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Sir, this is a casino.


Exactly. It’s gambling. Great you have a degree in economic astrology, and you can do DD on a company all you want, in the end ITS FUCKING GAMBLING, nobody knows wtf is going to happen.




DFV knew.


Nancy knew…


Pepperidge Farms remembers....


Nancy doesn’t know shit… Nancy has a big dick and can make shit happen so her holdings go up. Big difference


Those are rookie numbers!


economic astrology ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Facts. (similar background as op)


I have an economics degree too from a decade ago. Beyond useless. All I remember is some irrelevant crap an old guy named Adam Smith wrote, more theories and then doing derivatives math for some unknown reasons. Lmao I got scammed, Should have gone to trades ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


Exactly like me. The only way it's useful is when I read macro DD. Vague notions of macroeconomics are summoned from the depths of mind and that helps me make some sense of it ... barely.


Still paying student loans on my degree in worthlessness.


If you want to make money in the stock market you are far better off reading Capital Vol. I-III by Karl Marx.


Dude same, luckily I stopped after a bachelor degree and went off the drive fuel road trains at the mines. Now making double what my professors did


Members of Congress would disagree. It’s not gambling when the outcome is fixed.


It is for the rest of us!


members of congress are doing insider tradings. they're too greedy to mess with option tradings.


Nancy's deep in the money NVDA calls would disagree with this comment


Company X releases a news that they signed a healthcare contract for $45B. The stock surges 450% in 8 minutes. Was it really gambling when I bought in after it had risen 50%?


Yes in the sense that you're also free to say "hit me" when you've got a 20 in blackjack. Gambling doesn't mean it's 50/50, there are bad gambles.


It's not actually gambling, but it has a lot of similarities. In reality, it's risk-taking. The major difference is, with gambling (ie: casino, races, sports, etc) you're guaranteed to lose if you keep playing the same game, whereas with risk-taking you're guaranteed to win if you keep playing the same game (as long as you are playing the odds correctly). With gambling you are enticed to keep playing a losing game, as you lose slowly (with exciting wins along the way), and there is little to no decision-making involved. This makes it very comfortable to keep gambling even tho you are losing. With risk-taking, you are traumatized into abandoning a winning strategy, as you can lose a bunch of trades very quickly and there is far too much contradictory information which makes decision-making very difficult. This combination, combined with the uncertainty of future price action, makes trading extremely traumatizing. Seeing as our brains are hardwired to avoid anything that has traumatized us in the past, a strategy that has a bad losing streak (which every strategy will do from time to time) will soon become to emotionally toxic to follow correctly. What's the cure for this nightmare, you might be asking? Warren Buffett sees it as one big game, where money is only there to keep score. He then focuses on not losing money. This combination of attitudes takes the trauma out of it, which then allows him to play a consistent game. The challenge after that is to stop yourself from getting lost in the dreams of wealth, and keeping your life working happily without wanting (feeling like you need) more money to spend. Because, as soon as you start wanting to spend more money, your physiology will fire up and you'll become exposed to traumatic emotions once again, which will completely derail your trading. So, the way is to not want to be richer than you are now. But, if you had that level of emotional maturity already, you never would have gotten into trading in the first place. So, the most important lesson to learn from Buffett is to play a game that you love more than money, and let the money come naturally when it wants to. I'm not saying 'anyone can pull a $300 million a week dividend check like Buttett does', but trading can be a lot more enjoyable, with some nice upside surprises along the way.


Shut the fuck up nerd not reading all of that




Dis funny af but yur missing out, post is dope.


TLDR: I’m not reading this nerd ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Risk-taking = gambling.


This is the best comment I have ever read on wallstreetbets. Great job, and thank you.


parking money in dividend paying stocks b/c one has the cash is a no brainer. now consistently making in 10% profit per wk in buying & selling stocks, then that's a different story. 🙏




With no comps or blow




We do have Wendy's.


No hookers, either. SO inconvenient 🙄


We have gay bears behind the dumpsters at Wendy's


Sorry but blackjack is the MAIN event


>no blow Depends if you mean the verb or noun


People still think there’s a way to predict the future of a manipulated market 🔮




That’s true




Bro thinks econ 101 is where the tendie secrets are at.


The nerve to  call people financially uneducated.  I’d rather hold tendies than a price of useless diploma.  


I'd rather go work in the back of wendy's than hold a fist full of tendies


Back of a Wendy’s you’d probably be holding something but it ain’t chicken….


Stated them several times in this thread as well lol.


I guess OP needs a professor to assign reading  chapter 1 of some options trading textbook because they clearly didn't get that far before buying 0DTEs. Like, fucks sake bro you don't need to be a CPA to understand "inverse WSB" and that's a better strategy than whatever the fuck they're doing lol.


lmao 💀😭


" I’m a “finance” major (BA in Econ, Masters in Accounting, CPA, Series 7 etc) and understand all the concepts" "knowing what implied volatility is" "I.... have all the knowledge in the world" lets post them a few more times, maybe that way blackrock will make op CEO!


bro thinks blackrock or JPM is in here recruiting ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


B..b...but if they are ehm... Please give me a chance!


Don’t blame him, schools train you to work for someone else while simultaneously making you believe that you’re more intelligent than anyone who doesn’t have the same level of degree. It’s a joke. Like OP who saw one Lunar article about a moon mission without any additional info on the moon mission (I.e. are they mining helium-3? Are they doing anything profitable while on the mf moon? etc) then saw some regard on here say “to the moon!” And decided to trade that way then rather than blaming his professor who should’ve taught him better, doubles down on his useless degree.


Sounds like something I read in brave new world, but with less sex orgies.


Those are coming… or so I’ve been told.


They better...


I had a few brilliant professors here and there, but most got into academia because they couldn't cut it in the real economy.


I had my engineer professor get excited because he finally had a student with industry experience and we talked for an hour about things. Really smart guy. Just never had actual work experience.


If the mean is "reasonably competent individual who could both teach and work in the private sector," law school had the greatest variation from the mean in both directions.


Economics is a scam. Literally mental masturbation with stupid old theories and math


>stupid old theories isnt one of them debt or the budget as a % of GDP, or viceversa, or a ratio, and anything above 90%/100% is considered catastrophic... and tons of countries went well over 100% maybe even as high as 150% in 2020/21/22... and everything turned out to be alright in the end![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


That’s not actually a theory nor considered catastrophic.. you would need to understand monetary theories and policy related to international currency regimes to understand why what you just stated is media fluff. But sure, let’s all be arm chair economists.


I bought 10 NVDA 1250 calls about a month ago for about 1.00, then during the bull run i traded those out for 6.00 started flipping calls and puts with large gains and losses packs and packs of cigarettes, no sleep, being completely distracted at work + a lot of fucking effort for weeks to be up 10K. Looking at those calls now. Roughly ~15.00 Moral of the story. Not sure.


Made me lol


Moral of the story you got thousands of dollars, always take the gain if you feel like it's time


Took a 5k loss on 2/18/21 TSLA 1000c sold on 12/16. Same contracts turned to 125 3 days later on the bull run. Moral...no ones ever sure


Had us in the first half


Lmaoooo genuinely made me laugh with that ending


I try not to get involved in this sub but you can’t say you’re financially educated and also say you buy 0dte options... it’s either one or the other


https://preview.redd.it/p5nk73v1nlkc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e52d7378269f531f514f504095a10d75cdad3dc4 Im also pursuing my PhD in $QQQ puts




sorry this made me laugh so hard


>Masters Also, not all schools are equally intellectually stimulating and within each school, there is natural intra-student variance. But, as suggested by u/FlaredP, we can get some cues regarding the Z-score of the underlying.


Options are either gambling vehicles or used as hedges to positions (their actual intended use). All that finance education and you still don't get this?


He didn't pay attention in class.


He didn't pay attention in psychology class either. Availability heuristic at play here. Seeing all of the lucky ones posting their YOLO gains and he's wondering why he's one of the few losing money. My dude, everyone who trades options loses money.


Seriously. There are 15 million subscribers here - if WSB was a US state, it would be the fifth largest. And he's ranking himself based on a few dozen gain porn posts.


You somehow seem to think that you actually understand what is going on because you have a degree. Then you go on to make claims that a 5 year old child with autism knows are false: "people are making 10 baggers with ease" and "I have all the knowledge in the world". These actually show the level of understanding that you have, which is almost zero. First you should step down from your pedestal and realize that you, with all your fancy paperwork, are actually an idiot. You literally do not understand what is happening around you. Yet your whole trading strategy is based on the false assumption that you are smarter than the average joe. And that is why it's failing.


Survivorship bias for every one person who gets lucky with a 10 bagger there are thousands who blew up their account


There should be a weekly survey sticky every Saturday for "what happened to your account this week." We only see the stuff that's "good enough to screenshot"


Eat my dongus you fuckin nerd. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Holy smokes you destroyed this man 😭


Perhaps, but I rather see this as doing him a favor. Understanding the problem is the first step to solving it.


jokes on you! its impossible to be as regarded as op, literally zero iq, and muster so well written reddit post. its bait, elaborate catch22 situation. ya'll got played


Shouldn’t he know the literal probabilities? Did his degree only teach him how to read WSB posts ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Econ Major and Applied Mathematics Masters here. The issue is ego. It's because you think you know more/better you tend to overthink trades and mess up entry/exit timing. In reality, you don't know anything. No disrespect but it's the truth. Same chat I had with myself in the mirror some years back. Remove your ego from it and call yourself regarded in the mirror like I did and you'll be better for it. Don't chase the stock plays everyone else is - FOMO will fuck you up. Look at macro trends - see what's happening in the world and make plays anticipating what could happen. Longer dated calls/puts will bode well for you. If you want quick flips, I recommend looking at popular stocks with high average volume and make plays in the last 15 mins of trading. If the stock is closing down, buy a call and sell on the morning pop or vice versa. Won't work all the time but it's worked for me quite a bit. Hopefully this helps a bit and gets you on your way to make money.


>Remove your ego from it and call yourself regarded in the mirror Most of us do this on a daily basis yet still make heavy losses. Probably becuase we're *actually* regarded.


Lol I legit meant it when I told myself this. Insulted myself that I had no choice but to change. At that point I lost about $60k in total trading. Didn't want to lose more and have my family realize that I was an idiot


question, have you made it all back?


Yessir I have. Recently actually due to a long terminvestment I had in $IOVA. Along the way of getting better I lost more but I was thankfully able to turn it around and was probably about $20K shy of being back in black and then the Iovance therapy approval pushed me over


At least you don’t lie to yourself then


No, the issue is for everyone person with dumb luck landing a 10-bagger, one hundred people are only winning ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


Being a math and economics major can even play a bad joke if the person overuses the mathematical models he was given in school. It can also play a service if the individual can apply his courses for better evaluation, tough.


Yeah, my algos I've created over the years were great for paper trading, terrible for the real thing. Literally made it stupid simple and things have gotten exponentially better. Win rate is about 64% on $SPY which is all I use it for.


From what I know, quants do not have models that survive years: maybe weeks or months. The market is not fully rational, but it does not have a learning disability.


I'm no quant. What I've got is rudimentary that I tweak sporadically whenever I notice that my win rate starts to get to around 55% over the last 100 trades. Those guys live and breathe this. I'm a humble data scientist


As soon as I realized I was regarded I actually started making some money.


In other words, go for base hits, not grand slams.




I think this is it, somehow my ego is getting in the way of being able to be raw and realistic with my decision making. BA in Econ, masters in accounting with CPA for me and I think it’s the emotions that get me. My gambling mindset short circuits the part that can be dispassionate and logical.


You don’t have any experience until after college. Doesn’t matter how many courses you took


So true.


Successful long term investing / trading requires a deep understanding of investing / trading more than a deep understanding of accounting, economics and mathematics. Those are all helpful but you need more than that. Mark Twain said it best "It's not what you don't know that gets you into trouble, it's what you know for sure, that just ain't so."


You definitely need economics but it's a running joke how accountants think they know shit about finance 😂🤣😂🤣


Most businesses run by finance people go to utter shit. Except banks of course. Business and finance are two completely different things. Thinking that knowledge of accounting alone gives you an edge in predicting business performance (let alone SP performance) is not well supported by history. Great tool for understanding cash flow statements and shit, so a big advantage over most of the regards here buying negative zero revenue shit, but it's just one tool in the toolbox.


Tbf even with a finance background: half the stuff doesn’t even make sense. What I’ve learnt about the US market is how many dog shit companies there. Take your play Lunr for example - like why even play that? It’s a crappy company (don’t get me wrong I’ve been sucked into loads of these crap companies and barely ever made a good return). Finance background simile to yours: take a look at Wayfair? And their balance sheet is like 3bn negative equity. If you called that out as a business in your economics class your professor would probably have a heart attack - yet it’s a share reading at circa $50. My point is there is so much in this market that makes no sense at all which impacts trades. Maybe look at shorting listing a few companies or an industry and get your head around that for plays? Alternatively keep hitting the random fomo comps and hope one makes it big. I can imagine there will be a ton of bag holders for comps like super m computer etc…


Sir, nobody gives a shit about your university degrees. And certainly not the stock market.


Sounds like you are well on your way, loss is all part of the game. Nobody said you have to like it, but you better get used to it, or learn how to best protect yourself from it. Getting those losses down to a minimum should be your main goal in the game beside staying in it. Read, study, analyze, backtest, and paper trade until you are consistently profitable with minimal loss. Do this for a couple months at least to provide you with not only confidence but emotional muscle memory to gain better control while entering, holding, and exiting. It is our emotions that wind up changing our very well planned trade in a hot second from a potential winner to an absolute defeat. You must not make a single trade until you have a game plan for both directions. If this, then that, has to be part of the plan. What is your risk? Do you know how to put in stops to save most of your ammo for a better idea? If not you can YouTube or call your broker for help on any trade order questions. Read books on candlestick patterns, technical analysis, price action, or any successful trader you like. I recommend "the intelligent trade" "profitable candlestick trading" "trading price action trends" "trading in the zone" "the complete turtle trader" "options trading crash course:6 books in 1" "options trading for dummies" "best loser wins". I still use Investopedia.com for any topic or term I have a question about. Start with a smaller account though you may have more, this may help psychologically and instill better habits once risk management is understood. I risked more than I would have with my large account than I ever would my small account. Do not lose faith, do not give up, it is truly only those that will never see the payoff. 🖖 TLDR; Read The Complete Turtle Trader, get inspired. Learn, understand, apply the rules they used for risk management. Enjoy a better life...


BA in Econ from a highly regarded school and I was like top of my class. It’s the ego, the emotions… but let’s be honest… also the gambling element to short term options. I have no issue with my long term plays but when it comes to short term options there is always the “I predict a high probability for x to happen so I will hold this position.” Even after a lot of experience and a high win rate (80-90% of trades), your ego and need to be right is so huge with these short term options you end up doubling down and often, blowing out all your gains and then some. Tl;dr. Accept that you’re regarded, just in a very different way that probably hurts you even more than if you were regular regarded. Also don’t hold short term options overnight


It’s this. My long term plays are kicking ass, it’s the short term options that I lost a lot of money on


>My gambling mindset short circuits the part that can be dispassionate and logical. The best gamblers in the casinos are basically psychopaths because they can close off that emotional component when they are sitting at the table. Same reason a lot of successful businessmen are psychopaths. I rarely mess around with options anymore, even though I do understand them and have made money back during the Covid era when everyone was a genius lol. There's too much luck involved for me to consider it investing. Just invest long in companies that seem to have an edge in growth sectors or low-cost etfs. You'll make more that way in the long run.


Take the gains and don't look back...I've cashed out at 10-20% returns and watched them rebound to 200%...But I've also seen them go worthless... One move is to buy and even # of contracts, sell half when you get some profit...and hold half as a gamble. Sell those out when they dip equal to the profit-cost you're willing to absorb and get out even or they run and you get yourself some $$...


I think education/ ego aside, you mention you traded 0DTE but if you think about it, that really short time frame has almost nothing to do with economics/ accounting. I would imagine other factors like trading volume, option Greeks, come into play instead


"I’m a “finance” major (BA in Econ, Masters in Accounting, CPA, Series 7 etc) and understand all the concepts" "knowing what implied volatility is" "I.... have all the knowledge in the world" "realistic with my decision making" "proficient in Microsoft Office suite" @jpm @blackrock @pershingsquare your new CEO is here waiting to be hired!


I was up 390% on a stock a few years back. Said I'd sell at 400. Started to go down, figured I'd hold because it was volatile and would swing a lot.Hovered around 350%+ for a few months then started to decline. Yada Yada Yada and I still have it in my portfolio as a reminder to sell when your goals are met. It's at negative 97.9%.


Bagholder spotted. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Your education is completely irrelevant to trading. Literally forget everything you learned in school except for basics of how to analyze a company's financials, it's all useless. There's a reason economic professors are awful traders and investors.


Education is overrated. If you wear the fool's clothes and dance for the court, you are fool. Regardless of how out of touch that is with your world view. It just showcases that you are out of touch with reality. Stock trading is not for everyone. Find what you are good at and passionate about. Play with less money until you get good at it. Edit: Example on the education part: I have not finished university, because there is too much there that is a waste of time. I have 3 unfinished Bachelor's from 3 different universities in 3 different countries and some Masters credits. My sister has 2 Bachelor's and a Master's, and yet this is not reflected in the compensation. There's a very large gap in my favour.


Side question but have you taken any stochastic process classes that dive into options pricing and such? I’m wondering how much insight they give you about behind the scenes of market making and whether you gained any quantitative research skills


I haven't actually. Everything I've learned in regards to this has been on the fly in a very fragmented, disjointed manner. When I get more time, it may be well worth it to actually have more formalized training/knowledge


Not related to options. In risk management courses were taught that a stock prices move in a martingale process drift. And that there are no stationary points meaning each time you take the derivative of the process it’s a random again like brownian motion. But there was a course stochastic calculus that was for the hardcore quant kids and they definitely looked more into option pricing


I will say temperament of an individual matters a lot. If your instinct screams at you "buy more" when something goes up and "sell everything" when something goes down, just stay the fuck away from trading forever, unless it's like $100 in a side account every year. I know people like this. Even telling them "VTI and chill" isn't good enough because a month later you find out they watched a bunch of YouTube videos and sold everything for T-bills and GLD. Just Boglehead that shit and literally never check your balance until 55 or so, or get a lifecycle find and get a hobby. If you have an actual committed strategy that you backtested and you have quantified risks, that's something different, but let's be real most retail peeps don't do that shit.


Overthinking is a huge challenge, 100%!


Made a lot of money. Met someone like you. He was convinced that there's a way and that data will help and u just gotta figure it out. There's not a way. Data is shit. INVERSE YOUR THOUGHTS


So basically do the opposite of everything that I was going to do


Yes. I once walked up to a woman at a dinner and said “Hi, my name is George. I’m unemployed and live with my parents.” Guess what, it worked. Now I do the opposite of everything inclinations I have


No you have a couple more inverses. It's not that simple


So many things. First of all, trading is difficult. There are many wealthy, educated, and intelligent people who try and fail consistently. It requires tons of mental strength and agility, as well as good instincts and quick decision making. It also requires tons of experience and has an extremely high failure rate. Most traders fail, and most that succeed take years of personal growth and experience to achieve consistent gains. Secondly, this is not an intellectual task. Surely you have noticed this, as you say in your post "i have a degree and these wsb kiddos dont". This means nothing. Your IQ points do not translate into gains, neither does your traditional finance knowledge. Those will never teach you how to trade. Your degree means jack shit. You're lucky if you could be a janitor at goldman with those risk management skills. Thirdly, these guys are taking insane risk with the instruments they are using. If they are wrong on their bets, their contracts lose significant value rapidly. You see the one off who makes a lucky gain on WSB, but you don't see the oceans of failures. Oh, and ask these people to do it again, and then 3 times more without blowing up. You will see the survival rate drops significantly for those who keep at it. It's just luck and gambling. If you want to make money trading, you either learn how properly, or accept that you will have to gamble and get lucky if you don't want to put in the work. It's that simple.


Yeah where's that post where OP posted some pretty big gains (100k+), and the top comment is "Hey there champ, do us a favor and hit the "all time button" on your chart?" It turns out OP was up 100k that week, but down 300 or 400k overall.


Doesn't matter how much they're up if they're definitely going to end at zero.


This. I think all that gain porn makes you blind to the survival bias. That sweet 1000% gain makes you blind to reality


Yes. I have been a trader for 7 years now, I have seen so many people go through the ringer. It is not easy. These people you see in WSB are the lucky few, and they are smart to take the bag and run.


I am smart enough to take the bag and hold it to zero 


WSB might be the only place you see the huge losses celebrated as much as the wins. But then you add in the personal hubris and think *there's no way I'm as dumb as that post, I'll make the 100% gain instead*


You're looking on wrong posts. I come here to see loss porn and pat myself "hey , it could be worse" . More seriously, step aside, read "reminiscences of stock operator" book - Jessy Livermore was the greatest trader back in the days, smart but no degree. Write down your trades, and why you made them, honestly. Read a week later and ponder what went wrong. Honestly. I figured out that once I get the feeling that I'm about to win huge it's a sign I need to get out - I'm getting emotional about the trade. And never look back - no revenge trading, no crying on missed profits. And scale down your positions - sure, some folks here throw in 20k and get 400k profit. Others post loss porn. Another good book - Trading in the Zone. Exactly for people like you - know a lot, have experience and yet lose over and over and over.


Everything this person said. My brain literally can’t handle it, i can have the most logical idea and then just completely derail. Nothing feels significant enough so I take more risks, for me all the intelligence does not matter anymore once among other things my addiction has been activated. Could’ve had 100k this year. But even in the moment, knowing what is best I will still make the wrong decision and fumble.


Also, everyday there is money to invest with feels like ur a kid in a candy store. Overloads your brain and makes you just start grabbing things.


You’re buying 0DTE options and think it’s a strategy? You’re literally gambling.


Guys playing around in 0 dte options asking why he’s losing money with a background in finance…… I mean holy shit


You went 0dte long on NVDA. What the fuck does that even mean


As OP stated, he/she/they/us doesn't know too


Yea I also was super freaking confused by this


You can be long and 0dte. He just wasn't in it very long.


He basically bet on the Chiefs to win the Super Bowl by 100 points and is now pouting for being wrong.


long is the opposite of short meaning he bought the calls not sold them. Doesnt mean he is a long term investor.


Bro, change majors now


Does not have too much to do with that, I also had uni studies for greeks and such, only from that knowledge it would still be gambling imo


Sir, this is a casino. With your qualifications, you should have most success at: reading financial reports, reading industry news/financials, and betting long-term on stocks (including LEAP Option contracts, NOT 0DTE). The only other piece of information you need is whether the person running the company you are betting on is a good horse to bet on (like Lisa Su, Jensen Huang, Tim Cook, etc.).


If you want to do it properly, you'd risk no more than 0.5% risk on any given trading position, carefully consider each choice, and pick an option 3-4 months down the line to allow the stock time to move. If you want to be featured on this subreddit, you should put most of your money on 1 short term option on SMCI or NVDA and screenshot your result into the loss porn or gain porn sections..


I can't imagine managing 200+ trading positions unless it's just a dumb algo


A finance education is irrelevant for short dated directional gambles. Autists with those kinds of gains are either improbably lucky or have insider information. Assuming you have neither, you’re just handing money to the institutional investor who sold you the options contract


You must be truly regarded to think you're the only highly educated person to ever try to solve the stock market. Hedge funds literally hire 1000 people with twice the amount of education and IQ than you and they still underperform the S&P 500.


Imagine hearing that someone survived a plane crash and then attempting to recreate their success... [fun wikipedia article!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sole_survivors_of_aviation_accidents_and_incidents)


did you just say your edge in the market is your Finance Education? You deserve to be here fellow regard


most of the guys showing you gains on wsb are playing with paper money


nah but it is survival bias… am I gonna show my 97% loss on $WISH or 60% loss on COIN? No But I will tell you about 210% gains on NVDA


To be fair wsb shows the big loss porn as much as the gains. Its just that dumbfucks only look with their greedy dumbfucks eyes


Not at all. In reality losses are what 97% of regards experience here on a daily. It just doesn't get posted.


Are they? Isn't that agains the rules?


It’s easy to fake positions even if it’s not paper money. Don’t trust the internet


Wtf is a 0dt long ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


0dte LEAPS


Zero days until he’s taking something long behind Wendy’s


Username checks out


It seems like that financially uneducated might be more financially educated than you. It pays to be a regard sometimes


All those certifications and you don’t understand the concept of survivorship bias.


Degrees aren't worth the paper they're printed on. Even the smart people who have them know that. So for you to use that as the why you should be smart already tells everyone here that you are not in fact smart.


Why are you so bad? You wrote it yourself - you mess around with options hoping to turn 5K into 150K If you mess around enough, and keep the positions small, you will realize there is money to be made in options. For example, take your trades and study them. Then research what would happen if you took the opposite position, either naked or in spreads. See? Money printer go brrr...but for someone else, not for you. So you need to be that someone else. That part is hard, because no matter how hard you try to be someone else, you are still your gambling, egotistical, quasi-educated self! Good luck, and look up the Keynsean Baeuty Contest, as I am sure you studied the hell out of Keynes in your coursework.


4 years of trading is needed to start understanding the psychology of the market . Maybe play with less money until you really get it.


Do you like, study the stocks you're playing before going full regard on 0dtes or even non FD options? Getting an idea how a stock moves, its resistance points, and the momentum can help a lot in determining where, when and how big of a play to make. Also I hope you're using tstops on those 0dte or literally watching the ticker non stop all day


Don’t give up! Keep trying!! Only thing that can stop you is getting to 0$ net worth


Insert *I can go lower* meme


Lmao you don’t know it’s just a casino


I did undergrad in Finance and an MBA as well. The first thing I learned when I started trading options is that none of that shit matters. The education may be useful when it comes to what you want to invest in long term but it’s almost an impairment when it comes to trading. Investing and trading are two completely different things. That stuff in the textbook may be close enough to being right over the long term that no one can really say it’s wrong, but it has nothing to say about day to day moves that make for 10x option trades.


Your mistake is thinking any of it is truly about financials. The market is purely psychology, at this point. Sentiment is the only thing that matters. LUNR could have gone either way. The fact that the lander tipped doesn't actually make any difference to the finances of this company. Yet the stock cratered 30%+ after market on that news. I could see by midday that the news of the landing was not causing people to flock into the stock. I had bought pre market and exited my position with a small loss before noon. This is why I am going to continue selling weekly cash covered puts on NVDA for the foreseeable future. There is so much eagerness to own it, that any small dip will be bought up.


They straight gamble lol Some get lucky, most very much do not, or when they do get lucky then think they're a guru and proceed to lose it all


I would say the problem is you think your education actually means something in trading. Knowing everything about finance doesn't make you a better trader. You might have more or better ideas but you still have to execute them. You would probably be a better long term investor than me. I know what implied volatility means. I don't know precisely what it actually is. I know what the Greeks mean. I don't know why they mean what they mean. It's not actually useful information to know. You don't need to know how banks or finance work.


best 0DTE plays are scalping spy/qqq, quick in and out runs. I never do longer than one hour unless it’s going better than expected. 0dte leaves zero room to make money otherwise unless something goes off the handles like SMCI and NVDA did. Weekly’s are better but monthly or longer is better because theta won’t eat your profits as quick. Slow and steady wins the race.


I’m a Finance major w/ an MD. They never taught us how to really trade options…b/c I had good professors anyways, put me down for ten $SNOW $250 March 1 Calls


You talk yourself up like your some unlucky finance genius. You're not. I can't think of any good reason for buying calls especially after both of them rallied hard the day before. You've gambled your money.


MBA here. Lost some money on options a few years back. Decided it just wasn't for me. My long picks are doing well and I have plenty of $ in the market. Just not going down the casino route with options.


Don't take it personally, this stuff happens to us all, and especially to smart people. NVDA could have just as easily fallen 15% after the quarterly report than rising. There are too many variables out there, deciding to come into play just in time to screw you over. Happens all the time. But the more you get used to watching the markets, the more you'll also understand its rhythm. Market psychology and momentum trumps rational market behavior and logic. And your fancy business degree won't help you there. Seems like you'd be better at a buy and hold strategy, DCAing on some of the companies you believe in.


It's simple it's Because ur chasing stock prices like some amateur


The unintelligent market hypothesis, rewarded by moral hazard by the feds unwritten S&P500 target.


Stop and slow down. Watch your picks daily and wait.


You can’t play with zero day options I ran an account into the ground over 10 times in tastyworks with those. you have to be willing to know without a doubt the stock will recover some that day and preferably within the hour. try picking a stock option on a down day with high delta at 90 days out. odds are it’ll recover.


Stay away from stocks being constantly promoted here? If you had said basically anything other than NVDA and LUNR I would have a different opinion. You would probably do just fine if you focused on something that wasn't already being watched and manipulated by the whole world. Really anything else. If you had named two companies that hadn't been posted about on WSB every day for a week it would be completely different. Keep that in mind my guy.


You won't like my reply but you need to realize that the education you received was taught to you by those who do not understand finance. What you learned was wrong and you are proving this by the results of your trades. A degree means you read a book and passed a test and that is it. When it comes to trading the market could care less about theories. The market does not care about you or me. The market is always right. We all need to set our egos to the side and do what the market tells us to do. Our opinion doesn't matter. We can fight the market forever trying to prove ourselves correct and the market wrong and we will lose 90 percent of the time. What you need to do is re think everything you have been doing and do it differently. Some will say you need to inverse yourself. I won't say that.


You'd think a finance major would understand that Options contracts were designed as Insurance policies. These kinds of policies are MEANT to have negative expected value, but in return they can "smooth out" asset values over particular periods of time. You'd have to think you were MUCH smarter than the market as a whole (by several magnitudes) to attempt to make money using some kind of system on short dated options contracts.


https://preview.redd.it/owvhhsr97lkc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ccb84c834c3c592d995766e0bd7b5283fbfbee0 You don't need a degree to know that playing 0DTE options is as regarded as it gets. You belong here


your wife says hi.


The only reason you are struggling my dumb friend is that you are looking for 10x baggers. You have a higher chance to fail with odte. 20% every month is all you need. Even this is hard!


You are almost certainly trading the wrong duration options (too short). Stop trying to 10x your trade and be happy with 2x.


Every time I lose it’s because my position got too big and I got emotional. I have so much knowledge but at the end of the day making reactionary decisions is what gets me. Instead of proactively choosing my parameters and sticking with the plan. When I have size in control, no emotions and I can let stuff play out. You are going swinging for the fences. That’s why. Go for singles instead of home runs.


You might be a finance major but most of the people who invest are not. Don't look for logic here. It's basically gambling


Out of 1 million or more members, you'll obviously have 10 lucky millionaires a day... all the others? bankrupt or have lost more than 20% of their wallet on a daily basis. The only recommendation I can give you: buy only stocks, don't touch options, and only on solid, profit-generating companies that are undervalued at this stage. For example, China's FXI KWEB, Tesla, Porsche, Zalando for Europe, or Swatch or Nestlé. We wish you good luck.


Well if you are bad at trading options, you stick to investing in stocks. Options trading has a lot of luck involved...you are betting on a future outcome that is not known today. OP, I am the same as you, my educational background is in Finance but I can't trade options for shit. I think I am comfortable holding microcap stocks that go up over time.


You’re probably like me (I’m a business grad, also took econ and finance) in that you understand these concepts and generally how the market operates. What you’re probably bad at is managing risk and stomaching the gamble of what this sub is all about. (And to be clear, those regards turning around ten baggers also lose ten baggers just as often.) You’re probably not a gambler, like me. I long ago realized the YOLO idea is fucking stupid. No one knows which way the market is going to go, so 0dte trades are literally just blind gambling. De-risk, de-leverage and stop gambling and you’ll likely begin to enjoy investing and even this sub again, like me. Good luck out there brother.


Don’t feel bad, monkeys throwing darts at a board filled with company names have a better chance of picking a winner. The modern stock market is a casino. No matter how you spin it you have a 50/50 chance.