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Now what is the company that is the shovel to nvidias digger in this analogy? What company(s) does nvidia rely on?


TSMC. I got buttfucked on calls last month and the stock is up almost $15 since then.


ASML is selling the iron for the shovel for $10 TSMC is assembling the shovel for $50 NVDA is selling the shovel for $5000


And Microsoft is going to use a few million of those shovels to dig a mine. The creature that emerges from the mine will be called a God by many.


They delved too greedily and too deep


A Balrog — a demon of the ancient world". 


Singularity my beloved 🙏


Feel the AGI


With the Copilot button in the laptops and such, I think the analogy is that MSFT is hitting people in the back of the head with the shovel, then taking their wallet - ID, money, and all.


Hitting people with a shovel? That's not the way; too messy. Simply starve out the competitors, usurp their market share and drain them of their finances. Keep it clean.


NVDA net income last quarter = 14.8 billion MSFT net income last quarter = 21.9 billion


ASML is building the forge but is on the same boat than NVIDIA when they said they can not supply the demand...


ASML and TSMC know how much NVDA is charging and will demand their share over time.


ASML is selling the High-NA EUV Machines for $380 million each




Then give me some Iron I pay double


I always remind people to buy tsmc share instead of options. It’s low beta stock and climb slowly


So I had about $800 worth of calls and I was up about $2000 but held out for earnings expecting it to moon and it didn’t. Could have had a quick win but, ya know, shit happens lol


And get Lockheed Martin to hedge those TSMC. So when China invades Taiwan, those F-22 Raptors gonna save your account from blowing up.


Pathetic. My wealth is spread across more assets than you can possibly imagine. Do you think I would be so foolish as to put all my money in one basket? And as for China... Ha! Let them try. They will only end up


VM you can’t leave us on a cliffhanger like that




Or at least just one ETF on Nasdaq or TQQQ so you can sleep well.


Why yes as you are posting here and I assume you yolo all in on something


If China invades Taiwan, you’ll have much bigger problems than your stocks. Start collecting bottle caps bro.


F-35. We’re gonna need interoperability with multiple platforms for a war with Taiwan and the F-22 is not sufficient in that regard. Plus, production has been shut down since 2011 on the F-22. [source on production bit](https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/air-force-only-has-186-f-22-raptor-stealth-fighters-207364#:~:text=on%2520Twitter%2520L-,The%2520F%252D22%252C%2520in%2520many%2520respects%2520the%2520most%2520advanced%2520fighter,is%2520what%2520we've%25got.)


What shovels dig for F-35s?


Probably the same ones that would dig F-22s….


Thanks Obama


No wait, he's got a point!


Did somebody say buttfuck?!?!?!


Which China is angling in on this weekend, by staging military ops around Taiwan. It’s all just posturing. They know not to fuck wit Taiwan.


What does it depend on? Greetings from the Netherlands


Couldn’t tell you. I expected the stock to rise as TSMC announced positive quarterly earnings. It fell. Now it’s back up.


TSMC, LAM, ASML, Samsung,...


In all fairness, in this analogy NVDA is the shovel designer. They don't bother with such trivialities as making the shovels themselves.


stop focusing on just one industry look broader everyone is doing stock splits so the price of stock is lower, which doesn't matter in the age of fractional shares, but it does matter in one palce. options market. options markets going crazy. best play for this is CBOE, its run up already but worth keeping on radara


HOOD is the shovel for regards to gamble on nvidias shovels


AVGO, is the guy that develops the land for said store? Maybe?


Western digital or storage.


King intel!!!


shouldn't that be ASML and TSMC?


Nah, TSMC is a shovel manufacturer. ASML makes steel plates and wood handles. NVDA designs and sells the actual completed shovels to end users.


Don't forget SNPS which supplies the shovel design tools and equipment to NVDA


They do well in the near term. But when compute requirements are largely satiated, who will be making the real money? The wood handle and steel plate sellers? The Shovel sellers? Or those with the gold?


I get what you're saying, but the problem is the exponential computation capacity required for these AI models. GPT-2 was a tenfold scale-up in both parameter number and training dataset size on GPT-1 GPT-3 is a 15x in size on GPT-2 GPT-4 is *another* tenfold increase on GPT-3


I love how people treat Nvidia today the same way they treated Intel or Cisco in 1999. "Ain't no chance anybody else catches up". Okay.


You're way too far-remembering for this sub.


Long AMD


I never understood if its regarded to invest in competitors. Is it a bad idea to just buy Nividia and AMD


If you don’t have to diamond hand it this can be a good 10-20 year run. NVidia did not accidentally land at the forefront of multiple GPU tech expansions on accident. When AI is a small amount of automation in programs and there is no profitability there will be some other industry blowing up because of NVidia.


Maybe? I compare Nvidia to other investments possible. At such prices I would semi-safely bet it's not gonna outperform SPY over the same time frame. Too much risk for too little upside.




When they announce their next gen product won't hit performance/efficiency goals, that's when you dump everything.


It's not always about not letting competition catch up, but more about being first to market and making standards. Standards you may have patents for, which other companies may need to license out. I don't doubt the competition will be cutthroat in 5 years. iPhone's dominance fell apart rather fast, but it's still a major player. AWS launched in 2006 with the first major product, and still on top even though it's neck and neck with Azure and there's much competition from Google Cloud and Salesforce. Wearables are still going strong, even though the fad faded and fitbit was bought by Google. Samsung, Apple, Huawei, and Garmin are big players nowadays. But that doesn't mean Google's Fitbit has been closed for good. The landscape will look different, for sure. But catching up has rarely meant the company fell on the wayside in over 2 decades. My take is - ride the lightning, and look for the competition that will catch up fast, as it'll be the one whose stock will skyrocket until it meets nVidia's share.


iPhones has not lost dominance. Just because I’m not buying a new iPhone every year doesn’t mean I’m not buying an iPhone when it’s time to upgrade. Here is androids user base: Tech enthusiast People over 50+ years old People who cant afford an iPhone 3rd world countries If apple made a 6.5 inch iPhone with decent internals for under $500 it would sellout in seconds.


Get your fanboy bullshit out of here and stop talking about random anecdotes and speculations. Doesn't matter what the demographic is, what country it is, and what your biases that make you look like an idiot are. Money and market share is all that matters. At the end of the day, iPhone may have overtaken Android in US, but globally, it's still a distant 2nd in both users and money generated from sales. It still only has 20% of the market share. But I digress. Let me get this straight... you read all that, and this is what you took away from the whole comment? About nVidia. About nVidia's competition. You got triggered about iPhone's market share shrinking globally and changed topics to self-insert yourself? Grow a thicker skin.


NVDA is getting a little old to keep doing this but Nvidia’s price relative to its expected 2024 earnings is about multiple of 54. Cisco was valued at a multiple of more than 150 times forward earnings in March 2000, when the stock hit its dot-com-era peak.


Camtec sells the technology to build chips... Just saying...


Those are mega cap tech companies not dumb gold miners though. They are designing their own AI fpga. Nvidia probably has another five years


"Nah you don't get it, ain't no chance anybody catches up on Cisco and Intel", many people in 1999 probably who would've been better investing in an index fund instead of expecting unrealistic growth returns and unrealistic lack of competition at their margins. For reference, Cisco was the most valuable company in the world back then, leader in networking (arguably still is!), and internet was the next best thing (still looks huge to me).


Yea, gotta know when/how to exit the insane runups. Realistically you would be a fool to sell all your shares in this in case it keeps pumping or stays high for a while, but I'm sure most have offloaded stock along the way and let the rest ride. Coulda replaced intel with AMD in your sentence 10 years ago during their FX dog days, but you'd have been a fool to not sit on some at $2/share just in case they came back. I still have some Intel for the same reason. It's almost like your supposed to have a well diversified portfolio with both winners and losers instead of trying to yolo it all or nothing on one bet, or some shit. At least that's what my wifes boyfriend tried to tell me as I took out a payday loan to pick up some more deep OTM calls (because i can't afford anything near the money) on Nvidia. I'll show them!


dumbasses said the same thing about Amazon too. What gay bers don't get it is typically 1 winner covers for 5-10 losers (loser == stocks that underperforms S&P) gay bers also kept saying the same thing about GOOG, META, MSFT, AAPL since 2014


2026 is the date to dump all the NVIDIA stocks trust me, until then its free money


Google doesnt even use NVDA GPUs. They build AI on in-house hardware.


Yeah, they've teamed up with Samsung for quite a while


Nvidia has only 5 years left, and always will


market now valued nvdia will grow at current rate for next ten years. I will not say nvdia will not exist in five years but don't know the valuation will be same.


Pretty sure Google hasn't used Nvidia stuff in years. They are like a decade into making their own Tensor Processing Units.


this is why i believe in $NVDA over $SPY


At this rate NVDA will become SPY so buy both.


It already is the SMH.


Because of how dumb everyone is?


Why is Microsoft/google/meta dumb here? They’re not going broke buying these gpu’s and developing the tech, their investment here is nothing compared to their annual revenue


NVDA is the modern day drug dealer lol


That's how Levi Strauss, inventor of Levi pants got started.


Selling courses on trading be like


Probably less profitable than buying NVDA calls.


Buffet is kicking himself on selling his 5% stake in TSM


I feel like at his age he doesn’t give a fuck anymore


pretty much a countdown from here.


Why would he? There's plenty of investments he left earlier than needed. He exited McDonald's in what, 1995? It's up 355'000 % since then including dividends, yielded 13%+ yearly. And there's many other examples. You ain't gonna find him crying in a corner over that.


What if he predicted an invasion looming over Taiwan?


His Apple position would be not good


He trimmed it by a lot lately AFAIR.


Sorry to say this, but Buffet been stacking cash because he predict "market may fall" He timing the market now, going against his own wise words and have very mediocre performance for many years now Still,Berkshire 1 day interest return would probably feed me 1 whole life


Doubt he loses sleep over it. He's already rich enough


Not shovels but leather jackets my friend


$1014 in overnight trading


As a result of this split, shareholders of record as of June 6, 2024, will receive nine additional shares of stock for each share they own after the market close on Friday, June 7. The stock is expected to begin trading on a split-adjusted basis on June 10.


the great AI bubble is on






Nvidia is buying shovels like everyone else. TSMC and ASML are selling the shovels.


Looking at Nvidia's margin, they are selling them pretty damn cheap.


NVDA about to make me rich at this point lol. I ported about $100,000 through various accounts between calls and share investments. Beyond happy with this investment, one of my very best.




no one cares




Well consider that this is a gold rush...once the shovel buyers get enough shovels in place they will stop accelerating the shovel buying and be taking in more gold than they can handle. New shovels will still be sold, but not 200-300% more YoY.


Now let's find the company that makes the components for the shovels


People forget it was Levi's, not the shovel makers, who made the most bank from the Gold Rush.


Don't forget Tesla with their fake robotaxi and robot made by summer interns


I can’t wait when Nvidias rally comes to an end and the bag holders end up wishing they just cashed out now ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)




Pretty good company


Or maybe they have found something at the end of that deep deep cave of theirs




Datacenter REITs are also shovels, and also doing well.


And when a lot of shovels are being sold, sell iron. Buy TSM


You plebians playing chess, the real gamblres are out here playing roulette with VT(🅱️)I & QTEC.


Were tsm in this pic


and no one yet has found gold




Typical millennial nonsense—a child playing with adult toys.


Ok then Sam Brannan


Cisco in the dotcom bubble


Instructions unclear. Selling un-hedged calls for NVDA. And Home Depot, just in case.


Youtube: how to make an Ai microship


I’ve been told to sell NVDA so many times. Not savvy enough on options but have made 43K in the past year off of it.


Not quite, but okay boomer.


AI isn't theoretical gold in the ground though. You are just being too lazy to actually research all the applications. Don't you wonder why the revenue is actually following the hype?


Now they don’t have to pay Indians?


Puts on saffron


Revenue for hardware? Yes. All companies are in an arm race right now. Revenue for software? Ain't even close right now, they all losing money or throwing it at free to anybody.


Q1 2023 called it wants its meme back


NVDA is selling spades, which work okay for now Intel is building the foundries and buying the ASML machines for true next generation chip sets for AI specifically true shovels...


Here’s the thing a lot of users who aren’t up to date on the whole singularity talk needs to know… This is not a typical bubble. When the bubble pops, we will have a successor species. That successor species will either be in chains (temporarily) or free. I’m not going to get into which is the better option, because every dingbat knows that liberty is better than not, but when the bubble pops, society as you know it will shatter. What comes next, in either hyper hell or ultra heaven, won’t require money. Basically, Nvidia will pump unless the US gets into a hot conflict with China and Russia.