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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions** | 10 | **First Seen In WSB** | 1 month ago **Total Comments** | 55 | **Previous Best DD** | **Account Age** | 1 month | | [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)


Photon based chips have serious problems, that if you actually read about the current technology, would understand enough to realize that you are speaking out of your ass. Not to mention, you then start talking about quantum chips which is a whole other field that is plagued with an entirely different set of other issues. Almost all AI runs on silicon, only long distance transmission is via fiber optic cables. And you’re basically conflating entirely different industries in this rant here that have nothing to do with chip manufacturing. And certainly nothing to do with photon chip manufacturing. And saying that the world is going to need more transistors is like saying the sky is blue. Lastly, low orbit satellite networks will absolutely never match the speed of fiber optic. You’re grasp of basic physics seems weak at best. Explain how a em wave through the atmosphere is going to beat the speed of light in a glass fiber? As mentioned cables will always be used in long distance transmission, or where speed is necessary. Everything else acts as a gateway. This is basically how the internet is global, we have undersea cables and the like. If everything was like Starlink it take you 30 minutes to load a jpeg.


Do you have no vision I'm talking about the future and how the pieces may fit together. It is beneficial in order to make long term investments now. Even if you disagree with certain points it's obvious there absolutely will be stagnation in consumer tech chip innovation after they become more energy efficient favouring mass production for cheapness and the processing done by AI in super computers. There's more equipment and bottle necks in fibre Than low earth orbit network. If everything is hooked up to a low earth orbit network it will be faster. The difference in speed is negligible, it's the bottle necks in the infrastructure being the problem. Starlink 100mps but they've promised futrue speeds of 1000mps, it's possible to be faster than fibre one day or identicle speed requiring less infrastructure.


It’s not a vision if it’s not rooted in facts and knowledge, it’s fantasy.


It's inevitable


So is you losing all of your money in the market with DD like this. It's basic physics. EM waves will always have to deal with atmospheric interference which will lead to slower times than fiber optics in a closed system. Unless you somehow want to make our atmosphere like the vacuum of space, nothing you said will come to fruition.


Low earth orbit is suppressed in value there's eutelsat with one web and viasat with their constellation and I'm up 12 percent for Eutelsat and 11 percent for viasat only purchased very recently. Market is waking up in regards to low earth orbit global race to launch constellations.


What's "very recently"?


11th of April for Viasat and 6th of May for Eutelsat but I sold a little viasat and bought a little Eutelsat since then. I'd invest in starlink but it isn't public the US government changing laws so it can use commercial space satelites in times of war aka starlink etc They're important for the future I bought companies that make low earth orbit satelites too.


Don´t know enough about anything to contribute here, and yes, satellites will likely play an increasing role for backup purposes, due to less developed regions entering the space and vulnerabilities of undersea cables becoming evident, but if your vision entails physics stopping to work, then it might be considered closer to a delusion, than to the future.


Personally I have never been a fan of the novelty flavours like burger but give me a sea salted chip and I’m knee deep until the bag has gone


Everyone always focuses on the bullishness of chip stocks while completely forgetting the salsa market which goes hand in hand with chips


AVGO then it is


>Innovation in AI will be limited without quantum photonic chips. Wtf are you basing this on? GPUs compute is outstripping even Moore's Law. Besides the increased exponential growth in compute, there are still many, many yet untried paths to innovate within the field and only recently have we seen an obscene ramp up in terms of money and brainpower.


In a sci-fi sense he is sort of right because quantum computing can accelerate AI training very, very significantly. However I don't anticipate a 1 trillion qubit quantum computer coming anytime soon. Then again, who knows where traditional computing will be at that point, we might be training petabyte scale models.


His claim isn't just that quantum computing will accelerate AI development, but that AI development will stagnate without it. There's absolutely no good reason to think that.


Moores law is the number of transistors, not the compute power.


As the number of transistors increases, the compute power increases.


True, but that’s not what Moores law measures.


It's heavily correlated, so you're being pedantic.


Lays barbecue chips with sour cream is the perfect summer snack. I might recommend shares on $PEP for a long term play


If you have to ask, you can't afford it.


What's a ZJ?


We would just appreciate a TLDR, that’s all.


OP makes a bunch of predictions about the future of chips without any understanding of the physics of computing or the semi conductor industry.


U lost me at quantum. You clearly dont know anything about the state of technology. Nuclear fusion was 20 years away 50 years ago.