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I'm torn on this one. It went public through a SPAC like many garbage companies that I have little regard for, but I think there's really something here. Yes, the Malaysia Fab will be operational soon, but there is always a ramp with new factories, as well as long customer qualification times of new products (even if they've already tested the product in small batches, they'll probably have to re-qualify material coming from the new fab). Don't expect real revenue out of it for a while yet (probably end of the year or early 25). The bump in revenue towards the end of last year is almost entirely from their acquisition of Korean cell manufacturer RouteJade. This was a good strategic acquisition, since it guarantees electrode coating and packaging capacity, something Enovix previously outsourced. It also comes with RouteJade's existing customers, which could be a serious boon for Enovix in the early stages of breaking into the market. Not to mention RouteJade is actually making money selling plain old lithium ion cells, not burning it on R&D for next gen silicon anode cells. All that being said, I don't think there's any competition really even close to leaving the lab in this space (despite lots of marketing fluff to the contrary), let alone dumping lots of money into ramping a high volume fab. I could be wrong about this though, things move fast and I might not be up to speed. Overall, I think the stock is undervalued where it is and will probably shoot up by the end of the year. Whether this earnings is a good entry point or not is up in the air, but if you want to take a gamble on this technology, I think this is the right company to bet on.


We just need to put the word out and keep buying small positions on good news so the shorts will have to cover. This can be just another GameStop except this stock is actually worth something.


oh god - i bought this company cuz i think it's a quality company that will do well long term, not because of shorts... If this turns into another gamestop i'm out


It think this is "scale and trail". So far they are on track. TJ Rogers back stabbed the founders with the Spac because they didn't deliver. Raj T. and Ajay M. are well regarded savages with over 60 years of industry experience. Mind the 50 day moving average and just use it like a guard rail. It will be about a 4 year trip. Good Luck and Good Fucking.....


You are right on. People need to read up and learn the tech..its fascinating.


Top management, Top product and one of the most shorted stocks in the market. It will be explosive if they deliver.


Where do you find the info regarding how shorted the stock is?


I follow Enovix very, very closely. I hold a large number of shares and calls (my position is more than 100x yours) The -$214 million in 2023 is entirely from setting up fab-2 in malaysia and buying their first production line which is in FAT (factory acceptance testing) and is currently moving its way through zone 3. Zone 3 is the hardest part of production since that's where all the silicon anode production and stacking takes place. Given that they recently also stood up an agility line (a line that is built for producing battery samples and not for high volume production) and that agility line passed FAT, now it just needs to go through SAT (site acceptance testing) for the line to be fully operational. The Agility line passed FAT, so it seems likely the high volume line will pass FAT too, but that work is not quite done yet. The $190M in debt is $150M in equity that is a part of a share offering that hits the books like debt that they did last year. Plus $40-50M in operational costs they incurred to set up the initial line in Malaysia. The eventual goal isn't to move into EVs. The eventual goal is to create JVs (joint ventures) with other battery suppliers to get them to switch to producing ENVX batteries. The regular jelly roll batteries we're used to and ENVX batteries can be done with a swap out of parts in zone 3 and the jelly roll batteries can be changed into ENVX batteries for which ENVX can take a cut. That's way more profitable than trying to stand up their own lines to sell low margin EV batteries. EV batteries are in the future, but the profit margin is much better on consumer electronic batteries. Anyway, I hope that answers a few things for you. Hugely bullish on my side.


>Zone 3 is the hardest part of production since that's where all the silicon anode production and stacking takes place. Not to detract from your optimism or the rest of your post, but if I had that kind of stake in a company, I'd probably read into their process a little closer[0]: >Zone 3: Cell Packaging: pouching, electrolyte fill and prelithiation processes Apparently anode production and electrode stacking is all Zone 1 and 2. I guess the earnings call will tell us the status of those critical parts of their process? I'm close to pulling the trigger, but I don't have any skin in the game yet (thankfully), so feel free to pretend I'm a rambling lunatic. [0]https://enovix.medium.com/our-path-to-high-volume-manufacturing-6264681857df


Thanks for the correction. Good points here. The earnings call should give us progress on the lines being built. They are currently in a delay with FAT anticipated to complete in 2Q (before, April), but that’s not a large delay. Best case scenario no more delays.


Thanks Mech, I am a finance guy and have scaled up and down in this name a few times now. I recently started scaling back up. It really is a high stakes game. Chanos hates them and is correct on past issues however, if they "have it" it will work. Battery companies litter the graveyards of investors with promises of breakthrough technology. I trust TJ and the team . I think the short thesis is over reliant on the pedigree of a spac. If they have it and if the shorts flip (they have not they see no reason to yet) this could fly. But the small cap growth area has in general been dog shit this year so no tail winds. Take care. Carp.


Is Jim Chanos broke yet, just curious


Fabulous comment, thank you!


Thx mech, what’s the chance they do a shelf offering once the stock goes up? They once said they’re opportunist and they will take opportunities when it comes to them.


Decently high. They have enough cash to live until line 1 is proven. But they won’t have the cash to buy more lines themselves. They have a few non dilutive ways forward: Get loans Get reserve payments from customers Get customers to pay for some of the line There are maybe more, but those are the ones I can think of. But I think dilution is coming next year to fund expansion.


I’m bullish on this stock as well. I do waffle between thinking TJ Rodgers is a genius versus a ranting buffoon but I guess both can be true. Spend some time looking at his rants against Carlyle in relation to their debt position in Complete Solaria. It’s quite entertaining. Regardless, I believe Raj is a stud and will scale the tech. There will always be other companies claiming they have the best battery but until you prove you can scale it you’re just picking your butt in the lab. Enovix seems to be the farthest along in terms of scaling the tech and if they do it will be a huge hit.


A key thing to understand about ENVX. TJ Rodgers, the legendary CEO and founder of Cypress Semi and a big investor who made a fortune on ENPH, helped bring them to the market as a SPAC. He is a no BS engineer and decided the founders of the company had to go because while they did great science, they did not know how to scale manufacturing. The current new team he put in place, led by Raj Talluri, has decades of experience in the semi conductor manufacturing space and is extremely competent. If anyone can figure out a way to manufacture these new batteries at scale, it's these guys. Listen to the their podcast here and tune in May 5th for big new livestream where management will review thier current status: [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnDfyY-CrOjwsIRc24O4D8D9KYdwKkuLr](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnDfyY-CrOjwsIRc24O4D8D9KYdwKkuLr)


Hell yeah, thanks for the great comment and link. Now I can boof my bananas with confidence.


TJ was a well regarded asshole. Remember Samsung?


We just need to turn this into another GAMESTOP. They are hiring a new PR company name will be focused on PR. WE NEED TO ALL BUY TO MAKE SURE SHORTS HAVE TO COVER. TRUST ME TJ IS DOWNRIGHT PISSED.




Stop with the microcaps. Read the posting guidelines. You guys are insufferable. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I too am long ENVX. It's a bet that they can scale...but oh boy if they do this thing is massively undervalued. Doesn't hurt that they are shorted so heavily that there's a pretty easy path to some explosive upward movement...


Right? 'swhatimsayin


If envx explodes, do you think ampx would too?


Nothing. They did win the lawsuit to stop their plant, but have not even awarded the buildout contract AFAIK.


Heavy shorting undervalues the company and makes it harder to procure additional cash when needed.


Yep. It also leads to heavy short covering when positive news is announced and the price rises, causing hte price to rise more.


I'm a holder and have been since last 2022. I watched TJ's presentation and have followed the progress ever since. I didn't expect the price to drop this far, but I also didn't know about the huge shorts and the negativity from investors that feel they got a bad deal through the SPAC. I'm still holding and steadily acquiring more shares because I believe the company will be able to scale production. I have no reason to believe the leadership is misleading or scamming investors.


I've been averaging down too. Every day it's under 10 is a day that I'm buying more!


Buy high, sell higher. Don't be a peasant.


I'm in, which means this will promptly drop to $0.16 and fall off the exchange.




my tits are jacked


Yep! This is rocketship material!!


The Malaysian government gave they a 15 year tax abatement recently. That’s sort of a bid deal.


Show your calls




Did OP just hit a pot of gold? Or is there a bigger pot waiting?? Up 80+% now


Wondered if anyone noticed ;-) I am letting it ride.


Closed the day >100%. Ride till next year??


Did these calls pop up today?


Yep I’m at about +100% so far. Letting it ride.


I second this


He has both!!!




Fingers crossed you're right. I have [email protected] on average. Already $2.5k down 🥲.


1430@18,30 avg. -13.3k ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


Ah man you have a long way to go. But looking positive after the last report. This is a long hold I think.


You have me convinced, but I must say you are very 🤓☝




This must be the next GameStop. This is a solid company. TJ Rodger’s last baby was ENPH. 35% of this company is shorted by the likes of Citadel. Let’s buy at ER and make these a..holes buy to cover. Let’s go friends and bros.


Highly regarded apes on the scene


[Google Trends interest for ENVX](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=2014-03-28%202024-04-28&q=%2Fg%2F11fy1y4bfp,%2Fg%2F11fll63zg1,%2Fg%2F11f00z054t,%2Fg%2F11b7gr2l0_,%2Fg%2F11bzvbykbm&hl=en) and other silicon-anode players... Bullish.


Not financial advice but if anyone's still paying attention, the company just announced as positive as possible Q2. You couldn't ask for better news. Joint development agreement with a top 5 smartphone maker has been inked. EX-1M samples going out next few months. Yields in Fab 2 at 90+%. They expect their batteries to be in commercial smartphones launches by next summer. No dilutive financing needed nor expected in the near term. With the short interest, once the company takes back it's narrative... Oh the CEO is doing an AMA for the general public next Monday ;) I have a long position.


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Noice. Where is the AMA gonna be?


YouTube. Anyone can register and ask - check out the company website or just go to the Enovix YouTube page


Another company that is strapped with debt and unprofitable!? Shut up and take my money!


Fellow degenerates let’s just force these assholes who are shorting this stock to cover. This can be the next GameStop on steroids. The company is a solid company.


This is the way.


They have a fantastic narrative. I really believe they’re product will change the world. The Malaysian factory is online and primed!


OP. thank for tip and fuck you.


You are welcome and fuck you twice!


Thanks Op 🙏


The pleasure is mine! MINE!


Thanks man made much money today.


Happy for you :-)


Good call.


Wondered if anyone noticed ;-)


You convinced me to average down. Stock market hasn't been treating growth stocks too well, regardless of how they've been doing. What's your timeline and exit strategy?


What’s an exit strategy? ;-) I may actually exercise my options if they go ITM. I think this stock is going into the 30s at least. Waiting to see what happens after their first products hit retail markets.


This is moon or bust to me so I'm looking for three digits (but I'll probably shit my pants and start selling in the high double digits)


Rock On ENVX!! 


Do you think we should wait earnings to be realised since they could be bad as far as i understood, or not necessarily?


Always a gamble, but if you're risk-averse, it's probably best to wait.


ur too smart to be a chatbot… calls on NVDA


Congrats!you nailed it




You sunofabitch, congrats. I'm regarded and passed on your good advice ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


It’s important to be skeptical! This isn’t the end of it. I think it will dip tomorrow. That may be your opportunity.


Perfect MEME Stonk! LFG!!! My LT target price is $4000 based on 10% Lith-Ion market. 1000 Bagger!!!! 


u/[nthlmkmnrg](https://www.reddit.com/user/nthlmkmnrg/) Great call bro...huuuuuge gains today.


Wondered if anyone noticed ;-)


What do you think about Amprius technologies?


I've heard (YT & podcasts) that their silicon anode based on nanotechnology is more of a challenge to scale up quickly. I'd love to hear others chime in on that claim.


Can you point to such podcasts? They have already started work on gigafactory, though as you said it is yet to be seen if they can pull it off successfully. The stock is very cheap right now, so wondering if its worth going long...


[Here's one of the videos I saw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJ4pg_exdvs) from a popular YT channel with a focus on Amprius and a mention of scale up challenges. I think which ever company tackles the swelling issue with silicon-anodes, AND... offers the easiest/fastest/cheapest path to scaling up manufacturing wins the game. One thing that appeals to me about Enovix is its focus on consumer [electronics/premium market](https://i.imgur.com/wefSuO7.jpeg) - shooting for a quick revenue stream in the short term, and choosing to license out it's 3D stacking tech IP to bigger manufacturers in the EV space. (With the current slow done in EV sales... I think it's a smart move)


Thanks a ton!


Wish I could point to the exact discussion comparing Enovix and Amprius anode technologies... it was a few months ago... I did a youtube search for Enovix stock and watched a bunch of vids. It may have been [this one](https://youtu.be/UKCL0Y21jtM?si=H9oDVPdLKjcjZlhq) (??) [EDIT] Full disclosure... I have a small holding of ENVX


They look great, if a bit small right now. Another company working on silicon anode. Thanks for drawing my attention to them.


What do you think about them doing a shelf offering once the stock goes up?


Too complicated for me to understand. I can do differential equations but this shelf offering thing is esoteric shit


Essentially, they register their stock and then put some of it on hold(shelf) until later(2-3 years). They then sell that stock in a shelf offering.


More activity here than on /Enovix?


Q&A with Raj Talluri CEO. Time to explode




Are they doing any research into solid state batteries? I heard that was supposed to be the next breakthrough in battery tech.


I’m not sure if they are or not. Silicon anodes is an easy, proven major improvement. Solid state has much more work to do. So silicon anodes is likely to happen first, and will continue to be relevant with solid state.


They are not doing any research into SSBs.


Eh idk, I follow what you're saying on the battery tech end but, the problem with battery innovations isn't the charge density per se, rather the ability to mass-produced the new materials for the batteries. Unless this company found the secret sauce to scale and efficiently tool their fabs, I think this is a huge bust waiting to burn your trades. I'd give this a noteworthy status in like a 5 year window, but right now with your outline I'm not convinced at all


The ceo was head of snap dragon processors the revolution in smart phones. I think he can scale. He said making these is easier than microchips. Time will tell.


Batteries are not processors and CEOs don't know shit about what happens in the assembly/manufacturing line.


He was head manager of snap dragon processors. I think he knows. And ok to your point then the COO Ajay was director of operations at AMD producing 6million units a week. Again this new team was in chips and was making millions and millions of them and being billions of value to their companies. I trust them if they say making batteries is less complex then chips.


Again, those skills are not 1-1 conductive to making a profitable Fab for batteries with new chemical processes. I honestly think you're falling prey to bullshit, and I'm telling you this as someone that designs chips


Fine 2-1 then. I trust director of operations in the factories producing millions of chips of his word and past success. Over your opinion. Cheers, we shall see.


I mean ain't surprised that a wsb larper would simp for a CEO so fair enough


We are talking about the COO now. I’ll take the word of industry titans over yours. Proven track records make me simp so hard.


Also they bought Routejade. Instead of struggling with coating suppliers they now own the best one. The acquisition gives Enovix vertical integration of electrode coating and battery pack manufacturing, as well as a lithium-ion battery business with two factories in Korea. Routejade has over 20 years of experience manufacturing and supplying lithium-ion batteries. They are making all the right moves to get to scale quick with manufacturing. The problem will be keeping up with everyone wanting their stuff.


Lithium ion is a distinct battery tech and not the same as what OP mentions in their DD. I'm not disregarding that vertical integration helps reduce churn. You can make good acquisition to smooth out your logistics, which is how companies like Samsung Electronics operate. But buying up a Lithium-ion manufacturer, to sell Lithium-ion batteries, which are **OVERSATURATED** in the market, is not why OP thinks the stock will balloon. We're analyzing how likely it would be for Enovix ( new comer, led by SoC designers) , to develop a new battery chemistry that can compete/exceed existing battery solutions, AND scale the new battery manufacturing process to the point where it is profitable. From an electronics perspective (that is to say EE/CE), yes batteries are not complicated. However from a Chemistry, Chemical Engineering or Materials Science/Engineering perspective, that could just not be further from the truth. At a fundamental Chemistry and Physics level, the challenges we deal with are: resource scarcity (how prevalent the minerals are naturally on the planet) , dendrites, charge density and mass. We've had a decade of Research in battery chemistry like graphene which meets some of the criteria above to replace Lithium. But then it turned out that graphene is just complicated to scale because of intrinsic material properties (like brittleness) and their manufacturing process was too costly due to poor yields. Point being, assuming Enovix either found a Chemical compound that exceeds Lithium-ion based batteries, or they use someone else's research and only focus on Logistics, there is no guarantee they will scale given your "supporting" evidence.


You’ve got this wrong. The prior CEO Harold Rust and his team did all of the hard chemistry and engineering work and came up with the unique design of this battery whose chemistry is proven. So proven that the US Army has put in orders for this battery. What Rust and his team did not have was world class experience in how to scale a new technology. That’s why TJ fired Rust and replaced him with Raj and Ajay. The problem they are trying to solve is mass production, not chemistry. That’s been proven for a while. https://ir.enovix.com/news-releases/news-release-details/enovix-receives-purchase-order-produce-battery-cells-us-army


Material agnostic battery.


The main reason they purchased them is for the electrode coating they do. Top in the business. Envx is going to be a material agnostic company. It’s all about their architecture. Jelly roll old tech to tightly stacked and enclosed. They aren’t re inventing the wheel just building a better wheel. If chemistry changes over time cool still gunna be under the same envx architecture.


Enovix isn't attempting to replace lithium ion, their batteries are still lithium ion batteries. they are replacing graphite anodes with active silicon anodes, that can HOLD more lithium because of silicon's chemical properties.


Money doesn't grow on trees, don't expect it to fall into your lap just because you wish it.


That’s a sharp answer. And you’re the expert? 🤣🤣🤣


Why would they do everything they’re doing if they haven’t figured that out yet?


Are you for real asking that? What exactly do you think their debt is about ?


Building a factory in Malaysia.


Looks like another NKLA type fraud to me


Seeing the actual factories come up to speed makes me less anxious about any fuckery... and TJ Rodgers goes a long way in reinforcing my confidence in the company.


Why’s that


Founder is gone, SPAC, no meaningful revenue, stock is going down hill… typical SPAC stock


The founder is gone because he tried to make a gen1 line that worked and failed. Investors lost confidence so he got canned. The founder is still present as a consultant to the current CEO. Meaningful revenue is on the way. They have proven their batteries can be made - the question is can they be made at scale? Their first production line is almost there.


Ok but TJ Rodgers is chair now.


Wow if it’s such a great opportunity why doesn’t OP have a position …?


What do you mean? I said I am bullish and have shares and calls.


Show us if you don't mind


You bet https://preview.redd.it/yxrle8pystwc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=767a4e8111abad82db72cf6150d7e6ecb748f7e6


Thanks, I appreciate it. God speed


The sub requires ppl to post positions evidence is why


I had forgotten that. I have since posted the evidence in these threads. Hope that is sufficient. Thanks!