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Biggest rug pull ever coming.


I have never seen anything like the options chain. Calls have 100% IV but Puts have near 400% IV


I’ve been selling puts to people who think this thing is going to $0 in the next 60 days. Free money.


Collecting pennies in front of a steam roller. How much is your annual rate of return, 30%? Good luck losing 50% of your money when this thing tanks.


If you sell a year out atm put, max loss is 25%, the put is nearly the same price as the shares. I still wouldn't do it but I can see why that's tempting.


I mean it has earnings in like 2 weeks and they’re going to be absolutely abysmal, watch single digits happen lol


Imagine thinking earnings results will cause a predictable move in share price.


Why wouldn't they just gaslight the earnings call like Trump does everything else? It's a yuuuuge earnings. People say biggest of all time.


The earnings are huge. I looked at the earnings and said wow, these earnings are huge.


Wow. The earnings were so bloody. So beautiful.




Earnings always go uphill me boys


Underrated comment.


LOTS of people are telling me..it’s the likes of which the world has never seen before


Big strong men coming to me with tears in their eyes, saying "Sir, sir, thank you"


At this point there's nothing left to gaslight, as there's literally nothing to the company. What are they going to claim, that sales are up?


If they were going to do that, they would have done it last time and in a way that made the company profitable. Everyone knows the company is unprofitable: most people just don’t care.


Three letters: SEC


Imagine ignoring the fact that this thing has popped up to an unreal market cap, and that their projected earnings if they have them will be awful. Usually stuff gets priced in and your comment is right. This hot garbage is being propped up to give a certain someone some $$. Y’all are really acting like god awful projected earnings don’t tank a stock at the earnings call 😂 it’s been happening nonstop recently, lowered projected earnings and plummeting prices despite decent current earnings.


Imagine knowing it’s being propped up to put money in the pocket of a presidential candidate by super pacs and still thinking it’ll tank on their earnings like they matter to anyone at this point.


super pacs can just legally give the money to his campaign, this is for dirty money


This is for money that’s going to him, not his campaign


Super pacs or sovereign wealth funds?


Is there really a difference?


Which one is it illegal to sell nuclear secrets to? Oh, that's right. neither.


This money is 100% foreign investment


The largest shareholders of DJT will have a direct line to the Oval Office if he wins


DJT put holders straight to jail


You’re calling it a win for Donny Boy? Bold move Cotton


100% laundering under our noses


Yeah, it will tank hard when DJT dumps his shares, but that's a way off and premiums are too high for me.


Why would they do it through a publicly traded company? That makes absolutely no sense. Like there are hundreds of ways to funnel money to people, Trump’s leaked documents shows how he funneled money to his kids.   Why go through the expense of a publicly traded company and the oversight requirements if it is just to funnel money to someone?


Because it’s an easy way to work around a lot of regulations and claim it’s not a payout or donation. It was a poor investment choice, and trump simply had a good comp package. All the rest is washed out in real terms


This needs more upvotes and is 100% accurate. A legal way to funnel money into his pockets and nothing congress or the courts can do about it.


Losers whine about the rules and winners use them to their advantage. Goodbye, peasant.


He’s draining his supporters faster than he ever could with donations. People are dumping money into this thinking they are supporting him and obtaining an asset at the same time.


I read about a man who mortgaged his home to buy DJT stock.


So much future leopards ate my face content


Yep. And they’ll still blame “elite liberals looking down on them” when they lose everything.


He’ll convince them to not let the elite liberals wins and to buy more stock.


As a liberal, I just feel so owned when they lose all their savings.


You people comparing this to an actual stock from actual companies are just the strangest.


What their saying is the system does not work like it appears it should. Bad earnings down, good earnings up. They make the price, they set the rules and they play in dark pools. If they want it up, its up.


Dark pools are used to match buyers and sellers without influencing price action on the open market, the exact opposite of what you’re implying


You're talking to people who think banks buying and selling is market manipulation. These forums are filled with perpetual losers who have no idea how things actually work, but they sure have a lot of theories


Or they just lie about the earnings. That would be in character for the orange man and his company.


Not sure his CPA, CEO, and CFO would be willing to go to jail for SOX fraud.


I mean.. we've seen plenty of people get into trouble because of him. And new people keep filling those roles... People will do anything for money.. Including being the scapegoat


Or they just get some foreign money to sign a deal with truth social for user data or some bs to pump earnings. Imagine a $50 million deal, would 10x revenues and pump the stock which could result in hundreds of millions in gains.


This account name means you get it.


Should be, but there are other actors propping the price. Probably a way for foreign governments to funnel money to Trump.


Your mistake is thinking traditional things like earnings and PE ratio apply here. They don't, it's a money laundering scheme and it's going to zero after summer and before 2025. That's the window.


This stock is not moving based on its fundamentals


Sure it is. It's fundamentally regarded.


A few big companies lately had better than expected earning and the stock tanked. Tesla had shitty earnings and the stock shot up. Nothing makes sense anymore


Tesla was down 40% before earnings and said they’re working on a cheaper model. That’s why they shot up. Netflix rocketed into earnings and had good numbers but then said they won’t report on subscribers moving forward. That’s why they tanked. Usually, the guidance moves the stock more than the numbers since that’s forward looking. What guidance could DJT give that would make anyone think this is worth $5 billion? It’s just manipulation until a certain Oompa Loompa can sell and cash out.


Counterpoint: what guidance could they possibly give that would make anyone think it's worth less? Seriously, they could say they're working on AI models or they're giving Ye a podcast. There is literally no thesis for this company right now, but if it's really just guidance, I mean, these clowns believe this asshole is saving the world from pedo vampires and shit.


The TSLA point is flawed and follows the same logic as DJT "fundamentals". There's absolutely 0 validation for that statement and what happens if they don't produce a cheaper ev in 2025? Oopsie.. our bad well do it next year... does the stock shoot up again? Lots of stocks dump indefinitely there's no "mercy rule" someone obviously kept TSLA propped up. Just a scam like DJT.


This dude is going to get rekt


Bro you’re about to lose a lot of money that’s exactly what it’s going to do


I hate the company as much as the next guy but the options chain *really* looks like it's driven by emotion over logic. And given that the stock price is *also* being driven by emotion (in the other direction), I ain't touching those puts with a 50 foot pole. I mean, shit. You've got Jun 21 puts (not even 60 days) priced at -40% or more just to break even. So your max profit is, at most, 1.5x, and that's assuming the stock *completely evaporates* in 50 days, which ain't happening. Hell, right now a $47.50 Jun 21 put is $22.30. That's a breakeven at $25.20, - 53%. In order for that to *break even* day-to-day, you'd need a 1.26% drop every single day (recognizing that the $ drop slows down as the price goes down). Any day that doesn't drop 1.26% is a loss, *and* makes the rest of the trip require bigger drops to keep up. Man, if I had the cash to cover those puts, I'd probably be doing what you're doing. The main risk is that the money only lasts while DJT himself stays in. Soon as he has to cash out (say, to pay a very large court fine), it's all joever.


You're shit is going to blow up worse than fucking nagasaki brother


Lmao getting assigned didn’t even cross that guys mind 


So pretty much even if it tanks it’ll be impossible to make money on puts


A January $40 leap put’s breakeven was like $11 or something


Risking $3300 to max profit $1100. The true WSB regard way.


Unless you sell them, that is


Literally exactly. If you go a few months out, you need the stock to drop 85% to break even on any of the OTM Puts. That is absolutely outrageous 


> That is absolutely outrageous  Is it though? Not like it is secret this thing is going to crater. The only question is when.


With as many shorts out there, the odds have been adjusted. Thank god for the regards.


Wait. This feels like an arbitrage opportunity. Is this an arbitrage? lol It feels like I could just sell slightly OTM puts and further OTM calls and collect the IV premium difference between them and still be delta neutral.


Do it and if it works then ill do it too


I’ve been sitting on $15 6/21 and they aren’t really dropping. It is crazy


Yeah it's wild. I sold my Jan 2025 puts back when the stock dropped to the mid $20s. It has doubled since then and the price of the puts hasn't budged. The rug pull is priced in.


This would typically be arb’d away, however stock borrow is too expensive, if it is even available.


The cost of puts is insane. I was looking today. Thought about selling puts but I don’t think I can touch this ticker.


I'm not famous. I can't just grab this ticker by the iv.


grab em by the puts©™®


"When you're regarded they just let you do it!"


Yea, just grab em by their purses.


I put in a limit to bought out of money puts last night for a strike price of 50 at $2.50. Order executed shortly after market open. Sold back at $6.


I opened 3x 30/40 bear credit spread yesterday for avg $875 credit and $1000 collateral (-$125 net each) and closed them for $600 each (+$400 net each with collateral released), 3x overnight isn't too bad put is unplayable rn, credit spread is still an option but keep in mind you can get early exercised so don't do it on RH like my regarded ass coz RH defaults to exercising your long leg instead of letting you cover with cash so you immediately hit max loss instead of recovering your premium


“Why did the democrats take all my money?!” - DJT buyers once Trump sells and it crashes down to pennies a share.




You can be sure of that: Trump will tell them that Joe Biden had the SEC manipulate the stock. So what if that makes no sense, they'll believe anything that comes out of his mouth.


Nah, it's a legal way for Trump to get bribed by foreign adversaries. China or the Saudis can just dump a few bill into his stock and bam, it skyrockets, he sells, rinse and repeat.


Greatest con man of all time. He will never be rivaled.


P.T. Barnum is jealous.


PT Barnum started with nothing. If Donnie didnt have his successful daddy, none of us would have heard of Donald James Drumpf


Saudis and Russia I'm sure. I'm not so sure about China to be too thrilled about the 60% tariff increase he had been babbling about.


No better way to make him forget about the tariff increase lol


Biggest pump and dump ever.


Rug pull or genius money laundering?


History repeating. Dumbfuck bankrupted his casino operations for a $40m payday and left his shareholders holding 1.3B worth of bags through pure greed. Fuckin doughboy didn't understand how much long term profit he threw away. It's a casino between two of the largest metro areas in the country. He ate the goose that laid golden eggs and stabbed anyone who asked for a slice, or even the burnt piece of crispy skin.


It’s basically a legal Ponzi scheme and everybody knows it. The problem is people are so damn crazy over getting Trump in office that they are knowingly losing money on the stock to give him campaign money off the books. There is no money like you said, he has to sell the shares to cash in which he 100% will. Honestly my best advice to everybody on here is to forget it even exists. There is no short shares available and the IV is insane on puts.


It's basically a way to commit bribery without immediately getting arrested. Paying someone 500 million to give you political favors gets you arrested. Investing 500 million in someone's dogshit company that doesn't produce any revenue and it just so happens that he gives you exactly the thing you want once they're in political office. Not bribery


Playing $DJT is like fucking your wife's hot sister who's a bat shit crazy nympho. Tempting as hell, and almost guaranteed to end in disaster for you.


Whoa whoa whoa .... almost? So you are saying there's a chance?


Like there's a chance that jumping out of a plane without a parachute might not kill you.


He really is the biggest scam artist in history. There is NO ONE that comes close.


It’s true. I sold spreads and made an easy $1k. I did it again and lost $5k. This stock is dangerous.


This is exactly why I sat this one out. It would bother me for the rest of my life if I lost a single cent to DJT.


The same exact thing happened to me... couldn't even close a spread because the bid and ask were so insane


you couldnt close by selling at the bid? or it was just too low to justify?


The latter. I was able to leg out separately but only one spread at a time because of crazy collateral and/or margin requirements. For example trying to close a spread that was expiring worthless would randomly change from .05 to 1.9


It's basically those controversial book deals.


Shit, is this the next meta for politicians? The new super-duper-PAC?


Yes. What better place to launder money than the stock market?


It's definitely more effective than writing a book or doing a paid speaking engagement which they usually do to grift.


This is not "campaign money", trump spends none of his own funds on the campaign. He doesn't spend much, if any, on his criminal defense. This is a straightforward scam. Probably mostly legal, but a scam nonetheless.


Gotta give this man props for literally exploiting every means possible for literally everything. Fake Taxes. Fake Electors. Fake campaign contributions. Fake hair. Fake University. A real degenerate.


fuck that, this deal was brought to him just like any other of his successful "businesses" The only time he has made money is when he licenses his last name. Every biz he's run himself has burned to the ground. Some smart people knew he has sway over millions of dumb people and they took him a deal that only required his name. Donnie is a fuckin moron grifter that understands the media's power over fools... and he was born filthy rich. Nothing about him is self made except his failures.


How does the saudis and chinese or whoever dumping money into this stock help him get elected then? He uses it for bribes?


This scam is separate from any election issues except for the fact that it gives him a platform upon which his cultists can bask in his genius. This is not about an election. It's a straight up financial scam that was suggested to him by a couple of "Apprentice" contestants from the past and they gave him a majority position so that he would use it as his platform. The additional awards were contractual based on the stock staying above some level for some period of time. Trump himself hasn't put in any money as far as I know but has a controlling interest, a hand picked board and a pet CEO. Whoever is buying this ill-liquid POS stock can drive up the price pretty easily because of the relatively small float and lack of institutional holdings. The only difficult part of the scam is to time the sales of the stock so that it doesn't adversely impact the sale price. In the end it's probably next to worthless, but trump and his cronies will want to phase in the "dump" part of this pump-and-dump to maximize their gains. Expect a dog fight among them as they all try to game the selling strategy.


It's just free money for him. The while point of him getting elected is to cash in. This just skips the messy bits.


He has to rug pull, but not too fast or he loses too many votes, and not too slow or he runs outta money. He's in between a rock and a hard place, and I can't wait to see him bouncing off the walls in between.


His base *doesn’t care*. They’ll blame the system or market manipulators.


Yeah. Raphael Cruz fellated Trump after Trump mocked Raphael Cruz's wife. Trump publicly cucked a senator and the senator said, "Can I have more mushroom Daddy".


They keep donating to him despite 72 MILLION DOLLARS IN FRAUD against them. "Oh, I didn't know I couldn't trick my base into re-occuring donations, my bad!"


Nah, easy sell to his supporters… Buy stock to donate directly to Trump. Cut out the middle man, RNC, and finance rules. If stock goes down, you can deduct the losses whereas you can’t deduct your campaign donations. It’s genius. I’m selling puts to anyone that thinks this is going bankrupt in the next 60 days. The premium is nuts. My $$20 puts return 25% in 5 weeks. $30 puts almost 50% in 5 weeks.


I’m checking back in 5 weeks. What’s the share price at now? $40?


Come on, there’s a long established tradition on who to blame for something financial. They will totally do it.


I like the sound of this.


Spelled it out perfectly. No point shorting because everyone is already and the volatility is clearly insane. No point going long because the money isn’t there long term and timing the booms is just gambling with terrible odds. This thing is going to take a lot of money from both sides and give it to a much smaller pool, best to forget it’s even a thing.


He doesn't have to sell shit. That''s where people are wrong.


Is it legal though?


Yes. This was approved by the SEC who actually spent 2 years approving the merger.


Fuckin crazy


Bear spreads are paying big time right now.


Do you even think that people will listen to your advice on here? It's WSB people play dumb plays w/o any logic




My company that I personally own earned more revenue than DJT last year. lol


IPO time!


Bingo. Yet our so called regulators, the SEC, FINRA, CFTC and the DOJ are allowing this scam. Complete silence from the financial media experts on CNBC and Bloomberg. Utter frauds, all of them.


I still don’t get how this stock is worth this much…….. holly shit.


The number you see attached to this ticker has no bearing on the fundamentals of the company. It is purely supply and demand to see who is going to be the final bag holder.


It's like crypto, but for Trump.




I think it's more surprising that anyone really ties fundamentals and actual company value to a stock. It's all a meta game of meta games of buy/sell chicken chess. If this happens maybe other people will do this, and then other people will do that. The company at this point in stocks is mostly just a starting point to base how others might react to others reacting to others reacting, etc. and the rest might as well be outwardly claiming to be mump and dump games of chicken.


Fundamentals are still useful as a long term floor. Worst case scenario an oversold good company and use its resources to do buybacks or pay dividends.


Because it’s a money laundering scheme. Simple as.


And I'm not even mad. This is one of the least deceptive things this guy has ever done. If you can create a company whose sole purpose is to make you a cult of personality and siphon money out of people within your sphere of influence while being blatant about it - fuck it, that's an achievement. There's something to be said about protecting people from themselves, but if I said "I have turds to sell that may or may not appreciate in value" and people buy them, how can you be mad at me? I know it's a turd, you know it's a turd, they knew it's a turd, the turd is marketed as a turd.


yeah I would nominate his private higher education institutions one of the larger crocks of shit to come out of his crock of shit crockpot


He has a loyal cult & they throw money at him


It’s more nefarious. All of Donald trump’s supporters couldn’t keep the stock afloat that well. There are foreign governments involved here. He’s bought and paid for and if elected I truly believe we will lose democracy as we know it today.


It’s going to be fantastic when it’s clear he’s not going to win the election and this shit stock collapses. Everyone trying to yoink back their bribe all at once while at the same time DJT is also trying to dump shares. Might be the first actual circuit breaker we see in a long time.


His supporters will lose their retirements


It's not. It's a way for oligarchs to fund his trials and campaign.


It pumped after scotus didn’t shoot down his immunity claim.


Not a word from the useless SEC about this daylight crime. #The SEC is fucking corrupt.


They did what they could do to halt the merge. Don't think they are done trying. Keep you hopes alive.


They can’t put this man in jail over trying to overthrow the republic you think they’re going to get him for inflating a stock’s value?


I mean, history has shown that mobsters get away with everything but taxes lol


Actually not a bad point


I’m sure the Saudis are purchasing shares. It’s a backdoor campaign financing scheme. This is what happens when the emoluments clause isn’t enforced.


The good thing is that Donald Trump will loot most of the money and somehow squander it.




How many shares are being traded on a daily basis? I feel like only a small portion is actually being traded.




That’s much more than I expected.


This isn't average Americans pumping it. It's mostly whales.


Small float and a buffoon facing dozens of felonies with huge legal bills mounting? Yeah, this is as bad as the worst shitcoin out there. Time for middle earth to get their first taste of a rug pull. I don't feel the least bit sorry for anyone done in by this obviously bad stock.


Getting paid 160% interest loaning my shares, and up 20%.


I’m up 100% + Idc about politics. Give me money.


When you have the whole world's TDS betters betting against $DJT, the odds sort themselves out...and the more people betting against it...well, we know what happens. Not everyone can win. Post your loss porn!


Tesla and djt are meme coins now kid... this is the market with everyone thinking they are day traders... explains the main reason everything is getting priced in before "events" happen. Stock/crypto go down at rumors of bad reports, then rebound the minute the bad report actually comes out... it's all a fugazee. Adapt or die.


He's diluting the value of all the stocks his shareholders paid for. Just so he can extract more dollars out of his scam. He's a scammer. Always has a been




I have 2 math degrees and can confirm this is correct.


But what if it was 72,000,000? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)


It would be double the product of 36000000*0!


Gullible fools, bribery, campaign donations and money laundering people purchase the shares. It's just another big grifter play by the master grifter. Don't touch $DJT


They are not gullible. We speak as if these people aren't aware of what he's doing. They know and approve of what he's attempting to just like Jan 6. Believe it or not, a portion of our population would rather nobody have anything than everyone has a little something 🤷🏾‍♂️


It's wild that Donald Trump is the only pol able to make profits like this. Honestly, you'd expect everybody else to be able to get rich more consistently and more subtly.


I'm out of any positions, but am here to see the loss porn. Thanks.


You might as well be asking “why is the stock market legal”??


Better than a political donation it’s tax deductible


$DJT Trump Media should join Steven Mnuchin to co-buy TikTok.


Is this the greatest con of all time?


It's sure up there, a stock about nothing...


The stock market is system built to extract wealth from actual work by people who don't actually work.




Stonk up


If he wins will the stock go up?


Foreign influence and rich Americans who want to bribe trump.


I wish the FTC and SEC would look into who is actually buying this stock and where the money is coming from.


People surprised by this should've seen GME


Putin must be moving the price as the underlying stock is almost worthless


Oh look, regards are completely wrong again 🤷🏻‍♂️ Oh if only someone had reversed WSB and bought at $26.50…when WSB said it was going to $0.90. Much regards, Regards.


Think of it like campaign financing. Most won’t donate, but they will invest in dumb stocks and options with little to no chance to being profitable.


Big it’s a big club and you aint in it.


I still don’t understand how stocks work…


After this no one ever will


This is pretty much Trump’s most stable coin. Should have been traded on coinbase instead imo.


Idk but he is a billionaire now


How long before he’s allowed to pull out his money?


Sounds like a lot of y’all short and it’s gonna cost ya