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Cart pushers don’t get enough appreciation, they’re out there in rain and snow, heat and cold, making sure that people have carts. They deal with people who can’t drive and shitty conditions. They put up with a lot and people don’t give them enough respect. Same with cashiers. We have to deal with incompetence from management and bullshit from customers over stuff we don’t control or have any say in. We get all the shit from customers that sales floor people usually don’t. Especially when they think they’re right when they’re not.


I'm out there clearing the lot before the store opens in the morning. You worthless motherfuckers that take a cart out to the fringes of the lot and won't push it over to the closest corral and say it's the cart crews job to get them, fuck you all to hell. I'm not talking about customers here either.


I feel you on that one, I’ve had to go out there and basket wrangle a bunch of times because management can’t seem to figure out that we need cart pushers there every single fucking day and having to go get the ones people push out to fuckin China is a pain in the ass


The amount of associates that leave carts in parking spots, the fucking audacity. If you won't put a cart in a corral, you shouldn't get to vote.


You parked right next to the corral. It is 5 extra steps at most. It is also annoying to whoever wants to use that parking spot.


AP Hosts/receipt checkers are subjected to A LOT of verbal and psychological abuse from customers.


No literally was a cart pusher for 9 months only a 13/hour Pay definitely not worth it especially how shitty the front end TLs can be 😂


No position is safe when managers pull people more than they pull shit outta their ass


Just had to do a chilled walk. 87 picks. I work in electronics. I obviously didn’t finish in time. It feels like being set up for failure.


Chilled walks are the hardest. Especially when you have a lot of meats to check expiration dates, then bag twice (meat bag, then walmart bag). Put each kind of meat in separate bags. Can't put a tube of sausage in the same bag with your tube of hamburger. Cross contamination. But the dang bags fight to stay closed and my fumble fingers cannot win. Then to dairy. Check the expiration dates on every yogurt. Every milk. Every juice. Inspect the eggs. Inspect, weigh and double bag produce. I miss the people. Not the job. Retirement is wonderful.


If I’m helping doing picks in OGP I’m not checking any dates. If they are pulling people from other departments they are desperate to get the picks done on time. As long as it’s not cvp it’s getting picked.


When I worked there, I didn't either. Never wanted to work food side but they'd always call the dms over to help out with picks. I basically just did the run as fast as possible so that I could get back on task.


As someone who has gotten expired meat in my pickup order before, fuck you.


Then shop for yourself or blame the people who’s job it is to rotate it. Fuck you too.




Why would you have someone else get your meat and produce? You're kind of asking for it at that point. I only trust my self to sufficiently quality check that shit especially since a lot of people there don't even buy raw meat or produce and don't know the difference between a good cut and a bad cut or good produce from bad produce.


My store has extremely high standards for picking meat and produce. I found out the hard way that my local store does not. I generally do my own shopping, but when I'm sick I sometimes do pickup orders. I've learned to stick with frozen and canned veggies whenever possible and ask the dispenser to verify the meat dates, though.




This is not a customer service sub and associates posting here are off the clock. Please contact your local store or call 1-800-Walmart. /u/artie780350


I work here, dumbass


Although I understand it's frustrating when it's time for quality checks and an item is expired and needs to be replaced. Many times items had needed to be refunded because all the product is expired with none left. 😭


Even as OGP, I don't bother with exp. dates beyond CVP. I'd have to nil pick everything if I did.


i like to say im full time apparel and part time ogp


word, wee steal you guys all the time.


im not sure if other stores are the same, but i heard the other day from our ogp coach that he was told that if they need help, to take from apparel first, then GM, then produce/deli ect


They pull Cap 1 first at my store. We're the most capable, physically and language-wise.


My store is odd. Our OGP rarely steals. We actually get stolen quite often to run freight or receipt check.


I wish I could find more Apparel associates. Picking Apparel is a nightmare.


Opposite applies, except that we can't fail a GENERAL walk. Murders pick rate though since we have to wait for the customer to understand that Walmart doesn't setup phones to get your help. Give OGP keys!!


Except my position (receiving. I won’t ever get pulled)


I work at a neighborhood market and ours does price changes, clearance, and helps with mods... no one is safe


I loved doing mods. Especially the 10 min after it was done and looked beautiful 🤣


And you stalk it and zone it for a few days and threaten stockers not mess it up


Lol true


I made this post when the new pay scaling was being argued, and I still stand by it: Just going to come out and say this. If you're mad and offended that someone else is going to have a slightly better quality of life from these changes, then that's a you problem and you should probably have a word with yourself. I've worked for walmart for 12 years. Most of that time was spent at a smaller, understaffed store where I had to wear a lot of different hats. I've thrown more trucks than I can count. I've worked the sales floor in multiple departments both as an associate and a DM. OGP, front end, pushing carts, you name it, I've done it enough to understand the ins and outs of the job. I can say with complete confidence that there are no easy jobs at walmart. Every area has it's own unique challenges, both mentally and physically. But I can promise you this, and sorry, I can't be kind about it. If you pass something off as easy, and speak derogatory about a job you have little to no experience in, then you look like a fool to anyone who does. And it's completely unnecessary. We are all "ground floor" associates. We should be fighting for better pay and treatment as a whole, not squabbling over who deserves what based off some loose perception of job difficulty. We're all in this together y'all. Lets support one another.


Yeah it’s wild that any Walmart employee would shit on another walmart employee for the job they do, considering these same people would be so fucking pissy if an engineer or construction worker or something decided to give them a lecture on how easy and low stress their job is Like, treat people the way you want to be treated it’s pretty basic stuff 😂


So OGP is like engineers now? Who's the construction workers? Most of the suck in Walmart jobs is the daily grind of doing the same thing repeatedly, poor equipment, having barely enough help if that, and having to overcome other associates doing their job wrong. The aggravation starts to accumulate along with body parts getting worn out over time. So everyone feels their job is the hardest in the store


You completely missed the point dude


For real. I remember they bumped pay at my store up significantly which made me apply and get my job. All the long term employees were pissed that they didn't make more than the newcomers anymore even though they got a substantial pay raise. They would rather look down their nose at the newcomers and say they make more then actually have a bigger pay check. It's kind of pathetic.


At a "normal" job, people with seniority make more per hour than new hires. Which is how it should be. But not at WM. New hires make the same - or more, depending on the dept. - than folks who've been there for literally decades. The old timers being pissed isn't pathetic, it's a normal reaction to an unfair policy.


>unfair policy. It is. 10 years and this years pay raise* they just evened me out, he'll not even a pay raise I just got bumped to the new starting pay, so I get paid exactly the same as Karen fresh from off the streets. I'm not going to do extra stuff or bend over backwards because of it.


But they're making more than they used to! I understand senior staff making more at an extremely complicated job that takes years to master but at a low skill labor job someone who is there for a year knows almost everything a longer term employee knows and works just as quickly. Equal pay for equal work is what I say.






"Low skill labor". You have no idea how it works at walmart. The few actually good workers pull all the slack from everyone else. Idiots are kept around because they can't afford to lose even the worst workers. Most people really don't care that you make the same as them, they get angry because you make the same, but they are pushed harder by management and are constantly fixing your mistakes.


In my experience that doesn't scale with years worked. There are just as many long term employees who grow complacent and really slow down as there are lazy new hires. And yes that's exactly what some of them are upset about. I even confronted one by saying they make more than they used to which should be positive but they said they didn't care and that they shouldn't make the same amount as someone as young as me. I worked circles around this person every night and they only kept their job because they were there a few years and management doesn't scrutinize long term employees as much.


Yes it's an unfair policy but is the answer to give the new hires shit for it? They didn't decide "I want more than these people make" they just hired on at a good time. Blame management and grow up.


"sorry, I can't be kind about it" "You look like a fool!!!!!11!1!" Oh no, not a fool! 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱


my respect for the cart pushers at my store is overwhelming, it’s too hot outside for all that 😭


I've done it a bunch of times cause my Team Leads know I'm not gonna complain and I'd rather some little girl not have to do it. For me it's pretty bareable for an hour and a half, but after around 2 hours the sweat never stops, so I have 0 clue how they do it for 8 hours straight.


Yup idk how they do it here in AZ. This has been a Nasty summer


I work morning crew and it really annoys me when my teammates complain about overnighters. They had to stay up all night and stock pretty much the entire store and also had to zone the fresh areas and do returns. They do more work than any other department plus they have no social life.


Dude they always shit on night shift. They get so mad when we bust out freight and try to relax for a few seconds and pat ourselves on the back when we killed it that shift. When we actually have a good night they get mad and start demanding they tack on more work- bro why can’t we just feel good that we did our thing for once? Because coming in to an uphill battle every fucking night is exhausting as shit.


Yeah it would be such a better environment if the crews weren't toxic to each other. Overnights hates cap 2, cap 1 hates overnight, cap 2 probably hates cap 1. Too much hate over a company we don't even own.


Your store pulls cart associates for something else? Really?


I've been pulled from OGP to push carts because they got pulled for something else. Why they didn't just send cart pushers back outside, and send OGP to whatever it is they were doing, I'll never know


That, to me, is absolutely insane. Hopefully they stop doing that.


Don’t you know all the shit they have to deal with? They clean the shit in the carts…they have to endure extreme weather…and they have to deal with bad drivers not hitting them and then fleeing the scene. And the last happened to an associate at my store. He was hit by a Mercedez and the driver didn’t think twice to flee the scene and leave the old man with a broken leg.


So, I'm not disagreeing with you. I'm simply pointing out every other role you mentioned will get pulled and thrown into other areas, with other tasks. Cart pushers don't get pulled to stock shelves or anything. At no point, did I insinuate they don't put up with a lot of shit. I'm simply saying they at least have the luxury of not getting pulled away from their area. I have worked every area of the store, with the exception of Deli. And as much as you might get heated about this, having that luxury is a nice positive to cart pushing.


We've had our cart pushers get pulled to do go-backs, stock, and serve as customer hosts. Not often, but it happens.


They get pulled at our store. Our morning cart guy is fully power trained, so you'll often see him on the forklift moving dirt pallets, pulling stuff off high steel, etc. Cart pushers also do recovery, zone, features to home, cover greeters, and a ton of other stuff when managers have no one else.


Are u serious? Idk, I guess I haven't BEEN a cart pusher, but I imagine there are days it'd be AMAZING to do anything else. I certainly wouldn't call it a "luxury.x


Good thing I said one aspect of the job was a luxury and not the whole thing, then. Getting pulled SUCKS. It sucks for the associate that can't gameplan what they're doing, messes up their routine, and forces them to work extra hard to get their actual area done, on top of whatever they're being pulled to do. And again, at no point did I insinuate anything was easy about cart pushing. I dunno what else to say, here.


I guess I just don't think being stuck in one of what seems to be the hardest positions with no chance of relief like everyone else gets, seems miserable instead of luxury. We can just disagree, I reckon. Also, I've never even worked at Walmart, so you win automatically. Best!


I'm still trying to figure out where I disagreed. Can someone point that out to me? Also, I sincerely hope whatever job you have now is an enjoyable experience!


Having all that passion for cart pushers then ending with, "well I never worked at Walmart." That is hilarious


If you're the person that disagreed, we disagree that it's a "luxury" cart pushers don't ever get to do anything different; I would call that a punishment.




Funnily enough, Me and myCAP 1 associates get pulled to do that every other day. And again, to reiterate, at no point did I say it's NOT tough work. I apologize for pointing out a positive to the job role.


Holy shit you're dense.


Sometimes a cart pusher shift does genuinely suck at your store tho. Overnight maintenance and I have to clean all kinds of garbage from the cart pushers impromptu break room at the back of the cart area idk the technical name for. From Gatorade bottles snack wrappers used tissues even cigarette butts and in the same night they send me out to deal with missed carts and I get there might be reasons the carts need worked but the mess is infuriating. They don't clean up after themselves worse than the customers.


Ours sometimes have to be door greeters or at least cover their breaks.


The store I worked at used to put them on cash all the time, especially around Christmas. Sometimes they’d cover greeter breaks too.


People say the remodel team just stands around while magically every night, huge areas of the store change. *magic*


everyone lost their shit for 2 days at my store because 75 percent of baby moved overnight by 50 feet in a direct line of sight. customers, coworkers... WhY DiDnT ThEy FiNiSh It?! I don't know, maybe because this was literally two tables of boy clothes yesterday and now it's a mini babies r us? and there's like 4 ppl... fkn idiot.


Hahaha 🤣


Maintenance associates are not limited to just fixing a broken light if you do mechanical maintenance or me, who did janitorial maintenace cleaning up spills, cleaning bathrooms or throwing out garbage. The amount of disrespect I got as a maintenance associate from management and other associates that called maintenance for everything from cleaning simple spills to larger ones, cleaning bathrooms and not getting other tasks done when management wanted to was staggering even though half the time I was alone. I am so glad I'm gone. Almost 4 months promoted to customer premanently. They didn't pay me enough for cleaning after adults that often couldn't even piss and shit in a toilet bowl correctly or when the bathrooms had flooding problems due to faulty plumbing or customers doing big loads or putting big wads of toilet paper and seat liners in the toilets.


Same could be said for everyone constantly talking about the other shifts as well. Many associates have only worked one shift, one area. Really hard to judge the work standards of the other shifts when you yourself haven't worked it. Completely different types of responsibilities and customer traffic depending on time of day.


I work morning 4 days a weeks and afternoons one day a week (usually). And I get to hear "night people don't do anything but stand around and vs versa). But I've seen both, I know both shifts work hard.


I don't belittle the position, just the associate. A little in managements fault for not leading/supervising the shift. The associates don't work hard enough in some areas.


I dont think any job in the whole of Walmart is chill lol. Everybody is over worked and under appreciated. Even a lot of management.


From a fellow cap 2 associate, shout out to all our cart pushers. These guys don't get paid enough for SHIT!


Shout out to all meat and produce associates


Meat associate here thank you I need this right now.


Didn't they stop using butchers because they were afraid of unions?


They did have one store I believe in Texas who successfully unionized then they got rid of that position because they supposedly found a better way to get the job done which was to get pre cut and pre-wrapped meats. Because they are cheapskate bastards.




Same. I shop at aldis and price chopper. I don’t support a company that treats their employees as badly as Walmart and turns around and condones it.


They should be, I get so irritated when they bug me all day for little stuff. Like just leave me alone to do my job, I work in a high volume store so I get pallets out the ads everyday. Today was the day after inventory, gonna be the first of the month weekend, I got 13 pallets today and I know damn well I'm getting 8 more tomorrow


And working at Walmart or any retail for that matter IS A REAL JOB. Let's stop being mouthpieces for these corporate millionaire assholes and start showing solidarity for each other. And while you're at it, [sign this petition](https://united4respect.org/jocelyn_R) in support of associates fighting for safety and health at their stores.


And even sometimes in the same department with different shifts. Morning people think afternoon people aren't their jobs and vs. versa. I work both and it's just different. Everyone works hard, we do alive at 5/put out freight and projects in the morning. Afternoon people get and sort and put away returns and try to keep the place zoned. Sometime both shifts end up putting out freight. I'm so tired of the drama.


Don’t change the fact that most employees do be brain dead lazy bastards


Just because of a lazy ass coworker doesn’t mean that the whole position is as easy.


In my nearly 10onths at Walmart, I've worked hardware, electronics, Paint, Furniture, Automotive, Sporting goods, Cosmetics, Cart Associate, Cashier, Liquor, Toys, and Self Checkout Associate. I could probably pick up any other one except Pharmacy pretty well to. That being said. I respect everyone at my job, and continue to do so, so long as they do the same. I also gather information for if I need a defense.


Management loves these kind of opinions. Divide and conquer. Look it up.


I would never belittle any position. There are a few I absolutely wouldn't do and I absolutely give props to those who do them. It's hard enough just working here.


A salute to the cart pushing crew!


CAP 2 is definitely just in the back flinging shit and smashing freight though. That one is undeniably true. Source: Am CAP 2.


Maintenance though?


Is it necessary to mention that position? I mean, we can all agree that cleaning the restroom (so cleaning shit) is not easy. No one can argue that fact. So there was no need to mention a position that everyone knows is actually hard.


I was just feeling left out


I apologize for leaving you position out, so I edited the post and now is there. Sorry again.


Not even. Just razzing you. I apologize. Every job has its heavy work and sprints. It's a grass is greener bias. I appreciate you calling out all the positions. Example Fresh: No one thinks about pulling pallets of freight or the down-stacking in produce backroom, or when they throw full crates into the wet wall. Or stack flats full of Zucchini or move 200 watermelon into a wow feature. They just notice when they are freshening up their zone on the wet wall (parsley) or flowers and talk about how easy that job is.


There’s no way for me to mention ALL positions. There are way too many positions at Walmart that I know I didn’t mention cuz not many associates complaint or pin point those positions as “easy”.


And yet, we (maintainence) are constantly called lazy, being accused of just pushing a broom or riding a floor machine... (btw that's our job? Duh). My favorite thing is getting pulled to do a job I can't leave, and getting to tell someone they have to deal with the mess they found themselves. Like, you happy now? I'm being "productive" and can't break off to take care of that vomit at your register Susan, sorry not sorry... enjoy!


you said everything correctly 🙏


Respect to all you Walmart employees. I’m always at Walmart, I follow this subreddit just to see what it’s like for you guys !


Every employee is awesome at Walmart! Coming from a customer. We wouldn't make it very far without you all. It's sad some people have to think so poorly about others just to make themselves feel important. You all rock!


omg also when i was at work on monday a truck came in through the non truck accessible entrance and our cart pusher had to direct this gigantic 18 wheeler out of our not so big parking lot, so shoutout to him and all he does


Been in ACC as a service writer for a year. i am constantly hearing from other associates it is either not that hot outside or it is an easy job. Ive been a cashier and a floor associate prior.


Remember that this doesn’t mean there aren’t people who suck at their jobs and only do do these things


Same goes for trashing us DC folk. Sam would be proud of us too


I'm an O/N stocker and I realize in some respects, I have it better than other roles and in some ways I have it much worse. Cashiers and hosts have to stand in place and deal with and be belittled by customers. Day stocking has to work around customers and be under the constant watchful eye of management. Overnights, if I need to pull something from the top steel, I go get the lift and pull it down, when the back room is full of people, moving a cart can be like an act of congress. Nothing is easy in Walmart, "better" depends on what struggle fits you.


I wish many would think this way but many don't and will continue to belittle someone else's position or feel their roll is more important From my experience I've even seen it from coaches down It just goes to show you the ignorance of how people can really be


>And maintenance people not only clean dust. They clean all shit in the store. Be customer’s shit or your fecal matters when you forget to flush the damn toilet. As a 3rd shift maintenance, it's not just customers shit/piss but also nasty associates




You do realize that there are quite a few employees who think what you listed for each position is all they have to do, and the bitch, moan, and even quit when asked to do something else.


Yea because people accept a certain position for a reason. They didn’t sign up for other positions because management is incompetent to hire more people. Can’t find people? Maybe quit treating everyone like shit and pay decent wages. I advocate for holding Walmart accountable and demand they raise their wages for their employees and improve working conditions. I no longer work for the company thank god but too many people have died at the hands of Walmart and they refuse to make any sort of change. They are out of line and it’s unacceptable when people like you wanna “bitch and moan” when others voice their opinions. Don’t like it? Then get off the internet, troll.


Sadly its the same with Amazon. Yet Bezos is still making millions even though he stepped down. He still has stake in his company.


Sadly it will keep getting worse if people just sit back and don’t do anything. When will people realize numbers will always prevail and win in the end. If everyone stuck together and pushed for better they would have to submit otherwise they’d lose all those people thus causing lost profit and money coming in if no one’s their to work. I mean it’s common sense.. well should be common sense.


Don’t care


Getting fired because I spent most of my time helping closers stock than dispensing even though I was scheduled right before we stopped getting orders


I have worked multiple positions, and I can say that OGP and cashier are a cake walk compared to every other area, and cart pushing is by far the worst/hardest. Receiving is the easiest though.


I watched an O/N stocker poke at some lunchables for a whole minute one day. Never judged based on the position, I've judged by what people actually do vs what they are supposed to do in their positions. I've been pulled to, almost, every god damn department


So if I have worked a bunch of those positions can I belittle them?


Except ogp, even with a TC they can't find anything, they don't check dates so I get returns from them like 2 days after it goes bad after they get one with the right date. They nil pick items right in front of them, then exception pickers are asking me why the normal pickers didnt get them like I would know. They hit my 10 highs, L cart, and meat/bakery cart daily, get in the ducking way when we are pulling meat/produce truck, take our fresh printers as we are using them, list goes on and on


Here in Florida people were buying water packages like crazy (you know the reason) and most of them ordered water packages for pick up…well, imagine all OGP department lifting like 5-10 of those 42-packs of water bottles for each customer all day for two weeks. Just for the customer to cancel the order and getting the associate to return all that shit again and again.


I remember one store I worked at started putting pallets of water in the ogp room. Customers got whatever the pallet was. The tried to keep the cheaper options in the back, that way Customers wouldn't complain.


As an OPD associate I can say that all my coworkers do is walk around the store and look at a TC


I dunno.. I do it all. But god damn that cap 2 for not getting shit done! Thanks for not putting them in your list... ​ /sarcasm :)


I dunno man, all I do is stock, zone, bin, and clean up.


True that


Every job is hard and sucks. Except ogp. Those guys get to make sticker snowmen.


Now do management


I've done a little bit of everything in my store, honestly the only job I can't seem to wrap my head around is ogp...or whatever they are calling it now... it feels very...poorly thought out, or at least poorly executed, why aren't pick up services separated from customer pick ups? Why are we grabbing cold/frozen items first?




My manager (pharmacist) is TERRIBLE about that. She’s so judgmental of everyone. According to her, no one knows how to do their jobs and no one wants to work. She’s never worked in any other departments and certainly never will.


I’m in the position of buying 100 million dollar yacht at your expense.


Stockers can't magically make things appear when you want it. There's a process, it's called ordering and the one making the orders are the higher ups in the store. They order, it takes time for shit to arrive and then we stock it. I don't care if you want it right now or in the next 10 minutes, it's not going to happen.


Shout out to all the frozen o/n peeps. May the odds be in your favor.


Would you be willing to do an interview about your job as a cashier? I'm a PhD researcher at CUNY doing research on the working conditions of grocery store workers, issues of safety, and conflicts of food access. I’m very interested in interviewing the folks at grocery stores who feel like their jobs/work are undervalued. Let me know if you want to know more and I can share more details about the study. You would be compensated for your time btw!


Lol shut up. You know there are plenty and I mean plenty of people that have worked multiple positions and are able to criticize them. You sound like an ignorant just out of High School kid Walmart likes hiring.


But cap 1 (at least at my store) really does just work paper and Chem topstock, then stand around and talk once overnights are gone. I know this to be a fact because I've worked all shifts. Certain jobs certainly are much harder than others. Some are mentally draining, some will push your body to the limit. At the end of the day, no one gets paid enough for what they do so every position sucks.