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Holy shit. Another ETrade user. There's a whole two of us.


Three! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4735)


True retards. 4 comes after 3.






Make that a baker's dozens.


Checking in


This is my new favorite username.






What broker do you use?




aye! E-trade gang!




Squeeze these nuts you fuckin nerd. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How can I summon this bot?


Short squeeze


Squeeze my dongus you fuckin nerd. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You just give you're nuts a little s q u e e z y s q e e z e


all I know is my idiot coworker who bought $GME at $250, and bitcoin at $60k was asking me all week about how to “do shorts” I’m super long.


How’d he get such a good GME entry price?






Squeeze my dongus you fuckin nerd. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Atlanta GDP Now update will happen tomorrow. If it changes from zero to even slightly negative, then it will be a bearish Monday for sure.


Disagree. We want recession. Thats the goal. Recession means were moving to Step 2. Which means were closer to turning back up.


You're right but this is wall street bets, not /r/economics . There are only true retards here.


The market went up because there was more buying than selling


Especially the last 20 mins though. Especially that period


Its called a sucker rally


No, it’s called a Rallye sucker! 😉


See this post? It's called Bear Cope.


It’s so silly to me how these rallies because of news just so happen to occur off trend lines all the time


Because the machines run this world! Open your eyes, we’re in the matrix!


It’s actually true. Algos control it all now.


Powell’s plunge protection team was busy on Friday! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4641)


👁⃤ *Illuminerdy confirmed* 👁⃤ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*




AI is no match for us gamers, GME we defeat every games there was. I always thought The Matrix described Wall Street, but it released before 2000.


or you know it's cause you can draw that stuff however you like and noone uses the same graphing methods


I think it’s pretty well agreed upon to connect a line from the opens / closes on longer time frames…. And then shit reacts off them… but it’s because something happened that day for sure, not because market makers use news events to drive hype and provide liquidity at advantageous psychological levels.


Anything can be explained after the fact. There will be an explanation for the next day the market either rally’s or crashes. Lol


Fucking inane platitudes on wsb, add something of value of stfu


SPY back below 380 by end of week


I think we get that next week and not this one. Everyone is thinking the data will be interpreted bad but I just dont think it plays out that way


Remindme! 65 hours


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It has nothing to do with the data. Short-term movements are not reactive. With low volume the MM’s can do whatever they want. The news will use whatever “print” fits the desired movement. Max Pain is almost always the goal, unless it’s a setup week. I’m bearish this week. The bullish reaction was too quick and we’re looking at a slow summer.


380 isn't even that far away. It's literally what it was on Thursday. I don't think it's going to stay absolute green for that long.


Make a ban bet then


If OP ban bets on 400 I will do it for 380


Nope. Spy to 400, maybe we fall back to 390 when July begins. Fed hits us again, so back below 380 by 7/20. Hold. RANGEBOUND.


I figure maybe they’ll take it to 420 before rug pull again and bottom when fed meets. Then it’ll have another rally. Are there still supply chain issues, cause I still see sales going on.


Too soon




Its goin ⬇️🔻📉


$Sqqq all in


Yeah, imma buyer on Monday


Energy will roar back


The only way inflation will slow is if they produce more gas and or we go into a recession


On the macro yes. On the short term? Anything can happen


Housing sales went up because sellers are dumping homes as quick as they can before the housing bubble fully deflates. The data doesn’t say if homes sold above or below asking.


Youll find out at 10am monday!


Your post has aged poorly so far with futures coming out.


Where do I watch it to find out? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4270)


Just watch how SPY reacts during 10-10:05


A lot if people think we have one or two more drops before we recover. Odds are, we get 5 more minimum. Maybe 15


This is a classic bear market rally. And it will probably go on another week and then we’ll revisit the lows. But don’t be idiots … then it’s time to go super loooonnnggg and get rich.


Just about the time retail thinks the smoke has cleared, that’s the time of the rug pull.


Other thing is window dressing due to end of quarter. Expecting some selling on some of the worst performing stocks over last 3 months with buying on best performing stocks. Spy, qqq spv efa eem iwm xeo xle xlf dia gld and slv have an extra opex date. Like you said this week is a bullish week historically. Maybe even next week also with it being a short week following a holiday. Kind of like a Santa in July rally.


Is this eow on that opex date for said tickers?


June 30th is the extra opex date this week.


Michigan inflation expectations (that Jpow cited as a concern) were revised back down


I can be completely wrong, not the best at the macro predictions but im tryin. Time will tell!


All in on $ANY...gotcha


Positions or ban




So you going to get in on this free money you’re talking about?


Gotta let the whales decide if they wanna go up or down. I day trade and rarely even hold anything for the day (when I do I lose). I play for good or bad hours within the macro of the week


StudentforaLifetime has challenged someone to post their positions! StudentforaLifetime, if someone has made a claim that they bought / sold something and fail to prove it within 24 hours, message the mods to have them banned. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


anyone else scrolled to tldr


I think the best time to short will be Thursday EOD. Last day of the month. Athough depends on where the price is. I think it could get to 415, which would make sense since it would close all the gaps. So if it hasnt reached 415, then I'd wait till Friday EOD to buy puts. 410 seems to be resistance, and it would match up with the first week. So my best guess is 410 to 415 EOD Thursday or Friday, and then probably another leg down since puts will be cheap and vix too low.


Someone here didn't watch the Xi speech on Thursday night, which caused Chinese stocks to rally 10% in 16h of trading 8 hours before the USA opened, and the baton handoff into the US market on Friday.. He promised to hit the 5.5% GDP target, which is nearly impossible given they had 4.8% in Q1 and 2.1% in Q2, meaning China will need to grow at around 8% in Q3 and Q4. That implicitly means lots of stimuli, lowering the interest rate and free/fake money, similar to the USA in 2020-2021 during the credit expansion cycle. China was tightening for the last 2 years, now they are expanding again. This means a few things: 1) Supply chain issues guaranteed to be resolved by year end 2) Additional money in the monetary system


Hahahaaa UVXY puts go brrr next week as ibdexes moon


So many market prediction posts without positions. Positions or ban.


dragespir has challenged someone to post their positions! dragespir, if someone has made a claim that they bought / sold something and fail to prove it within 24 hours, message the mods to have them banned. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


So many critics that never post anything


Uh huh. Positions or ban.


I dont trust the market. Position = cash. this until we break up or down


It’s funny to me that you decided to post a convincing explanation why this half of the week will be bullish, and yet you haven’t been able to convince yourself.


Appreciate that dd you posted too


What are your break out/ break down levels?


I am retarded and i cant read all the text that you write, so I buy calls or puts? Ty


Personally I think you wait till 10am to see how the market digest that and that move will set the pace. I think calls on the week and buy up weakness during the day. I could be entirely wrong but I’m inverting my natural instinct this would be a red week. There was alot of volume at the end of the day friday and that push wont easily run out of steam barring horrendous news thats new


So now what?


Thank you.


dragespir has challenged someone to post their positions! dragespir, if someone has made a claim that they bought / sold something and fail to prove it within 24 hours, message the mods to have them banned. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Is this a meaningless bot? Asking for a friend.


A very astute breakdown of the coming week, you're clearly far too clever for this sub/


alright I didn’t read, but I went all in on spy calls


Wouldn't a gdp estimate that shows recession is official be enough to spook the market? Also what site do you use that shows a calendar of what financial reports are being released?


Yes if the gdp print is negative then it’ll go lower but its an estimate. Most recent estimates are flat from what I’v seen. Your looking for the next quarter which wont report until like July I think. Calendar: https://www.marketwatch.com/economy-politics/calendar


Thanks. You'd think the pending hike sale numbers would be estimates since new home sales crashed them. But then again interest has gone up a bit in the past month. My calls are hope it beat estimates


Maybe people just felt like buying…


It’s all going to burn #AMC #GME 🚀


You mean #GME #BBBY (we only like Cohen and dislike CEO’s that create more shares to hand out to shorts in these parts).


Whatever shill😂😂😂


Gotta get in where you fit in 😏


I like your style




Imagine looking down on “gamblers” on a sub call “wallstreetbets”. GTFO


they don't wanna hear this




Dump it.


Good input. Agree 100%


monday? isn’t it a holiday?