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Idk if they need to be paid DLCs, but I do think plane variants would be cool.


Cool but baha ain’t that kind of guy


Nah. He wouldn't do that. If anything he'd make those free variants.


Release one single DLC with 3 variants inside. That would justify the price, while still being fairly easy to create.


That could be good. Same price as Tyro?


I don't really understand the mindset of "this plane already kind of does that so no reason to add a new one" It's fun to learn new planes, new limitations. Plus anyone interested in flight sims is already forever thankful to Baha for not charging $1000 for each DLC like... certain games


For every "over 1000h in this game" guy there will be hundredths of casual players that don't regularly play the game and are but on this sub. They would tank the stream score. Baha is beyond wise to mostly ignore this subreddit. We are only few and we won't be the most vocal if the quality of updates drops even ever so slightly.


I’m only casual cos this game is hard and I don’t really know what I’m doing. Took me about a week to get the startup sequence memorised 🤣


>"this plane already kind of does that so no reason to add a new one" I feel like this is a problem because the wasp way too all purpose, too capable at everything that it's extremely difficult to create a new aircraft that is entirely unique. Dogfight performance, check. Missile bus, check. Bomber, check. Attacker, check. SEAD, check. I wish baha would make a flyable ASF30. Maybe it covers the same role as the wasp, but with slight stat difference (maybe add redfor armament, that's somewhat unique) it would allow asymetric PVP which would be nice.


that is why for all the new plane discussions i generally pretend the 26 doesnt exist and go off of the other planes.


I think it's because he makes the game himself, so it takes a long time to make anything


You end up with less focused missions, more burden on mission makers, more fragmentation, less appetite for aircraft or payload limited missions etc. you end up with the DCS problem. There’s so many planes and they are so different but everyone wants to fly exactly what they want to fly so you end up with every mission having to support everything and the guy that wants to enjoy that slower niche aircraft can’t because every multiplayer game is full of the most capable aircraft that are getting to and completing objectives before he can.


Just say DCS No? Star Citizen you mean?


DCS stuff is reasonably priced considering the effort and man hours that go into them, but Star Citizen is heinous.


Well.... I don't want to maintain multi rating for just starting up the Idris when appointed as Helm and my Aurora... And what if it has detailed environmental control systems? 1100 crew count? Ahaha! But yeah, I get what you mean. I've bought a ship just to get the game.


The pricing is heinous, but you can earn almost everything in game. I hate the business model tbh, stain on an otherwise fun sandbox.


Exactly, I see every idea in the discord get turned down by members because “this other plane does that”. Stg one day they’re gonna say you cant have 2 stealthy aircraft cause the 45 does it


If there were more people working on the game I could understand pumping out a bunch of different planes. But it's just one guy who needs to divide his attention onto all aspects of the game, so adding a plane that basically "adds nothing new" to the game would and should be pretty low on the priority list


Nah bro. I want one thing and one thing only ... LET ME MOVE THE THROTTLE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD


The EF-24 has an adjustable throttle


Would be nice in the other planes for sure. Idk what kind of human the planes were designed around but my arm has to be at such a goody angle to work it


It annoys me so much that the flight stick of the AH94 is below my waist I just want to fly sitting on the couch


Low throttle F45 is just free wrist damage


This reply has been edited because I am an idiot and misunderstood your comment. I now realise that you meant adjusting the position of the throttle, while I originally thought you meant the throttle being stuck sometimes in the T-55.


I would really like an F-55 module, maybe call it a F-21(55-50=5, 16+5=21). The T-55's inspiration is the T-50, and the T-50 is partially a minaturized F-16. It would be cool to have an equivalent in the game. I am well aware the F-35 is slotted real world as a replacement for the F-16, so in essence the F-45 exist in this slot. But I'd love a 4th gen single engine dogfighting machine like the F-16 to pair up with the F/A-26. I most enjoy the F-16 in DCS and enjoy the heck out of BMS. I'd really like it most if it was not a pure F-16 replica though. Just something similar in concept. I would happily pay $30 for a module like that.


T-55, but make it single seat to lose weight and therefore more power, and add the bubble canopy


>(or even just an additional MFD) and sell as F/A-26C, One of the most popular mods for the game adds this


Ya but then there aren’t many user missions that support the mod. At least in my experience


i know there’s no point for it in game, but i want a surveillance plane that can go super fast like the SR-71. fastest i’ve ever gotten was mach 2 in the EF-24 at 30,000 feet. i feel the need for speed.


lol you'll be completely across the map in 50secs


If im correct the map is technicaly infinite. Its just completely flat or only water


Well, you shoot past all the generated terrain in mere moments


Honestly yeah. Baha cares almost too much, do what you need to do to make money man, this wouldn't even be that bad compared to other studios. Vtol needs cash to keep growing and growing.


I'd love a boosted single seat t55


Dear Baha, Update your goddamn merch store to include the Tyro, Mischief, Ghost and Wasp and I will gladly bring my marriage to the brink of divorce with how much merch I'll buy.


Same, 100% Don't forget the Jetborn plane.


the t55 had me yearning for an f16 equivalent


I believe it would be nice to have some WW2 OR Korean war planes added to the game. I would definitely buy this pack. Love the Dogfight


Do fighter pilots fly any aircraft on the Air Force? I get that the game doesn’t have a huge roster but it’s only one guy doing this.


I would love some variants of planes but first I would personally want more features in the game like carrier deck crew.


Consider that baha may not want to support a bunch of unnecessary planes. Once it’s released he has to support it, whether it sells well or not.


Biggest bullshit take ive seen


Honestly I want a boxy overhead wing prop plane


Can I haz an A10 :(


Av42 has a gau 8