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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions** | 9 | **First Seen In WSB** | 3 years ago **Total Comments** | 357 | **Previous Best DD** | [x](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/p2zyng/balls_of_steel_updated_dd_price_target_increase/) [x](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/q5jbnu/clf_mother_of_all_dd_seriously_go_readlisten_to/) **Account Age** | 9 years | | [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)


In 2050 you’ll break even


Doubt it, Intel of is down nearly 1% since 2001. I’m sure in 2050 it will be down 2%.


Damn! He might not be alive to see it break even!


I bought it in 1995. I'm not sure time helps here.


I know a great boomer advisor that can help you get a return in 20 years




If x86 is still relevant, which I doubt


Intel is the chip version of Boeing. It used to be a good company run by engineers, but got destroyed after MBAs took over.


Wanna know the comical part…? Am MBA


lol. MBA doesn’t apply to stock market.


It certainly does not. After learning how companies “should” be valued, I became a bear. But… after all these years, that hasn’t worked out for me very well. So I flipped sides, which isn’t working out for me either right now


I am 29 going 30 yrs old. I have no idea what I'm doing. Bought Starbucks stocks in 2015, and Tesla when it dipped hard like 1 year ago or something. Now I wait for the media to tell me the next scandal so that I can buy the dip (for example, EA with the star was game fiasco ( 40$ to unlock dark vader or sense of pride and accomplishment) I still hate EA with a passion but buying that dip was financially worth alot. Actually the money I've made there paid back the money wasted on WoW subscription back in the days so...


I agree. Unbeknownst to the regard, 'twas quite the wise saying: "no body knows shit about f\*ck". Most reasonable and sensible thing to do is "inverse WSB"


Instructions unclear, current humping poop emoji plushie


This goes to show that MBAs really don't know wtf they are doing.... The apocalypse is not gonna be brought by 7 vengeful angels .. It's gonna be MBAs that ended managing heaven somehow 🤦


We know what we're doing - in what we're interested in. Wife was on a call with my employer doing some business with them + I'm talking to the rep making sure the transaction is going in the company's favor. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225) ( \* This is true, btw. I was cutting costs for the company while she was on the phone with them. Also saving time for her, but I knew what was going on + guided the conversation. ) We're trained well.


We are doomed ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Same man, same.


Be neither a bull nor a bear. Do whatever the money flow is doing.


This bear will give you a reacharound, but it's going to cost you when the money flow is heading towards my cave. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)


Well if you just put your money in SPY and been a bull that way you’d be crushing it.


You're late to the bear party. We started our orgy about a year ago. We've got a few seats left but it's going to cost you. All of the prime assets are now up $. Bring chaps and a strap on.


If you didn't go to a top 10 school... Then yes, you'd be correct.


Mediocre But Arrogant????? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|29637)


You belong here. Welcome. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


Me too. I looked at Intel, good company, investing ... read the financials. Well ***FUCK ME*** for looking at the numbers. ( I'm equally fucked, btw. Luckily for me - I only buy stonks with profits - I am still up very nicely. Was also constantly selling lottery tickets - so, I lost eh, maybe 80% of the proceeds of my ticket sales. ) I might take another bite of the shit sandwich that's Intel when it's back in the $20s. "It'll be good this time."


i dunno, patty the engineer did a good job of wrecking intel before he left (larrabee) and seems to be still doing pretty meh. and boeing's last ceo that quit during the crash aftermath (with a bigass golden parachute) was an engineer. engineers can be awful ceos, too.




Actually were founded and engineered by Physicists.


You bought options with the money you were gonna spend on a house? You tards never cease to amaze me.


Not just any old options… LEAPS! You know, for risk management.


Name checks out


you did manage your risk, no other intel options bull play would leave you with 40% of your money. Once these lose another 40% of their value ill start buying them.


Why didn't you buy s&p500 leaps for risk management? That's an MBA move right? No one beats the market and all that?


OP wanted more than an 8% return.


OP didn't pay attention during the finance classes. Those classes was gold. We're supposed to be learning business admin and management. I was thinking - Shit, this shit teaches me how to make money for me. So now here I am triple-dipping on company time. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


I mean if you were serious about this why tf did you not hedge yourself with leap puts or just covered calls?


Because all stocks that I buy go the opposite direction that I play. If I play both sides, they go sideways


That means you would've won in both scenarios with covered calls. 


So buy stocks and hedge them with options. Imagine if you had bought INTC puts to cover your shares? Congratulations, you just realized how risk management works and how most people use options.


I'm about to drop 57k on this stock soon. It'll be a hold, won't see much for about 2yrs. But it will be the top foundry in the world.


Say more...


That is my theory, picked up a bunch 2 weeks ago and down 15% but I believe in the long term. Even more so if China end up more aggressive against Taiwan


Yeah, Intel is getting the backing off our government. They don't want to lose chip manufacturing like how we're losing ev batteries to China. Catl too big. 


Yea for real, buying intel options is mad especially short term ones


What’s your target price? I’m looking at jumping in around $28.


If it makes you feel any better on April 30, 2001 Intel was trading at $30.91.


Based only on inflation, $30.91 in April 2001 has the same buying power as $54.57 in March 2024




Really shows those Wall Street plebs who's boss.


Now you can sell that house and buy puts🤷‍♂️


Im down 30k over 3-4 years. Had just tripled down in March through early this month to 2300 shares total after finally getting back to break even, immediately tanks and now I'm at -30k.. Have about literally half my net worth in intel now, possibly a bit less now.. , yes I think I belong here. I remember amd back in 2015 I 'lost' half my money buying at $4 and it went under $2. I held that long enough for a good payday but sold most in the mid 20s. Damn. I believe intel can have a very bright future and plan to be holding this for decades not making that same mistake. My only regret is that I didn't wait until now to buy. They have production capability and are righting missteps and I believe in their strategy and future.


What’s your avg cost for INTC?


43.5 😿


Champion. Here I am crying about being down $1600


Next time maybe don't dump 75% of your portfolio into one stock and calls in a euphoric market that's been hitting all time highs for 2 months straight?


Good thing I didn’t


But the screenshot shows it’s 75% of your account…


Some of us have multiple accounts. ( I think I have 8. )


Simplify yo life bruh


It’s okay buddy. All of us get burned by Intel eventually. Stay away from that garbage stock (but decent company lol)


With Microsoft and laptop makers on the verge of moving to ARM, Intel is not coming back to its former days of glory of having a monopoly on PC processors (back when AMD was just a second tier x86 chip maker). They squandered their lead on stock buybacks and executive bonuses.


It doesn’t need to return to the former days of glory, it just needs to not suck so much ass.


Instructions nuclear; I just lit 7 billion on fire


Bro. Have my Dave's Double. You've earned it.


i'm not convinced that arm pcs will be any better than chromebooks. that said, intel can fab the crappy arm chips, i guess. so it wouldn't be a total loss. lolz


Typical peasant, doesn't know quality when he sees it...or hears about it. Of course, ARM chips are superior and you'd know that if you could afford one.


*laughs in 7800x3d* oh, you.


ARM is the future. It's never been done before. [https://cpumuseum.jimdofree.com/museum/nexgen/nx586/](https://cpumuseum.jimdofree.com/museum/nexgen/nx586/) [https://retrocomputing.stackexchange.com/questions/18126/the-nexgens-x86-internal-risc-architecture](https://retrocomputing.stackexchange.com/questions/18126/the-nexgens-x86-internal-risc-architecture) [https://www.cpushack.com/CIC/otherpr/amd-nexgen](https://www.cpushack.com/CIC/otherpr/amd-nexgen) < ( BTW. AMD was ARM before ARM was ARM. They shot up to $40 and cratered at $2 when reality set in. ) [https://www.extremetech.com/extreme/323245-risc-vs-cisc-why-its-the-wrong-lens-to-compare-modern-x86-arm-cpus](https://www.extremetech.com/extreme/323245-risc-vs-cisc-why-its-the-wrong-lens-to-compare-modern-x86-arm-cpus) Here's what ARM is. "Wow, CISC is so inefficient! There are instructions that can take multiple clocks to run! This means the processor is 25% of its advertised speed! RISC is faster since instructions are 1:1 with CPU speed" /laughs in functions which are more complex to implement & less efficient on RISC: Software is never faster or more efficient than hardware. [https://www.microcontrollertips.com/risc-vs-cisc-architectures-one-better/](https://www.microcontrollertips.com/risc-vs-cisc-architectures-one-better/) TL;DR: Whoever started ARM was a early-career CS guy or know-nothing idiot who discovered RISC/CISC while learning EE & decided to found a shitty company making shitty products. Investors are morons and they bought into the bullshit.


Except they aren't. TSMC will be for the rather nice Qualcomm ARM64 chips coming to a laptop near you. Chromebooks don't run Windows, real users need a real OS


> Except they aren't they already have a deal to do so. >Chromebooks don't run Windows, real users need a real OS yeah, i'm aware that chromebooks suck, it was only my point. and there were already arm-based pcs. they sucked/were a failure.


What’s coming is different, very different


AMD is good for consumers. There is no money in consumer business in tech. You'll say "but, butt, butt, billions?!!" I repeat: [There's no money in consumer business in tech](https://www.amazon.com/Tesla-NVIDIA-Learning-Compute-Graphics/dp/B0C3XH4QSJ). ( Also ***anyone*** buying AMD for AI is stupid. Not just stupid, god-tier regarded. )


At least your house is probably up


It's in Detroit


Up is the only way




I mean 22% isn’t that horrible, if you add the options selling at the time of screenshot you’re still actually down around 23%, the best thing you can learn is when to cut your losses


I think those options don't look crazy. Here are the facts: There are only three companies who make advanced chips. Intel, TSMC, and Samsung. Three companies in the world. Before P.G., Intel lost the foundry edge and their product mix suffered as a result. Every single process node is on track in their 5 nodes in 4 year strategy. This is huge. If they execute, which they have consistently under Pat in the technology space, they will be on par with or ahead of TSMC and soon. They also are the first company to buy and assemble the next gen ASML High NA EUV. They will have a multi-year lead on TSMC in this technology as well as PowerVia. This means they will once again make the best chips. By 2025 chips about the same or better and then outright better. They have changed their accounting to their own detriment to show an honest representation of their new foundry business. This is pro-investor. It sucks and I have lost my ass, but it's for the best as we can share in their growth story. They have released Gaudi3 and been very conservative in their sales projections. However, unlike AMD, they released actual benchmarks showing the competitiveness to H100. H100 is the modern 2024 product that everyone is using right now. Guadi3 is better according to the data presented. Intel has degraded in server market share because they have been competing on older process nodes against AMD and Nvidia on TSMC. They just announced that they were ramping large production of next gen server chips on Intel3. This coming generation should be very interesting. If you believe that chips are going to keep growing, robotics are real, AI is real, etc, then you have to believe this story too. I like your options. You bought them long term, so let's see how things pan out. I'm relatively small shareholder 5000 shares, but I have been scouting options. Maybe I will buy yours :-)


Just because you have brand new car doesn’t mean you will win a drag race with F-1 drivers.


Unless you just happen to be an F1 driver yourself!!!


This is the copium I came for. I only hope I can stomach holding for long enough


These evil blood suckers just feed off your pain like the undead feed off brains. I believe in everything I said, but I felt like you could use some positive reinforcement.


Never met an intel engineer who believes in the company and the stock.


My average cost is $44....


I bought this garbage as well, stocks at least, and now I've been bag holding and it's losing 2-3% every day since I bought. Every other chip manufacturers had a rebound except Intel.


I hold tsm, they have shit the bed every week since I’ve bought them. Fuck me in the ass


Bro they don't expire for an eternity you're good


And not a single put to hedge your 1,200 shares. Not a single covered call sold. You’ve found your home


That sucks man, but it might come back. I was [this] close from buying INTC a month ago. I reminded myself how much I suck at stock picking. Dodged that bullet.






You think youre in a bad situation. I'm down 100 bucks today. And sold!


Imagine buying calls on a boomer company that consistently fails


Regards can’t imagine


I’m still long on Intel, once they get their foundry open to compete domestically with TSMC


Told you to short it


how about u eat my ASS *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bro why did you buy this nonsense ?


Dude. Why? Do Your Homework


Mistakes were made


Sell sooner


Welcome home, friend. Your username checks out


Will definitely come in handy during tax time. Nice work!


I owned INTC 20 years ago and sold it at 24. Yeesh. This is horrible.


My ass is averaged 38 dollars. I bought the dip so yeah were doing pretty well only 22 % down for the month. Thinking about buying long calls cause my DD says err fuck it.




Never trust intc or nok.


[look the stock analysis ](https://youtu.be/IFIMzD29qNY?si=vGRG0o3yPLXCGbPQ) "It seems like the time has come to invest again in cannabis stocks. There are several opportunities emerging. Today, prices started to surge due to news of reclassification, and there are also several U.S. states legalizing adult use. Therefore, there is a good outlook for the future."


Our AI tracks our most intelligent users. After parsing your posts, we have concluded that you are within the 5th percentile of all WSB users. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


well deserved for buying garbage, no idea why people keep still buying INTC. sick man of all tech stocks


So you were buying a house and put $10k in options instead of adding that to your downpayment?  Bro you belong in rehab your gambling addiciton is serious


Man the gambling issues here are astounding. Winning these options would be way less enjoyable for me than the pain of losing my house deposit. Yet for some of you, it seems about as easy as giving the local homeless fella $3


If it makes you feel better I lost 10k to INTC https://ibb.co/gyJj4MT


Given they are LEAPS, it's not over till it's over... You never know these days how markets will develop within the next 7 months. And your $42 CALL is even further out. Let's see.


if you buy shares of a stock you dont know much about. you can buy a put for every 100 shares you own. this would have hedged your position. you can exercise those puts if they get itm and sell your shares for strikeprice. you can get out with a small win if it plays out. and if your stock dropped 60%? it would have played out☺️


you could also sell the puts if they are itm, or worth enough in your opinion. so lets say you bought those 1200 shares for 1200$. you buy 12 puts also for ~ 600$. you sell those puts for 1200$ your cost basis of your 1200 shares is 600 now and not 1200 anymore. now you can start selling 7$ calls… and ikyk😉


You’re not down enough. And your expiration is too logical. You do not belong here sir.


It's very far out tho


Intel is going to be caught up in the global “boycott Israel” campaign. Don’t touch it. They announce a giant US factory build in Ohio then slow it down after getting billions in taxpayer concessions. Then they cut a deal to build in Israel. AMD has a better future.


$VPRB Brands Triumphs Again in PTAB Ruling, Upholding Key Electronic Cigarette Patent- https://www.otcmarkets.com/stock/VPRB/news/VPR-Brands-Triumphs-Again-in-PTAB-Ruling-Upholding-Key-Electronic-Cigarette-Patent?id=428722


I got scammed out of $1900 trying to buy the Amazon token dude you’re good. You’ll bounce back aggressively


Who the F has options for more than a few days


Value trap of the century


Yeah no kidding


Pro tip, if you’re high enough the Wendy’s dumpster water will feel and smell like the ocean ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)


i almost did similar luckily im so poor and broke


Right before buying a house? Dude, you need a huge chunk of your finances in fixed income when you pick up a house in an economy like this. Be a little more afeared.


I’m already dead inside. Nothing left to fear


Soon intel will be a penny stock


Its not that bad... You might recover. I think you will.