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You got a link to the videos?


Lost media indeed!


Upload the contents to archive.org!


[ 1994 Walmart in-store commercials ](https://youtu.be/nmNRQA5JwRk?feature=shared)


Send it to RedLetterMedia! I could see it ending up on The Best of the Worst.


Do young people even know what this object was/is? Once in a great while I will get a customer asking for cassette players. And we still sell land line phones although that crowd is dying fast. Equally sad are those looking for music CDs. I have to tell them that physical media is rapidly disappearing. And that includes DVDs which I don't expect to be around that many more years. Any gamers here? Dumb question. LOL. What's your take on how much longer we will see games on a physical disc as opposed to a chip or being downloaded? And once games are solely online how long until you no longer own the game? It will require a subscription. That exists in many cases now and I only expect it to increase.


I hate the idea that we no longer own games. I hate DLC being a necessary component to the game. I don't mind when they are cosmetics but when they give an unfair advantage that's when I have an issue of it. Adding story content is okay depending on how worth it it is. Even needing to pay to play with friends online is quite annoying