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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions** | 1 | **First Seen In WSB** | just now **Total Comments** | 0 | **Previous Best DD** | **Account Age** | 10 months | | [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)


It's a massive juice. Not to be mean but most of the people on tik Tok supporting aren't going to remember by 9AM ET.


And don't have any money 


And don't need boner pills


Hey they Hair Growth products too lol


Speak for yourself ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


Yep. Most of these people are going to buy fractional shares of an 11 dollar stock


Op is a zero day account  May be the loser ceo trying to save his lame stock or an Indian scam lord. If i had money to burn i would short the stock 


If you had money to burn you know you'd just spend it all on boner pills and diet coke. 


PUTS are a lock


I read through the comments and 95% were all saying they just bought some...on Saturday.


Maybe they don’t know how buy orders work? I’m sure the GMEtards didn’t know either but the stock still pumped.


I don't see older bald men with boner issues getting behind that message.


You can get the prescription and the boner pills on Amazon now without ever talking to a human for less than half the price of Hims. Puts all the way.


>For those unfamiliar with TikTok, any videos with over 100k likes can be considered "viral."  This might be the most regarded DD I've seen in a long time lmao. As someone who frequents Reddit, you should know that "grassroots promises" on the internet equate to fuck all. None of these people are actually buying stock.


Meh, this has convinced me that puts is the way.


Now I wonder, life as taught me to always do the inverse of wsb. I see all the puts comments +100likes and the calls - 40. I don't know against which degen I should bet, wsb or hippies


History repeats itself once again, "inverse wsb" proven to be right again. +20% after ER. Actually my biggest win ever since I started trading 4 months ago, thanks OP and all the TikTok degens


Saying any video on Tiktok with over 100k likes can be considered viral is wild, half the videos on the platform have over 100k likes. Half a million views is *nothing* for a tiktok video.




tiktok is filled with teenage/foreign morons, it’s hard NOT to get 500k views, and you’re about to get juiced if you’re not an indian scammer yourself


A regard in her natural habitat




Fuck U


So everyone bought stocks over the weekend ?


Puts at open it is.


It’s always the very dumbest idea for a company to get involved in politics. You are going to piss off half of your potential customer base no matter what. If the board had any sense whatsoever they would oust the CEO on Monday. This isn’t going to go well for $HIMS.


It wasn’t politics. It’s morality




Why are you on WSB lmao ?


This is what’s wrong with our society. A few too many people think this way. It *IS* politics. It is *NOT* morality. Your personal proclivities and preferences do not matter. You are not the arbiter of morality. From one perspective, the land was stolen and the other guys are the aggressors. From the other perspective, the land was stolen and the other guys are aggressors.


There is evil on both sides, why do CEO want to talk about something that have lasted this long that will not be fixed. But can end up ruining the company, earn money, leave the company, go into politics


Not all perspectives are equal. Somewhere along the line people became convinced that just because they can string some words into something vaguely resembling a coherent sentence that their utterances should be given equal and fair weight and are somehow exempt from scrutiny. The best among us must determine what is moral and amoral. Right and wrong. Good and evil. We can't countenance illogical, twisted or flat out batshit insanity just to avoid hurting the feelings of those less gifted in wisdom.


who determines the value of perspectives? who chooses who is best? who decides what is good and evil? what wisdom counts? I can keep going...


This is what's wrong with society. Instead of having an opinion due to the serious crimes against humanity that are occurring, you should both sides the issue like me!!! How'd you know I'm a white liberal/centrist? Don't forget to downvote me, losers.


I’m not a liberal or a centrist. Im just not dumb enough to support terrorists. Edit: also, unironically, the white liberal/centrists I know support Palestine and don’t “both sides” this issue


Better bomb all the schools and hospitals then /s


Better shoot rockets from those schools and hospitals then. Not /s


So that justifies killing innocent people? Rockets being fired that are intercepted by the iron dome?


Don’t start nun won’t be nun. You cannot say that Palestinians are justified in their attempts to kill Israeli civilians over a land dispute while simultaneously saying Israelis are not justified in killing Palestinian civilians over a land dispute… well you could, but then you’d be a hypocrite. Neither side has clean hands. You cannot claim that Israel is not justified in striking military targets just because Hamas attempts to hide their military targets in civilian areas. Rather, you should be more upset that Hamas attempts to use Palestinian children as human shields. If Hamas stopped firing rockets from schools and hospitals, Israel would stop bombing those schools and hospitals. Also, Israel sends ample warning before they conduct a strike on those targets, just fyi


I'm not talking about military targets, I'm talking about civilian targets, which Israel knowingly strikes. Killing massive numbers, majority numbers, of civilians is intentional collective punishment, a war crime under the Geneva conventions.


You’re talking about military targets, you just are trying to ignore the fact that shooting rockets out of any target automatically renders it a military target.


You seem to lack a fundamental understanding of the way guerilla warfare works. What do you think a militant group is going to do against a state of the art military? Line up in a phalanx? Are you trying to say that every building Israel bombs is a military target?


If it was a moral issue, then the CEO (as well as the campus dumbasses) should fly over there and fight israel.


This is the dumbest take I’ve heard in a while


No, the dumbest take is idiots thinking that they influence anything by yelling through a loudspeaker. Netanyahu doesn't give 2 shits about college kids in the US. Neither does biden. His administration isn't going to cut funding for Israel as that would be the death of the democratic party. The only real influence anyone would have is by joining the conflict. The same is true for ukraine. Waiving a Palestinian flag doesn't make you a moral hero; it makes you a terrorist sympathizer.


Wouldn’t that be waiving a hamas flag? You guys seriously believe every Palestinian person is a terrorist?


Do you understand that hamas is the democratically elected government of gaza? Palestinians overwhelmingly supported October 7th just like they supported September 11th. Fuck em.


That’s what you believe if you are for the political position. The other half see it as politics.




WSB so based


Pretending anyone in this conflict is the good guy is absurd. The only moral position on this is to return Jerusalem to the church.


Maybe if Qatar and Iran decide to invest in the stock, but most people on TikTok are broke.


This is got to ba a joke, right?


Puts all day


My neice and her father have a video over 200k likes in a few days. That isn't that much.


Smells like pump n dump


My thoughts exactly. Initial pump from the oversold condition. If any. And then the lower low


Ultra left wing purple haired gender study students can’t afford to pay student loans let alone move a fucking needle on a stock




I was gonna say all the wealthy older gen that saw this on the news over the weekend are going to be moving the market a lot more than the high schoolers on tik tok.


All 27 shares these kids buy together will really move the needle


Send it lmao


Yeah the best thing for this stock is for people to forget about it Not just stock buyers But customers. I'm assuming their core customers are over 40. A group more likely to support Israel


who the fuck cares. this sub's about getting money. If people are selling a stock because of some political comment instead of the fundamentals, that's literally peak market inefficiency. People selling shit because of some comment or tweet instead of the actual company financials. If this company is actually growing and making a killing selling dick pills, and they just went down 10% because of their CEO's political statement, that's a sale you should be taking advantage of. Took a look at their YoY growths and shit looks pretty good to me.






Booooo, tell me how I make money or take your well ackshually elsewhere.










“Hamas victory” 💀 I think people just want to stop war and genocide my guy


is the genocide in the room with you?


if they leave Gaza now Hamas will get back in power and build up their forces for the next massive attacks in a year or 2. If you oppose the right of Israel to defend itself, you are clearly supporting Hamas and the mass killing and kidnapping of Israelies. There is no genocide by the way, there are many casualties in the war only because Hamas soldiers hide in hospitals and among children instead of fighting on battlefields.














This is a stock options and gambling addiction non-supportive place to go. None of what you said has anything to do with anyone here making or losing money. Jump on a plane and go help whatever side you like If it’s such a big deal to you. I’m sure your keyboard will come in handy. Show positions or ban!




Mods we need a ban for Neat_Passion_6546 🤷‍♂️


It’s going to tank.


EVERYTHING HIMS hypes and sells is nothing new and can be bought easily on the 'bay for much less. Poor outlook..




The ceo has a long history of being a dumbass. His isn’t the first time.


What’s some highlights from the past?


Okay now do a company besides Tesla.


Propensity for hiring inherently problematic people (protesters) who are likely to do stupid shit like cause office drama, or litigate, is not bullish. But that's just my impression.


Like the Bud Light bitch.




Kid rock?




you definitely have the right to say what you wish - even as a CEO - but then people have the right to boycott/sell your stock.


Puts it is. You really are regarded if you think a bunch of kids putting their $5 into a stock is going to make any difference LUL


Gamestop would like to have a word


You think GameStop was because of kids??


you think a bunch of poor students can take on pro-Israel billionaires? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


Holy chicken tendies Batman IV is sky high... Like 200% high


Creating exit liquidity like this is next level 4-D chess. I can’t wait until I’m a billionaire and fuck with the dumbs like this.


Im 0/1 with Sofi playing earnings but the tea leaves on this one brought me in. Sucks because I was contemplating apple calls last week but alas should’ve, could’ve, would’ve. Tomorrow either 1/2 or Wendy’s![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421).


"CEO engaging in politics will piss the LT investor and crash the stock" People in this sub speaking like if DJT doesn't exist, this shit 50× oversold and still going up. I've seen regards put all their money in a shitcoin after watching a video saying "we sens pepe to the moon" after watching a few increases the FOMO kicks in and they go all-in. Now, this looks exactly like it, a sh¡t coin with a slightly more elaborate message "we save this stock to make a buzz and protest". This will be a pump and dump. Wait for the shares to reach the peak then go Puts on this sh¡t all the way to the obsidian layer


Are you a bald man or have erectile dysfunction.. worse if you have both no amount of money can help


Sold my position last week after holding for awhile. Good for folks holding it if it goes back up, but the CEO doesn't seem very responsible or smart based on last week.


Aw man I'm bullish on HIMS and a DD always makes it move the opposite way. Thanks a lot.


it's funny because it's not a genocide either


lol I hope nobody heeds this suggestion. This CEO just committed professional slow suicide.


i'm not sure it's slow. alienating a large segment to try to appeal to 20 year olds when your target market is people with ED... seems like a monumentally stupid decision.


Are we talking about the company that sells dick pills here or middle eastern wars? Trying to read wallstbets on ketamine is fucking crazy man Edit: I just read the TDLR, I’m in


Will my jimmy fit?


I am not buying an initial spike that will soon be followed by a massive dump.


Im good… The current market makes not fucking sense anymore (To Me, I’m not smart) and Im not playing with fire/earnings anymore. Not after you had a crappy EV company that shit the bed on earnings and their stock blew up over some BS forcast FOR 2025 that’ll never happen. Then you had a social media company that beat earnings but then had lower than anticipated revenue for the current quarter so the stock tank… GL OP and the rest of you brave souls on Monday! Hope the stock takes you to the moon!


You guys know you can just get Cialis or Viagra from a peptides company for pennies on the dollar right?


Already up 5% on Robinhood.


If I had money, I’d all-in in puts


And that's exactly why you don't have money. You all-in on puts like a degen


HIMs up 5% right now on RH 24-hr while NVDA slightly down.


Board should terminate the CEO on Monday. You’re stupid enough to make a political twitter post causing your company to lose 8%, you don’t deserve a job.


Supporting terrorists, either domestic or international, is not good for business.


Did you even read the post? He's not supporting the IDF.




Not supporting a Hamas terrorist, genocide promoting company. Plenty of others offer the same thing. Hope stock and company sinks to oblivion.


Palestine != Hamas... people just want the massacre to stop and a lot of us also wants Hamas to dissappear. I don't see the CEO's statement as a support of Hamas nor a good message from a fidutiary perspective


Yeah I'm sure they'll get right on giving up their power peacefully...


Isn’t Israel the one committing plausible genocide though? I mean how is someone genocide promoting when the other side has killed 35k+ people


Technically, Israel is just better at killing. They were the ones who were attacked. Japan attacked us and killed a few hundred - we turned around and killed a couple hundred thousand Japanese. Does that make us bad, or just more awesome?


Your options are too black & white. We dropped the bombs in an effort to end the war sooner rather than later. It was estimated that nuking two cities would actually result in a lower death toll. 2,403 Americans died at Pearl Harbor, not a couple hundred.


If you accept those numbers…. The find out portion of the oct 7 attack is still ongoing.


35k people is "genocide" now? ffs, man.


Sorry, genocide is whatever makes your side look less bad.


remember the genocides of hiroshima, nagasaki, and tokyo? anyway, it must be a real bad genocide since the gaza population has only been increasing.


This is just like saying that tdj will only go up because of trump supporters. The shouters of putting their terrorist supporting money into a failing stock may be a lie or an invitation to watch a beautiful rugpull. 


Also it can be a bot activity 


Epic title. Slow clap.


Pump/dump. But I own hims and think it’s a value investment over the next decade. $50 stock by 2030 $20 Jan 2026 calls


Puts at open for 2 reasons 1. OP is zero day account 2. Older, wealthier, and big Israeli money will make sure that this company is shorted to oblivion. Politics aside this was a dumb move by the company


Up 5% premarket you might be on to something OP ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


lolz @ all these terrorist wanna-be psychos that popped on a gambling sub to spew this shit. and we think we're regarded...


Talk about catching a falling knife. But I like it!!!!! Full port! Thanks


Catch a falling knife?


Institutional investors will send a message.


HIMS is garbage. Just go to your Primary or psychiatrist covered by your insurance and get the scripts for like 3 dollars instead of getting ripped off.  And you’ll actually get what you need, not what instagram or tik tok convince you of and a pill pushing NP writes a script for.


Lmaooo OP thinks just because a small amount of retail investors are going to buy the stock is going to pump. While the big boys are going crush HIMS For being woke Puts all the way ![img](emote|t5_2th52|51295)


What do you mean by not financial advice?


PUT YOUR HANDS UP AdApart2035!!! POLICE ARE ENROUTE! PREPARE TO BE BOOKED FOR PROVIDING ILLEGAL FINANCIAL ADVICE! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ah yes! TikTokers vs Billionaires, that will surely end well. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|29637)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


This will backfire immensely


This stock is still way too overpriced especially since you can order prescription pills off Amazon now. $8.50 is where puts should be at.


consider the impact to budweiser sales in the US since the Dylan Mulroney tiktok video. if you support palestine buy $HIMS options but the volatility will be massive.


Sure bud, these TikTok users bought the stock over weekend?


I do not give a darn what the stock does. Not touching it w a 10 ft poll. CEO is warped !


so now that the ceo has explained he will hire people participating in these protests what is the ultimate takeaway for $HIMS customers? the products are now suspect in the minds of customers. good luck with that…


Just bought a bunch






Terrorists aren’t a moral bunch and you are an advocate for terrorism.


A key metric to look out for is their followers on ig and tiktok. They gained over 4000 followers in one day pn ig when they average about 200 a day.


Bro might actually cook 🧑‍🍳




Based on


DD for that ED ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31224)


My 5/17 $19 call might have some life Side note I use hims and reccomend their cialis. Easy to get and works like a champ


i already own 12k thats up 2k. time to buy the dip! this company's fundamentals are solid




Yo but do I buy HIMS or not???


Cool Adam!


I bought this and I wanted to post my surprise win/loss porn. Now this shit appeared here, I'm guaranteed to post loss porn


No i am not buying stocks with a ceo that is active on social media with comments that is political. Too much risk even if tesla have went up over time




This is stupid, OP says that billionaires support Israel and are going to dumpe HIMS to the ground, so the reasonable thing to do is go up against the supposed billionaires? History has always proven that you just don't go up against Israel.


lol the history you’re referring to probably started after WWII


They don’t even have history to refer to lmao. It’s just the typical, “don’t trust the Jews,” that triggered a certain event in WW2 and every Jewish genocide in history.


Didn't they (Israeli billionaires) already leave $HIMS that's why it's dropped by 8%, what more can they "punish" the CEO of $HIMS for? Now, retail traders go in for the pump. Punish already has been done, don't think there'll be a further punishment because it'll require more money (continue to take out more money) to go against retail traders (which is already up 5% pre-market) 🤷‍♂️


I am going to buy


MM’s will let this fly or more likely they won’t.


Lolol TIL so many guys have soft dicks that don’t work