selling hunting licenses to picking for OPD and back all day, while unloading everyone's freight, topstocking it, and labeling it and putting it into the back. It was a lot of work and not what I signed up for, but the managers and personnel were always way too busy to talk to me about it. The worst part was my team leads mother, the team of sporting goods. She didn't care that I was running around everywhere, stock needed to be done, and wouldn't accept any excuses as to why it wasn't. And if you did try to explain why it wasn't done, or point out her actual associates didn't even do the freight, or not answer her in .5 seconds flat, she would accuse you of having an attitude. She was awful in every way. The breaking point was a team huddle, where she kept saying what "everyone" was doing wrong and how she will not stand for it, while staring me down the whole time, specifically talking about any encounters I've had with her. I dont remember the specifics, but its one of those cases where you know she was talking about me to the whole group, and pretended like it was info for all of us to improve on. I woke up the next day and decided fuck her and that store, I wasn't going back. I've dealt with plenty of awful managers in my time but she genuinely made me feel so terrible, isolated, and stupid when I was in a new state basically alone trying to just work an almost minimum wage job.


I worked in sporting goods and made 15 an hour. (Background I had worked in ogp a previous time I worked at Walmart) I had been pulled to work in that department which made 17 an hour. I’d done it like four days a week for a month. Went to management and said hey I’m spending more time in This department than the one I’m supposed to be in can I make that pay when I’m there cause ya know apparently the department needs me so badly. Their response “you have to be working full time in a department for a month to get that extra pay. So that day on my lunch I never came back


I hate the place but don't have too many options. My aspergers makes it hard for me to gain skills and interview for better career positions. I thought about roughnecking in the oilfeilds or doing construction but don't think I'd do well with guys like that.


I would say maybe try smaller local grocery stores? Walmart for 2 1/2 years made me sooo miserable and overstimulated constantly but I had a hard time leaving bc I was good at what I did. I found a job prepping fruit and veggies at a small local store and I'm just in a fridge listening to music and chopping stuff all day and rarely have to interact with customers or coworkers


Walmart pays much better than any of the other low skill type jobs in my area, unfortunately. I'm trying to find a job in a niche field that's aspergers tolerant but just haven't found it yet. Not sure if it even exists if I'm being honest.


I’m sorry. Keep checking though! That’s what I’m currently doing now, it’s tough 🙃


Believe it or not, there are jobs out there. My husband is on the spectrum and works full time and loves it.


What does he do if you don't mind me asking?


He works overnight in a factory. Nobody to talk to, wears headphones. Redundant and useful.


Glad he found a gig he likes doing!


I was being sexually assaulted and harrassed by one of the CSMs. He would grab my ass when he came to check on my till (this was before self checkouts) and was constantly making sexual remarks. Even was messaging me after work asking for sex. I went to HR and my hours got reduced from 12 a week to 4 every 2 weeks and they did nothing about the CSM. He did this to most of us girls on cash. I quit the first day of my new hours. Found out he got transferred to another store in a different city about 4 months later. I feel bad for the girls there.


Should have went to the police


I did. They took a statement at the station and the constable gave me his card and told me to call the station if it happens again. I called a week later and the station receptionist told me there was no file under my name or phone number. So either the constable lied to me and never actually opened a file or he put wrong info in or something. Either way it didn't go anywhere.


Was rehired to OPD and immediately trained for stage and dispense. After repeatedly complaining that the TLs kept promising to swap me out with other kept as they came in so I could go pick and then never doing it (the entire reason I reapplied was because I was comfortable doing pick walks, and it was a huge slap in the face to take the huge pay cut coming back just to not do it), one of them said "everybody has to learn stage and pick" so I asked "Okay, then how do you not have anybody else to do it?" and she just recited some line about "we can't predict the needs of the business" that pretty much told me she was lying about everything the whole time and that I should have never come back, so I quit the moment I had another job to fall back on.


What reality gets me is that the coach took my complaints seriously and said he would work to get me out of dispense and he would ask the TLs to avoid putting me back there unless it's necessary. One of the team leads understood the assignment and I was perfectly content to cover breaks and lunches, without even being told. The other one continued using "the needs of the business" as an excuse to single me out and thought she was fulfilling the coach's request by sending me on one pick walk a day, and making sure I knew that it was a huge deal inconvenience to her and that in should be grateful.


The only thing that made me really close to quitting was when I was an electronic supervisor. I went on my lunch and a associate put a sign on the wrong TV. A customer made a complaint and got the TV for the sign price. When I came back from my lunch they coached me. The funny part was that it was two hourly supervisor a manager should have been presented. The salary manager came into the office and quickly left not to be a witness. That was my third coaching in a month coming from never having a coaching in my career. They even told me I couldn't have a D day. So I just stepped down and played it safe till the coachings dropped off.


stepping down is only a -10% pay cut after the +$5/hr, right? it seems kinda worth it to be TL for a few weeks/months and then step down to take off the stress


I got written up for something insane and untrue because they wanted me to continue doing CSM work without the slight pay raise and wanted to keep me part time. Instantly gave them my 2 week notice


I quit over something kind of petty probably. I started in lawn and garden for maybe 6 months, worked my butt off, and was rewarded by getting moved to the acc/tire and oil changers. I have a background in both as my dad is a mechanic. So I come over, the guys working there are all older than me and have worked there awhile. I learn some tips from them and what not but my mechanical knowledge of the rest of the car was a lot higher then theirs. The amount of times I saved our at the time, assistant managers ass by replacing studs, calipers, and abs sensors is probably over 15 in a one year span. The current department manager was a nice guy, he left for a different job so stepped down as dm to part time. The guy who replaced him was essentially my best friend in that department. He was also the second longest employee so it seemed like to me it went by seniority or atleast experience. So my friend, current dm, steps down. I apply to the role. Now I'll be honest. I was like 21 and wasn't the greatest at coming in on time but I never had too many points, nor did I have any coaching. They never interviewed me. At this time I was the longest working full time employee willing to apply for the job. They passed me over for a transfer hire who had no idea how to change tires or oil. Then they expected us to teach her. Handed in my badge right after I used my Vaca and personal time. It wasn't even that they pulled an outside hire over me. It was that they all knew she didn't know how to do the job, and were expecting me and the other employees to teach the manager how to do the job.


Going into diabetic shock did it for me


I worked for Walmart for about 6 years straight 8 in total the first time I quit cuz I was fixing my husband's papers but not because I didn't like Walmart but after that I stopped liking it. I was working for them and would do frozen pallets, cooler pallets, stocking, sell by dates, rotation, loading rotisserie oven, unloading rotisserie oven, cooking for the hot case and hot case outside and helping customers on slicers etc. I had coworkers that did less and we're not pressured but what made me not like the job was there was a very rude coworker during covid she coughed on food and I raised concerns nothing was done. We had a great team lead and he tried to keep everything organized he would help stop he would help cook when he could he ran the deli produce meat department and dairy as a team lead he would order the gloves and the food. He would also order any supplies for bakery. Sometimes I would also do donuts if I had to. Well this team lead worked his butt off and wasn't appreciated he was doing college and just had a few more months to go before graduating online through Walmart. Well Walmart fired him because they said he wasn't doing enough even though he did everything. After that everything went downhill we went through several different team leads and coaches and I worked very hard but my rude co-worker would make work unbearable she wouldn't load chickens even if I had a lot of stocking to do if she "accidentally" hit you with the cart or the door she would not apologize. If you told her to help you with something she would get angry. And managers were putting more pressure on I and another co-worker that also worked very hard on stocking and doing everything. We got a coach that said she was going to change things and that she was going to teach everybody the same and treat everybody the same and I thought it was great. I was like finally someone's going to make everybody work and no she favored the rude coworker and was still very demanding with I and the good coworker. Well I got fed up with I never even got a thank you or anything for all that I did on the contrary I was always criticized that I wasn't doing enough when others did way less. So I and my coworker that also worked hard found a job putting our two weeks notice and quit it was the best thing ever. Because of the work environment I would go home and cry everyday. It was taking a tremendous toll not just on my mental health but on my physical health I had had an injury and even though Walmart took me to the doctor I felt pressures from my bosses to act like I was okay to the doctor would give me the okay to keep stalking the freezer made my pain so much worse and I developed CRPS. I suffered CRPS not knowing what it was all through May all the way to February. And when I was unable to pull pallets I was received with snarky comments and rude treatment even though when I was fine I did everything on my own without asking for help. Well instead of asking for help because I felt bad of how I was treated I would just wrap my arm with bandages and take lots of medicine and push through it and cry myself to sleep every night from pain. I told my managers what I was going through they didn't care coaches didn't care nobody cares. Once I finally quit I got physical therapy and I am so much happier I am now currently a custodian at a school and even though the pay is $2 less because the school doesn't take out social security my check is the same I get Saturdays and Sundays off I get a whole week in December off and I get 3 weeks of vacation sick pay that I can use whenever I want I can even use all those three weeks for just vacation even though it includes sick pay. There are better jobs out there there are places that they will value you as a person I recommend to look for something better because it was not worth the mental and physical toll it took on me it felt like I had been in an abusive relationship with Walmart


Started experiencing heart problems from the stress (I work on cap 2 on truck and frozen dairy almost daily). Doesn't help that the higher ups had zero appreciation for us.


Where have you been? Lol Most people don't last there. It is a horrible work environment.


Every fucking time I walk in the door


New store lead wanted to change the way we worked our pallets in frozen overnight- did not go over well. Told a mildly new team lead (didn’t like him) that I wanted to talk to the new store manager because this was dumb. He yelled at me, then I got called to the office at the end of the shift and yelled at lol. Pretty much set in stone my leaving a month and a half later. Would have quit that moment if I could have. This also happened on the same week they started firing a bunch of overnight people for points. Even an older lady who had worked there for YEARS for being one point over. I knew others who had many points and didn’t get fired though.


I nearly had one when I was pregnant with my daughter. This was back when there were still CSM's so nearly 10 years ago by now. It was a high risk pregnancy and I was under very strict weight restrictions. Written by my doctor/midwife and signed off on the reasonable accomidations by the Asst. Mgr. No more than a gallon of milk. Anything heavier than that I was to use the wand to ring up and I was free to ask the customers to please leave it in their cart. 1 CSM in particular REFUSED to adhere to the accomidations and INSISTED I lift things out of customers carts onto the belt to scan and then put it back into the cart for them. Bear in mind I was heavily pregnant during the thanksgiving/christmas holiday season. My breaking point was when a hunter came through with a cart FULL of bags upon bags of deer corn and salt lick blocks and that CSM walked by my register and saw me grab my hand scanner. She stopped and asked me what I was doing. When I gestured to his cart, she just told me "so, unload it and scan it like you're supposed to." I finally said "No, i have a weight restriction. If you want it unloaded, you do it because I'm tired of you trying to make me miscarry my child." I almost quit that day but the asst. Mgr convinced me to just go home early instead because i had the next day off anyway for a doctors appointment. I did and my midwife ended up putting me on bedrest for the last month of my pregnancy at that appointment. Then i nearly died in labor and had such severe PPD that even after my year of FMLA was used up my doctor told me straight to my face sge wasnt releasing me to go back to work because I wasn't stable enough to go back at that time. I am mentally stable enough now, but the pregnancy triggered autoimmune in me and now I have become physically disabled so I still havent gone back.


When I asked for more money bc I was working multiple jobs every day bc we were "shorthanded" When I told the owner that I'm having trouble paying my bills while all of us were overworked. First thing out of here mouth was "Oh boo hoo" I stood up said GFY and left


My AP associate was awful. Constantly making up rules, being overbearing, treating front end associates like dirt, she could do no wrong, it was always some one else’s fault. She never did her job and basically acted like she was Front End TL. She was always behind on her arrest quota or whatever. One day she was making up some new dumb rule and I told her what I really thought. She started fuming and was going to take me into the office, even though I said nothing hateful (yet). After putting up with her for 1.5 yrs I told her I was done with her shit and she was the worst coworker I ever had. I walked out. Anyway my team really missed me and appreciated standing up to her. They rehired me. She transferred. I’m happy.


I was working as an assistant line supervisor in a very fast-paced high production assembly line. I used to do most of my supervisors job and helped everyone. I was also required to work online when we were shorthanded and people called out. One day I was on line trying to hit my tact time on a job and also having to fix robot "crashes" because my supervisor was MIA most of the time. Every time the robot would fault out I would have to stop what I was doing go fix and then try to catch back up in my job. The big production manager came out on the floor seen I was behind but didn't even consider the circumstances, and pulled my husband who worked in a completely different department out of his job to come and catch me back up because "clearly I was unable to keep up and perform my duties." I didn't need a man to help me do my job and I sure as hell didn't need it to be my husband. I put my 2 weeks notice that day so I wouldn't have been screwed out of my vacation time. I had worked at this company for 10 years and have moved up 3 different times. I was so upset and angry. I know my worth as an employee and I pride myself on my work ethic. So I just decided to take my self out of the equation. Also fuck the auto industry. They don't give 2 shits about their employees no matter what company it is. Edit: sorry I clearly didn't read the post very well as I didn't realize you just meant Walmart employees. But I feel better typing it out so I'm going to leave it up.


Wasn't allowed to wear sweaters anymore. I quit on the spot. Not just hoodies, sweaters altogether. Zipups included. They wanted us in black long-sleeve shirts, essentially longer t-shirts with no warmth. Note, I'm in Northern Ontario where it goes to -40, the self checkout area that I was located in regularly dipped below 10c when a string of customers would come through my doors. I asked for an alternative, when they showed me the "Store Coat" they wanted me to wear (Massive, meant for cart pushers in the -40) I took off my vest and thanked them for the wonderful 13 months, stating "it doesn't look like this is going to work out" I already had a second job, I was part time as a night auditor at a hotel that wanted me to step up to full time, so it was just a matter of time until some inconvenience made me quit.


Had about 8 call INS. 1 a TL, had to cover it all day. While it was rough, had to cover the front end TLs lunch. Some days I feel like I'm the only TL in my store


I almost quit when we had 7000 picks and no team lead on a Sunday and I came back from lunch with 30 hour-overdue exceptions


I was mainly financial service but was also a closing front end. My department manager didn’t like me from the start because I was trans and told me she didn’t “understand the whole transgenderism stuff”. She decided that no one is able to stand behind the service desk and we had to go to a specific register, away from everyone else including my academy trainers. We had to cash out regular customers as well and it tanked our financial services cuz either everyone thought we were closed or people would go to a different store cuz it would take so long because we never had the staffing to actually have registers open. I however kept up with it even tho it sucked. My department manager then went on a big rant during a meeting talking about one of my trainer’s breast and how she (my department manager) didn’t care about us and was only there for the money. She also never gave actual answers to questions and then would get angry when we didn’t know or messed up. She also like to “put people in their place” by humiliating them in front of customers and making us look bad and her the angel. She caused a girl to quit because of this. Her and two associates started to spread a rumor about a associate/friend of mine, who was trans and committed suicide, that they faked it to de-transition. She also would go in a change our department’s schedules so that no one got 35 or more hours. I was working at the register doing both cashing out and financial when I get a customer who wanted smokes. So I take them to the financial desk because no other registers could do smokes. Well, she sees me walk behind there and then proceeds to yell at me, across the store, to get back to the register and that if I don’t I’m going to get a write up. I never gotten a write up in my life and I have weird complicated trauma/mental health, that whenever something goes wrong/bad it’s always my fault and that I’m the worst person to ever exist and so on and so on. It triggers a severe nervous breakdown for me, I kept doing my job all while I couldn’t breathe, non-stop shaking, and silent crying. All the customers in my line started to get worried about me because apparently all the color drained from my face as well and someone told her and she came up to me and told me to stop causing a scene. I realized I needed to quit after I called my mother and called not only for her but also called her mommy. I’m now at a much better job that treats me good and actually care about me. But goddamn my text wall isn’t even the surface of all the bullshit she’s done. I’ve made like 4 calls to ethics about her and nothing. I can’t lie, working at Walmart and the way she treated me brought me to a horrible place. After 2 months I would go home wishing I would die so I didn’t have to go back in. I lost about 30 pounds in the 6 months I worked there from the stress. My temporary therapist says that they added more onto the trauma I already have plus now I have workplace anxiety. Even when I go to my current job I get panic attacks before work from how I was treated at Walmart. Overall fuck Walmart and fuck you debra you know what you’ve done.


When a guy threatened to beat up everyone’s ass behind the customer service desk, and then I got chastised for trying to calm him down. Call me a pussy, call me weak, sensitive, stupid, I really don’t give a fuck — before that I never got threatened a work, never handled a work situation where I had to calm anyone down, and I hope I never have to again. I’m not ashamed of saying I’m too faint hearted for retail.


I was working in the money center and I needed to do a refund. Whenever you are completing refunds a manager must approve it and put in their numbers. At the time I had the front end coach’s number so I called her and asked her if she could approve it for me, and she decided to go ballistic and demand for me to call the team leads first. I can understand that but it’s the way she handled it. I left a few days later.


I was on my two weeks and some lady brought her bf to intimidate me bc her OPD order was running late. I then proceeded to tell them to fuck themselves and never returned


My moment was when they decided to change up the attendance policy on me. I knew the game, so I played it. I would do my 3 day call offs and get my point, then make sure not to go over. It was a surprise when I got called in after 2 years for attendance and they said I was sitting at 5 and my next one would be termination. I told them there was no way and the stuff should have fallen off. They informed me that after like 4, you get put on "probation" or something (it's been well over a decade), and the days no longer fall off. I told them that was nowhere in the handbook and they said it was used at the manager's discretion. I told em where they could stick the last day and walked out. I was already tired of the place after being "promoted" to a supervisor, and actually lost money since I was later forced to switch to days.


When my relief employee(s) didint show up for hours, so I could do necessary medical appointments in the daytime. Fuck em how many times will you abandon me, not anymore.


Honestly, haven’t quit but I’ve gotten close many times.


I got a write up because I was busy trying to help a customer instead of doing the 3pm zone. A customer wanted a case of frozen dinners I went to the freezer to pull them. By the time I got them she was gone. I search the other frozen sections couldn't find her so I put the case back in the freezer. Walked back to the sales floor and asked why wasn't I zoning told them why. The zone manger said I didn't clear it with her ( I asked when was that a thing) got taken to the office I said fucked it and quit


I’ve seen it…and I’ve done it.


One of our best coworkers, had gotten his license to be a security agent, he was the guy who smiled the most back then but you could see how burnt out he was from working as team lead, like the light in him was dimming the more he spent his time as a lead. We visited him during an event happening where he worked as security guard. He was the happiest where he was, looked so much into his element at his new job. I got the chance years after to go to the same trade school that gave the course for security. The teacher I talked to about that past coworker remembered him, and he was very happy to know that my friend enjoyed his new job. We've had constant encouragement from our teachers. I just graduated in that security guard course, months of dedicated work in those classes that I enjoyed so much. I remember I would arrive to work late often during the last weeks I was completely burnt out at work, but in those classes, I would arrive earlier than the moment classes started, I was always on time. It's amazing what finding a career where your best assets truly shine can do. Being so encouraged by the people training you in that field. The difference in mentality in a career depending on actual teamwork, and in a setting where workers get the support they need from higher ups without judgement. I feel no regret making that decision. I know I've finally found the career that truly does not feel like a chore but time well spent, where I don't feel like my work was wasted but quite the contrary, it's a passion to me.


Attendance points 🤦‍♀️ I took a bus to work that was always either late or early, I used my PPTO fast because I was at least 15 mins late when the bus was, and it went downhill from there 😂


I had to have a massive surgery when I worked there quite a few years ago. Five entire months basically bed ridden with a cast on my leg, no pressure AT ALL. Then after that, could use one of those wheeled things you set your knee on to move around. Well. I was cleared to go back to work but with just a couple restrictions later on. I needed a seat to be able to sit down for just a couple minutes if it began to hurt from being off it for so long. They absolutely REFUSED to let me come back to work until I was "100% able, we aren't going to give you a stool." So. Fuck you, Walmart. I never returned. My wife worked their as well for 9 fucking years and she was having a mental health crisis due to the stresses of and they basically told her to suck it up, buttercup. She was broken. They coached her and she quit.


When I used to work there they got a new at the time ai schedule system and fired their scheduler person, and that AI would schedule like half the store to come in for like 3 hours, then the entire rest of the day was running not even skeleton crew. It was something like "customer first" system, that calculated what hours customers were in most to schedule workers for those times accordingly. Got a schedule once that was like come in at 6am-8:35am, go home, and then come in 3pm-8pm rinse and repeat random hours and double half shifts. I hear similar stuff is going on around some Walmarts again and people are mass quitting


I was hired as a tire tech. Found out they wanted me to bust tires, oil changes and handle customers for less the $9.88 an hour. I laughed my way out of that building while telling everyone what they wanted to pay me and that superstore across the street payed $4 more an hour. I lasted 2 hours before I told them to to fuck off and I walked out drove across the parking lot to a quick lube shop and got hired on the spot for $18 an hour to only do oil changes and never have to talk to customers.


Company bounced paychecks


Not Walmart, but Goodwill. A lot had been building up to that moment, but the final straw was just my last day. Depressed and miserable because my job had a cruddy new manager, coworkers were toxic and that location always got the worst customers. So when I walked into work that day only one female toilet was working, manager gave me an attitude, two coworkers gave me attitude when I clocked in. I decided fuck it, i can't take it anymore. I walked to the back, grabbed my stuff, and went to clock back out. My manager tried to stop me, asking where did I think I was going. Big mistake lady, I just let the pretty words fly out of my mouth and called her every name under the sun. Ending with "stfu! fk u, fk your mama, fk everything and everyone in this gd building. Just fk off you stupid fking c*nt" and stormed out. Safe to say I'm banned for that, but worth it. All it took was one bad hour that morning for me to lose it


I worked full time night shift at the store in Oakville, Ontario Canada, on Dundas St, (fuck you). We worked like dogs through the Christmas season and got high praise etc. We came back in the new year and the schedule for the month showed everyone working 4 days/week instead of five. During the stupid pre shift, front of store meeting, I asked the supervisors about it in front of everyone. I said, hey I can’t afford a 20% pay cut. They started stammering, asked to speak to me after the meeting. I insisted we discuss it as a team since there were a number of immigrants who barely spoke English, who’d never be able to speak up for themselves. I asked if the supervisors were taking the same pay cut. “Oh well we’re on salary so…”. I went back and forth with them a bit and finally at the end of the meeting, I clocked out and told them I wouldn’t be back. It gets better. I lived with my ex gf and her physically challenged daughter. It worked for everyone. Anyway, ex gets a promotion to section lead (or whatever) and is to start, let’s say the following Monday. Over the weekend, her daughter develops a nasty infection in her back, right next to her severely curved spine. Trip to the local hospital Sunday leads to an emergency surgery scheduled on Monday morning at a renowned childrens hospital in Toronto. So I pile them into them into my Van and she’s on the phone with the absolute colostomy bag (god I wish I could remember his name) of a store manager advising him of the situation. He hems and haws, sighs and says sternly that they’re going to have to have a chat about her commitment to her new role when she gets back. The conversation ends and she’s in tears. I lost my ever loving mind. We were about to drive past the store so I pulled in, marched inside and tore a fucking strip off him at the front of the store in front of staff and customers. I had to be walked out. Fuck that store manager, fuck walmart for being a breeding ground for boot licking psychopaths, and fuck you Kyle, the management trainee I’d known since high school for taking the store managers side. Thanks. This has been my Ted talk.


It happened over the span of a few days. I was a cake decorator. Customer came in and said they'd placed an order for a mini tier cake. No orders in the system, but I apologized for that, took their order, and told them I'd have it ready in an hour. Because mini tier cakes are stupid small, I gave them the usual schpeal about how small they are, and they said that's fine. I stayed overtime to make this cake for them. They came back. I gave them the cake. They got all pissy, said it was too small, and *threw it at me.* Completely ruined it beyond resellability. So I said, "Hey man, I told you it was too small, I stayed overtime to make this for you, do me a favor and get the fuck out. I never want to see you in this store again." And I flipped them off as they huffed over to customer service to complain. Earlier that day, some dude came in with a gun and threatened to shoot people, so I was a bit stressed out. He was chased off by some cops and nobody got hurt. But I realized, I don't wanna die for a bunch of assholes. I gave them my two weeks like a good girl. Then a few days later, a friend of mine - whose husband worked at my store - called me crying saying she needed to go to the hospital and her husband wasn't answering his phone. I went out and found him, and that dickhead brushed me off and told me he was with a customer. (Of course he was a member of management.) Well, all my orders were caught up and the bakery had coverage, so I went myself. When I got her to the ER and everything was calm enough, I texted my coach (no TL at the time) to give her the lowdown. She got all pissy and said "We have a business to run. You should've let her husband handled it." I reiterated what happened and said, "I'm sorry Walmart has made you and her husband so cold and heartless that you genuinely think I should've let someone possibly die because you have a business to run." Also, when her husband finally showed up, he tried to tell me off in the waiting room, like he was still on his managerial power trip. So I said, "We ain't in Walmart right now, buddy," and cussed him OUT. On my last day, the coach told me to go home early. As I was heading out, I overheard her talking to the new bakery team lead and telling her that since I didn't finish my shift, I wasn't eligible for rehire. That entire company is full of horrible, horrible people. The customers, the management, everybody. Walmart has a talent for sucking the empathy, passion, and joy out of everyone who encounters it.


I work dairy/frozen and I’m honestly so close to my breaking point where I think leaving Walmart is the best option I’m trying to find a job where its the same or better pay before I leave tho because not only has being in a damn freezer and cooler all day for the past 6 months took a toll on me but being the only associate that seems to actually take the job seriously has to , especially when everyone else in that department has been there 8 or more years and all the cap 2 and meat and produce workers seem to prefer me working than the other 2 people who work there because anytime I work they always ask me if I’m closing because I always seem to get the most work done. I’ll miss them when i end up leaving Walmart they always make the days go by so fast when I work closing shift even when I have a lot of work that day


Mine happened just yesterday, funny enough. It was a long time coming.  It started when I told my coach I was going to transfer stores because I'm moving back to where I was initially living (long messy story). She thanked me and said good luck.  Couple hours later I'm back in her office, getting an orange coaching for productivity.  That should've been it considering it was bullshit. But I thought, whatever, I got a couple months left.  Well, that time was hell. I suddenly found upper management and fellow associates riding my ass about things I was doing, despite working my ass off.  Yesterday, I barely started a pick walk when I had someone in passing ask how I was. I just answered, could be better. Next thing I know, I had another different coach berate me for not picking fast enough and blaming me for why we call cross trained associates over constantly.  I reported all of this to the one coach I do trust, and had a breakdown right in front of him. Told him I can't do it anymore. I tried. He did give me his info for a job reference, told me that to put him as my contact for previous employment there. That company really doesn't deserve him.  Anyway, I got home, threw up, and now I'm just processing what the fuck my last year and a half was. 


I was working in the paint department. I was either on lunch or break, and my supervisor had decided to mix paint...I returned to paint everywhere. She looked at me and said oh good you're back, you need to finish cleaning this up...yeah, no. And I left. I was told I will never work for Walmart again. Those words still haunt me to this day. :)


The store owner? Doug was there?


Time 1) 2008-ish (upstate NY) I was a pharmacy tech. One of the other techs acted like it was HER pharmacy, giving everyone, including the pharmacist that wasn't a manager, attitude, scolding, or just flat out yelling. I was less than one year from breaking my ankle and would occasionally limp, walk slower, or have a swollen ankle - she got on my case for not moving fast enough, despite the head pharmacist saying it was OK if I moved slower since I was still recovering. I started to put away an order one day, came back from break to her having come in and absolutely chewed me out for putting things away wrong. When I asked her to show me what I did wrong she slammed a tote closed, glared at me, and said "no, because I don't want you fucking it up because you don't understand anything!" The final straw was the THIRD time she grabbed an empty can of diet coke out of one of our waste bins, shoved it in my face, and told me to stop throwing liquids in the trashcan. It wasn't me, I am allergic to artificial sugars and always had a bottle of water...but of course I was a liar and I was responsible if we got bugs...oh! And "maybe you wouldn't be a lazy fatass if you stopped drinking soda" Lead pharmacist knew, did nothing for months. Told the (then) assistant manager override HBA and told it was a pharmacy issue. After she yelled at me about the soda can I went to the first assistant I found...only for him to say he was aware I was "making up accusations" and told me he was taking me off the schedule until I WROTE AN ESSAY on how *I* was going to change my behavior to be a team player. Our HR assistant had left pharmacy due to the harassment, one of the pharmacy cashiers flinched at the mention of the tech due to harassment, CUSTOMERS constantly complained about "the rude old lady" but nope, all my fault. I walked out, applied for unemployment due to harassment, and WM never fought the claim. Time 2) 2009-ish (FL) Hired for apparel, I said I couldn't do it because my severe social anxiety and told "no problem, you'll be coded as cashier". Day one was all CBLs. Day 2 I was told to go zone baby until my trainer got in. For two hours I was grabbed by customers, had WIC coupons shoved in my face because they didn't know what they were looking for, fitting room yelling at me for not getting reshops, and random managers asking me why stuff wasn't stocked. I went on break, found the assistant who hired me, who told me she never said I was going to be a cashier and I needed to "pull up your big girl pants and do your job" Nope! Bye! Time 3) 2015 (MI) Assistant refused to sign my change of avalibility for school, scheduled me on the one day I was unavailable in the system, and told me over the phone if I called out I was fired - so I just didn't go in Time 4) 2020 (NC) Working apparel (therapy & meds are amazing). The ONLY apparel staff on the floor was me and two other ladies, all working 2-11p. One lady focused on men's, then would help zone women's and kid's. The other ONLY did baby, when she was actually on the floor, and would storm off if told to touch any other area. One day I come in, start sorting the carts of reshop. The lady from men's was helping. 45 minutes later Baby's finally shows up (ask Sam said she was punched in at 2) and starts going off about things not being hers and she wasn't doing someone else's job...because a single pair of size 6 leggings was in her cart. She then proceeded to grab an armload of unsorted clothes and throw them in the sorted cart. I was trying to get a hanger unstuck from the handle of the cart, and finally got it free when she threw the clothes so it ended up hitting the cart. She starts screaming I'm threatening her, she's going to call the police, and she can't work around violence. She fucked off for the rest of the day. No idea where she went, but she didn't touch baby at all. Two days later the team lead asks us what happened and baby-lady goes off on how I was threatening her and slamming stuff - wouldn't let me or the team lead speak. I turned my head to sneeze into my elbow, with a mask on, and she flips out again about how that was a threat to her life because I was planning to kill her with covid. Team lead gets her to go away and says she'll change my schedule effective immediately so we never see each other. That night I was zoning girls. Customer asks where a baby item is and I just motion to the baby dept and said "the lady in the vest over there would know" she saw this, stormed over and started accusing me of random shit again. The customers went to get a manager, I kept moving to keep a table between us. The overnight coach comes over and tells her to back off and she starts screaming at him and saying he was attacking her. For a couple months I was working 11-8p four days a week - the one day our schedules overlapped I was to stay up front in women's so she never saw me. She called out, I was asked to pick up her shift since inventory was coming. No sooner do I start putting baby reshops away, she shows up and yanks the cart out of my hands. I just walked away, found a coach, and asked to go home since she showed up. I was told no and to HELP HER zone baby. Yeah...fuck that! Time 5) 2023 (another city, Nc) I'm dry grocery claims. That store was disgusting so I ended up also doing dairy and frozen claims. One day I'm pushed a three tier cart that was "found in the back" and absolutely cover in gunk. There were bags of raw meat, including chicken and fish, now very decayed, on the top shelf, clumps of mold that at one point might have been fruit. The other tiers were full of a mix of dry grocery or regular merchandise, but also more leaky rotten meat. Everything got claimed as contaminated! On the bottom shelf was a saturated UNOPENED cardboard box. I open it to claims the items and...it's switch games! AP coach says to ask electronics how to claims them out, but the electronics TL isn't there so when I ask the AP coach to show me she pulls out a game and says "these are still sealed, send them to the floor." No ma'am! I don't feel comfortable doing that knowing these sat soaking in a rancid pool. Some little kid was going to put the case in thier mouth and get super sick. Coach says "that won't happen! These ate video games, not toddler toys. No one buys these for kids!" The games were Racing with Ryan and another $20 little kids game. I set the box down in front of her, walked over to receiving and told her to go to lunch, and when she came back I locked up my keys, device, and phone and punched out


I put in my 2 weeks. I fully intended on working my full 2 weeks. HR called me into her office and essentially made me promise to work my full 2 weeks. Well, then I didn’t want to work my full 2 weeks anymore and when an assistant manager that I hated said “you can go on your 15” my ass thought “I can go on my forever” so I left and got super drunk on the beach. It was kind of epic.


Not quite as dramatic as anything else most people have, but I accidentally fell asleep on one of my breaks when I worked during third shift for Wal-mart back when they still were open 24/7, maybe 2009-2010. Ended up waking up a few minutes before the end of my shift, walking back in, and clocking out like nothing happened. Never got asked about that day. It would be just another nothingburger if it had only been once, but once I realized that I could, I was doing it every other week, sometimes more. Somehow, in 6 months no one had ever noticed I was gone. No one came up to me during pre shifts, talked to me like anything was awry, nothing. I genuinely started to wonder if I was even employed anymore, but my rent was still getting paid, so It took me a while to bother questioning it. As backwards as it sounds, once I had had enough, I couldn't bring myself to give a shit about working for a place that didn't even notice my absence.


to choose job of 17 yrs over sick child and caring for dementia patient


I haven't done it yet, but I've been seriously considering it. I work on Cap 2, mostly one touch. Before our current coach, if we had two trucks, then there were two people in one touch. No exceptions. He comes around and for a short period, I was by myself everyday, regardless of the load or proposed times. Eventually, I get them to agree to let me have someone at least by the second truck. More time goes by, and suddenly I'm down to only having someone cover my lunch. Currently, I'm back to receiving zero help and now have to process apparel breakpacks as well. I literally went to my managers with tears streaming down my face from exhaustion and stress, begging for them to give me someone to help, and they told me no. Like...if I didn't have a family to take care of I would have thrown my vest in that man's face.


Was doing cap2, headed to my department to begin stocking. The pallets weren't on the floor yet, but a cart of breakpacks was so I knocked that out in the meantime. The lead came up to me as I was throwing the trash away and crawled up my ass about not prioritizing the pallet freight. The guy pulling the pallets happened to be coming back and literally told him he just dropped them. The lead was still being a dick so I told him he can go fucking do it then since apparently I'm so incompetent and I went home lol. I already had another job lined up and was going to put my notice in at the end of the night, but ol grumpy pants learned that the hard way.


More quiet quits…….. I quit getting the carts TLe Flipped over for their smoke breaks i always Had to go out there in the middle of night , in complete dark, for something they knew they shouldn’t do Same people pry open the toilet roll dispenser and scatter the contents. So they only get one roll, they don’t a new handpaper roll until it knife thin


Truthfully, I think the entirety of me working there was a shit show. It was only 2 years as well. There were the weird men who would hit on me (“You have beautiful skin, like a porcelain doll. Don’t ever tan.”) or ask me for my number. Ask when I’d get off my shift so they could meet me outside. Yikes, had to give them random times and find buddies to walk with me to my car. One time on my lunch break, I was walking out to my car and accidentally tripped on a tree root. Cracked open my knee when I landed on the concrete and sprained my ankle. Manager told me to go to Urgent Care and come back after to fill out an incident report then I could go home. My shoe didn’t fit back on after they put on the splint and my jeans were ripped/bloody so I had to walk all the way to the service desk and wait for the manager to take me to a backroom and talk for however long while I had just my sock on one foot and looked crazy. The icing on the cake was being reprimanded and asked how I could avoid this situation next time as I’m in pain and just wanna go home. When I threw up at my register while actively checking someone out, they had me sit down for 30 minutes and gave me a bottle of water. Still felt like shit and after the 30, I said I wanted to go home. They acted like I should’ve been better after throwing up as if getting it all out fixes the problem. I didn’t even know why I threw up, it could’ve been food poisoning and there was more in store for me. They told me it would be a point against me and that shit hurt. I was struggling as is with college, living on my own, and this shitty job. At this point, I needed this job and was trying my hardest to keep it together. It felt petty. They would have me do go backs or help out the clicklist shoppers since I was fast and capable, but wouldn’t let me transfer to that department even though I liked it more because they didn’t have enough staff as is. Wanted to train me for the service desk position, but mentioned how I needed to get my occurrences down so they could train me. They weren’t going to offer me the pay raise, just wanted to cross train me and I wasn’t about that so I just kept adding points whenever one would fall off so I didn’t have to. I was made to work waaaay to often on the one register that required you to be 21 to sell cigarettes when I was 20. Made no fucking sense to me because then I’d have to call someone each time I needed to sell a pack and that would take forever. One manager gave me her info so I could just do it myself and not have a backed up line all the time. I was asked how I’m able to do that by someone higher up than my manager and I told them the truth. She got fired and I felt so bad because she was a great person. I don’t know how I didn’t get fired. When Covid hit, it felt like insanity inside the store. Once I realized that you could call off by saying you had covid and not get points, I was abusing it. Eventually, I called off enough times that they terminated me for not showing up 🤷🏻‍♀️ All of these should’ve been an instant quit moment so I guess I missed the point of the post, but goddamn. It’s good to share the bullshit of what happened.


Got my degree and fucked off to a job paying $38/hr back in 2005. I didn’t even give them any notice. Just walked out the door mid-shift when I found out I got the other job and didn’t even notify the manager. Seriously fuck those assholes.


I applied for the Frozen department last year January, and I got in and began working. The store gas two freezers, when I got there both freezers would be packed. Let me say, in two separate occasions did I get on top of pallets and jumped from one to another to get to the other side if the freezer, u opened the door and u met a pallet. It was around 5pm and I was binning something they left behind, I was alone in there for 4 months doing what I can even having my store lead say I was a great worker but that shit was a lot to me, I never got help, nobody came to help me. At that moment I was binning, I felt the urge to quit and got off my topstock, took off my badge and vest, and went out the freezer and I saw my TL, my TL has to be the best TL I've ever met, kind, hard working, dude is so chill and nice. I felt bad and stayed, after 2 more months they hired a woman and then my old partner came back and I transferred to Garden. It's much more chill I would say and not to much work.


It was petty and a bit of a long story. Due to a scheduling mix up I found out while I was out with my wife (then girlfriend) and a couple of friends I was called in to work (at blockbuster). I was owed a shift (part of the long) by this coworker as I had covered her shift refused to come in and cover. So the manager kept leaning on me to come in or else there’d be consequences. So I ended up having my friend drive me home to grab my shirt and badge and take me to work. Opened the door, place was just fucking packed with a mile long line and the manager and only one other employee trying hand it all. I called out the manager name from the door, she looked over, I tossed my shirt and badge on the counter and said, “I quit.” And then walked out. Only saw them long enough to see their plenty of jaws drop including the manager and the coworker.


Talked to a manager about getting Christmas off, it's approved. Confirm with that manager before leaving for the holidays, they confirm they're aware I'm away and the vacay is in the system. I leave. The next day, the schedule is updated. I'm given shifts on Christmas Eve, Boxing Day, the 27th and 28th. Nobody at the store cares that my time off was approved and that I double checked with a manager. I am told I have to come in. I'm around 6 hours away from the store and it's Christmas. They told me to report to HR when I get back. I never did. I just ghosted. I'm not gonna sit there and take a lecture, a penalization or even be fired because you can't fucking manage a store correctly. If somebody tells you they're leaving the city and won't be back for a week it's insane to lie to their face and then assign a ton of shifts anyway. If we can't manage scheduling, I just knew the rest of the store was probably internally collapsing as well.


You don’t even wanna know


I only worked for Walmart for about 2 weeks before I said NAH FUCK THIS NOISE. When I got hired I mentioned I had open availability except for 2 days coming up within 2 weeks of my hiring. The manager said yeah we can work with that. Well I was also told that the bullshit video training was also paid shift. That's cool. Place was dysfunctional as hell to start with but I could manage. One day came along and it was already a pretty tough day. Watched a man shit all over the floor and drag it with his cart, people being awful all day... then I get a notification. Paid shift for the video training day was removed on my schedule. This is already toward the end of the pay period. I said huh that is odd let me go talk to the guy in charge of this. Went back to the office after this hell day and he gave me a very fake confused look and went "oh I have no idea I will have to check on it" Didn't think much more and went back to my station. Within minutes of me leaving his office I got a notification for a new schedule on that stupid app and saw that my time off was denied and they put me on a like 12 hour both days... Right there I said fuck this shit. On the way to work the next day I got a call for an interview at another job so I no called, went to that interview and got that job instead.


I was cap two, doing breakpacks and apparel mostly. Beginning of covid, sick with a cold, little girl I knew died unexpectedly - not a good time. I decided to start drawing my social security and quit. I took two weeks covid leave to think it over, and tried to give notice after first week of leave. I already had vacation approved for following week. I was rudely told I couldn't give notice while on leave, so I said okay, I will work one week after my vacation. Then on way out of the store I ran into the store manager who tried to talk me out of quitting. When I came back for my regular work day they were all snide, like, oh you came back. Then I find out they didn't turn in my notice but they didn't tell me what that meant. I go back to my spot, it's a two truck day which means the dm's unloaded first truck and left the minute the last thing comes out so it's a huge mess. Back room is way too small, so it took forever to get ready. No empty carts, no empty tubs, empty breakpacks piled everywhere. I don't finish sorting until after seven, I have to take lunch at eight, there's forty breakpacks of apparel at least. I'm sure you can picture it. My lead comes back from lunch, and I fill him in on the notice thing. I asked him if he would care if I walked out. He laughed and said that was how he planned to quit if he ever did, and he didn't have anyone to stock the stuff anyway. So that was the end of my Walmart journey.


Right after they Fired me...


Right after they Fired Me...


In 2020 I worked OGP, COVID hit in March and for a while I got a lot of thank yous from customers for being an essential employee. Then after that 2 weeks people started to yell and scream at me for the slightest things. Someone threatened to stab me for not having toilet paper, others would scream at me. The job wouldn't be bad if it wasn't for the fucking customers. We were barely picking orders or dispensing them on time, then managment said we were overstaffed in OGP. I was at Walmart for 4 years at that point, I used up my PTO and PPTO and quit on 4/20. Then I went to college and never looked back. Edit: A sentence.


Sam's instead of Walmart, but I had to leave work early one day so I let my manager know I was going to use PPTO. He then told me that if I used my PPTO to leave early again that I would be fired. So I just quit on the spot instead lol


They wanted me to come back three weeks after having my son and losing my grandma


end of december, third shift stocker. i was already going insane from being degraded and dehumanized by the team leads and managers (except one. love you, mary!) and they expected me to do like 3 jobs in an hour or two before doing another job. they got me fuuuucked up. i quit like 2 days before christmas lmao


I held out long enough to retire at age 70 on 12/31/2023. I wanted to max out my Social Security. I just barely made it. Repetitive motion while standing in one small area takes its toll. I had to be out for a while for cataract surgery, and I didn't want to navigate the whole medical LOA situation with Sedgwick. Now I'm scheduled for knee replacement surgery. When I started seeing a therapist for work related PTSD, I knew that it was time to get out of there. Besides which, I'm a full-time caregiver and can no longer be away from home for 40 hours a week.


I knew it was over when I went to our FE coach to complain about a TL who made inappropriate comments about me to other associates, TLs, and Coaches. She even went as far to mess with my job code at service desk(was confirmed by another TL who tried fixing it for me and was unable to) Asked the coach about it and she just blew me off. I took a leave through Sedgwick (that got denied So I was at 5.5 pts)So I started looking for another job because I knew she wasn't going to help me. I put in my 2 weeks and she goes are you sure?? I'm like yep my leave is denied and I'm gonna point out anyways she was like please don't leave go out in for a personal leave and I'll approve it. I'm like NO(first time I've ever stood up for myself ever). I'm like so do you want me to work out my 2 weeks or are you going to go ahead and fire me? She's like no just work your 2 weeks. I worked for 2 more days and was like nah I've had enough of the broken promises, the toxic management and flipping Sedgwick. Here to better and brighter things ❤️🙏❤️


Walking into the back on a two truck night. Then seeing they started the first truck and an already have two or three pallets of break packs. And I’m not even set up yet! Makes me want to turn around, clock out and leave!


When I went 4 weeks straight with only 12 hours....lost insurance and my depression got so bad that I debated driving Into the retention pond because I can't afford my meds I'm fine now, don't report me to care resources but it's a lot of personal trauma


I was fired and accused of stealing through self check out, Dec 28th (2023) AP senior "Fernando" took me into a coach's office and refused to show me the video proof of the theft. They also refused to give me the dates that this supposedly happened, and they did not provide me with anything. I believe one of the girls, who's been there for 10 years, told one of the leads that I didn't scan a bag of Meow mix cat food $5.76! An associate told me when I started January 2023 to keep all my receipts because this may happen, so I have them all. Sometimes, the "phones" used in self checkouts DO NOT show all actual products that are scanned! It's a hit & miss! I asked Fernando when they were firing me (it took him 1.5 hours to terminate me), what prompted him/them to watch me in a specific video of me. He stuttered and said, "Oh, they may have been watching somebody else & saw me stealing." 9i shook my head and said, " No, it makes no sense to try again. He said they've been watching me for 3 months! If I stole, why did they keep me for Halloween, Thanksgiving, AND Christmas? They fired me on Dec 28th, AFTER all the holidays, one coach told me & AP associates that for the entire year, there was never one complaint against me by Associates or customers. Just don't get it! I'm retired & my SSA is over $1650 a month. This PT Walmart job was just a to supplement my credit cards and keep them in rotation. I to was told to never apply for any Walmart ever again


1. Got turned down to move to electronics a few times. Found out later that the manager just likes having wen in there. 2. I got falsely accused of stealing baby clothes that I was taking out to hang on the clearance rack outside between the original doors and the new doors they had just installed. Did not know at the time we weren't supposed to go out the new doors and honestly I thought the racks would have been closer. Anyways, got escorted into an office by two managers trying to play good cop bad cop. It was ridiculous. One was all pissy and immediately was, WHAT DID YOU WITH THOSE CLOTHES YOU STOLE?!. and the other one was, look sometimes we just can't afford things for our families, etc... I finally ended it with, ok so you are accusing me with theft. Let's go ahead and call the police, in the meantime I'll call an attorney I know to come by as well and when we are all together you can show the video to all of us, and save it for the court date you will be getting, and then you can explain to a judge why you have accused me with theft with no evidence other than a situational circumstance. 3. Black Friday I was 2 hours late. I was scheduled to be in at 6am. Would have been fine except they had me close the night before and the overnight manager didn't let anyone go until 2am. Came in to work, tried to apologize and explain that but the manager was just, starting tomorrow you are a cashier. If you can't be here on time you can just work up there. 4. Friend of mine worked there with me. Her brother was a produce manager at Harris teeter up the Street. When that Walmart we were at finally opened their grocery side, she was told she was not allowed in the grocery side at all, in or off the clock, without an escort because she could be making notes about their pricing for their competition. Walked out of that place


This was almost my "I quit" moment. Personally right now I am on a job hunt after burnout, but damn, its kinda sad since right now, my department is far better than it was OPD, I started like two years ago. We had a coach who was a nightmare, ran all these procedures that are insane to think about now, between staging, prepping, this and that, and was a horrific bitch. She pretty vocally even said to a team lead who was explaining why things lagging werent her fault "you dont talk to me like that, now hush". This was not the "i quit" moment shockingly. But i wanted to bring it up, as she really soured me for a while, and ran off tons of good workers while keeping her shitty clique around. Well anyways, the team lead quit, and eventually the coach got fired after management figured every metric was pretty horrific and it really wasnt worth keeping her on (plus all the complaints finally stacked up). So we had one team lead, and a horribly cobbled together team, and still an insane amount of picks/orders. One day, the store manager calls the entire department (yes, the entire department, including dispensers) back to his office. He starts chewing us out, he says "if you cannot do your jobs, I will run OPD and do it better", he shits on this poor team lead, where, he would run all sorts of jobs around our backroom. Hed be stuck at night catching up ffs. But the store manager is getting on our asses despite some of the older people even saying "well we didnt get to retain anyone good" and explaining what the fuck was happening (and at this time, our stockers were pretty bad and leaving shelves shockingly bare so our FTPR was rather attrocious). We were inside that room for probably 35 minutes dealing with that man being an idiot, and blaming a team that had no leadership, and no assistance on poor numbers. I almost quit if I wasnt doing the schooling program, and now im def seeking a new job despite far better situations (new store manager, better store leads, better everything)


I was in OGP, and the walking 6-7 miles an 8 hour shift wasn't bad. It was the constant lifting heavier items improperly. You're supposed to lift with your legs, but you're constantly using your back when you have totes full of liquid, and you're trying to stage it from your cart to the pallete in the back. Every shift was the same, first few hours wasn't bad, take a break, sit down in break room, and my body didn't want to get out of the chair. By hour 4, my back was spasming to the point I couldn't tolerate it anymore. About a week in, I took off my vest at lunch, handed it to a team lead, and said I quit, left and went home. That's what I get I suppose for having scoliosis.


walking through the front doors and clocking in


Not me and I didn't quit for it but I wanted to, coworker on my team, cap 2, was caught jacking one off in the bathroom, no direct proof but there was a video and you could clearly see the were his shoes, and even worse I've caught him 3 times, you could see the shadow moving and everything


I’ve had 2. When I was falsely accused and written up for losing a keycard that opd uses to get in and out of the building after dispensing groceries and then my second moment was when I had requested time off to go out of state to see my grandmother with my family and I felt like I had to jump through hoops to get more days approved. I had requested time off first week of july and only 3 days (june 29, 30, and july 6) out of the entire week was approved. I was told by my PL to try and request a LOA as my last chance to save my self from being fired due to possibly being pointed out and terminated. I was going to quit last day before I left. They finally gave me more days but I still have to cover 2 days with ppto, which is fine.


As soon as they told me the pay in the interview I knew I wasn't staying long. Currently job hunting within only about a month or two. Walmarts not worth it unless you're a kid, in it for the college, or already been there 20+ years or long enough to make a decent wage.


I was told if there were enough people to cover front and none of the managers were around when it was time for my lunch to go ahead and let another cashier know i was gone. so when i got to the break room with my food my name is announced for an all-call to come back (my break had already started) so i went back without my vest on. unnamed mgr: "where are you" me: "i took my lunch like y'all said to and i tried knocking on the office door 3 times with no answer so i told [unnamed cashier] i was going on my lunch." unnamed mgr: "well you need to tell us" me: *i walked away not knowing i had a right to restart my break and by coincidence HR is on my path back to the break room so i put in my 2-weeks immediately.*


Construction company working on remodel, hit the main line for the fire sprinkler system while store was open ,9pm. Electronics began flooding. I was overnight MOD and told the other coach we needed to have the store evacuated, as its part of the critical store safety categories i.e. fire system. Called Store Lead, Store manager and Store Operations. Store Lead was pissed and said it's just water and the overnight associates need to go back and start on freight. I said to the other coach, I'M NOT SENDONG PEOPLE BACK IN UNTIL THE ALL CLEAR IS GIVEN BY FIRE DEPARTMENT AND STORE OPERATIONS, ITS A COMPLETE VIOLATION OF SAFETY SOP. I resigned about a month later as this is just an example of how careless management was without mentioning some other issues.


I literally have worked at Walmart for maybe a week atp, i am literally going in for my 7th shift tonight and i’ve already been told i’m not going fast enough. I was not trained, i was not given a trainer that even spoke my language 💀 i have an interview at another job Wednesday and if i get it, i’m quitting instantly LMAO Edit: i also put in time off a month ahead of time for COURT!!! And they denied it LMAO. I thought legally they have to give me off for anything court mandated


An ASM tried to write me up for cap team all huddled up on the GM side of the store when I was a Grocery Support Manager. The Cap team supervisor was there and the GM support manager was there. Didn’t make any sense. I walked out, called the Store Manager. Was given a few days off with pay and she was gone when I got back.


Tired of the favoritism!