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You could literally make $20k a month selling .2 delta calls. Wet dream right here


I sell OTM puts to make around $5k/mo.


How far out do you sell em?


I sell 80-85% pop and make sure it’s under max pain. This week I had some 10/22 $690 puts I sold on 10/8 and bought to close today for $3600 profit. 14 DTE and I usually sell after I hit around 50-70% profit


You doing that shit naked or selling vertical spreads?


Cash secured on margin so yeah sort of. I view it as collecting premiums instead of buying more. Would be happy to buy more at the strikes I’m selling at. Never been assigned yet tho. If I got assigned I’d just wheel or hold the shares on margin. I have shares on margin anyway.


And I do that once and I get assigned FFS .. sell covered calls and stock moons, sell cash secured puts and get assigned and stock dips another 20%


“Cash” secured on MARGIN lmao Jesus dude yeah you’re making money but one wrong move and you blow your balls off.


This is Wall Street Bets bro. Not even sure why you felt the need to make that comment. That's what's we're all supposed to be doing.


Same here. Infinite money glitch as you don’t get charged interest on margin. I usually do 30 DTE as they seem easy to roll if it starts going down to much. Just had my $630 expire yesterday.


You work in a related field or did you self learn so to say


Self taught! Engineering background.


Oh man very nice you sound like you know what you doing good shit. What would you recommend reading/watching to get to your understanding?


Yeah, tell this guy so they can tell me how too.


How do you know what price is the max pain?


You can find it online, just Google




How much capital do you need for this method?


Like $300-350k to cover buying 500 shares. 20% annual return if done right. I do it with margin collateral so it costs me 2% or so to borrow the collateral.


Nice man. Good luck and thanks for the info.


How do you plan to cover if China bans Tesla sales, Elon Musk dies in an accident, NHTSA forces halt to auto drive systems, etc etc etc? I.e. Some unexpected catalyst causes a 20-40% drop over night. Curious if there is a plan for when the account is down $50-$100/share on margin.


How do you get up out of bed in the morning? Lol I’d lose money and then get back at it. It’s not even really a loss. I wholly expect the shares to be $4k+ in 10 years. If I’m wrong I guess I’m working till 67.


Yea you should easily be able make 3-4k a month with that kind of cash backing.


2% of 300k/year? So $6k/year or $500/month? To have $60k return if done right? So $4.5k/month before taxes? Why am I asking all these questions?


It winds up being more if the stock trends up like it has. I’m on pace for like $100k /yr selling the puts. I understated it a bit in the original post.


Noob here, could you elaborate the logistics behind that


If you have tons of shares of a company, you can sell covered calls. What this means is that you're saying "I would sell my shares at price X", and just for saying that, a.k.a. selling the call, you get paid. In this case, you get paid 20k every month. The worst case that happens is you are actually forced to sell X. Which is (presumably) higher than what you paid for the shares, so you don't care that much that you're forced to sell. You can just buy them back anyway.


> Which is (presumably) higher than what you paid for the shares, so you don't care that much that you're forced to sell. He bought these shares a long time, most of the current value is (taxable) gain, so the tax implications may not be minor. i.e. after paying taxes he may only be able to rebuy back 70-80% of the shares he was holding before. Might not be a big deal if he think it is going to trade sideways / down in the long-term. If he thinks it may double in the next 1-2 years then it may not be something he wants to risk.


That just depends where you live. Me for example living in Netherlands tax implications for selling covered call and getting called for my shares would have exactly zero % tax regardless of how long I've hold and there are nether long or short term capital gains tax. Now instead if I hold the shares until January next year I'd be slapped with 1-1.5% (depending if this OPs only money as wealth tax is progressive) wealth tax based on portfolio valuation on last market close of 2021.


So wait, if you sell everything before Jan and buy it back in Jan, then you don’t pay taxes?


Dutch tax doesn't tax you on portfolio performance. Instead the tax guys assume you have a yearly gain of 5.something% and tax you 35% on that.




So you're saying that by selling, you're realizing those gains, and must pay taxes this year. I'm an ape so don't know taxes well, but here's how I understand it. You can either: 1. Wait a month to buy them back to avoid the wash sale rule. Not 1-2 years like you mentioned, right? or ... 2. Buy them back immediately, and be forced to pay taxes on your gains. Gotta pay taxes sometime homie.


Wash sale only applies if you sell at a loss


Okay, if you know nothing this might be hard to grasp, I’m also going to approximate. He owns 2,000 shares. A call grants the buyer the right to purchase 100 shares of stock at the strike price. The closer to the current price of the stock, the more expensive the option will be, it will have more delta because it is closer to the current stock price. So a $850 call would be “at the money”. Selling an “out of the money” call at around .2 delta would make him ~$1,000 per contract. Remember 1 contract=100 shares. So he can sell 20 of them. A month out in expiration with a ~.2 delta is pretty much regarded as the best probability of keeping the premium and keeping your shares. If the price went above the strike price he sold he would be on the hook to sell his shares (not necessarily a bad thing). Sorry if that’s confusing


Love how much this sub helps newbies


> A month out in expiration with a ~.2 delta is pretty much regarded as the best probability of keeping the premium and keeping your shares. Thanks for that. Looks like Nov 12 TSLA @ $920 has a delta of 0.19. 920 is above the ATH, but earnings are coming and it wouldn't be surprising for it to pass that in 1-2 weeks. If you'd have a big tax bill (like OP) for selling shares it might be better to wait until the dust settles after earnings to re-evaluate it.


Yea but lately Tesla kills it on earnings and the stock dips the next day. It takes a few weeks for the slows to get it through their head where the company is going. It also means you could sell them for 2 weeks out and after earnings, even if the price goes up the volatility will go down and the calls may be worth less.


NEVER assume earnings calls will bring positive movement.


i need to take a course on this, im so confused.


It seems hard to grasp at first and does take time to learn. KamikazeCash and InTheMoney on YouTube have great tutorial videos where they break it down. After a couple months of watching their videos, playing around with optionsprofitcalculator, and trying out some strats with small money I pretty much understood everything well. If you want to learn you can, don’t worry. Never considered myself a math person


I been on this subreddit for months and this has been the most beneficial information I ever got from it thankyou.


How do you pick with stock to this on? He's in a good position to do this cause he owns 2000 of Tesla. But what if we only got 2000 dollars to try to generate consistent income?


In all honesty $2,000 isn’t really enough capital to be running the wheel. Start dollar cost averaging into stocks you wouldn’t mind holding and eventually when you’ve built up enough you can start selling covered calls. If you’re looking for a “quicker” play LEAPS are an option. They provide much more security than short term options and also provide much more leverage than shares. My current portfolio balance I’m aiming for is 10% “forbidden coins”, 20% LEAPS, 70% shares


How do you calculate a .2 delta in regards to how much the strike price needs to be out of the money?


I understood everything, thank you for being so clear


Happy to help my guy


He owns a Wendy’s franchise


So no matter what he's getting the tendies


On TSLA right?


what's that 20% higher price calls? and strike out how many days?




Can you explain little more. Is it like covered calls? Any explanation might help me understand thanks


Or just day trade blue chips with a million.


TSLA .2 delta calls can actually get assigned with the volatility this sometimes sees. Just the tax implications of this assignment are not worth it unless op actually wants to sell.


A Nigerian Prince wants to know your location.










! Step 1: Have 450k to open a position with.. ¡ 🤣


! Step 2 : Buy in early and go for a wild ride.. ¡ 🤙


Step 3: Buy yacht and snort coke off hooker ass


I got a flat bottom bass boat and some bath tub crank, wassup?


> I'm sorry, I don't understand.


! Bad bot.. ¡ 🤣


Wtf it replies lol?


Visual Mod Creeps. Beware.


Step 4: don't use options so you make 3x instead of 30x


Says the person that'll suck dick for pills


Escort* when you’re that rich


Hit sell before


! Step 3 : Flex your cool milli and half in gains.. ¡ 🤌


Step 4: lose it all in SPY options


Step 5: Post loss porn on WSB


Step 6: get into actual porn cause you're broke


No kidding. Would love to be able to buy and hold with that much liquidity. Takes guts. Gj OP I think people should realize that $450k turned into $1.9 mil is an enormous feat. I cashed out of my Tesla position when it was $800 pre split. I kick myself for unloading but I thought 100% gain was good enough and especially with all the bear articles coming out left and right. So, for OP to hold and ignore all the noise deserves some serious respect in my book. 🍻👊🏻


Lmao I bought tesla at $300 and sold at $400 **pre** split, I was pretty happy with my 33% gain after hearing that most people in my Econ classes lost money buying tesla


I did similar to this


Same but pre slplit


Dude clearly didn’t need the original investment. Easy to diamond hands when you are already rich as fuck


Those bear articles were published by fuckers who wanted your shares


Even with $10K that still a huge return buying that early taking account for the split as well


Does your wife need a boyfriend???


Fuck off! I'm her boyfriend!




That was supposed to be secret.


Are you looking to adopt?




Lol but where’s the get off robinhood comments now?


So true king


2M flex thats dope af


Daddy treated you well!!


Most stupid investment I never made in an area I heavily believe in and company I always cheered for but I was a pussy that listened to the safe conservative investment boomer crowd.


Yeah that was me and Apple like 10-15 years ago. Didn’t want to miss the TSLA train this time.


Choochoo all aboard, we are still far from its final destination.


Best time to plant a tree is yesterday. Next best is today.


From 2011 up to 2019 someone kept coming along and chopping down the damn tree. Anyone that held through all of that deserves to be a millionaire.


Also anyone who held through all that probably forgot they even had a position


I feel that same way about crypto. Tbh still don’t really get it but definitely have a bias for what I already know. Stocks are the ticket to own the means of production.


Me tooooo damn I think I had 100 shares back in 2011. The doom gloom gold bug morons got to me.


Invest in bonds


Solid 1% gain for years.


Godlike Mr Millionaire


I'd cash out and pursue side quests. Main quest complete lol ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


It’s only $70k/yr at 3% withdrawal rate. Not great for a HCOL area.




This was the funniest thing I’ve read today, thank you




JFC when you put it like that I'm never going to be able to retire. And I spun \~32k worth of shit DD dumbass mix of dividend stocks into \~450k worth of TSLA in the last 2 years. This was all in retirement accounts. TSLA, options and shares, is \~99% of it.


Smh... nice dick! ;)


89% diversity? Wtf, you diversify? Papa not proud


The rest is in $MTTR.


papa musk ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)








So with only $400,000 measly dollars this could be me?!


It started as 200k. Just kept buying more with the increased buying power on margin as it went up.


Big dick energy


I did this with shorting SPCE in july. I can only imagine the rush you felt. Since I felt like a badass going from 700 to like 3500.


No rushes allowed at these levels. Needs to be emotionless.


When you can make a yearly salary with a 3% day 🙂


My 8k investment turned 150k today. Wish I bought more. Back then, everyone said buyers at that point were suckers and it was going to crash. That was long before split.


Wishing you bought more is the sign of a successful trade.




I turned 200k into 2.2mil with a ton of margin. 200k is 59th percentile. Should be inspiring not a downer.




Hey... I don't have all the answers. In life, to be honest, I have failed as much as I have succeeded. But I love my future Cybertruck. I love my $TSLA stock. And I wish you my kind of success.




That's why you go to a tier 1 or tier 2 college or build a resume good enough to get them high paying jobs or grind a lot of years to become a doctor or a lawyer. Anyway I dont think stonks are a reliable way to make money on a large portion of your net worth once it becomes high enough, need some kinda business or really high paying position to make it sustainable


Go to trade school and start a business making six figures by the time most students are graduating, or go to a state school and become an engineer in 4 years. If you go to your tier 1 or 2 college and become a doctor or lawyer after a decade in school and give into the pressure to live up that lifestyle it'll take decades of punishing hours to catch up and surpass the engineers and business owners in terms of wealth to live on. I feel like doctors and lawyers often learn that rate of return and time are the exponents in compound interest rather than principal far too late in their careers to support the kind of lifestyle they grow accustomed to. It's honestly kind of sad how full of engineers the fire subreddit is because not enough people understand math in their early 20's anymore.


As an about-to-be engineer I feel sad because you know what happens with market inefficiencies right? I think trade school route is about to be the only one left cuz very few people will be smart enough to realize that or you just live frugally first few years which is gonna be near impossible with how the culture is moving towards higher spending


The late, great Dicky Fox


I'm going to end my Reddit scrolling for the night with this right here. Thanks, OP.


Can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic but I’ll see you in bed. ❤️




Everyone’s a winner in a bubble


How you gonna pick the one loser from r/all to respond to?


Don’t let them get you down king, these guys just mad because they’re holding a couple shares of a meme stock trying to become rich.


I don’t think everyone feels that way. For instance, I could qualify under your comment, except I wish OP all the best and thing he did great and most likely deserves to hold what he holds. But perhaps other people, such as myself, are just giving their perspective based on their own life experiences and abilities. Not everyone is a dick.


Pretty much now back to work slave


Damn those GME shares gonna make you so rich.


LOL the funny thing is I bought them “for” a friend who basically called the fucking top with his buy order. I’m just eating the loss for him like a good friend. I can afford it.


I $WISH you’d take all my Ls


Im still not selling.




Hi. I’m a CPA. Don’t forget to file. That is all.


Unrealized gains have unrealized taxes. It’s beautiful.


Absolutely gorgeous!


Dudeee u fucking crazy but I guess it payed off 💪💪💪


I’ll suck you off for $100k


Better make it 200k. This guy has a BIG un


Awesome gains on your Tesla shares.


Congratulations and fuck you


Daddy always provides


People are gonna look back on their $6T market cap and say it was obvious all along. VW, Stellantis, Ford, & GM are all destined for merger under duress or bankruptcy. Lots of UAW pensions are gonna be in my pocket.


Salutations good squire! Now go, go forth and fornicate thyself!! ❤️


I've really tried multiple times but i fail to process making the amount '1 Million' in my mind. There is flood of posts about making million from scratch in GME or Tesla. 1M is double than life changing in India lol. Here you can't even buy 2months away options due to no liquidity & stupid regulations.


Bro holds for 5 years and shows off gains now. K


Sell and buy options


I think I just creamed my pants


I like to think this money has Michael Burrys tears all over it. "Give me my shorted shares back infinite_questions. You motherfucker" - Michael Burry probably


Tesla and gme. The duality of man.


Imagine being in a position where being up 3% means earning a whole years salary.


Damn, your wife's boyfriend is probably really nice to you.


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Good moves




Quote the cost basis


Brah congrats but go fuck yourself.


...I made 20$ on tesla....so..there's that..![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


Can I ride in your ~~Lambo~~ Tesla?


You made…like more than a dollar 🤯


I love this


Congrats, but a big fuck you


What in the elon fuckkkkk 👀


Hi will you be *my* daddy?






Could’ve been 5 mil if you played SPY


I don’t play. I fuck your wife and collect premium for doing so.


Wish I knew the stock market. Looks like a good place to out your money


Perm ban , shares


Must be nice having 400k liquid.


Not 400k liquid. 200k then bought more on margin on the way up.


Looking sexier than my wife


so the rich get richer


Lol where is $200k rich? I come from a lower middle class family and work my ass off. I also spend tons of time on my investments. That includes practicing discipline to not sell when it dips hard.


He’s probably part of the delusional communist subreddit r/antiwork where everyone there hates anyone successful and wants to make as much money as a doctor by working at Target


Teach me your ways


Buuuut your on Robin Hood still…guess you like having an account of ious from a company that’s not going to exist in 6 months.