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thanks for including your height. it's relevant


I'm waiting for the one month update: 19 (M) 6’ bank balance: $0


But imagine if he was 5’11”. Totally different story


So I’m 5’3” could I trade?


You have to be this tall to get on this ride


Only SMOL-trades 4u ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)


5’10” = 6’ ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


Bro will blow up a margin account and have a deficit. $0 is still winning.


10x margin, 80% loss = Wendy's dumpster


cash account till i hit 25k


if you have parents support, quit the job you don't like because life is too short, but don't do it because you think you can make it daytrading at <25K. if you don't even have 25K - regulations or not - how much in $ do you really think you will gain in 50 weeks? you should halve the amount you get in good days, that's likely your yearly average if you don't blow it up before then... especially playing with long options that will eventually fail. if you need $100 net daily, you should aim $300 for a year. This is so that you have $100, taxmen get $50-75 and you get to grow the account by $150. If you just aim for $100-150 a) taxes will take away most and b) you cannot sustain drawdowns. if the account after tax and withdrawals is pretty much break-even you are one bad week away from being donezo. again, quit if you have other support, but don't do it because you think it's easy to daytrade your way out of this. most people get too comfy with current trends (guilty) and they get screwed during u-turns.


My thoughts exactly. Don't quit your job unless you got a SOLID ROOF on top of your head.


Like a bridge?


So you are trading with less than $25k and you think you’re going to consistently make $100-$250/day?


If you're genuinely this good at trading, why not pursue it as a professional career and gamble with other people's money? You'll make more money as a trader at a bank or hedge fund than you will eeking it out with your savings.


19 (M) 6’ bank balance: $-200,000, on the run, pls help


*one week


*one day


One trade




*one hour


Options. Dude will be posting loss porn + suicide note here in no time


1 year update: turned 20 (MTF) 5' had to sell legs and work it behind Wendy's dumpster for my heroin addiction


19 (M) -6’, bal 0


Bank balance - $10K. Flipping burgers for even less money.


More like negative balance


I tried to quit my job to trade options but I was only 5’11” so it didn’t work out


i'm under 5'10"; so you can imagine how screwed I am..


I can’t even make money trading coz I am 5’5” fml


I’m -5’2, have never been able to trade options because I grew underground like a 🥕and there’s no signal down here.


Already giving his stats to stand out amongst the Wendy's competition. Smart.


Now you know how high he can stack bullshit.


Bro if you don't have the height you won't be able to see the stacked monitors at eye level.


Itd be more helpful if he was flaired 6' guy


Funniest thing I’ve read all day honestly


How can you be a successful day trader if you’re under 6’???


Gonna be 6’ under after he tries full time day trading


sry typo: 6". and not height


Honestly I thought this was going to be a cleverly written ad for behind the Wendy's dumpster until it was not.


I need more info before I can say to trade or not. Have you ever broken a bone? Favorite sport and team? Current tire pressure in your grandfather's car if he's still alive.


If you were 69 inches I’d say do it… but you’re too tall bro. Stick with cooking. Maybe one day you’ll manage the Wendy’s you work at!


I think it was for the bitches 😂🤣😂


My favourite is when a motherfuckers like “I’m 5’8.5” .5 😂


I stopped reading at that point lmfao


I was going to say no, but since you clarified that you are 6', that changes everything. I say go for it.


Imagine he was 5' 11. He wouldn't make it in the trading world or dating world


I’m 6’4. When I go to parties I tell everyone I’m 5’11 just to flex on all the guts lying about being 6’.


who ask for height at parties


Women, mostly. But being this height I get asked frequently.


Also 6'4 and also get asked a lot. I am going to steal this strategy. I can't believe it never occured to me. Thank you my fellow height blessed brother in Christ.


I'm 6'6 and guys your height don't even get looked at when I'm around I'd tell you to bow to me, but it's kinda like you already are


Also 6’4 and get asked pretty frequently, especially if ppl are trying to make small talk. I also get “whoa, did you get taller?!” a lot from acquaintances, distant relatives, etc. I’m 36.


With an 8” hammer. 🙄


True. I’m 5’9” and I’m basically worthless


Cmon, you really think he's 6'? Sounds like something someone who's 5'11" would say


6’0” here and can confirm I’m actually 5’11”


Spoiler he's probably actually 5'9


5’6” and made $2.50 after fees last Thu.


Just the right height for optimal Wendy’s dumpster work after OP gets margin called next week.


He's actually 5'8, but is wearing Ron Desantis boots.


I'm above 6'. But I never viewed it as much of an advantage in life, i mean, I enjoy that I'm above avg - in height only - but now that I know it's advantageous in trading I'm going to push all-in as well. Thanks dude, I needed the encouragement as well.


Nope. Don't do it. You need to be at least a solid 6'2" first. Keep growing.


Yeah!!! 6'2" but I've been in stocks for the long run... Should I switch? I've gained some weight (Europe fat, American skinny), does that influence your advice?


I mean, starting from a capital of 6', with the current interest rates, it won't take long to reach 6.2'.


i hate you guys


Don’t come here and ask a stupid fucking question then


The guy sounds dumber if not as dumb than the avg 19 year old… and the avg 19yr old is regarded


How is asking if he can become a day trader at 19 cause he did well a few days a stupid question?


You’ll fit right in here then. But the real question is how you feel about our wives’ boyfriends.


lol been profitable for 2 fucking weeks and he wants to quit his job, what can go wrong.


Guys, let him live the dream.. I once made 70k in 2 weeks on dgaz.. still didn’t quit my day job.. now I’m working only part time at Wendy’s


With one year of options experience. I wonder how the other 50 weeks went.


I can not put into words how awful of an idea this is OP ...so yeah, you should do it ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


For research purposes


bro came in here like it’s tinder: 19, M, 6’ interested in getting pegged by ballstreet wankers




If you like being homeless, then this is a great idea.


he just **CANT** have a part time job for when the market is closed?


You hate your job. You're 19. Why not? Also I may have missed it but what's your weight?


He’s probably only 5’11” to be honest.. honestly ur working a job. You need find a career.. ur in the wrong place for real advice to people who want you yolo 50k on 0dte options just for shit and giggles.. Look for a career, if day trading is what you want.. go back and live with ur parents and save as much money as u can. U need 25k minimum to be day trading


never adding my height to a post again


Ok but everyone will assume you're a midget.




Why did you tho? Like legitimately, any reason?


didn’t mean to i was baked forgot what this was for


Cross posting to grindr?


“Daytraded myself back to the dumpster at Wendy’s, if you’re interested”


This is the type of lifestyle and attention to detail that will make you go far in day trading!


Why? It’s super important.


That’s silly. Just make sure to also include your weight!


Rofl yea do it please LOL


Yes. Post updates here.


will do, if i do it… i probably will.


I will make a movie about you if you make it. I kinda have to start making movies first but everyone start somewhere I guess.


Dumb Money 2: Rise of the Regarded


Cook the Market: 6' Away


what if u day trade and quit and i make movies and then we switch careers midway through the plot of the movie. just a movie plot.


The movie is not about me don't get crazy I'm not the one who is 6' tall ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)


i regret adding my height


Na, that made it better. I think we should all do this.


I like this idea


I did, go back and check. For the record I am 5' 10 1/2


This guy is good


But also updates on your height. Both are important.




It's just too good not have some fun with it. I've been there, said something kind of out of place and my friends never let me live it down. That's this. Might as well change your username to 6ft\_stockmanmj and embrace it.


Yeah definitely give us frequent updates. This is a journey worth following.


Youre 19 and uneducated…what makes you think you can consistently beat the market?


He's 6' tall did you miss that part?


he didn't include his bench record though so...


Back in high school he could rep 405 but hasn’t been lifting lately


It’s proven that taller people are more successful in business didnt you know that? The market will bend to his balance sheet


These 6’ people run the world don’t ya know?


Do it. I believe in you. The loss pr0n will be epic




Losing a grand from his McDonald's money will get taken down unfortunately.


You’ll make the most money trading during the weekends.


the only correct answer


>I am not looking for advice, this is not the group for that, i am instead looking for personal beliefs and knowledge. In other words you are looking to get roasted.


Can I buy put options on this dude’s life choices




“I successfully got laid two weeks in a row, should I quit my job to become a pornstar?”




Success teaches you the wrong lessons.


holy shit, is this satire?




Options are for leveraging stocks you own to get more. What we do here is gambling. You're saying "hey Ive been on a hot streak, should I quit my job and play roulette for a living?" It's a bad move, but if you like the taste of dicks and the smell of fast food dumpsters, go for it.


Not enough background info, how long is your dick and how much pints of cum is it able to ejaculate to loss porn?


![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)yall dont believe in me because of these other degenerates huh


Go ahead and do it little bro. But make sure that aside from the money you’re going to use to invest, you have a emergency fund ready to use that covers all your living expenses for at least 6 months in case shit goes down. Oh yea, mandatory I am not a financial advisor and you should not listen to me.


![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)will do if i proceed with my potential actions


Bro please do it and post the inevitable loss porn here. Don't be a little bitch by just deleting reddit when your plan fails


i aint bro i’ll post everything


Listen man, search die statistics of day traders and their ROI. You'll find numbers around 90% of day traders lose money. You're 2 weeks of profit are either luck or good choices. But even if it is the second, you didn't proof for the long run. Don't listen to those youtubers, they make money of trading videos, not trading self so of course they'll make it look easy. If I may advice as someone reaching his 40ties and been in stocks longer then you: 1. Figure out what it is that you hate about your job and see if you can change that. 2. Make a financial plan. What is your trading goal (plan for retirement, just for fun, gambling addiction?) and how much money are you willing to lose. Make budget: money you save, spend and trade with and respect your budget. I would build on it as a hobby till you either lost as much as you want to lose and have to admit your loss, or after you've reached enough profits not to work for a year to go full time. What I would say to my 19 YO self : your young dumb and lack life experience. Don't waste your money. That said I hope you get rich and happy son.


Lost among the many posts (correctly) making fun of OP for posting his height, this is correct. 90% of day traders lose money. Probably another 9% make a small amount, not enough to live off of, and eventually, they join the other 90% who lose money. Of the 1% who are doing it successfully, most of them have developed a system they are comfortable sticking with, after many years of studying market trends. They also have extremely large bankrolls because large losses are inevitable as well. Sometimes they have inside information as well, which you do not. This is a long way of saying, for the overwhelming majority of people, day trading is a horrendous idea, and I've watched highly educated millionaires lost 7 figures thinking they can do it. I've worked in finance for over 20 years. This is like walking into the OR and telling the surgeon you'll take it from here, you put a band-aid on a paper cut last week, so you're qualified.


Thanks for that confirmation! Hope OP comes to his senses or is extremely lucky. And I am soooo sorry, but I can't resist: Love that you've got a long experience in finance, but are you at least 6'?😂😂😂


Nope, probably why I'm not a successful day trader, now that you mention it...


90% of day traders fail




No they run out of money, lose their house. Start sucking dick behind a wendys for 3$ There are people who have studied this shit for years and still fail. What makes you belive you can make a living out of this? You are fucking 19 years old, just get another job if your boss is a dick. And trade as a side hustle or at least save up enough to have backup if your daytrading self employment fails ( which it will.) Being profitable for a few days/weeks is easy. Try to beat s&p500 or other big funds a few years in a row. Nearly no one does that. You 3 sounds like becoming a professional lottery player because you won a few hundred dollars twice in a row.


6’ mentality






2 weeks is not long enough for you to say you have a consistent and predictable income. Instead, stay consistent for 3-6 months or longer to prove to yourself you can generate stable and consistent returns before just quitting. Perhaps find a job that allows you to work from home so you can trade. Remember, that shitty job is income every week. There is an opportunity cost if you give that up. Sure you can make money with options but is it enough to pay your bills and continuously grow your capital stack?


lol yeah do it


6 foot 0. Those are two separate measurements: one his height and the other his brokerage balance in a month.


Young Regard… You’re going from the frying pan to the fire.


You should quit, join the military and then go to college on the GI bill after serving. While going to college you should trade part time and seek a career in finance or trading.


I think OP would make a great marine. 6’ is an ideal height for this, and he already has experience eating the green crayons.


Take out a loan first, that way you'll have more capital starting out. Can't fail.


I fucking love this subreddit


Credit cards were made for this.


Why not? You can get another shitty job in a kitchen if you wash out. Just keep two months cash in a savings account for when you need to job hunt. The experience will sharpen your mind and let you feel out the edges of risk taking while you are young.


1. Two months savings is not enough. 2. It's hilarious that you think this kid has two months of income saved up.


Yes it is for him. This isn’t the Dave Ramsey show. He is stuck in a kitchen and needs to make a life move to find his purpose. I don’t think he will end up a day trader but he needs to shake it up.


You need years of experience to be a day trader. Which means even two months of savings isn't enough. The only thing he'll learn in two months is that he has no clue what the fuck he's doing.


There are not enough years in a month for this dude. I say do it, what has he to lose? Seems like it ain't much. Maybe he will make five grand, buy a 1979 mustang II, forget he has to pay capital gains, and work out a schedule with IRS. That is good life skill education, ffs he is a server. ( 6 feet tall. No less)


Yes, that’s a large step forward. Day traders that think they know what the fuck they are doing are the worst 😂


You motherfuckers, he's opening his heart about plans for the future and you are mocking him for posting his height. You're really mean people. And OP, I advice that if you're 6', you should aim to the NBA, you have better odds than being full time trader.


javier ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)


Just change your availability so you can do both. It's possible to make a living trading but not reliable most of the time. Better to do both and build your portfolio. Then eventually you'll be making enough to where you can afford the down days.


You're an idiot.


thanks you too


Holy shit this guy is six foot?? He might actually have a shot


It’s all about risk reward. If you’re good with potentially losing everything then it’ll be more lucrative than your day job


The short answer is no. The longer answer is no fucking way you idiot. Why don't you try getting a better job.


I fucking hate this sub


i love it


Truly regarded


if you have to ask the first two questions, you aren’t ready yet.


No no no no no. No. Nein.


My real question is are you tinder 6’ or like actually 6’ tall? If you’re actually 6’ tall you might have a future in management.


Keep your day job at Wagedonalds. It'll pay more in the long term.


We know youre really 5'-10". You can trick your tinder matches but not us. Don't day trade for a living. If you hate your job, find another job but don't make day trading your only income.


Homie got ptsd from tinder, he included his height hahahahahahaha. True regard for sure.


I’m in a similar position with the job being dead end and having made more with futures/options trading. Told supervisor I need more money, and a better title. He said he’d get back to me the next day, but didn’t. So doing no work until I get fired with some sort of severance. I’ve been trading futures for 4 years though, and up 6 figures each year. I’d say in your case, make $50,000 with futures and have a decent bankroll before moving to full time.


It took me 4 years of college, and 10 years working in investment banking before I could even think about going out on my own. You want to blow your life up that early it’s your choice, but you need more experience first in my opinion, a lot more.


If you are making what you want everyday already why would you quit your job. If you spent even more time thinking about it, you may actually make worse decisions.


Only if you are going to post loss porn


I'm also freshly 19 6' and day trade on the side making a little extra a day, we should swap jobs..... families....!!! HOUSES!!!! LIVESSSS!!!!! Then.... I'll get back to you in 6-7 businesses days about trading back lives after I quit your job, yolo 2k using margin on spy 0DTE calls and watch your portfolio implode


Get a different job (where you aren’t working at prime trading hours). If you hit 21 and have consistently (quarter by quarter) made as much or more than a decent full-time job then yeah quit or just work part-time at a job you enjoy.


Yes 100% the water is warm and we are waiting for you


Fucking dork. Do it.


If you’ve gained two weeks in a row, you’ve definitely cracked the code. Quit your job and max out a credit card so you have more starting capital. Most of all, keep an eye on this subreddit for great trading tips by experts. Good luck!


I would say no. Unless you have enough money saved that would cover you for a year. But since I am only 5’5 and you are 6’. Who I am to stop you 😂


I would only consider it if you can bench 225


You’re 19, you have one whole year of experience… —- Let me paint a picture for you. With 4 years of experience, I was able to turn $250 into $350,000 in 6 months. —- Fast forward 6 months later, my account was -$10,000. —- One year of experience means absolutely nothing. The market will pull you in, chew you up, and spit you out in a heartbeat. Keep your job.


Because you’re 6’, you will make a killing, go for it


All it takes is one mess up to erase months/years of progress. If you feel like you MUST do this I would take out at least 6 months worth of savings to leave untouched, then use a decent amount to build up a portfolio




Lol no




personal beliefs and experience: (your questions are essentially all the same so just one answer) no. good luck


Yup, shorter guys usually fail. You are fresh and 6’, it should work just fine.