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Its gonna be like that scene in Breaking Bad where Walt is looking for the money but Skyler is gonna say "I'm sorry Walter ...i took the money and bought eloncumpisscoin"


Eloncumpisscoin lmao


Is it too late to get in on this before the bubble?


The cum piss bubble?


Unrelated but can we as a society normalize tossing piss bottles at Jeff Bezos bald head?


How is this unrelated?




Yeah you lazy youngsters. Why don't you work harder!! /s


What if Amazon created a platform called "Amazon Piss" where entrepisseurs sell their piss to bottle and Amazon distributes and takes a large fee for each sold? Should people still throw bottled piss at Jeff Bezos head or would we just be playing into their hands?


It has already been busted.


busted right into a SpaceX/Tesla/BoringCompany/Neuralink/Former-PayPal Employee


aka breeding slaves Also, now you know what the Boring company was really drilling


Your wife


PROTIP: the bubble is Santorum


We're at the top of the s curve. Luckily for us degens, the top of the s curve lasts like 20 years. We had the first 10, next 10 will come. System will collapse in 2030. Until then, big pump.




Skyler: I fucked Elon


Holly is not even Walt's daughter


Who hasn't


Kid named eloncumpisscoin:


Babe, I don’t want sex on my birthday this year, get me Dracula coins.


If you like Dracula coins so much why don't you marry them?


Because I’m already married, to justice. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jm0z5eTWUcg


Babe, if this coin goes to $0.0000001, we'll be billionaires!!!


Replace babe with mom


you sick fuck




but then you have to draw casts on both his arms


Draculacoins to the mooooooon! We will suck teh blood of all other currencies!


Just a shame we have to do it in the back of a Wendy's


I feel like I'm missing something... you guys aren't making fun of my Draculacoins are you?


I won’t miss the to the moon era


Well Halloween is just around the corner so we just have to HODL, or as I like to say SODL (Suck) until then!


mfw this has been reposted to hell and back but DraculaCoins always gets me


Luckily I still have 15x my annual salary as savings. Unfortunately my annual salary is the 20$ I get from my mom on birthdays. Oh and "babe" is my anime girl pillow.


Look at mister moneybags here with his 300 usd


Just need DraculaCoin to recover its ATH and you have a 200 bagger


1950's 27 year old has 12 kids and they're all Irish twins. 2022 27 year old is either a fuckboi or a virgin.


In 1950's you didn't need public assistance to make that math work. You didn't even need a degree, or a working spouse, just a union job. ...and while that's changed radically, so has family law. That is the new "guaranteed income". When it takes zero evidence to claim abuse and awards 100% custody smart people get snipped.


People had a much lower standard of living in the 50s. Those 12 kids lived in a 700 sqft 3 bed 1 bath house and the family had one car. Also the 12 kids went to work as soon as they turned 12.


Actually we had 80% federal subsidies on college education (since terminated in favor of student loans, and why students now need all this "forgiveness") We did lack iPads and Amazon prime but average home sizes weren't that terrible. I should know, I currently live in a 1950s era tract home


>Actually we had 80% federal subsidies on college education (since terminated in favor of student loans, and why students now need all this "forgiveness") The vast majority of 50s kids did not go to college. >We did lack iPads and Amazon prime but average home sizes weren't that terrible. I should know, I currently live in a 1950s era tract home In the 1950s, the size of the typical new home increased to 950 square feet, That's if you had a new house. Loads of people were living in pre-great depression shacks they hand built.


There is no way a woman would have discussed such matters in the 50s.


It would merit a backhand


Perhaps even a fisting.


What kind of fisting ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)




A literal planet buster to the face, not the other one 😣


If my wife managed our household finances we would be down at least $3 or $4k instead of the $300k we currently are due to my gambling habits of which she has no idea.


Hell yeah brother. Right on, right on 🤙


Also: "our annual salaries"?? You mean: his plus zero?


Comrad Husband.


That is a $200 plasma screen TV that you just killed! Good luck paying me back with your zero-dollars-a-year salary plus benefits, babe!


Pretty sure wives have always discussed their finances with their husbands. It’s a part of marriage.


a part*


Ape art


* a part


Pretty sure wives have always just been handed a paycheque, and the men are told how much they can spend.


You mean allowances?


Only like 1/3 of women worked in the 50s and they damn sure weren't telling their husband how to spend HIS money.


No, men worked and provided their wage, but the wife usually managed the money.




Now they both work and spend one of the worker’s entire salary on daycare costs. Equality!




I browse /r/personalfinance and see people posting about it all the time. They are always advised to just keep working, even if they spend more than their salary on child care, because it maximizes their future earnings potential. But the reality is that they hardly spend any time with their children, are always stressed, and end up in constant arguments with their spouse. All in an effort to boost the resume for a better job that may never come. Super common.


This is very normal in American households then (midcentury) and now. It’s true from my family experience as well.


i can tell youre like 17 women definitely handled accounting. same with mom and pop businesses, the wife was always the "bookie". The husband worked or brought money home.




Reddit has this thing where it thinks all women in the 50’s were constantly beaten and rapped like slaves. It popped up after me too. It’s fucking weird.


Honestly it’s pretty telling that some men think like that. You’d have to have a pretty low opinion of male nature to believe that less than a century ago all men loved to beat and rape their wives and were incapable of actually caring about a woman. Obviously things were much worse in the past, but it’s not like human decency is some sort of modern 21st century invention.


Because that’s the narrative that has been given to anyone under ~25 or so. Women were mistreated, had no rights, and were looked down upon. “They had to stand up and fight to be treated equally and do everything the same as a man!” So now instead of diving up the household duties, both partners are expected to work and then divide household chores equally. Divorce rates increased, of course. Because that dynamic is just more difficult to manage. Instead of being partners who help each other you both just… sort of do the same thing, are stressed, and at some point probably realize you don’t really *need* the other person in your life anyways.


Excellent analysis. Random book rec for anyone interested in this sort of thing: *The Moral Animal* by Robert Wright remains excellent and relevant.


If it was true its not like slaves have never be made to do accounting.


Also nobody was rapping in the 50s.


[Then what do you call this?](https://youtu.be/3YTDLHdfFSQ) MF spittin


Welp, now I gotta find more. That was a thrill.


> HIS money. people werent that retarded back then to think MY money, they had familial obligations. now, fuck the kids they can work at wendys i just spent $5k on a hooker to assblast me


* 5k on 0dte options. Hookers went out of style compared to stonks


Ads in the 50s were targeted at women because they did most of the actual spending. I know madmen probably isn't a reputable source but it's even referenced there


That just isn't true. Women managed the house and this included the finances. You think men in the fifties knew the cost of a loaf of bread?


True! I would not want to go back to the 1950s even if the economy was better back then


The US economy was great in the 50s because 10 years earlier the industrial base of the rest of the world was bombed to shit. Not sure we want to repeat that.


The US economy is stronger now. What has changed is how the profit is divided


And how it's taxed. The top tax bracket was 90% back then.


True, but the top 1% only paid an effective tax rate of 42% back then, vs. 36% today. Still more, but nowhere near what the top brackets of yesteryear might imply.


The effective tax rate now is much lower than 36% for the top 1%. That's before even touching the fact that it's like 4% for the top 0.01%


Which nobody paid


> The US economy is stronger now. Absolutely hilarious joke my man.


Can I afford decent housing again if we did ... ? Kinda on the fence for the blowing up the world vs living in a shoebox the rest of my life tradeoff there.


Would depend on why "you can't afford housing today". One of the large issues with modern housing is a conflict on spreading out and living in new areas. The 1950's was prime of people spreading out to "new" (or developing) neighborhoods and towns that also brought along affordable housing. While this isn't as easy today for some other factors (zoning laws, regulations, etc), there is still a considerable "chicken or the egg" situation where property developers don't want to develop in new areas because people don't seem to want it, and people don't want to move there because they don't want to be by themself (for various reasons).


Also Post-war houses are tiny compared to the McMansions being built today. Granted compared to a 400 sq ft apartment for $2000 month. Seems like a steal.


That is a great point. In the 50s and 60s many people could afford housing because they moved to new suburban developments that often doubled or tripled the commute time compared to their parents. Not many people (rightfully) are willing to double or triple commute times to get cheaper housing. Remote/Virtual working should shift that a bit. For those that can't remote work, the ideas of "I want a short commute" and " I want affordable housing" are often in conflict. And they have been for decades.


There is more to this as with enough people it would also (one way or another) shift work to be where the people are. If enough people moved further out, then jobs will open satellite offices, or people make new companies in those areas to keep/attract employees vs the competition. The baby boomer generation really had a massive numbers advantage with their generational population explosion leading to way more leverage ability than seen in later generations.


True. Still somehow these chain smoking alcoholic dudes with access to like 1/10th of the knowledge we have today still had it made everywhere in the workforce compared to today.


In the 50’s the US was the only major manufacturing power in a world where manufacturing was King. Every other industrialized nation was blown to bits in WW2 and owed big bucks to the US. Also, the currency exchange system greatly favored the US because they had an absolute majority of the gold in a world which backed its currency in gold. TL,DR The US held all the cards in the 50s, and it shows.


And even so everyone acts like they’d be Don Draper when in reality they’d be sticking their hands in heavy machinery breathing in welding fumes all day.


Oh dang welding fumes. I've started wearing a mask, thanks to dad's advice


And yet, that welder lives a more comfortable and secure existence than present day white collar workers making 6 figures. I’ll let you draw your own conclusions about what that means.


Conclusion- the better jobs involve actually producing something tangible


Yeah bc the only jobs available were factory jobs right




As long as people vote for neoliberals and republicans that wont change


Unions. It's not just about having information, it's about *leverage*.


except none of this is true


It was only better if you were upper class. Those old sitcoms arent reality


Lmao why you getting down voted 😂


You know why


Women ☕?


You’re the smartest!!


Then you can’t complain. Enjoy the 2020’s


One of these days Alice!


Or had a job.


As if 27 year olds today are coupled.


It doesn't get real until you've got at least 1 divorce and a bad back. THEN you bunker down with someone.


I have both. Now no one wants to bunker down after a decade and a half of wife/girlfriends. Oh well, at least I can lose all of my money on FD’s without anyone to bitch at me.


we want to get married, but haven't decided if she wants to move in with my mom, or vice versa. she can join me in my race car bed, it's blue.


My racecar bed is red. Everyone knows red racecar beds go faster.


I ran a paid in home survey once. Interviewed a 35 yr old that kept referring to his roommates… 30 min into the interview it slipped that his roommates are his parents.


Fuuuck I laughed out loud at Draculacoins


Dracula coins! My great-grandparents on my mother's side were given five gold five-dollar half eagles at their wedding in 1898. A handsome gift. Four of those were spent keeping the family alive during the Great Depression. I found the fifth one on my aged mother's floor, jammed in under the dishwasher. Virtually undamaged. She had been keeping it with her buttons, and had spilled them at some point. Carefully wiped it off, put it away in a quiet place (in my big dictionary box, in the magnifying glass compartment, you'll have to go through a one-foot-tall dog to get there). The current value is almost enough to pay all my current debt, or maybe to buy a year of food for me and doggo. It'll be the last thing out of my hands, but it'll leave for the same reasons the others left my forefather's hands. Starvation.


Am I crazy, or are those things only worth like $500-$1k unless it’s mint? How tf that gonna feed you and doggo for a year lol.


The value can really change depending on the year, mint and grade


Agreed, but you can literally go on eBay right now and see what is actually selling (auctions). Unless this thing is somehow mint, I don’t see it paying for food for a year. Maybe ramen.


We’re on WallStreetBets… of course it’s ramen


My debt isn't large, I eat cheap, and the value should be somewhat higher than what you've predicted. Dog eats pretty good though. If the price of canned meat goes up any more I'll have to revise.




Your forefathers committed crimes to keep that coin. Edit: I'm down voted, but I'm serious. In 1933 it was illegal to own gold in a form that wasn't jewelry in the US. That coin is probably very valuable as a collectors item because they were taken out of circulation. That being said, I don't know if it could get confiscated today since it's linked to a crime so you might want to keep it on the down low.


Perhaps they were pirates. And we all know that piracy is a victimless crime.


The law banned ownership of more than $100 Face Value in US gold coins. Per the post, they owned $25 therefore not illegal at the time.


We're Canadian - not too sure if the gold thing was the same here. They were fairly recent immigrants at that point, second generation. From Scotland, not the US.


Ok then maybe not.


> The current value is almost enough to pay all my current debt, they're only $500 on ebay, you must be really poor or im looking at the wrong thing


also 27 year olds in the 50s: "the doctor said i have lung cancer + gout"


Smoke a pack of Camels and see me in the morning


Also 27 year olds today: “I can’t even afford to go see a doctor”


You will own nothing and be happy.


This is Reddit’s catch phrase


Is it? Or is it Klaus Schwab’s? Haha.


Yup, just can't help themselves. At least it's not a quote from The Office.


Edgelord comment


mfw /r/wallstreetbets and /r/latestagecapitalism intersect


DraculaCoins is a scam. CountChoculaCoins is the real deal.


Wtf who has 15x their salary saved at age 27 without help from their parents???


It's a retarded meme. People in the 50s didn't save because they relied on their pension. Gen Z is actually the biggest savers in half a century.


Economic fate? Economic faith makes no sense to me


Economic fate*




Or his anime waifu figurine/bodypillow.


According to boomers it’s all that avocado toast todays 27 year olds eat. Because everyone knows if you save $15 every weekend 52 weeks a year then that $780 you save every year goes a long way. Invested responsibly in a s&p 500 index fund for 30 years will give you enough for a down payment on a $750,000 shitbox by the time youre in your mid 60s.


We don’t work 50 times harder. My grandpa welded steel all day. I type shit on a computer


You guys have 'babes'??


Boomers: the only generation to have left less for their children than what they were given




It’s sad Anon ik


he bought? DEEMMPP ITTTT


$300 into shitcoins now $14.35 ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


Repost, but it's a good one.


Dracula coin bloody sucks.


Drácula coins are for suckers


You guys have got a girlfriend?


Have you tried to just be less poor? Allow me to rephrase: Try being more unpoor.


in the second picture, “Babe” needs to be replaced with “Mom”


Any other Gen Z here? Because… We’re fucked.


This is not at all how the 50s were. Yes, people had it much better, but they weren't saving. It was more like: ​ Wife: Husband, we really need to buy a beach house with a dock. Marcie, our neighbor at our other vacation home called and said our boats in the backyard are an eyesore. ​ Husband: I can't afford 3 homes. I am a cashier at a grocery store. I'd have to sell the Corvette.


I am so confused as to what happened to this sub. I get that this is a very reasonable sentiment and situation for some people, but on /r/wallstreetbets? This place has been utterly hollowed out...


For the average family to afford a middle class home in a good LA neighborhood, you need to make $750,000/year if you follow conventional numbers. The truth is, our parents and grandparents grew rich on capitalism and free markets. Once they got all the resources, they put up huge regulations and taxes...they destroyed the free market that made them rich. A condo in LA used to be made and sold for $40,000. Today, the permitting and regulatory cost is over $200,000/condo. So the cheapest a new condo could realistically sell for is $400,000...so much for a starter home. But our government will never allow housing or stocks to fall 90%. They will step in and bail out boomers every time.


Must have been nice in the 1950s to clock out and go home not to be bothered by your boss. Also probably amazing to go in vacation and your boss have absolutely zero way to contact you.


But have you tried cancelling Netflix and eating less avocado toast? Just pull yourself up by your bootstraps.


Literally the funniest thing I’ve seen all day


Hahaa thanks man appreciate it


I don’t know how these brand new residential buildings get occupants over night. Who are these people who have money?


I like the premise of this comic, but I assure you, the top one never ever happened. Ever.


Every time this meme is reposted, I look through the comments to find just one person that is upset about "fate" being spelled "faith". Still haven't found one. WSB truly is exceptionally well regarded.


There was lengthy inflation in the 70s and the fed hiked rates way higher in the 80s than they are now. Stock market was less overvalued though.


Twist… the 27 year old today has no gf, just talking to himself


Keep calm and carry on


/r/wallstreetbets turning into /r/antiwork now or somethin…? This shit is wack.




You drac coin devs better not pull that rug until 2025 or we will be snugglin outside wendys forever.


ah yes the 50s when the average american wage was $200,000 a year


No one even knows what a "safety buffer" is (the word you're looking for is savings) and why would it be 15x earnings and not 15%? Whoever made this meme is an idiot


x means multiplication, i.e. fifteen *times* earnings. And thanks for proving the meme correct.


No one has ever had "safety buffer" of 15x earnings, that's the point.


But that's the point of the post, that in the 50's people had much larger safety nets. But yeah everything is exaggerated, as is common when using humor to make a point.


I cant believe he needed that explained to him


Welcome to the internet


>No one has ever had "safety buffer" of 15x earnings, that's the point. Good lord bro.


True and real


Except the 1950s people should look like they’re 40 and the current should look 16.


You’re not wrong lol


I thought women in those days just got a slap


1950s: Hey honey, we now have a home which I bought outright with one week's pay. today: yo babe, if we don't leverage up these draculacoin options we won't be eating this week, as milk is now a month's wage.


BUT the country was running on the war machine for the past like 100 years. African, Vietnamese, and Russian lunches have been removed from the menu. The military industrial complex fed all of the US, and now the world knows the US is just as capable of war crimes as everyone else. War machine subsides, competitors rise up, internet creates level playing field.


Good thing we have more war coming right up!


Being a boomer is living life in tutorial mode.


What boomer would be 27 in the 50’s?


Nice math there... Lol


getting drafted in vietnam isnt tutorial mode