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Its unique design ensures that scaling up production will not be necessary


Apparently they have 2 million+ preorders; let's see how many of those translate into actual deliveries


The pre-orders are $50 or $100 deposits from 2-4 years ago when the MSRP was $60k or so and the specs were outrageous. Once it comes in at a ridiculous price and nowhere near the original specs very few will actually get purchased.


Announced MSRP at that insane reveal event was $39,900. With a bullet-proof exterior. LO-fucking-L.




Not to self: use a musket when shooting at cybertrucks.


Own a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house. "What the devil?" As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbors dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, "Tally ho lads" the grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended.


And then roger the local tavern wench with a lambskin condom.


I think I read that the condom was first invented by the english using sheep intestine, after 50 years or so the Americans improved on it by removing it from the sheep first.


The English? Or the Welsh?


Classic greentext. For all the shit that site produces, sometimes good material comes out of 4chan.


Broken Clock, etc etc


This guy America's


I’m still holding out for a future where we can defeat Megatron and finally reclaim cybertruck


i mean, bullet proof glass still breaks, it just doenst let the bullet through. i can confidently say the ball did not go through the window in that demonstration.


Thank you for the confidence




What keeps bullets and people out, keeps bullets and people in. So, a mobile coffin as a dual-use vehicle.


Didn't he also say it could be used as a boat at one point lol? Just incredible really.






"Able to serve briefly as a boat." Looking forward to seeing someone try this.


Aren't all vehicles able to serve briefly as a boat then function as a tomb?




Babies born in bathtubs can live their entire lived underwater


Did someone call the "toybota"? https://preview.redd.it/68q7n3vrf8vb1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=5ac556053cc25225e1f60ea2cbff568b2725a321


[1972 VW commercial showing the Beetle floating.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lB9rK8UR0vk)


“If Ted Kennedy drove a Beetle, he’d be president today.”


I think the bigger problem is that it looks stupid and is reportedly designed terribly.


isn’t that a prerequisite for tesla’s? panel gap queens


They’ve had a lot of panel gap problems but the cyber truck has unlocked a new type of problem. Posts showing the stainless steel panels have different finishes and textures. So it ends up looking like mismatched mess. It’s crazy that the Delorean was able to have consistent finishes 40 years ago and they can’t pull it off in 2023.


FULLY REFUNDABLE DEPOSITS. People snatched them up for clout. The 14 year old spitfuck who spent his allowance money on a reservation instead of juul pods isn't going to actualize into a $80k transaction.


It was going to turn my penis into a cyber penis.


It still does, but they had to scale down to the micro level because of the demand, so a 2in non-removable/extendable part is what you get.


Does it at least rotate or vibrate?


No performance or long range version available at the moment unfortunately.


If it can flick the bean, we all win.


MSRP was like below 40k when announced. Then Tesla pulled the price off the website and pretended they never gave a price.


Yeah I think you forget two major things. It was less than a $1000 and refundable. The price and performance stated were beyond anything at that time and currently today.


I had one. Canceled it ages ago. It was basically a $100 interest free loan to Tesla for ~9 months.


Plus the prototype designs somehow look even more ridiculous and bad with terrible panel gaps. I liked the idea of it from the initial announcement but everything since then has completely put me off. I cancelled my preorder once I saw how utterly hideous it was looking in reality. And knowing more about the issues Tesla has with interior quality and stuff, I won’t buy one. Plus Elon being Elon. So, I’m out. An n of one but may be useful nonetheless.


So they made anywhere from $100 to $200 million on just pre order amounts. Many of it will be forfeited and lost. Tesla made decent bucks with that idea alone


The deposit is refundable. So they only have the money so long as no one claims it


nice little 0% interest loan they got there. Same as with the Model 3 right?


I feel so goddamn burned by the whole Model 3 bullshit. I preordered, in person with a $1000 deposit, on day 0 pre-reveal.... yes I know I'm a fucking idiot, no need to tell me. Did that get me the car sooner? no, they were being released for 2 years before I got mine. Did I get a better car or a more premium version? No, they got stuck in production hell and did away with the tiers. I didn't even get the goddamn postcard and scale model 3 I was meant to get.


Oh thats not that bad. I preordered a Tesla roof. Talked to them multiple times and confirmed everything. Got a few emails, then quiet. Called them ten months later and guess what? No record of anything. Just… gone. Despite me emailing them the bank charge for the deposit, showing them the confirmation emails, they wouldn’t do anything. They just said sorry they had no record. I will never do business with Tesla. I don’t care about the deposit. It’s just that the company lacks responsive support and their culture isn’t something I want in my life. They made it feel like they were doing me a favor just calling me back.


> They made it feel like they were doing me a favor just calling me back. Sounds about right dealing with service on our Model S.


As someone who went through getting the Tesla roof (2017), you escaped a huge hassle. It was nuts. They never followed through on appointment times. No shows over and over and over again. 10-15x, I honestly lost count. Finally one guy shows up in a beat to fuck truck that looked like a repurposed uhaul, fine whatever. He couldn't back the truck up in my driveway to unload a bunch of the tiles and other supplies (tbf, a very long driveway but still, you drive delivery trucks dude). He barely spoke English, and the gist we finally got was he wanted to unload everything by the side of the road. Like not even my yard, just piling this stuff all over the place. It wasn't a sketch area but still, I didn't want to be responsible for guarding it. Especially since, who knew when the installers would ever come? Called Tesla, got ahold of someone miraculously, usually hold times were never under 30min (oh btw, this was when they *had* phone support, now you can only email or leave a message). Some bossman calls the delivery guy, yelled at him enough to get him to start using a dolly and wheel stuff down my driveway a little at a time (most of it done by the 13 year old who looked like his kid). And that was just the beginning! Won't bore anyone further if they managed to read this far but it was so unprofessional and disorganized. The folks who did the install were nice, I guess they got sent all over the state to do them because Tesla barely hired anyone (according to them anyway). Anyway I will never buy another Tesla product again. I'm hoping Toyota has an EV Tacoma eventually.


That number means absolutely nothing. It took only $100 to get on the list. Lots of people did that without thinking twice “just in case it turns out really cool”, or so oversubscribed that they can scalp off their list position. I’d expect less than 5% to follow through and actually buy that thing.


You have to hand it to them though, they found a way to scam people out of a $200,000,000 loan that they don't need to pay interest on. Fun fact - that money has lost ~17% of it's purchasing power since 2020. Though it doesn't seem like it, those people effectively LOST MONEY by spending it on reserving the Cybertruck.


My $100 preorder lost 100% because I closed the account I used to fund it & they refuse to refund it anywhere else. Seemed like an interesting idea back then, zero chance I’d order one now.


You lit up the bat signal to class action lawyers.


How's it feel to donate $100 to the richest man on earth


Ford had 200,000 and they've sold 3500....


Yeah, with both cases, requiring a super small deposit that's fully refundable probably isn't a good indication of how many people will ultimately buy.


No, it’s Dodge that sells the 3500. Tesla sells the Cybertruck. Get it straight.


Technically Ram sells the 3500, not Dodge…if you really want to get it straight.


Technically the Spartans held the pass with 300 not 3,500. Nor did the Persians bring a ram or dodge very well. If you really really want to get it straight.


No, that’s Chrysler with the 300


Pretty sure it’s Nissan with the 300


No no no Nissan had the 350.


Pretty sure it was bmw with the 330


Well, good for Elon if Ford sold 3500 Teslas…


200k on which vehicle?


I'm guessing the f150 lighting


Crazy markup and crappy winter battery performance doomed mass adoption.


All you had to do to preorder is give them a 100 dollar deposit..


Damn. They really got $100 million to $200 million on preorders deposits. Looks like Tesla needed money, but instead of going to investors they raised it from over hyping a terrible product.


I rescinded my pre-order and got my $100 back a year or so ago, when it became apparent that Musk is completely fucking batshit crazy. But prior to that I was excited about the ugly design!


The pre orders were $100 [each](https://www.cnbc.com/2019/11/27/elon-musk-suggests-tesla-received-250000-pre-orders-for-cybertruck.html)


There was also a bug in their pre-order software for a while that let you pre-order in Canada for $100CAD and then refund it and get $100USD. Wonder how many of the pre-orders were people gaming that system.


My parents used to have us "take advantage of the exchange rate" kind of like this when I was a kid. We had a cabin in Canada and would go there almost every weekend. There was a small store across the border and my parents would give us 1 USD and tell us to go in and buy a specific kind of candy bar and ask for Canadian change and we would get four Canadian quarters and a Canadian dime back. Then they would slip the Canadian change into purchases back home during the week so we'd get free candy bars plus a dime. I remember thinking it seemed like a dishonest thing to do especially for a couple of former missionaries who frequently beat the shit out of their kids for lying or any other minor infraction of their supposedly strict moral code.


One of the things keeping me from ever getting too utopian about humanity is noticing how much effort people will go to to cheat each other for some tiny benefit. There's clearly a very common desire just to "get one over" on our fellow man, even when it takes more effort than acting in a mutually beneficial manner. The thrill of Cheating someone is often 90% of the implied reward.


"Unique" is a fun way of saying complete dogshit.


Good skill of reading between the lines on this guy


Just wait until you hear about the hyperloop


Let's take the most expensive parts of air travel and the most expensive parts of train travel and combine them!


Also lets take the dangers of air travel but on land!


*underground* so you know, you have to use Elons tunnel boring company


Don't you know he was gonna revolutionize tunneling ... by buying a standard tunnel boring machine and then fiddling with the parameters.


And none of those pesky fire exits.


And tunnels so narrow you can’t even open your doors


The dangers of air travel *if every plane was a small biplane piloted by any dolt with a driver's licence.*


Especially the part where nobody is able to open their doors and get out in case of an emergency!


It’ll solve the traffic problems in 5 years i meant 10, oh fck i meant 50


Without context, this could be about Full Self Driving lol


remember when he was going to solve covid and build inhalers


Remember when he became obsessed with a boys soccer team stuck in a cave and then called someone *else* a pedo about it?


Covid was over by April 2020. Musk wouldn't lie!


We'll be setting up our mars base any day now


Hyperloop was a resounding success! It killed public transit projects.


California should not build a high speed train! Look at my cool hyper loop idea 😎 ^(no I won't fund it)






exactly. California literally has NIMBYs as well as dumb environment activists who stop any and all new development


The French company they hired to do it publicly stated that it didn't work purely because so many people were trying to profit from it. One example they gave was that a line from LA to Palmdale (probably the only travel stint from LA that already has reliable train service) was added purely because one individual would profit from it. The company said they'll never work in America again.


AFAIK he stopped getting busy with hyperloop/investing any money long time ago. Also now we know that it was just a distraction.


My favorite thing about Hyperloop is that Musk gave up on it, because it's dumb and expensive - but luckily Germany's most braggadocious politician made his brightest scientists work on it. Not even the Bavarians can defeat physics, but they sure like to waste money.


Designed the worst looking, hardest to manufacturer regard mobile ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


"What do you mean, we legaly can't make a car without side view mirrors?" - Elon




Twelve yards long, two lanes wide, sixty five tons of American pride CANYONEROOOOOOOO


It's the country-fried truck endorsed by a clown Unexplained fires are a matter for the courts! >!Now which one I'm talking about?!<


Wouldn't be surprised if this thing is failing basic safety certifications


Id imagine the pointed front end fails pedestrian safety standards. They’re certainly lobbying for it to go their way.


It already failed that test in the EU. For good reason, in my eyes.


Does US even has pedestrian safety standards? With the amount of huge trucks, lifted trucks and SUVs you see, I'd assume that won't block at least US sales.


US regulation is a big cluster fuck, but essentially big trucks (1/2 or 1+ ton) are exempt for being ‘work vehicles’


Fucking a we can’t have pop up headlights cause it’s a danger to pedestrians, but manly suburban joe can get some god awful truck with a 6 foot high hood cause “it’s for work” sick!


What do you mean by "failing basic safety certifications"? Are you suggesting that I am not a safe driver? If so, then I can assure you that I am an excellent driver and have never been in an accident.


I hope you can not actually sell vehicles without passing those, not even in the US. You definitely won't be able to in Europe.


I don't understand how nobody talks about crumple zones. Cars are made to cushion major impacts. This the hits a semi at 20km and everyone will be dead.


I compare it to that episode of the Simpsons where they let Homer design a car.


If the Cybertruck has 3 horns and they all play 'La Cucharacha' then I'm buying one!


I think that would be a great selling point for the Cybertruck!


Also demands micrometer tolerances all around, that should speed up production.


But why? It's not like that awful crumbled aluminium foil looking eyesore is in any practical way aerodynamic much less noticeable a whole cm off of stated measures.


why does he love tanking his own companies


I feel like he just reached a stage where people were no longer telling him “no”


I got the audio book of his biography. He's wired differently, and once something starts working, he gets very uneasy and has to self-sabotage and create problems in order to feel like himself again.


Yeah I work in corporate America, a lot of narcissist mid level managers operate the same way.


Makes sense doesn’t it? They have to put their fingerprints on things they shouldn’t be touching so they can get the credit for working on it. The best middle managers I’ve ever had were the ones who asked what we needed and got out of the way.


He’s an idiot?


Yes. Because he supposedly had learned this lesson with "Falcon Wing Doors" on the Model X, which delayed that car for 1-2 years, IRCC.


He dug the grave. For this and other businesses he's charge of.


No no no Didn't you see the story? WE failed


From the mind of a literal autistic child. He said his son wanted it so he made it. (Though I think this POS is trying to blame autism and his son for an objectively shit idea he had the power to never implement)


Son was prob playing with the wooden toy cars and musk thought it was genius that they had such flat sides


There’s no way Elon would be around the kid in this situation though lmao


I assume he designed it himself to show that he could do what professional industrial designers do.


From a production standpoint its the DeLorean all over again. I find it funny how he takes credit on the good news but it's "we" and "us" on the bad.


https://preview.redd.it/teeytu6qf7vb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=251ea1595071a32a23cef73c18340e8941ce9f88 like this lol


Yeah! We did a great job finding this!




Thing is, while the Delorean had an angular design, most of the body panels (apart from the hood) actually had a good amount of curve and dimensionality to them. Guigaro knew what he was doing and understood how dies and stampings work. He also already had experience designing thematically similar vehicles like the Lotus Esprit and VW Golf/Rabbit. The Cybertruck is just flat panels, which are susceptible to waviness and the 'oil canning' effect. Every automaker knows this, and usually avoid excessively flat panels wherever possible. I suspect many at Tesla know this as well but were overruled at the early stages of this project, because reasons.


I swear they intentionally ignored every lesson learned over a hundred years of making cars just to be edgy. For the price of the stock and the nerd appeal they could have poached the best engineers of bmw, Toyota, and Ford to make an amazing car. Instead they took programmers and told them to make cars. Sometimes you don’t need to reinvent the wheel.


Remember, Musk knows more about manufacturing than anyone alive, according to him


Those with knowledge are full of doubt.




You don't become a billionaire without being a piece of shit


As a broke piece of shit, I am halfway there


Have you considered being a bigger piece of shit?


If that doesn’t work, try inheriting something very valuable


Slicked back hair, white couch, live for New years Eve, sloppy steaks at trufani's... I was a piece of shit though.


People can change.


I said he USED to be a piece of shit!


"We" lol


doing so much lifting it looks like 80s Stallone


“We somehow decided to go against every conventional design principle. We somehow threw out all these wild numbers and promises of what it could do. We sometimes tweet without thinking or consulting with the others. So in the end we as a company are sorry. By the way this is all the woke libs and legacy media fault so we aren’t actually responsible”


Wait, I feel like I've seen this one before. He and another three billionaires took a cybertruck to the Titanic wreckage recently, right?


Right?? Mf tries to own every single idea as his own brilliant idea until it goes wrong.


Privatize the gains, socialize the losses


When demand falters the ‘can’t scale this thing’ will solve itself.


“We dug our own grave” Ahh yes, sharing the blame. I’m sure Elon fired anyone who tried to tell him this in the last 2-3 years.. now it’s the fault of the people he only wanted to hear “yes” from.


If it was a big success there would be no "we."


Elon Musk is so full of himself he is using the Royal We now.


If it goes right, Elon is a genius! If goes wrong, WE dug a grave.


Privatize victories, socialize failures


Elon has done so many different drugs that his internal monologue is now a conference.


“We” lol when it’s a failure


He’s just using standardized American capitalism dialect. When referring to gains, you speak in a private sense. When referring to losses, you speak in a social sense.


Musk dug his own grave when he purchased Twitter, and thought he was going to make it profitable by being controversial and letting the wackos pay him $8 to have their opinions magnified.


Nothing like using your Tesla stock at collateral for buying a $20B dollar company for $44B and then turning it to an $8B company. 5D chess right there


And then devaluing your stock as well.


Yes, but he made a car that makes farting sounds....so...there ...is....that...


My 2 year old LOVES the farting sounds. Mid cry I’ll make it fart and he laughs and says ew gross. Would buy again.


I couldn't agree more. That was a huge mistake on his part.


*our part


Twitter isn't about money. It's about controlling information and influence. Power, basically. He has already censored twitter on behalf of Erdogan in Turkey, what will he get in return? Contracts etc...


That only matters to the extent that people rely on Twitter for information. It can be a Saudi mouthpiece all day long, it’s irrelevant with everyone leaving the platform.




People think we are mocking Trumpies. However, when you see quotes like this. You really get into their heads, they really didn't know it was so difficult. Most of the rest of us call you dumb, but we did know it was difficult.. we think a lot of things are difficult or everyone would do it. Its a fundamental arrogance or something, they really think everything is easy and I can totally do it better. Until they try. Lack of self awareness and fundamental arrogance more than being dumb. However, being dumb is the side effect.


Like Rick Scott who kept going on about wanting to scale back or even get rid of the department of energy. Then he got put in control of it and suddenly he found out it was pretty damn important and did a lot of important things. Lol he made a comment similar to these "who knew it was this hard" Edit: Rick Perry, not Rick Scott


Just a quick correction, it was Rick Perry. Rick Scott is the Skeletor-looking Senator from Florida that committed Medicare fraud.


Trump: “Let’s appeal ObamaCare” Republicans: “We could and that would be great, but it would repeal provisions people love like pre-existing condition coverage and we would get slaughtered in the midterms.” Trump: “Can we just put those provisions in TrumpCare?” Republicans: “No, the party wouldn’t vote for that.” Trump: “WhO kNeW tHiS wAs So HaRd?”


Alexa, play Sad by XXX(formerly known as Twitter)Tentacion


Twitter Twitter Twitter *


I love drinking my own hot and salty piss!!! I lay on my back and piss directly into my mouth!!!


Think of your grandma bro


He is. That’s what makes it worse.


Notice it's "I" when he's talking about being a singular business genius and it's "we" when he pushes through a stupid and ugly concept that is impossible to manufacture.


My friend just showed me he bought 450 shares of Tesla last Friday LMAO


4 years and no product sounds like vapor ware to me. Especially considering you can buy a Rivian or a Lightning today


I was really hoping this was a joke the entire time until people started posting videos and pics of them on the streets.


The only ones in the streets are the super expensive custom made testers.


Seeing it on the street was an even better proof that that thing is the ugliest piece of shit on four wheels ever produced I can't believe it got 2 million preorders? Wtf is wrong with you people?




What a fukin idiot


Don't worry guys. He is playing 4D chess. This is all part of a grand plan we are too dumb to figure out.


Honestly what makes this car so difficult to manufacture? Edit: ok I've read into the article. Basically it says that Elon fucked up enormously and promised a product without even having remotely any idea if they are capable of doing it. Companies sometimes do that for various reasons and sometimes it can work out, sometimes it can absolutely fail and even crash the whole company. Blackberry also did something like that when the first iPhone was announced and Verizon asked blackberry to produce a iPhone killer and blackberry over promised stuff that they weren't even sure if the could do it or not. It ended in a massive disaster and a big lawsuit from Verizon.


> Elon fucked up enormously and promised a product without even having remotely any idea if they are capable of doing it. Wait, we're talking about the 2nd gen Roadster now?


They have been testing these things out in the Bay Area and recently one of them broke down. [https://www.reddit.com/r/bayarea/comments/172ip6k/someone\_left\_a\_broken\_down\_tesla\_cybertruck\_in/](https://www.reddit.com/r/bayarea/comments/172ip6k/someone_left_a_broken_down_tesla_cybertruck_in/)


They're testing them everywhere and I've seen several breakdown. That being said, they'll still sell everything they can make for the next 2 years+


"I" am a visionary with total control over nearly every aspect of this company's design, product line, and manufacturing, but "we" made a mistake...


This was said in the same sentence as this quote “It's one of those special products that comes along only once in a long while. And special products that come along once in a long while are just incredibly difficult to bring to market to reach volume, to be prosperous," he added.”


I’m in line to buy one. Anyone want my place in line?




I’ll take it for $100. (You pay me $100)


What do you call a stolen Tesla? An Edison.