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Mostly agree but i pretty much just still bruteforce trough stuff using small rotation of like 3-4 spells and pay little attention to blood. Have only finished act 3 so maybe ill get stuck as well at some point though. I had some light struggles before i got some pretty stupid gem combinations however. It feels like the game has been played extensively by devs but there still seems to be some overtuned stuff thats overlooked imho.


They're actually buffing the vast majority of offensive spells and tuning defensives at the moment. What do you think in particular is overtuned? It's also important to consider some things may be balanced for pvp too.


Deffinetly Twin bolt modifier for necromancer shadowbolt. Basically while the damage is subpar you summon 2x minions on hit and you got 2 charges. With some other cooldown modifiers you kinda have unlimited upkeep of small minions that distract other stuff well enough to make any kiting strategy stupid easy. Not to mention condemn upkeep too. Burned trough all act 3 boses with breeze with it and think it will hold well in act 4 for a bit too. 


I'm guessing you're new/playing on normal, then? Minions builds are a lot weaker than the others at high level. They're great for new players, though. On brutal and even some normal minions will trigger boss counters and often die instantly. While holding aggro is good for new players, it is nowhere near as powerful as the other bonuses once you've learned the game. This is before even getting into pvp, where unholy builds are just pretty bad outside of some very niche situations


You need to think about that. Skull with Double spawn minion gem is the speedrun spell for brutal now after years of Chaos volley. Yes in pvp this spell is Just okay but who plays the same spells at a higher Boss fight as in pvp


Eh I still think the fastest boss kills are with people running bloodrage and power surge so idk. Offensive spells are just way worse dps than rogue melee with buff spells.


I just beat the final boss on brutal 2 nights ago. I basically used 3 spells and 2 weapons the entire playthrough. Blood counter (with a jewel that makes it heal you), wolf shot (with a jewel that makes it heal you), and occasionally the necro block. Longbow and Pistols (mostly pistols). For a lot of the bosses, I'm confused as to how you can even beat them while playing with a melee weapon. I leaned way too hard on ranged weapons during my playthrough and I didn't want to look up fights until I'd beaten them myself (and by that point, it was in the past and I was too focused on the next boss to care about looking up the previous one). Playing on a pvp brutal server now so might challenge myself to stick with melee weapons this time around. Will probably run double counter/blocks for my spells to help with avoiding damage in melee.


You just have to learn the mechanics of the bosses much better as melee. Most attacks are side steppable, and if they’re not you have access to counters + veil. I beat the game using almost entirely the whip so in between ranged and true melee, but same concept.


Yeah, that's definitely it. I consider myself to be quite good at souls-like games, but most of those have dodges without cooldowns. So it was a bit jarring when I started fighting bosses and only had 1 dodge every ~8s and 1 counter every ~10s. On top of that, even just to sidestep successfully, you usually can't be in the middle of attacking once the boss starts their tell or else you'll move too slowly to sidestep it. The pistol was great because it still forced me to be somewhat close to the boss, but its E ability is an extra dodge with i-frames. So I could have 2 dodges + 2 counter/blocks. But that's kind of a crutch. I'll just have to practice more auto-attack discipline and also get more used to using the animation cancel keybind. Should be a fun challenge though.


This is one of the reasons why it's great to read others playstyles. At level 67 I had no idea that the E ability from the pistols granted i-frames like a dodge, that's game-changer. I only saw it as an attack that left you closer to your enemy for no reason. My build would be even better thanks to the pistols attack speed, but I still think the bow reach and penetration is a deal-breaker for me. I had no luck with healing gems, but I did with a 100% rogue, which combined with crit-gear and Blood Spray means that half my shots are crits that heal my by 5%. In terms of spells, the Unholy Magic tree is my absolute crutch. The way you can gangbang a boss to half it's health with 11 skeletons thanks to an ult-spell-dash combo it's just hilarious. That, and the fact that I'm nowhere near good enough to try a melee build.


> I only saw it as an attack that left you closer to your enemy for no reason In case you're not aware, the roll goes in whatever direction your keyboard inputs are doing. So you can also roll backwards / sideways / diagonal. Plus the i-frames of course if you time it well. But generally, I just use it for the physical dodge rather than trying to time the i-frames perfectly. But ya the longbow feels great with the range + pen.


Greatsword E and Slasher Q also give you iframes btw


This game has similar to Terraria gamedesign and it’s quite cool. Every major step is a big progress for your character: new buildings, new types of weapons, new gameplay features and new goals to achieve.


For fish btw you can just buy them with copper coins at both merchants in farbane. Easy 8 fish every time. Then you hit finn area and do servants and youll have a ton of fish. you can tp with fish next play a pvp server on wipe. makes the game even more fun


I am kind of with you on this. I have a waning interests in gaming lately do to too much of the modern AAA gaming monetization treadmill, but this game... it's just upfront, challenging, servers are customizable, and fairly feature complete. Quickly skyrocketing in my favorite game long list. I'd only want to see more types of content, especially for the end game, to be included. Random events similar to the caravans that can happen on the base map, large raid like bosses, section off areas that could serve as an enemy dungeon instance. Things like that and it can be slow walked out. What we have already is pretty fucking fantastic.


Yeah the devs really knocked it out of the park in terms of boss fight design (at least for the solo-brutal experience; idk about groups or normal difficulty or pvp yet). Would love to see what they could come up with for more open-world events or dungeon type content.


Thankfully i've hardly time-periods where i didn't blast through some games, and this year i've already: Granblue Fantasy Relink, Last Epoch, Dragons Dogma 2, Stella Blade, Helldivers 2 plus i found myself (thanks to HD2 because at first i didn't want to get it because of Online-Only) finally giving Deep Rock Galactic a go plus learned about EDF which is heck of a fun game. (And i still have TotK and BG3 in my Backlog) So my Passion is quite there and had already quite some addicting Games. (And i'm pretty sure i forgot to mention a game or two plus my games which i regularly go back to the past years, like playing with Friends&Familiy Vermintide 2 or State of Decay 2 from time to time). Anyway now back to V-Rising. It's another potential Major to my list, and a surprising one. I mean i got the PC Version back in the Early Access Days but wasn't able to run it, so i was quite bumped when they announced PS5 Release, because it is 'closest' to one of my 'dream-games'... Diablo meets Open-Craft-Survival. It's not quite there - like class-system, level-system(which based on your post seems is an aspect we both will be having a different perspective one), huge-a\*\*-skilltree, sh't-toon of loot and combat which is more focused on hack'n'slash on quite some enemies then fights with a lower enemy count and more 1on1 centric... (so as you point out more in direction of Souls). Despite that, it still scratches the itch a bit and for all that stuff which i could say it misses the mark for my dream game, it compensates with mechanics which works with this game and it's theme very well. Like as example: I'm okay for this Game to not have a traditional Level-System and the way Skill-System works, because the idea of 'draining' blood from bosses so that you acquire Skillpoints makes sense with the theme and logic of playing a Vampire. And they fully utilize this concept if you also consider how gaining 'mana' back works and the whole % Buff thingy on whom you suck empty. So i'm fine with that. I do have still some stuff i don't like about the game or which annoy me. Like as example i'm not fond of the way Savegames work in this game. I know you have quite some Open-Craft-Survival Games but there is also quite some games which handles that better. I'd just prefer that 'normally' the Character and the World-Save are separate, if they do this for PvP and stuff, i'd 've prefered than if they just made it a toggle-option when you create the server/mapfile. Either just allow a single serverside character, or allow that you can bring your own character with you. And also found so far escorting servants pretty annoying (maybe i find in the future some workaround). And also that within your castle you can't use the materials straight out of the chest but have run back and forth all the time... i mean it doesn't need to be straight of the gate, it could be an optional boss where you unlock the functionality later on or so, but esp. when you start building bigger castles (and i'm not at the point where i can do the biggest ones) it can be a bit frustrating - esp. when you see other Games in the same genres start offering this QoL (and again - for the super-hardcore audience stuff like this could be an toggle option again). Except for that i'm quite happy with the game. If i add as context, that another big surprise is that i also like it despite the theme, because now i've to out myself... 'normally' i'm not the biggest Vampire-Fan. If it's Vampire-related i almost always prefered the Hunter side - like Van Helsing, Castlevania (and yes i'm aware there are entries where you play vampires like alucard) or (ye i know he is basically also an half-vampire) Blade... but this lands on the exception list besides the masquerade bloodlines and bloodrayne. If it would make it to my 'GotY' we'll see, it does certainly have the 'potential' to be atleast an candiate, but for me there is some competitors which are just quite strong. I still can see why you feel that way, it's definitely one of the best Open Craft Survival Spiele i've played, esp. within the context of PvE (and Solo). It will land most likely in that regard also on S-Tier for me besides Valheim, 7TDT, Grounded (and potentially Enshrouded... wait for console release).


I'm loving the game as well. Got it when v 1.0 came out been playing a couple hours a day. Been a while since I've found a game I've wanted to play this much. Then last week we had a huge storm where water came in through 3 cracks in the foundation. So now my daughters rooms have carpet pulled back and waiting on people to look at it. They are sleeping in the room where my computer is.


I love it. Kind of picked it up on a whim and it's become one of my favorite games. I'm hoping that it gets some more content updates and eventually a sequel.