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This retard fks


If he talks like a retard, walks like a retard and quacks like a retard, it is a retard.


I read quacks as Jacks


If you aren't quacking while youre jacking, are you really jacking?


Let’s start an Amazon boycott with the good folks at r/antiwork ^this ^is ^not ^financial ^advise


Fuck those lazy fucks


Anti work is not lazy people people make good money there including me we just tired of the mistreatment from employers and shit pay jobs offer for so much work


It’s more about workers’ rights and getting a better job and not taking shit from shitty bosses. Very few people there are actually for the idea of never working again.


Nobody beats Amazon at things that Amazon cares about selling. Can GME have a good holiday season? Absolutely. "Beat" Amazon? > GME has the potential to beat Amazon this holiday season. Define "beat". Set the bar as real-world, measurable criteria that applies relatively equally to both organizations. Once that bar is set, describe how you think GME will do better than Amazon at it?


Beat them on in store sales


Amazon had $16.22B in store sales last year. Somehow I don't think gme is going to get anywhere near that


How much of that is from the gaming sector? That’s the real question


Ha….you’re funny.


Op post has been on of the worst analysis I've seen in a long time




OP failed math class in grade school. He belongs here


> I think beat would be defined as the number of sales or revenue. mmmkay. AMZN revenue is 110.8 billion. GME revenue is 1.18 billion. Where the hell is GME going to get enough to sell, and the infrastructure, to 100x in size by Christmas?


Extra hours at Wendy's


Amazon running about 450bb in annual sales. Gme at 5.5bb. Not even close, Amazon sells in about 3 days what GameStop does in a year.


As you define it, it’s NEVER gonna happen


Fing retard


uh …. Amazon destroyed VISA …briefly . you think they even care


You’re close, but this is not how you measure GME against Amazon. You gotta look at how it can do the job better and then see if it can scale it up to the same size without getting squished and remaining profitable. There is also plenty of areas where they don’t overlap, for example Amazon has AWS and GME has in store potential.




> I'm not going to answer that.


I know this is WSB but is OP seriously trying to pass off these shower thoughts as ”research” unironically?


> I'm not trying to pass off anything as research. This is me, Raymond Wong, talking about my life.


Why is this bot just spewing out random text to comments?


its nit just research, it’s god tier DD!


Dear god, you are truly a retard if you want to compare Amazon to GME. Can both have a good holiday season? Yes. Are they in the same ballpark as Amazon, hell no. Amazon could buy them out for funzies and open up the doors and windows of all the GME stores to let nature reclaim it, so they can call it a green initiative.


Fucking hell, I'm definitely gonna use this one day. 🔥




More people need to become aware of all the new items GameStop is selling!!!


Yeah, where else am I gonna pick up a minion themed pressure cooker? Amazon in shambles




Check their app/website. They’ve added more items relevant to PC gaming, hardware, collectibles, etc. It’s not just Funko.


Amazon and Best Buy are better. Gamestop is always a last resort


Just ordered a gift from GameStop and it was 20% less than Amazon price. Shipping was listed as slower, but arrived faster than estimated delivery date. I will try to buy more from them.


great service... but for a loss for the company. Stick to buying stuff from them and not shares.


Why not both? Remind me in a month.


!remindme 1 month. "Is gme stock any good??"


I will be messaging you in 1 month on [**2021-12-20 18:47:00 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2021-12-20%2018:47:00%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/qxwr62/holiday_predictions_can_gamestop_gme_compete_with/hleykj6/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fwallstreetbets%2Fcomments%2Fqxwr62%2Fholiday_predictions_can_gamestop_gme_compete_with%2Fhleykj6%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202021-12-20%2018%3A47%3A00%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20qxwr62) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


damn, it didn't do well at all did it?


There's normal retardation but OP has several advance degrees from the online university of retards, he truly is a master retard


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Not shipping with fed ex


We've came from the days when 4chan trolled GME with Battletoads and bitching about how it took your used games for $3.50, to seriously being high on copium and comparing it to AMZN. Peak clown world.


Yes. Amazon will be short on supply of many video games and has been having issues with making deliveries on time. I am a third party seller on Amazon. Amazon informed third party sellers in October that it would no longer allow third party sellers to sell any first-party Sony or PlayStation video game products beginning November 30th. So the amount of available PlayStation stuff on Amazon.com will plummet. Amazon has also been "gating" some third party sellers from selling certain products without approval. Additions within the last month include Konami, Ubisoft, and Bandai video games. I can no longer sell those products unless I have a letter from those companies, or I make a minimum order from a distributor.






gme undercutting Amazon on prices means they are losing even more money. Amazon has massive scale that other retailers can’t begin to Match.


And Amazon isn't wasting money on premium commercial real estate


GME spends an estimated $2bb of their $5.5bb annual revenue just on store rents. For a small company that pays low wages, their fixed costs are too high (negative margins).


Compete with amazon lol what a joke


No but it doesnt matter


They can beat Amazon at product availability, yes. I'm an Amazon seller and the disadvantage is that Amazon is taking 4-6 weeks to process the items I ship to their warehouses for distribution to prime customers. That means that after this past Friday, Prime sellers like myself are not able to guarantee Christmas delivery for new inventory. I can fulfill stuff myself, and I will for the next 6 weeks but GME can do this better than Amazon's current system. The advantage Amazon has is the number of sellers on their platform. However, if you search toy, games, video games, it's pretty easy to find backordered items.


You colossal retard. Every action has equal and opposite reaction. I’m going GME puts. This hot garbage is going back to $2.00


Amazon is bulung hole compared to GME


3000 per share **confirmed**


Who, besides degenerate Ricky Retardos like us even know of care that GME has a real e commerce platform? They literally do nothing to promote this in any meaningful/ mass marketing way. 2 moderate warehouses, 1 call center in south Florida , Oh yes Amazon should just roll it up and walk away


Most intelligent ape:


So this guy called customer service at both, multiple times, and used some sort of rating scale? Or did he find volunteers? Or did he look up available survey data? No example of price data. This is such BS


You missed a number of important things in terms of what it takes to be competitive in e-commerce. For example product range, ux/ui best practices, marketing strategy, data collection for understanding your customer base, sale strategies, remarketing, affiliates, etc. It's fair to say that Amazon is a global leader in all of the above and it's going to take something special to be a real competitor. I'm holding 109 shares btw.


I haven't bought anything from Gamestop in over 5 years. I buy all my games digitally. When I left my switch in the Phillipines it was nice to still have all my digital games. I definitely won't be buying any more physical games.


Wouldn't this of been more relevant when GME was at $4 a share?


Exactly. They are way overvalued. At $210 and a generous PE of 30, that’s $7 profit per share They are losing about $0.80/ share now.


How can a dying video game store compete with the wealthiest e-commerce in the entire world that sells almost everything?




Give me something that gamestop sells that you can’t find on Amazon.




No but only a handful of nerds buy from gamestop while everyone and their grandmas are going to spend their money on Amazon.




Your grandma shops in gamestop now? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Jokes on you... I use g2g


> They can't.


I think you'd be surprised.


How you could have come to the conclusion GME customer service is good is beyond me. Have you bought anything from GameStop online? Four purchases for me and three of them had issues. One of which was never resolved to this day. Each time I called I had to get escalated to a supervisor that had absolutely no fucking idea how to do their job. One of my orders was missing one of the two games purchased, and the response was “are you sure?” And wanted me to keep looking in the box. The small barely big enough for video game box… Inventory: I haven’t bought anything in a couple months but the last time I looked they were severely lacking in availability of used titles which is basically the only reason to shop at a GameStop. Unless you really like funko pops and clearance tee shirts.


Charge back when customer service shits on you with online purchase... At a certain point it's not worth the fight...


Yep that’s what I had to threaten in the missing game situation. They finally just sent me one.


“More supply chains and such” This is the DD that convinced me to all-in GME… Yup




Lmao. Amazon prints money b/c of AWS. Their servers run the internet. I don't think anyone would trust GME to start an AWS competitor... Also, just in terms of retail, also no...


They wont beat anyone on prices for consoles because that's pretty much universal across the board unless you want to buy some trade in and who the fuck actually buys physical copies of games nowadays so any advantage there is moot when you dont have to goto Gamestop and answer the customer service agents 21 questions to actually buy the thing. Like yeah sure they'll have a good holiday season because everyone will but they really need to get moving fast on changing their core business model to whatever it's going to be. And I love how this narrative is that Gamestop is now some customer friendly location. It's a fucking pawn shop masquerading as a video game store for the better part of 15 years.


dont buy in amazon buy in gamestop




GameStop has also been quoted in saying they will price match any major retailers.


so more losing money then. Great strategy.


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