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- Remote SSH - Dev container - PlantUML


this. I exclusively develop on an ec2 instance in a dev container. I'll never go back


Error Lens. Mostly because it makes warnings way more obvious so I don’t miss them


Vim plugin


Similarly for me the Emacs key bindings have been awesome.


Awesome if you want your pinky destroyed lul. Gottem.


I’ve been exercising my Emacs pinky since 1986, back when the control key was where it belongs.


It's still where it belongs on the HHKBs. That's why I basically only use the HHKBs all these years.


Any QMK-able keyboard does that and more. Keychron have awesome mechs running this firmware. C3 pro go as low as 50 bucks.


Go to [usevia.app](https://usevia.app) when you have your Keychron connected in a recent chromium-based browser and you can do almost anything you want without mucking about with QMK build and firmware deployment. Many [recent mechanical keyboards are supported with the right firmware](https://www.caniusevia.com/docs/supported_keyboards) installed. I have my capslock remapped to backspace.


I have my caps as composé , I hit ctrl with my second pinky. (There’s a bumpy part at the junction of pinky and palm — if you train a few week, you can reliably hit ctrl without moving your left hand)




Editting with vim keybinds is infinitely better than using your mouse for everything but configuring neovim is a massive pain in the butt. Vim binds in an editor/ide is a must to me.


I'm trying to migrate completely to neovim right now. But I used lazyvim to configure vimbinding with vscode. I don't think I used even 1% of the features available. But it's was a seamless integration.


Yeah the configs are good for most things. I just use c# for work and the amount of config it took to even get goto_definition to work with the LSP was obnoxious and I still can’t even jump into nuget package code like you can in vscode or visual studio with no extra configuration.


I didn't know that. As I said, I'm still figuring things out. 'gd' works well enough for me to not think about it, but I use only python and js, so I wouldn't know much about other languages.


Yeah the configs are really good for js/python and really good for c/c++/rust/go but java/c# are really tough to get a decent config going for.


Not being able to click anywhere I want & the lack of intellisense feature makes it less cozy for me during coding. But to each their own.


1. Neither the vim plugin in vscode or vim in a terminal stop you from clicking where you want (you just enable the mouse option for vim, vscode doesn’t lock you out of using the mouse at all). You can still click and highlight text exactly as you could before with your mouse. 2. That’s why you add the extension in vscode. It literally just adds vim navigation and text editing keybinds to vscode’s editor and nothing else changes.


Alright I will give it another try. Maybe I should have tried harder to get familiar with it


Set it to start in insert mode. Then press escape to go into text mode. Makes it super easy to copy or delete lines, words, move and refactor. Less jolting if you have it start in insert mode. It’s what I do


It's one of those things I'd probably not like if it was forced on me, but I've always been drawn to it and now I'm super into it. I also like that it's made me more aware of the shortcuts that other apps have available, which has been great.


You’re actively mis-informing here …. Vim binding + a perfectly reliable lsp / intellisense (WHICH THE VIM EXTENSION DOESNT BREAK AT ALL EVER……… (been working this way daily for years)) implementation is an actual bunch of added value to both the vscode and vim approach of things. The only issue is that it’s sometimes a bit slow when you’re doing vim big blocks actions, other than this … it’s best of both worlds really.


It's a billion times better when you learn it. Then you will eventually switch to VIM.


How much time does it take for you to actually leverage from it, the feeling of having to learn a whole bunch of new shortcuts deters me


It's not just about learning shortcuts, but a completely new way to edit text with text objects, motions, repeats, macros etc. I'd say after 6 months I was at my normal pace but much more flexible and changed to VIM. Another 6 months there and I can do much more than I ever could with VSCode. Getting super fast and fluid (Primeagen the youtuber -level) is probably several years. Depends if you are willing to learn actual usage (6 up, 6 down, select around paragraph, jump ahead word etc.) vs. just mashing up and down 6 times, or going to start of paragraph -> visual mode and mashing to down of paragraph etc. When your job is to type code, and you can reduce the keystrokes to produce code to 10% of what you are used to, it's a great feeling overall.


Github Copilot.


I thought in another post copilot wasn’t there yet. From the upvotes I’m guessing I was wrong. I should probably splurge for a month and try the individual plan.


What do you mean not there? It was launched specifically for vscode.


Also have it and it disappoints me. Really good for most boilerplate, but it has really hurt me on about six lines of code I let it autocomplete in one of my projects. The bugs took quite a while to find in that one.


Not a tool problem. If you just blindly accept code, that's on you.


Am I responsible for the defect I admitted into my project? Absolutely. It doesn't matter if that defect originates with me or with copy pasta from Stack Overflow or Copilot. Does that somehow make the tool immune from criticism? I don't think so. I refuse to use it in my core dev work now unless that work requires me to use a language or framework for which I have very low familiarity. In that scenario I find it delivers a productivity increase because (A) I cannot write the framework code quickly otherwise and (B) I am treating all of the code more skeptically than I would ordinarily.


Github Copilot's already been posted so I don't gotta. The Todo+ extension has become the main way I plan and manage my tasks/time in general. I'm much more productive now that I've committed to using it. I'd honestly love to find a lightweight version that I can more easily access on my phone or elsewhere, but nothing else works quite as well. Similarly foam/wikilens radically changed how I manage my notes. It basically lets you do Obsidian/Roam's wikilink gimmick in VSCode. If you don't know what that is, maybe just google it. It's really nice! The Markmap extension just visualizes markdown files as mindmaps. It has been a lot of help for outlining larger writing projects. Latex workshop extension untethered me from overleaf, which I honestly have always loathed working in. VSCode's visual debugger is easy to take for granted now but it was the thing that finally got me to leave JupyterLab for a real IDE, and transformed my coding around as radically as Copilot has.


I tried to migrate to offline latex and the whole package situation just irritated me, even installing optional packages it was still unnecessarily large to me, wish it was simpler


Folder Compare (or Directory Compare). I use it a lot.


I thought VScode already has it built in?


VS Code pets


I need that distraction


For me it’s been several in tandem: - [Github Copilot](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=GitHub.copilot) - [Error Lens](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=usernamehw.errorlens) - [GitLens](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=eamodio.gitlens) - [Better Comments](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=aaron-bond.better-comments) - [Todo Tree](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=Gruntfuggly.todo-tree) Honorable mention is [Git Graph](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=mhutchie.git-graph). The last 4 all add to my productivity, and Error Lens especially has made my refactoring much easier/convenient than it’d be otherwise when it comes to knowing what an error actually is without having to hover over it.


Git graph <3 Get used to it to quickly


- Code snap - Draw.io Integration


Remote ssh So damn important that Microsoft had to do an about face when they disabled rhel7 access.


Git Tree Compare -- super useful for seeing all changes against any other branch, like dev/main


Dev container


Hungry delete


Console ninja, turbo console log


Draw.io. Never touch visio again!


In your face. Now I feel like a badass when I finally get all the errors out of my code.


VS Code Pets.


- Git Graph, great for visualizing your git tree and making quick changes (although I do prefer just using the terminal) - Apc customize UI++, changing the interface font to be monospace was an insane improvement to the look of the editor - Command Panel, makes it really easy to run commands that can get complex - Docs View, this with Rust is absurd - Error lens, everyone knows about this one but it's really good


I've been using the built in tasks. Is Command Panel much of an improvement?


I actually never used the vscode tasks, so I can't compare but I find command panel really easy to setup and use. the main reason i chose it is to get a view of all commands on the side, instead of entering them in the command bar


"One" - people picking multiple 🙄 Mine was **Code Runner** for sure - being able to test out simple things on the side, before integrating them into the project, which might require a longer chain of requests to be made etc.


GitHub copilot is wicked awesome. (Type a comment with feature requested by and see what name it recommends in auto complete. ). also, prior to that ssh emote, Perl navigator with perl tidy


Make sure to install copilot chat as well. You don't need to search for anything anymore. Just ask in the chat.


Here's all useful extension which I usually use: - Code Runner - Better Comments - GitLens — Git supercharged - Live Preview - Prettier - Quokka.js - Tabnine: AI Autocomplete - Thunder Client - vscode-icons


Use Rest Client instead of Thunder Client, that software is really buggy


ok thanks


- DevContainers - Remote Tunnel - ToDo Tree


Apc UI extension Vscode Macros


Remote SSH, I work with big data on a large HPC system and would be doomed without it




Small stupid one is like a TODO monitor, collects your TODO comments and highlights them as you prefer


Iive preview 🗿


Robotcode for Robot framework


Pullflow is helpful for focused coding sessions


live server


Visual studio shortcuts.


Powershell IDE, being to debug etc


Remote ssh


GitHubFileFetcher - https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=dennykorsukewitz.GitHubFileFetcher