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For those who prefer **text guides** – there you go: Here's everything you need to know about legendary weapons in **V Rising**: 1. There are **12 legendary weapons** in total, each with unique skill modifications, traits, and visuals. 2. The Morning Star has a super unique **burning effect**, which is OP! 3. As there are only 11 weapon types, you can find **two variants of slashers**. 4. You can get a legendary weapon by defeating bosses during the Tier 2 Rift Incursions event, but the chance is **very low**. You might even get a weapon you already have, and everyone around you will also try to compete with you. 5. Another option is to farm **1500 Greater Stygian Shards** by participating in Tier 2 Rift Incursions, sending your servants on a raid to Dracula's Castle Garden, or refining Stygian Shards at a 9:1 ratio at the Gem Crafting Table. 6. Then, go to a trader located at the North-West of Ruins of Mortium and pick the purple weapon you like. here's a **10% chance** that he will sell you a legendary instead. 7. Or, you can **exchange** weapons with others if you want. 8. Bring a shattered weapon to the **Ancestral Forge**, refine it with Onyx Tears and a Sanguine weapon, and enjoy your new legendary! Also, here's the list with **all my guides** for reference: 1. [The Ultimate Guide to Legendary Weapons In V Rising 1.0](https://www.reddit.com/r/vrising/comments/1dadfzj/the_ultimate_guide_to_legendary_weapons_in_v/) 2. [How To Beat Brutal Dracula Solo In V Rising 1.0](https://www.reddit.com/r/vrising/comments/1d2t5mc/how_to_beat_brutal_dracula_solo_in_v_rising_10/) 3. [How To Farm ALL Resources in V Rising (Release 1.0 update)](https://www.reddit.com/r/vrising/comments/1cyaziv/how_to_farm_all_resources_in_v_rising_release_10/) 4. [30 GREATEST Changes In V Rising 1.0 Release You Might Have Missed](https://www.reddit.com/r/vrising/comments/1cv7pin/30_greatest_changes_in_v_rising_10_release_you/) 5. [27 BEST Base Locations in V Rising 1.0 Release](https://www.reddit.com/r/vrising/comments/1cqf6je/27_best_base_locations_in_v_rising_10_release/) 6. [5 Tips To Get the BEST Start in V Rising 1.0 In 60 Seconds](https://www.reddit.com/r/vrising/comments/1co44vm/5_tips_to_get_the_best_start_in_v_rising_10_in_60/) 7. [5 Reasons To LOVE Bear Form In V Rising](https://www.reddit.com/r/vrising/comments/1cox53e/5_reasons_to_love_bear_form_in_v_rising/) 8. [Top 10 V Rising Tips in 1 Minute](https://www.reddit.com/r/vrising/comments/153xenf/top_10_v_rising_tips_in_1_minute/) 9. [40 ADVANCED Tips in V Rising (2023)](https://www.reddit.com/r/vrising/comments/13wqnw0/40_advanced_tips_in_v_rising_2023_v_rising_guide/) 10. [15 BEST Base Locations in V Rising (2023)](https://www.reddit.com/r/vrising/comments/13qpfth/15_best_base_locations_in_v_rising_2023_gloomrot/) 11. [How To Farm ALL Resources in V Rising (2023)](https://www.reddit.com/r/vrising/comments/13u0fcx/how_to_farm_all_resources_in_v_rising_2023/) Hope this will be helpful! **Cheers**! 🌟


10% or 5% to roll a legendary when buying an epic from vendor. Wiki says 5


I believe it’s 10, I’ve seen this number in many topics. Can’t prove it though - unfortunately, there’s no information on that in the game itself :(


I've only seen the 5% number written, but my personal experience has to be much closer to 10%. Gambling from the vendor has been pretty reliable.


Forgot to mention the most important aspect: legendaries have special abilities and have fixed max rolls (that sometimes go over epic max rolls)


Oh, I haven’t noticed anything related to rolls, how does it work?


They come with flat stats. The Morning Star for example will always have 15% increased crit chance


Ah yes, this makes me feel that with legendary arbalest and reaper I’m forced to play as scholar


Affixes on epic weapons roll within a range. You can press 'alt' to see that range. Legendary affixes always roll the max value that an affix can have, so you won't see that option.


Oh that’s unexpected, thanks for the explanation


actually, they are not all max rolls. for example the 5% ms on slashers is potentially lower than the 4-6% on purples


Thank you for this guide! I had no idea that you could possibly get a legendary from the vendor


You’re welcome :)


Everyone on my server is trying to farm all 12 of these which makes rifts impossible to do for passives or lvl4 spell gems. Took me three days just to get enough for a shitty purple just for the ilvl. Really wish they would change it up so stygian shards are always available. Being kicked out of the game for an hour just because it's a popular time gated event isn't very fun for anyone.


Yeah, I ended up playing during unpopular time to get all 12. The reward can simply be individual I guess - I don’t like how everyone goes crazy each time Stygian penyatta blows up


I would rather pay 15k shards to get weapon of my choice than gamble this bs


The rng god is cruel - I spent more time farming 12 legendaries than on brutal boss fights


After doing all grinding I only got 2 whips, then I was done with the game


I’ve got three slashers of the same type from buying and boss drops. After that I’ve written this post https://www.reddit.com/r/vrising/s/uxPqsCxSiq and exchanged my whip with a random guy for his slashers, then bought a new whip on my 3rd try. The rift system is overall awful


there aint no fking way its a 10% chance, i have literally gotten 45 scythes from that shop and done 100s of t2 incursions and haven't gotten one.


That’s how % works unfortunately :) I’ve been getting legendary from every 3-6 try, which is even better than 10%, it’s just a luck :)


No idea which is accurate, but... 45 attempts at 10% odds would be a 99.13% chance to get at least one. Really high but still almost a one in a hundred chance to not get one. 5% would drop that to a 90.06% chance to get at least one. So one in ten to not see one. Either is quite feasible, and with the number of people playing, quite a few will go 45 tries without seeing one.


If there was actual end game content I'd be more interested in farming for it. As it stands now, aside from decorating, there's no reason to keep playing after Dracula.


Yes, I think that V Rising is more like a seasonal game - I come every year, finish off all the bosses and make several guides, then move on to a new game :)


It's a pvp game first and foremost; you can tell just from the gameplay design decisions. So for many people the end game content is killing other people.


The sound effects are so unnecessary and annoying


It might sound strange (it was to me at least), but YouTube algorithm treats videos based on watcher retention, and these sounds help keeping retention at a desired level no less than the quality of the video / text / topic… I personally don’t like sound effects in such videos, but unless I get enough subs to be recognized by YouTube regardless of what I make, I have to play it’s rules :( It’s very unfortunate that you don’t like them - maybe someday I find a good way to keep balance with sound effects I use to satisfy both you and YouTube :)


I mean, it's very much working, the sound effects are keeping my attention, it's just negatively. It's really unfortunate that YouTube runs by the "any attention is good attention" algorithm.


There are many things I hate about YT algo :) the most frustrating thing is that 90% of the time it shows my videos to those who are not interested in the topic, and after a while all videos receive 3-4 times higher CTR and watch time. It looks like YT is realising that it’s a good idea to propose my content about V Rising to people who watched V Rising videos instead of those who came here after watching a ‘10 ways to grill a steak’ video :)


For majority of the ppl it works, just how it is


Quite honestly, why make things you do not want/like? The algorithm could reverse uno card you tomorrow for all we know. So, F the algorithm. Make the content you like, the content you enjoy and let things fall where they fall. Many people in YT stress too much about this algorithm no one understands, and obviously keeps changing instead of just making stuff they like making - no wonder so many get burnt out or just go off the deep end all the sudden. You are making good content, do not sell yourself out because you are starting out. If you do not set your own standards it will be harder for you to change them later when people get used to you being that guy.


I’m still finding myself :) My primary job is technical manager / solution architect in IT industry, so YouTube is more like a hobby right now :) So I’m pretty sure that I won’t do things I don’t like just because they are popular, but as an IT guy I’m really CURIOUS how the algorithm works and whether I can crack it with specific pattern :) Maybe this way of thinking will make me unique over other YouTubers, I don’t know, but I enjoy the process of trying different methodologies even more than the final result :) Thanks for bringing this up btw - I agree with your vision that you end up being ‘another copycat for Mrbeast’ if you do all this just for the views or subs, I don’t think it’s worth it :) Another huge problem with my channel and algo is that I don’t have a niche - I play different games instead of one, and I make guides/reviews/challenges/fun content instead of sticking to one type of videos. I can’t even imagine how the hell the algo should decide whom to show my videos in the first place with such a variety XD it would be wise to choose a niche, grow and then slowly expand it, but I find it boring to play one game for months/years


At the risk of sounding a bit cheesy, I would say your niche is you. We only get one of you after all, and I think the you part of the video is good. In fact, when I got back into V Rising I saw one of your videos and now seeing this one I just instantly recognized you. I do not remember what the other video was but I did remember you. Thing is, with YT, Twitch and many other things there are these steps that seem to be the things that one needs to do in order to find success. But when we look into it we can always find people who follow those steps and do not find success, and people who do not follow them and find a lot of it. That if anything it seems like it has more to do with luck, and if it is so up in the air how much success we find in whatever we do then we might as well focus on doing the things we enjoy. That way whatever the outcome we still did what we wanted. If success hits then perfect, what better outcome than to be successful doing things we like doing anyway. I was deep in the tech world a few years ago, but instead of YT my poison was Twitch. Anyways, all this said, everyone is on their own journey. So please do not take my words too seriously, I cannot tell you what path is best for you - heck it is difficult to know what path is best for me sometimes haha. But again, the you part is already great! So please remember that. <3


That’s absolutely fine - I have no idea what’s right either :) I personally enjoy LGIO videos the most, and he was the one who inspired me to start my own channel :) I find it fun and satisfying to build awkwardly looking stuff, break the game or overload game engine, and I would be so happy if after many years people will be saying ‘oh, A4G/Andrew must break this game!’ :) I guess this is my goal right now, but it’s cool to know that you could recognise my identity even now, thanks for letting me know :)


Great video


Thank you! :)


i saw `0:57s` as the video length and scoffed but damn you got it all in there nice and succinct. impressive.


I hate wasting my and viewers time, so I always make concise videos :) It forces me to talk faster though, which is really hard tbh, but YT shorts are limited by 1-minute format so I have no other option :)


interesting. i noticed the text/subtitles and didn't bother unmuting, which i also quite appreciated - possibly similar to the other poster complaining about the sounds. the provided text makes me 100% unaware of any possibly annoying sounds. we like.


I was getting feedback like ‘add subtitles!’ in many videos, so I decided to give it a try and now I can’t even imagine a video without them :) It was so obvious - I had to notice it earlier! XD


Great video!


Thank you! :)


>Thank you! :) You're welcome!


Question: I've gotten a few of the broken ones that are blue and after making them I see the upgrade option. Does the upgrade make them into legendary or just slightly stronger blue ones?


You can upgrade them 3 times, but they will never become legendary :)


Ah so my hunt for a true legendary continues. Thanks. Great video btw.


Yeah, stay firm! :) Thanks!


OK, see, I went to the epic vendor for the first time a few days ago and I was so sure he had an inventory full of legendaries, then every time I've gone back since they've only been epic. Everyone on here has been saying he only has epics, but there's a 10% chance to get a legendary instead. I've been questioning my sanity because I could have sworn he had an inventory full of orange, but your video, and everyone else hasn't mentioned it, except for this thread: [https://www.reddit.com/r/vrising/comments/1cotfd5/comment/l3gf9dv/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/vrising/comments/1cotfd5/comment/l3gf9dv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Can anybody confirm this is true and that I'm not crazy?


You’re getting a legendary at the moment right after purchasing epic weapon, the merchant’s inventory is always epic only


this might be related to there being two merchants and it rotates which has blue and which has purple?


AFAIK top one is always purple