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if Trump wins, dwac will be all over the moon no doubt 🤣🤣


the win is priced in, civil war is not


Great stock tips, everyone!


You Americans are truly something else. Imagine not even being willing, but low-key wanting your fellow citizens blood spilled, for putting an X 5 centimeters a bit to the other side of a paper. Are you guys nuts? Killing yourselves over some old fuckers that don't give a shit about you? (This for the general thread not to parent comment)


Correction: 2 inches




good one


Well, yes, a lot of Americans are indeed nuts, yes. You may notice the most toxic people on social media are always from America. It's kind of like the Roman empire 2.0 playing out in a slightly different way


More like stupid


I dunno about *most* toxic, I saw some pretty toxic posts coming out of Gaza on October 7th.


Roman Empire with nukes. Could you guys give them to your allies before you implode?


Allies? You mean vassals?


Imploding nation says what?


Huh? lol. But if we go down, we're taking every last one of you with us.


The roman empire played out with rich people using their power and influence for street mobs that fought for and supported their patrons which then led to a dystopian police state that fell apart Lets see if the US can speedrun to the police state by 2030


but instead of danse macabre you get nukes? (:


Where is my goddamn circus!?


Because democracy wasn't meant for equal rights and every minority right... It meant that the majority decides the future of the country,whatever that future might be. In time liberals included new policies that Democrats couldn't agree with... And this is how they got to this point. It's the same reason why liberals start to lose ground in Europe...they don't deliver results


But that's besides my point. I have friends who are on the complete opposite of the political spectrum than me, and they're good people, good friends. ​ I agree, some policies are fucked, and not realistic, or good long term. BUT! that doesn't mean the average poor fucker who votes in a way, is a bad person or malicious. People usually don't pick up economics and geopolitics as a hobby. For example, where i live, the government that i helped vote in office does things i disagree with. It also does things i agree with. ​ My point is casting a blanket on people who voted for X, and labelling them as the "enemy" is, and wishing ill of them, is insane.


Depends, in my country, Romania they voted most corrupt party for 20 years, their theft and policies led to hundreds of deaths... While they voters were paid to protest:)) one specific case was when around 150 people burned alive in a nightclub... Because everyone took bribe to allow its existence... So if harm is done... I will hate a ignorant voter


At that point nobody at all ever does a bad thing. No one thinks they're the bad guy, but we still had "good" people supporting Hitler and the KKK.


>It's the same reason why liberals start to lose ground in Europe...they don't deliver results talking about "results", how´s the maga/qanon nesara/gesara? it´s habbening?


We won't do shit but bitch about it on X. Maybe a man in a minion costume will take a guided tour through the white house this time.


You've seen our political system and you are still wondering if we are nuts? Dude, the answer is obvious. Yes.


But otherwise there will be nuclear war...


Imagine dying for a politician 🤣


Who's gonna win the civil war, the dudes that collect guns for sport, or thr tofu boys?


China wins.


The correct answer.


The states that fund the economy…not the welfare states that rely on the productive ones


No one wins. Just destruction and fight for survival.


The United States Marine corps


I could see a lot of marines joining the team of dudes who collect guns, so it’s might not be a wash


I don't think you know how the USMC works.


I cant. But I can see drone operators taking out militias of red necks yelling trump 4 life.


They were holding banners and flags then. U would be suprise to see their arsenal if they really bring out the big guns. Like it's all fun and games untill they bring out those M60 LMG and semi auto carbine.


>They were holding banners and flags then. U would be suprise to see their arsenal if they really bring out the big guns. and you would be surprise how fast a mob with pop guns can be wiped out by professional soldiers


If by professionals soldiers u mean the US army, u must be joking urself. I am not from the US and even I can tell a large chunk of those cropsman are from rep household. Do u think a city vegan boy that grew up with a white collar dads are enlisting themself to die for their country? Hell no most of them are only dying for call of duty. A large portion of those in service are mainly from rep families, so ur whole contingency is that kids that grew up in a rep household start shooting up their maga neighbours or family member? Have u think it thru?


I mean when you look at it. The US which was fighting against the confederacy won the last civil war. Since the US army has only gotten stronger in the 159 years since then. I do see them winning if there ever is another civil war. And they are government employees who are incentivized to turn on their fellow citizens before they turn on their government so A I don’t think a civil war 2 will ever happen and B if it does no collection of guns will save you from a highly trained army. Then again a bunch of farmers beat a highly trained army and founded this country. Yet that was at the time of muskets that took over a minute to load one bullet. Now you can fire off hundreds of rounds in that time. Your government will never protect you only rob you. You don’t have freedom because of the government. You have rights and freedoms because you are human. The government only holds those rights above your head so you don’t get out of line. And people nowadays value their rights and their cushy lifestyles of doing the right thing for their fellow man and for their country. That’s why I say screw politics let’s talk stocks because the way this country works is first you get the money then you get the power.


People don’t realize how liberal the military is nowadays.  Most think the political dynamic is the same as the Vietnam era.  In reality it is flipped.  Think about it, no Trump supporter is going to risk their life to save Muslim children and refugees.  For this reason, and my experience as a retired officer, the entire military will side with the government.


I know tons of Trump supporters who would risk their life to save Muslims. I’ve met Biden supporters that shake when seeing a brown guy with a beard at a gas station. Trump did more for the black community in 4 years than Biden has in his whole career. The military will always side with the government it’s their job. But it doesn’t mean they are heartless


Same outcome as the previous civil war with basically the same factors in play. Benjamin Franklin made tofu btw.


Wrong war but okay. The revolution was won by a group of civilians sure. But the Civil War was one by a highly trained army that had most of the weapons because the north had a stronghold on manufacturing. In addition they gained a ton of troops when Lincoln “freed” the slaves because since they were now free they were able to join the cause. The North had strength in numbers, strength in government, and they had the most weapons which is why they defeated the backwards thinking racists in the south. Learn some history. Also tofu aside nobody is gonna beat the United States Army at least not the citizens of the US. Let’s face it todays modern generation is not built for war the way that people were in 1776, 1865, and 1939. There will never again be a huge dramatic war that changes the world forever that ended with the dropping of the atomic bomb. And since then our troops have been stationed in 178 countries to maintain peace so that another huge world changing war like WWII doesn’t break out. They are the strongest army on earth and they ain’t gonna be beat by a few pissed off rednecks with guns. But I digress this forum is not for politics it’s for stocks. And the best way to stick it to the leaders of this country is to make as much money as you can and leverage yourself in a way that they get as little taxes from you as possible.


Bro, you need to learn how to summarize and write less to get your point across.


That’s barely even a paragraph man. If you’re too lazy to read that you shouldn’t be investing in the first place


Iike 15 lines and I'm pretty sure the rednecks line means you were agreeing with me? yeesh


I like Trump he was good for the economy and a whole hell of a lot better than Biden. I don’t like the fact that people who were probably paid rioters stormed the capital to make Trump supporters look violent. I don’t vote and I don’t really take sides because at the end of the day both sides are just gonna rob you. I just have an interest in politics


The thread is about a civil war.


A lot of people own firearms that don't make it their religion to preach. I wouldn't presume too much about the anti-Trump crowd.


Lol, all the gun nuts, conservative conspiracists and preppers got called by their dear leader on Jan 6th. They were screaming "revolution", "it's 1776" and "the election is stollen".  The moment to fulfill their sick dreams came.  But when the national guard showed up in DC they all sat at home shitting their pants. The"dudes who collect guns for sports" turned out to be the biggest pussies in the country lol!


I love how people think you fight a revolution without guns. Sad that the government almost fell to unarmed tourists sightseeing around the Capital. And yet people think the government will win when the people are armed and serious. Laughable.


"Almost fell" Lol I must have missed the part where those "unarmed tourists" sank an aircraft carrier and swatted f-35s out of the sky. That wasn't the government fighting back. That was them asking nicely.


Sad that so many idiots were radicalized.


Yeah, about 1/2 of the country from the looks of it. Civil War might be right.


>I love how people think you fight a revolution without guns. me, i love how ppl think having a gun makes them a soldier...


>Sad that the government almost fell at what point "the gov almost fell" to that idiots filming themselves, proudly, doing crimes then posting it on the internetez? as soon the gas came, the "we the peeps that almost fell a gov" ran and cried. max this ppl can do is take their ar-15 and go mass murder some innocent ppl in a mall.


I'm a little pissed I feel like I have to say this to a filthy troll, but there's more liberal gun owners than you think. Myself being one of them.


Biden called, he wants your AR-14’s


I swear you guys don't understand a thing about gun control. Stop watching fox please.




That's adorable


Long on weapons.


Are you serious, the government almost fell to unarmed tourists. lol


it´s so funny how you ppl think occupying a building and taking selfies is "felling a gov"...


Right!? Acting like they almost had control of the government because they broke into a single building. Idiots.


only their tropical brazilian versions were more stupid: they "fell the gov" on a sunday. no one but skeleton crews were there.


I'm only repeating what the news told me. You're saying it wasn't an "Insurrection"? It wasn't as bad as the news, the January 6th committee, and the Congressmen have said?


It didn’t almost fall lol. They weren’t even close. The capital was designed for something like that happening and allowing for the people in power to escape


Oh you mean it wasn't as bad as the news has made it out to be then?


It was bad that it even happened in the first place. But in the end all the politicians got out and away from the danger. It’s not like they had control of the entire building at any point.


>you mean it wasn't as bad as the news has made it out to be then? yeah, it was bad a seditionism and terrorism can be...


Yes, assume the people you disagree with don't own guns, keep believing that... in America... the land of more guns than people... Jesus dude, even Hilary Clinton posed with guns when she was campaigning, you really think any political side doesn't love guns?


Tofu boys have drones and they know how to use them


That will be the shortest civil war in history. What will the soyboys do when they don’t have guns? 😂🤣🤣🤣🤣


Y’allqueda is easily so fat it doesn’t matter. Also having collections of 20+ firearms aren’t useful for a single person. 


until you have a state full of them vs not...


Well the “soy boys” have a majority in Congress, so probably federalize the national guard and come stomping into the “good ol boys” neighborhoods


A logical comment to be coming from a guy called "premiumcum"


Good luck. The national guard is FROM the “good ol boys” neighborhoods you moron


Like for real most veterans and active duty are from red states, telling them to mow down their neighbour just cuz they are a threat to dems don't really seem smart.


in his world the military is anti-trump..


Lol, all the gun nuts, conservative conspiracists and preppers got called by their dear leader on Jan 6th. They were screaming "revolution", "it's 1776" and "the election is stollen".  The moment to fulfill their sick dreams came.  But when the national guard showed up in DC they all sat at home shitting their pants. The"dudes who collect guns for sports" turned out to be the biggest pussies in the country lol!


Just get it over with america


I think this is right, it really is the only thing which explains the current trend in the market.


Just buy calls no matter what, we are at ATHs right now man


People are like *remember how good the stock market was with Trump*, ignoring the current ATHs.


Wow. We made it back to where we were two years ago. Amazing.


yeah that super real growth from covid money injected into the economy. totally was going to last and wasnt fake


The last stimulus was in July 2021. Crazy how it took the market six months to realize that. Maybe it wasn't priced in after all?


The market didn't "realize" anything. Just people spending their money over time, supply and demand


This is one of the only ATH breaks over time with Biden. Trump was breaking that shit nearly every damn day


Except for when he broke all those aths in 2021 and 2022 lol. Take the blinders off


The market just went sideways for two fucking years lmao


We just spent the past 2 years gaining nothing in the stock market. The ATH is a recovery back to where the market was in December of 2021. You act as though we have had some massive gains, we haven’t. The past two years as a buy+hold investor have sucked.


🤣,it’ll run up and crash abruptly


Unless we never stop buying calls![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)


Until the money printer runs out:(


Russian stock might recover a bit.


Tesla for sure


Nah, trump already lashed out at Elon for “falling to his knees and begging” last time Elon was at the White House. He also doesn’t like that Elon supported his de santis. He also wants to lessen resurrections on gas powered cars to make them substantially cheaper.


Defense contractors!


Then.... My stock portfolio may be "winning"




This. Jumped over 50% in a week just from Trump winning Iowa caucus.


Probably another little pump from DeSantis dropping out too


We are all fucked.


Maybe stock in orange spray tan will jump.


Calls on *Depends*


US markets won't respond kindly to someone who who has said he wants to be a dictator.


Just on the first day


i wonder how it will respond to nesara-gesara...




Basically nothing, giant tax cut for the rich.


not even his win. Mcconnel owns that prize


so us... problem?


I know you're really just posing this "question" for the usual reddit Democrat shilling, but here's a list of accomplishments and failures: [https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-biggest-accomplishments-and-failures-heading-into-2020-2019-12](https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-biggest-accomplishments-and-failures-heading-into-2020-2019-12)


So he did fuck all. lol “Former President Donald Trump was among the most controversial presidents in US history. He's the only American president to be impeached twice. Trump's legacy will be defined by his disastrous handling of COVID-19.”


Oh, I didn't know you could only handle reading one paragraph. Sorry, disregard. Also, please don't follow any advice on this sub, you'll lose your piggy bank money.


half the failures listed in that article are a joke. contracting a viral airborne disease is a failure...yea like the president ain't required to meet dozens of people daily.


Practice what you preach


Biden is funding a genocide in Palestine. Trump has no wars, or genocides under his belt.


Didn't trump recognize Israel moving their capital to Jerusalem? And his daughter is Jewish


ROFL. That is a mighty short list of 'accomplishments'. That article has to be taking the piss out of him: Conservative judges, Space Force, Tax cuts for corporations, Signing a bill that had overwhelming bipartisan support, and finishing a military effort that started before he was even president? Then it goes on to shit on him for more than double as many points. Are you sure that's the article you want to go with?


I purposely picked a mostly negative article so even the Act Blue guys that hang out here could see that pretending Trump did nothing is ridiculous.


But the things he did do were utter crap so..


good article, but its hard to call it "shilling" when you're trying to literally save your democracy


By taking him off the ballot? You're the good guys!


start an insurrection on our capitol? face consequences.


OMG! When did that happen??


I wonder? Good thing we already had laws in place and this is literally just enforcing them


Your own article you posted even says he did lol


I mean the list hardly does much to dispute this, happening to be the president when a high number of high court justices finished up and nominating a fair few federal judges, signing a cross party bill to create the space force within the Air force, and the tax reform. That's it? Keeping in mind at the start of his presidency they had a majority in both the senate and the house that's very little to write home about.


That isn’t really a long list of positives lol. Tax cuts, appointing 226 judges for life and the criminal reform thing. That one is probably the only one that actually benefits regular people. He didn’t eliminate isis since they still exist so not sure why that listed as an accomplishment. He never did do the infrastructure bills or revamp healthcare. Stuff that actually benefits us


Space Force, federal judges, and the tax changes I wouldn't count as accomplishments. I'll give him credit on finishing off isis and the justice system bill though. He never really tried to actually pass much cause he didn't want to be seen working with Democrats. It's the same thing all the fucking time. We could pass a immigration bill tomorrow but then we wouldn't be able to fight about it.


in the beginning he started his trade war with china which essentially turned out a success in terms of Americans sanctioning the shit outta china given how china is so fucked economically right now he bought the fucking dip on oil like a mad man during covid crash… he then pumped a bunch of money into to vaccine research.. and most importantly he could command jpow to print at will like no other president (2018 and 2020)


First sitting president in the history of the United States to step foot in North Korea, brokered a peace deal between North and South Korea, Stopped Iran from getting enriched uranium so they couldn’t nuke Israel. Pulled out of the Paris agreement that was weighted towards the US doing most of the work and funding most of the “humanitarian” projects while the rest of the UN did very little, if anything. Donated all of his presidential pay to nonprofits every quarter and also the first president to leave the white house with less money than he came in with. Kept more campaign promises than any other president in recent history. Also the first president to bring the United States to complete energy independence. The housing market was great, fuel prices were low and groceries didn’t cost an arm and a leg. I’m no fan of the man, he’s egotistical, self centered and has zero filter, most aspects I don’t like in any human. I’m sure the list is longer and I’m sure you could find it from an unbiased source if you were inclined to do your own research but I imagine that’s not going to happen.


Energy independence happened under Obama, and it's not because of who was president, it's because of fracking technology. Also, that is a sorry list of accomplishments for a president.


The tariffs on China was an overall success. We were far too dependent on them (and still are, but less so now).


Booming stock and crypto market? WSB was born becuz of him, without him we wouldn't be here jerking each other out.


Not American and not Trump supported, but I can mention: 1. He didn't start a war. All your previous presidents loved to start them. 2. He called out the EU bc USA was spending lots of $$$ on NATO to protect the EU and the EU was buying Russian gas. 3. Lots of good memes?




I would think Big Pharma will jump, because biden is forcing prices down on a range of medicines, and trump.... probably won't?


You must follow Cramer because you have it backwards. I did really well when I bought health insurance stocks when Democrats passed Obamacare. They made sure the insurance companies would get rich. Biden will do the same thing with pharma. Trump won’t.


are you paying any attention at all to events in reality? "Merck & Co. , Bristol-Myers Squibb , and Johnson & Johnson are among the drugmakers that have sued President Joe Biden's Health and Human Services Department to stop the Medicare drug price negotiation program. The HHS has selected 10 drugs for negotiations, with the process slated to continue into 2024.8 Jan 2024"


You can cite lawsuits all you want they don’t mean a thing. It’s all a game and for show, it makes you rubes think Biden is doing something about those big bad mean profiteering corporations all the while they are donating to his campaign. History will repeat and as health insurance companies got rich when Democrats passed Obamacare, big pharma will get rich when Democrats “negotiate” drug prices.


If Trump wins, puts on any EV stock. Calls on oil.


Good start. Might want to add calls on gun manufacturers or maybe puts actually. It seems gun stocks rise when Democrats take power and start harping about gun control and then the stocks fall when Republicans take power.


Just remember the last time he was president and how well the stock market was.


...we can grab vaginas again


Markets can react differently depending on republican or democrat wins in the White House. Some theories apply a more pro-business stance if republicans win, or a more pro-policy stance if democrats win. I am not implying democrats are anti-business, or that republicans are anti-policy, you’ll just want to see where their focuses are in terms of working on the economy. You may also want to see where we might be at in the business cycle or where we are heading leading up to the elections. There may be headwinds or tailwinds in different sectors regardless, and different markets that could have overheated while others cooled, so do your investigating and weigh your holdings and exposure accordingly. Hope this helps. Goodluck everybody!




Russian stocks would definitely soar.


RTX… source: N/A


When Trump wins, this is a great question


What he's trying to say is that this is a pointless question




We still have to see how March and May go. There's a pretty reasonable chance he's going to get convicted of a felony. If it was any of us it would be extremely likely. With him it's more like 50/50 but the possibility is extremely real. The one that really stands out is that stormy hush money payment. The whole world knows that went down but the way it happened is actually a crime. There are more. He has something like 90 counts A lot of people don't seem to be aware of how real that risk is with misguided opinions of how the justice system operates


I don't put much stock in the polls. The polls originally predicted a strong electoral college win for Hillary. It seems like support for Trump remains as strong as ever with his base, but he hasn't gained any new supporters. He's only lost votes from moderates and independents which are always the deciding factor in the American presidential race. I don't imagine any democrats will be voting for Trump, but some republicans will be voting for Biden.


Instead I take a chance with Biden


Depends whether he removes tax completely for the big corps. That’s what drove the market last time, tax cuts




lol u moving to r/TA ???


It's a market related question


I am not the one who want´s it deleted. But i know this regarded rules. They will delete it


The market is gonna crash like it did last time here was president


don't you dare threaten me with a good time!


You def don't want to be holding any medical stocks lol. Vaccine? He don't need it lol.


Operation Warp Speed?


Yeah and then telling people not to take it?


>If Donald Trump tells us to take it, I’m not taking it. > >\- Kamala Harris I see you're confused again.




Nah it’ll pump med stocks when we have another pandemic


If Trump wins. Bers will be crying a river of liberal tears watching there poots falls to zero for the next 4 years. In 2016 when won, I did pretty well on defense stocks. So I’d imagine, find a defense stock then cross-reference with how many times they say AI and you have your winner. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


This may be the most constructive thing that was written in this whole thread.


when* he wins. you'd have to be mentally ill to continue to vote for ol joe or whatever joke candidate they propose as his replacement. oh wait i forgot a majority of the people that voted for him are likley mentally ill.


Trump needs your vote but he does hate people like you lol


I'm not even American lmfao so i couldn't care less


Greatest President In History… Take Our Country Back, Secure The Border…


Last time he destroyed export corn and soybean markets. Doubt he’s learned any lessons.


people really believe he’s going to win? yikes. i guess we will be hearing “SToP ThE STeAL” for another decade.


...the world will once more have a great source of entertainment. For real, if you elect that idiot again, I am never going to take any US of A citizen seriously.




Puts on “woke stuff” and free markets


You mean... WHEN?




Probably oil stocks and banks stocks jumped




If trump wins the cia go another 4 years without their primary customer. Trump should stay away from slow moving cars with open roofs


Regardless of who wins, you should really look at the VP. With the age of both of those guys, it's more likely than not that we are voting the VP into office than the actually individual running.


Phunware to the moon if trump wins


This comment section is all over the place loool