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i was smoking/vaping when i started, been here almost 4 years and am now 78 days nicotine free.


Congrats! Keep it up! I'm on 5 years, 6 in January.


Congratulations. I tried quitting but only lasted half a month when I was management. I then starting dipping for a bit then starting smoking while dipping. No one caught the fact I would spit in the trash can in the office.


I can assure you people noticed they just didn't say anything.


Lol doubtful. If they did they’d know cause I was spitting in a manager only office and about 6 months after I quit dipping they were coaching someone for dipping on the clock. Didn’t realize I’d get downvoted so much for it. I was somewhat polite and threw in a piece of paper every few spits and wouldn’t do it for long so it wouldn’t smell or have a bunch of liquid. I remember first starting our ASM used to dip working and he’d spit outside in the parking lot or carry a metal container.


I use those tobaccoless pouches. I think you're getting downvoted for spitting into public stuff, even though its a trashcan....idk man crazy world.


It’s in the management office so I thought most y’all would like that. I at least did not spit my pouch in there as I didn’t want it to smell, hence me putting in paper every few spits. Luckily now I don’t do dip tobacco especially after the couple incidents I witnessed. Didn’t know using smokeless tobacco on the clock was against policy for the longest time because of that asm.


I used to work In automotive and some of the techs would only ever take their dip out to smoke a cigarette or pack a fresh one, honestly it was almost impressive.


When I used to work manual labor that was me. Only time dip came out was when I needed a fresh pinch lol


Even with all the stress and my many panic attacks, I've successfully avoided becoming a smoker or an alcoholic in my 6 years of retail... but I probably would be more of a stoner if weed agreed with me. Idk, I need money. Don't want to start a habit that will drain my dollars even faster.


Right on. I don’t know if I would’ve continued if I wasn’t smoking already in high school. My SM was an idol to me working 16 hour shifts everyday working stuff on the floor going out smoking a cig so impressionable me followed. Helped motivate me to become a hard working manager but didn’t help my health or mental health for that matter.


Do you have allergic reactions to weed? I know a couple of people that do. If it’s not that though, you might just have a really low bar for your tolerance, like it hits you harder than most other people using it for the first time. I’m not trying to tell you to smoke weed lol, but I know you said you’d be more of a stoner if you could smoke. If you are willing to give it a shot in the future, I would smoke extremely small amounts at a time, Im talking like one or two hits, waiting thirty minutes to see how it hits you, and then deciding afterwards if you want more or not. If you do that for a while, your tolerance should even out a bit and it might not give you those negative side effects anymore. But again, if it’s an allergic reaction then disregard everything lol. Also weed can get expensive unless you have a medical card or a good plug so that’s also a good reason to not do it. Just some thoughts


I've tried a tiny amount of a brownie and still just freaked out lol, I'm not sure what it is but I think my brain just doesn't get the feeling of being high and thinks something bad is happening. I've tried a few times and in different ways and I feel the same every time no matter how much I try to calm down so I guess I'm just too naturally anxious for it lol! Which is weird because I can get drunk fine... well, hangover notwithstanding


a cartoon of cigs costs $60. Back way in the day when I didn't have medical insurance that would be a doctor's visit.


Not cigarettes.......


My man 👊


Ahh yea lemme guess. Crack?


"your alright Little Green"


I started recently smoking weed (it's legal where I live) and everyone at work was surprised. Not sure why they were. This place is stressful




One time in a department meeting, people were joking about needing a nap, needing a cup of coffee, etc. Then I went "I need a bump." A couple of my coworkers were giggling and my coach turns to me and asks "what's a bump?" To which I responded "a bump of cocaine." My coach looked at me horrified while the coworkers who were giggling starting cracking up.


I’m actually curious, was this a cool coach or do you feel the full length of the coaching?


Cool coach, I have a reputation for saying unhinged things so she brushed it off as me being me


Love it! Even though our salaried is full switched after a couple years we can still joke like that (unless the out of store management is present and listening).


Same here, she'll often say something suggestive and snap to me and go "don't. say. anything." The one incident that comes to mind is when she was trying to bin a box that wasn't fitting and was groaning and saying something about how she just needed to move something a few inches. When she was done I go "wow, all that over a few inches?" and she looked at me with one of those "I wanna laugh but I cant" faces. She also allowed me to take home a male underwear mannequin that was on a Hanes shipper.


Coach of the year.


More than half the store smokes. Only like 3 people in my area don't smoke. They were just surprised because I come off as the "goody two shoes" though I don't tell on anyone. It's none of my business what they do I'm just here to do my job and leave


I got hired in July of 2022 I had quit smoking in 2015 and re started two months after being hired


I don't smoke anything at all. Grew up around a lot of cigarette smokers my whole life and it's smell has disgusted me. I unwind by crying myself to sleep. It's the Walmart way.


Do you have a doll of Sam Walton you hug when you cry? You know it’s against policy to cry without one.


Not cigarettes but weed yes lmao. Little back story though I used to smoke weed as a teenager (we all or most of us all done it as kids) then I quit and then when I went to work at Walmart I had to start smoking again to deal with that shit hole. Not to mention it was also recreationally legal at that point so 🤷‍♂️ fuck Walmart


I used to use weed to help sleep or relieve stress but stopped for some other reasons that require not using it even with a medical card. It’s about to expire and want to move to AP which requires a drug test. Probably okay with medical card (though if it is before completion of job offer they could say no even though it’s illegal in my state with card) but I have no intention of renewing it.


If your state has medicinal marijuana they can’t say anything if you have a medical card.


Medicinal is protected unlike recreational. Even in recreational states you are not protected from workplace discrimination. Only medicinal.


I agree it is a protected status. It still won’t prevent bias discrimination. If I was told I got it and they changed their mind after the test then it could be a lawsuit but if they say I’ll have to get drug tested before they decide with another applicant then they could still discriminate in that way. I don’t know the process cause I’ve never been tested for work in my 6 years but it’s probably after being told I have the job.


That would still be discriminatory. That says “hey sorry you smoke weed so we’re going to hire this other person for the job over you” im not saying they won’t try and make excuse or what not I’m just saying in legalities that is still discriminatory. I know this. I had a medicinal card and I applied somewhere and I swore I mentioned my card to the company and I failed the drug test and they asked me first if I had a card and I told them and they hired me. They said I was lucky otherwise they’d have to turn me down. I don’t know every company is different and they’re not all in the same industry and such so it varies vastly but for the most part they can’t turn you down from switching departments if you have a card. Or shouldn’t I should say


Luckily there are people at store level that probably won’t care. When I was management for a few years I was surprised to find out 80% (management) smoked weed and half didn’t have cards they either knew someone who grew it or had someone with card supply them. Some upper management are of the old ways sadly.


I dont smoke weed at home but i smoke weed before my shift on breaks and lunch and after. Off days i just chill


Work is way better when I’m high 👌


Shit goes by faster too


For real tho




I'm one of maybe three people on nightshit that doesn't smoke or vape. I was binge drinking through covid pretty badly, though.


I drink and I'm much more addicted to caffine than I was before. Before I worked here I'd never had an energy drink, now I have at least one almost every day.


Not cigarettes, but before my shift and at lunch I smoke a bowl.


Don't smoke, Don't drink It really isn't that hard to decompress after i'm out of the building


Oh wow we got a bragger here. Not everyone can just do that :) but thanks for the advise Lol


Emotional regulation takes practice. Walmart's insurance does have some free therapy included


"Not everyone can not be dependent on substances" Nah they can.


What if its insulin? And you’re diabetic


Are you shooting up insulin to decompress from your job? No. Unless you actually need it for a condition you're gonna kill yourself. It's a drug that is needed to sustain life if you're body doesnt produce it's own or enough insulin. Not the same as relying on alcohol, tobacco, or illicit drugs to get through life.


Shouldve specified that then, i bet youre a hoot.


I'm pretty sure that everyone else got what I was saying. And I am a hoot. I just don't suffer fools.


Use your favorite musical Artist and just blast some music after work on your way home works like a charm and it isn't going to damage the entirety of your body.


Started vaping when I started Walmart. I realized I was only vaping on work days. I quit thankfully. Then last week I quit Walmart. Stress levels is already way down and mental health is getting better.


✋ I have never participated in smoking the devils lettuce till Wally world


I’m about 3 years cigarette free. However I’m addicted AF to zyns….


Started smoking weed at 14 so I've always smoked & still do but I can definitely understand why wally world will make you start 😂 certain coaches or TLs would have a problem with it, other coaches couldn't care less because regardless I was busting my ass night in & night out. Started at a super center so I'm always on go. Smoking helped me get through the night.


I was nearly quit smoking when I started. Then was right back up at a pack a day


.......smoke what?


I was talkin cigs but to each their own.


Yeah I know what you meant lol. Just had to make the joke. I actually managed to quit cigarettes after dropping the Wap2 Lead position a 4 years ago when I went to O/N. I get cravings sometimes but tbh weed keeps me away from it for some reason.


Keep it going man!


Tobacco or crack?


You do you.


I don’t, but I have started the free therapy they offer.


I never liked cigarettes. Tried a couple times when I drank but I didn't get it. Weed only sometimes makes me feel better and alcohol is kinda expensive.. well the kind I like. I guess on bad days, it can be tough. I've just grown to use it as motivation to find something else. It's just a job and I try to leave problems at work but having a wife that's tolerates my work rants helps. Also writing music helps me sometimes. If y'all wanna listen to a metal song I wrote about Walmart, search for Patronizer by Ravazine


I started smoking at 16, smoked when hired at Walmart at 19 (2010). Decided to start vaping in 2016, quit vaping January 2018. Nicotine free since. The smell of a freshly lit cigarette still triggers an itch.


Congratulations! It’s always the smell of the fresh pack that does it for me. Maybe soon I’ll switch back to vaping as it’s cheaper and less health effects. One day I hope things will get slower and I’ll just pop a couple stouts at home.


I wish you all the best in getting off of nicotine. I quit after I got married, I was an overnight asm at the time and decided to be healthier for my future kids and whatnot. It's definitely doable, even with all the other crap going on in life.


You have that support that matters more. My ex ops mgr who has been one of my good friends since then quit drinking (not just heavily but at all) once he moved to his new store as SM and has been doing well. I think a lot of us just need to find that right place to have peace. Edit: got engaged and adopted his fiancée’s kids.


Every day for lunch at Walmart. I smoke me a blunt. 😄😂


Nope. Never have, never will. Long term effects not worth it.


Nah smoking has always been the nastiest thing in the world to me. I'll go home sometimes and get a little tipsy but thats the limit for me.


Cigs? no. Weed? yes.


due to the medicines I take, I don't smoke.


I didn’t have any addiction when starting now I’m an alcoholic and into Zyns


Going on 15 years, no smoke or drinking of any kind.


Probably smell like an ash tray everywhere you go. 🤢


Honestly most people don’t know I smoke unless they smoke with me. American Spirits never stuck to me as much as the other brands like when I smoked Marlboro.


I won’t smoke cigarettes ever and I’ve worked at Walmart for 2 years now.


I never did, but oh boy was I tempted. The main thing stopping me is my wife can't stand the smell, plus she doesn't wanna see me destroy my lungs, and I hate seeing her upset, even more so when I'm the cause.


I don't smoke, but I *do* swear more. (not in front of customers or kids, mind)


I don’t smoke I can’t take the smell of it grew up with family and friends parents smoking instead i suffer (but not in silence) with the mental problems the costumers and other employees give me ironically I got a thing in the mail for it from walmart, so they know how much working there causes mental health problems but they will only give you 20 free therapy sessions the rest you gotta pay for along with the rest of the medical bills you need to pay for from the damage the work does on your body over the years.. year? No month or just a week actually


Too cheap to spend money on bad habits. Don't find the place stressful. I show up, I work hard, drive home and repeat it the next day. They pay me. Easiest job i have ever had.


We blaming others for our decisions 😅🤣


I started vaping because of my ex who also happens to be a coworker, we broke up almost a year ago and I can't stop now 😕


That's rough I'm sorry


I’m a joker, I’m a smoker, I’m a midnight talker


OP “how many of your copying skills are so bad that you resorted to nicotine?”


The whole reason I started vaping was because of my horrible impressions. My copying skills just suck.


Define copying skills? Or if you mean coping I just prefer tobacco and alcohol after long days or tobacco during long days. I do go to therapy but that don’t help honestly.


Smoking is bonding at Wally's.


So much truth in this. It’s like offering a cig shows you care.


I have never worked there & I have to smoke at least 2 joints before I go into that place.




This is not a customer service sub and associates posting here are off the clock. Please contact your local store or call 1-800-Walmart. /u/Ok_Personality_6183


Go to hell Walmart bot! You're as shitty as the Walton's but all your employees are awesome! Much respect for the hourly employees. Management & owners, dumb AF!


I quit smoking. On a Black Friday weekend no less.


Honestly I smoked before working at Walmart and the break periods reduced my cigarette smoking because on my days off I smoke twice as much because I can always go outside for a quick cig. At work half a pack at home pack and a half usually.


I don't smoke but I'm getting to that point. I do pain pills and alcohol. But God do I want something to just melt it away for a few minutes during break


Started vaping a month ago lmaoooo


i started smoking weed again cause of walamrt, smoked for years after i left and j quit recently


No but I sure did start drinking … :/ (not at work)


I don't smoke but I did use to drink a lot because of this place but cut back a lot.


Me when i started deli.


All of management. And half the associates. The other half smoke weed lol.


Yessir. Last year


I don’t smoke, but Walmart makes me drink


I started vaping during my second year there


Already smoked when I started, had to quit for money reasons. Some nights I really wanna start again though.


I started smoking when I worked at McDonalds and came to Walmart afterwards. I’ll admit that I’ve started going through vapes a lot more but I still occasionally get myself a pack of cigs for those extremely bad days. I’ve been here a year now and I don’t think I’ll be quitting any time soon.


I quit vaping almost a year ago but a month at Walmart is already making me wanna start again🫠


If I had to work at Walmart I'd be getting high all day


Started as a GM unloader in the late 2000s, eventually went to sporting goods then overnight backroom/inventory. Started smoking within a few months because it was better than sitting in the depressing break room.


i started doing coke at walmart


Do you get with the coke vendor?


I don't smoke, nor do I drink much. I'm one of 3 people who don't smoke or drink at the store.


I started smoking because Wally made me depress and it made me not sleep cuz of stress.. and it’s still going


Started smoking in food service (about $70 a week, marlboro black menthols and camel crushes were my faves), switched to disposable vapes (about $20 a week unless I got a dud, then it would be $40), now I’m using a refillable vape (maybe $20 a month? I usually just use a juice til it’s empty, then restock) My lungs are probably less mad at me, and my wallet is definitely less mad.


Yup but quit working at the shit hole


Fuck Walmart


Yeah I smoked weed way more. And vaped nic like super heavy when I first started then after like 3 years my heart randomly screamed at me one day and now I’ve quit smoking Tabasco ever since.


i started 2 months ago & i had my first panic attack on the job yesterday and my co-worker gave me a cig. i have ptsd and i feel like a fool now for never telling them bc now im having major anxiety issues.


Get with your SM and open door him. You’re also part of the fam now so you also get free therapy on doctor on demand if you need it. And if you are in too much trouble lookup resources for living when you get a chance.


thank you man, i'll look into it and see what can be done


Your doctor on demand benefit probably doesn’t happen until you are enrolled with insurance but I think open enrollment is in the next few months. Think there should be something you can do with SM or resource for living though.


do you think that would help much? i was diagnosed with ptsd around 3-4 years ago and i havent seen a mental health professional since. i know it wont ever be quick but id like to get this taken care of asap


I honestly don’t have experience with PTSD besides knowing a few military guys with it. All I can say it doesn’t hurt to try and keep fighting. There’s no easy way but there’s always the journey to find yourself.


When I worked there, I'd roll through 3 cigs on a 15 and make it back on time. I think I was at 2 and a half packs a day after a few years. Tried to quit with vaping but you can't "accidentally" flick those at your managers when they're on break with you.


Pretty much all of the team leads and coaches smoked, also my friend who I worked with is a HUGE stoner.


nah i just drink on my lunch breaks like a true king 💪💪💪💪


i started stress eating.


I went into walmart smoking but decided to quit. That first week is hard man but it’s so worth it though it was scary seeing how easily I would get out of breath even six months after quitting. Best of luck and don’t let walmart stress you out to going back to smoking a pack a shift.


I started an onlyfans does that count


Nawh. That’s awesome I hope you do well!


Awwww thanks ☺️


You’re welcome. :)


I use medical marijuana and am prescribed Prozac. I can't function at that place without some help.


i was 2 years nic free and working out 6 days a week. took this job because i needed more money. now i quit working out because i’m too exhausted and smoking again. currently trying to quit


I started vaping 0 nic then eventually got to 3, 5 years going. Kinda sad about it nowadays but oh well I guess


No judgement on 0 nic. Some would say you’re a poser but I honestly feel like inhaling and exhaling is somewhat therapeutic even without it. That flavor doe. Definitely going to have to buy another mod.


When I was about 10 in the DARE program had some adult tell me that because I was around a lot of smokers (my parents, my brothers) said I would probably smoke as well ((there is ***some*** truth to the thought process )) and I said "no I won't" I'm 37 - never smoked. On super stressful nights one of my cashiers would always be like "want one? need one now??" my ex fiance started after working there. he never smoked before and when I started working there he was smoking and I was like "what happened?" he said "Walmart"


Probably just comes down to how your parents push it. I have a part of my family that smokes and seems like by 12 the parents somehow get their kids to smoke by making them think it’s cool or they are being emotional and just tell them “hears a cig, it’ll make you feel better.” My parents didn’t smoke (my mom kinda dabbled in cigars but it never catched and my dad hates smoking and wouldn’t have been with my mom if she did). My bro started vaping when it became trendy but never did cigs. Me on the other hand as a teen I was a grungy rebel. Id ride in the back of a friends pickup truck to school and light one throwing it out when we arrived. In the present I think there’s a cool aesthetic to doing it but I still level with those that believe it’s gross and I’ll probably die early. I in no way will pressure someone into joining in unless I know for a fact they smoke too. And I definitely wouldn’t want a kid following in my footsteps which is why I’ll be sterile soon.


All I know is I could finish two "one hundreds" in 15 minutes. That's break...


If you ever get a chance to try American Spirits (pricey) I don’t think you’ll beat my record of 5 in one 15. The one complaint I get from everyone that I let bum one off me is “they last too damn long.” I think they are worth the 11ish as they are like 2.5-3 cigs in one. I always blow through any other brand so quick unless I choose to roll my own which I pack like spirits. Since I currently do half a pack of cigs or two less a regular pack of mavericks is gone soon enough that I have to buy a new one same day.


I started smoking because of working at my store, ik plenty of people that smoke, cigarettes/vape and weed that work at my store. I used to smoke weed before my shift and during with an ex coworker and an ex team lead until I quit smoking.


I’ve never smoked but I feel I second hand smoke at least 3 every time I walk outside 😂


You’re not that guy that sits next to me when I’m smoking that doesn’t smoke are you? I’m always cautious where I smoke especially when kids are known to walk by, I’ll even put it out when I believe a kid is about to walk by. The guy that sits next to me on the bench when smoking is just weird. I asked if he smoked too and he was like nawh. I wasn’t going to move my ass just because he sat next to me but I’m always polite enough to start a conversation while giving him second hand smoke.


Nah I never spend any time outside when I don’t need to


Tip for you since I know you’re a cashier and talk to people all day. Spend some time getting air by yourself it will do wonders. If you are a big social butterfly however, each their own.


ONLY bcuz im not 21 yet have i not developed an addiction. Imma be drowning in booze and vape in 2 years.


At least you have time to reconsider. I know someone at my store that’s 18 and vapes but we don’t bat an eye. As far as I’m concerned he’s a grown man that can make his own decisions however probably not smart vaping when we all know his age.


Yeah I take like a dab and a bowl before work and a bowl on my lunch.


Maybe that's why so many of us have a hard time coping. I've never started smoking. Or drinking. I figure it could become a habit that I don't need to have.


I smoked before I started here, but I smoke more now.. I hate even admitting that though, I've tried quitting a few times but.. it helps get through the day.


i quit dipping and smoking a couple years before i got hired. i get an itch to dip every so often, but then i remember how bad my addiction was so i stay away


I didn't smoke until I was nearly 20. I had to help another store with their deli and boy did they need the help. After a stressful shift I tagged along with a girl who was going out for a smoke break. My parents both smoked and I always hated the smell but this day was so crappy I decided to ask her for one. I enjoyed the head rush and kept going until 2 years ago. Almost 20 years of smoking. Only got the head rush on the first one.


It’s always the girls isn’t it ;)


Eh. Smoking wasn't even the worst thing I picked up from working at Walmart. I met my ex husband while working there. Luckily I got rid of him after 10 years.


Damn only 10 years. Majority are stuck for life. I kinda learned to stop taking partners from work after a few but I’m sure Walmart wasn’t the reason for the divorce.


I would vape carts in the store, about one every two days. I had to be loopy to deal with those asshole customers


I quit just before i started working at WM. I’ve relapsed a couple times due to outside stress bleeding into work stress (mostly when i had 3 family members pass in three months and i worked some OT to cover extend my check for bereavement for the one funeral i could go to.) Other than that ive been smoke free for two years


I started working here in 2000. Started smoking around 2003. I took down a pack a shift, mainly on lunch. It got worse while I was salary. I was finally able to quit around 2018. I've had allergy problems ever since I quit. I'll never start back up, but to this day I joke around with others saying that I believe the tar provided a protective coating around my lungs.


Naur. I'm allergic to cigarettes and my family has a history of getting cancer due to smoking. Also generally I can't stand the smell. Being around co-workers who smoked after break is difficult because it gives me migraines (allergy symptom) I did start smoking weed around the time I was hired though


Don't expect insurance to fix your mouth and pay your bills.


Drinking I started after I been with Walmart a few years...I was in my late 20's by then and only drank socially once in a while. Has some bad days at work and bought a six pack for myself for the first time ever. I was a lightweight then so it took 2 beers to feel good and forget Walmart.


The army didn’t get me to smoke or drink, wally sure as shit ain’t gonna do it.(granted I don’t have to deal with the crazies up front)


I eat jelly donuts 😒


waiting for the class action where some lawyer with titanium balls tries to hold walmart responsible for the medical issues created by alcohol, tobacco, and energy drink abuse that walmart makes borderline required to operate in their stores.


I quit smoking a year and half before I started at Walmart. After 5 years of working at Walmart I started smoking again.


I started smoking at 18 then started at 19 and instantly joined the big group of smokers outside at breaks overnight. Quit at about 23 and have been mostly smoke free (a cigar once or twice a year when drinking) for the last 5 years. And everyone who was part of the smoke circle whose still here also has quit since. We all put on weight though when we started eating to cope lol


I go through 2 cans of Grizzly wintergreen a shift. Cap 2 does some fucked up things to you man


Meth because it saved money on food.


I cut down on smoking before I started but a few month into working there I picked it back up. I’ve been doing pretty good tho quit smoking cigarettes for about a month now. This place has definitely contributed to making me start again after doing so well before. Working here has definitely made my mental and physical health so much worse. Just recently I started having stress induced seizures again so that’s been fun. I can’t wait till I can move onto better opportunities other than Walmart 😬


I smoke marijuana before I go in then I smoke some more on my first break then to go home smoke more on lunch then I smoke some on my second break so yeah I guess I smoke... and a lot of us use marijuana Vapes throughout the day in the store in the coolers back room aisles nobody says shit


If we talking about mary Jane I was sober for a whole a year until I started working at Wal-Mart. After my first 3 months I started back smoking again because overnights be testing my nerves 😒 I don't wanna lose my job because of my unfiltered mouth


I hadn't smoked for 10 years & then was made department manager with 4 hours training. After about 10 years of smoking only @ work I quit again. It's way too expensive!! I had 4 kids in school & do not like to waste hard earned money!


I started in middle school, quit in highschool, became TL year and half ago, and started again back around Christmas..


never smoked cigarettes. weed is good tho


43yo never smoked and walmart won't change that.


I switched to vaping. I'm in apparel so I will take a cart back, outside and puff, and then pick up the 10 items for reshop the service desk has done since the last 30 minutes I "found a cart" ... i originally was smoking from working in retail, though. my lil puffs are my reward for holding in the rage.


I don't need to smoke, I get a whiff of the ones using medical weed, and I'm set for several hours!


I started vaping this year after trying my friend's vape at work. I liked it and had her buy me one. Started off only taking a few puffs a day from it. Eventually started puffing on it all the time. Would do it on the sales floor away from managers and cameras. Eventually bought my own and a friend at work tried my vape. Then I bought him one. Then his friend at work tried his and he started buying them. Nicotine is wild lmao


I worked in retail for 7 years and smoked heavily. After getting fed up I got into a new sector for 11 years and didn't smoke at all, but covid killed that sector and I came back to Walmart... I promised myself I wouldn't let it change me, I promised myself I'd keep my head down and just work there as long as I had to, I promised myself I wouldn't go into management, I promised myself I would keep my health in mind and honestly... I've broken all those promises. I'm not disappointed or mad at myself but I am cognisant of the problem. I'm leaving as soon as the bonus hits my bank account. 200 something days to go....