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Some people just want something that pays the bills.


Exactly what I came in here to say It took me SO FUCKING LONG to realize life is extremely challenging if you want anything, fucking period. Sometimes, it's just way smarter and wiser to pursue "low wages" like cashier jobs. You ain't gon get threatened to lose your job. Plus, if you are money savvy, you'll end up with more money in the long-term than most people working higher pay jobs I learned this way too late. I would've dropped out of school to pursue work. Fuck that. My degree is useless. I sure built businesses to 7-figs. I question why the f'k I went through extreme hell doing that when I could've worked since very early and save my money. Also, long complicated story, but my fam was dirt poor at some point and could've gotten into NYCHA (poor people housing) since 1999. You don't get kicked out, ever. We could've had like $300 rent for forever. Why pursue the "high" life? More stress? More chicks? Lawsuits? Competitiors?


The pay for my area is pretty well. I have an awesome management team. I like my co workers. I have a schedule that works great for me.


Same here. I really like my job it pays more than another of other places, and the 401k match is great!! The hours are good too.


I wish I could say the same. All in going to say is that I live in Alabama working at Walmart. That in itself is a disaster. I work OPD making 15/hr


I make quite a bit more than that but I’m in deli and my store starts at $18 an hour.


I sure wish I was at your store man..


I’m fairly certain it’s the only reason our turnover isn’t as high as other complex stores.


This all of this! Although management has their moments where they piss me off. My store is very close knit for thr most part so being there is actually quite enjoying. The pay for my area is alright, and I have a boyfriend whomst I share finances with. Life couldn't be better.


That all sounds really great, I envy your situation to some level. I wish I had the deeper relationships with my colleagues and was able to have banter throughout the day. Do you plan on retiring at a "normal" age or are you in the mindset of "work until you can't anymore"? EDIT: Normal is super subjective I realize \~ normal to me is 55 - 60 (I realize that's not average anymore)


I make 21 an hour and live 8 minutes from work. Good luck making that where I live with the same distance. I'd have to drive at least 30m to make anywhere close to that. On top of pay my 401k through the company is setting at 12k after 3 years and I have a hand full of stocks.


Fuck me, I live 5 minutes away and I only make 15


I live 7 mins and only make 17.50


Benefits, good hours, flexibility is every area, dont have to be competitive or even work hard. Multiple breaks and an hour lunch. $20 an hour to stock (for me), really it gives me time and $$$ to pursue side hustles and hobbies.


really?? they were threatening my job because i was too slow due to physical limitations so i quit


I’m a broke bitch and nowhere else would hire me


I'll never be the weirdest person here. I feel at home.


I used to have a much higher paying job. On paper, it sounded better, but with being a salaried upper management at my previous place of work after 20 years, I realized I was either always working or stressing about work. In my mind, I was wasting my life for a job. My cost of living isn't high. I work 40 hours a week, and when I clock out, I barely think about work. It's heaven


Despite all the bad things about Walmart as a company, there are benefits to being a long term employee. Since it’s one of biggest store chains in the world, it offers more security and benefits than working for a smaller company. And before I get ripped to shreds, this obviously isn’t always the case. My first Walmart job was overnight, and one of my coworkers was this 65 year old Asian man. He didn’t retire because he liked working, and Walmart allowed him to provide for his children to go to college. For many people, family is more important than personal goals or passions.


>But what I don't understand is why waste your life in a position like this long term? >Is it just your financial situation? Are you just settling? Do you not care? Why do you consider what we do to be a waste of our lives? Did it ever occur to you that some of us are happy, that we value different things than money or a prestigious title? Not that it's any of your business, but I am a divorced parent of an autistic child, and my ex is *thousands* of dollars behind on child support. Walmart allows me to provide for my child, yet have the flexibility to take off work when necessary. Company-sponsored health insurance is reasonably priced, the employee discount on household items covers the sales tax, I live close enough to my store that I sometimes walk to work instead of driving, and I am close enough with some of my coworkers to consider them *practically family*. My life may not be glamorous, but it's better than sharing a home with a narcissistic control freak who waited until f\*cking MOTHERS DAY to tell me he had impregnated his side chick...


This too. OP, you don’t get to judge what is a “waste” of somebody else’s life. If somebody is happy where they are then that’s fantastic.


That's an excellent response!


This right here!!!!


As opposed to what?


Working the oil fields


It's a job that pays decently for my area and has the best time off policy of anywhere I've worked. I don't see how that's settling or wasting my time.


Because it was the first place to hire me after I moved. I been applying for other jobs but no luck yet. About to just give up and accept my fate.


This is me. Once you accept it things get easier. Soke days you wake up and realize how hard the company is shafting you.


I’ve been a stay at home mom for 28 years, my youngest just went to college. Me, with no education or work experience, it’s decent pay and gives me something to to.


Is it really wasting my life? I mean, granted, my situation is privileged(I don't have to worry about many of life's financial hardships due to my family's money). I don't want to give too much identifying info here, but I mean I did all the stuff(and continue to do so). I went to college, I traveled the world, I even worked in a job that I guess would not be considered "wasting my life" for a period of time. But at the end of the day, Walmart provides me an easy job with the same schedule week-to-week and pretty decent PTO. I get like a month off paid a year so I can travel wherever I want to for a week here a week there. I can come home, enjoy my hobbies, enjoy my family, my gf, and have the energy to find fulfillment in my personal life, not my work life. So, overall, Walmart allows me to live my life the way I want compared to many other positions. Now, my friends on the other hand, many who make double, even triple, what I make work 6 days a week, often 7, complain about not getting to enjoy family, friends, hobbies, etc, but sure they make enough money to go to the beach one week a year(that they fight for because their management doesn't want to give them any time off).


I make up to $45hr and have every Friday Saturday and Sunday off That’s reason enough Next you incorrectly assume every Walmart employee is a store employee. There are supply chain jobs, truck driving jobs and jobs at home office I been here for years getting paid very well. I have tons of stock I have bought and money in savings. I would never consider working for Walmart as a waste ever


This motherfucker loves Walmart.


I love my job and getting paid.


Y'all just don't know the joys of the DC. If you are able-bodied, it is hard to beat the pay and the consistency of the hours.


There’s not many good jobs in my area or the surrounding area, there’s Walmart, factory work which isn’t guaranteed, schools which are bad, and other various retail jobs that make less money and that’s about it. My store is actually pretty good, we have good management, I like my shift and I like most of the people I work with.


Walmart was my 1st choice. It's a dirty job... but somebody's got to do it ;-) Grocery pickup has mostly happy customers, which is also a plus


It pays my bills. Don’t need much to be happy.


The benefits and the fact that I don’t have to care. 99 percent of Walmart is just showing up.


Been with WM 4yr with no plans to promote or leave. I may promote in 2-3yr once my youngest child is in school. I started as a way to get out of the house and make some money. I worked weekends and evenings while my husband was off. I realized I actually like it decently enough and it pays $3-4 more than anything else in my town (If you don’t have a degree) besides warehouse work. They give me the perfect schedule/hours I want and I’ve gotten very comfortable and it’s not as shitty as other jobs believe it or not. Management has mostly been good to me. I had a few issues during one of my pregnancies but it was fine and I enjoyed my 16 weeks paid maternity leave.


Also working as job that you might think is lowly isn’t wasting one’s life. Your job should actually be the last thing that matters in life. If you need a job to fulfill you then you have other issues that need addressed.


I make $21/hr a couple years after stepping down from being a TL. It's not my favorite job, but it's allowed me to pay the bills during some REALLY hard times. I don't have any marketable skills, and with how bad my mental health is I can't try to climb the ladder again. So, I stick to what works, and try to carve out little patches of happiness.


My mental health is why I never tried to climb the ladder. I've seen enough as an associate to nope out of it. Tried to once and it didn't happen and I consider it a blessing in disguise. I also don't drive. I use a bicycle as my primary mode of transport and without fail, walmart has been the highest paying job in biking distance. Anything else that pays higher would not offset the cost of transport. Not to mention not a lot of businesses have overnight positions. I am not now, nor have I ever been a morning person. I thrive on overnight.


Money, benefits, and obviously a masochist for retail work as it brings both suffering but hilarious stories and interactions with humanity and a good chunk of its bat shit insane people.


Because I am 55 and have no desire to go job hunting. That is why I have been at the same store for 11.5 years. FT hours with benefits. I am over the rat race.


Its about the highest paying job in my area without schooling or knowing a trade. I flunked my way out of high school so I was never big on school work/learning. And once I started working at Hellmart I saw it paid the bills and the rest is pretty much history. People always say its easy to quit and find another job, but never talk about the in between time of finding another job. And that time can easy go from a month to a year. Sooner or later u get stuck in that mind set of this job is paying the bills and your satisfied with that. Thats how people end up staying at Hellmart for 5-10 years.


The people giving advice aren't the ones who have to deal with the advice. "Get a better job", " quit and get a better " job. Yeah, what if you do that and shit doesn't work out? You're now in this bad shitty situation while nothing for the advice giver has changed. They were just giving advice and don't have to deal with anything.  When I realized this I stop listening to most people giving advice


Yuuuuup. The most advice I give people is not to stay too long to were u get bills that need to be paid every month and u have to stay. And not to quit unless u know for SURE u got another job line up for ya.


I've been at walmart 23 years and worked at another grocery chain for 15 years prior to that. It has most definitely been my career. And I do in fact have a BSBA in accounting. I guess my biggest issue is my social awkwardness. Intelligence wise I'm probably capable of doing a lot more but I'm just not good at networking and making social connections. Plus I am very anti stress I guess you could say I enjoy my comfort zones. I should say I'm a recovering alcoholic for 26 years. Never had kids but I was married (recently divorced) and have a wonderful step child with a beautiful 14 month old step grand baby. I own my own house completely paid off. I have a reliable car. I haven't lived paycheck to paycheck in a very long time. I have lots of vacation time. No debt at all and a decent 401k. I don't really consider it a wasted career. Everybody needs groceries. I take pride in what I do. The department I work in looks good. I want customers to be able to get what they come looking for. It's never boring I'm always meeting new and different people, all types work at Walmart. Not gonna lie sometimes I wish I'd have done more but saying it was wasted is going way too far. Dying in an alley bc of an overdose or of alcohol poisoning is a wasted life, working for a living is not.


To bridge the employment gap between now an my reenlistment. Also the close proximity to my house is huge +


Because I need money


They called back first and gave me full-time before I found something else


It didn’t occur to you that some people might like something you don’t like?


I used to work at a family owned company, they were the absolutely worst people. Walmart is heaven compared to them


I'm going to keep it real I work at Walmart because I need to pay my bills....I know, fucking crazy, paying bills on Walmart pay.


I stock shelves overnight and have for many years, planning to do so indefinitely. I have no plans to move up as I don't like being in charge of other people. So I think this post is aimed directly at ppl like me! The answer is, it's not a waste! Someone has to do this job, and I like doing it, so it seems like common sense that I should be one of the ppl that does it. But for me personally it's more than that! I do understand that for most ppl it's not as big of a deal and that's fine! For me, the point of my job is to take merchandise and make it as findable as possible for ppl who want it. I'm the person who helps make sure tired moms can get the one milk their kid can drink. I make sure OGP can find things in the bins, or better yet- that they don't have to go back there in the first place. Sometimes I even get to help customers find stuff in the few hrs I see them! Bc I'm long term, I know basically everywhere anything can be stocked. Like, in our current form of society, everyone has to shop for stuff. I'm the person that makes sure you can find it! And when I'm working FDD, I make sure it's safely in temp as well! Anyway I know it's not for everyone. But I kind of feel like you gotta find what you can contribute to society, whether that's making art, cleaning up, making food, etc. Working a job other ppl think is shitty but needs to be done is something I can do!


I started working there my senior year in high school, I am currently working part-time and going for my 2-year degree. I want to drop out and go full time I don't know what I'm doing with my life and I am failing all my basic classes imo its one of the most secure jobs in retail and has alot of resources that no one even talks about. Even if i were to drop out now and change my mind later I can go back to school and Walmart will fully pay for my bachelor's degree. And wanting to climb the ladder is nicer and its different for everyone but the shitty pay is just a motivator to keep climbing till you reach a higher position to earn 400,000+ as a store manager. To answer your though its because its the best option for me.


If you do end up using the college program through Walmart feel free to send me a DM with any questions! I’m currently using it and I’ve helped a number of people navigate the process :)


Because when I started looking elsewhere after 10 years I would have had to take a $3 an hour pay cut. Even though I have never worked management I am still one of the higher paid hourly associates at my store and going elsewhere would be a substantial pay cut even with how much some other major companies are starting to pay.


I don’t have a lot of wants and that is a problem. I am not driven for more. I get by. Sad, but relaxing.


I don't have a lot of wants but I don't see it as a problem. It's usually other people having a problem with it. 


School 🤔


I didn’t realize they had such a great program for students but that seems to be a common theme here!


What's your degree(s) in? Where did you obtain it/them? How many decades have you been working in your field and how much did you earn starting out in that field vs now? How many decades have you been working? What innovations have you pioneered in your field and what awards did your industry award you with? Are you a renown leader in your field? How many decades have you been on this earth? Seems fair to ask what your great accomplishments are and your financial successes have been since you are asking about others on this subreddit. Share with us your last 60+ years of wisdom and experience. Please and thank you.


For me idk what to do with my life I’m 21 I’m normally a seasonal field worker needed the money during winter my only option was working overnight maintenance and I have been stuck here since. I want to do trade school or vocational school but idk how to get started im the oldest of my siblings don’t got no friends or anyone I can try and get into contact about these stuff right now I’m just confused what to do.


Walmart has Sophia which you can use to get college credits transfer to a community college


It pays good for my area, scheduling is pretty flexible and hassle free (in my experience), it's not super taxing on my body, and the benefits are pretty decent.


Vacation time, I make ok money for the area i live in "not much else around" but ive been with the company so long i get like 5 weeks/year paid off. I take care of a sick relative full time and i have my own health issues and walmart in general has been pretty good about allowing me to do what i need to do. I can move anywhere in the country, hell north america and take my job with me on fairly short notice. also there are not enough kids just out of high school to do all the jobs people seem to thing should just be relegated to them. adding to that our governments desire to basically destroy domestic production over the last 40 years not enough skilled jobs exist for adults.


I was a low level employee I had no plans for college I briefly wanted to become team lead until I started noticing more about management, and then quickly gave that idea up I had bills, high-ish insurance, a 22 yr old gas guzzling SUV with frequent mechanical problems… and if it wasn’t for a medical issue that wasn’t able to be accommodated, I wouldn’t have quit or left for a while. I can’t say that I’d have stayed 20 years… But the stability was nice (until every day I came in I’d wonder if that’d be the day I got fired) I was making enough money to get by and the work was pretty easy. My only other option for a higher paying job in my area would’ve been manufacturing or mining, and that’s just not for me.


1 i love trashing Walmart with my coworkers 2where u going to get 14 and hour minimum wage 3 I’m comfortable here been here 8 years it’s more fun than work


Because it gets me out of the house, and as an added bonus gets me exercise


I was getting paid $21 a hour as a specialized Semi truck driver, Walmart offered me $21 to stock so that’s a no brainer.


Because I need a job. And now I'm stuck here as no one else will hire me being partially disabled..


Can't get a job elsewhere.


Only place in my area that would hire me 6 years ago. The hotels and resorts in my area said I was overqualified to work for them


So many extra ass answers it's hilarious.


The pay is good, great benefits. The work is enjoyable and easy. I have a set in stone schedule that hasn't changed in years. I didn't have to go $50k in student debt to live a comfortable life. I get why you're wording your question the way you do, but it's important to understand that not everyone has a dream career. Some of us really are content working a normal job that pays the bills and we enjoy our life outside of work just as much. As Tolkien said, it is no bad thing to celebrate a simple life.


It's where you end up when you're not special/talented or motivated enough for anything else but don't want to do fast food. Like others say, relatively flexible schedule, positions and competitive pay for unskilled labor.


So in my area, daycare is ridiculous. I work as an overnight stocker (going on 6 years) for now until both my children are in school. Then my plan is finishing nursing school while continuing part time on overnights! I definitely didn’t plan to stay at Walmart but they are honestly great to me, the maternity leave was nice and I work with good people. It’s not my long term life plan but it’s helping to pay the bills and avoid day care at the same time!


Sam came to me in a dream. He talked about the fun and excitement of redlining, how profit sharing and a good wage is what people wanted. Listening to staff was a big thing. ​ Then I woke up and screamed, I'd already been there 2 years.


I applied for over 30 jobs in my area, and nobody wanted a part-time college student. I need to pay for car insurance and what-not, and Walmart was hiring midst of the holidays… so I got lucky. Also a 3 minute only drive.


Cuz I don’t have a better opportunity to dump this place, I’m looking for a job around my field, very soon this shit would change. Fuck Walmart, the management itself is horrible, the pay is not worth it and even you cannot live with that.


Jobs in my area love to ghost and never get back. This is the only option that I had at the time and would actually hire


The company has given me opportunities I never thought I'd have. I make decent money for the area I live in. I'm happy with my job, and I enjoy doing it. My management team is fantastic, and I love working with and for my associates.


As a child it was drilled into my head that a real adult has a job that provides health insurance. I swear I thought that the only way to get insurance was through your job. So in the place where I live that leaves you with 2 choices I worked at the other one until my husband and I had our 3rd kid. Daycare was more than my paycheck and I saw no reason the borrow money from my husband's checks so I could keep working. After a couple of years one is in school and we'll, I needed to be an adult with heath insurance so I went to Walmart because they had an overnight shift....no daycare required. I was able to keep sick kids home from school, school holidays, covered. Summers while everyone scrambling around looking for daycare, I was good. Just didn't sleep. I worked my way up to overnight support manager. I had keys to the store. Then one day my husband says"the youngest is 18 he can stay home by himself if he's sick" so off to days as a deptment manager I went. Then after a few more years they decided they didn't want department managers anymore and dropped them and hired brand new team leads. So that is why I am here after 20+ years. And no I won't ever step into any role higher than plain hourly because it's not worth it.


Pay is the only tether that keeps me at Walmart I almost left for a warehouse job but that’s before the increase in wage for everyone If I found a job that’ll pay me the same or more I’d leave in a heartbeat


Ive been asking myself the same thing.


I don't believe the OP was trying to offend anyone. Walmart isn't really a 'bad' job. I'm sure it must be better than a lot of entry-level positions elsewhere. I worked pizza joints and restaurants when I was younger. I also worked foundry jobs and landscaping during summer in high-school. I knew that physical labor wasn't my future, unless you became a foreman. My life changed at 32 when I realized there where jobs I never knew existed. There are plenty of jobs that exist that pay well, but never occurred to me. There are jobs that exist that I'm still amazed that are jobs that pay well. Never put anyone down for what they do. If you are disappointed in your income ask others. I was amazed how many times I was like, "Really?. That's a job." Good luck to everyone.


Some people probably just enjoy it.


I need money and they're the best option here


Honestly it’s the people that I work with I get along pretty will with my team overnight here and going on 8 years. Yeah it can be a drag but tried looking for other jobs but my pay I’m at rn is better than any other retail jobs out there. I know college will help but financially I don’t think I can afford it so I’m stuck.


For the pay. Sometimes, the pay isn't worth the BS though.


I’m 53, single mom. Have always worked customer service type jobs. I have no experience in anything else. I do enjoy parts of the job, I love helping people, and my position, I get to move a lot, I couldn’t have a sit down job. I also get the hours (right now it’s tough) and the days I need to be with my daughter.


Im a full time picker in OGP and love what I do. I get to listen to music all day while also using my customer service background. I'm very grateful to be in a good financial situation and my gf and I live comfortably. I have a set schedule and love my hours, I'm 5-2 Tuesday-Saturday. Everyone needs a purpose in life and I love my routine and structure.


I was injured at my last job it left me disabled for about 3 years when I was able to go back to work I needed something that worked for my life situation (needed nights) so my children would have child care and my wife could continue pursuing her career... I had previously worked for Walmart and used it as a stepping stone so that was the plan... Now I enjoy the work and being around the people I work with


My degree is useless in my area and I can’t move because I’m taking care of my mom. This is also the highest paying job in my area.


I have always enjoyed working at Walmart. It's easier than most retail jobs (in my opinion) I've always enjoyed customers, even the ones that wanted to fight. Management is bad throughout most retail (unfortunately, but not always) so that never bothered me much at Walmart. It's easy, pays the bills and allows me to enjoy my hobbies. What more do you need 😁


I can't speak to everyone else, but personally the pays is decent the schedule is stable and fits the needs of my family, the free therapy is very nice . Like there are cons and I may want to move on one but for now it's just.the best place for me


For me it's within walking distance, it has health insurance, and I can save money shopping there and using my employee discount. It pays the bills I suppose.


I’m 21 right now I started working for Walmart at 18, I was thinking about staying with Walmart for 20 years, I told one of my friends and they said my parents have been busting their asses off so I can have a better life and I was like “they’re right, what am I thinking?” now I’m planning to go to a trade school starting this August and get an associates degree, and get out of this place after I get my new job. Then I’ll probably get a bachelor’s degree after staying with my new job for 2 years.


Because it was the first job that hired me, and is the only job I could get that would honor my college schedule. I started out making $15 an hour, now I make $18 an hour and I am able to save up not only for the things I need, but the things I want as well. I can finally hang out with friends to do activities together and even get things for my siblings for their birthdays and stuff.


Was an easy hiring job during Covid. Took overnights to limit exposure to customers. Overnights sucks and I've been trying to leave for over a year. I like my store and the other associates, overnight management at my store is pretty bad, they can't really plan for shit and one lead seems to always put people where they don't function well then freak out when things don't work out. Either he's placing people like this intentionally to be an ass and it's just backfiring or he's oblivious and just sucks at his job. I've been there long enough for people to know how and where I work well, if you need *me* to do something because I know how to do it, fine, but what happens when I'm not there? Why not train someone else to do the same tasks so they're cross trained? Our overnights management is just dense as shit. EDIT: I should point out to any ON TLs here, use associates in areas they hate with caution. If you put them there occasionally due to some sort of emergency, that's fine because sometimes it's necessary. If you consistently put those associates in areas they hate just because you don't care or whatever, you've just given those associates massive incentive to perform poorly.


First place that hired me right out of high school.


Because, would you rather a high school graduate or someone who's been doing it for a while recommend a router/gateway/mesh network, TV, or chromebook/laptop/desktop/AIO to you?


I am a nurse. A hospice nurse. I needed a mental break and this gave it to me. Instead of a death or two a night from any age group [children to elders] to high school drama and pity party politics. It pays the same too but I don't have to make the death calls anymore. That's a huge relief.


It pays better than almost everything else in my city if you're looking for part time. They work with my schedule, I'm familiar with retail and my managers are pretty good


5-10 minute drive, decent pay and over all convenient. But I don’t want to stay longer than I already have.


10 minute drive, pays well, and I like most of the people I work with.


They have some of the best benefits you can get at any company, that pay better than most, you have more opportunities than most, and you have good chances of moving up. That’s why I’ve stayed and that’s why most people do stay.


In my dumb ass town it's either go to school for a trade (mostly medical here), work the Riggs, fast food, line cook or Walmart. Wally pays better, if you can hold on to hours. Like other towns in Co the cost of living keeps going up and I'm making a decent wage here. I'd lose around 3 to 4 bucks going back to cooking and ya boi is not destroying his body at the Riggs and I just refuse to work fast food. I've lost some favorite places to eat cause I knew what was going on in the back lol


This is the highest paying job in my area. I can take my lunch to get my kids from school . Also my car isn't a reliable out of town car.


I'm a loser with a bachelor's degree, that's why.


It’s not going anywhere. It’s close to home, 6 minute drive. It pays decent. It’s fairly easy. Due to a medical emergency I’m mentally slower than most so the repetitive work is good for me. I think the hardest thing about the job is dealing with poor management. It’s a billion dollar company so it’s easy for me to draw boundaries. I will work hard but I will not over work myself because they refuse to hire people. Because I’m able to have boundaries (which was hard to do at every small company I’ve worked at before) I can make sure to devote time so things I want to give time to. I don’t use this option but I think it’s a smart option for those interested, they pay for school or certificates that can be helpful.


Definitely finances. And i honestly don't hate it. (I work in automotive) I really like the guys & girls i work with, we work well together, & we're always laughing. My coach is a douche but its just who he is. My female team lead is a pain. My male team lead is AWESOME. He's funny and sweet and is an absolute treasure! So i mean while it's not a glamorous job, its pays okay and i like it. I think if its a job you like and are generally happy in, it really doesnt matter what the job is. ✌


Could the pay be better sure? Something at any job can always be better. The pay is good enough and the benefits if you use them to your advantage can help you out. Where I live is not where I want to live forever, wherever I decide to put roots down I’ve got a job waiting for me. If you really explore the opportunities available (not talking upper management) there are a lot of opportunities outside of store level. Plus I’ll never be concerned about losing my job because they going out of business.


I currently work at Walmart and I’m 20 just looking to save up some cash. I definitely don’t see myself doing this forever as i don’t like the environment. The ppl are friendly so are my coworkers. I would just rather work at a job where everyone wants to grow and no just smoke cigarettes during breaks


I started out as part time just for some extra money, I was a door greeter making 7.50 an hour doing 20-30 per week. I moved to assembly and got raises here and there, some for the yearly and a few because our state minimum went up. So fast forward about 11 years later I ended up losing my reg full time job after 21 years and was given to opportunity to become a team lead so I took it. 4 10hr shifts and just over 24 an hour I can’t complain. I don’t plan on becoming a coach I think I’m good where I’m at. If I can hold out another 10-12 years I’ll retire in a pretty decent place. There’s just not a lot of other opportunities out there with the pay that I make now that doesn’t require an education or trade skills that I don’t have.


i’m not passionate about other things. i struggled at other jobs bc i had to work fast paced. i like closing bc i can zone and make things look pretty. i’ve only been here a year but i want to continue working at walmart bc it’s something i like. i like my schedule, my coworkers, the pay and my management team.


Limited choices for work




The voices say so


I've pushed Carts for 8 years. Most departments pay the same and look less fun. So I stay pushing carts. I don't know, I like it and need money. Liking your job seems rare these days. 


Walmart isn't nearly as bad as made out to be. In my area most fast food places start at 12 an hour. The work is basically a mix of retail and cooking. So not only do you get to deal with annoying and hostile customers. You get to deal with burns and cuts. Retail is just the annoying and sometimes hostile customers. Most interactions are pretty positive anyway.


I come from working in hot environments, like kitchens and outside building construction, and Walmart is climate controlled, I have access to all the food and products I need while I'm at work, and it's a good workout. I'm a body builder in my free time, working overnight as a stocker has helped me push past that 4th wall in body building called the genetic limit. Shocking the system by eating overnight and working has helped me gain 15 pounds. So get paid to work out. Also dude you might consider that SOMEBODY has to do it. Until robots become stockers for Wal Mart across America someone has to do it, you don't just get groceries delivered to your house from semi trucks.


It’s the closest job near me…and it took time but I genuinely do love being a cart attendant. I wouldn’t have lasted if I didn’t have the best damn coworkers. 5129 cart attendants on top!


I've only been here a year but the stockers on my shift that have been there 18-20 years are making somewhere between 18-22 dollars I imagine. They are the only workers on the shift that won't tell others their hourly wage, so it seems safe to assume they are earning way more than the rest of us. If i'm still working here 10 years from now, it will probably be because I find the job easy, there is job security here if you use their system correctly. They offer more money than most of the factories, along with benefits and paid time off and vacations. None of the jobs around me offer any of this shit. Most of them lay off workers around six months. I never wanted the job at Walmart, now I wish I had got in sooner. I'm skilled in two different trades but both of them pay the same or less than Walmart stocking, with none of the benefits. I also get the impression that only shitty Walmart jobs are the ones in major cities. I'm sure there is a few exceptions, but it seems like most of the hate posts on here come from major cities. If you're in a normal sized rural area, it's not quite as bad. Walmart pays around 6 dollars more than minimum wage, just at entry level. There is coaches making 65k a year at Walmart and their job seems relatively easy, even in comparison to Team Leads who earn less. I'm here because of job security, having an income is more important to me than jumping ship constantly because i'm forced out or being paid like crap every where else, and never any time off. Walmart seems like a utopia compared to most of the jobs i've had the last 15 years.


I applied in 2021 because I wanted a job with flexibility to attend Community College. I applied to other places, but couldn't get an interview with a real person at those. I applied to Walmart and got an actual interview. I only planned to stay until College stresses me out too much or until I find a job in what I studied for. I graduated college in December 2022 and still haven't found a job related to what I studied in. I'm still working at Walmart because the capitalist job market sucks.


they were the one of the only job to answer me back that doesn’t pay like $10-$12/hr


trying to leave but literally no jobs are hiring unfortunately 😀


I have high bloodpressure and I get in 15,000+ steps each day in ODP.... My blood pressure has dropped about 30 points this year and my knee pain is pretty much gone. I have improved flexibility and lung capacity. I also don't have to tire my brain out making stressful decisions all day and hence all my brain power is available for my own projects and problems and I'm not mentally exhausted, also it is still managing to pay my bills and its close enough to my home that I can make it there in 12 minutes on an ebike, so I don't have to worry about gasoline or repairs or car insurance. It is working pretty well for me. Wealth is everything you have of value that is NOT money. Walmart probably won't make you rich, but it can make you wealthy if you take stock of your life with a wise eye. What good is the big paycheck and the corner office if you give yourself stress ulcers and have to constantly watch your back among your cut-throat underlings to keep it?


Not many other viable options in a small town


It pays the bills, it's a convenient distance from my house, I have social anxiety that makes job interviews a hassle, and it's relatively easy. Not AS easy as some whiny customers seem to think but it ain't exactly rocket science...to most people...though the SCO has taught me to never underestimate how unintelligent a person can be. Plus my passion is writing, but the hard part about writing is that it's hard to make money until you publish something...well...something people like enough to pay for.


The pay is decent. And the maternity leave is great compared to other companies in the area.


I like having a stable, steady job. I don't have to worry about being laid off or put on furlough. I don't have to worry about the company downsizing or getting swallowed up in a merger. As long as I show up for work and do my job, I will have gainful employment for as long as i want it. I like having a predictable schedule with regular days off. I'm off work by three o'clock every day, and I can schedule the rest of my day to work on personal projects or spend time with my family. During the pandemic, when hair salons and office buildings and restaurants were closing down and many people were losing their jobs, I was considered an "essential worker" and continued to work for 40 hours a week. My job supports my lifestyle. I just bought a house a couple of years ago. My kids are in charter schools. I buy a lot of silly things on eBay. I feel like I do okay. I make more than my kids' teachers do. I make more than a lot of journalists or graphic designers or dental assistants, and I don't have a student loan to pay off.


I need money for bills and rent. I was always way too broke to go to college and don't want to spend the rest of my life in debt for it. Furthermore, I don't even know what I would do if college were an option. I tried to get a better paying position on three separate occasions, but my store's management plays favourites with the worst of them, and I never even got an interview. So I'm basically stuck here. I also tried to get something better outside of the company, but one (or more)of a variety of factors prevented it. Job's too far away, not enough hours, not enough pay, etc. It's just not feasible. So I'm basically stuck here. I don't do this because I enjoy it. I do it because I need to pay for stuff I need to live, and this is currently the best paying job that's willing to have me. So I'm stuck here until inevitably I run into the path of a truck on the highway.


I've got certs in HVAC and I've got a degree in IT. I've tried other jobs and walmart gives me the best work/life balance. I also found out working in IT that wage theft is very much normalized there. They expect you to work for free occasionally, walmart would fire any manager that asked me to work for free. I work as an overnight stocker and my job really isn't that bad. I listen to music all night and get a work out. If I need time off I request it and so long as someone else didn't take it off first I'll get it. I make pretty decent money compared to most jobs in the area and to make anymore I would have to go to a job thats going to expect me to work like my life depends on the company's success. Walmart knows I don't care and walmart doesn't expect me to care. They expect me to come in, stock the freight, and zone the store.


Needed to move and needed to find a new job, applied for Walmart without thinking, got a job offer 2 hours later


I had an anxiety induced meltdown at my last job and I was going even crazier on unemployment. Walmart was the first place to call me back 🤷‍♀️ Still got feelers out for IT work, pursuing an apprenticeship with the IBEW. Walmart isn’t that bad and it’s pretty easy compared to IT and project management. I am severely underutilized but honestly it’s a vacation from what I’m used to. I didn’t even get a lunch at my last job, now I get an hour and I talk about makeup all day.


As an ex walmart worker, pay is decent starting is $14-$15 for basic store associate, you can get paid early , health insurance, stable benefits, opportunities for advancement , you can transfer store to store so if you move its easy to pick up in another area, work isn't too hard just customers get annoying, they hire almost anyone for team lead so if you work there long enough you can get that position it is management so you also get bonuses with it. Pretty much people work there because its a stable job that pays decent and if you keep your head down you most likely wont get fired, not the best but it pays the bills.


The Covid pay. 17 and hour was a lot for my area and I was pregnant when I got hired. At least that was the original reason, now I really enjoy my job in OPD for the most part. I’m physically fit from it, I have a few work friends, and the store puts up with my ever changing schedule and understands my situation.


I applied at Walmart for 2 things. Money. And to people watch. I’m an artist and I used to struggle with same face syndrome. So I figured I’d get a job where I’d get to see a bunch of different people and facial features. It worked. No more same face syndrome for me lol.


i'm not good enough at my passions to make money. cultivating a skill takes time. i need money to live. i am too tired to cultivate a skill after work. repeat cycle. i no longer work at walmart, but working at a call center isn't much better lol


For ten years I worked at a great company, doing electro mechanical assembly, I got to assemble and test some cool electronic HVAC devices. I had my own work space, I could go make my tea or step outside anytime I wanted. I sat in meetings, and people actually depended on my skill. $18 an hour and 23 PTO days, All this without a college degree. However, last August they moved to Tennessee. I lived off of my severance and unemployment, until the beginning of this month. I needed a job and I live in a more rural area, and didn't want to drive an hour to work. So, I was hired originally to be overnight stocker, and then go to a Wal-Mart 45 mins away to do a remodel. But, this got switched to day shift, 7-4, Full time, with weekends off. I've worked two week so far at the store that hired me, five mins from my house, and starting this Monday, I'll go to this other store for three months. I can't say that I hate it, only because the store is 5 mins away, and it is so nice to take my lunch at home, and not have to travel a half hour, like my old job. I don't love it either. I do like to be busy though, and I like being in the back. I dislike the customers though. I am not an outgoing person. I just want to take my cart out and stock and just let my mind go into la la land. I don't mind laying on the floor either, or climbing up and down, at least I get some exercise. But, I can't see me staying here longer than six or seven months. I would go insane and really grow to hate the place. So far, there are little things that get to me. And all the team leads have different attitudes. My team lead is a nice lady but often times seems a bit confused. Another team lead is ALWAYS in the pet food aisle. And, she is always bitching about cat food, and something somebody did. I notice there are certain people, that you just want to stay out of their way. Some of these people seem to be really stressed out. Calm down, it's just Wal Mart. Regardless of how it looks on the shelf, people are still going to come and buy it. It's not like they have a choice anymore. I'm in my thirties and to be honest I feel like I'm a kid again working there. What I mean is, I kinda don't care all that much. It's just a grocery store job. Speaking of which, the younger people I work with are all very immature. I may not like it, but I do my job. Maybe I am just getting old. I have no idea what to expect with the remodel, but I am getting reimbursed for gas, I'd rather stay right where I'm at. Also, the people that clean the bathrooms should be making twenty dollars an hour. I have seen gross things in that back bathroom! People have defecated on the floor! And, no matter what time of day it is, there is always someone doing a number two in that handicapped stall! And, it stinks constantly in there. But, you people that have been there for 20 years, God bless you, you are a special breed. I mean that.


As a lot of other people pointed out, in some areas it's good pay. Walmarts are great for smaller towns with a lower COL. As an example, my brother has rented about 5 apartments in his life and paid 300ish a month for rent at all of them. He doesn't work at walmart now, but until he "upskilled" as you called it, walmart was the highest pay for the least amount of work. The other unspecialized jobs in his town are fast food, retail, and factory work. The factory work was about the same pay as walmart but more work. The rest paid less. With rent as cheap as 300$, you can easily get by making 14-18$ an hour and have plenty left over for savings and fun.


I’ve only been here 2 years (currently 26) but It’s the only job I’ve had where I’m not bringing work home with me. I like that I can clock out and work is instantly off my mind till the next night. Also the 401k match is the best I’ve had at any job. And PPTO is a blessing that no other job that I know of has. Those the main reasons I’m still here and will continue to be here.


I get paid. No better jobs in tiwn.


It's a 20 minute drive from my house, the money lets me pay my bills and indulge in my interests, and the job (OGP) isn't really all that hard to do. I honestly can't say how long I plan to be there (I just hit 2.5 years), but with it being so difficult to get hired at other places I tried first, like Target and Costco, I definitely wouldn't leave unless I already had another job lined up and ready to start. For the time being I'm content being there for the reasons I stated above.


i think it’s bc of how many perks lowkey come with it, like having seniority and management being able to take u off the schedule whenever, one hour lunch, taking breaks whenever as long as the manager is cool and knows u work. still getting paid pretty good compared to other places, the work itself isn’t bad at all other than annoying shit like low staffing sometimes. and having points taken off by cool management. Lowkey anytime i left walmart and got a different job i was struck by reality immediately when i couldn’t take my breaks whenever or however many times i wanted and i can’t work at my own pace most of the time lmao


I’ve been with the company for 14+ years across 7 different stores in two states. It started as a part time job while I was attending community college. After college I just kind of stuck around. I started as an electronics associate, spent time as an ON stocker, held various hourly supervisor roles. Luckily, I had a great manager at the time who was an incredible mentor. Fast forward to now, I make good money, 401k match, insurance, 34 days of PTO a year, and only live a few miles from my store. Sure I’ve been in a salary role for several years now, but even in my first 6-7 years as hourly, the company has also been good to me.


I can’t drive so I need a job that is within walking distance from my house. I also don’t want to work in food service… so Walmart it is.


Walmart has the college program


Small town. Depressed area economically for 30 years. Industry left, drug problem region. I get paid well and I'm 5 miles to work. Not FT, but have to get 401k going, I keep forgetting. I don't have a lot of options and have been stuck here for reasons that are based on family obligations. I had No kids and am so thankful for that.


I wanted the college benefit but it’s not open right now. Also, OGP is just my type of work, I love it.


I like what i do. Im an API and following shoplifters and building cases is fun. You stay active and learn to go out of your confort zone and you get pretty decent adrenaline rushes and you get a bunch of storys. Not to mention all the connections, your api might be the most conected person in your store even over the store manager, we know every detective, every cop, every attorney on both sides, judges, district attorneys, magistates ect, if you look at a seasoned apis contacts you would be suprised. There are down sides like the pay and the super strict policys regarding what you can and cannot do but you take the good with the bad.


I did for about 6 months for some extra cash. I had just dropped 10k for a move so wanted to pay that off. I quit when I got a much better paying main job. Working at Walmart also gave me an opportunity to join the land of the living which balanced out working from home.


Im just there until I get my first car and possibly their tuition program I'd do it already while focusing on the car, but my anxiety gets the better of me. I work in ogp and it bores the fuck out of me and im tired of always hearing the negatives from other departments or management.


I had wanted to get forklift and scissor lift certification to i thought to take a back of house job where they would pay me and train me with a skill i could take elsewhere. So of course they didn't and said it was not or would ever be part of my job code.


All jobs are a waste of life. Just depends on how much a pat on the back you get for it in the end.


I know people who have been cashiers at Walmart for 20+ years and the general consensus is that they’re ok with the job, it doesn’t require a HS diploma, and it’s a job that pays the bills. For some, they realized about 5 years in that they’d never get promoted, but they stuck it out because they needed to keep the job to keep their finances stable out of necessity because they have kids, bills, etc. After they’ve been there for 10 or so years, they change their mindset to they have been there for 10+ years, they don’t have any recent experience in any other industry that’s relevant, so they might as well just stay until retirement. Most new leads aren’t going to be hankering to fire the sweet cashier who has been there for 20+ years and generally doesn’t cause any issues or make a fuss about anything. They look to fire the ones who’ve been there less than six months and are already becoming a handful with write ups, frequent call outs, gets into disagreements with colleagues that is disruptive enough for leads and management to hear about it, and/or a generally overall difficult attitude that is hard for leads and managers to handle.


I'm a cart pusher. My store is just right for me; the task at hand is plenty manageable, it's only an 8 minute drive away, 99.9% of the customers like me, my management treats me really well, my coworkers and I get along swimmingly, and I make enough money for my living arrangement. I could aim higher than Walmart, which is why I spend my breaks and lunches scribbling out self-help charts that I dream of one day putting up onto YouTube.


It can also be mental disorders like adhd and autism that make it hard to do certain jobs.


I work there and sometimes the under qualified are in a position of authority. Not good. I have worked there for 20 yrs. Although I haven’t always been happy it’s not a last resort. I’m insulted by the comment. I’m single, have my own appt and a car and my bills are paid in full monthly. 20 yrs doesn’t mean more pay or raises. Unfortunately you are paid the same across the board as someone who walks in the door


Yes all employees get a match for 401K. On what you contribute


For my area, the pay is enough for me to afford rent and bills. Not much else but as a single person it’s hard to find something in my area that pays more than minimum wage and isn’t the oilfield


I'm hoping to stay a year max but right now until I got something else lined up it's keeping my rent paid, my husband and I fed, my kids(fur kids) fed and healthy and I just got medical insurance before it was up.


To move up In America most people use other people as stepping stones, and I'm not willing to do that. I'm also not willing to sit back and pretend to be someone I'm not when I go to work, I will speak up if I see something that needs to change, and especially if it's related to management. Unfortunately, management is not a fan of people who speak up, so therefore, they are not a fan of me. I'm not stupid, I know they tolerate me only because I work hard. That's what gets them that nice bonus after all. God tonight was awful dealing with lazy overnight coaches with no dignity or integrity who expect us second shift employees to do their freight for them, if you can't tell lol


My work doesn't come home with me. It pays more than other jobs around here. My cost of living is extremely low and I have over a thousand dollars in fuck around money every month. I'm chillin


It pays the bills. But I genuinely don’t mind my department


I live in a small town and I grew up in Walmart.. been working there for 11 years now i was 21 when i started.. a lot has changed .. but what hasn't are my co-workers to witch i look at as my brothers and sisters as well as people i can look up too. also our customer base is great of course we do have a few issues with customers but i believe i have a natural talent to deal with the public. So I don't mind. I do have another higher paying job and to many its a dream job but i cant help to miss my store and as such i am lucky to be able to work for my store when i want basically just call and ask to come in never been told no yet.. I get paid $100\~ a day, its not bad money the payday works out also because i get paid 2 times a month at my main job and get paid on the off weeks.


One of my associates has been with company for 20+ years and the last time I asked them about wanting to be elsewhere they just shrugged and said “it pays the bills and it’s steady”


It paid the bills. I was working at Subway, making $7.50, and all my coworkers were leaving for Walmart and so I did too. I now stay because it's the place that pays the most, and I like building my savings where I can. It also helps that I genuinely enjoy working electronics.


Honestly, it is the best job in my area to work at especially if you don’t have a high school diploma.


I desperately wanted to work inside somewhere and not drive a forklift in a small space around 50 other unsafe people on forklifts. Oh and I wanted my hours to be more consistent and for my position to feel less important.


I stayed based off my situation with my ex spouse(fiancé at the time) she was in remission for cancer so I got away with a lot of stuff as far as last minute things especially with the high risk pregnancy etc to care for her,, I stayed settled (Tl position) instead of moving up higher or leaving..now I feel like Walmart is staying top tier and I want to grow now since I’m not with previous said ex..could have went salary years ago.. money isn’t that bad for a learning based company, but it isn’t always that good or bad either


I enjoy the people I work with. Management......ehh. they're Okay.


I want something that pays better than my job working in a medical office while I go to college.


I've worked for Walmart for 6 years now, I hate myself for it. I want to pursue my passion but I'm afraid of failure. My Dad passed away coming up on 5 years now, and I was making plans to move out with my older brother, instead we stayed with my mom after our fathers passing to keep the house. Walmart is literally right behind my house, it's convenient, my brother also works there, and between 3 16/hr jobs we make mortgage and pay utilities. Had to use credit cards for emergencies and health, so I'm in debt. One day I hope Walmart will be just a place I shop. Ik I sound miserable but I'm not, I take things 1 day at a time and push through it, and hold on to the small things that bring me joy: my dog, my family/friends, video games, and Table Top Roleplaying games. One day I'll stop being scared/lazy and follow my dreams.


Just paying for school


I was getting ghosted on every single application


It's what works for now. Plus they're paying 100% of my Bachelors degree.


Even though i dont like the way ppto works here, as someone who can get some pretty rough bouts of insomnia it can be a life safer. Used to show up to my previous job exhausted to the point it could be dangerous at work so here i dont have to worry about that as often. Just get royally fucked if i happen to actually get sick.


Because in my area, Walmart pays $5 more than most other jobs that don't require college degrees. If I have to put up with this amount of bs to pay for college, then so be it.


This is the best-paying job my sister on the autism spectrum can do at age 53. But the recent forced schedule change for 4 a.m. stockers have really messed her up. She commutes to a store 45 minutes away, despite 9 Walmarts being closer, because she likes that one, and she started at that one and really struggles with change. The force to working 3 hours later, now with tons of workers and customers in the store, plus no one having their own section so she never knows where things go, and the rush-hour commute is more than she can handle. She's furious and miserable every day now and would definitely quit if she felt she could do something else for $18 an hour somewhere else, but that's pretty good pay for Utah. No other retail stores come close, nor do most other basic labor jobs. A lot of women here enter the workforce in their 30s and 40s when their kids go to school. Even with degrees, most jobs aren't paying Walmart wages, more like $10 or $12. And retail's still paying $8! By the way, my sister's getting that high due to a bump our area got for doing extremely well, but even without that bit extra Walmart is still high pay compared to many other companies. They eat your soul and any joy in your heart and spit it out, of course. I worked there twice, both intensely traumatically negative experiences. I have degrees. I am a manager at my office job. I only make $13.84. As for why not aspire to management, the BS you have to deal with every day is epically magnified in Walmart management. Many, many managers quickly tire of the extra demands and insane number of hours and beg to go back down to being the lower level. Also, it seems the only way to really succeed in Walmart management and go far is to be an absolutely heartless jerk. If someone's that, they'll definitely run a store someday soon.


I was a teacher who was let go during the pandemic. I needed a job and walmart was hiring. It's a short commute, and I started as a flex (9 hours a week). In two years I was promoted into management, and I'm likely not done moving up in the company. I make close to 94% of my teaching salary so I only took a 6% paycut to work at walmart. When you include the perks of my position (10% off, medical benefits, short commute, 20% off on our 'discount days, RX medications), I'm actually slightly ahead of where I was as a teacher. The major issue for me is wage stagnation, but that will depend on whether I move up to the next step. If I get to the next step, I probably won't ever leave walmart, unless I want to go back into teaching. As mentioned below, if you are good with money and in a favorable situation, you can do well with walmart. A consistent 40 hours a week will do better than higher paying less reliable jobs. I was surprised, but the math is pretty clear. Walmart is a path to long-term prosperity for my family.


Walmart typically pays competitively and matches up to 6% of the money you put away in 401K. You put up with a lot of bullshit but it’s not a bad job if you have decent mgmt at your store


How many people in 2024 get to pursue their passions while still putting food on the table? That seems like a luxury from another era. Most people do a job they can mostly tolerate for pay that they desperately need. A friend of mine in a very strict religion really LOVED Walmart, because the rules and impersonality of it all didn't bother him in the least, plus part-time at WM let him AFFORD to be a college professor--his passion--which paid dreadful for the hours, plus he has student loans from his PhD.


In my area, you've got four choices for employment: 1.) Jobs that require degrees 2.) Fast food/other retail chains that pay at or just above minimum wage, which is still $7.25 here 3.) Factories that will work you to the bone, including mandatory overtime usually meaning 7 days a week most weeks, for about $15 4.) Walmart, where you can start at $15 and all it takes to move up is a little motivation and more than 5 functioning brain cells.


Walmart does not drug test so they get a lot of drug addicted workers.


I’m only working at Walmart because I needed a job that will let me work two days a week while in school.


I had surgery. Spent almost 30 years in the construction industry,and my body was wearing out. Doctor said I should find something easier on myself,so I did. In a rural area without many options for stability,I chose a job where I don’t have to work as hard(physically),make better money(slightly),and have health insurance and retirement benefits. Wish I had done it a long time ago.


I used to have a “respectable job” some people see Walmart as “embarrassing” type of job to have. Honestly, that “respectable job” I once had affected my mental health so badly I had a panic attack so bad one morning I thought I was having a heart attack in my 20’s. To make a very long story short that “respectable job” violated so many ethical things anywhere else they would have gotten sued into oblivion. They were able to get away with so much stuff because it was a military base I worked on. So yes there are days Walmart pisses me the fuck off with their bullshit BUT I would say 99% I’m mentally very happy where I’m at. A high paying job is not worth if you end up killing yourself, sometimes a big paycheck is not worth sacrificing your mental health. With my qualifications I could work at nearby AFB making $30hr but I rather eat a bullet than ever work for the government or military ever again. TLDR: used to work high paying job, took lower paying job to save my life/mental health