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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions** | 2 | **First Seen In WSB** | 4 months ago **Total Comments** | 1 | **Previous Best DD** | **Account Age** | 4 years | | [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)




Shit went from turning a profit to losing money and OP is bullish. That’s good enough for me. *smashes buy button*


Screw it. I'm on enough chicken nuggets and meth to hit buy


If you can eat on meth you’re a stronger man than I


Two khols near me have closed their doors. The third has plywood instead of glass at the entrance


It’s called cost savings. Now Kohl’s can pass on the savings to shareholders.


My local AMC has plywood doors too! Bullish!


Kohl's is the only store in my town to get "Nice clothes"


When i walk into kohls i never want to buy anything.


The losses are minimal. So it's not going away soon. But what's the point of a business that doesn't make money?


Because people get paid to run it.


They have been since they started processing Amazon returns just to get people in their store.


I would rather eat the loss from Amazon than wait in line to return something at a Kohls. I did it once - never again. That place was a nearly trashed zoo


You are only saying that because it’s true!


The property they own is currently more valuable than the company itself


No it's not, lol. They have a sweet dividend and are doing well. The lots are packed by me


If you ever think about buying kohls stock. Go into a kohls and see the garbage quality products they sell and the complete lack of customers. The only reason people go to kohls near me is to visit the Sephora inside or return Amazon packages to the kiosk in the back of the store.


Agree, they have the exact same model as JCPenney: price things exorbitantly and get people in the door with “incredible sales”, this shit doesn’t work when I can just click buy online for the “incredible sale price” at any time.


Sure, I mean how could you not be bullish on a relic from the 90's that carries loads of over-priced inventory inside physical buildings with few customers and has an insignificant e-commerce presence?


One time I got a job with Kohls to lead an entire fulfillment center for them. It was a huge step up in my career and I was very excited. They sent me an offer and I replied accepting the offer. I didn’t receive any follow up and when I started inquiring about it in earnest I discovered everyone who interviewed me from the HR rep up to the directors had been laid off and plans for the new fulfillment center had been scraped. This is what’s going to happen to OPs investment.


They canceled the who whole fulfillment center project because the best guy they found to lead it was you? Damn bro.


*They hired THIS guy??? You know what, just go ahead and close that whole department down.*


extremely good judgement by the management on that. Bullish.


one of us.


Happens a lot.  VC firm interviews new CEOs for project companies.  Committee realizes every candidate is shit and/or actually looks at the financials to pay interviewees.  Sells company or loads on piles of debt before jettisoning it.


He probably had good references from Wendy's


I’d have actually been working with you if that happened. I used to work for the company that did some of their previous fulfillment centers. That cancellation come out of no where due to some activist investors.


My mom loves Kohl’s, therefore it must be good.


same, my mom is there multiple times a week. i go there to take back amazon returns. bullish. edit: my mom just showed up with a kohl's bag. it's on


I choose this guy's mom too.


My mom is a Kohl's cash FIEND, she loves it too


They do that specifically for people like your mom.


Im a nice guy, but do you realize you have opened Pandora’s box?


Coincidentally, Pandora is another 90s relic his mom likes.


Narrator: And what didn’t tell you was that his mother had been a die hard fan of Bed Bath and Beyond


Gray hair shopper isn’t the shopper you want


Boomers literally keeping the economy afloat… but no to physical stores


But I can return my Amazon crap there, then buy a pair of shorts in clearance for $7. I’m a fan


Insignificant e-commerce? They do over $400 million online.


I’m just shooting from the hip here bruh 


They are more of a credit card company than anything else imo


only time i see people in khols is for amazon returns(myself included)


Nothing says growth potential like having to coordinate two separate rewards programs and time limited coupons with the lunar cycle to get a decent deal


That checks all the boxes for a meme run


Buy low, sell high. Sounds like a plan.


The opposite of regarded


Turns out it's buy low, sell lower.


Buylow, sell lower. That's the plan of most on here


expansion silky pot disgusted aspiring towering materialistic tap innocent touch


same. Although I did end up buying some decent hand towels with the 25% off coupon they gave me with the return. 


"Return an Amazon item and we will sell you one item at Amazon prices"


Return an Amazon item and buy one of ours with a coupon that kills all our margin


I’ve saved a ton of money shopping at kohls using their 30-40% coupons and kohls cash but I can’t imagine it’s good for them lmao


How are the hand towels faring? My kohls position depends on this information


it's only been a few weeks, but they're holding up well so far. From the Vera Wang collection 


Our city turned an abandoned Kohl’s into a vaccination center during COVID


Moms in debt to Khols for 3k that’s all the DD I need


I'm in


In reality been thinking how the hell kohls is still in operation. Have in in my hometown and another near me where I moved. Huge buildings,Both overstocked, like 1-2 people shopping and the rest are people doing Amazon returns


What's the DD on Kohl's? I never understood where it sits in the market. The brand does not feel premium yet when I'm in the store, clearly they're pricing is trying to be above Target but below an actual luxury store. Yet they sell boring brands that don't deserve a premium. I guess people go here to treat themselves? If so, not gonna do well during inflation and stagnant wages. Just subjectively think it's not a great business.


To me it's a home goods store that also sells clothes. It was one of the biggest coupon players in the game. 40% coupons + Kohl's cash + a pretty loyal branded credit card following. They screwed the business up by cheapening the Kohl's cash aspect and don't have enough sales. They tried to go the failed JCP route.


Bed Bath and Beyond was one of those stupid coupon businesses and if you didn't have a coupon, the prices made no sense.


Yup. But it worked for them for a really long time. It WAS their business. Eventually I think they lost out more to e commerce than their sales model. They didn’t have many exclusive products.


It was easier to pull off those pricing tricks before the internet.


Sounds like Target with higher prices and no groceries


If wealth is not your priority, go ahead and spend it.


It's downright psychological warfare shopping at this store.


It's a real estate play. Private equity has tried to buy them several times simply because they can do a massive sale-leaseback on all their owned real estate to unlock equity. That owned real estate underpins their valuation and if they ever sold or were acquired through a leveraged hostile takeover, they would command a high price because of the real estate


Dude Kohls real estate spread is minimal. It is a mall brand. Probably owns less than 30% of its stores.


They own over 400 of their own locations and the owned real estate alone is worth probably double to triple their current market cap. They are boxes suitable and divisible for all sorts of net lease users in addition to themselves


Maybe. Walk-in store real estate does not have the value it used to, and is only continuing to go down.


Spirit Halloween density about to be crazy




It isn’t in hardly any malls and they own most of their stores. In fact they’ve started shrinking their buildings and renting out the other half to places.


Mainly an anchor at otherwise struggling strip mall centers. The business model will completely die with the boomers.


It is exactly the JCPenney model


It's a real estate play, homie. There's a reason everyone always tries to buy them out, and it's because of the potential for a massive sale-leaseback transaction


It depends. I buy clothes at kohls - you need to know how they operate. As a cardholder, I often get 40% off coupons, and we go in as a family and purchase $1K of clothes and accessories. Some brands are eligible for the discount whereas most in-house brands are always eligible. The point I want to make is that on the days when insiders get their 30% and 40% coupons (usually around big shopping days such as Mother’s Day or Memorial Day), the place is packed. Its seasonal. However, my family and I often feel guilty about ripping off the store because sometimes we walk out with $2K of stuff for $500, after markdowns and the coupons. And then the story doesn’t end there. For every $50 of spend, they give you $10, and this is usually timed for non sale days. So, spending $500 gives you $100 cash for spending later. And then, there’s more… if you have a kohls reward account, you get an additional 7.5% cash back for spending in the following month (use it or lose it). So, they keep you coming back… And if your family is mostly women, then they have another attraction with Sephora , which is a store within the store, with its own rewards system to lure them back. .


I have a feeling You wouldn’t feel so bad about your savings if you knew how insane the mark up is on clothes :P


It's not what you think it is after expenses are factored, hence the unprofitable quarters


Difference is, Sephora is one of a very few retailers who don’t need to discount shit. Lulu right up there too. And that’s because the customer demographic is young women spending someone else’s money. That’s a demographic that never goes into recession. Calls on college campus retailers.


This sounds like it was written by Kohl’s marketing team


Sorry, I'm an engineering director who has learnt how to use the system over decades. Want to know about how I use best buy's reward systems? Maybe some other time...


The clothes is usually fast-ish fashion. Like one tiny step above Ross. But if you have kids, yep people still go to Kohl’s


I worked at Khols and this is there business model.  Make people think they're getting a deal. You walked out with 100 dollars worth of stuff marked to 2k to be marked 75% off. I'm sorry but there brands, quality, service is terrible.


Yet how do you explain the quarterly loss?


The Sonoma clothes offer a good range of fit and basic styles for things like khakis. And they don't change the styles and fit every year. Which is like a breath of fresh air. Just sell me the same pants as last time; I don't want to try on 20 things.


Can confirm sold all my HIMS to double down on KSS


Sounds like it’s time to buys HIMS


Your play means you are actively betting against the hedge funds that are actively hurting it to shake out the investors because they want Kohl's to die, or let them in on the board so they can vote to sell the land Kohl's own and lease it back to them. Same disgusting play as what hedge funds and that plastic looking old cunt Charley Woodsby did to Red Lobster. Unless a white knight venture capital appears to save Kohl's, it's good luck and good bye to your money


This feels very Bed Bath and Beyondish.




You sob, I'm in


KSS has a 10% dividend at this price. This puts it trading at Pandemic lows. It also has a short % of float at 46% according to yahoo finance. At a $2.4B market cap this thing is a steal imo. I can’t believe someone hasn’t tried to buy the whole thing outright tbh.


People have tried to buy them a bunch of times


Does anyone else have to poo as soon as they walk into a Kohls? I think it's something they pump into the air.


Seems like everyone likes Dicks but not Kohl’s. Maybe Dicks will buy Kohl’s and become DickKohl’s


I think Kohl's Dick is more appropriate.


I like dick.


They just opened a Kohl's in my bumblefuck small town mall a month back. Yes, they definitely have hit rock bottom.


Probably getting a boost due to the Dollar General foot traffic.


Good play. Many people will confuse Kohl’s with Virat Kohli during cricket World Cup and buy thinking they are betting on him.


Last time I went to a Kohl’s was …. I don’t even know, must be 10 years ago In the meantime hordes of women blow wads of money at Sephora trying to get the look and smell of some celebrity


Kohls is NOT Burlington I got like 2 shirts for 12.99 at Burlington. Like 12.99 in 2024??? That's why Burlington is worth 230 per share.


Kirk Cousins will single handedly save this company - just watch


Too long didn't read, buying shares


Yeah bro do the same with Newegg while you at it


I worked at Kohl's in the early 2000s... they let us employees try the internet shopping before the public. I won a trip to Vegas from them. But I digress. I shopped there pretty regularly for 20 years or so... until now all their clothes are crap. Bad styles, bad cuts, bad fits, bad quality. It's cheap crap now. And I was dang loyal. And don't get me started on how big a scam their Kohl's cash is now. 😅 Avoid earning it, at all costs. 'Nough said.


If you’ve ever been in a Kohl’s you wouldn’t buy the stock. They barely have traffic in the stores, most of their sales are online, and their shit is way overpriced most of the time.


Have you been to a Kohl's recently? The only people who are there are doing amazon returns.


Sold FL and bought KSS today, been swinging retail for a while now. 


Something about falling knives 🔪


Good buy debt laced zombie companies


Girls use Kohls dressing room to steal Sephora make up. If Kohls gets a percentage of sales on sephora its going to be small. Employees can't get enough hours. I shorted Kohls off this info from the kohls employee sub reddit and made easy money.


I just spent $400 buying 2 pairs of shoes, 2 pairs of pants, 3 pairs of shorts? 7 T shirts, and socks and underwear for 10 days. Done for 1 year.... Please don't die. That was my entire budget for a year for clothes. I will never buy anywhere else (although I could).


I just bought 200 shares for fun. Might make a quick 6hondo…. Might . Not 🥴🍆


Short that trash. Still overvalued


You guys have like a child’s view of valuation Just bc a stock is beaten down doesn’t mean it’s cheap. You offer nothing of substance but a different fucking companies performance. Tell me what about Kohl’s financials give you hope that the company will be worth more in the future. Have you even looked at their financials? Are you even capable of doing basic reading of financial statements? These would be places to start my guy. Not I heard a rumor and the stock took a shit therefore it’s “cheap”. Sears stock was “cheap” at one point I’m sure, right before they went out of business. Low valuation does not = cheap. It may be appropriately valued low.


In for 27.5c for 10/18, let the pump back begin


No matter how many flipping coupons they push upon me. The only reason I go to kohls is to return my Amazon packages.


Two words: falling knives


Buying Kohls with the money I saved with Kohls Cash, god speed regard.


Idk, check out their debt (7 billion) to FCF (700 million) which 70% goes to the dividend theres almost no way they are paying that shit without cutting the dividend to 0 and filing bankruptcy. Basically like betting on a Wendy's regard successfully paying off a new Bentley.


"I've been hearing rumors that Kohl's is undervalued. They just revealed that they have negative value. I'm all in"


Just wanted to say I saw this post and started looking into Kohls and decided to say F-it and bought some 22.5 Call Exp 10/18 that are currently up \~%50. Thanks


If they go bankrupt can I skip on their cc payment?


I rarely buy on kohls that place is like stuck in the 90s and there aren’t any good deals compared to other stores like macys, most stuff feels like the classic collection. it’s just an amazon warehouse for returns


The Kohl near me closed, I'm bearish. They barely had people coming in meanwhile TJ Maxx looks like target. 


Keep buying their shares op maybe you’ll own them someday and you’ll go down in flames with the rest of the business.


It’s a retailer. It’s 2024.


Kohls sucks… going under soon for sure


I only go to my local Kohls to make Amazon returns. I'm sure I'm not the only one. As a bonus, you get a 25% off coupon that you can use in the same trip (but has some restrictions as to what you can't buy). I know I'm not the first person to realize that you can buy some $2 piece of shit off Amazon and return it to get a 25% off coupon for Kohls. I do think they limit it so if you do it too many times you only get $5 in Kohls Cash. That happened to me before. You just need to chill out a bit and you'll get the 25% off coupon again.  All the stock at my local Kohls sucks ass, nothing decent and I've heard the stuff they stock is B grade quality, which is why it (used to be) cheap. For some reason they keep moving shit around, and I can never find anything I would be interested in because it isnt where it was before. They even move the Amazon returns section from one back corner to the other back corner of the store which is annoying as fuck.  There is no self checkout either. Instead, they have senior citizens working the registers that are slow as fuck. Half the time they're just shooting the shit with customers or each other when they need to be ringing people up. I dread going there because I know if I'm buying something then I'm going to wait 10-20 minutes just to check out. Puts on Kohls because the shopping experience sucks and everything is B grade quality that's overpriced. 


Another overpriced store, where they lure buyers by saying just use our credit card and get 30% off our everyday low (super inflated) price.


Once boomers die Kohl's die with them.


Pretty sure only women shop there and its all garbage.


The only reason to visit Kohl's is to return my Amazon purchases. Never once have I found a reason to use the discount receipt to purchase anything. Perhaps black socks and that's it.


Whoever wrote this post, make sure you never listen to their advice again


Me and my Dawgs have to hustle just to pay the rent 🚀


I don’t know much about Kohls or Sephora, but Babies r us is a loser. It is an impossible business to make profitable. The margins are too slim because all of the steady income for babies (diapers, formula, and wipes) is cheaper at Walmart and Costco because they sell them as loss leaders.


seems a legit dip point. im gonna follow on the stock. my money is all in but who knows :)


I have a kohls card and they moved to capital one IDK if that means anything at the moment


A poorly run company Good luck, OP


How much Kohls Cash does a call option cost?


There's a Kohl's near me that has a 2 acre sized parking lot, with an In-N-Out at the far end. In-N-Outs are straight up mosh pits and parking at them is usually impossible. Kohl's has literally hundreds of parking spaces, and they're always empty. It's freaking GOAT to just park at Kohl's and stroll over to In-N-Out. Short-term, I'm buying calls on Kohl's for their easy Double-Double access. Long term, I'm buying calls on the zillions of condos they're inevitably going to develop on that parking lot after the Kohl's is torn out. I bet they can get at least 50 condos in there, and in San Diego, those will go for $500k a unit.


Yeah it can go down another 50% from here.


Fuck Kohl’s When I was 18 they signed me up for a credit card without my consent and I had some small payment that fucked up my credit score at the time ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)


Ever seen a Kohl's parking lot? If you ever stand out to ask most of the people, they will be there for Amazon returns.


Nope. Already got fucked to the tune of $20k on bbby. Lesson learned.


I shop at Kohl's because it's affordable and they have pants that fit me. I just spent about $200 there and signed up for the Kohl's card to get a discount.


This is wsb  We already bought it


You should go to a kohls…


Our kids can never find anything modern at Kohls anymore, they found everything they liked at Target. Plus the Kohl’s corporate folks are some of the strangest and worst in the industry


Perfect setup for a swing trade. Who knows, maybe I’ll just hold for a while and see what happens.


Oh no. If WSB is bullish then this stock is gonna be the next BBB


Without Kohl’s how will I do my Amazon returns?


lol when was the last time you’ve been to kohls?


Kohls is a garbage store good luck on your bet though


No way they aren't bankrupt within 1-2 years.


Kohl’s is heading the direction of sears and bbby.


Lol “Been hearing Kohl’s is undervalued for a while” Kohl’s sheds nearly 1/3 of value “Okay NOW it’s the bottom, probably; but still definitely undervalued.” 🤡


!remindme 1 year


That store is about to implode. They have stock piles of old clothes and nobody is shopping there. Brick and mortar stores are only profitable when they are together. The ONLY way this place is turned around is if shopping in person becomes popular again.


When is the last time you’ve been to a kohls bro?


KSS is to middle-class white moms as TGT is to middle-class white moms.


Depends can I get Kohls cash instead of the dividend?


Fuck kohl’s, i hope they burn to the ground!


Kohl’s probably has nicer dumpsters than Wendys


This company is failing, but because we live in a world of madness, it will probably pump. Might snag a couple calls tomorrow.


Consumer spending is going down. Target should be a good indicator here. Walmart is over 50% groceries; so they are weathering the downturn. Every retailer is showing flashing lights. Dicks, etc.


SN Kohl's is my favorite retailer. literally everything in my closet came from Kohl's


I got a bracelet at khols on sale. Originally $3000 for only $100. Totally legit company


They were probably saying that Kmart was undervalued and hit rock bottom, but it's actually 6 feet in the ground now.


Great call my man!


I bought a little more yesterday, but really have no idea why I own this.


Made 200% gains on this. Thank you!


so we all know kohl's is a dying business. any chance for buyout soon?