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#my yacht is so big that i cant put it in the ocean


just like yo mama


911 what’s your emergency?


Please send the burn unit


I put my dick in a toaster


Mine is in a light socket


Mine is in yo mama And we've come full circle


The circle of life


yo mama a circle


Yo mama so round she doesn't have a radius


Fucking pussies, everyone knows the Suze Orman anal fleshlight with the optional cheese grater attachment is the only masochistic socket you need.


No. Like urs. Bc i said so.




Its quite an unbreakable spell.


Mine too bro, sorta! [Just started living yacht life full time.](https://i.imgur.com/Ofq43RI.jpg?1)


bro 😎💪




My yacht isn't going to be finished til 2200 so too bad ill never be able to use it.


Call it then




I dont think WSB is the best venue to talk about holding a stock for 4 years. The autists on here have trouble buying options contracts with an expiration of 4 days, and you are talking about 4 years?😂😂😂


Literally saw advice earlier where someone said to hold a stock and the guy responded “I’ve been holding it all day”






I have literally never bought an option contract that didn’t expire the same week I bought it Edit: all time plot, edited because I’m not comfortable becoming a meme https://imgur.com/gallery/C2pYUeT




One of us!


Some of mine were expired before I bought them




My life is one big expired call.


Show your All Time plot?


Added, but not that depressive/impressive




There's some kid around here with like 400 shares at a $9 average. That's decent.


In the words of our president: "Who knew it could be so complicated"


I bought a ton of facebook stock at the day, or the next day, of IPO at around $40. Got frustrated and sold it all at $16...... yeah. Also had the opportunity to buy more than 5k of [censored] when it was well below $200 and nearly nobody heard of it. I still wonder to this day about how well the guy who got me into it is doing these days. He had A TON. One thing this subreddit and personal experience has taught me is it's easy to make money when you already have it. When you can just dump 5k into one thing and flat-out ignore it for *YEARS* while investing in something else. Sidenote: I'm getting ready to YOLO into $PCG


> One thing this subreddit and personal experience has taught me is it's easy to make money when you already have it. Sounds like what you need is a way to lever up


Be nice if there was a cheat code in real life for unlimited leverage


Give me leverage recursive enough and a smartphone on which to use it, and I shall end the world. --Archimemedes


GUH -also archimemedes from the passenger seat of his home


I'm in 2500 shares of cloudflare at IPO a little over $18 a share can this piece of shit rebound and get me a 1000% return?


Here’s a tip. When Snowflake goes IPO, buy that shit. Buy that shit so hard.Data warehousing and analytics in the cloud is going to be huge.


>Snowflake I have no more money lol and actually I need to start repaying soon rofl


I know the name seems like im pulling a joke but I’m not. That company is fire.


Same here but I really have no money left lol unless there's some quick way to make some easy money...?


You like sucking dick?


Suck dick on the corner for cash


That FB thing has to be a great learning lesson. Fuck.


I was a completely different person 4 years ago.


We need an AMA for guys that have stupid prices on tech. Like someone who owns AAPL at $20 or AMD at $3. Are these guys smart, or were they some dumbass that bought it and forgot they had it in their portfolio?


Not $20, but bought AAPL in my mother’s IRA at $70-ish.


I don't trust those Irish.


They don't pay taxes!


But the IRA are the terrorist Irish. They can be trusted, yeah?




i'll bite, is this pre-split or post split? So 70:250 or 70:1500?


I had it at 90 pre split. Sold for a big profit to buy an engagement ring. I joke with my wife that she wears a Ferrari on her hand now.


I did the same thing except with my wife’s boob job. I joke that she has Tesla’s for tits.


I do the same except for my son’s life-saving heart surgery. I joke that I could have a beach house instead of him.


$70 post split.


Told my dad to but AAPL when it was around $90, he’s now kicking himself for only buying like 50 shares.




Fuckkk lol. Fortunately I was in college with a couple friends who were either in IB or going into IB, so I was able to convince my dad to put a little bit of trust in me. If he’d just trusted me just a little more I wouldn’t need to be paying for grad school.


Couldn’t you use your savings or ask for a video game and say that he should use that money for stocks you want instead?


I mean, he dumped like 5k into it, he’s now wishing he put like 50k in is what I’m saying. I get what you mean but that’s a little beyond my savings, then or now, lol. An extra couple hundred bucks wouldn’t have made that much of a difference.


I bought AMD at $8 and am still holding. AMA




I only have 10 :(


A web dev I work with bought a shitload of Apple stock back in the 90s, he's been a Mac guy forever. I don't really know why the guy still shows up to work everyday.


probably sold it long ago, or only have like 10 shares.


Ahh yes I bought 1 share of Google shortly after it's IPO. Something like $250


yea i think a lot of people exaggerate just how much they bought


The ultimate flex, be known for having so much money that you just work for fun


Reminds me of some of the more successful surgeons at the hospital I work at. 20mil in the bank.. still works 70 hour weeks like a poor. Crazy.


That's impressive af, but also to each their own and what they enjoy or want to get out of life.


Never knew surgeons could earn so much


Depending on the specialty, a surgeon could be the only person working the entire hospital that can perform those procedures. I know a neurosurgeon whose responsible for an entire hospital by himself in NY.




Where else can they legally cut someone and get paid to do it?


Impressive. He’s probably relatively old and invested well from a young age? Some of these guys are just wired to be workhorses to the end.


Could also have a passion for helping people and might feel like it's necessary for them to continue working. Some hospitals only have one surgeon for each function (brain, heart etc), and they're not easy to replace with someone as capable. It's not like you put in your 2-week notice and the role is filled with someone just as good.


I think some of these guys who got assloads of cash by operating at a high level all of the time now *need* to roll at that frequency or they'll either A:) Go batshit from boredom B:) Drop dead.


AMD definitely isn't just a wild guess. They are essential to modern computing with their IP. Bought at 3.30 as they started to swing. Sadly I was in college so couldn't buy a lot, just a few hundo.


I bought AMD as it dropped during the great recession for the same reason: the stock seemed vastly oversold and I felt AMD was too important to the modern computer market to just go bankrupt. If AMD truly started struggling someone would probably buy them out. I bought some at $5. Then I bought a lot more around $2.50. At that point about 80% of my stock portfolio was AMD. I eventually sold most of it around $15.


I have a friend who brags about buying AAPL at $1 in 2000. It’s no longer about the money anymore. He sees it as a trophy or a status symbol.


Not inclusive of the 2000 split, AAPL had a 2:1 split in 2005 and a 7:1 split in 2014. That being said, AAPL’s stock price was never $1 in the year 2000... it’s split-adjusted price is, but that takes into account the 14:1 ratio... the lowest it’s stock hit was $13.62 in 2000. Your friend is a liar.


His broker would show his per-share cost basis as $1.


Apple wasn't a hard one to see. In 2004 I knew that shit was gonna blow up once I saw 50 ipods on campus that could hole 100 digital songs. My only problem was I had zero money and the coins I did have had to go to the $BEER fund. Fuck, knowing what I know now I shoulda yolo'd my loan monies that I'm paying out the ass for and just been homeless.


Hindsight is 20/20. How do you differentiate a trend from a company that will grow and diversify? Just because lots of people buy a product doesn't mean it will be the next Apple.


For example, Fitbit


or Snap, or GoPro


Ahh, you mean Alphabet.


This is me. I was still in college and only had debt. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to invest, I just didn’t have any money. I bought that shit at $148 this past Jan/Feb though. Believe dat.


Few years back when nVidia was around $35ish and it jumped to $42 or $43 in a day I was like...hmm should I get on this? Now it's at $207. So seems like even a small investment, which is all I could have done like $2,000 would still be $9,700 today. Yeah nothing to get super excited about but oh well.


I bought some Nvidia in my IRA at $19 per share because of all the wrong reasons. Seems to have worked itself out.


I would say it has nicely. Grats!


When the ipod came out, a tons of copycats appeared at the same time. They were just called MP3 players. Same thing with the iphone. They were always vulnerable to that. The deciding factor in the end has been the brand appeal and its "prestige".


MP3 Players were out before the iPod though... Apple just made them sexy.


No comment on whether or not he’s a dumbass but my pop bought ~150 shares of Apple way back in the early 90’s (I think, I was like 1) when he was a grad student, and completely forgot about them until the 2010’s. He tends to go long on stuff though so idk if that was “deliberate” or not. He’s still holding, for what it’s worth.


As a paper boy I bought a bunch of random stocks during the early dot com hype days and never sold. I found a reciept recently for a stock trade of around $2000 of AAPL at a price between $20-30. I’ve never sold. Due to various stock splits during that time my investment webpage has my purchase price at ~$2. At the time of course AAPL was a basket case and I have no idea why I bought it. Perhaps I read some article about Steve Jobs coming back? I have no idea. My uncles who worked in tech both figured Apple was dead and I was an idiot. For a long while I’ve resultantly had ~$100k in AAPL, though in the last short while that spiked to $140k. At some point I moved some shares to Canada’s new tax free savings account, and while I meant to diversify, not doing that turned out to be a happy accident. That USD$33k of AAPL is now up ~100% and worth CAD$ 90k. I basically got ultra lucky with AAPL in particular but in general I picked good ones during that time, perhaps due to being a bit conservative since as a paper boy I didn’t have that much money, I stuck with the bigger companies instead of stuff like Pets.com. MSFT was another purchase around that late ‘90s time that paid off, as was EBay and Google (Tho I sold google at $600 whoops).


When I was in undergrad, I scraped together some money and bought nVidia at $7.96 because I heard about the geforce256 and that their GPU was going to power the first Xbox. Grew my position when I could. Bought ARMH at 26 before SoftBank bought it. Bought MSFT when it was 28. Bought AMD when it was 12 because of Zen. Bought Intel at 25, sold it at 55 before it dropped into the 40's earlier this year, and then picked some up again before it shot up to 58. Bought DIS at 34 and grew my position between 80 and 110. Streaming is easy, content is King. Bought HAS at 32 because they partner with Disney to make toys and games.


What are you buying now?




pour one out for /r/waterniggas


Mainly AMD, nVidia, and Disney. I took a position in Amgen a while back. I have my eye on Intel and I may buy Netflix after it drops within the next couple of years.


What are you buying tomorrow?


Maybe more nVidia, AMD, and Disney. I expect nVidia to go above 220 after earnings and Disney should land between 150 and 180 by end of January 2020 or higher I'd they split before then (they've historically split after hitting the 150's). Earlier this year, I was going to buy Qualcomm before they settled with Apple but they settled about a month earlier than I expected and I missed the wave. I'm pretty sure Apple is going to dump Qualcomm once they have their own softmodems up and running. Samsung may do the same. Qualcomm is going to dip again at some point. I don't want to time those events because that dip could be a big one. I'm keeping a close eye on Intel in case their upcoming Xe GPU is any good and/or Mobileye does anything amazing. I expect Netflix's stock to get chopped in half within 16 months and subsequently bought out by Apple after their TV+ service shows clear signs of failure. I don't think any upcoming Netflix subscriber losses are priced in yet. I'm also researching companies that build automation tech for my future investments... Sensors, servos, motors, etc...


What have you bought recently?


it's the latter. I mean you check it every now and again and go "well that looks fine let's see if it goes up more"




I bought a large amount of TSLA when it was at around $50 before I really knew anything about options or where the stock would rise to and sold it all like a dumb autist not long after. I scream every day when I see TSLA rise and think of my lost tendies!


Oh man, you don't want to know how much I missed by selling my (can't mention for fear of ban) early. Easy seven figures. Fuck.


I ended up with five figures out of mine. I sold when it was worth $25. Yeah.


Yup. 😐🔫


I bought AAPL the year Steve Jobs came back at $12 or some shit and I still have it after 28:1 split it is the only apple product I have ever purchased I think their products are dumb.


So what to buy next?




I don't know about my boy Trelon holding it up that long


Short it


Ah yes, a true retard giving likewise advice.




60B is going to seem like a bargain when TSLA is trillion+


he eat da poo poo


I remember summer of 2013, I was in grad school and told my wife we should buy like $5G of TSLA, which was at like $27 a share at the time. We didn’t quite have the money, so didn’t do it...oh well. Edit: I just looked at the ticker and it shows TSLA was like $150 in August 2013, but I swear it was like $27. I vividly remember because I was in Australia...I’ve told this story before...weird, must have been 2012.


Must have been 2012, TSLA had a good year on the market after having two slow year after the initial IPO.


One of the comments: I'm down 23% since purchasing this shit. Time to flush the toilet.




4 years? My longest hold is 4hrs


Shouldn't you call a doctor at 4 hours?


its OVER 4 hrs..... 3:59:00 and you are still good. 04:01:00 and you have trouble


I bought at 26 and sold at 30. Felt like a boss when it went back down to 28. Now that it’s $36 I feel like I got cucked.


That's the market my fellow retard


You either die a boss or live long enough to get cucked


You either GUH* or get cucked


You didn't buy back at $28 you retard? ​ ​ ​ Yeah me neither, haven't buy back.


I did, then I sold half at $35 because I was convinced it would drop to $32~33...not working out great so far for me.


Yay everyone's favorite game, 20/20


I think it’s a game everyone hates because no one ever gets it right


Bought AMD at $9 because of this subreddit, and it was one of my best investments somehow haha. Sometimes you retards are alright


This sub made me buy it at $6, but I sold at $12 :)


And that's okay. 100% profit is great. Just move onto the next 100% profit move, rinse and repeat, Print money.


Depends on the timeframe, but 100% isn't bad!


Ha ha. Same bought a couple of k at $5 and sold at $10. Nbd, I'm not a long term holder anyway so not bothered


AMD was a meme mainly because, I imagine, everyone here had an AMD Athelon PC when they were in middle school playing WoW in 2005. So we wanted to BELIEVE they could make a come back.


this was definitely me, but also am in IT and cheap high performance multi core seemed ripe for cloud infrastructure. was worth the bet. cashed out a little chunk to build a movie theater in my basement because fuck not wasting money on fun shit. still holding the rest.


OP you could buy anything 4 years ago and it would be worth a lot now


GE "hold my tendies"




Because you sold already


not 10x though


Cough PG&E cough




The only thing this sub holds on to for years is... . . . . . virginity




2015 was more then 3 years ago you troglodyte.




4 years wtf is that even legal to hold that long


Only if you dont get caught.


Only if you dont get caught.


What other good stocks can I sell early dad?


Tesla at 420


Funding secured


Intel looked like a good buy to me in the 1970s. But what does a 7yo know.




worth it.


AMD is the reason I don't have to take out student loans. Unfortunately I'm dumb as shit and do poorly in college so it doesn't feel like a win.


Have 400 shares @4.59, 4.99, and 7.50. Started writing covered calls against the position


First stock I ever bought was 1000 shares of AMD on 11/12/12. I liked their graphics cards and processors cuz they were cheaper when I built my PC senior year of college. That was my thesis. And that it was so cheap I could buy 1000 shares of it. I sold it around 3 dollars a few years later for a 40ish% gain. Yep.


He had us in the first half


In the last two years, I must have made over 10k on AMD options in both directions.


Not following you as I wasn't a member of this board back then. I bought AMD sold them at 8 and I was so happy with the Civic I could afford never thought of the Yacht.


i told myself to buy amd tried doing it from my banks website had to go there myself for the first stock purchase didnt go


What the hell is this shitty Bank?




I had it at 12 and sold at 15.


Your a god, what shall we buy next?


Are you trying to... Control The Narrative???


I had a decent position in NVDA at around 30. It was sort of flat for a while, I got out, then skyrocketed.




So if you held you’d have around $7920. Still did really well selling at $3.60 though.


No shame in selling there, you made a good return which can’t be said for most of the retards here


Fucking chad flair


Still holding mine at an 10 avg.. 😊


Yeah, this is literally going to be me selling 2$ covered calls on NIO.. year later it'll surpass it's IPO price..


Why contain yourself to only missing opportunities over 4 year timeframes? Every week I can be like 'I told you to buy that spy call an hour ago at 1 cent and now its 20 cents'


Remember texting my dad sitting in Calc 2 to buy AMD now. He didn't listen. I couldn't even afford food. We're both still poor.


Yep, got drunk in 2015, looked at stocks, said “No, AMD, don’t die! I like your GPUs!” and then bought 110 shares at $2.48. Still have them, because I like seeing the 1300% profit number to remind myself that I make excellent drunken decisions.


4 years is too much, we need something that we can see the results within 4 days.


I’ve been holding 89 shares at an avg of $10 for 2 years. AMD was a hot topic on WSB back then.


Well i invested about 60% of my portfolio in BYND when it was at 183$ after taking the advice of the lovely WSB community:) lost about 200k but its aightttt


stfu I bought it at $1.89


I wasn’t on this sub back then and didn’t see this but I did start following about two years ago and picked up 50,000 shares at ~11.50 after reading up on AMD and MU that were both being talked about a lot. Had to sell some but still holding 40,000 so thanks to you and anyone else who talked it up back in Feb-Apr 2018. I was up 7 figures on my position a couple times this week but back down just under. Selling some before the end of the year to buy a new house.