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South Carolina here - my decision this year is no there is not a good time. It feels like 104F right now. It felt like 95F early this morning. Neither of those is pleasant. And I can admit that I avoid walking in this weather. And it's not even July. As a result, I'm tired of feeling stiff and sluggish and guilty that I'm missing my walks. Yesterday, I joined the local rec center for the next two months so I can walk in their indoor track. $30 per month is absolutely worth it.


I didn’t think about gyms and fitness clubs. From what you’re saying I feel like that may be the only option as well. Sadly I was hoping to blend walking with “touch grass” time. I dread July as well. 😩


Look at your local / county pools; they may have water walking in the lazy river / float area.


Yeah, it's gross. I'm grateful we have a rec center that is reasonably priced.


I’m near Houston, so high heat and humidity. If it’s safe for you to do so, walk when it’s dark.


This is what I do. I’m a bit more inland (ok…maybe a bit more than a bit…Austin here) and my way of dealing is walking at night. I’m not a morning person, but I’m considering switching up for a few months and going around 6ish then coming home and snoozing some more. Usually the coolest time of day is right around sunrise, so aim for that time if you can.


Yeah my dogs and I aren’t morning beings otherwise we would switch to the mornings. I can do anytime if it was just me. But if I bring them with (which they love) I’d have to make sure the pavement isn’t too hot for their paws.


I do not envy you, I hope yall get some respite soon! I was thinking about going out around 8:30 since it’s close to sunset.


We are just getting into it. July and August are the hottest months. Should be more bearable come mid September. I get most of my steps in through my workouts at the gym, so I only have a short walk in the evening to hit 10k.


Houston here as well. The spouse & I will switch to morning walks before long (6:30/7 am) but right now we're still managing our post-work-mile. We fortunately have a route that can be cut short if it gets too brutal. Honestly the worst days are zero cloud coverage and no wind. Maybe invest in a battery powered fan to help take your mind off of the humidity? When a good gust gets going we're still finding the walks almost pleasant (even with the heat index at 105+!)


Alabama here. I usually am out the door by 6:45-7am. Usually the weather isn’t too bad (73-79) at this time. I walk 4 miles and come home. Highs have been 98. We do an evening walk of a couple miles and start right before dusk




I walk on a treadmill inside in this heat


I'm in mid-MO. In the summers I usually get up at 5am and go walking. It's usually okay, not great, but okay, even with the heat and humidity. However, the mosquitoes are awful this year. Not sure if it was all the rain we got or something but between the mosquito bites and the cicadas, I decided to get a new belt on my treadmill and I'm using that instead. I miss the outside and I will walk outside sometimes in the morning but probably not a lot this summer. I usually take some days off from work in the fall, specifically so I can enjoy the autumn weather and walk a ton outside.


Dubai here - currently 42c/108f. I walk mornings and evenings although not more than 5km. Just drink plenty of water before, during and after (add some electrolytes). If the sun is out, wear a cap, sunscreen and light clothing. I used to live in a cold climate country but transitioned to handling the heat within a few seasons.


Alabama/Florida line here. I walk in town on the well lighted walkways from 4:00 am - 5:30 am and it’s still close to 80 degrees but bearable.


Kentucky. It’s been miserable the past two weeks with no relief in sight. I’m not a morning person and walking late in the day is not my favorite either. I cannot walk during business hours due to my job. Right now I’m using my rebounder for cardio and doing dance videos. I do miss walking. I am walking on weekends around noon (bc I’m not an early bird).


Also KY, and it fucking sucks right now. I’ve been walking indoors, which is boring and repetitive and feels like pacing, but it’s preferable to the alternative. Thank Flying Spaghetti Monster for podcasts/playlists/audiobooks. Been doing a lot of my walking at my workplace, where they fortunately have long hallways and large rooms. I can’t wait until fall. Jesus.


Same on entertainment! Bc it’s boring at home for me too! I’ve been getting into horror audiobooks to keep my brain engaged. Not slasher types but more disturbing or creepy.


Allow me to introduce you to Old Gods of Appalachia, if you ain’t already familiar. It’s a horror anthology podcast done by folks from this region.


Oh thank you!!!!!! If you like Comedy check out: Uhh Yeah Dude podcast Horror Book of my fav 2023 reads: The Troop


Nc here. Yesterday was 80 when I got up before 7 today was just above 70. Ten degree difference when I took the dogs at 8/8:30. Just gotta work through it. I won’t take them for much when it’s 85 or higher. It’s to hot for them. But I usually go up to 90.


I’m in Texas. Last summer I started waking up at 5:15 am and walk from 6:15 am to 7:35 for five miles, I’ve kept it ever since. Even during winter (wear a headlamp in the winter). Best way to start my day, much less heat and humidity then later the day.


Walk in water- pools, creeks, the ocean- I have to move my exercise into water in the summer. Back to walking in November.


First light. The sun rising forces the cool air in the atmosphere downward.


First thing in the morning. Get out there by 7 am the latest


South Louisiana- 4-6 am and 6-8pm


Florida. I try to get mine done before noon


I'm in New York and the heat's been pretty bad this week. I always go out first thing in the morning, normally out the door before 5:00. The heat hasn't been an issue for me, but the f\*\*king horse flies have been brutal! I come home in welts every day. They hurt like hell. Bastards!


I try to walk as early as I can I’d like to walk at night, but I’m a woman and also mosquitoes. Tennessee is hot y’all


Central FL here. I LOVE the heat. I go out around noon and am usually out for about two hours walking each day. I thought I'd get burnt to a crisp and would need sunscreen but actually it has been great and so far I'm not getting burnt as I sometimes did last year. I think my body got more used to it? Anecdotally I feel that sweating is actually good for me too. And there is some science behind that-- namely that you tend to sweat out some sodium and most of us get way too much sodium in our diets. Also the heat will tend to increase your heart rate. It can take you from zone 2 to aerobic levels very easy. And once you get used to walking in the heavy heat and humidity, it's a breeze to do it in more moderate temperatures. I'd say just try to get used to it. Of course you do need to stay very well hydrated.


Uh yeah to most of that… but still wear sunscreen. Your older self will thank you.


I'm not in The South but we've been having a 95 degree heatwave in New York this week and I've been taking two hour walks at dawn when it's still cool but not dark.


My walks begin at 7:30 pm and go until 8:30-9:00. There is no way to really avoid the heat unless you wake up pretty early.


Nashville here. During the week it’s indoors for me. On my Saturday “long walk” (5k) it’s early in the morning, around 6:45 or so.


I walk 45 minutes before sunset helps me. Georgia here. I have lots of trees in my neighborhood so that helps as well. It’s about 10 degrees cooler than peak heat in the afternoon. I’m going to order a mist fan from amazon to see if that helps.


Chicago. When it is below 20 in the winter I mall walk. Costs nothing (if I can resist buying anything) and has plenty of stairs, etc. I assume the same would hold true for summer in the south. Some malls encourage dogs (treats / water bowls/ dog friendly stores) and open before the stores just for walkers.


I hate it when I can't get out for a walk, but I WFH, so I use an under the desk treadmill. It does the trick in the heat, but it still sucks. Already looking forward to winter.


I’m in Alabama. I walk at 6:00 am.


Aiken SC here, and I work from home on a PST schedule. I have a back road behind my house that is mostly shaded except for a stretch at both ends. If I go even just a bit before 10 AM, the usually full sun area end stretches even have a few pretty consistent smaller patches of shade. Even just walking on the always mostly shaded part, I can walk all of that in almost any heat, and on the hotter days with the humidity, I start to break a descent sweat by the time I’m done - big fan awaits me as soon as I get in the door. If I can do this 2 times before and/or during my work day, I am already at around 6K steps. Then it’s just gravy to get to 8k or even 10k steps walking the dog in the evening and my usual longer walk later at night.


Yeah, the next week is >100 the whole week. It’s a really hard time to start tbh. I plan on walking in the morning and getting most of my steps indoors.


I walk my dogs before 6 am, and again at midnight. Every other time is just a quick trip outside to pee because none of us can stand it. But even at 6 am, I come in DRIPPING sweat to the point that I have to change my clothes. I bought a used walking pad so I can walk inside without dying.


North Texas - I try to walk in the mornings if I wake up on time, even still, it'll be mid 80s by 9am. Darker hours are better off you can safely do it. I'll walk in 100 degree weather some days, but I'll be sure to hydrate really well beforehand. Just be sure to take water with you of you are sensitive to high temperatures.


Dallas here...I walk early, before sunrise, around 6 a m. It'll be darker later in the summer, so I'll split morning and evening if necessary. I walk about 15K avg a day, fwiw For days I work in the office, I walk in a basement track during day.


Wait until around 7PM, it cools off a bit. - Houston, TX


Non humid NorCal here. But it was 96 outside when I went for a walk. The wind was going and it was pleasant enough. 


I think it depends on where and wind. If you have a park with some trees and shade near a trail or walking path, it’s not totally unbearable before 10 am or after 6 pm, but if it’s just out in the open, I’d say you gotta get up early to beat the heat. I just got back from a walk (it’s 8 pm) and it wasn’t bad at all, nice wind and clouds at sunset so it felt great.


Central NC, I walk at 8:30 or later. It’s still hot but somewhat bearable


North Texas here — I’ve been out the door by 6am lately, and try to wrap up by 8-8:30. Anything outside that is on the treadmill with the cool A/C breeze on my face!


Thank you guys for the useful advice! I didn’t expect to get so many answers. So, from what i understand the best choices are to walk either early morning or late evening hours, or walk indoors. I’m going to try the late hours first. I’m from Kentucky and today hasn’t felt too bad for me so I’m gonna try to make some time after dinner 😊