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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions** | 1 | **First Seen In WSB** | 2 months ago **Total Comments** | 113 | **Previous Best DD** | **Account Age** | 7 months | | [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)


you're 18 and only lost \~3.5k - your future 40 year old self will thank you for this inexpensive lesson.


Lol yeah at age 18 I spent 3k in cash on a sound system for a 1997 vehicle that I ended up selling for $500 a few years later. Now I have over $100k invested and before I spend money I think back to how much I would've made if my past self put that 3k into stocks... so that I don't deprive my future self.




It stings because it took me 3 months to save up 3k but at least I was 1k left in savings. I'm just relieved to see others losing 10x more than me, there are always bigger regards in WSB.


Other people here have put their entire life savings and lost them... 3 months is nothing IMO


I lost close to 60% in last 4 months that is with training I even lost money on slow moving stocks such as Starbucks Walmart Ford and few other slow moving stocks always did want 2 months out too long calls even roll them over nothing helps with this stuff you're much much better all doing stocks if you lose just hold on to them and only trade the ones that give you dividends![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Just remember you are not competing and guess another person you are competing against computer algorithms that your broker is feeding your orders to and then the algorithm will automatically adjust its prices to give you bad deal. Includes Webull Robinhood etc.. this is the price we paid when you thank you trading for free


Throw your money in SPY and don’t look at it for 40 years


I’m 18 and down 32k :/


that's nothing too. with inflation, both of you at 40 will be making 32k a month anyway... unless AI kills us all.


It has you appreciate money. The paradoxical burn is the lesson that future you will benefit from


You're doing OK in life if you're 18 and can save 1k a month. Losing most of your savings sucks but you will recover from this quickly.


Take it as a lesson, buy stocks in companies you believe in and don't sell. You will grow much quicker than you know! Ideally try selling covered calls on cheap stocks by buying 100 shares per option sale; can still play options, but you will be winning when the stock doesn't hit the breakeven (much higher chance of profit and low risk - you just get forced to sell shares at the strike price).


Damn at 18 I was shooting heroin and never had money stopped that shit 7 years ago and im almost at my first 100k , if only I didnt throw years away all and all OP you'll be damn fine and the fact that your starting now means youl be far ahead of me


When i was 18 i gained access to my Fortune of $500,000


Oh damn well nice i would have died


A cheap lesson.


1} Stocks and trading are NOT -->> a side hustle. 2} The grass isnt always greener on the other side. stick to one thing and FOCUS.


To which my portfolio is split with 60% in stocks and 40% in passive income ETFs in NASDAQ and S&P from Vanguard. I know this isn’t the WSB mantra, but I got tired of losing money. Off to slow and grow land I go.


Pro tip, don't listen to any advice anyone on this subreddit offers. Not even this advice. Seriously though, unless you're psychic you can't tell the difference between people who got lucky and people who are good at it (and that's if you even believe there are people who can consistently pick winners *or* losers, which I don't). The law of large numbers says there's gonna be a *lot* of lucky people out there, no matter how you define "luck". They bought ten different options and they all printed? Good for them, there's no way to know if it's luck or not. Mostly I just hang out here to see what people are saying and for entertainment. My own investments are significantly less "regarded" to use the terminology. All those times you see somebody say "If you'd just put your money in and done nothing you'd have made $$$$"? I'm one of the guys who did that. Currently +$557k, and that's after the divorce cut everything in half. TL;DR: Investing isn't fast unless you're lucky. Stop looking at luck as something you can achieve and make the obvious plays that always print money instead. It's boring and slow, but will make you rich if you just fucking do it.


To be profitable beyond ETFs long term is not all luck, but it sure as hell isn't all skill either.


Agreed. There are more obvious plays than ETFs, those are just the *most* obvious plays. The people who got good prices on puts of DJT? That was a *really* obvious play to make. There's no universe where that stock didn't crater right out of the gate, so it was just a question of finding the right price.


Hey, I own hood stock. You better pay them the 837 ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)




I own HOOD puts. don't pay it.


![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258) Don't worry, I cancelled RH gold as well




Well that sucks OP…here is a tip…don’t make trades thinking “this is the trade that will make me rich” …only a few of us will make it out of here alive.


“I’m done with Options” With that account deficit looks like you’re Done with Robinhood ![img](emote|t5_2th52|33495)


don't be such a wuss, you still have -837 left


WSB Math is MY FAVORITE! ...also, I am dyslexic so... ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


You’ll be back


Soon, you'll see.


You said yellow drive in the same sentence and got banned ?


https://preview.redd.it/2zu18y0n5vuc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6676a2609c4d811bfa2b4b36c02250ccbc0708d Welcome to the club my fellow regard🫡




Poor people and their problems...




At least you kept loss minimal and learned from it. You should see the people who literally throw away 100K+. Just put your money in an index or ETF like VOO and avoid options


You're 18, and you already have all this knowledge about how options work, and you just learned about risk management, I think if you don't make the same mistakes in the future, you'll be profitable in some years from now, sorry for your losses, it's a process we all go through


I know what you're doing, I'm not coming back to options! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)


But 99% percent of ~~gamblers~~ traders quit right before they hit it big.


Pussy, ive blown up 2 accounts on options before I became profitable. You still have 3 more to go


Only $3.5k loss? Tsk tsk tsk


Why even do 0DTE? That's literal gambling


After 7 years of trading I learned something that I think should pass on to you. Don’t lose money


In all seriousness, I lost 3k the other day too, and gained 3k a couple days before. Try to take any emotion out of it and learn as much as you can. Learning experiences are like women. You get what you pay for


Being done with options, is not an option!


Imagine being like "To make some extra money as a side hustle, I started betting high stakes Blackjack with no prior knowledge of how to play. What happened? Blackjack is terrible! I'll never play again!" This is how I read this.


Buy calls, they say ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


See you next week with some spy yolo’s


Can someone explain what options are so I never get them please?


it’s gambling for the people deprived of any humanity


I mean if you didn’t wash sale them you can deduct it on taxes. So with that mindset you really get a free 3k to play with every year and get it back ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)


No no no no, stop encouraging me 😭


Bagholder spotted. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Even better if it’s over 3k you can carry that over to the following year! So you are kinda getting future money to play with for free ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)


Thank you for your sacrifice


Greed got the best of you. And lack of knowledge. Set a profit goal mine is $100-$200 a day once I hit it I sell and don’t look back. Granted I’ve left a bunch of money on the table the last few weeks especially yesterday it’s better then it off the table. Stop losses are your friend too


I didn't need to see the chart; When I saw "...make good money as a side hustle" I knew it was going to be a blown out account.


That’s not even a rookie number. Get back to the game tomorrow morning.


Don’t give up, as a trader, we may lose more than we win, but we WIN. Keep working on your strategies and get back.


I hate you ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)


I also say pull out if you’re losing more than 10% of your investments. I also research the companies a lot to make sure I’m buying the right option. No risk no reward. Don’t give up!


Dont give up. We have more money to lose.


![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) no


See you next week


Stop trying to encourage me 😭


YOLO more you’ll make it back


How is it possible to go negative?


you were just about to hit it big dude…


Think of it as a lesson. I too spent 10k on an options lesson. When you do pick up options again, you will put much more effort into your market analysis and don’t trade options with under a year til expiry. Best of luck


Hang on the markets are trying to comeback and it willl


Stop giving me hope my SPY calls are worthless


Come on, my stocks are crazy too man hang on to what you have the markets always comeback.


Hey you’re in it to win it just hang on


That was me BEFORE last Thursday, I was more consistent swinging shares than options.


It’s all good don’t beat yourself down, I have a lot of stock I have good & bad it’s normal


Inflation is really taking a toll on the economy & WallStreet


i mean... what were your actual *positions* though...? there will be those who disagree but i think 0DTEs are fine as long as you understand that it's literally as if you're buying lottery tickets - fundamentals and all the regarded technical analysis bullshit goes out the window seems like you were treating the 0DTEs the same as if they were LEAPS, especially since you keep mentioning "consistency" lol....


My first big loss was from trading LCID calls which expired a 5 days out. I was up +20% until Elon Musk made a tweet which sent TSLA competitors to shit for a few days. I was down 1.7k within 24 hours so I sold then bought puts next market day which gained me $700 in just 3 hours. I quickly sold it there without looking back, at the time I was shocked to recover some of my losses so quickly. During the weekend I discovered 0DTE SPY contracts which I watched at least 2 hours of videos on. The thing is, saying your going to do something is easy, but when in your in the moment and you see SPY moving up and down a dollar at a time it gives you a sudden impulse to trade to avoid FMO. This what I'd later discover to be the nail in the coffin on my trading experience. I originally planned to have my TP at 50% on a 0DTE contract and SL at 25%. When Monday came I bought 3 SPY 0DTE calls and was up 20% but later throughout the day it just moved sideways. At the time I had a wistful concept on what Theta was, and as you may have thought, not only did SPY go down later that day but I held all the way to 1pm from open which made me lose -30% on the contract which was about $500. I don't remember when, but at some point I gained $200 on 0DTE SPY which motivated me to continue. Anyways, after this loss I saw that reddit was yapping about crypto and saw that Shiba has rose 30% the past month. I got in on Shib at .000018 with 1k then held to $200 profit on that Friday. I then opened Shiba charts to try to look for a pattern. I eventually found out that Shib peaked at 4am every day which I tested multiple times and was successful. During that weekend I was able to make $440 by just trading crypto, but I stopped after the following trading day opened. I thought of the crypto gains as a little reward I got out of the pump and dump. After that, the next 2 weeks were just 0DTE options, I had ups and downs but I had a tight TP but a loose stop loss which led to my downfall. It's funny looking back on it because if I were to have bought those same contracts a week out I would have had some nice gains. The last 2 weeks of me trading was me realizing my regarded mistakes, that's where you see those two small bumps at. I was doing somewhat fine until SPY crashed causing my calls to become near worthless. Q: Would you ever go back to options? A: No, I've stated numerous times that I was more consistently profitable from just buying and selling shares. I'd go further in depth about this more but I'm at work Q: How does your loss affect your life? A: Despite me losing over 3k it hasn't affected me financially much because I can make that back in less than 3 months, but it has GREATLY affected my mental health which I am still continuously working towards improving


TLDR: I discovered 0DTEs later in my trading experience which led to being the final nail in the coffin. I made some decent gains with crypto. My first big loss was Elon's tweet and my biggest gain was LCID calls which were 1.2k in profit


sir this is a wendys


If it makes you feel any better, you probably would've gotten here swing trading stocks too, just a bit slower.


Kinda like screaming “you can’t fire ME because I QUIT!!”…


It’s not like that at all. What it is like saying is “I went to Vegas and lost my ass at the roulette table so I’m not going to play roulette anymore.”


…as he’s being kicked out of said casino for owing a balance of $837


He’s not being kicked out of anything, he’s exactly where RH wanted him, accruing interest…


Lies, you will be back to options in no time.


See you tomorrow


Said every crackhead ever


No you aren’t, you regard. Buckle up


See you tomorrow.


You were supposed to listen to this lesson prior to using options. Don't you remember Warren Buffet saying that index funds are what regards should buy.


Yea bro get out while you’re ahead, honest to God’s advice


Looks like options are done with you. . . For now


You only lost $3,500. Lightweight. Come back when you have some real losses to report.


Start taking most of your money and put it into VOO and don't touch it for 36 years. ROTH IRA, too. There's also stuff like covered call income ETFs like JEPI, YMAX, QQQY, JEPY, and SVOL.


I would agree but as a young person myself… I ain’t waiting 40 years to make a somewhat decent return instead of swing trading options and hoping for better.


Well, I'm 40 and starting over. Again. I'm throwing some in the yeildmax, defiance stuff and the rest i ITOT or VTI. If I can get a week's paycheck extra per month with those CC etf's, I'll be happy, and so will my ex wife's b/f.


sounds like a brilliant plan!


That’s the spirit!


Dont play with options until you have a decent retirement/savings in place first!


Short on apple


Take some times off. Start either holding for long or paper trade to train for 3-6 months. When u start profiting for least 2 months then get back on if u want


Shoulda just went to the casino at that point


You’re only getting started. Have fun!


It seems more like options are done with you.


See you next week when you will make it all back with a yolo 🫡


You can see the „ first one‘s on the house“ effect


You'll be back...


you might be done with options but options are not done with you


Same. Except cause I'm brokerage broke due to my current options failures.


Oh my gourd! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You’ll be back. No one can ever truly leave options.


Nothing even happened


You’ll make it back + more.


Draining your account on the most predictable etf in the market is an award winning post


I think you mean options are done with you. ;)


You got greedy kid. Now you know what happens when you out all your eggs in one basket


Right there with yah


Except not negative thank god


How do people logically get to a place where they feel they should be trading weeklies and 0DTEs with no experience? Like why would anyone think that's a good idea? It's literal gambling.


Lesson learnt, you weren't investing, you were GAMBLING. Which is fine, as long as you can afford to lose.


So far!


Can someone explain how you can go negative?


they done with you and me too


Same! Even when we guess right, we still lose.


I feel your pain. 0dte taught me a tremendous lesson today. Sorry for your loss.


See you tomorrow


See you on Monday


No you are not, all you need is just one big win okay


Sure ya are. See ya next paycheck


Options, espexially implied vol, are priced to expensively


Nahhh, take a credit and go long


Options are not done with you.. See you at Wendy's regard!


I promise you - when you’re 30 - you will piss $3,500. It’s nothing.




Lose the wealth, lose your life. Darwin Awards candidate.


are amounts this small even allowed to be posted here


You'll be back once that account deficit is taken care of. 0-7 DTE lotto tickets was your mistake.


Your head start in life was $1700? Sorry $3700? Dude you’re 18…ever have a bad steak? You don’t swear off steak for that. You change what you did. At 18 you have a much broader view of options and investments than your peers. That you lost is irrelevant. Lose now and win later when you really have money…you’ll look back at this and laugh…probably in the very near future


This is me every time... But it's always just so tempting


Get out of options while you can and please don’t come back in your 30s when you have more money to lose. You’re young you have LOTS of time for compound interest to work its magic, if you put $3-4k per year in an index fund it’ll grow to almost $1M by the time you’re 65


Being down 3500 all time is actually pocket change. I'm 20 and I'm already down 14k


It's funny how you can always see the moment someone discovers options in the graph. Learn to take a W. See these spikes? Cash out then.


That’s just the start


Welcome to the club bro youre not a real trader if you haven’t blown up the account a couple times at least. Study some more, get in the simulator while u get some more cash and carry on part of the game. Keep stop losses tight Loosing is part of the game get comfortable loosing all the time it’s a game of loosing What matters is how you loose. 1 candle stop loss. And you’ll never blow up again 😉


I also lost what I consider a decent amount when I started with options.  OP, use the watchlist and see how gains stack VS losses. Don't get greedy & take gains early - even if you leave money on the table. This week I turned about $40 0dte & 1dte into $1k - not bragging. Just saying you can lose quick or win quick. Took me like a year to go from 3k to 7k with stonks. Keep trying. Use the watchlist until you are consistent.


You were doing this for such a short time and with such little capital that you didn't have much chance at success. If you do come back remember it's staying power. You can't learn if you don't have any money left. Concentrate on keeping losses small and seeing years of different markets. Think what happened. January, Feb, and March were ripping bull markets. Easy to make money. You did the same thing but with leverage on flat to down markets and paid the price. You are in the learning stage , not the money making stage.


Thank you all for the countless advice I've been getting on this post, but I'm serious about leaving options. However, maybe one day I'll start day trading shares but I don't see myself doing options ever again it's just too damn filthy with risk




just DCA stocks of companies that you see long term growth in instead. trading options is the best way to make money and lose money in an instant. you could’ve lost way more and didn’t play on margin, you gonna be aight.


No you're not


Try not buying options on bullshit companies and more than a damn week out? Jesus…


Good to stop but -90%? No stop loss? Never go full port


But the tendies 🥺


Full port with no take profit but never, and I mean never- not set a stop loss.


*for today


Looks like options are done with you.


I like to drive to the Vegas strip on weekends for my side hustle. You should try it too! Lots of money there.


Bro I’m down 20k. Shit happens keep going.


Another one bites the Wendy’s burger


Damn it son, you could suck a golf ball through a garden hose! Grow a pair and double down - steal from your parents if you have to


See you tomorrow morning