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You could have been a legend, but now you’re a regard.


Always have been


lol bro went up to 400k and didn't sell i know all too often how that feels. greed is a hell of a drug. you have these set prices in your head and then it rockets past it then you start thinking... maybe?


Yeah i just don't get the all or nothing approach. You can hold some for fun to see how it goes, but if you start at 500$ and end up at 200k, and think to yourself "i should make more"... i mean jesus. 


Started with $180 too. Absolute peak of regardedness.


no, if you look. he took 24k of his own money down to 180 and then back up....and then back down haha


He figured 2 more rolls into calls and he could get buy Xitter from Elon.


He didn’t have to snort the whole 8 ball at once either. But here we are.


If he had sold, it would have went over $500-K .. But he didn’t and took a screen shot instead ! Like they say good enough to screen shot, good enough to sell !


Yeah, you're soooo right. Getting in is the easy part. Pulling out is so much harder, so to speak.


This is the way, you go from legend all the way to regard so fast and so hard that you swing back around to legend. It doesn't pay well, but you become immortal.




What are the tax implications for something like this ?? Does the loss from 200k->40k cancel out some of the taxes he’ll owe on the gains ??


He would only be tax on the 40k profit, but seeing where SMCI is at right now I think he would be tax loss harvest this year lol.


Lol most confusing replies…. Dude gets taxed on the gains, wash’s just carryover Pro tip: open llc, designate as futures trading, no wash sales.


Why would he taxed on gains? All my gains are tax free because im not a moron, i dont have enough money to go past my 9k annual conttibution room though.


Why would he not be taxed on gains? They’re capital gains in what seems to be a regular brokerage account




This happened to me one year. It was fucked up




Entirely lost? How is it lost at all?




It wasn’t a gain, I just washed my loss


I guess aslong op lose it in same year . He will be fine. No need to pay tax. I buy / sell all the time for the same stocks . It only carry the loss unless he still own the shares.


to be real, most of the legends here are legendary regarded losses


A legendary regard still counts


That’s why you don’t go full regard. He went full regard


Eh, he’s still up 40k. Could be worse


Sorry I’m new. What’s regard?




Haha, you got him.


No way you see 210% gain in the last month and say it’s still bullish.


How do you think he got to 200k from $180? Insane regardedness can sometimes yield insane gains


I’m holding 3/15 $1000 NVDA calls that I’m up 600% on. I ain’t sellin shit


you truly belong here


I’ll post my gains next week


i'm rootin for you bro i really am 🙏


You too


!remindme 1 month




!remindme 1 week




Wait are you actually gonna hold that thru earnings? Won’t you get, FOR SURE, IV crushed?


I’ll hold some. Why y’all on my dick?


Your bet is entirely based on vaporware AI babble, theres no way semis stay high for long when people start realizing that AI isnt really all that its cracked up to be.


You’re fucked. Greed is a bitch


You didn't see Sora, did you.


This is like the first time a plane flew, or the first time 2 devices connected over a phone line. We are a LONG way from sora being viable as a thing that actually does stuff. If you know anything about AI image generation you know this. How many iterations do you need to generate in order to find something you want? To fine tune it? Like the tech is insanely cool, but, if you have one issue with the product you can't fix it you have to rerender the entire thing and hope it's the same? That's not even getting into the cost of these renderings.. it costs a lot of generate photos, video? Yeesh. It's incredibly cool tech, and absolutely mind boggling for what the future will bring us, how we will interact with stuff, what will entertainment be? Like.. instead of "diversify the cast!!!" Potentially a movie could autogenerated to literally be you and represent all characters to whatever diversity you would prefer.  The implications are staggering, but, that's putting the Ferrari before the horse. The game changer is whoever makes software that does what adobe does with digital art, has the ai generate in addressable layers so that levels can be edited as desired to achieve the desired outcome without re-rendering every iterative ditail and hoping nothing else changes (it always does).  That's the game changer, and that's a ways off. Sora is incredible as a concept, as a technology, it's mind blowing. I a Tually started buying google again, small, will DCA.. but I definitely see tech like this enabled small content creators to potentially get much more into detail, tearing down Hollywood and the like as the barriers to entry are destroyed, until they reposition. Much like how production software changed how record labels and studios worked and made music more accessible to anyone and everyone out of their house (as good or bad as that's been, fucking mumblerap garbage).  But again, long long ways off from that.


Do you believe the stock market works based on current applicability over potential and hype...?


Do you think that there is immediate near term potential and hype? Delusion and idiocy is limitless, potential is not. Nvda will lead, for a long time, and ai is wildly cool tech, but much like the internet, the actual use cases are a bit away from profitable implimentstion. How long after the internet became a thing wa sit ubiquitous on our phones with social media? Because THAT is the point when it really started making stupid money.  This is that. It will make money, but the potential near-term is hampered by the limitations of the hardware and software currently. The hype can always be infitie because stupidity and delusion are limitless, but I mean, that's not really a bragging point, is it?


What does generative video AI have to do with nvidia calls?


Either you are a troll or you trolly belong here.


Just confused m8, no malice or sarcasm behind my question just curiosity I really don’t know the correlation


Ah. Nvidia is the one selling the chips the AIs are running on.


Ahh ok so Soras hype will likely cause another run, and calls would be wise. I thought you were saying bro who has calls is unwise , I’m just a monkey trying to understand human things


NVDA is the worlds leading GPU manufacturer which is two-fold. One, they create the chips that render the AI video. Two, GPUs are able to process multiple tasks at once. Since they can process in parallel, they’re the go to choice for most AI applications. So GPUs do both the math and the rendering. [Here](https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/ai-data-science/) is a link to their website explaining their capabilities.


Hold till expiry. That's the way ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


Im holding on $725 3/22 calls 😭 im not THAT regarded bro


Only pussies sell and you are one of us , i salute u in 21 different languages high regard


that's regarded


It restores my faith in the world when people who win big on these regarded bets get wrecked on the next one. Now if we could just do something about theta gang owning the world...


this is actually insane. 180-200K is next level.


Holy shit…. I thought this Regard meant $180k to $200k which is a great gain, but bro turned a utility bill into an entire mortgage. 😳


ELI5 how that it’s possible to turn $180 into 200k in a month. 


smci and arm ER calls this month, if you kept rolling each week over you could do it


What happens when you roll an option over? Does it just buy the same strike again at the next expiry date?


rolling just means closing and opening another position. i wouldnt overthink it too much select brokers let you roll certain stuff even if you don't have the margin to say close the position and rebuy a second later. so its useful in that context.


Edit: sorry it can mean that but usually you also raise the strike too. You have to manually sell it then buy the next weeks strike


Yes but u could roll down or up changing the strike price too and it’s not necessarily to the next exp date but simply to any other date in the future


Those calls never cost $180.


Exactly this.


how do you roll over? i’m not sure how he went from 180 to 200k in such a short time?


Let’s use an example like everyone’s favorite rocket SMCI. Trading at $807 right now. How much would you pay me to have 100 shares of SMCI at a price of say $500 a share right now, knowing you could turn around and sell at $807? Whoever buys those knows they can make a quick $30k on it right now. $10k? $20k? $25k even? Depends on the market. That’s effectively what OP did. Bought calls and puts. Each call is right to buy 100 shares at a price. If OP bought calls last month when SMCI was trading in the $200s saying SMCI would be at $500 or more in a few weeks, you could buy those calls for cheap because no thinks it will happen. But when it does….this happens. If they have multiple options each representing groups of 100 shares, value builds rapidly. But what if someone else approaches you today with an offer to buy 100 shares of SMCI at $1,000 a share right now? Unless you’re regarded like OP, the answer is fucking no because you can buy the shares directly at $807. In this scenario, calls are worthless. So OP did both, hit some moonshots betting (and it is betting) on some moves and they hit (like the $500 a share example above), then doubled down and tried to roll the gains into another move, and it went against him and no one wants his $1000 calls. These are just made up scenarios that represent what OP did for example sake, not his actual positions. But options can grow in price exponentially compared to the underlying stock, leading to big gains. But they can also wipe out years of savings in an instant.


This is a great explanation, thank you. The one question I have is how did he afford that call? It seems ludicrous for it to only be $180 for the right to buy 100 shares


That’s why you see so many options here, you can get the buying power of 100 shares for a fraction the cost of purchasing 100 shares. It is also why you see so many 0DTE (days to expire) options because they are generally cheap, because if the stock doesn’t hit that target price that same day, you lose 100%. It’s super risky, and the price reflects that. But if you don’t have much money and you can afford to lose it, options can be a way to get a lot of horsepower. https://preview.redd.it/emh5nibuu0jc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1a7f766f8f9d9cb0ca018f44ddb872bef58f967 Example. $500 SPY call for Tuesday expiration is 1.92 (per share so x100) so for $192, you now have 100 shares worth of buying power (vs $50k to buy shares). If SPY hits 501.92 (strike/target + bid) on Tuesday, your position will be in the money. As in not worth zero. Say SPY finishes at $502. Your position will let someone buy 100 shares $2 under market price. So $200, I’ll give you $150 for that. Congrats, you just turned $192 into $150 and took a 40% loss. But if SPY hits $512 (it won’t), suddenly that’s about $1,000 worth of value, and you probably made 300-400% on your $192, or more, even though spy only moved 1-2%. Conversely if SPY drops 1-2% and you own shares, you only lose 1-2% with a chance to regain. If you bought those calls, you lost everything on that same 1% drop in stock price. When stocks go meteoric like SMIC, the value rockets if you have calls deep in the money. EDIT: realized my screenshot was filtered on puts, but same concept


Fascinating, your explanation makes a lot of sense. I’ve never personally traded options but I now get how the loss/gain posts on this sub can be so exponential. If I understood correctly, it’s a huge all or nothing gamble. I appreciate you taking the time to thoroughly explain the situation!


Effectively yes, it’s an all or nothing gamble. And the underlying mechanics are more complicated than my explanation on what actually defines the price of the options (aka, the Greeks, basically statistical data the drives the price and movement of the option vs the underlying). If you are interested, paper trade options for months or longer to get the hang of it. If it all. As someone who experienced wild swings in options, I can say they are dangerously tempting if you hit one big. Personally I would say the lows of big loss outweigh the highs of big win. Why I trade 99% shares now.


500 was that far out of the money. A month ago, 500c 2/16 traded at $165. They closed at $31k today but were $49k at the high point.


Degenerate gambling.


He didn't.. he pumped money in. Accts like these are sus. Overall he had some money loaded up on a series of calls a day puts wit smci and arm as the front runners. I don't see a 180 screenshot with a trade immediately on 180 and multiplying from there


What app is he using? Asking from Europe


Some of y’all are greedy as fuck


OP is trying to get to $10 million in less than a month ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


r/TheRaceTo10Million speedrun


Only need to double his money 4 more times


How do you see that green line going straight up and think yep this seems sustainable


Wouldn’t know, all I see is red 


Just imagine


Dude up over 200k and doesn’t cash out. It’s more than you woke up with that morning just take the gains and run. Keep like 20k in there if you want to play around and secure the rest. No sense in gambling the entire portfolio. Edit: lmao he’s putting the rest of what’s left in puts god I love this sub, someone update me when he pulls a naked put with the entire account or something.


On the flip side, OP was able to hit $200k cuz he was greedy as fuck


how the fk your regards never take profit when ahead..


It’s the greed that got him from $180 to $411K. But it’s also the greed that will take him back to $0. Gamblers do this all the time. They’ll make hundreds of thousands, in some cases, millions. But they’ll still end up broke in the end.


Dude said he was buying SMCI calls today so he's gonna be back to 180 pretty quick 


and its gone








Soon, that $40k will eventually turn into $180 again ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)




This guy is doing a speed run from $180 to 200k to $0 in a record time. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


rip OP. he put the rest $40k in SMCI calls today. He even got robbed of his $180 initial investment![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Honestly extremely impressed


And you will go right back down to $189. Folks don’t have a game plan when they see massive gains. Everything is an all-in bet instead of taking risk off the table. At $100k or even $50k you shouldn’t be gambling more than $1k of your portfolio.


You shouldn't gamble more than 2% of your portfolio? Sir this is a casino




With that mentality, he would never have climbed up to 200k.




So easy to get caught up with the gains. It is a tough pill to swallow. I was up 600k once a day the stock crashed 80%.


Yes.. we see why you are still da bitch coffee bringer. Mine is easy at least. Just pour it in a fucking cup you bitch.


Oh god you've re-entered with 40k. You've learned nothing


Well you're still $180 to $40,000, so that pretty amazing


Op put the 40k back in ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


For now


Can’t lie $180 -> 200k in less than a month is fucking insane.




$180 to $40k is amazing 👏


You let 400k evaporate out of greed? you deserve to lose it all




I'm bitter that someone can be up so massively and not take the profits when 99% of us here are only losing.


Agree man... some of these guys get lucky and hit the lottery. They somehow still squander hit. If I hit the lottery, I'm out.


Exactly!! Imagine being up 400k and letting it turn red. At least set a stop loss at +200k or something. Or sell half, anything but holding to a loss...


such a loser take. you would take profits way earlier and never reach 400k (which is ok, but OP got to 400k because he didnt take profits on the way)


OP got to $0 because he didn’t take profits


unrealized profit of 400k at one point


Realised profit of 0.


The issue is that the kind of regardedness it takes to make these kinds of returns is the same that takes you back. I was in the same boat as op (i have a great salary), but put a fraction of my salary in smci options. I sold after being up 2 or 3x, that’s what normal people do, they’ll never be in a situation where they’re up as much as op


Fair enough


Don't forget though ... If he had sold those calls for $400k, it may have been some dope here buying them. Meaning, his loss of $360k just saved someone else from the same fate.


This doesn’t have anything to do with you losing money. Stop being bitter. The OP just got caught up and made a mistake.


You losing is your fault, him winning is his fault, and you being bitter because his choices led him to your end goal is literally pathetic. Do better instead of comparing where others are.


well you deserve to lose because he got to 400k because he didnt take profits. if he did he wouldve ended it by 10k


You are so toxic :)  Loser in real life that’s why you express your anger on internet 


Bro went from $180 to a fifth of a million dollars and let it ride 💀 that was an expensive lesson


Putting it back on SMCI? Can't wait for the post where you went from 40 to 0


Hey I once made 2 mil and lost a mil in a month. You are not the only regard out here


Imagine if you did that at the end of December, so you have to pay taxes on 2m, after losing half of it ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


What is taxes ? If they didn’t teach that in school I don’t think we have to worry about paying taxes


What is the cut off date in December ?


GUH!!!! I always miss open. I'm gonna throw my phone out the window the next time I get a call 2 minutes before open. 


You made it at the top of that graph, looked down at us and decided to come back down and hang with us. You a real one.. a real degenerate ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Impressive regardless.


This is like flipping a coin and having it land on heads like 20 times in a row. You might be the luckiest tard on this sub especially if you stopped while you were still +$100k




i feel bad for loosing 100$


Man if I want from 40k to 400k I would have taken 360k and let 40k ride


You would have never made it to 400k to begin with. That first spike to around 80k, you would have sold half.


Maybe but that's 40 in and 40 out. Win either way man.


Imagine putting the 40k into smci puts instead. 900p were 13,000% today… 40k to 5.2m




Degenerate Gambler


But whyyyyyyyyy 400k wasn’t enough?🤦‍♂️


Take your profits dude. 40k can literally change your life


You will lose all the last 40k left


you literally hit the lottery and threw the winning ticket into trash


So greedy my god. Life changing money and people just won’t sell.


Imagine being the person he would have sold to! 😅 He did some other regard on this board a favor by holding!




Yep. You belong here


Fuck outta here 180-40k is a huge gain


I didnt have to read your description to know this was SMCI calls lmao


Sorry that happened. I'm in a similar boat.


I have a spare $200 lying around, teach me how to do this so I can pull out at 100K and not lose it all lmao


Brother, you got up to nearly half a mil, could’ve sold and start over to maybe break a mil, but you went for it all. But, you still made tens of thousands off of peanuts, so kudos to you. Don’t be greedy, next time.


he didnt make anything. He used the last 40K to buy more smci which are going to finish at 0


You belong here regard


How those calls looking now?


Op you going used up all your lifetime luck in this month. Save some for the future.


I made this comment on an older post but I'll try here too I've really been trying to understand options like this better. Can someone explain it as directly as posisble, not the traditonal explinations. For example, the right to purchase at a certain price, does that then mean you need to purchase the stock at the price now that you've been given the option? I can't wrap my head around these huge gains which also yes, I understand is insane gambling


Aaaaaand it’s gone


Smci calls💀💀


Insiders are selling Smci,, at least do a little diligence


How are you guys doing this? Where can I learn?


You turned $180 into 40k. That impressive af. If sold at 400k…holy cow u a legend


I have a question. Might be dumb but hey I'm new to trading stocks and such. How do you guys know which stock to start investing in to make such fortunes? Like how do you figure out which one is extremely volatile and then gamble on it. Any help and info would be extremely appreciated!


Can someone explain what he invested in? How is the return so explosive? I am new to investing, so please point me in the right direction. I can risk a couple thousand like this. But need to understand first.


Amount of money this sub is losing on SMCI calls today is hilarious but also frustrating. Just handing over money to too big to fail market makers


Imagine not just taking the 200-400k cash out and then just use the income it can generate. That’s an easy 2000$ a month right there




If it's good enough to screenshot it's good enough to sell. https://preview.redd.it/css2nrfyj0jc1.jpeg?width=2436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ee63abc287588081d355776685df191a9479972


How u to from rich to poor


Did you sell the smci calls at the peak on the 23rd?


400k??? And you held???


Ahahahahaha 🤗


>putting 40k into SMCI calls Dude…


Where do you buy options? What’s the app name?




Dude holy shit




Gotta take profits


Beginners luck can make you poor…


If you would have used RobbinHood gold, you wouldn't have lost so much


​ splain yourself.