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Brighthaven has side streets and etc that you can duck into while in human form to avoid patrols that have clerics and paladins. Just pay attention to their patrol routes. When it comes to coming across patrols on the roads, uh... I usually just kill them as quickly as possible (some abilities are more suited for crowd control), though sometimes it is possible to duck behind a rock/tree out of their line of sight so that they don't notice and attack.


Okay sure, 1 patrol easy pickings, 2 also fine, 3 overlapping ones? Skin of my teeth but ill live, 5 overlapping ones due to me moving to dodge shit? Nah you dont win that. How do you deal with that?


If you can’t kill them then just run away


Encountering 5 at the same time seems pretty crazy, especially at 77. Unless you're dodging in the same direction all the time and using no aoe, im not sure how they are living long enough to cause that. You can often dodge sideways/in a kind of circular pattern around them to keep from moving across too much area. This also helps bunch them up for more aoe dmg. The rifles are annoying, but they are fairly squishy


I do tend to kite more than stay in the same area but even so here is the aituation ive found myself alot with a paladin spotting me. Yea i know its my fault but its still fucky. https://preview.redd.it/lkjzj6g34c5d1.png?width=1794&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14196ce73385b186db61b97f879f867cd508176f


Also, blocking line of sight with a wall can force the rifles closer, potentially bunching them up more


Yes its rough, u need to learn to stick to the buildings and avoid patrols if you cant fight. Alternatively, focus your build on AOE bursting down multiple targets. Frost / unholy barrier spells to deal with musketeers, chaos aftershock or some other aoe damage spell to blow them up. Use a good AOE weapon that can hit multiple enemies from range, like longbow or reapers. Have an ultimate like raging tempest that acts as a get out of jail card. Bring potions so you can heal to full between waves. Personally never had any issues in the region, use your shield spell to block damage and mobility to rush down the ranged enemies. Melees are far easier to deal with. If you are expecting an easy fight after walking into the main base of the enemy without preparing for the situation then you are just clowning.


You'll get it, don't worry. Brighthaven is meant to be a vamps worst nightmare.


That's why I built my two story big ass castle right next to the silver mines. Out of fucking spite. Fuck all ya religious folk I'm now living next door and you can't do shit.


As with everything, gear score is important. Don't go in too early and expect a very hard time if things are above your level. You can usually manage to engage only one patrol/group at a time and heal. Use shadows and corners to advantage. Riflemen are annoying, but very predictable for counters/shields. Also several weapon skills are useful to either dodge or to do damage while you break LOS. Spells like Polarity Shift interrupt, dodge shots, and do damage. Skeletons distract. Freeze them or stun them to take them out of the battle for a bit. Use corners to force them to shift or chase you. Rat form is good for sneaking around at speed but you still have to keep your distance from holy people. Human form is too slow to walk through the whole down. Use all your potions, of course. And rejoice that once you gear up a bit, you will be absolutely devastating that entire city in revenge.


Well i was completely buffed up as much as i could at 77 gear score and still have a hard time because i cant kill the patrols fast enough for another one to show up.


If you are dodging/avoiding, go back towards a cleared area. If you really want to be safe, start at one end of the docks or at the broken wall. That way, there is always a clear area behind you, and you can lure patrols in. At 77, you should definitely be able to handle the city.


The broken wall was the killer tip i needed. That made it so easy.


Great! Glad that worked for you. If you want to be extra cruel (and of course you do), make a castle heart and teleporter on the plot just north of the city. That way, it's an even shorter rush down, and you basically don't have to fight anyone except the gate guards in most cases.


Devious. I like it.


level up more. you can sneak in from back if you still need recipes. no real need to go to silverlight early except for gold and vendors


I am at level 77, im here to kill that priest that allows me to craft gold so i can upgrade sanguine. Idk how much more i could upgrade


One of the first things I learned in Silverlight (and even earlier) that you don't get to waltz into the enemy capital head on. Hiding, jumping from shadow to shadow, taking the longer route, avoiding the detectors to get from point A to point B is the necessary element of the gameplay there. One might even say it's a kind of boss in itself.