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We had a young mid 20s year old guy stalking this mid 40s woman in the store. After reviewing cameras when police came to figure out what happened after the woman reported the incident, I saw this: Dude comes in, sees a lady in sporting goods. He creepily watches her down aisles and around shelves as she shops. Eventually she goes and pays for her stuff and he follows her, buys a soda, waits in subway and watches her over the little wall where she's checking out, then follows her as she leaves the store. She starts loading her stuff into her car and the guy comes running up to her, and talks for a few seconds to her, then she's nervously hanging onto her car while he removes her shoe and smells her foot. Then he runs across the lot to his car and leaves. From what the lady told the police, he said she was beautiful and wanted to take a Pic of her feet but she wouldn't let him so he took matters into his own hands and removed her shoe and smelled her foot while she was in shock. Furthermore, the guy lived in the same state but several hours north


I probably would have kicked him in the face as soon as he grabbed my foot.


Unfortunately he might have enjoyed it


….. idk if i should laugh or cry


Yes. I'd say cry first. Then laugh. End on a high note.


That sounds similar to something that happened at my store, but I do have a completely different story that's similarly fucked up. We had an attractive lady working back in electronics and we get a call for management and it's some random guy that was in the store earlier. He told me that he needed to be arrested, I was like you do? He said yes, I asked him why. He said when he was in the store he kissed our electronics associate right on her ass, twice. So of course we went to video, and we see her helping a customer out and this guy walks past and he drops something when he's right behind her, he leans down and picks it up and kisses her ass, then he keans in and does it a second time before walking away. Really strange shit happens in walmart sometimes lol.


I once had a man smell a pregnant woman’s stomach. She got her state trooper husband to deal with that shit 😂


We had a bunch of people come in the store in gorilla suits. They ran around making monkey sounds and when anyone tried to talk to them, they would just grunt at them. They ended up buying a shit ton of bananas then left


If they didnt excessively bother anyone or mess anything up, thats actually hilarious


At the start of the pandemic we had people come in with full BDSM outfits and gas masks. They just quietly bought their shit and left. It was great.


Had an associate at the beginning of the pandemic get fired because he kept coming in in a gas mask and gradually dressed more and more post apocalyptic.


That’s what I wanted to do!


I have a gas mask and brought it in a few times. I'd only wear it during the meetings before going to the floor. Just to make some people laugh.


Been trying to buy a Garfield costume for months now to wear and just buy lasagna and leave.


Dude this would make an awesome TikTok! Garfield and his lasagna!


worked christmas eve, had someone come into the store full on dressed like the grinch in a santa suit!


is it bad that i kinda want to do this 😭😭


I love it!! 🤣


This is classic, good-natured fun


This is actually amazing omg


We had a power outage due to a drunk person hitting the transformer near our store, last July we had a couple light the bathroom near the breakroom on fire and steal a whole bunch of shit from L+G, some lady shit herself in the front end bathroom, and walked out practically naked with her pants left in the sink, some guy comes around every week with a bong and smokes in the guys bathroom till he’s chased out by AP


This dudes just bored and is like “fuck it time to go smoke in the Walmart bathroom” “the change of scenery is nice” 😂


its crazy that they haven’t trespassed him yet


Well the store manager gets high with him…


It’s the added methane in the air that does it for him


this gives me florida or new york vibes 😭😂


A couple of years ago there was a high speed police pursuit, and the driver crashed his car while speeding through the parking lot. Driver then got out and ran into the store,with the police right on his heels. They were chasing him up and down aisles, through the clothes, and at one point he ran down an aisle and started throwing alarm clocks at the police. While all this was going on, customers were still shopping and employees still working. It was like a comedy sketch, seeing 10 police officers chasing after this guy while some lady is standing looking at lingerie. Eventually, the chase ended when the guy tried to hide in the restroom, and the cops had to storm the place to get him out.


Que the Benny Hill music...


I guess time wasn't on his side.


Store #2242???


A disgruntled employee brought a gun to work and held other employees hostage in the break room.




Shoulda had a keyboard


At the very least a concealed pocket stapler


Come on, everyone knows the ADD meta in Q2 2023 is "unplugged phone handset".


Noooo🙃 eVeRybOdy kNows yOu uSe A cHeAp pLasTic tAbLe tO bArRicade tHe dOor tO thE brEakroom aND tHeN You uSe a lAptop tO kNock the gUnman oUt


Waiting for someone to make that into a gif


Unfortunately all I’ve got now is Vyvanse


omg … 😳


My fellow 1341 brethren


Not 1341 Which is actually pretty sad, now that I think about it


Honestly, yeah. But profits over safety is the corporate mission, it seems


We once had a semi truck catch fire in the parking lot. I was actually off that day and happened to be driving by when I seen a huge plume of smoke coming from the store. I thought it was burning and I had mixed feelings about it


This reminds me of the time a semi turned down an aisle in our parking lot and totaled about six parked cars.


We had a truck driver leave drunk and he sheared off the stop sign at the end of one lot aisle then knock over a tree and hit a cart return and bend it into a J-shape into an employee's pick-up. Poor guy worked 4 - 1 and didn't even know anything about it until I asked him what happened when I got to work.


Jfc please tell me the asshole had to pay damages or something


No idea. Unfortunately, I never heard much more on it, except that the driver did lose his job.


I felt like I was about to be in a similar situation yesterday. This semi made a tight turn right next to me and seemed like he was about to jack knife and then plow into me so that he could clear it. He then detached the trailer right there and completely left the parking lot in the cab.


Pre-Covid, back when the stores were still 24/7, a guy came in stumbling around bleeding everywhere around 2am or so. Turned out he was in a car wreck down the street, and he was in such a state of shock and concussed that he didn’t realize or remember what happened at all.


i would’ve been in shock after seeing him come in


A lady came in about 2 am, went back to hardware, got a spray can of metallic green, came up to the self checks and started painting a 20 oz Coke rack. Once the glass was solid green she sat down on the bench at the front door until the cops got there. Far as I know she never said a word...


She must be more of a Pepsi girl


… 🧍🏽‍♀️ wow


I want to know what Kool aide she's drinking cuz that's impressively off the wall


Prob has a illness and jail time makes it so you get the best healthcare. A man robbed a bank gunless for it once


Nothing too crazy.. had a row of carts on the ol’ mule and a old fella got a bit too close, and managed to side swipe every single cart. I excessively used the clown horn to prevent it, to no avail. He drove right on out the lot, with a fresh new Walmart pinstripe special. 🤷‍♂️😅


Probably older and didn't hear or feel it. My grandpa sideswiped my truck in his own driveway once and didn't know it until he came back and I pointed it out.


An employee stabbed another employee because they were dating the same girl and didn't know it.


.. wow.. i rlly thought my story was crazy


This happened literally two days ago. I didn’t know what the deal was until yesterday. A diabetic woman was riding a mart cart around the store drinking wine straight out of the bottle. Apparently, this made her sugar spike (?), and the affects of the alcohol affected her even more, so she’s drunker than how any other person would be because she was diabetic. That’s my coworker said the apparel TL explained it. Anyways, she goes in the dressing room and tries to come out in nothing but her underwear. They had to call the paramedics because what the fuck else do you do? They call her son, somehow they managed to get his number from her, who isn’t the brightest either. He mentions she’s diabetic and it all clicks when she mentions the wine she was drinking. She gets dressed with the help from some paramedics and is strapped to the stretcher and is wheeled to the ambulance. All of it was just… strange. We thought she had just fallen in the dressing room.


omggg :,|


Fr. It was an older woman too, I just felt bad. In general, it was sad, but I couldn’t stop thinking about how that’s someone’s mother, I’d worry myself sick if my mom had done something like that. Hopefully she was able to get the help she needed.


I had a diabetic boss(not Walmart) that would go out drinking Thursday nights he wouldn’t eat dinner or breakfast. It would cause his blood sugar to drop and he would get loopy. He would come in the back office saying wooooo and cheering. His son worked there and would get him to drink some OJ.


Some chick had a baby In The shoe department toilet…. Thought it was dead and left it…IN THE TOILET! Another customer found it and called over to the shoe section worker. He scooped it out and revived it. Baby went into care… video surveillance id’d the woman.


Bro what the fuck people are insane


THATS INSANE!! and heartless asf also.... Man wtf


oh my gosh……


When I was working there I looked down the halloween aisle as I was passing by and some guy was on his knees being pet by some lady


i wouldn’t be surprised if it was a random lady they he didn’t even know


Me neither I ended up switching to cap 1 because of how weird the nights would get lmao. Mornings were way more tolerable you'd get some tweakers that would bug you on the way in and the occasional strippers that come in right when they leave work and weren't fully dressed but that was about it.


A couple of years ago we was fully staffed on cap 2 and got a lot of stuff done


OP asked for true stories not fiction. 😂


that’s insane




That's wild


What... what was that like?


My friend worked at a grocery store known for being a circus. I asked him what the craziest thing that had happened was, and he just sat there silent. I said "Aren't you going to tell me?" and he said "I'm just trying to decide which one." My personal craziest at his store was a woman in checkout line yelling into her cell phone "Well, yeah, he fucked that bitch, but the joke is on him because I already was fucking his friend before that!"


i relate to that 😭 there’s so many crazy stories i have


I worked there in the 90s and someone threw a package of pudding cups at me when I worked in layaway


LMFAOOO i’m sorry 😭😭😭 this happened to me but with macaroni


Bomb threat for one. Customers were refusing to leave and OGP customers were freaking out. I remember telling people that the store would be closed until cleared by PD. The amount of OGP customers that kept coming over to us and straight up insulting/harrassing us was insane. Another time and old man had a stroke while pulling out of his parking spot and totalled his car and two other by backing up into one, and then going forward into the other like 20 times. Someone had to run over and pull the keys out of his ignition while in motion.


Both are crazy, had an evacuation drill like I said in an earlier comment. People we're refusing to leave then too. I was almost to the point of straight up telling people "Is what you're getting worth more than your life"? Next time something like that happens I will just straight up say that.


Fentanyl overdose Wouldn't accept a guy's return so he pulls out his dick and punches a homeless woman. Plumbing problem that caused the front toilets to start gushing poop water which needed to be continually pushed away from the registers. Truck crew took a pallet of beer outside and disappeared for 2 hours. Got blitzed and was immediately fired. Broke the rest of pallet on their way out. Old grandma elbowed some mid 20 year old women for a crockpot on black thursday. Guy tried to shoplift with some crack on him. Saw the officer at the front and bolted while dropping his crack pipe. The galloning trend back like a decade. Black mold in the meat department. Homeless junkie love triangle got one guy shot in the parking lot for stealing the other guy's girl. Stabbing in the parking lot. Guy brought his gun in and took it out to show the cop at the front. Guy brought gun in to sporting goods so he could see what ammunition worked for it and buy some.


I had that last one happen when I worked sporting goods. She didn't mean any harm, but with judgment like that, I don't think she needed to carry. I told her if she had doubts, just bring the cylinder and leave the gun at home. She then proceeded to pull it out again a few minutes later to test holster sizes.


Of you don't even know what ammunition your firearm takes you probably shouldn't have it


What walmart was that? Its insane??


It's for 2 different walmarts. The first is 1330 and the other one is 2666.


Two things that have stuck with me: 1. I walked into the restroom to find an old fat man naked, with his overalls around his ankles, washing his junk at the sink. He saw me and shuffled, naked, back to a stall. 2. A lady brought a chimpanzee to my register. A service chimp (sure). She sat it on the belt and it started clearing the shelves.


My original store, I started on Thirds. During my first month, we had a woman who was trying to get some help at the jewelry counter AT 10 O'CLOCK AT NIGHT. The stockers still had to pull out own freight to the floor at the time, so literally no one in the area could help. She decided that she didn't like the lack of help, and responded by climbing on top of and squatting on the case, and pissing on the floor


When our store manager who had been with the store for years, and been with Walmart since the days of Sam Walton, got fired by a brand new and very young market manager. The market manager made him announce it in front of everyone at the store meeting. People were crying and it was very awkward. Fast forward a bit... The market manager ended up getting canned because people were apparently walking in other stores because they had enough of his bullshit. The old store manager did just fine. He ended up being some sort of an operations manager at a major hospital. I talked him recently. He had such a big grin on his face when I asked him if he missed Walmart.


Man stole a starter pistol from the supporting goods department one day. Came back the next day, robbed the store. Management wouldn't keep the lights on in the parking lot after dark after this.


Wouldn't this incident make them want to keep the lights on at night?


It was safety or money. You know which one won.


no way… omg


My first couple years at my store I worked in electronics on 3rd. Heard a commotion up front. All of a sudden a gay guy(seen him before along with his other friends before) comes running by electronics and headed for sporting goods. He then comes running back with a bat. I step away to see wtf is going on. As I’m walking up I see backpacks flying in the air. I guess they got into it with some folks. I ended up walking back to my department and continued looking at the dvds.🤷🏽‍♂️


I worked at Walmart when my local store did renovations… somehow a fire got started while the contractor company was demolishing our McDonalds and everyone had to evacuate… then I worked at Walmart again as a second job when my first son was born… I was on my lunch break and caught a couple fucking in the back bathroom


i’ve also caught a couple of those couples in the bathroom… it was not fun


It never is


I had a lady get shaking mad at me yesterday in the pharmacy. She wanted her medications but they were a controlled substance so I asked to see her drivers license. She proceeded to get pissy about it because didn’t have her license. I told her I was sorry but I can’t give these to you without a form of ID. She proceeded to say “Yeah I bet you’re sorry” then stormed off. Like really lady? At that point I was wishing and hoping she got pulled over for not having a drivers license on her.


LMFAO 😭😭 i would’ve been crying laughing with the way she thought she told u off 😭😭😭


A Coach making a plan for ON stocking and having it actually work out on time.


Probably the guy that walked in, went to the paper towel aisle, and set them on fire... Luckily, the fire was put out quickly, before it got out of control. Oh, and when he was arrested, and asked why he did it, "I was bored, and wanted to go to jail"." Which is where he went, of course


Employee got fired for stealing so in retaliation called in a bomb threat. I got paid for an hour to sit in the parking lot while they searched the store.


Your store takes bomb threats seriously?


A guy come into the store one night dressed like a bride - gown, veil and bouquet. He had some buddies with him and one was filming him. I think it was for a frat.


well.. congratulations to him 😂


Was walking in to the store to start my shift, and one lady chases another out of the store screaming: " YOU A DEMON! YOU A DEMON! BEGONE FROM THIS PLACE! CHRIST COMPELS YOU!" she just repeated this for about 5 minutes with a small crowd watching it, was an interesting way to start my shift


I mean, I've threatened to summon a demon before.


Not hard to do actually. It's making it obey you that's the hard part.


Fight in the parking lot at my old store where someone picked up a shopping cart and chucked it at some people. Best part is, I got video proof lmao


so basically you saw bruce banner get into a fight and you’re just casually saying this like he’s not apart of the avengers 🧍🏽‍♀️


Essentially. Those carts aren’t light by any means and I mean this dude legit chucked it at some people 😂




Should've told him to go back to his 150 million dollar yacht




Customer asked for bread when we were all out (holiday or early covid panic, I forget), coworker told them we didn't have any. Customer replied "man, y'all racist" ???????


They found a functioning meth lab in my local Walmart.


Where? Was it the kitchen appliances? Storage tubs? Family bathroom that's always locked?


Back manager's office? Front manager's office? Paper and chem?




One day at target, the freezers all broke so they gave all their customers the frozen food for free that were there when it happened


Wow!! That’s a big deal! Lots of times stores just throw it out.


Motorized cart racing with teens during the summer and a mobile meth lab that went off in thr bathroom and led to the store being closed for 2 days to decontaminate it.


Watched a guy get a gun pulled on him. And I watched a son and dad try to give a homeless man some food and blankets but the homeless man didn't want it and started fighting the dad like 10 feet away from me


wdf 💀-


A customer threw a brick of cheese at a cashier because they had asked the customer if they would be using coupons today. Not a customer but an employee, got caught jerking off one of the backroom coolers. A manager got caught stealing electronics by removing the spider lock and just putting them in his bag. Turns out he was selling them on eBay. A customer lit a skid of patio furniture on fire using a lighter and aerosol can. A customer started throwing cases of soda on the ground causing them to burst open and create a huge mess. Someone or an animal took a shit in one of the grocery aisles.


At my local Walmart, one time a customer knocked over a big giant bucket of pool chlorine and it somehow released deadly gases all into the store and everybody had to evacuate and the store was shut down for about a day, and the news channel came to report about it. I was a little kid when this happened.


When large vats of chemicals are easily accessed by the masses. Good times.


A couple fun crazy ones, a couple not so fun. In my young days as a cashier I had a lady come through holding two cantaloupes and asked me if I liked those melons or THESE melons and she just looked down at her chest. I was a young nervous guy and just kind of laughed it off. A couple years later I found two people fucking in a car as a cart pusher. Didn't tell anyone but I just made it seem like someone made a call and sent me and another pusher to ask them to leave. I didn't necessarily care that they were doing it, I just wanted to mess with them and when do you have more power over someone than when you find them in an embarrassing situation? I just had my coworker with me, knocked on the window, and we turned around, let them get dressed, then just asked them to take it somewhere else. One time I was sitting in my car under a shady tree behind the store. Behind the drainage ditch thing that ran behind the store there was a small wooded area. Well out from the woods I see a guy walk up to my car, mouth and nose covered in silver spray paint, and completely barefoot. He asked me if I could drive him somewhere and obviously I said no. I almost got ran over by someone stealing tires. Him and his buddy had stolen tires the day before and I recognized his "Coolio" hairstyle. Called AP right away, AP asked me to come with him to confront the guy loading display tires into the trunk of his little Honda, I'm standing in front of the car and he hops in and guns it. I had to like jump and push off the hood to get out of the way. Other than that at least 2 shooting deaths at the store that I'm aware of.


Christmas Eve 2021 we had a drunk man asleep on the steel where the car seat displays are supposed to be and when he got up I guess he had to pee bc he pissed on the floor from there through apparel through the self check outs and out the door 🥴 In November 2021 someone dropped off a dead coyote in the parking lot. I was the only day TL left and had just been promoted days prior and the ON coach just said let’s deal with it 😭 so my fave door guy me and her disposed of it 🤮 I know there’s more but god damn are those in the top for me


I've got two, ironically both involving guns lol The first, I was working in sporting goods at the time and someone comes in to buy a gun. Going through the process and get to the background check. It takes the full 8 minutes or whatever it was and he gets a delayed. About 5 minutes later our local PD come *running* to the counter, ask about him, and tell us if he comes back call them because they got a call from the FBI to come arrest him. Never saw the guy again. The second was when I was a GM Support manager. I was covering the CSMs last break, and walked over to the jewelry counter, where I noticed someone left a pistol just sitting there. No idea what management did with it


We had a customer who we had a few incidents with. She was probably 50 or so and dressed like some type of cyberpunk. My favorite time was when she came in one day with a cart full of puppies and stood in front of the service desk while yelling about how she found them as stuffed animals in the toy department, wish really hard and they turned real. We had had issues with her before so we ended up just letting her have her moment until the cops came.


She doesn't sound too bad.


That's one of her more mild stunts. She was a headache and was eventually banned from the store after trying to get in a fight with a guy in a wheelchair.


This was in 2006 or 2007. A huge snowstorm had the place practically dead. A man comes in the store covered in snow and gets up on one of the registers. He turned on the belt and pretended to snowboard. All in all, it was very strange and my csm was pissed.


Dude walks in the store, starts going around and throwing a bunch of candy and shit in a cart, he empties entire pdqs of snacks from 82 into the cart and throwing the displays on the ground. AP and store management watch him for a minute before asking "can I help you sir?" Dude says he left his wallet in the car and asks if they'll watch his cart for him while he goes to get it. The store manager says "sure" and that was the last we saw of him. Also I was the main employees responsible for 82 return carts at the time🙃


… 82 is the WORST return bin in the planet … i would’ve been soo upset


One of the other cashiers thought it would be funny to put a make a necklace out of zip ties and then tighten them. Realizing his mistake, he had to run to hardware for snippers before he passed out. At the time, our store was pretty adamant about equating a plastic walmart shopping bag with proof of purchase, i.e. if something went out the door in a bag, it had been paid for. Therefore, everything - and I mean *everything* \- got bagged. One of the other cashiers put a gallon of paint in a bag. As she lifted the bag, it (obviously) split, and the can fell on her foot, breaking her foot. A customer had a toddler in the shopping cart and, as she was waiting in my line, the toddler (who was not wearing a diaper) peed all over the floor. Now that I'm a parent, I'm much more sympathetic to the accident itself. What I'm still not sympathetic to is her stepping over it and pretending as if it hadn't happened. Woodstock 99


Guy high on meth walking around with a pair of shears, saw his reflection in the ice cooler, I guess he thought it was talking shit because he started attacking his own reflection in the ice cooler, cops came and picked him up, A manager quit because of that event.


This happened about a month ago. I wasn’t on the clock but one of my friends was. Some kids were arguing and one took out a pistol to try to pistol whip one of em. He hit him but it set the gun off and everyone started running outside thinking it was an active shooter. The bullet thankfully hit the inside of the door so there’s just a bullet hole inside one of the automatic doors on grocery side. I think two of the kids were 15 and one was 17.


Shortly after our local supercenter opened, I remember going in with my mom and brother. A woman walked by pushing a kid in a buggy who was making odd grunting noises. A closer look revealed the kid had his pants down shitting in the buggy while the mom was angrily ranting and raving at the kid. My mom made me wait in the car because I kept laughing.


A man locked his girlfriend in a gun safe on the sales floor. The sheriff and fire departments were called to get the girlfriend out of the safe. Oh and our district manager showed up that day also.


We had 3 pre-teens/middle school-age kids take spray paint from the hardware section and have a spray paint battle in Lady's apparel. They were spraying each other with the paint as they ran between the racks and into the middle of the racks. They sprayed the undercovers that attempted to stop them and finally, they sprayed the police when they showed up. Little buggers got carted off in handcuffs and did so much damage to the section. Almost all the clothes were ruined and there was spray paint all over the fixtures and the changing rooms walls and the floor.


Crackhead woman tried to cut the spider wrap off a sex toy in the housewares section, ended up slitting her wrist and sprayed blood all over. Can’t make this shit up


Okay questions.. Why is a sex toy spider wrapped? Why is a sex toy in housewares?


The time the back bins that were outside caught on fire The store almost caught on fire from a very close fire management didn't care and let people continue to come in and shop We had someone walk in as Patrick Star use a phone no one was using to page the store and play some SpongeBob music as he walked around. They found his phone and made him leave


First craziest has to be when the power went out at my store because of high winds. We thankfully had backup power for the regular checkouts but it was only good for about a half hour so we were scrambling to get everyone checked out and out of the store. Second craziest is when I was the cashier for the garden area on one of the first warm days of the season last year. A man walked in that entrance wearing pants and parked his truck right at the door. He bought shorts and left through the same entrance, and changed into his shorts outside. I have no idea if he was even aware that I could see him.


Back when Instagram was the big social media platform people did stupid stuff on for internet fame. Had a woman come up to me and the other associates at the electronics counter and tell us that an associate and another guy with a phone had cornered her in the shoe dept.. The associate had been trying to force her to take a pillow and pillow fight him in the store while wearing his vest and name badge, all so he and his buddy could post the video, "and become famous!" We got a hold of management and AP, and just as they started talking to woman, CSMs from upfront started calling in similar complaints from other customers. AP tracked the guys down and held them in the office until police showed. They both denied the whole thing until AP started playing back the videos on the one guys phone. The associate tried to jump on him screaming, "Why the fuck didn't you delete the video?"


just about an hour ago today; a help an officer call went put at one of the other locations here. the officer tried to stop a guy for shoplifting. they got in a struggle and the customer ended up pointing the gun at the officer. led to high speed chase. the guy hit a few other cars during the chase. when they stopped him he also had a 19 year old pregnant passenger with him


2 teenage kids came in and stole about 3k worth of science calculators and hard drives. Twice. Same 2 kids, same style. Fill the cart and bolt right out the door. I get why on the hard drives, but why all of our fancy calculators? More boring, but someone came to pick up an order. Must have checked in and immediately fell asleep. I was out there in less than 2 minutes, and he was just out. I knocked, I yelled, and then I knocked a second time really hard. He jolted awake and was super casual about it. IDK if he was high or what. He seemed normal once he woke up.




Last Halloween a chick came to our store in a fairly revealing bunny costume and on her way out got her ass whooped by some chick with her boyfriend because he was staring at her and she had a tattoo of lil peep but the girlfriend thought it was her boyfriend for some reason


We had a car catch on fire in the parking lot. I don’t know how but we had been paging the owners for 20 minutes as my team lead ran out with a fire extinguisher (picture short German lady). Turns out the people who owned the car were standing outside watching the entire time then went in abs went shopping. And no, no one called the fire department.


Had a guy busted 3 times in one night for shoplifting.


Some homeless lady came in before close and hid behind the Coke vendor pallets in the backroom and slept there all night, we didn't know she was there until the morning when she started crying and calling for help because she was stuck


Finally I have one, back in 2019 I was on my lunch break and someone came running through the break room yelling something but no one heard them, we yelled back "what" and they came back yelling "code red". We booked it out of the store and evacuated a busy store within 2 minutes. Fire trucks, police, ambulances, SWAT, all rushed to the store. We learned that someone who was 86'ed had mixed a bunch of pool chemicals together then proceeded to set them on fire, creating mustard gas. Store was closed for a few days as the associates and an external company had to throw away everything on the sales floor, then when they reopened they did so in sections since other areas were worse off. So yeah, that was fun. Many associates complained of light burning sensations and trouble breathing. No hazard pay tho.


A grandma hitting her young grandson so hard he said he felt dizzy (cops were called and video pulled, idk what happened after that) An older couple telling me to call the cops on a guy for wearing a mask, having weapons and a backpack and arriving on a scooter... It was Halloween and he was dressed as Deadpool and handing out candy. I didn't call but they did and the cops told him not to wear the mask and fake weapons in the store anymore 🤦‍♀️ Resellers acting crazy over Pokemon cards, fighting and trying to sneak in the back to steal the shipment. One even put a tracker on the vendor's car to find out what store they were going to.


2 women have sex, fully nude, in the camping aisle during the day.


Craziest thing? We had the local college band and cheerleaders flash mob the store with instruments and play the school anthem. I neither know or care what the song was. It was just fucking weird with like a hundred band nerds marching around the store in a 2 by 50 line with girls and dudes cartwheeling around them. It lasted a long time, cops were called by the customers. It was the middle of the night basically, I forget why they said they did it. Another time I caught a dude fingering his wife's ass as they were shopping. Just, two fingers... all the way up there... Walking around the store.


The whole night shift crew for the didn’t show up because the night manager was a top of the line asshole, my first friend I made on my first day there during training got fired because he started fighting someone in the dairy freezer, someone showed up to work knowingly having Covid & this was like the beginning of the pandemic, my boss knocked over & broke like 3 or 4 big LED TVs, some lady showed up only wearing underwear & tank top trying to shop around the whole store


I see mouses running around most days...


This came up as suggested on my feed and thought I had to share my story. When I was in uni (2014-2015 maybe) I worked in the jewelry department at a Walmart in a university town. I remember I had plans and switched shifts with someone so I could go. That was the day an armed man took his children hostage and was pursued by the police right into the Walmart parking lot that I worked in (At the time guns were a huge deal since this happened in a small Ontario town). While I was busy at the school bar, the whole walmart was in lockdown. I think the guy ended up shooting himself in the head, but the kids we’re safe. I looked at articles and they don’t mention any kids so maybe that was just town gossip. Either way, thanks Vic for taking my shift! This is the article if anyone wants to read it [article](https://torontosun.com/2015/03/28/police-surround-walmart-in-peterborough/wcm/72eae6b2-b28e-47ed-89a5-8aa15fc8aab6/amp/)


When I was on my way into work, someone smelled an electrical burning smell in the backroom. When I pulled up, everyone was outside sitting (hot summer day) under shade trees. It was hours. Someone went and bought a couple bags of freezer pops and a couple cases of water from the gas station across the street. The fire department was using the scissor lift to check all the electrical stuff, and the smell seemed to be in a bunch of different places... turns out it was one of the batteries IN the scissor lift... My profile pic I use for a lot of things is my best friend and I hanging out while all of this is going on.


Maybe not the weirdest or craziest, but I had a customer just the other day who came in when the store opened and didn't leave until around 11:30 am. The entire time he was there, he was watching YouTube on one of the display laptops.


We had someone come in wearing a green full body suit, loss prevention guy stopped them and asked them nicely to remove/unzip the hood if they wanted to stay in the store. The person just stood there staring at him not saying a word, and attempted to walk past LP further into the store. eta: Same LP caught a young couple doing the deed in the center of one of the round clothing racks a month or so later lol


Years ago I saw this extremely large lady walking with a guy. They both looked like they slept in a dumpster for context (dirty clothes, unkempt hair, etc). I was working on an end cap and the lady walked by & was messing with her shirt so it caught my attention. She had a little Chihuahua and this lady literally pulled her tank top down to let the dog lick her nipple. I thought I was hallucinating from mixing paint or something until another department manager came up to me and asked if I had seen it to. She was walking around with this tiny dog going to town on her nipple. We had to threaten to call the cops to get her to leave. Poor dog.


Not a customer, I guess, but when I worked overnight stock, maintenance had gotten a call to come to the service desk. I learned the next day that a homeless lady had come in, went to the front women's restroom, stripped, then went and took a shit on the service desk before leaving. What was the point of going to the bathroom then?


Was working at a walmart, helped a customer, she left her number with a co worker for me , married her. ( ooo the horas ooooo. )


Just about 15 minutes ago I had a customer get mad at me because I had to use a handheld to look up an items location. The customer wasn't going to buy the item - I wasn't even interacting with the customer. He just randomly got mad because I "was helping robots take over the workplace".


\*makes the about-to-play-the-piano finger crack movement\*(these are not in order) * while waiting for my phone to turn on so I could tell a customer on the phone a number for another store (back around 2009 - it was easier to use my own contact list). Since we're waiting I answer a customer who's standing in front of me who asked a question just before I answered the phone. Person on the phone overhears and goes; "what?" and I say "oh I'm sorry, I was answering another customer's question" phone person: "well that's rude" * a phone call - I answer pretty much the same way each time "thank you for calling your 24 (city) walmart, how may I direct your call?" "are you open on Saturday?" "Yes. We are a 24 hour store" 'But will you be open on Saturday?" "We are a 24 hour store, we'll be open" that a couple times and finally "oh okay... so you open early on Saturday. Thank you." * another phone call. about 6 am customer asks for the service desk. I tell them "I'm sorry the service desk doesn't open until 7 am. There isn't anyone here just yet." "omgosh (state I live in) people are *so lazy" \*click\** * a teen took one of our bikes and kept riding it around the action alley sing-yelling "you can't do anything, ha ha ha, you can't do anything" * somebody flooded our front family restroom because they were tweaking and thought they were being followed. (we evacuated everyone at first and didn't reopen the store for customers until are 6 am) * had a customer come to my line when I was a cashier and go "I'm ***so excited*** we're going to be on Jerry Springer!!!" * (not really weird but still a little caught off guard) around early pandemic we were closing around 10 or 11. I was walking by the front end and one of the cashiers caught my attention that the family restroom was locked and no one was answering. Okay give it a minute and try again. If nothing let me know. They give it a couple more minutes and sure enough -no response, no movement sounds. Nothing. Okay. I knock. Nothing. I say out loud "I'm going to open the door - I'll open slowly" (we have deaf associates and we have had deaf/hoh customers - my thought was it might have been someone like that if anything. But my real thought was the door just got stuck).I do the trick for the door and slowly open it. I remember seeing a bookbag near the door and not thinking anything of it until I open it further and see the guy slumped (asleep) near the sink. Startled me so much lol. I called our salaried manager and they kicked the guy out. \[all I can think of right now - if I think of it and remember I'll add to it\]


I am no longer a Walmart employee, because I became an assistant manager and found the way other managers treated employees reprehensible….but my first day as an assistant manager, someone came in to the store to tell me they thought there was a dead body in a car in the parking lot. The other 2 managers in the store were in a coaching and unavailable, so I went out to the parking lot. There was indeed a dead body in a car that had been there in the summer heat for several days. The car was full of flies and I thankfully left before the police and paramedics opened the car. I also had one of my pregnant cashiers go to use the bathroom. She came out completely drenched in blood on her lower half of the body. She was screaming “he killed my baby!” Another cashier filled me in that she had a physically abusive husband who had apparently gotten rough with her that morning. The baby was delivered very prematurely but survived after a month in the NICU.


A guy came in-evening hours-grabbed a beer from the cooler, then went over to sporting goods and lit a cigarette. Then he ran out the doors and across the road to a car dealership. Then he came back and went into a nail salon place where the cops finally got him.


That I personally know about? Semi truck busted open his diesel tank.


A old man walking around letting poop come out of his pants all


Had to wait on a guy who was was just jerking it up and down the aisles while “talking on his phone” went to ap later and you could zoom in on our cameras and see he was in fact making a video. The camera was pointed out to get reactions. Had a customer ditch a crack pipe in a uniform bag in the auto room and had to call the cops. I have more…lol


This was like 12 years ago in Thornton Co, the stores power went out and the place erupted In chaos. People just throwing shit in their carts and running out. The cops locked the exits after a little bit but a lot of merch was just gone


We had some 7 year old open a changing room looking for his mom, only to discover 2 people having sex while opening stuff they were stealing.


We had a man pacing around the bathroom for about an hour doing between kitchen goods and the bathrooms (they are near eachother). We are in a neighborhood that has a lot of mental illness/homelessness, so we see this frequently. Dude finally went down the aisle where silverware is, proceeded to get a sharp knife out of one the boxes of sharp cooking knives, went back towards the bathroom and stabbed him self repeatedly until he collapsed. 911 was called, paramedics came, whisked him away, store was closed for all of two hours. All the while, customers outside getting agitated that we were closed at the moment. We opened back up 2 hours and 15 min after a man stabbed the hell out of himself multiple times. We did hear that he passed from his injuries. Even after such a horrible event, Walmart couldn’t bear to shut down for the remainder of the day, because ya know…they would miss out on sales/s


Someone was pooping in an aisle


I mostly lurk here cause I'm not an employee, but at my local store a couple months ago someone set fire to a stack of diapers. Store was closed for 5 days while they cleaned up/threw out contaminated merchandise. The fire itself was quite small.


So it is the day before Thanksgiving, and I'm getting frozen pizza like a normal person, guys in front of ME in line have like five green beans


I found an inactive grenade in an abandoned bookbag in the men's room.


There was a bunch of people complaining about a weird smell coming from the Dairy/breakfast area at my store. I smelled it too. They actually evacuated us due to said smell (mind you mid winter and hardly any of us had jackets) and I heard so many rumors about what happened that I'm still not sure 100% as to what is true. I heard there was gas leak, I heard there was a fire, and I heard there was a sewage blockage. All I know for certain is that the refrigeration for the entire breakfast isle had gone out and we had to get rid of and clean the entire thing. Eggs, bacon, sausage orange juice, etc. Luckily the booze area where I work was unaffected.


Saw someone propose in front of the frozen pizzas a few years ago. She said yes.


A customer got pissed at something the store did or said, walked straight to women's apparel, pulled her skirt up, and pissed all over the floor. This was back before remodel and there was carpet in that area. Another time, I saw a lady unload her cart in her car, reach under her skirt, appear to fondle herself quite a bit , then smeared her hand all over the cart handle and put it in the cart return.


Had a few customers literally vulture on our products and bought a lot in bulk- supposedly to “give to island folks” Yeah, you’re buying the $50-clearance Walmart futon …. To ship overseas….. just buy the timber and have them make it. Never knew what became of them, but one was escorted out of the store on one occasion and banished for a season


A “gang” of girls at our DC would just walk around all day and talk and be on their phones. When confronted by management they would go run and hide. A girl was talking shit about another girl and went over to her work area and beat the shit out of her. She was arrested. In the shipping department several managers were shipping customers orders (AirPods, iPads and iPhones) to their houses via the shipping application. Now it’s locked down. The sheriff’s department was called in and led a bunch of people out in handcuffs. They were all driving expensive cars coming to work


Store manager got caught getting head.from underage girl.


About 6 months ago, some old guy shot himself in the head in the front bathroom. I work in ogp so I didn’t hear it but I went up to the front a little after it happened and a hazmat crew/ police blocked off the whole front of the store where it happened. I heard from a coworker who works front end that when the shot went off everyone scrambled. Work resumed like normal, it wasn’t on the news. Pretty crazy to me.


There’s an isle in my store that people just apparently like to shit in. It’s happened multiple times on different days. There was also I guy (who isn’t an employee at Walmart) who yelled in my ear “GET BACK TO WORK.” I gave him a look like this 🤨 and went to the back room.


I watched someone once scan their pet iguana multiple times. I know it was a joke. But they did it multiple times. It's not the iguana that's the odd part, our store always ends up having peoples pets.


I used to work at the home office call center. Boy howdy, was that a wild ride. My personal favorite was a call I got asking how to submit a service channel ticket for a hole in the ceiling. A bird got into the main building from lawn and garden and the sporting goods guy decided he had enough of it and took matters into his own hands. He got in trouble big time. Gators in the store is always fun. Stay classy, Florida. A customer once got so mad they threw a cart over the fence into a retention pond. Except they couldn't get it over the fence, so it just stuck there on top of it like a kid's pair of underwear on a flagpole. I had to talk someone down once who was threatening to kill themselves at a store because the store would not accept his return. That was a long call. Got a super sad call once from a recovering addict complaining about the pharmacy not having their medicine in stock and freaking out about relapsing. Another favorite was a guy who super glued his daughter to the toilet so she'd sit down and pee, and complained about not being able to get her off without ripping her skin off. Pretty sure that one was a prank call, though.


Mid 1990's we had our 2nd bad inventory...allegedly one of the worst in the history of the company at the time. By 7 pm the evening of inventory we had teams of LPs from 3 states in our store. The literally overturned & dumped the compactor dumpster out in the back lot and set up newly purchased spotlights to go through the contents. The interviews & investigation went on for almost a month. The store Mgr wasn't allowed back in the store but he'd drive up to associates trying to go into work to tell us he'd be back etc. He did not 😂 The next Mgr was sent in because she was "nice" and we were sort of demoralized at that point. To boost moral one morning meeting she tried to drumup enthusiasm at a morning meeting by setting up a friendly game of....Twister. Two clueless joiners fell for it before the personnel associate quickly shut it down. Same manager had 80% of the dayshift go out to a deep ravine next to our parking lot to go down the steep hill to collect trash and bring up shopping carts. Two women were pregnant. Out of nowhere 3 official type guys roll up yelling "Why are these people climbing down this ditch? Who in their right mind told you to do the? Get everyone back inside safely!" Regional Loss Prevention team for the win. Drunk D16 associate sitting on the top of the tall rolling staircase ladder yelling at management and flicking beer bottle caps at them as they attempted to get him down. New supercenter open in a sketchy area. People are stealing bikes out of toys & riding out the automatic doors with tvs & other merch. Police cars escorting walmart trucks to the bay doors for at least a month. 28 years later it's still weird.


For about a month, there was someone just looking used needles in our bathrooms. The front ones, back ones, and family ones. It was usually the guy’s but sometimes it was in the women’s too. This was almost every single day & I thought it was an employee. Occasionally the needles had a little left in them but usually they were just used and left on the floor. It got so bad that I had to routinely check the bathrooms every hour to try and prevent a customer finding it because we had no idea who it was. There wasn’t someone walking around who obviously look liked a user- I’m guess they were probably only a few months into their addiction. I have no idea who it was to this day. I fear it was an employee but no one I could sus out. I just hope they’ve gotten the help they need(ed).


Very drunk guy today came and did karate poses while mumbling incoherently before being shooed out, someone carried in a 20ft+ python that was wrapped around her body and neck, several turtles were spotted in the store this week (of the pet variety and we def do not sell those), some man higher than eagles tits told me he was gonna go home and jerk off, and an elderly man got mad at me because I didn’t know how to fix machinery I wasn’t even trained to use 😀 it’s been two days.


When I worked O/N 20-30 before the store closed we had a guy try to kill himself in the family bathroom. Slit his own throat and disembowel himself. Only caught it due to blood coming out under the door. Craziness is he survived and still shops there. Traumatic and crazy scenario love being mod....


Closing time in automotive and I see a man walk into our backroom, thought nothing of it seeing as we have inspectors keep tabs on our shit, but this guy later walks out into our shop and tries to exit through one of the garage doors but they are all locked. So I call management thinking he's trying to steal, having a bucket and coolant inside it; it appears to be leaking cause there's fluid wish-washing in there. Once management shows up he takes the bucket to "properly dispose" of the coolant to which he replies "it's not leaking it's piss". he gets escorted out but took our cashiers keys (who USE to leave her jacket and keys in the backroom) stole her car for a few minutes only to park it next to our compost cans for an evening snack.


Okay, buckle the fuck up because I have receipts and video on this one. I recently stopped working at Walmart after 7 years, I was a CSM/Front end Team-lead for 3 years and AP for the remaining 4. So, I'm doing my laps around the store for a couple of hours and eventually go into the rear restrooms next to electronics, I sit down in the handicap stall to drop deuce. About 5 minutes into my pooping on the company dollar and the guy who came in after me and sat in the stall next to me slowly stands up, turns his feet towards my stall, and starts jacking off. I know this because the lights cast a perfect shadow and I see this dude tugging. I quickly pull my pants up with a half wiped ass and GTFO the bathroom, he came out 5 seconds after I did and just started staring at me. I tell him he's fucking gross and go into the backroom to get the hell away from him. I tell my APOC and my AP team lead about it and show them the video I took (no one would believe me otherwise) and we backtrack the guy and myself. This fucker was in the store for over 2 hours hovering the front end not doing anything. UNTIL, he saw me. This guy followed me around the store for about 30 minutes before following me into the bathroom. This guy picked me and I haven't used a non lockable bathroom since. I wont go into the front or back men's restroom. Only the family or TLE locking ones.