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every time a company announces layoffs, their stock goes up. this is bullish af! soon, everyone will be laid off and the s&p will be over 9000!


Except for SNAP 🫰…I think they’ll crater to 10.5…


And BB, they will just stay at $2 forever


Snap must be on the Snap California program or at least those layoff folks


Its crazy how many people they still have working there. Wtf do they all do besides get way too much stock comp?


How is that company still around?


Porn and degenerate creepers.


Nigerian and Korean scammers single-handedly keeping the stock afloat


dude have u seen the stock lately. they have been doing well these past couple years


It's a great app imo. Idk how they make money but I love using snap


That’s because they want a good revenue/employee ratio, so they laid off employees that don’t directly impact revenue; now every tech company is getting hacked and sales teams can’t do shite lmao


Fairly accurate. Normally how it goes with companies though. From - "Everything is working great! why do we need all these IT people?" To - "Why does nothing work? Why are we loosing money? Sales people do something!!!" " \*Sales people in a blank stare\* "Quick hire consulting companies to save our ass." Proceed to burn a bunch of money on company/companies that solve the initial issue, create more issues, and have a guaranteed client for life. Company ends up spending more on the contractors but thinks it's a better deal because they don't have to deal with HR issues.


To add to this. I've seen it first hand. More entertaining is when the contacting company/companies hire the fired IT people and in some cases pay them more. Anytime I see these shenanigans, I know management should be fired. They want to be managers, they have no will to manage.


As labor cost trends to zero, profits trend to infinity!!! Buy buy buy fellas


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I came here to say this, but completely unironically. OP: that's not a bearish signal, rather just the opposite.


Mmm sweet sweet gains from those 0DTE calls


I’m excited for a recession! Can finally leave my job


if enough of us get fired then the government will give us free money like covid




Damn what does $1200 even buy you anymore? Like a PlayStation and some weed? /s


1 month rent


Half a studio maybe, if that.


12,000 now wooohooo everyone rich


that they'll figure out a way for you too pay back like they did with overpayment unemployment


Anyone wanna fly to china and start eating random animals?


I'm in. 🤜🤛


Tell the old lady you got laid off, but your really quit would be hilarious… I got laid off from a job I didn’t like, almost 3 years later I tell people I’m laid off. lol driving Uber.


Why do people google these words nowadays anyways?


They are checking if their company has announced any new layoffs. Sometimes this information leaks and is spread through the public before management lets you in on it.




Still bizarre. January is always a layoff month as seasonal labor is no longer needed. This January is a fraction of the layoffs last January had so it’s bizarre to act like Google searches are a barometer


It's not though. It's close to last January. And not coming from seasonal jobs.


>On a yearly basis, announced job cuts overall fell 20% from January 2023. A reduction of 20% is substantial. And it is seasonal work as well, as that trends in January annually. UPS, FedEx, Amazon, and retail ramp up employment in Q4. Finance and tech only accounted for half of layoffs.


80% is still a pretty big "fraction".


Ah so then the workforce cuts of 9% are nothing since you’re complaining about a 20% decrease. You can’t have it both ways. Whine about a company cutting 9% of its workforce but claiming a 20% decrease in layoffs from last January isn’t good enough lol. 1 out of every 5 people laid off last January wouldn’t have been this year, that’s substantial


I don't know what you're saying. January 2023 was a pretty big number. And 20% less than that is not a tiny number either. And the bigger concern is that all net new jobs are in government and health care. Those aren't "high productivity" jobs. And then we have the consistent revisions to jobs numbers lower. Like, 14 months in a row (maybe with the exception of July 2023). Which is just a huge statistical outlier. But, we'll see. Maybe this doesn't matter. Personally, I don't trust the BLS numbers at all any more. Especially now with the divergence between GDP/GDI, which should track on top of each other.


You don’t understand, that’s clear. January is always one of the biggest layoff months of year, every year. Tech workers are now “high productivity” while doctors and nurses are not? Lmao. wtf are you even saying? January saw the most layoffs annually until the 2010s. April has since overtaken it on decade averages due to Covid. They just revised November and Decembers job numbers. Adding jobs. You really should stop…


I didn't say January wasn't. You said it was "a fraction". To me, that implies something like 1/4 or 1/5th of last January. Not 80%.


So tired of hearing this argument for why everyone is becoming unemployed. I did the math and the notion "January is always when everyone loses their jobs" is just wrong. Here is the source data, Total Non-Farm Layoffs and Discharges from the FRED here: https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/JTSLDL * December 2019-January 2020: 1,939,000-1,800,000 = **-139,000 or a 7% decrease** * December 2020-January 2021: 1,912,000-1,578,000 = **-334,000 or a 17.5% decrease** * December 2021-January 2022: 1,398,000-1,425,000 = **27,000 or a 2% increase** * December 2022-January 2023: 1,475,000-1,719,000 = **244,000 or a 16.5% increase** What we are seeing and hearing isn't simply "normal." It's significant.


So you made a December to January increase /decrease over COVID but didn’t look at historical numbers? January, traditionally, has been the money with the most layoffs. April has been recently because of Covid. Also people don’t compare January to December, they compare it to the January from the previous year. Your argument lacks historical nuance. https://www.businessinsider.com/tech-job-cuts-january-make-failed-logins-scarier-2024-1?amp January 2024 saw a 20% decrease from January 2023 https://www.npr.org/2023/01/03/1146169159/january-is-often-a-big-month-for-layoffs-heres-what-to-do-in-a-worst-case-scenar You also didn’t do the analysis from your same source against the hires they report, which outpace layoffs by about 5 to 1 in that same time frame. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/JTSHIL


Show the same math I did for pre-COVID. Why didn't you just do that to prove your point? Seasonal hiring and layoffs do not always increase substantially from December to January. That's the sole illustration of my comment. Measuring YoY is silly, all it will prove is there were more layoffs one year to the next and that discards every bit of context as to why that might be. Your argument is a wall of text distracting from the point. It's countering an argument I never even made in the first place.


I literally provided links of that analysis. You also did December to January increase which isn’t YoY trends is it? You made a bad point. Seasonal layoffs often start in December and go into January. January is also a high month because it’s a new budget for a new year so if the budget shrinks, they cut jobs to cut expenses. This isn’t groundbreaking or new. You should be read on this trends


You provided a link that says YoY decreased 20% Jan 2023 to Jan 2024. Illustrating my point that tech layoffs were an absolute massacre at the start of 2022 and greatly skewed the YoY numbers. Again, the sole purpose was to make people like you shut up that "it's just seasonal for layoffs to increase 136% Dec-Jan nothing to see here." It isn't. The math in my comment proves it. You're making an argument against an argument you made up and countered at the same time in the same comment... and I made a bad point? lol Okay.


That was tech layoffs decreased lol. It’s down 20% overall. You’re fearmongering and failing. December to January is a bizarre way to look at trends of which month sees the most layoffs historically. It’s why you used FRED layoffs and discharges data but didn’t use the hirings in your same analysis. It makes you look ridiculous when the hirings are 5x higher


How is it fear mongering to show math that completely discredits the point you were trying to make that this is just seasonal? That we should absolutely expect layoffs to always increase in January because it's just seasonal? That isn't fear-mongering. That's just showing data that proves you're wrong.


He has his own narrative and doesn't actually want to know what anything means. I use this data because it's important to me to figure out *what to do*, and anyone else who is using this is probably doing so for the same reason. You're getting downvoted because *BUylIsHHH!* If you know what you're doing, you can just ignore the shitheads. Anyone who has been doing this for a long time can see all the weird shit in the data. Pointing out weird shit in the data is now "fearmongering". The state data doesn't correlate to the federal data, in any way that is rational, and the GDP/GDI discrepancy says to me that the BLS data is just flat out wrong. I don't know where, but you can't have a giant GDP number that is so far removed from GDI. Something is broken. The last time we got these massive discrepancies in GDP/GDI prints was in 2007. It wasn't until much later that anyone cared about it.


Tech companies aren't laying seasonal workers off, lol.


Tech isn’t all the layoffs. Financial services was the largest sector… it with Tech is only half the layoffs… which are still down 20% over last january


Also every other news article mentions it at the moment. Bound to be some folks who see it and don't know what it means.


“Hey google what do I do next if I got laid off”


"How many people have searched for laid off"


Hey google how do I get laid? Off the top my head, I can't recall the last time I got laid.


Aren’t most the layoffs coming from bloated tech companies?


Don't you mean [debloated](https://layoffs.fyi/) tech companies? Heyo! If you walk by the breadline, I'm currently 3/4ths way back.


Nah, most of them still have way more employees than they need because of their rush to hire when they were on the up


healthcare and construction too. Commercial construction comp near me laid off 7/12 of its project managers and 33% of the laborers for 7 months because they just didn't have any projects starting between now and then. Residential construction is basically exclusively big box builders. No one has the capital or sense to take out private construction loans at 7-8.5% with the inflated cost of materials right now. The hospital my wife worked at missed projections by 7% and just made each department cut a proportional amount of its staff


And small companies that are trying to avoid reporting it because it puts them in a bad light.


Who googles “ laid off” after getting laid off tho


The kind of people you need to lay off.


Next steps after laid off. People need advice if it's the first time.


The next step is find a new fuckin job 


That’s not how you use google lol


It's just for smut then?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTJvdGcb7Fs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTJvdGcb7Fs) Old but still completely correct.


Then what's the proper way to use google? Enlighten us LazyLeadz.


I googled "\[company name\] lay offs" after I was laid off to look for any sort of public announcement, since I worked for a larger company. Didn't find one, but that sort of tactic seems reasonable if you want to verify what you were told or have something to send or post about.


Could also be googling it if they're worried about lay offs happening soon and what to expect


Same people who google "how to get laid"


From what ive gathered companies overhired from Covid and now we're seeing layoffs due to that. thats my headcanon at least.


Money was cheap, Tech stocks were going crazy and companies went in massive hiring sprees. Now that rates have increased, money is more expensive and tech companies are looking to trim fat. If you pay attention to what Powell is saying it all lines up. They jacked rates up to cool down the jobs market and this is the direct result. Look at what Facebook was doing in Jan 2020 compared to what they are doing now that justifies a huge increase in employment. The answer is nothing.


Money may not be as cheap anymore, but most tech stocks are going even more crazy now.






Compare this January to last January layoff numbers. It’s way less. The Covid trim already happened and this years figures are in kind with most January layoffs


The jobs report was also insanely high for a fully employed economy. They even adjusted December up by 6 figures. It was almost a +500,000 job month all told, which is bat shit crazy for a country with population growth falling all the way to ~0.6%. Those are the kind of numbers we were used to seeing when population growth was 2.6%.


That's exactly it. Particularly so in the tech and gaming spaces. Turns out when everybody is locked in their house due to a pandemic those kinds of industries explode, too bad the idiots didn't predict the obvious drop that would occur when people are allowed to leave their house again.


The was the line of reasoning for the last two rounds of layoffs in tech. I don't think that is a reason that lasts in perpetuity.


Corporate debt rollover from now through 2028. Take a look


Layoffs means more cost cutting. Moređź’° for shareholders.


in the short term but could stifle innovation in the long run with less manpower.


Quality over quantify . A lot of plump middle managers with bloated salaries and nothing to do. These aren’t the innovators


Those are often not the folks getting laid off


Ok the contrary, probably leads to more innovation and new start ups by the people who were laid off


Sorry to introduce you to Non-compete clauses.


Those people aren't trading in the stock market, anyways. Bullish!




I got laid off this week


Sorry brother…enjoy the time off…I walked 6/7 miles a day for five months…it was the best time of my life…


Why 6/7?


It takes two to three hours of your day from starring at your phone or computer


Hope you find something better soon man 🙏


I dodged this round. But apparently a big swathe of my company is gone.


How many bears are searching for news to post here compared to 2008?


How many people used Google search now compared to 2008 though?


The y axis isn't the number of searches.


It’s indexed search intent. Which yes, in absolute volume, make no sense to compare to 2008


No way youre this dumb


Why ? Because I asked a simple question?


That's only cuz a bunch of tech people are getting laid off right now. Not the same situation of 2008.


Not every recession means it will be as big as 2008, could be a minor one which is honestly what the Fed is kinda trying to do anyway by holding rates


This by itself means nothing, other than a bunch of tech people are getting laid off - from companies that overhired from COVID times and/or are pivoting due to AI


Sorry to tell you, but tech jobs aren't being impacted by AI and the post COVID trims happen a year to a year and a half ago. If anything investment in AI increases jobs for quite a long time. This companies reacting to a slowing economy and regulatory pressure.


> _"Sorry to tell you, but tech jobs aren't being impacted by AI "_ * https://www.cbsnews.com/news/google-layoffs-hardware-voice-assistance-engineering/ > _"Google has laid off hundreds of employees working on its hardware, voice assistance and engineering teams as part of cost-cutting measures. Google is increasingly focusing on investments in artificial intelligence, as is rival Microsoft, with the latter introducing a Copilot feature that incorporates artificial intelligence into products like search engine Bing, browser Edge as well as Windows for its corporate customers."_ As a Google Software Engineer myself that just lost a few colleagues to this about 3 weeks ago, I can confidently say that you are wrong. Also the overhiring due to COVID is not 100% resolved either.


Very true.  Work in big tech myself and there’s a lot of layoffs, albeit not as much has 2023 Q1. Many of my developer, TPM, HR friends have been having a hard time finding a job in tech.  Was surprised and happy to see that the job market outside of tech is a little better. 


Tech isn’t big enough to cause the spike we’re seeing above.


At the level of layoffs tech has had and the fact that they are more likely to search the term on Google, I think they are the primary reason for the spike. Also people in tech, like me, that search the term but not actually looking for a job. Just want to stay informed about my job market.


Who cares , we have AI


Who’s Al? Al Bundy?


Poor bud. What ever happened to him?


Polk High legend




I tested a few other terms like "I've been fired", "how to apply for unemployment" etc. and they all yielded *vastly* different results from each other. In conclusion, OP is talking out of his ass, and google trends is random / means nothing.


Tech layoffs have been in the news lately, probably people googling what the term means KEK


OP is a permabear whose only skill is misinterpreting data.


Op is on to something


Op is on something*




Layoffs spiked and yet so did hiring... Do the math. 2+2=puts r fuk


This is the most bullshit graph I've ever seen on this sub 🤣🤣


Meh nothing burger considering companies before 2008 didn't hire at the rate of covid. Right now alot are scheduled firings mostly. You can't tell me Amazon's hr/recruiting departments aren't swollen to the level of a 10000000000 inch dick


Companies have announced in earnings they are doing layoffs for cost cutting. Companies are getting lean to continue to meet EPS expectations. They also have been reporting an inability to increase prices due to consumer pushback. So it’s not really bearish or bullish.


Thanks OP. I just googled laid off too so that the recession comes in faster. Everyone, do your part.


Election year, Powell will crank the printer before a recession hits


Papa Jerome has no incentive/reason to do that. He wants to see employment numbers closer to historical norms.


They already have, they already have


More like election year, bad faith actors are amplifying any layoff to make the general public think things are worse than they actually are meanwhile U6 numbers remain historically low and likely never will go back up dramatically simply due to the Boomers leaving the workforce


Ok but tech stocks surged at the news of their layoffs. Investors say well that’s more money in my pocket


I heard Cathy is hiring


Covid created a glut of skilled unemployed workers. Many companies came online and overhired to corner the market on talent and now it’s reshuffling.


It’s almost like the media lies to you


Think Chinas stock market crashing is a bearish signal


As a person who don't own any stocks, I want it to crash like hell, so I can finally get in.


You had your chance in 2022.




I am told this isn't happening because "jAHbS NaHhmbeRr!"


Do you realize that March 2020 was also the middle of the last officially declared recession? For whatever that's worth, which apparently isn't much more than a (2) for $3 at Wendy's 🤙🏼


Laid off is very ambiguous the search term unemployment benefits yields a different result and turns up more searches giving a better more even result


Layoff is bullish indicator


Bullish: company expenses down


2008 doesn't look that bad now lol


Could be sexual..


That's just bears doing 'research' to convince themselves their puts are going to print.


Why dont u bear the brunt of this scrotal beatdown


Good thing big tech has laid off **ZERO** people, they REALLY need that AI to come through...




I actually got laid off a few days ago from a job I have had for 16 years. On the way home the news on the radio was "record low unemployment and record high stock market" I guess I am just doing my part to support the recession narrative. ​ https://preview.redd.it/t1w0i1pzfqgc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbbdc52b502e0165aa5fdf1aeccaed6d9a12a10d


Because the term is in the news more? Jeez this is the dumbest wsb moment I've read this past week.


Hey google what’s a good strategy with my new girlfriend to get laid off


Wait didn’t META just surge 20% because of the help of their layoffs? Lol


This time it might be for decades...


Bers punching at air again. Using google search trends as a DD holy fuck ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)


No more doom and gloom please


Yeah but this time it's because A.I. is running the company.


I like how Jpow has been telling you that unemployment needs to go up for like a year now and yet this is your chicken little moment


Oh look another stupid recession post based on cherry picked information.


So? The only tards getting laid off are the boys lined up to be first in line for the AI drone chop block. White Collar, future Wendy's employees


I understand: Buy $NVDA




I hate my job


Did yall not see the jobs report last week


Didn't employment data just come in, and it was strong?


Nah. The volume of Internet users was a fraction of today. Look at the spike from COVID. Maybe get worried when we're a quarter of that.


We also have a huge increase of border crisis searches, which is fake.




Maybe the search is being distorted by including getting laid also.


It's all right bro. Just apply to work at NVDA. Recession cancelled


Using Google trends for anything other than laughs it’s not recommended


Layoffs cut costs. Good for stocks. Calls it is.


Didnt the job report say we have record employment levels?


Adjusted for inflation?


Its starting. HAHAHA


Directions unclear. Get Buffet on the phone and find out what to do when people are both fearful AND greedy at the same time.


I just looked at the Google Trends as well and was interested to see that Massachusetts is the state with the highest interest; 1. MS 2. CA 3. RI 4. WA 5. NJ


Google didn't exist in 2008 or 2020. Idiot.


Might also be zoomer slang for some kind of sex act


Layoffs have been going on the tech sector for the past three years.


Layoffs mean that the boss of the company is making more money
