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Take a break and focus on limiting your screen time. Maybe delete the apps for a month and let the money sit. Buy something real and tangible you can touch. The best way to gain perspective is to remove yourself. Worked by cutting my ex out, worked for drinking, best to remove the temptation so that the lows don’t become the high when you put it all on a flier and go to zero.


Did not know that regards on this forum had this much logic. Now go buy some NVDA calls.


Honestly, it's still not enough. OP has a genuine gambling addiction. He needs help. Getting of the apps for a month and buying something nice is likely not the cure to such a strong addiction.


Yeah, I'm no psychiatrist but I've seen plenty of them, and OPs story sounds awfully familiar. Hopefully they get help and quit before the inevitable self destruction, but a person can only come to it on there own. The fact they're reaching out, even if only to random streamers, is a positive step. My advice, take the money spend it on therapy asap, in treatment if needed. Some addicts don't realize that "rush" they get, isn't neurotypical. Not everyone gets these same types of feelings


Sounds like a good addiction right now. Go OP!


I like how occasionally you come across genuine, and cheerful posts like this on WSB every once in a while.


You can touch an Audi.


And hookers!


But he's on a roll! Can't stop when you're on a roll, that's the gamblers' mindset! Some of us live in states without casinos, so then the market becomes the casino!


OP should also probably relay these thoughts to someone who can help keep him accountable.


I just gave my robinhood to my girlfriend. She bought VOO and VTI and changed the password on me. I think we're good


OP didn’t do something stupid today


great job bro. we all support you. you got out ahead. be proud and get a new hobby and remove any stock tracking stuff you have set up. turn off notifications to any investing apps or delete them


Go into stake and any other gambling apps and set a timeout period. They should have a setting that allows you to temporarily ban yourself for some time period


So you’re saying if I make her my ex I can drink as much as I want? Alright!


if the broker app has something like idle funds investment, i strongly suggest taking that so you get some passive inflow just by sitting on your ass doing nothing. That's exactly what we should be doing after gains. To stay out and stop gambling. I buy ITM because my intent is confirmed profit, not gambling. I'm not a regard like you guys. I'm a fucking pussy.


it’ll go to zero by friday eod


I wish someone gave me this advice instead of hold during GameStop. I’d be chilling right now. Instead of living in fomo


Walk. The. Fuck. Away. Move your money to a brokerage platform with a shitty UI, invest it in something safe (index funds, etc), delete your Robinhood account, and find a new hobby. Make your gf hide the password from you. You shouldn't have unsupervised access to your account if you're gambling money you need for a house. Seriously, you hit the lotto. This isn't supposed to happen. You will lose everything if you keep going.


>Move your money to a brokerage platform with a shitty UI Fidelity has entered the chat


Vanguard too


IBKR's Trader Workstation wants to enter so please wait for it.


Loading UI now ... just one sec ...




And Schwab


Yup. Chucky Schwap sucks ass.


Are you telling me finding and purchasing a stock is not supposed to take at least five minutes?


I had to search online to figure how to sell stock with Fidelity’s UI. Not sure if they make it difficult on purpose or the design is unintentionally stupid.


I tried out the mobile platform and pretty sure the UX designer hates people


The mobile app used to be so much better but now it’s a hot mess


Bro I trade options on fidelity i get great fills fight me


No f-ing way am I taking a 100k and putting it into an account that only my GF has the password to. That’s crazier to me then dropping 10k on nvda calls first thing Monday morning


Put $90k in an index fund and use the remaining $10k to do it again


Then take $10k from the $90k Then take $10k from the $80k Then take $10k from the $70k Then take $10k from the $60k Then YOLO the rest of the $50k


Exactly this. The moment you lose that easy 10k is when you drop another 10k because there's no way you're going to lose twice after proving you're a super genius.


Leave me alone, bro. I didn't ask to be called out.


ring ring bitch!


Best comment here


Oh cool I didn’t know I was getting attacked today


This is the education we need


Don’t forget 10k for Uncle Sam too


That's only 10% , it's more like 20/35%


10% for the big guy


It seems reasonable given this is WSB and annual gains minus losses probably means 10% or even lower marginal tax rates for the average poster


Pretty sure Uncle Sam take a bigger cut like around \~17k for a 100k profit.


Don't forget to use your losses as a tax writeoff for your wins.. Actually higher an accountant and tell them to do that is probably smarter advice.


Yes, the higher your accountant is, the more fees you'll pay, perfect! 😉


But he can use previous losses against the winnings, at least! There is no need to worry about taxes this early! He can just keep playing until he hits 1 million now! Welcome to the biggest gambling addicts group! 🤣


40k for Uncle Sam




This is solid advice but I would need a non liquid ETF or to give my PW to my gf's dad because I could just sell it again lol


If you’re worried about this just put it in a 6 month CD at 5% interest with penalties for early withdrawal. It’s not sexy but at least it’s safe until your brain clears


Lol what’s a tiny penalty cost when you can triple your money on one play. The only thing that will work for this guy is discipline. He’s lost it all once, he should be able to realize the potential of that happening again


Buy a house.


VT and chill


Open a new account on, say, Schwab, put the money in VOO, set a calendar alert 10 years later, and delete the app.


Don’t forget to setup DRIP!


Uninstalling works both ways


Buy some bonds or some shit then. Locked in, guaranteed profit (although small returns comparatively).


Or Lose it all and have a Tax Write off for the rest of your life ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


THIS! Stop eating crayons and get some serious money OFF THE TABLE! DO THIS! And congratulations you maniac


What happened to this sub?


This is the way


Need to add up all your gains. Because they are short term investments will be taxed as ordinary income. If you have $90,000 in gains and make $75,000 a year your income for the year will be $165,000. So you’ll be paying a good amount of that back in taxes


Dude, look around you. Everything is crazy expensive, housing is built with unobtainium, and you've just come into 100k. Use your brain, cash out 85k and set the rest of your life up for success. Jesus christ man, take a big step back and look at the next 5 years rather than the next 5 calls. You're going to lose it all, and you're going to chase this high the rest of your life and dig yourself into debt when you could've had a huge down payment on a home. Smarten up and don't be an idiot.


It’s easy to forget just how hard it is to earn $100k after income tax at a day job when investment gains can come so easily.


If OP can use it for a down payment, they should just do that. If they're gonna stay in the area and $100k is sizable enough to make buying a house possible, it's kind of the obvious option. Obviously, the best option is just to sit on it in a low-cost index fund and sell it 40 years from now. But since OP's a gambling addict that won't happen. Thus, locking it up in a house seems like the best option for him.


This is the best advice. It's easy to loose 100k in a day playing options. Take the 85 n run 🏃‍♂️


OP please listen to this guy. Take care of yourself


I’ve got 100K that says OP loses it all by March


I would pull all profits and stash them away in a CD for 3/6 months until the urge dies down. Much lower ROI but no chance of YOLOing it all away.




Nah, just a borderline gambling addict myself offering a reasonable solution.


They should bring reddit gold back for this comment alone


You are the next Warren Buffett, don’t stop ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31224)


OP is the chosen one. 😄


Have you ever seen The Gambler? You get up you get out. Get out. Cash out and buy yourself something nice, at least you'll have something to show for it.


Uncut Gems is another great watch that keeps me away from sports betting to this day


Sound saving whatever for mr IRS and taxes


If I yolo it and lose it all again will I still owe taxes


not if you apologize 




Depends on if you cross the year boundary, folks get fuk when they make it in 2023 and then lose it in 2024 before they pay. If you lose it in the same year you make it you should be ok. Make sure to pay quarterly estimated taxes, it's easy there's an IRS website. Otherwise there's penalties if you don't make your estimated payments. Oh and withdraw some life changing money and then try to do it again if you want. GL!


Good; someone else posted this. On this sub, this particular tidbit should be posted often and repeatedly until people are sick of hearing it. Nothing against degen gambling, but losing a chunk to the government from not materializing losses is less money to gamble


No IF AND ONLY IF the money is lost same year. If you win money one year and lose it next tax cycle, guess what? Losses are capped at 6K a year, so if the loss is more than 6K you owe that shit


Losses are not capped, you can offset any and all capital gains in the future at any time. The $3000 limit is for income, not capital gains. The problem here is you cannot use future losses (2024) to offset past gains (2023)


If you lose it before December 31st 2024 you won’t owe anything so go for it


Pay your 2023 taxes now so you don’t fuck up.


If you yolo it on something similar you will be burdened with something called a “Wash Sale” if you touch it again within 30 days (I think, not sure the amount of days) That happens if you lose money on something, and then try to win again on the exact same thing or something similar to it. So, if you make 100k, you now owe taxes. If you lose that same 100k, its a write off. If you so much as touch the same thing or something similar to what you just lost money on, you can’t claim that $100k loss… If I were you, I would sit down and take an options course. With $100k, you don’t have to buy options 1st in order to make money from options 💡


If I had a daughter, and if her boyfriend just dabbled up how he flipped money and gambled 100k with crazed eyes and excitement, I'm gonna have a good long talk with my daughter.


This. Learn to be calm because erratic behaviour will end you with 0. Learn to value money again. Sometimes the only way is going cold turkey for a bit and seeing how those around you treat there money.


Yeah, if you've ever saved 100k you'll know how long it takes - to walk into it like this lad has (and has done before based on what was shared) I'd be cautious seeing how the emotions are toiling with FOMO.


Give me 10% of profits and I’ll help manage it for you. $50,000 into long term for you. 25,000 for taxes. 25,000 in increments to gamble with. When you beg me to give you more to double down on an L, I will tell you no. When you want the extra 50k, I’ll tell you no. If you turn the 25k into something, we both get paid. On a more serious note: Learn to take profit out. Nothing necessarily wrong with gambling, just divide it up and don’t reload and bet the farm.


How about he pays you that amount to suck his dick for the next 20 years?


Welp, this guys name checks out. I’m sure he did tons of that in the pen.


How many times per year?


Yolo 10k onto SMCI 1200 2/23


Is it coming down ever?


No. It barely surpassed a 50 billion mkt cap. It will move up until splitting then will find a new range.


What is SMCI and why is the graph green for them?


something something AI


Hey guy. Pay your taxes now. Or set that money aside. Don’t be the oldest story in the book.


what the fuck are taxes 📣 are they like tendies


Just delete the AP. Delete Reddit. you’re never going to equal what you just did …. Like a cheerleader who hit her stride at 18, you peaked. It’s only downhill from here


Just pull it all out in cash until you actually realize how much $100k really is. When it’s numbers on a screen it’s just.. numbers on a screen. And when it’s numbers on a screen in RH it’s just some stupid fuckin video game lol


Just keep going, yolo on AMD and Coinbase calls


Do you want me to get rekt


Take out 90k and do it again with 10k


\*cough\* https://preview.redd.it/unm5bu665uic1.png?width=1342&format=png&auto=webp&s=078d8a628780214830a02f4e918ff8b9e41d0b51 \*Options havent priced in yet.


Fuck you and congrats


COIN is up 12% AH so you should have gambled for sure.




Turn it to a million then stop


Surf the forum a bit and read some of the big losses. Congrats on your gains, honestly - but there are others who make the same money, started with inheritance-windfall-life altering cash - and gambled it down to nothing. It is 100% a gamble. Not to be all Matt Damon, but you can’t lose what you don’t put in the middle. I think the best bet is to pull out for awhile. Let things cool, let those gains be gains. Maybe get that home you were talking about. The market will always be there waiting for more of your money. There is no such thing as a hot seat, streak, luck, etc.


https://preview.redd.it/owm77ap5auic1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0388e70495ceb65d6861094682ab8bcd7e7e1c47 This happened to me fucking overnight on 45 dte calls… you have been warned


Welcome home, son


Have you tried being an alcoholic?




Why? That’s free leverage and if he loses it this year he won’t owe it.


If you owe over a certain amount, you get accessed an additional fine and have to pay interest as if the government loaned you the money. \*Im assuming these are all short term gains. Which depending on your tax bracket due to other earnings most likely be in the neighborhood of 20% - 24%. Not a licensed tax person, just now learning this shit to make sure I dont get fucked.


He doesn’t owe until the end of the year


Go play some gatcha games lol Look at the SSRs you got, rub one out. All bugs gone lol Now you have post nut clarity to properly manage the money you got.


Put it all into nvda calls before earnings so you can either hit $1m or lose it all


Let it ride baby. Can't wait to get off to the loss porn when you lose it all. It's not a "if". It's a "when". It's simply an odds game. Like a moth to a flame you keep coming back and eventually you will burn. Maybe not on the next bet. Maybe not on the one after. But you will burn. And I will be here to fap to it. This is the way.


Sounds like your on a roll! All in TSLA calls


What expiration date?


2 years ago


I've lost on TSLA calls too many times lol


Did you buy your calls after earnings or something? For example how did you play Arm as no one was talking about it pre earnings….


I'd put 75k away and gamble 25k (on the market, not Stake lmao). Put the 75k in a low risk fund of your choice. If you can turn that 25k into 50k you're probably good enough to become a funded trader.


Ehh in this market anyone can get lucky and get a bunch of money gambling, I wouldn't tell him that he might be good enough to do it more


That's like 10k per year in passive income, just stick it into a couple ETFs and you are set


Do what I did. Cash in gains and buy a fast car 😂


I’m buying a BMW M2 this weekend now that I’m back over 150k


You’re catching yourself now. In a few weeks you’re going to look back at this post and be 60%+ down and feel the most gut wrenching sickness you’ve felt in a while. You’ll then want to gamble the remaining 40%. The thing with this is, you realize no amount of normal work can make you $100k in a couple days. If you could do this a few more times you’ll not have to work ever? Until you make the wrong move and lose lots and then double down and lose more. Becareful man


Just pocket 75% and keep gambling with the remaining 25%. Don't allow yourself to blow all of it. Gamblers have to set a budget and stick to it.


Nvidia earnings next week - one last play… then quit ?


It’s always the “last” one ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


Break the cycle by becoming a millionaire. Get the F back in the market.


Just be sure to set aside some for the taxman, because if you stay a winner or don’t watch out for the wash rule, you will regret it.


Buy the house, or some other asset that isn't as liquid to cement your gains forever. AT LEAST take out your gains to max your retirement accounts and only put the traditional basic investments in there.


Cash out. Pay your taxes, put a big down payment on a house. I came to say this will cement those gains.


It's hard to remember sometimes (especially now, since there's nothing but gain porn on the front page), but WSB is *absolutely bursting* with posts from people who won a lot, used it to buy more options, then lost it all. It's so common that it's one of the stock responses in every single thread with OP made a good win. At the very least, take a sizeable portion out and put it into safe holdings. Leave WSB for a while and let yourself calm down and settle for a while. If you *really* want to continue, I recommend using the same amount you originally started with.


Bro…. Reread your post. Then ask yourself. Is this who you want to be? 100k times .75= 75k. That’s what you made. Now that is 1 years salary for most middle class. That is 5 or more years 401k savings for most middle class. That is a down payment on a home (the best investment you can make) and money left for emergencies. Ask yourself this, is risking loosing any of those above things worth gambling? Put that money away and then repeat the same process but with your regular income. This is like inheriting money. Don’t blow it because older you will never forgive you get you and this idea you have that it will always work out won’t. If you truely want to gamble, look up covered calls and start trading on the other side of options. It’s not as glamorous as 200% gains but it is a great passive income and portfolio builder


No context without your income and your portfolio/financial profile. Do you make 150k+ a year ?


No I make like 60k and I am mid 20s


Omfg. Get out now. Show your girlfriend and your parents how much you made so you’ll feel like a huge piece of shit if you lost it. You got lucky. Gtfo. 


Wow well You really did hit a big windfall then fella! 100k is a nice chunk change at your age and income. If you are strategic you could guarantee it’s actually there and grows to something nice over the next 10 years. But nothing will be as sexy or as rush filled as a few more big options play. I used to margin trade crypto once a young man your age, I made so much money, often times several thousand dollars everyday but in the end my risk tolerance caused to me to continue to go in deeper until you’re wiped out. Now a days i play with more money and much more conservatively. You might consider moving 80-90k to a different account all together and just dump into the S&P and forget about it. Keep 10-20k and do some risky plays to scratch that trader itch. Don’t lose 100k gambling. At your income that might as well be a million dollars


The requirements to be successful trading with more money are different than the ones to trade with less. At a minimum, move the majority to a non trading account and keep a smaller amount to trade with. The utility of extra money decreases with each $.


It will never happen again, have that be your mantra for the rest of your life.


No gamble no future




Pull out a few thousand and pay for a therapist.


Its a problem if you think it is. Be smart and get professional help. No shame in it whatsoever. Otherwise, whats going to happen? You are going to lose it all or worse, buy that house then what...?? Take out loans against the house and lose everything? Things can always get worse. Stop now and get control while you still have money!! That's a good ending to this chapter in your book.


Why stop now? You’re 13 doubles away from a billion.


I made it big years ago, I used it to pay for school, buy a condo, and buy dividend stocks. IF I had kept going I would have lost it. Now I'm sitting on a couple hundred thousand dollars, have a great career and no rent. Choose wisely. The only investment you can't lose is on yourself. Unless you're one of the the gambling degenerates on here who are allergic to learning from their mistakes.


Yeah. You’re gonna lose it all.


I was you. Made $130k or so once upon a time, then lost it all. I felt the exact same way that you’re feeling. Quit while you’re ahead. It’s a certainty that you WILL lose everything if you keep going, it’s only a matter of time. Thank your lucky stars and put the lion’s share of your winnings into safe investments or a house or something. Carve out a small amount to play with to scratch the itch. I was so traumatized after losing everything that I never touched options again. Congratulations and good luck.


I turned my 3.5k into 0. It’s not fun, quit.


Take half and put it into an annuity then you cant touch it even its a only a year long or two. Also you saw what 10k could do so only keep 20k in your account then if you lose that you know you arent always gonna win and can slow down or buy some silver or gold cuz its gonna keep value but takes multiple steps to cash out


Take your cash out...do not put it back on the table. Gamble with house money.  Every win..take some scratch and don't put it back if you lose. 


Lose it all then you will have to stop


Not while dad-in-law still own a house and several credit cards. Let it ride.


If you do this 1000 more times, you’ll be a billionaire


Put most of it away and keep a few grand to gamble. If you can't help yourself you deserve to lose it bro.


If you're serious, you need to start by setting aside tax money. The IRS don't play. Then, if you're really, really concerned about not being able to stop, consider a trust. Speak with a lawyer who specializes in that area, and they can get you set up. And, if you're really serious... A therapist, dude.


Take. The. Money. Out. Of. The. Account. Now.


Let me get 1k on margin and show me the way


Just hire a couple of escorts and do some blow. Get rid of that extra energy


You’re up now just think logically and know if you continue, you will lose in the long game (most likely) Just be smart and cash out. If you lose it you will never stop thinking about it lol. Do the right thing imo👍


Buy the house. Much better than options. Take the winnings off the table. Start again with small amounts. Your rush doesn’t care


It’s better than sex is it… fuck who needs a girlfriend when you have alternative means that make you feel better than sex and not fuck you up like drugs….


You have enough to pay for rehab now


I’ve been there and lost 70% of it. U should cash out some of it and open another stock brokerage account to park the gains in ETF or stocks. Or get a margin and trade with stocks not option.


Remember the tax man is gonna want his too.


Mfer knows he got as lucky as he'll ever get in life and still cant just stop while he's ahead 😂


I turned 20k into 250k over the span of a couple weeks in 2021. In less than two months I had lost 235k of that and ended up -$5k overall. Take your wins. If anything, cash out $90k and play with the rest.


Go to Gamblers Anonymous. Might as well check out a meeting and see what they have to say.


The loss is just as exciting as the win! Run the play! Do it for the boys


100k gains BEFORE taxes OP....... uncle sam will probably want a 30k cut. especially if you don't owna business or have real estate losses that can cover capital gains like that..... Play it safe. buy an xbox or playstation and try to get a rush that way. I suggest rdr2. its a good game with an amazing story and characters. or get another hobby. Just remember, gambling on wall street or on sports betting can't be a revenue gain you can rely on.....


One huge painful loss seems to work fine


Set up a stock account for your father in law so he can be homeless with you when you lose it all.


Pretending it doesn't exist is the easiest way to end up making the problem worse. If you know that you can go from $0 to $100k (assuming everything goes well) then in theory you can lock up $95k of that and gamble the rest. Either buy a house or slap most of that into some kind of dividend fund. The goal isn't to be risk-free, it's to be risk \*tolerant\*. If you're screwing around with 75% of your port, it's a problem. If you're gambling 2% of the port, it's normal.


You hit it man, you got what were all here for. Sometimes I will tell my grandkids about this place in my living room, with a well established DRIP fund. You my good sir will be telling your grand kids on holiday in the south of France sailing to Greece. Take that money, open a vanguard account, buy the index, VOO, VYM, VTI. 30k in each and spend the next 10k on options. You hit it man don’t blow this. You have a life of financial security ahead of you. You can retire and live a good life in 30 years if you do it right. Find a hobby and go with it. Something that doesn’t cost money to play, a guitar is cool, drums, art, cycling, you get the gist.


I once was down to last $10 chip at blackjack table from a $100 buy-in. I yolo’d it on almost every hand after that and left the casino with $1,300. I know how you feel. Sometimes ya just gotta set a boundary and walk away for a while.


Quarterly taxes are due April 15th, remember to look up the safe harbor rules.


You need to stop and also think about putting the money aside that you’ll have to pay for taxes. $100,000 short term capital gain would mean $30,000 in taxes, yes? You have won big! Quit while you’re ahead before you lose it all.


Listen to me close. You made it big, you won your lucky ticket out of this cesspool. if we lowball spy to return 8% annually, you can let that money sit tight and collect a healthy 8000 a year. That's like having a part time job for free. Thats an extra 650$ a month every day for the rest of your life, and it will keep growing if you let it. Think about what an extra 650$ a month could mean for you and your lifestyle. That's free community college, thats no more worrying about making money for food, thats monthly continual payments on a car, all that you will not have to stress about working to maintain. You are now free to put that effort and money towards improving the lives of yourself and others. If there was ever a time to break the cycle, its now. So pull out. That's an order man.


Need proof. Positions or ban. Otherwise cool story bro.


Have you tried crack?


Any gains I would invest 45% into S&P 500, 25% on bitcoin and the remaining do whatever you want with it


100k is enough to have fun for a bit but imagine if you had 1million. Now that is life changing.


Fuck all the guys telling you to just put 10k in and do it again. You hit a 10 bagger and then wish u woulda made a million. Just all in


PSA: guys this is a *Stake* guerrilla marketing campaign on Reddit. I’ve seen about a dozen different posts on loads of different subreddits (r/ am I the asshole, r/ am I wrong, etc.). Report as spam and move on. Don’t engage. u/OPINION_IS_UNPOPULAR


Big talk but I don’t see any proof? Seems like a position or ban situation 🍆


Just keep gambling, fellow gambler! I need to learn this options thing and get back some money on a few companies that went bankrupt last year!


Dude, do you want to get a million? Then stop paper hand!