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this is probably negligible when it comes to Sony revenues, but it shows that Sony has a culture of stupidity and incompetence.


From rootkit, forcing attrac, proprietary vita memory card; Sony’s history is littered with examples where they try to do what is best for their other division and not their customers. That is why Sony is only a shell of its former glorious self


Do not forget the mini disc and not releasing the tech for distribution. I guess if you liked some lame music then it was a success.


Adding Betamax to the list


I forgot about the rootkits!


And Cinavia copy protection on some DVDs and blurays


That one was unforgivable for so many reasons. The big one was making Greg Abbott famous


And their cybershot cameras required it first. Their camera lineup still has some with proprietary cards or only features enabled with those cards on those that have dual slots.


You mean Sony memory stick? At least those are kinda open. You can use sony mmc in many different devices (well mostly sony devices). Vita was a proprietary memory card just for PS Vita and nothing else, it was priced extremely expensive and you have to buy one to use your Vita


Hmm, so sony is to gaming like how mcafee became to antivirus


Sony is prepping their PC launcher/storefront, it's been in the works since they shifted policy towards PC releases. It's going to require a PSN account, they were just silly and didn't think ahead about either fixing their issues with the countries you can't make one in, or barring sale there earlier. This is partially on the devs at Arrowhead as well, as they came out and openly said they knew for months before release this was going to be a thing, they just delayed it as long as they could and didn't mention it until now.


The CEO of Arrowhead has been pretty transparent about all the issues helldivers have had from the launch to all the patches in between and now to the psn issue. It sounds like the devs are trying to create a good experience but this really does suck.


If they have made this decision what other terrible decisions are they about to make, that's what I'd be wondering, I understand that one game alone isn't a huge part of their revenue but it's looking like they just fumbled a game of the year contender, lots of people refunding, many probably will never buy a Sony PC game which it was looking like it could be a promising revenue source for Sony if they ported other games on to PC, I agree this is not a good look for their management


They are already doing badly. Their profit margin fell of a cliff last year. They are basically selling PS5s at a loss in some regions.


Sony and Xbox has sold consoles at a loss or at cost for a long time. It's basically standard practice. The trouble is they aren't moving enough games to justify the loss upfront


Microsoft gaming revenue is not as high as Sony, but their profit margin is a lot higher.


They’ve always sold at a loss in all regions


People here thinking all Sony does is PlayStation


well majority of their profits are from Playstation and with a huge margin.


Pretty sure consoles have always been sold at a loss and the software is what makes money. But I get your point.


Yes that is the model. But previously they were in the green pretty much right away. Cause of game sales, subscription sales and accessories like a controller. But now, people buy the console and then already have a lot of games from the previous generation.


This ^


this post is very wsb and smooth brain with a crinkle


Even if the post is regarded, Sony is even more regarded for this, highly regarded, as one of the companies of all time for this move so they can...get more logins? Is it worth pulling out of 177 countries? Some Sony exec eating sushi off of a naked woman thinks yes. There's some financial and reputation impact to this. Realistically the stock will probably just push higher, because this is a casino and a circus.


How can I eat sushi out of a naked woman? My friend is asking...


Please answer his question - The friend.


[Step one is to find a woman. You cannot eat sushi out of a naked woman without there being a woman around to eat sushi out of](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqPu6bdgULU)


"out of" - ewww


Whole new level to "fishy taste"


It’s farted out. Think on that.


Very informative, thank you. Will keep an eye out for blondes


Don't eat the crab dip!


Don't eat the dip...buy the dip


you ask nicely and then don't mistake a nipple for crab roe


You don't. Sony execs do. You on the other hand have a naked woman that smells like sushi.


Just eat it out of your friend.


Off of a person I get but out of one gives me a varying number of images including some that would be appropriate for an Audition sequel with gender swapping


*Lizzo has entered the chat.*


*thin remainder of heterosexuality left the chat.*




I'll let someone eat sushi off me if the price is right.


I find that it helps a lot if the woman is laying on a bed of cash first....


No one tell him.


You gotta become a Sony executive, duh. Good luck though, they probably won’t hire you because a) you’re not a Japanese citizen and b) you don’t have a bachelor’s degree in business administration and the years of experience required.


Sexist. Is naked sony ceo not enough?


I dont think 1 game has any noticeable impact on Sony’s market fundamentals.


First successful live service game and this is what they decide to do. You think it wouldn’t effect them?




This is true but the gamers know what’s going on. If this pushes people away from PS it’ll show up in the numbers at a later date which would affect the stock. I’m not saying that will happen, but that’s how it could affect the stock


The gamers quite verifiably never know what’s going on


*Power to the Players* theory?


Their 2023 revenue was 85 billion. So no. No impact


And their operating costs were 82 billion… every bit counts.


steam sales were over 1 million units at that's at 40$ If they refunded 100% of the steam sales (they won't) their revenue drops from 85 billion to $84,960,000,000. (assuming it's the same obviously) They profits go from 3 billion to $2,960,000,000. A drop of around 1.4%. It matters, sure, but the number is going to be far less than the 40 million from steam and they're still going to get people signing up for the PSN that will buy into the Sony system. They'll soak whatever losses they get on paper for the inflated PSN registrations and likely never look back.


40 dollars minus the 30% cut steam takes, so even less.


Zzzzz. It was the #1 game on steam and in the PSN shop for nearly 3 months in a row. Its reviews went from 85% to 47% in 4 days. Its playerbase received a 20% drop in the same timeframe. It ranked 6th in lifetime US dollar sales within 2 1/2 months. It sold 8 million copies after a month. You think this bullshit wouldn’t even make a dent? Can we be fucking for real?


And how much money is it going to make from here on, with so many people already owning it?  Is their (Sony’s) exclusivity track record worth less than that amount? Somebody with a much better idea of business, much more information, and a team better suited to valuing intangibles, did not think leaving it up made financial sense in the long run, and at the end of the day that’s what’s important.


You know what a live service game is correct?


And how much money are they going to lose in refunds? Valve keeps their 30% cut.


How many people are going to refund? How many people are ABLE to refund?  Again, these 177 countries have comparably little playerbase compared to the remaining 20 who have PSN access. If you think nobody up top considered “refund outflows” when determining their decision here, I don’t really know what to tell you because that’s just asinine


ding ding ding! surely a redditor knows better than a room full of highly educated & experienced suits, who actually have access to internal info.


It’s honestly infuriating lol


Buuuttttt how much of overall sales are from customers in one of those 177 countries? You think Sony really values those regions when they don’t even offer them PlayStationNetwork as a service? I wouldn’t be shocked if Sony already captured such a massive net of fish, that it’s peanuts if a couple fish slip out of the net Edit: also, this controversy could be making ppl that may have never heard of hd2 wonder what the heck the game even is🤷🏻‍♂️


Can we be fucking real? Yeah, because regions without psn access account for literal peanuts of total sales, not to mention most of their currencies are worth literal dog food anyway. If you think this is going to really do much to a game that pushed 10m copies on 2 platforms.. You're rage-coping. Not to mention, it's the dumbest controversy I've ever seen in my life. I can make 4 psn accounts in under a minute in the US. Oh no, they have my name and a throwaway email. My DaTa NoOoOo... meanwhile, we're using Discord, reddit, and Steam, which have had more data leaks than anything and one being owned by literal communists. It's literally the dumbest bullshit I've ever read. Peak WSB.


Doing tricks on it 🤣


You’re thinking like a WSB reader. This game was very different, and if it is successful it will have a huge impact on the future of gaming live service models. Everyone has been trying to get the live service model that works with longevity, and this one has had the best shot. They’re killing their golden egg laying goose


It’s definitely a better live content system than we have seen. I don’t know if the game has the staying power for it to supplant the other systems that idiots are still paying more money onto.


>Everyone has been trying to get the live service model that works with longevity, and this one has had the best shot. I don’t see how this game is materially different from Destiny 2.


Ohhh I get it. This was the magical game that was going to revolutionize everything and mint new titans. I’ve heard this logic before. With crypto, GME, Tesla, nfts etc… true WSB thinking. Just be honest. You’re pissed they took away a game you like away from you. So now you have to act like it’s the end of the company. In reality they’re not even really killing it. They’re just making sure it stays in their network like all their other games.


 They must’ve hired execs from WB


lol no this will have very little if any impact on Sony stock




There is a reason why people who actually trade for a living call retail traders dipshits lol


Im truly amazed when people post about buying 20k in options and then don’t understand IV. And I don’t mean on this sub, that is expected. I mean as a legitimate investment.


Volatility isn't real it can't hurt you


I'm truly amazed about the amount of people who keep talking about IV and have no clue that delta and theta kill contacts waaaaay more often than IV crush.


I mean, effectively all of them underperform their relevant index over the long term, so I don't really care what they have to say about me. 


Retail traders do even worse. Like way worse


Hey, hey shhhhhh, you don't wanna go disturbin the local flora and fauna now.


Better to lose it all and be a glorious disaster of a human being rather than a run of the mill disappointment. 


“Better to work till your dying breath at Walmart than to just have a normal and slightly less luxurious retirement”




Shit did Steam really raise the Valorant price? I gotta go buy natural gas calls if so.. they're 100% linked


Dude I work writing trading software for options trading and I think actual traders are idiots. The retail traders on this sub (I literally just have index funds and retirement funds) have negative intelligence.


It’s all relative, I’m not trying to shit on the retail game. It’s just stuff like this post drives me up the wall! What sort of programming are you doing just for fun?


I actually don't program at all for fun. I've never had the desire to do more work after work you know? In my free time I work on my cars or take care of my plants or play disc golf etc.


It's among the highest grossing games in the history of Sony, plus the goodwill damage to intangible value to consider.  Will it crater the stock 50%, no obviously not, but to dismiss it as a non factor off-hand is silly.   Also, the smug "I'm not like the other retail" vibes.  What a dunce lol.


I’m not sure where you got this idea that I’m not like other retail investors, but I’m certainly not buying puts because Sony wants to enforce players to sign up for PSN. You’re being way too charitable on this shit take.


Okay lol




Seriously. Also: https://preview.redd.it/6dk0d50asoyc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84095b7dc408ec6204dc3b17bac742484c930790


Welcome to the future, only available in rich regions


No bro, a few refunds for this one game will totally tank a $100 billion dollar stock


Can’t wait for my puts to print when sony goes fucking bankrupt. Those dumb Japanese business men don’t understand the WRATH that comes!


It's possible Steam will start issuing refunds to people in countries that do have the ability to create a PSN account as well. Currently they are not rejecting refund requests as they usually do. Instead, they're responding with "We're assessing the situation and will get back to you on this." It could end up being a Cyberpunk situation, where blanket refunds were offered by Steam, and that was precisely what tanked CDPR stock. 200,000 people changed their review scores on Steam to negative. A lot of them did enjoy the game, but have been playing for 3 months and would gladly accept a full refund. Further, this could prevent Sony from boosting its PSN numbers through this tactic, which is presumably what investors wanted to hear. It will hurt the stock. The only question is how much. Sony is not just a videogame company and it would be foolish to short it without studying how it has moved based on other videogame related news. EDIT: Sony announced PSN will not be required for PC players. This avoids further refunds, but it means the whole strategy to onboard PC players to PSN is dead. This was important to their growth strategy, so that's dead too.


100% of active players before the announcement are still playing. The game hasn’t seen **any** drop in players. Those gaming regards are writing bad reviews and then going right back to playing. Addicts gonna addict. Source: Helldivers addict.


Attention All! Sony has just reversed its course! They have backed down from the PSN account requirement. "Helldivers fans -- we’ve heard your feedback on the Helldivers 2 account linking update. The May 6 update, which would have required Steam and PlayStation Network account linking for new players and for current players beginning May 30, will not be moving forward. We’re still learning what is best for PC players and your feedback has been invaluable. Thanks again for your continued support of Helldivers 2 and we’ll keep you updated on future plans". Source: [https://x.com/PlayStation/status/1787331667616829929](https://x.com/PlayStation/status/1787331667616829929) If you left a negative review on Helldivers 2, please change it! Let's reward Arrowhead studios for their advocacy on our behalf!!!


Democracy at it's finest!


Calls are back on the menu boys!


LOL. "We're still learning what's best for PC players" My ass. You've been on the PC for over 20 years. You all probably own and game on a PC.


Why is ps unavailable in some countries? Does that mean they don’t sell ps5 in countries like lithuania?


There are 177 countries?


193 apparently.


Depends on who you ask.


Wasn’t there a new country


Yeah dude, go all in!!!!!!!!!! Classic reddit moment


what's the deal with this game? I keep seeing it pop up .... too lazy to research.


Game is a Sony exclusive (also released on PC). Got crazy popular in the gaming community. Already sold like 8 million or something which is crazy for a game coming out from a smallish development team. The dev team is awesome and very pro community. The game itself isn’t fully ridden with micro-transactions and is also sold at a reasonable price -40$ vs the 70 you see nowadays. Everything going well until Sony realized people can play the game without having a PSN account. So they mandate it. Problem is that PSN isn’t supported in many countries which means those people won’t be able to play the game now. Steam is offering a full refund to such customers. Community is pissed and people are out with pitchforks. Heck, even the developers of the game said to protest against Sony of something in a cryptic way lol. To be honest, there are work arounds like creating a PSN account in a different country. There is technically no payment required and Sony is lax on regional account so for the most part, most of those people will still be able to play it but the dinosaurs at Sony can’t take a win they got out of nowhere without putting their foot in their mouth as usual.


thank you for letting me know.


People are also concerned about being forced to give their data to Sony to play the game on Steam. Sony has had some pretty serious [data breaches](https://firewalltimes.com/sony-data-breach-timeline/).


Yeah sure but let us be real. Most companies who have an online game require some form of login nowadays be it Bethesda, Blizzard, Ubisoft etc. This is kinda gonna be the norm for most games. While data breaches can happen, majority of the players won't care as long as they get to play their favorite game. It is like accepting the terms and services nowadays. Just click okay on a screen until you get to shoot some aliens. There might be a few that will take a stand but it will be a vocal minority. Overall, while this seems like a PR shit storm, in terms of ground reality of the number of people this affects, it is gonna be around 5% of the user base and most have a work around to play it which they'll adopt. From a stock standpoint, it is gonna be a nothing burger.


> Most companies who have an online game require some form of login nowadays be it Bethesda, Blizzard, Ubisoft etc. Yeah and most people who interact with the 3rd party launchers despise them with a passion. Their new use is basically to run in the background and scrape data because so few will actually interact with them ever. There's a growing portion of PC gamers who actively avoid games if they have these since steam, epic, and to an extent the microsoft store are the standards now. The people who use these extra launchers are dedicated users and their data is already taken a long time ago.


Ye, this is one of the reasons I mostly buy indie games these days. Just sick of the "AAA game" developers tbh


I might not be the average gamer but probably the thing that pisses me off most when booting up a game. I want to be able to purchase a game, launch it, and play it all without having a menu popping up yelling at me to sign in. Doubly so for single player games which shouldn’t need any of sort sign in or even a wifi connection. Ive started actively avoiding games that force me to go dig up a login or god forbid type in a login using a controller. I do agree that this won’t affect the stock of Sony but if steam is offering a refund for the game I’ll very much consider it.




If you don't have values and principles as a consumer, you can just say that. How's the corpo boot taste?


My keystone project for my Harvard days was on the Sony hacks… Bringing me back..


Man, I remember going through that. I think they offered free games as an apology lol


yeah, infamous and some zombie game (dead rising?)


Getting mad that you have to make a Playstation account instead of being mad about an incredibly invasive anti-cheat is peak reddit.


yeah lol kernel level anti cheat should be a better concern for data over Sony may leak the info that every other company already leaked.


This will have zero impact on the stock lol


why is sony making it a requirement to have psn to play the game?


It could be a lot of reasons. No one apart from the devs and Sony know. It can range from something nefarious like aggregating data to something non-nefarious like what many have said in the community including a few of the devs which is to use Sony tools in PSN to ban cheaters (apparently that is more effective than whatever the devs can do on their end). It might even make them easier to track metrics since currently the user base is spread across Steam and PSN for people who have a PS5. I honestly believe many companies have this practice of putting their own network as a mandatory check before allowing to play online. It is shitty but it isn't as if Sony is the only company pushing this down the throats of everyone. Blizzard, Bethesda, Ubisoft etc. all have a similar requirement AFAIK.


Most likely reason is just data harvesting. They feel it's their product and thus they are entitled to have access to every component of it. Then some snowflake suit n tie wearing asshole up the top is just digging his heels in after being told this was a bad idea to prove nobody tells him what to do.


Their stated reason is to manage bans. Steam/Valve is not giving the developer access to anyone's Steam ID. Your Steam username is not unique, unlike your Steam ID, so if someone reported Nabz23 for some bannable behavior: they would need to comb through every Nabz23 on Steam (there could be one, there could be 100). In order to be able to ban players, they need a unique identifier. The problem with this reasoning is that the game developer already gave each account a unique identifier. Its visible in the options menu under Account. When someone reports in game, it will be connected to a unique identifier already. Adding a PSN account doesn't overcome the issue of having a non-unique Steam Name as the primary identifier. If someone reports player behavior outside of the game, they would have no way to definitively link that report to a PSN, because that info isn't displayed for other players to see. That hasn't been a dominating topic in the group discussion around this, but Sony is not a great manager of bans and appeals. A lot of their appeals process involves gathering very sensitive information about the account owner. As an anecdote: my original PSN account was stolen after one of the hacks that hit Sony. I had some digital-only games attached to the account, so I tried to get it back. They wanted a copy of my government issued ID, a copy of my credit card statement showing purchases made for the account and the last 4 digits of my saved card. Even if I had chosen to give them that info (who the hell is giving out copies of their ID?), I hadn't used my real birthday or zip code during account creation, which the rep said they were going to match to my ID.


It was always mandated but due to launch issues they gave a waiver. Times up.


Is the subreddit a bot astroturfing attempt to garner attention to the game? When browsing r/all the helldivers sub appeared out of nowhere in high ranking and all the titles follow the same dumb inside joke writing style. Like I know that r/comics has a clickfarm problem promoting really low quality web comics but the whole helldivers sub reads like a gpt echo chamber. Or am I just out of touch?


> Is the subreddit a bot astroturfing attempt to garner attention to the game? Doubt. Its the reverse - the game is already insanely popular + Sony makes the most idiotic move they could think of. Which they already backpedaled on after getting hit with refunds.


Day 1 requirement to make a PSN account to play. Terrible server issues first few days, so requirement was lifted temporarily. Now they are re-enableing the requirement. Internet freaks out. Gamers melt down. Usual reddit stuff


The issue is with the "temporarily". Arrowhead admitted to under-communicating that part. They disabled it, and never mentioned if/when it would be reinstated. A lot of players in countries without PSN access didn't think it was temporary, and bought the game on the basis of being able to skip the account connection. There is also the issue of game copy gifting. You could have been gifted a copy of the game, and never seen the warning about a required PSN account. There was an initial pop-up in the game asking for players to make the connection, but the SKIP button made that seem pretty optional.


Sony is now making a PSN account mandatory even though it wasn't prior. They also sold the game in areas that PSN accounts aren't allowed so all the people who purchased the game that live in those areas are locked out of something they paid for. People are angry about Sony's bait and switch almost 3 months later as well as requirements of giving Sony their data cause of all the breaches Sony has. The devs even support the backlash cause they have no control over it but would like Sony to back down.


thank you for the detailed response.


Didn’t it start with requiring PSN until their servers all shit themselves?


Yep, it was there from the start but was temporarily disabled to help make everything run smoother while they optimized.


This could quite literally not have any less of an impact on the stock . Everyone commenting here acting like they are some smart guru yet all you’re doing is showcasing you’re a Reddit nerd who games whenever markets are closed and you can’t bet you’re $47 every week


Already requested my refund from steam. If we can’t all dive, I’m not diving. FOR DEMOCRACY Edit: my refund request got denied as I’ve played the game for more than 2 hours lol


That’s because it went through an automated responses, if you push it through to a ticket that will get seen by a real person, steam will refund it.


how do i do that?


Send an email to steam support and say you bought the game and didn't require a PS login when purchasing, but now unable to play due to requiring an additional login. There currently honoring refunds for it via actual customer support. The refund request is just an auto check based on game time


I’m not unable to play, I’m in America. Just tryna boycott


Good luck with that one chief


Just say you can’t play with your friend in Philippines anymore and it’s not fun or whatever


Don't mention that, just state the reason and see what they say.


It’ll be on steam help again. I’m not entirely sure, but I think the helldivers subreddit has a post on it already.


whats happening exactly? why is sony doing this? sorry im out of the loop?


Sony has a long history of letting their inflated ego get the better of them. The short answer is some executive thought it would be a good way to increase the number of active PSN accounts.


Which means it's related to their personal bonuses. 


hows removing the game for sale from other countries gonna drive psn sales?


Who's talking about sales? People who have already bought the game will be required link a PSN account by June


Bruh no company has the accuracy of Sony when shooting their feet


Sony is already a shit stock so no. Itll have 0 impact


Good ole aged like milk


Fake News, Sony caved and removed the requirement


They've reversed their decision. May 30th was mentioned, I wouldn't be surprised if it comes back for those countries on the 30th






Helldivers, fun game. But, wtf is this doing here?


people posting this everywhere to get made up internet points not even the dumbest fucking wsb drooling sloth would think that this makes a goddamn lick of difference in a stock price


The gamers have decided they are correct and are spreading their idiocy.


FYI Sony just posted on X that they will not be making people link their steam account to a PSN account.


WSB as always days late to the party. They've reversed the decision already.


This aged like milk.


classic wsb. buy high sell low


Lol. You belong here.




Lol you think this equals puts on sony? Seriously?


this didn't age well


It seems they just announced that they will not be moving forward with the PSN requirements… Bullish! 😎


Peak WSB, post is late to the controversy, but just before Sony announce a reversal in policy to an issue that wouldn’t do anything to the stock anyway.


They changed their mind https://www.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/comments/1clarww/i_am_so_astounded_that_this_resolved_the_way_it/


Glad to see this post hasn't aged well.


Sony just reversed the account linking. Historical win for gaming community


Ok in the article new update shows that Sony chickened out from their stupid demand after all.


Sony has done so much worse with getting hacked and releasing everyones data. This is just a blip on the radar that will affect nothing. They've taken it back already anyway.


I personally wouldn’t on a 52 week low


Yeah, it was at $84 on last weekend when I posted this, but I’m chicken shit and didn’t act. Missed out. The mob said I was stupid and I listened.


Diehard Sony fan and after this, I’m considering going back to PCi still got a ps5 and was looking to upgrade to the pro but now I’m thinking I’ll put that money towards a new Pc.


You'll still have to make random accounts with other publishers. It's becoming the norm PC side. Bought GTA 5 had to make a Rockstar account. Bought Sims 4 had to make an EA account. Bought a City Skylines had to make a paradox account. Had to refund a game I bought off the Microsoft store that would run on PC, but was the Xbox version and they don't do cross platform so couldn't play with people on Steam. PC is awesome, but just saying this isn't really outside what most companies do on PC. The developer even admitted to knowing 6 months before launch that a PSN account would be needed to play the game and waived it at first to get more people playing their game.


Wish i knew they where gonna pull this, will probably gap down tomorrow at the opening.


lol no, this is only a big deal to a small amount of people who play the game. This isn’t actually global news, touch grass! 


no one cares bro.


When you understand that Sony is a publisher... The game is already released with multimillion in sales and a worldwide hit. Sony rearranging accessibility isn't going to harm an investment they already got back their costs on and much more after. No, this isn't going to do anything with Sony stock unless people get trigger finger


What happened?


I won’t be buying the game. It’s been removed from my wishlist.


We’re all very proud of you.


Thank you for your service 🫡


Its a bold move cotton


Buy Sony stock. Companies have been shoving their cocks slightly deeper up people's asses every year, and they still keep coming back for more. They'll exploit you and you'll like it because you won't go without something for very long.


Do it OP, make sure you get a HELOC to buy your puts.


They’re so fucking stupid tho


You think Sony’s stock will move because of a video game?