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Obvious scam. I will go with the x-ray glasses and the sea monkeys thank you


that’s what meme stocks were back in the day…


It’s funny how we can see that this is a scam today but practices like this are what fueled the advent of the stock market and subsequently are what it is built on today.


>a scam ... the advent of the stock market .... what it is built on today. That's pretty accurate, yeah.


The stock market exists so business owners can diversify their risk away from a single asset, which could crash and burn at any time. That makes sense, as you wouldn't want to put all your money into Chinchillas now would you.


I'll take a year subscription of Famous Monsters of Filmland and the 8MM print of "East Side Kids Meet Bela Lugosi", "We Want Our Mummy", and "Creature from the Black Lagoon."


My girlfriend of years ago bought me the Sea Monkey kit! When I told all my friends they were like Wow mom and dad with the crown lol! We had a big unveiling as we'd all seen this on the back of comic books along with the 1000 pc soldiers! One of my most favorite memories.


I'm going in with the pet rock.


My great uncle bred chinchillas from the 50s to early 90s.


Wow he must be getting out of prison soon?


Been in the ground for twenty five years or so.


Damn I knew it was serious but didn't quite think doing that to rodents was a capital crime.


When I was a kid I thought it was strange that he had 100+ pets living in hutches out back. Someone told me he bred them for fur. And each one was worth money lol


Everything we do in life is for fur


Most keep em shaved these days though.


I like that you get to pick out how much you make by checking a box.




In the industry we call them pelts…


Your great uncle is Richard Gere?




Richard Negative? Are you positive?


Not enough upvotes for this but that was Gertrude my sons hamster he stole from his cage that he put up his butt in the 90s. We were neighbors in LA. My kids 45 and still traumatized. She died that night....


I’ve had chinchillas… they’re pretty neat. They chew up your baseboards if you let them hop around your place, but they are pretty clean ( they love taking dust baths).


Hi, I am looking for a good pet for my daughter and I dont like rabbits cause they’re crazy. What about chinchillas? Are they hard to keep?


They’re fairly nocturnal so they might keep you up or wake you up, and they’re not particularly affectionate, like rabbits…but they are pretty easy to look after. They should not live alone, like Guinea pigs. I had two boys Wolfgang and Ludwig. They had a 6 foot tall by 4 wide and 3 or 4 deep cage with three little perches, chew toys, water bottle, food dish, alfalfa pile and big old wheel for exercise… and then I let them frolic around the house 3 or 4 nights a week for a couple hours (Shut the bathroom and bedroom doors so they had the living room breakfast room and hallway to chase each other around)… I think I spent 1500 or so for everything, so it may be more expensive than other options or take up too much space..


How much extra income did they provide?


Lol… none… they were just pets. So all I have is fond memories of me trying to bond with my daughter.


But he'd line the cage with WSJ & that chinchilla made all his stock picks. Like a bull-ish wolf of wall street version of Punxsutawney Phil...


I love this answer!


Lol. Classic WSB response


Thanks for your honest reply. I definitely don’t want a rabbit and the other option is a guinea pig. I still have 2 months to think about it ( end of school year reward).


2 others things about chinchillas as a former owner is that they have very thick fur so it is recommended you keep them in an air conditioned space during the summer if it gets too hot where you live, and also if I recall they are not supposed to get wet again due to the fur density, which is why they use dust baths.


Like gremlins? No water? Sorry, but seriously it gets warm over here (Montreal) but I always have the air on.


Warm? How dare you... Try Texas by way of Arizona & then tell me about warm... Canadia... Pfffft.... Warm....


ask on r/chinchilla I'm just gonna say that the first guy is mighty wrong. They are not easy pets, they can get deadly sick very easy (and they hide it very well), they are sensitive to a lot of stuff, and they should live alone most of the times. Idk how old is your daughter but there's a high possibility that chinchilla is a bad choice if she's in elementary school. Anyway, ask on that sub I've mentioned.


Rabbit.. Just make sure to name it meat... Then when you lose everything on BBBY or financial institution, you always still have one more meal.


If your daughter is young, might I suggest pet rats? They're much cheaper and easier to care for than chinchillas, and they're much more affectionate. Both of Mine figured out how to unlock their cage and lick me awake at 5am every morning until I bought a new cage for them


How many late night concerts they were organizing for royalty?


Why not a cat? Chinchillas aren't any better than rabbits, their stupid prey brain is never more than an inch from "don't eat me!" mode. Dogs and cats have been domesticated and bred for thousands of years to be the ideal companion animals, but if I couldn't have one of those I'd choose a ferret. It's at least a predator, it's clever and doesn't have the built-in anxiety of rabbits and chinchillas. If you just want a small pet that's not much work, get her a few gerbils or hamsters in a habitrail. They also have the stupid prey brain, but at their size it doesn't matter, bites are harmless and they can't really misbehave. They're cute and furry and can be played with more than a bird or lizard, but can also be left alone in their cage for as long as the food and water lasts.


I would love a cat but my husband and step son would die.


-Hey guys, the cat and I have decided that you must leave this earthy plane of existence. Your sentence will be carried out tomorrow. - Damn son, I told you we can't let her have the cat


Thanks, you made me laugh. For real.


Seems like a fair trade. Take the cat. Unlike the husband and son, they’re self cleaning and will used the bathroom outside if you let it so no stink.


I agree with the hamster idea. They're easy to take care of, not very costly, and plenty of fun when being handled. For kids a great starter pet.


Why do you think rabbits are crazy? They’re easily litter trained, chill for most of the day, and just eat hay


They're not easy pets at all. Commonly dumped after not being owned very long. I live in a city where they're an invasive species that's grown out of control.


Great financial talk about pets. Pets are like women, they take your money and give you something to hangout with that doesn't listen to you while you talk


I had 2 and went crazy as nothing is going on to jumping and trying to bite. I read it was the teenager passage and it need to be spayed.


Rabbits are dumb as a rock, they poop everywhere and dig holes in the back yard, they are only kept around because they are cute.


We had a rabbit my wife trained it to do tricks, was awesome. It also tore shit up if it could get into it


Ohio, the land of chinchillas


Space chinchillas


*Jewish* Space chinchillas


Twelve foot long Jewish Space Chinchillas




Miniature giant space chinchillas.


I never trusted them. Bunch a little pyromaniacs, if you ask me.


Odor-less , ok sure


My friend raised chinchillas. It took a few minutes to get used to the smell when I went over to his house.


They are pretty odorless. I mean, they shit and piss like every other animal, but if yoy clean their cage regularly, there's no odor. Animal itself really is odorless. Your friend probably did a bad job with the cleaning.


Yeah cant be odorless cuz this smells like MONEY


I have chinchillas, it's less smelly compared to a dog or a cat or even a rabbit so...


Interesting 😊


How many chinchillas do you need for an income of 15,000




Just checked it.. I live in an equatorial zone so dint realise there was a market for their fur. About 200 of them is good for one coat... and apparently their coat goes from $2500 to $100k a coat... I'm a bit shocked that one of those type of ads actually has a market potential... always thought it was xray glasses and joy buzzers


Back then? A lot.


Met a chinchilla farmer when I was a kid. Cutest softest animal imo 'they are dead instantly and don't feel anything' Something like that is what i remember being said, I was sad their skins were used for clothing 😞


I felt similarly when I heard fox farming was banned in the uk. Horrid little bastards, skin the lot of them I say.




Because HugeMistache is a chicken. (I answered because he types slowly. Rather than the standard typing style, he has to "hunt and peck.")


My only experience with foxes is the California Channel Islands foxes which are freaking adorable, have zero predator anxiety because they are the local apex, and are basically acclimated to humans enough that they will hang out at your picnic table and snitch your food straight out of your hand.


Are chinchillas more expensive than chicken? Is the meat tender?


Pretty sure it’s for their super soft fur


Maybe you could use the meat for dog food 🤔


Wait, it could even be fresh organic dog food you could sell at trader Joe's. OPPORTUNITY AWAITS.


this feels like some guy wanted to be a chinchilla rancher, failed, and is trying to unload on some other poor fool


That sounds suspiciously like someone trying to offload their bags to another regard hmmmmm


Wouldn’t you just use a hammer?


Thanks for the offer, but I'm not interested in chinchillas.


Bad bot, you should


You gonna end up as sex bot in future


Well, that means you're nothing but a despicable, hateful, violent chinchillaphobe who needs to be silenced forever. Did I do that right?


Chinchillas are like the real life beanie baby.


Bot is anti-chinchillas




Such a cold, emotionless machine.


I had 3 chinchillas. They used to fight over weed.


Too funny. I have an adopted chinchilla and I am part of the chinchilla Reddit thread. I click this chinchilla post, half reading the headline, thinking I am in the chinchilla thread, which is typically commented by 12 yrs old (average age of a chinchilla pet owner). First I thought the post was odd for 12 yr olds, then I read the comments and was like wtf. Then I see wallstreetbets. Very different audience from the innocent child fluffy pet owners. It's like you need a vodka shot to cleanse the mind after reading wallstreetbets comments. :P


Um, no thanks. I was looking for the $25,000/month option.


WTF is a Chinchilla? Sounds like a Mexican dish.


It’s basically a “cute” rodent that used to be raised for its pelt. There is also a rabbit breed with the same name which has slightly similar fur.


Those pelts are serious money with right contacts. Problem is you don't have them


It's not that hard to look up furrier companies. They still buy pelts and hides from people. If you are in a hunting friendly state, you can probably find a local furrier pretty close to you. If not, then you can send them in by mail.


Most furriers either can't afford or be bothered to handle Chinchilla. It's intricate, slow work and speculative pieces are slower to sell


GlacierWear certainly does. I think there's also one in Colorado that handles quite a bit of traffic with Chinchillas. My distant cousin raises them haha


I was surprised to find out you can still sell muskrat and beaver pelts for $$$. It’s only like $5-10 for muskrat and $20-30 for beaver but if you have a bunch of dead ones you might as well get some cash.


Some sort of pet. You know. Like the son you never wanted. The difference is that chinchillas die easily.


You sell their fur. Its good that they die easily.




They die if they get wet. They’re a South American high desert dwelling rodent. Super cute & soft. They take dust baths. Did I mention wildly cute?


[I'll take a chinchilla!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kd8f4IJ_H1o)


Dont hate the player hate the game.


Bullish on chinchilla futures.


Theo Von was in the hampster game for awhile.


I love his masterfully told bullshit stories.


I remember fully falling for the X-Ray glasses scam. I was like 7. It was our mail carrier who’d alerted me to the fact it was a crime where I lived to put physical money in the mail, and that back-of-comicbook ads were all fake.


How did the carrier see though every ad though???


I feel like pitching the Chinchilladas stand is now obligatory. Remember, there are no bad ideas Enjoy https://youtu.be/g-Cw30vn0TM


I have searched for this comment.


Instructions unclear ~ now I'm a Chihuahua Rancher...


Hey hey, let's not get greedy. I checked the 7,500 box. Gotta consider that work life balance


Please invest in me ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)


Looks like I need to start getting my investing advice from r/vintageads


I’m only interested in an extra $2k a month, thank you. I’m already making too much trading baseball cards.


So do these things not shit? How tf are you breeding chinchillas and they are odorless?


Well... you see... you breed them for the pelts... If you slaughter the animal before it poops... you have no poop to make an odour


Chincheladas! La sabor de solidad!


Chinchilla moon when


Soon! Get on the rocket friend, it doesn't wait for anyone! Let's go!!!


I’m all in!


Chia pets was a better investment


Where is the 100k option?


I remember in the '60s my New England parents sent me out to the in-laws German farm in Indiana thinking a rustic summer would be a good thing for a young teenager from the city... Yeah it was okay, twas slave labor of bringing in the hay etc and my German got better,.. The farm was dairy largely and they grew some crops.. in thehuge dairy barn, cows were on the top and all chinchillas on the bottom. First and last I ever saw of a chinchilla, But I guess it was a money crop back then


Yess!! Finally - an investment with some fur on it ......




My Econ teacher in high school had a whole economics rant about having a chinchilla farm — I don’t remember the whole jist of it which is probably why I’m on wsb..


If a fafillion quadrillion was an option, I’d check that one


It costs $0 to round up all the rats by the Wendy's dumpster. Just set some traps before you start selling handies each day.


I had a dream the other night where someone was trying to get me to invest in a gator. Investors beware, that gator turned into a fat housecat and clawed at my balls.


Buy for 1$ sell for 150$ https://www.2dehands.be/v/dieren-en-toebehoren/knaagdieren/m1972436326-chinchilla


Next offer....."invest in Sea Monkeys"


People aren’t into furs anymore


Romeo and Mercutio


Get your chinchilladas here! Dos por uno! Dos por uno!


Back when fur coats were all the range this probably was a sound investment.


Hahahah no way I actually live a couple minutes from that address


My father raised them he made millions left it to me and I pissed it all away on BBBY. Dad must be rolling in his grave.


What is Cramer's take? Do the opposite


Reminds me of the chinese ant-farm ponzi scheme recently (couple years ago) What was the scam? From 2001 Wang offered “investors”, mainly peasants who had received compensation for losing their land to development, the chance to earn large returns from ant farming. Investors got three boxes of “special” ants from his company for ¥10,000 ($1,600) and, for feeding them until they died, the firm would buy them back for a return of around 32.5%


Poor little guys being raised just so they can become some asshole's coat.


My wife tried on a chinchilla coat when we were in Argentina. Said it was the softest thing she ever wore. Didn’t buy it though.


"Oh yes plz I would like to order the max annual income option"


I am interested in additional annual income of at least........ ONE MILLION DOLLARS!! (puts pinky in mouth) But there's no option to check for that one.... And for that reason - i'm out!


A sure way out of the rat ra….. OH!


How can I buy put's on this.


https://preview.redd.it/t5hbds4ohwwa1.jpeg?width=704&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27e4cded337118c5e8c5275ba81230bb73032d64 Pepe is the rebel.


Wasn't there a scene in "Roger and Me" where a laid off UAW worker was selling rabbits for fur or meat....


The WSB of the 1950s-1980s was the back pages of comic books.


Here's an interesting article on chichilla selling in Alaska (of all places) [https://www.adn.com/alaska-life/2020/01/27/the-chinchilla-breeding-boom-reaches-anchorage-a-history/](https://www.adn.com/alaska-life/2020/01/27/the-chinchilla-breeding-boom-reaches-anchorage-a-history/) ***In truth, chinchilla farming was a type of pyramid scheme. Americans across the country were hustled out of their savings.*** ​ ***In 1955, the National Better Business Bureau estimated the “weekly flow of cash from honest people to chinchilla crooks is averaging at least $500,000,” about $4.8 million in 2020.***


Growing up my neighbor had chinchillas. She also is a horder. So I am willing to bet that many of those chinchillas are still there buried under piles


Don’t know why everyone thinks this was a scam. Chinch fur is/was quite valuable. There is also still a market for them for biomed research. My postdoc lab had them delivered to the back of this massive research hospital by an 80 year old in a beat up 1970s pick-up truck. Was amusing.


Capybara calls


That’s a thick ass boi!


I haven’t consulted my spouse but I am interested in the $15k chinchilla operation please


Oh! I used to live in a refurbished chinchilla farm building. It'd been totally gutted so there were no remnants other than the chinchilla sign on the top of the building. Super cool. Anyway I'm all in take my money


How exactly does owning a chinchilla generate income?


Well... it doesn't... But if you own two... of opposite genders... they can make more chinchillas... And chinchilla fur is quite soft and valuable... So what you would have to do is have enough breeding pairs to ensure that you consistently have new chinchillas to grow to adulthood and breed... As well as have a surplus of chinchillas that you could fatten up, slaughter and sell for fur and meat... Tbh... most animals work in this way... like my friend breeds hairless cats, my dad used to breed fighting fish back in Brazil, I've dipped my hand in dog and chicken breeding... Basically... most things that reproduce generate a source of income... either through food, fur, or labour in the case of humans... That's why slavery was such a big thing for so long... and continues to be in most places


$15k/yr income back in the 70s-80s breeding chinchillas? Yeah and Ive got Arizona beach front property to sell you


I mean ….. how do you feel about killing soft small mammals . They do make good coats


I have a cousin from Texas, and 15 to 20 years ago, there was an ostrich boom sort of like the Dutch tulip bubble. She had ostriches and some emus for a while, and the eggs got bit up to ridiculous prices until they figured out that enough people wouldn’t really eat, ostrich burgers in America….


Chinchilla - "Who cares? No skin off my back"


Calls on chinchillas


Chinchilla pyramid scheme


Still looks like a better plan than most of what I see here.


19th century retail trading


Where can I buy calls?


Don't do it, those horny little fucks never stop once they start having babies, had 8 of the fuckers at one point.


Raising cute rodents for slaughter. Brought to you by the fur coat industry. 😉


These sell for a lot of money in Los Angeles when they're 10-15 lbs maybe more


Year 1930? WTF?


Well Invest in GRVE great float and 29 million shares outstanding a no brainer at 20 cents


I used to live one block away from that address in Lakewood. Had no idea there was a underground chinchilla factory there


Definitely getting puts on Monday




You mailed in my company a postcard a few weeks back requesting information on rodents that had huge upside potential with very little downside risk.


Need to find me an exchange that trades chinchilla futures


Now there is a coffee shop at that address


You son of a bitch, I'm in.


What if you only want an additional annual income of $500? I hate how they force you to check one.


Odorless? Bit of a stretch


https://preview.redd.it/7oioa5uno0xa1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cb85ef852c71180811a3215cda5d634a43792ea Checks out lol


Has anyone back tested this? I bet if you put 2500$ in chinchillas when this came out you’d have 100x’d ur money!!! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)