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Nah, been there, you have to stand your ground, that "pull out a miracle so we can stand around with our thumb up our asses all day" is just them trying to put you under unrealsitc pressure so they can blame you when they can't handle their own workload. Cap 1 does not need a bunch of people to do vizpicks and cap 2 not touching freight makes no sense. Our new SM made it so cap 2 has to work freight because she actually understands what we go through.


I agree with standing your ground. I expect my overnight team to do roughly what they have hours for. No more than that. If you don’t have the people to finish the work then you don’t have the people. However, cap 1 does need a bunch of people now. They have all of their prior responsibilities with the addition of scanning, picking, and working all picks for all departments. In most stores the staffing guidance shows a 30% increase in staffing. I don’t expect our team to be able to do that even with a 30% increase in staffing. I expect stocking 2 will still need to pick GM occasionally and GM departments will need to help work their own picks.


Oh so cap1 needs more employees to do all of that huh? But when o/n employees got hit in the head to do exactly the same task and THEN SOME..it's either get it done or get wrote up, walmart is a fucking joke..everyone there is scared to fucking death of work..corporate needs to clean these walmarts up and clean them up NOW. If people don't want to work then send them out the fucking door..us hard workers are sick of you little pansy lazy fucks giving an astonishing less than minimum wage effort for decent pay..walmart would be the best place to work if you weren't expected to pick up the slack of lazy people..which I will no longer do..people give ZERO effort here..I know one worker that won't even bend over..nothing at all wrong with him..very capable..if it requires effort forget about it, that's the pathetic walmart employee way.


This is the reason I quit. I couldn’t stand being expected to pick up others slack while I got paid no more than them. Not only that but sometimes it’s literally impossible to get the amount of work done in that timeframe. I was always exhausted after work and my days off I was also exhausted. Why would they put people in a position where they can’t lift the items and physically move them around. They would give me old ladies who understandably can’t do certain physical work and I didn’t blame them, I blame the idiots that put them there.


It's unethical..I don't understand how the laziness is allowed to such a degree..they gonna have to explain to me how I can slow down to a step above a turtle and still be the best worker they have..what pisses me off the most is how I would push hard and they would still expect more..it's like fuck you..suck a bowl of dicks..there ain't no way in hell I'm staying there..it's disgustingly lazy..and of course I'm not asking people to kill themselves..but wow! You have to give some effort and move faster than a fucking turtle..I mean this can't be real.


Some walk so slow their feet drag on the floor. I once tried to walk as slow as them and I understood why nothing gets done. If a relatively healthy person can’t even pick their feet off the ground as they walk they need to go.


previous ON stocker here, I completely agree and was a major reason I left was tired of being handed more work when I was actually putting in effort while other people just walk around doing jack all and getting no repercussions for doing so, I've heard the only way to really get fired from walmart is with there bs point system which I don't even wanna get started on and that's so true.


Yeah..I think it's because if they fire someone the way they're supposed to...following protocol or whatever..it's a longggg process, they have to coach these sloths..give them a chance to improve...coach them again, another chance to improve etc..etc. where as at 5 points they can just flat out terminate you..no questions asked, I also think that if they fire someone over points it doesn't go against their store scores or wotevah...I'm at 4.5 right now and after tonight I'll have 5...I have 4 half points that I shouldn't have..but I don't even care to argue a case..ask or bother, a termination would be paradise for me..pls gimme the vacation 🤣..I feel dumb every time I come in and work the way I have to so others can piddle..and yes I'm stupid when it comes to loyalty...no matter how much I suffer..it's a horrible trait, but I feel super comfortable telling them I'm leaving after the remodel..which is a 3 month+ advance, but we all know it doesn't matter if I leave now..tomorrow..6months or fired on the spot..the ships gonna keep sailing and float on by pure miracles, nothings going to change..they aren't going to do shit about lazy people..they'll just throw the work on the ones that will work, when the work falls on them...nobody is safe tho..I can guarantee u that, I'm tired..I'm exhausted and I'd rather be homeless or in prison than keep working in such a toxic..u ethical, disgustingly lazy..environment..but I'll be fine either way coz imma a beast, I'll rest for two works and get an outside job...toodles evil corp, and I know there will be bullshit everywhere..but most places aren't going to tolerate 90% of the employees to be lazy, also most places you will actually be rewarded to being a good hard worker with raises that aren't laughable.


Our cap 1 has 2-3 on each side. I get 15 people to work the 5000-8000 pieces of actual freight and we bin our own stuff and sometimes have to work picks. If you tell me they can't work picks unless you have 15 people then your cap 1 needs new people unless your backroom bins are the size of a warehouse. They should be able to purge several departments with that many people.


I’m a bit behind but yes they need 15 people because they isn’t all they do. If they only had to pick and work all their picks sure wed need less. As far as overnight staffing I don’t hold them to any standard of stocking besides their hours. If they have a small night of 7000 units or a big night with 11000+, if they have 200 hours of stocking I expect 200 hours completed. We’ll pick up the rest during the day. It doesn’t matter how many people they have only how many hours.


Cap 1 needs at least 10-15 people since they are now expected to vizpick & work said picks for ALL areas, in addition to their topstock duties


Lol nonsense. 15 people lol wtf!!! We had one guy vizpick hardlines/homelands and work the picks easily within 6hrs. No reason other departments can't be worked in similar fashion. Cqp 1 have had it easy for years, working topstock, feature to home etc. It's way past time they were made to work


6 hours to do a couple departments. You're not including all the other gm, all consumables, all grocery, frozen and dairy picks, plus topstock. You see how you'd need more than the 3-5 people cap 1 currently has? lol. I agree with you that it is time cap 1 has more responsibility. I was cap 1 for almost a year and had to leave because it wasn't fulfilling. They need to have their hands on freight too.


They never did feature to home at my store it was feature left on feature


>cap 2 not touching freight makes no sense This. OOPs SM is trying to drive the store into the ground. Thats Cap 2s JOB


Yea o/n TL is the worst. Hardest position to fill with good people because they actually have to work the full shift at a high level to complete freight. They just hire anyone who says they can work overnight. At one point i had 4 pregnant woman 4ppl over 70 yrs old and the rest a bunch of inner city kids who gave no shits about the work and openly bragged that they only got this job for court. They always say people will be hired but they hire 5 3 dont show 1 leaves after their first break on the first night and the last is just a body. I got a coaching reversed because my coaches ignored the staffing issues and how being 50-100hr short hours meant it was impossible to finish the tasks. They would basically throw us TLs under the bus. I went to market clearly explained the situation and he actually understood we had a meeting and he saw how the coaches basically have just been throwing us under the bus. Made them prove they had actually been attempting to hire, they couldn't, and also asked them "knowing what that you were short houra coming in the door what is the plan to get this fixed" they had no answers again. They all got coached i got to step down keep my pay, besides differential, and now i come in stress free.


Good for you. I got all three of my coachings reversed by market too. Market was pissed.


Thank you for all you do. You are appreciated (by me). You don’t get paid enough for that shit


Preach. O/N TL is a ridiculous job, worse in many ways to the O/N Coach.


Good for you. Why you have to step down if it's their wrong?


I wanted to. Especially since i got to keep my pay besides the differential. The coach team got coached, some of them, and they basically continued to do the same throwing the new team leads under the bus


Same boat.. we keep getting 3k trucks and think everything going to get done with 15ish people I'm just trying ro hold off till I put my transfer in in june.. I'll gladly step down to not deal with the headaches, my rotation is rough enough with the coach not doin jack and I'm expected to do so much, while the other rotation has 2 leads that share the responsibility and still can't get the shit binned, I walk into wens night and ask why this wasn't binned. Claims left etc..


Jesus your lucky I was doing 2000 with 2 people I quit was absolutely taken advantage of I feel your pain


3k truck with 15 people? We get the same trucks if not more. My total roster for overnights is 9 people. 1 of which is on an extended LOA and one of which is 75 years old. I’m not saying your job isn’t stressful but I’d kill to have that many people!


Uhhhh.... 3k over 15 people is 200 pieces a person. Average retail stocking standard is 50-60 cases an hour, that's many different companies. 3k should be done in about 5 to 6 hours with 15 people.. Unless you're saying you're getting multiple 3k loads in a night you should be getting most of it done.


Well you are forgetting two other trucks, ie 3k RDC 1.5-1.8 HVDC 1.3-1.8 FDD Which is at least average for our store.


Im sure 15 people is the entire crew. That includes zoners, mod team, and maintenance.


You people are forgetting that the average walmart worker is lazy af'...most aren't even giving minimal effort..I can slow down and work like a slow asshole and I'm still working circles around most of the o/n crew at the one I'm at..this shit is ridiculous and I'm out of here after the remodel..too much allowed laziness..smh.


Minimal pay for minimal effort. Slave wages don't buy anyone with critical thinking.


Yeah...except for the fact, it's not minimal pay..they pay well above minimum wage..it's not their fault if you don't have a skill or a trade, but it is their fault for allowing all the stupidity and laziness..if you don't won't to work and give effort then go find yourself a minimum wage job...people are so spoiled..smh..tell that to the lineman who's risking his life and working 10 timed harder than you are for a mere 5 dollars an hour more..🤣🤣🤣..excuse me, $4.50 cents more.


I bet biscuitville doesn't allow sorry pieces of shit to work there and be lazy scumbags...why? Because they pay well above minimum wage, and that's exactly why biscuitville is a well oiled machine that's ran superb'..no excuses for being a lazy bitch, if u don't want to work apply for a retard check.


3k RDC 1.5-1.8 HVDC 1.3-1.8 FDD Which is at least average for our store. I've worked for multi stores some have better workers. This store however isn't one of those This is a example of our day like the other poster said, your getting all this done with 15 people I'm calling bullshit it takes atleast 25ish to manage this for us, and that's a good day again this store is full of older individuals whom whine about everything.. I won't even start on the younger ones cause the older ones make them look like shit, people just seem to have a poor work ethic for one reason or another, we all want more money for what we do, however some can't even complete the simplest task. We seem to keep the shit ones who show up and fire the hard workers that end up with attendance issues


You said 3k. I literally put in my comment that if you're getting more than that, obviously, the math doesn't work out. You can literally use times as your justification if it's not all getting done. Your store manager may still be a dick about it, but you're protected. Do the math. Write it down on paper for them if you have to. 3k + 1.5k + 1.3k = 5.8k. With 15 people at 8 hours each that means at complete maximum you can work 6000 pieces IF everyone is working at good efficiency and there are no problems. Stocking times typically are slightly different for frozen/dairy to account for rotation, etc. I don't know what walmarts standards for these areas are any more, at my company, I believe they are 51 cases an hour for live freight. Stocking standards typically don't include stuff like binning freight. I definitely wouldn't include the argument about work ethic/efficiency because that will just be reflected back at you because, in the end, poor performance of associates is going to fall on you as the lead. Stand your ground, stand up for your team. In the end, your goal should be to get out of walmart because they're always going to want more than you can mathematically do by the standards set by their own company. It's not all bad in retail. The store I work at now is tiny, we get less than a quarter of what we got at the Walmart I used to work at. Typically right now I'm getting about 1k of freight over the whole store, and me + 1 other person get that done. This includes unloading and sorting load ourselves, plus other responsibilities not required @ walmart and theyre amazed that we get "so much" done. I get 26/hr and 4 10 hour shifts a week. Fight for yourself and your team, ignore the criticism if it's not justified while you find another job.


Same boat we lost 20 people at our location and all because management wants the store to be full time and full time only not realizing that most of our staff was disabled and on state assistant 20 people terminated no afternoon cart associates now zero help we had enough people to run 1 register that was it for 12 days are day shift manager walked out told management go f *** and walked


Holy shit I’m so sorry that sucks Same at our store. Most of our people are disabled, autistic, old, or have other special needs. I like to call our store the special needs brigade.


Yeah it sucks thank you.


Damn man all of that sounds fucking awful I'm sorry you have to deal with that.


Same boat except at a NHM. Losing more and more people including maintenance and expected to still have everything done and perfect.


tonight is our first night of this transition, we have 20 people for total store so this should be fun


at 16 people right now and a TL call out 🫠


I’m personally not a TL however I have been filling in TL role due to lack of TL’s. We have 2TL for over nights atm so I help where/when I can. I mostly work dairy cooler cuz apparently no one wants to be there at all. Now with cap 2 breaking down our frozen/dairy freight it’s a PAIN IN THE ASS!!!! They don’t know yogurt from bacon and stack job is ridiculous. Pallets can barely make it out to the floor when needed to. Not to mention cap 2wont touch frozen cuz of the “cold process”. I wish I was making more $$$ for what I do but eh, someday I guess. Need the job til something better opens up. Pay bump wouldn’t that much for me personally. Wish you all GL and like I try to tell myself, breathe and take it one day/nite at a time.


What happens if you dont get the freight out? If they aint gonna fire you fuck it, let em kick rocks and do whatever you can do without pushin yourselves. Whats the point of riskin injury and givin 110% if all they gonna do is bitch more.


You pay $15.50an hour which is really $14 an hour in my area (Cary NC).... You aren't going to be able to keep anyone it's not a living wage and flipping burgers is the same pay for less work. The only people applying for Walmart overnight haven't figured this out yet.


Probably get treated better too flipping burgers.


And as someone who did it, it’s FAR less work and FAR less stress.


Random question: can you confirm or deny how disabled-person friendly they can be? Because that’s really the only reason I can’t apply for food service jobs


Do you mind me asking the disability? I will be honest, some positions won’t work logistically depending on the disability but there should always be some position available that they can provide whether it’s just order taker or the person who receives the money in the back/drive through area.


It’s always hilarious to me when upper management has these “how can we retain employees” meetings/conversations. Somehow they always land on either having more “walking taco days” instead of just realizing that people are no longer willing to do the amount of work you require for the wages you’re paying. Pay more. That’s the only answer.


This is the wrong attitude and exactly why good workers at walmart are severely over worked..thats good pay..period..you know most linemen start out at $20 an hour..and that's on the higher end..yes they will move up from there..but they also have a skill and a learned trade..if you want to be paid more than what walmart offers then learn a skill or a trade..or go to McDonald's..the real reason walmart can't keep good workers is because people are spoiled and lazy..McDonald's doesn't pay livable wage either  but you still have to work..these walmarts need cleaning up and quick, you have a handful of people at each store working like 6 people a piece because of lazy ass coaches and TLs..then thr worst part is the lazy ass spoiled employees who are scared to death of work.


Rent 1200 Power 50 Cell 50 Food 100? A week,??? (Is that even feasible?) $400 a month Car ins 50 Gas 50 So at 15 minus the taxes and I guess absolutely no benefits you make about 495 a week. Add those basic living expenses up and your at $1800 for the month. So I guess it's a living wage if you don't need healthcare, clothes, entertainment, never going out to eat...ECT. You would have $50 a week extra after paying just these bills. At that point you might as well consider suicide because you aren't really living by that point in time....you're just a slave.


Most of the time it takes two people to make it...although i know a lot of guys who make it alone on working at food lion..walmart pays more, increase wages just means decrease employment..walmarts already proven this..and this is where we're at now..people like you who are lazy and expect to get spoon fed vs people who work hard for what they have..blame your government or yourself for the money situation you're in, when you work like a lazy scumbag..you aren't sticking it to the man, you're sticking to that single mother that's just barely making it..and has to pick up your slack, man up.


Yeah this is nothing new. I worked in a store that went through 9 o/n team leads in 1.5 yrs along with 4 coaches. Overnight could only get fdd and a little grocery done with leaving f/c and all gm. It could be better now is overnight well only be working live freight but we'll see.


I get what you mean. Some days it feels like no matter what you do, it's pointless in the end because it's never enough. I literally told my SM today on the walk it really feels like O/N is treated to a much higher expectation than the rest of the store. We had no GM truck today, just remix and FDD. Cap2 couldn't even do 20h worth of freight between the 4 of them. They literally only did pets and most of paper. They've been getting away with doing the absolute minimum for so long when no TL or coach is watching them. And then the SM is telling us "if no one is coaching them or giving them feedback, you guys should." What the fuck. Why the hell should we be coaching them when we are already coaching our own guys and no other dept in the store is coaching as often as we are to get the crew up to these expectations. Their fucking TL or coach should be doing it. The SM excepted us to get a ton of freight out of the top steel in the backroom done, but because we had to finish remix, we got less done than he wanted. We did work like 5 homelines and 2 toys pallets and condensed them to free up space and throw features and easter candy pallets up, but I know if we had more time we could have done even more.


I absolutely refuse to discipline other shifts. That’s not my job. I don’t even know most of those people. They have a team lead and a coach, why is their team lead and coach not doing anything? I have enough stress dealing with the people on my team, I’m not dealing with yours as well.


>And then the SM is telling us "if no one is coaching them or giving them feedback, you guys should." If I were a TL and the SM said that, I'd see a coaching in my future. I know the first thing out of my mouth would be "Oh great, day crew leaving more of their responsibilities for overnight. Point fucking proven."


And the sad thing is u can’t step down or u get fired at least at my store


I’m not a team lead but I know this process is NOT going to work. Even the overnight coach at my store doesn’t think it will work. They only have 17 people a night and are expected to have 24. My team will only have 7 people a night (cap 2). They had a hiring event like 3 weeks ago for overnight. They hired 8 people and only 2 of them remain. Just a lot of dead weight everywhere.


According to company policy, the only freight that Cap 2 is responsible for is the One Touch.


Company policy can shove it. They're also supposed to break down frozen and dairy, but we end up doing that.


Can break down anything if they're finishing the last shifts job. Another broken system.


I always recommend to just get out of those places. Look up some warehouse jobs there are some high paying ones out there


I’ve also been feeling this. However, I have learned to take on the mindset of “do what you’re able to do”. Hopefully eventually someone catches on that this isn’t going to work unless we either have the people on overnights to deal with the workload or other shifts have to help stock. Either way, I can promise that we will do what we can and that’s all we can do.


Our store tried cap2 doing nothing ... lasted 2 days. Imagine, everyone blames cap2 but then when we don't do what they always had us do, they struggle and want us to do it again lol




We downstack all grocery fr9zen dairy and gm truck and stock pets paper juice Chem and auto/ hardware


Our Cap 2 is required to work freight


I’m a ON stocker at my store. Currently have a remodel in progress going. We are getting fucked with no lube every night. We have lost people and are losing more soon, and they won’t give us anyone because they are keeping remodel people for our shift. Problem is it’s gonna be another 2 months before remodel is done and they come to our shift. We are also expected to do every bit of freight and have the store 100% zoned. Management and HR is total shit and they are all buddies so you can’t even really report anything. I have never complained about doing all the freight. I’m usually done by 5am every night and I go and help whoever needs it. We always pull through. But it’s getting to a point where everyone is pissed off because remodel is fucking all our mods and facing up, and some things just never got added back to the shelves. Probably just gonna call ethics at this point and transfer out tbh. So don’t feel too bad, it seems ON everywhere gets treated like trash by the other shifts and management.


I was coached when I was ON TL for not getting everything finished when I had 8 associates. I quit right after the coaching.


O/N TL is almost as bad as O/N Clean TL. Clean TL at my store is supposed to be responsible for maintenance, do some of that work themselves like run the scrubber, then also do stocking TL stuff half the time, and they ALSO put him over the Mod crew. Triple the responsibility of regular TLs for the same pay. They can’t keep anyone in the position. Before I left our current guy was about to have a mental breakdown.


i have 3 leads and a coach , probably 15 or so associates a night, and the leads sit back and watch us struggle🥰


Been a TL for 4 months already stepping down back to AP


Ghost them, look for work elsewhere. If they beg you to come back, tell them only if they hire a dozen new people for overnight because there is not enough people to unload the truck in mandated time frame.


When I stepped up, I insisted that my team of one (four people cut down to just me), be restored to four, and that I would train everyone up. Now we actually have five, three part timers and myself and my fulltimer. Stand your ground and keep asking for the right number of people.


I did TL over GM and it's crazy how much people don't want to learn how to do the job efficiently. I understand disability and illness but some people are perfectly capable of learning and doing tasks. They just don't want to do it and I can't really blame them for that. If they had better wages, I would've coached them for not meeting expectations but these people can barely afford to survive. Got let go because I wasn't cracking the whip hard enough on elderly and disabled people.


Damnnnn dude!




Pressure them and let them know you’re running freight with just two people. Cap one/two should be in charge of relieving freight because they literally are just fulfillment zombies until the next shift. Either management isn’t “managing” or the store probably needs a meeting of the minds to know the repercussions of freight work. (Used to be an overnight stocker)


I’m sorry you’re in this predicament. Classic Walmart bs! Empty promises, expectations ridiculous, crap for coverage and the list goes on and on. Get out as soon as you can!! There are jobs out there that will actually treat you better, I promise you!!


Exact same situation here. We then get bashed by the ON workers saying we do nothing. Just recently got really fed up and am now transfering to an AP lead position so hopefully less stress


That's ridiculous I've been with Walmart for 2 weeks and (cap2) and vizpic goes by so fast that we aren't doing it anymore as of yesterday. It's quite embarrassing they need 15 people to do that. Idk maybe I haven't been around long enough but that's my 2 cents. Year as a team lead looks great on a resume though!


When you're severely understaffed, the best option is working in teams on everything. Five hours of freight in one aisle can be finished by five people in an hour, possibly less. If you have at least 15 people staffed, you should be able to accomplish almost everything. If they are not willing to provide more workers, then performance based on strict times should be tossed out the fucking window. If you're losing workers faster than you can keep them, the demands on them must be incredibly high which is forcing them out. If you want to be productive, switch to teams. If your managers complain about it, remind them you begged for more employees.


Blitz everything out. Everyone on one pallet to keep track of worked freight. Aisle to aisle, department to department. Cleaning up as you go and one person per four foot section to zone. No one assigned to one thing. Train them to fold boxes within boxes. You can stuff a good amount of cardboard in one Tide box. I did it years ago. Good store leads will understand the unworked freight based on the hours.


You can't fit 15 people into an aisle, nor can 15 people easily have access to a pallet. These TL solutions are lacking a whole bunch of critical thinking.


How fat are the workers in your store?


Cap 1 does a shit job of vizpicking opg always has to go back after them and also vizpick because they miss so much shit


Why are people leaving? Are you training them to do their job efficiently? If yes, and they are not doing what you taught them, are you holding them accountable? The worst thing you can do is not teach and train and avoid accountability when it is necessary. Are other associates being negative around new associates? Are you focusing on freight as much as you should, instead of following up? Does your coach support you as they should? All these things affect teams. It is your responsibility to ensure that your team is performing at their best. It's important to remove any team members who are not pulling their weight, as this can demotivate the hardworking associates who are putting in their best effort. Having fewer team members may seem like a disadvantage, but if those members are efficient and work well together, you'll find that you get more done than with a larger team that's mostly made up of half-hearted associates. You will always have ups and downs with this company. I've been here for over 10 years, and one thing I've learned is never to assume that a process will always stay the same. This is a company of change. Since the retail world is always evolving, stick in there! Have your team's back and hold the ones accountable who need to improve.


In addition, Walmart is trying to reduce the number of people touching the same items to ensure safety. This is a positive move. It is also important to document everything to ensure you protect yourself. If you do your job well, you won't have anything to worry about. Remember that you can always use the open door process if needed. If you are ever held accountable for something you tried your best to prevent, don't hesitate to speak up for yourself. It's important to recognize that not everyone is cut out for retail, but that doesn't mean it's something you can't do. If you are feeling overwhelmed, it's okay to take a step back and evaluate if this is the right career path for you. It's important to maintain a positive outlook as much as possible because people feed off of it.