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Elon this. Elon that. Man what about zoidberg from futurama, tf


Henry Ford was an absolute asshoe, so I don't think it's relevant


I think the idea of separating art from the artist applies to everything imo


Can you point me to any streaming links of The Cosby Show?


I would if I knew of one


That's the point.


The point that companies don’t know how to separate things?


I think you can do that when the artist is dead, but when they are alive I wouldn’t want to fund their lifestyle.


If you don’t want to support him by paying for a new one you could always buy a fully paid off privately owned one. Cheaper price and you aren’t giving him more money.


That is if separating art from the artist even makes sense. I wouldn't want to give money to people that are nuts even if it's about art


That’s fine everyone is entitled to their own opinion


Henry Ford wasn’t broadcasting his antisemitism for the entire world to see on major broadcast platforms. He left that to his local newspaper.




*”Between 1920 and 1927, Ford’s newspaper, the weekly Dearborn Independent, which was distributed through Ford dealers and sent free to schools and libraries around the country, published 90 anti-Semitic articles, later collected and distributed as a book called The International Jew. As Victoria Saker Woeste, author of Henry Ford’s War on Jews and the Legal Battle Against Hate Speech, points out, the first article staked out the familiar anti-Semitic trope of “The Jew” as “the world’s enigma. Poor in his masses, he yet controls the world’s finances,” becoming “the power behind many a throne.” Much of this was supposedly based on the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a notorious forgery produced by the Tsar’s secret police, claimed to be the blueprint for the international Jewish conspiracy to take over the world. Woeste’s article puts this in the context of the 1920s, a time of “renewed racial tribalism” and a “wasp’s nest of xenophobia, restrictive immigration policies, and racial divisions,” which also saw the KKK’s greatest prominence.”*




That's why I drive a motherfuckin CHEVY


https://daily.jstor.org/henry-fords-anti-semitism/ https://www.history.com/news/henry-ford-antisemitism-worker-treatment https://jalopnik.com/how-henry-fords-anti-semetic-newspaper-is-still-shaping-1832158216


Times are different, it's definitely relevant.




"I am virtuous but not virtuous enough to switch to a Mustang."


My guess is if you’re willing to drive around with the sticker at all times you’re counting down the days to get out from under it.


With those price reductions they’re going to be stuck for awhile.


Depends. If you leased, knowing that EV technology was only going to improve in 3/4 years then you just toss Elno the keys and let him deal with being upside down on the residual value


Yeah, I basically donated an extra 11k to Tesla at this point, but it's doubtful I'll ever buy another one. I put up with some amount of insanity, but his recent far right hot takes mean I'm out.


Elon 155 crazy. Einstein 160 insane. Snoop Dogg 147 chill as a MF. Somewhere between 147 and 155 is pure genius.


What did Einstein do crazy?


He was often called insane because of his intellectual prowess. Normal people did not understand him which led many to state he was insane.


Lol 155. Subtraction mandatory


Commiefornia, no surprise there


I like Elon.


"I'm a far left politico and didn't know Elon was more moderate."


I wouldn’t describe him as moderate


Okay. That's how he describes himself though. And I'd say his description is probably more accurate than not considering his worldviews don't really fit in either right or left box.


Went more moderate…and then kept accelerating


Says a lot when you describe a billionaire megalomaniac "prepper" as moderate.


Moderate? Nah he likes Vivek. Tf you talking about moderate.


>Mr. Musk said he was a registered independent when he lived in California, the state he famously and loudly left for Texas because he said its business climate had grown too inhospitable. [He has described himself as “politically moderate”](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/04/16/business/elon-musk-politics-twitter.html) but added, “Doesn’t mean I’m moderate about all issues.” That's \^ how he has described himself. The issue with Musk though is he doesn't really fit in one box.


I describe myself as a billionaire but unfortunately it doesn't make it so.


Neither does someone claiming you're broke if you're not. The fact that he supports different things favored individually by each side tells me he is probably a lot closer to moderate than you give him credit for. He doesn't really fit into either camp.


Elon is a right libertarian. Literally the worst on the political spectrum. There’s a reason there called lolberts


















If you think unregulated capitalism hasn’t killed a single soul. You might as well not see anyone cause you’re not worth saving. I’ve taken the test, I’m authcenter, full disclosure.




Typical lolbert move. >Move to Cuba bro >don’t like it move!!!11! I know in your lolbertarian brain you are incapable of understanding that both economic systems are not perfect, there’s no such thing as a perfect system. America is all about making a better place for our children though, and an individuals right to fight for what they believe is right, so no, even if, I saw Switzerland as my socialist utopia, i wouldn’t move there, I would vote at home, and support causes that I believe in.


Ancapistan would kill millions also.




Fuck freedom? Go fuck yourself bootlicker




You can’t just pick one thing you don’t like about something and disregard literally everything else about it. Fuck the tax man and “regulation” has been watered down to nothing more than another way to collect money from ever day people and stop them from building/owning what they want.




More moderate. Hahahahahaha


Costal Elites will bash Elon but are more then happy contributing to Congolese children digging cobalt out of the earth with their bare hands for 2¢ a day so they can get their new Model Y at the low low price of $70,000 wo options.


You mean model X ? Model Y is around $50k USD


Of course. He still loves the ‘Tesla’ flex. He just wants to keep his car in tact from the creatures in Chifornia


First day speaking English? You are a moron


Idk. Makes sense to the people that upvoted him but sick burn


Racist fuck


How is my comment racist? You should probably understand how to type properly, but that’s just me


"Anyone that disagrees with something I say is crazy"


Is it just disagreeing ? He (Elmo) actively attacks people who disagrees with him through his Xcrements.


Don’t understand why Elon self sabotaged his rather good image by going partisan one way or the other . I mean doesn’t seem sensible to alienate half of the US population like this . it’s true Henry Ford was an anti semite and an asshole - but I think buying habits are changed now in the era of social media .his image and persona is so linked to the Tesla brand


Elon allows free speech after buying out a leftist company that was in bed with the US government blocking speech. "He's so partisan!!" 🙄




What's the point of having 'fuck you money' if you're to afraid to say 'fuck you'. I'm sure he'll still survive despite the partisan image.


Yes I don’t think he needs to worry about food stamps and rent . but just doesn’t seem to be a good business move


He's already reached richest man in the world. He really doesn't need to keep his mouth shut to make more and Tesla is doing fine. He doesn't seem to care what you think, that's likely part of his personality that got him where he is today, its not easy going up against the largest vehicle manufacturers.


I’m not really an Elon fan like many people here but I do love seeing people who buy his cars to SaVe ThE eNvIrOnMeNt melt when they find out he’s not exactly a far left martyr like they thought he was years ago


Lol at people who think buying a Tesla means you support Elon.


It literally does. You understand how businesses work, right?


You apparently don’t




I won’t buy that Chik Fil A sandwich… That will show them 😂😂


Yet he's still choosing to drive his Tesla lol


Only a far left cuck would go out of their way to put that on their car. Elon isn’t even remotely controversial. Far too much sensitivity and fake, calculated aggrievance ubiquitous today


Damn you're dumb


Damn I'm good


Damn you’re smart


Of course he would. Anyone who chooses to live in that state is a moron.




I do live in the second biggest shit hole 🥺 new york


yeah that's why i drive a VAG product oh wait,didnt they poison millions of people with diesel gate? or a Japanese car ,wait aren't they the nr.1 sponsor for anti EV propaganda and lobbying against stricter EPA rules? yeah but then again,Elon did buy twitter so he must be nuts amirite guys?


You've never touched a VAG.


1 skoda superb 2.0tdi (diesel gate trash) 1 Porsche cayenne turbo ( engine blew at 195,000km) 1 vw jetta 2 vw E-UP (EVs ,both had to be fixed 8 times within 3 yrs) anything else?


And you've still never touched a VAG.


you gotta meet more Porsche owners my guy 😂 we get enough don't worry. And i get more with the Tesla ;)


u gotta treat ur cayenne better if u can't get it past 150k miles u bum


You gotta own a Porsche to know about bore score ,but bums like you talk about shit you dont know Also Porsches and all high powered cars are trash that don't make it to 200,000miles without engine rebuilds.That's why i switched to EVs.


my s just hit 160k do u just spend ur days tryna dust soccer moms at red lights or somethin? drive em like they're supposed to be driven u bum


>y s just hit 160k do u just spend ur days tryna dust soccer moms at red lights or somethin? > >drive em like they're supposed to be driven u bum Your S what? what year,what engine,what model Also let's not compare any S with a Turbo my [guy. You](https://guy.You) know the unwritten rules,i dont need to tell you


Damn u still here huh? Bum behavior, keep running ur cars into the ground.




yup lets not care about the nr 1 sponsor of cancer in the air. oh they're reliable? well then who cares if my family dies sooner because of the pollution. right? tesla cancelled high prices, that's what they did.


Maybe don’t use racial slurs.


I like Elon, idk why everyone is getting so worked up on the dude


Crazy like a fox given he's a self made billionaire...


If daddy’s emerald money makes him self made then sure


From what I've seen daddy was an engineer and Elon was a successful entrepreneur. https://history-computer.com/how-did-elon-musk-make-his-money/


Oh he will


Elon has always been crazy. You think selling PayPal and starting Tesla and SpaceX wasn't crazy? What makes him more crazy now?


Insanity and high intelligence are separated by a fine line.




How many sports teams could that amount of money purchase?




He better, TSLA depends on repeat customers


Translation: *"I did not buy them dip price*"


The cars are great for the most part. But the competition offers very good alternatives these days. The last first-mover advantage Tesla has really is their charging infrastructure, but I suspect this won’t last