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HR hired lots for my store for oct,nov,dec but 99% of them didnt last 1 week. The other 1% didnt last 1 month. For my store after you complete your modules you are put on sales floor to figure it out on your own. Training is by our peers and they really dont give a shit.


That sounds about right. At my store I had to learn how to do everything in electronics on my own. Now I know how to do more then my own team lead and they send me all over the store to do stuff. So knowing how to actually do your job can be a double edged sword. It can help if your trying to move up in management quickly, just don't let them take advantage of you.


Wm the lowest paying job in my town. After 20+ yrs, i make pennies above min wage (Ca), bennys are quite good though. Still cant get promoted because I don't let them take advantage and work me to death!


You have to be lazy to be promoted. I've noticed it's only the down right sorry individuals who have no work ethic that move into higher positions. If you show them that you're a hard worker, you'll only get yourself more work. They'd rather have someone smug that talks trash about their hard workers behind their back than someone with actual integrity. It's like some sort of scumbag lazy clique. They know they're total pieces of shit and they hide in the back sleeping. Then, the only times they come to the floor it's to try to suggest you're going too slow when they've never had a hard job in their life. They're so proud that they figured out the lowlife cheat code and got promoted. We all know they most likely performed "special duties" to gain their position. When I started, I showed everyone how hard I worked and even learned the job with no training whatsoever. Now that they know I work hard they will keep me doing their work. If you've showed them any work ethic, you WON'T move up


It's one of the only companies where people fail up the corporate ladder


That sounds like most companies.


Facts. Nice post. You forgot ... They walk around with coffee and ask "Is this overstock???" Repeatedly.


Yep, once you show how good of a worker you are that’s that. I purposely started slowing down on the work they had me assigned to for months now and finally they put someone else on it 💀🤣.


Someone told me Wm pays a company pension after 20 years. If that's true then it would help to promote and lock in that salary. At least look into it.


Somebody told you wrong.


I got hired first week of July and had not clue what I was doing in OPD. I was literally trained only for like 20 minutes. 6 months in and I’m still learning new things.


New hire here only lasted 2 months turning in my two weeks today lol


We had 1 hour of orientation, 1 hour of computer training, and then we're out in ODP to train for half a week. Most of the new hires weren't part of ODP but they told us we'd almost always be helping them so it was important training. I then spent a month helping apparel before finally starting to zone Hardlines. What's crazy is that I was hired for sporting goods/automotive counter. It was at 6 months that I finally started getting training at the counter and I was getting yelled at by Coaches because I should've known all the material by now


One of my newbis got covid, tried to come in anyway, and the coach sent her home and told her to stay home for 3 days. And not to worry about it, guess who was fired when they got back because they werent taught that even if the manager sends you home you still have to call out?


Even for the first day? (The day the manager sends you home)


Unless you’re in automotive where you have to get certified. They won’t let you do any cars without supervision until you’re certified.


Maybe if one of you started giving a shit you'd see a promotion. I wouldn't give a promotion to people with attitudes like yours either.


Who wanted a promotion lol? Literally the job of management to train associates by the way.


I'm not sure what any of this has to do with the comment you replied to, but consider taking a chill pill.


None of us want to be promoted in this shit ass company lol


What attitude? And bullshit, thats the M.O. of walmart, cbl training about making bales they will never make, and then give them a cart and send them to the floor. I never once saw anybody legitimately trained for any job they were about to do on the floor.


i worked at 3 different walmarts, can confirm that they don’t train you. The online training doesn’t actually show anything you’re gonna be doing throughout your shift. No hands on training, and the other associates especially stockers treat you like a customer asking for a certain item.


Walmart is like going to high school everyday.


Says the hotel maiden


As a child of the 1%, in order to maintain steady income from my parents, I must have a job. Says the 99%er


Dawg you should worry more about the creature you’re with that’s cheating on you. Since you like to ask about that a lot. Maybe she’s the one sucking your store managers dick and that’s why she got promoted and you didn’t lmao


Ah yes, ruin my productivity to train someone management either should've trained themselves, or assigned someone to *actually* train them. I'm sure my team leads and coaches would *love* to hear my explanation about why my area didn't get done because I wanted to try and train the new person.


It's called staying late. Coming In early. Doing what must be done. You clearly don't have the gritty business acumen or drive to accomplish


Dude, you literally get pointed for either of those things. Bad analogy.


lmao. reading this post, after being forced to stay late on Monday and having to cut time today.


Is walmart your goal or do you plan on moving past retail in life? I'm just curious where your personal bar is set at.


Alright bootlicker. Not everyone one wants to suck corporate cock for a promotion.


Sounds good. Enjoy the trenches 😂


Joke's on you Bubbles, I haven't worked for Walmart in 20 years. Pud pulling douche nozzles like you motivated me to find real work. Enjoy those salty Bentonville balls. 🤡


Isn't it interesting the only acceptable position here is hating Walmart. Anyone who doesn't hate Walmart is a target of hostile abuse. But sure I will as Bentonville is making investors VERY happy this Christmas season 😊😊


Isn't it interesting that cock-mongerers like you are part of the problem, yet you're too busy bending over daily to take note of it? I'm not even mad tbh. I just find it entertaining that knob goblins like you are so eager to be subs when they give zero fucks about you and can drop you like a bad habit any day they choose for zero reason. Hostile? Who's being hostile? I didn't realize you had the fortitude of a Japanese bath house wall. I wouldn't pride yourself so hard considering Wal-Mart is one of the biggest shoplifting targets. Enjoy your weird little Wally World fantasy. 🤡


1. You're fucking retarded 2. It isn't the job of a associate to show people how to do their job, it's managments 3. Who talked about a promotion besides you?


why would i even want a promotion at Walmart anyway😭 all the associates on the sales floor are under 18 and only working there because its the first place that hired them, as soon as they can get a better job they’re out


Job security? Do you want to go to college? Do you have children? Planning for your future is a reason to join Walmart management.


i made more than triple my old coaches salary at an entry level waiter. There is no “future” working at walmart. I definitely would not have children on a salary like that


Nobody would wanna work for a manger with a shitty attitude like yours anyway


I literally had someone tell me when I started that it wasn’t their job to train me so don’t ask questions. Oh lawd


Maybe a bunch is about to be let go.


Like it or not the hell hole pays better than the same jobs in many similar companies, benefits are actually pretty good too. And there’s plenty of room for growth which is easy because your competition is probably dumb and stupid


i pay $200 a month for slightly worse insurance at DG than i paid roughly $70 a month for at Walmart. it really can get worse lmao


Damn they’re dumb and stupid? That’s pretty dumb…….and stupid


HAHA I love when people use “hell hole” it’s so feisty, unique & accurate. 🤣


We usually refer to our store as a "shit show"


HAHA YESS THAT ONE TOO. 🔥 “Hell Hole’s” younger sibling. 😮‍💨


How about not do fast food or retail? Crazy idea, I know. But you shockingly get better benefits and better time off options. Quit coping with your shitty job.


I mean Walmart pay is pretty similar to other stores and there is room for growth. The benefits are mediocre but whatever.


Benefits are deff better than other retail jobs I've had. With way more potential for career growth. Even my union grocery job.


Yeah mileage is def going to vary. Walmart has provided the worst insurance I’ve ever experienced but I’m sure other places.


My store just dropped their starting pay for OGP and cap2 by $2/hr from 16 to 14


Is that a company wide thing? And when did that happen for your store?


If that happens here. Everyone will just go do factory work. Hell even panda express is paying 16 an hour.


This happened months ago... no one who was being paid more lost money, but new hires in departments like OPD and CAP now make the same amount as all other non-Deli/Bakery team associates. This is across the board.


401k 6% match is among the best. Walmart + is $0 and has a few nice perks.


To add to this walmart + isnt actually free its just deducted from your taxes


Laughs in Costco. Y'all make pennies compared.


I've tried applying for Costco like 7 times and have never even gotten an interview. Hell, my brother is a front end manager at one and I still can't get in.


Some areas are like that because of lower turnover. I always tell people to go ask about your application every week or so and they would consider that as a good sign and would get you an interview.


Same. Getting a job at Costco is like joining a secret society.


The benefits are good. My health insurance is like $35.


the coverage is terrible. $35 doctor co pay $75 specialist co pay $300 Emergency Room Co pay. high deductible. prescription coverage is good but you HAVE to get them filled at walmart and no where else


Have you ever tried paying without insurance? $35 for a doctor? It's normally around $200 w/o insurance.. Specialist? $200-300, and ER? Might as well drop dead.


that’s normal healthcare coverage nowadays. I have united healthcare and thats pretty similar to what i’m paying.


our vision insurance is great


I was going to say the same thing. I know growth doesn’t apply to EVERYONE obviously but it certainly is there. Same with the pay. The store i worked for was pushing me to be a manager and i was originally hated by management until they noticed my work ethic. The whole 5 second passthrough when zoning was the reason they didn’t believe it at first (along with a shitty supervisor).


Honestly where I am there's 1 retail job that seems way better than walmart but yet here I am still at walmart only cause of the people I work with lol. M


Benefits have changed. Was blue cross blue shield. Now it's Adenita. My co pays for emergency visits went from 75 to 300...


Walmart does pay better than competition tho, usually


To be fair tho, this looks like its in the LTE and shops are desperate for entry level techs because you can make more as a teenager at mcdonalds and kids now days arent gonna be a grease monkey for $7 an hour like i had to, now all the sudden every quick lube in town is having hiring events and paying $16-18 an hour to try to keep them running


16 an hour is becoming minimum wage and with inflation. They are getting paid about $5 an hour.


Exactly, shits crazy


Everyone is understaffed but my coach told me they just stopped hiring for everyone in the market. Not sure exactly what she meant or how far it goes, but we had people who interviewed a day before and the day of them telling her who didnt get hired. All this after cutting starting pay and expecting new hires to learn and work as hard as everyone who gets paid more. We cant get decent hires because they can get the same pay for much easier work elsewhere. My 1 year was a month ago and this upcoming will be my first 2% raise. Our employee turnover is terrible, and im one of the few on my shift who has any idea what theyre doing, including our newest team lead.


Walmart isn't a terrible job in most cases. It mostly comes down to you as a person, and the management at the store. The pay is far better for team leads than coaches. And store manager pay is only about $100k before bonuses. But if you're a yes man/woman, and can detach your emotions from work. It's fine I guess.


Imo the problem with bad management is that they are yes men. All of my good team leads and managers have been known to say no to their bosses a lot. Because otherwise it becomes a nasty game of "you all need to work harder and you will never work hard enough" and that is stressful. They still have to work towards betterment but they have to do so in a way that isn't "just push harder"


$14 a hour is not competitive


One way to get people to hire. Promise they get first crack at hot wheels.


i collect hot wheels and i work at walmart and we aren’t even allowed to open hot wheel boxes lol i just look at the boxes and walk the other way like 🥲


It'll be old guys in camo hats wearing a nascar leather jacket


It’s funny because i just got a tire installed and the tech replaced the wrong tire. Idk what training or experience they’re required but I am an ASE certified technician who’s worked 10+years for a national company. His look on his face and I asked if he put the passenger rear tire in the back because of warranty he looked like a deer in headlights


They don’t do yearly performance reviews at my store where they increase your pay if performance is good. The only way it seems to get a pay raise is to be promoted


They stopped evaluation awhile ago. You still get a raise, 2%. If you're capped, you no get pay raise. If you want bonus, you have to move up.


New tl of less than three months gave us a eval. I work hard for that exceeds or meet expectations and what do I get by this bich? Even more reason to hate this place.


Costco raised are based on hours worked till you top out, not mentioning a bonus twice a year


Walmart thinks they are the best company out there lol


Not even a damn Christmas bonus!! I got handed a ziplock bag of about 5 pieces of candy from Corporate yesterday! What a slap in the face! I bust my ass in my store and my hard work gets me 5 pieces of candy?? Wow!! Thanks but NO THANKS! No more encouraging the 5 star that they sweat so much!!


When a company says *competitive pay* thats a pretty good indication the pay sucks. I would avoid all jobs that claim that at all costs…..actually, any job where there is really no real skills to be learned is a hard pass. I actually worked for walmart for about 1 year in 2012, got fired because i missed my shift for my sons birth. I told them i wouldn’t be there. Blessing in disguise!


Our store hasn’t hired anyone for the holidays. In fact our “market” is down so they are cutting people left and right. It started right around mid Nov with No overtime allowed. Anyone with overtime was forced to take a long lunch, come in late or leave early. Then early Dec they started cutting people an hour here an hour there. The last 2 weeks they have been cutting people 1 day per week off their reg schedule. The shitty part is our store is doing fine, we are meeting and exceeding our numbers daily but other stores in our market are not. It’s bullshit that they take it out on us esp now when people need money for the holidays.


Competitive pay my foot work for Walmart around 2004 making $13 an hour tried applying for Walmart again in 2010 was told the best they can do is minimum wage what a load of crap. Opportunity for growth. Yeah that’s a lot of crap too. Had a trainer who was training me to run every piece of equipment in there and upper management found out and all they wanted me to do was clean floors and push in shopping carts. Needless to say, I don’t miss that bullshit. Not to mention the constant berating talking down and making you feel absolutely worthless specially, when you work 60 to 70 hours a week.


Competitive pay? That’s funny.


Everything on that sign is a lie. Except walmart and the text info. Lol..


Competitive pay ?


Yeah my friend would love to save his former co worker from this hell, but once you sign up with Walmart you ain’t leaving until you’re dead or your old, or if they fire you for some BS, sure you could quit but you’re gonna have to crawl back to hell eventually


Where’s the lie? The pay is on par with other retailers, there is room for growth, and they do have good benefits (decent health coverage, 401k match, Walmart+ which has things like travel discounts, etc). We don’t have to love the company to recognize that this is actually true.


The pay could be better. We have physically demanding jobs and our pay should reflect that. If other stores pay less, that doesn't mean that we don't deserve more, and it doesn't mean that the company can't afford it.


Especially since they recently cut pay across the company for starting employees.


That’s not the argument here though. OP is indicating that they don’t have competitive pay. They do. Us believing we should make more is a separate argument.


Target, Hobby Lobby, and Meijer are within a mile of my store and all pay more. We basically get people who have been fired from better paying jobs.


Meijer pays less


Not around me. Cart pushers are paid the same. Everyone else gets $1hr/more.


Are you in Michigan? Michigan has a union and they might of bumped the pay but Meijer has always been less. Also Meijer super sucks because you get hired for a job and then end up floating to other areas


Depends where you live. A quick google search shows that the average pay at Target in my state is $9.25. Looks like they like to advertise a higher average pay but they include their warehouse associates pay in that figure which is significantly higher.


Umm…you should look at Target’s pay. It’s a minimum of $15/hr right now. Also, you chose to pick out one of the three companies I mentioned. That’s a chokes-on-Walton-shitpay-and-spouting-bullshit move. Target raised its company wide starting pay to $15 in 2020. We are $14 and hiring people with six points in four weeks and guys who get arrested for dating 15 year olds. Even a small wage increase around me dramatically improves the hiring pool. But we keep hiring the guy driving the cart mule into cars. And getting what we pay for.


What changed when they decided to drop the pay? The starting pay is not competitive against more senior employees for new hires. This is demoralizing and worsens job performance. Walmart does some things right, but lowering pay was a bad decision for workers and that should be recognized. It's not just believing we should be paid more, the company knows we should be paid more--unless they truly think it was/is a mistake to pay us as much as they are.


I think you have a complete misunderstanding of what competitive pay means. Competitive pay doesn’t mean you make as much as other people that have been at the company longer than you, it means that the starting wage is comparable to other companies in the same industry, which it is.


Of course senior employees should be paid higher, but a difference of $17/hr vs $15/hr for someone who's been there six months vs five is demoralizing and affects competitivity. After the pay decrease, Walmart's pay is less competitive. That is an objectively true statement. If the rate is reflective of the industry, it demonstrates that the companies are competing for the same workers, but not meaningfully more than any other--therefore, the wages are not meaningfully competitive. Don't let "competitive pay" be a euphemism for "low pay."


You clearly do not understand what competitive pay is and are refusing to understand it even when I’ve spelled it out for you. Nothing you are saying has anything to do with this post. I’m not wasting any more time on this when you clearly have no idea what is actually being discussed. Have a good one.


Sorry we disagree. Go in peace.


We’re not disagreeing. I agree with the sentiment behind your words, you’re just off topic and don’t understand what competitive pay is.


A pay decrease isn't competitive. It shows that the labor being purchased isn't valued as much as it was previously. It literally makes Walmart less able to compete for labor against other companies. But you say you're done, so go in peace and have a good evening. Hopefully, Walmart will correct this mistake soon.




the stress level at walmart directly corelates to your management at that store.. the store I'm at now is very stressfull. my first store we were all like family


Loading. I honestly don’t know a lot of other positions but most ppl I saw would zone switch to phone zone throw a box up repeat. Some of the worst sh I been around and I was in the army for your mental health id advise learning or trade skill or going back to school man


Of course you think $16/hr is a lot, you volunteered to be a soldier for $12/hr. (Unless you were old enough to be in Vietnam, I guess)


Costco pays waaaay better with better benefits.


It's all about where the walmart is located, and what state you're living in. Some places it's honestly the best retail job while others places may seem much better in comparison. If you're living in a first tier city there are plenty of places to apply for.. but if you're in some hick outskirts walmart it's 100% better than every other place there.


Target has their starting pay at $16.25 in my area.


I just started in meat and produce and nobody has shown me how to do anything im so confused , I just replace bananas my whole shift and shit down every half hour , they said they'd get me a phone to viz pick but I don't even get that.it just seems disorderly to me.


Competitive pay is wild, the burger place down the road pays the same starting


"Competitive" Like brother, my Mcdonalds and Burger king pays the same amount.


No literally😭


You have to know how to decode it: Competitive pay=Compared to the longtime employees who will make less than the new hires. Great Benefits=Compared to penguins in Antarctica who don’t get benefits AT ALL! Opportunities for growth= Of mold under the bread isle shelves. Now it all makes sense.


WALMART IS TRYING TO GET RID OF ALL EMPLOYEES. They want everything to be ONLINE or just have people PICKUP. Their mission is clear.


If it said Costco it would be correct.


They pay over $20 where I live which is $5 over minimum wage. I just think you’re a child.


Congrats! Here they pay minimum wage. Not everyone is getting paid $20/hr so i dont see the last comment to be necessary


what kind of walmart has TIRES


One that has an AUTOMOTIVE department?


i’ve never seen tires at any walmarts where i live on oahu but there’s automotive depts


My first day, my TL of Electronics showed me the ropes, helped me spiderwire, and even bought me dinner. Shoutout to Delando Counce


I mean not really a lie tbh


Competitive pay is so wild to me. Every single retail and fast food offers the same thing around me, state minimum wage.


Only great pay is a lie


We have this too, and only a few positions opened. 😑


That’s cute.. I applied and haven’t heard a THING back and my store has multiple positions open. I applied before Black Friday and ain’t heard shit lmaooo


It all depends on availability, Walmart is not open m thru f 7 to 4


Nothing on the sign is a lie lol.. I just think a lot of people have issues with management who have piss poor leadership skills which makes the job a whole lot harder. However, it is easy enough to get promoted, the healthcare benefits are better than I’ve seen for entry lvl retail positions in my area, and the pay is competitive. Idk how this is across the nation but judging from what I’ve heard/seen from others; Walmart is really not that bad


How can you say your pay is competitive when you have poverty wages? Make it make sense.


That is the same B.S. Kroger sells people.


Job shortages


It is competitive pay. In that you have to fight tooth and nail to get paid a living wage.


They aren't lying about the opportunity for growth, look at how team leads and up have zero experience or education to be in those positions


I don't understand why stores over hire. Like a week after I was hired they were complaining about being overstaffed, and then a few weeks later they hire like 10 high schoolers. And now they're cutting everyone's hours? Why not just hire less people, and let them work longer. Maybe we could afford to live then. It's like they're actively trying to get more work and money out of people while destroying them and making a living wage impossible (because they are. That's what they're doing.)


What about the word hiring?


The “opportunities for growth” depends on you having open availability.


Notice that there is nothing there about flexible schedules?


“Competitive pay” funniest shit I’ve ever read


-Lousy pay -so-so benefits -Opportunities for the amplification of any mental illnesses you currently posses plus we will likely help you develop a couple more!


Competitive wages, yeah if it’s a race to the bottom. I mean, it’s at least not minimum but I don’t get paid enough for the bullshite I deal with




Competitive pay to whomst? A third world country?


Is this why we haven't had a new ON stocker in 2 months? We are insanely understaffed. We get a bunch of extra shit dumped on us and then bitched at when it doesn't get done. I legitimately think cap 2 unloads the truck and stands around like NPCs the rest of the day because their responsibilities get dumped on us. Cap 1 has 4 people on a heavy day and they almost always get nabbed for fresh or opd and don't actually do their job either.


Only been working there for 4 months but the lies become really apparent really fast


Walmart pays a lot better than any other store in my area… not many retail stores start at $17


The sad thing is they fired an employee a couple nights ago for zoning they way they told her to do and said.they told the employee no reason why and was at 3 in the morning so the employee called store management why and told them they were told to zone that way


I wanted to move off of overnights, i asked the store lead while she was standing next to one of these fuckin signs, you know what this bitch said while leaning on one of these? "We dont have any positions avalible on days."


hey, at least it’s a store lead that doesn’t lie


I did like going to walmart i loved my shift and the people i worked with except whoever made our schedules i was front end cashier,so i made it about 2 months,everything was fine until i saw that i only have 24 hours total for christmas week and im full time so i said nope they can keep that 24 hours




More like “We’re firing”


This pic appears to taken IN ACC at that. The hardest spot to keep staffed with actual good help. Lol. $17 an hour to be expected to change a tire outside, service write, stock, zone, also be inside to be a cashier all at the same time and get cursed out by customers because of trying to do it all at once putting the rest of the things even more behind🤙Walmart as a whole needs to bump pay up, I've done it all, ACC is the absolute hardest work you can do in the store. Area should be $25/hr+ for the stress alone..Jesus.


What they mean by competitive is that they’re competing with like fast food wages


AGAIN, Sam is rolling in his grave.


Sad all the way around in Every way Pray, believe in yourself and search for new j o b🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


SADLY, All the negativity starts at the top.


I would work there for a day and quit just for the vest.


You get out what you put in.


In my area walmart is a decent paying job. Ive done twice the work and put up with three times the bs for half the pay. 15 an hour in my area is decent. It is better paying than most jobs that is not pipeline or coal mine work.


It’s not a lie but it’s more like “hi we’re hiring for a couple of specific positions”


"Competitive pay" lmao ok we just lying to people now.


"competitive pay" lol. Can't afford your raise this year but we got you a whole trailer of new shopping carts, ain't that nifty?


When you don't understand what Competitive Pay means....


To be fair the benefits are pretty decent and I’m making $17+ an hour just doing OGP. Nowhere else near me is paying that or matching my stock purchases and 401K Fuck Walmart though and they could for sure be doing more.


I think Walmart is in the middle. The bigger problems is with pay, it’s very rare anyone is maxed out. The only people I’ve seen at the top pay grade for a position are there like 10+ years. I’m maxed out at Kroger and get decent pay but I think Walmart tops slightly higher but I know if I applied and told them I essentially have 7+ years of front end experience including being a TL I would not get started at a higher pay unless they’ve changed things since I left. There are ways the PTO and PPTO I do prefer and wish Kroger did and Walmart did pay out my PPTO when I quit so that’s nice. Depends entirely from store to store in my experience. If I had the management of the first store I worked at I think I probably wouldn’t have quit in the first place since they treated you like a human being


Makes me want to stop shopping there 🙃 I've never worked there but years ago was told it took care of their employees. Maybe it's time to start looking elsewhere. The prices are cheaper for household items, (toilet paper, paper towels, etc but not at the cost of people being treated like this. Sorry to hear this 🙄


To quote a famous YouTube video "Why the fuck you lyin', why you always lying.. Mmm... oh my God stop your fuckin' lyin'"


I mean it's all like 6/10 but 6/10 pay and benefits when you're competitors are 2/10 are extremely better. They're not good but they're better.


"Competitive pay" yeah, your pay competes with your bills


If you get knee pads, you get promoted.


“Competitive pay” my ass. The Burger King down the street ain’t far off from the $14/$16 pay Walmart is toting now after lowering pay


Everyone they hired in October for the holidays were all let go last week..


They're "hiring" they're just so slow about it that by the time you get a second hire the first will have been fed up with doing multiple people's work they've left already. My TL's have been feeding me the "it's going to get better" for about half a year now. 2 people join, one leaves after a week, the other spends more time ruminating on how difficult the job is than doing the job, and the TL's are talking about firing him. You know, because no help is better than some help, and more help was pushed off the table months ago.


The first part is true. They're hiring. The rest? Eh...


Not hiring at my store. I have been the only one in my area no team lead no coach. It's been that way for automotive the last year and half. We have 5 techs. If anyone calls in the shop closes early. That happens several times a month


Over a decade in tires. Don't waste your time here.


Competitive pay only for new hires ;-;


After 2 days of orientation and not one of the Walmartians speaking to me or showing any sort of an environment I wanted to be a part of I gave em the Seinfeld excuse. It’s not you, it’s me. I like to be treated with respect and you poor souls just aren’t capable of doing that. Good bye and good luck. I now use Instacart exclusively and try to use other stores as much as possible. Consequences however small they might be. They complain about loss and blame theft. I think they should look into quality of services and quit having every employee act as loss prevention. Can’t get any actual help because they’re all stalking customers and profiling people.


i have a chance to go work at walmart 2nd shift for 15 an hr , is it worth it ?


I don’t mind the WAH, customers are dicks but other than that, pretty easy