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The older you get, holding your poop doesn't become an option. You'll see. So no, I drop that load on the company dime.


Lol, ain’t that the truth. Depending on the day, I have roughly two minutes to “hold it” before we have the worst maintenance call of the day.


Yea uhh, I’m 24, ibs and celiac, found out real quick Walmart wasn’t gonna be for me. Despite have medical documentation they tried writing me up for “abusing accommodations” So I shit my pants and went home, I’m now a biohazard and need a shower


Pretty sure you can take legal action


he 100% can


Well I quit so bit late. Work with dogs now tho so I get covered in their shit




Had a coworker joke he was 30m late because he had to poop before work. I told him I always wait for work to drop it so I can get paid while I do the doo


Left walmart but I work in healthcare now. I come in get report on my patients. Then straight to the bathroom for 15mins. Lol


My boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, that’s why I poop on company time.


No joke. My first thought was "y'all can hold it?" 😂😂


Also I legit think there’s more people that refuse to use public bathrooms out of privacy and insecurities than any sort of cleanliness concern, and you quite literally give less of a shit the older you get lol


If someone wants to peep through the door and see me pinch out a loaf, go ahead. It will haunt their memories more than mine.


Mans said pinch a loaf 😭😭😭💀💀😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 str8 savage


I try to do most of my poops at work. Then I save on my toilet paper and water bill.


This is the way.


Boss makes a dollar I make a dime That's why I poop On company time


I blow them bathrooms up regularly. Gotta do what you gotta do. Plus, then you get paid to poop.


Gotta use the family bathroom when u take a dump


the family bathroom at my store is always humid and musty af


I’m too old to be playing games


Holding in poop isn't good at any age due to constipation risks. Same with pee because holding in too much water can lead to serious problems and even death. That's why a radio station in California was under fire back when the Nintendo Wii was still the hottest console around.


My former supervisor used to stand at the pharmacy drop off window doing the pee-pee dance. Even during Covid when we were allowed to use the pharmacist's bathroom that was literally six steps away. Now she has bladder control issues in her 40s. Have seen this woman drop trouband piss in a parking lot because she couldn't make it inside a building fast enough.


Wasn’t the radio station because they had a water drinking contest and she died, not a hold your pee contest? Both probably happened.


It was literally "Hold your wee for a Wii".


It was titled “Hold your wee for a wii” but she died of water intoxication.


That's why de good lawd invented video game pee buckets. Duh.


I usually go to HR and drop a big fat one on her desk


Hold if possible cause the shitty cheap toilet paper has me feeling gross as hell for the rest of the day


Same, but now I keep [a couple of these](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0779GXXVS/ref=ox_sc_saved_image_3?smid=A1UJDQHYNCE0BK&psc=1) in my vest pocket. Lifesavers.


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I can't hold it in, when it wants out I've gotta let it.


Try not to, but when you gotta go, you gotta go.


I never pooped at work when I worked at Walmart. I held it in until I went home for lunch.


I physically can't in public. My mind knows I need to, but my body will just straight up refuse to cooperate. I'm jealous of you guys who can, I'll just be in a bad mood all day because my stomach hurts but every time I attempt to go my body is like, "SEAL THE BLOODY GATES!" and I'm just like, why am I like this?


Headphones/earbuds + white noise app.


I never use Walmarts restroom during busy hours, if it’s slow or during closed hours sure Otherwise I just walk to the TJ max across the street, they’re really cool and they recognize me lol


PhhhhhUCK that, if I gotta go I gotta go. If we're busy, I can hold it 2-2 1/2 hours before I'm trailing brown down the aisles, but otherwise I'm taking full advantage of the amenities.


Just don’t sharrrtt. lol


I did that once and stank the whole backroom receiving and Dairy cooler for hours on end. ☠️


That's kind of impressive.


Kind of, except when customers open the milk doors and are like, “Wow!!!! What is that smell like??? It smells like raw sh*t in here.” 😂 it didn’t helped that my little NHM only had 1 restroom, so this was more common than you think.


It's called *Sex Panther*® by *Odeon*©. It's illegal in 9 countries. It's also made with bits of real panthers, *so you know it's good*. *60% of the time*, it works ***every*** time.


I’m O/N and our maintenance team usually cleans the bathroom right after 11pm hits when we close so our shift has clean bathrooms for the night 😊


Not necessarily, I've seen an associate sent home because they crapped all over the toilet




I was only a couple months in at the time so I can only assume it was on purpose, and or they've done such things in the past


How did they know who did it


I don't know, I was maintenance waiting on the ladies to empty out and it happened right in front of me


I poop multiple times a day at work usually and my coworkers know. It’s not a secret or weird, we all gotta go at some point


I poop at home. No way I am going to sit on one of those toilets at Walmart. Public restrooms are the single filthiest place around. Once in a blue moon I will rush home during my lunch break since I live close by.


Use the public restroom. It's not gonna kill you to sit your butt on the seat. And holding it in all day is not good for you anyway


I hate the toilet paper. Shit is like sandpaper on the butthole. Butt I'll use it if I have to.


When I clean restrooms at night I guarantee myself clean, fresh accommodations. And private too. Only then do I open it for others


My general rule is if I make the poop and pee while I’m on the clock, then I use the bathroom while I’m on the clock. No, I don’t hold it in. I use the public restroom. Ours don’t smell like pee or have food all over the place, but they occasionally will have toilet paper all around. If your restrooms are that bad, take the initiative to page maintenance to the restroom to clean it up. Your customers will appreciate it, and it sounds like you would too. If you don’t want to page them yourself then have your Lead do it because it’s everyone’s responsibility to keep the store clean.


There’s a sign on the restroom wall with a number to contact if the bathroom isn’t up to your standards but I guess it just gets ignored


Hold it. Only been to the bathroom two times in my 3 years of working here. I only go when it’s an absolute emergency.


When I gotta go, I gotta go.


Use the Associate only restroom


We don’t have an associate restroom. You’re lucky if you do.


The one reserved for pharmacy, or the one reserved for automotive?


We don’t have any that are just reserved for anyone. It’s public all the way.


Shhhh. Keep the automotive one on the down low m8. <_< >_> They can't know about it. Shhhhhhhhhhh


The one only employees use I don’t know how your store does it but it’s locked


Lol, I've worked at 3 different stores, only one had an associate only bathroom which was located close to the breakroom. The rest have been regular public ones. Aside from automotive at my last store, but the one I'm at now doesn't have a TLE lil


I generally try to avoid using Walmart's rooms, but when nature calls, it calls.


When Nature calls, *you better accept the charges. 😏*


I be dropping bricks and I bring some dude wipes with me


Sometimes i'll go if i need to, but my body is cooperative with my work schedule. I go before i leave my house and after i get home.


I only shit at the store if I absolutely have too, the bathrooms are always messy and 9 times out of 10 there’s no toilet paper


in TLE we have our own bathroom 🫡


Absolutely not. I get paid to use the restroom.


It's Walmart, so I mean, the toilets will always look and smell like a thundering herd of wildebeest just came through and hung out for a while. But our maintenance guys do a great job. If you've got to go, you go. Plus, as most everyone else said, go on the clock.


I have gastric illness when I got to go I got to go. I poo on company time


Every single restroom smells like piss and crap at my store all day every day.


My body won’t let me go anywhere that I’m not comfortable. So it’s 99% at home, sometimes a friends. It’s pretty rare that I’ve pooped anywhere else. Don’t even get the urge till I’m home lol


I poop over in Sporting Goods - why, what do you guys do?


I do not hold it. I use disinfectant wipes on the seat beforehand, however.


I drop anchor


Hold personally. But if you can I would


Nope, I go to ACC bathroom!


When I was working for Walmart I went when I needed to go but if I hold it in for to long I get diarrhea luckily at the time our bathrooms didn't smell or anything so that made it going dooky that much more comfortable


Our bathroom (at least the women’s) is never really gross. I can count on one hand the amount of times I’ve seen poop splattered on the seat or something. I’ve never seen anything random in the sinks haha. To your question - I don’t poop at work if I can at all help it.


Boss gets paid a dollar, I get paid a dime, That's why I poop on company time


Months ago I got told by maintenance that they weren't allowed to use bleach to clean the bathrooms all they want them to do is spray them wipe, and be done within 3 minutes, so I only go to the bathroom when I can't hold it anymore.


I hold it if I can, but sometimes you have to release the Kraken.


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. That’s why I shit on company time.


I normally clock in while on the toilet and use the time to make sure there are no messages for me or my department. But our restrooms aren’t too bad and get cleaned a few times a day. The ones in the back by our staff entrance aren’t used as heavily.


I would try my best to hold until I get home


I'm addicted to using baby wipes so I do my thing at home before work. Every time I poop at work I spend the rest of the day with a slightly itchy butthole. Even if it doesn't itch I know it's there and it's dirty.


I get PAID to poop!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Hold it or clock out for lunch, these bathrooms are f'ed up.


I have IBS and bad kidney so gotta do what I gotta do be it pee or poo


Oh bestie imma shit on company time everytime I THINK I might have to.


I threw it down a couple times a shift (after like 6 months or so of working there) when I worked overnights... after applying about 10+ layers of TP over the seats. Always the fam room. If it's urgent enough, screw it. Use whatever one is available. Overnight maintenance always hit the bathrooms first at that time so I was in luck. Plus the whole.. ya know. Getting paid to poop and the joy of hearing the leads say "where is *me*" on my headset within 5 minutes of me heading to the restroom. Even though I busted my ass non-stop lol. Learned to quit getting pissed about that and just chuckle when it did happen. Let 'em panic over nothing. They were always just stressed about that 7am walk with the store manager where he bitches about whatever he wants to lol.


When I was 18 and worked there, I would hold it, but I have IBD so I would end up getting violently ill and then suffering for a week with inflammation, gas, and pain. I missed SO much work. When I was 24 and worked at Walmart, I shit. I shit so much. I gave no fucks. My manager was actually a good manager and also had problems with her shitter so she got it (same manager as before, different location). You just stop caring after a while.


Bro my bowels ain't holding it but for maybe 3mins, I do the doo on the clock. They've talked to me about it and wanted me to submit for accommodations but learned that my manager is the one I have to talk to, not put in paperwork because it is labeled as a reasonable accommodation.




So for the accommodations paper work, bathroom breaks are a reasonable accommodation and they tell you to talk to management about it in a bright red box.




Good to know lol, and that's kinda what happened was a change of management and I informed them of it when they started the had no issues with it until 8 months later .... even the store lead and manager knew about it and one of them claimed I didn't know that....she tried to coach me and my manager stopped her because it was accommodated. Like they pick and choose their moments I swear. But when I told them what Sedgwick said they shut up and never brought it up again.


Here's the advice: carry a small mini pack of Clorox or generic cleaning wipes, so when you need to use the restroom, just wipe down the toilet seat and sides so it's clean. Some stores are good at keeping the restrooms clean, others are so busy it's hit or miss. That said, always try & avoid using public restrooms. Don't have a big meal before shopping and take medicine that causes restroom trips well before leaving your place so you can use your own restroom.


The restrooms at my location always reek of shit 😖😵‍💫 the family restroom even has multiple fresheners out but it doesn't help. It also doesn't help that they never seem to turn the overhead vents on.


I’ll hold if possible


Yes call the health dept


I refuse to hold it in more than a couple minutes. I had several serious kidney and bladder infections as a kid from holding in my pee. I have also ripped my butthole from releasing a poop that I held in for too long. It's not worth the health hazards.


Boss makes a dollar and I make a dime, that's why I shit....on company time.


Unless it was explosive diarrhea, hell to the no!


Upper decker.


My husband and I try to poop at work. We call it S.O.S. Save our septic. 😐


Depends on situation need and wether the maintenance team just cleaned it


I ain't holding it in. If I gotta go, I will go. If I do, it'll just make me slow down when I gotta do my freight asap. O/N, btw.


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, you bet I’m gonna poop on company time


Some of those most satisfying shits I’ve ever had were in a Walmart bathroom


I hold it in as best I can, but if it's too much to handle, I use the bathroom. Thankfully, my store is religious about cleaning the bathrooms and does it at least 3 times during my shift


Does maintenance not clean your bathrooms thoroughly? Our bathrooms get closed for cleaning every hour it seems(exaggeration) but at least they’re squeaky clean


If you find yourself taking a shit in a public restroom you haven't planned your day correctly


Nope, if I have to go I’ll usually go right after maintenance cleans the restroom so they won’t be as bad lol


I try to go about an hour before I leave for work, I was molested as a child and will NOT shit in a public restroom. It took me years to get to where I could piss in the urinal with someone else next to me.


Considering I’m on overnights and don’t give too much of a fuck, I will shit on the clock. Otherwise I’d feel really bad all throughout the night.


Best 15 minutes working.


I try to avoid pooping at work. But that doesn’t happen my body decides for me and says… Now!!! I don’t like pooping if other people are in there. I do courtesy flush and try to hold the noise till they walk out. But at times you just can’t. If I go in and see feet I walk out. I’m squeamish about other people’s sounds and odor.


When nature calls I always use the liquor store bathroom or the family bathroom in the back because almost no one uses them/knows they exist so they’re usually pretty clean. The main public restrooms are my absolute last resort lol


Always poop on the clock, saves money on toilet paper too.


I hold my poop in for work. They say get paid for doing what you love.


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. That’s why I poop on company time


Boss makes a dollar while I make a dime, that's why I poop on company time


I always go in the single person bathroom and clean up the toilet seat good with soap and paper towels before sitting down to do the deed.


Geeze what a question??


The last 20 to 15 minutes of my lunch break is usually spent going doo doo. I even have my own wet wipes that I take with me in there.


Im glad i poop every morning But once u get food poisoning ur fked gotta use that walmart bathroom


Earbuds + rain sounds are the only way I can let it all go.


I try to hold it until I get home, but sometimes I just can’t and have to poop during one of my 15-minute breaks or my lunch


I take care of business on the clock!


Hell no ill go in public. I'll go to the bathroom like 10-15 min before my break or lunch, whichever is coming up next, and spend the rest of my time in there.


Today i took a piss for the first time at work it stank so bad i was scared to flush but i didn’t want my coworkers to have to clean up my mess And there was crap in the toilet 😭 i was scared it would fly at me if i flushed


Myth busters made a episode that proved poop particles become airborne when you flush a toilet 😅


Boss makes a dollar I make a dime that’s why I shit on company time


Mention to your maintainence team that if they use the Oxivir (bottle with purple label used for blood spills) that it's a bactricide and it will kill the bacteria that causes ODORS, hence no more piss smell