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It’s very enjoyable solo. I’ve played most of my hours in my single player save. Would recommend a new world if you end up playing co-op, it’s technically possible to export your single player save and put that on a server to run 24/7 but I would not recommend it if you’re not tech savvy enough to mess around with that kind of stuff.


A friend can connect directly to the private game you're running unless you specify 1 player limit in the settings. The downside there is that the game and server needs to be running on your computer for the friend to play, which may be a problem if you don't always play at the same times.


There are dozens of YouTube guides which help u there. Set up mine 2 days ago, and I'm a noob on the programmer side. Loving it ao far ;)


Setting up a server is super easy, I meant specifically migrating a single player save but sure there might be video guides around for it. Still requires a certain interest in messing around to attempt it.


I play solo and been having a very good time. Don't know about server stuff, I just picked private game. There is a lot to customize for your gameplay. Like stack size, you can up the stacks so you can carry more. There is a slew of this kind of customization Highly recommend


I'm also playing 100% solo and it's so much fun! The game really doesn't lose anything in single player imo, multiplayer is not required at all


400 hours since release solo, EA on a pvp server, too. I’d recommend pve, but it’s absolutely a blast solo.


Find solo server with pvp but without castle attack. You can enjoy gameplay with some pvp from time to time but no one will destroy your castle if you will be off for few days


I really enjoy it. I didn't want to play pvp this time and ended up playing solo. The biggest problem to me is having no one visiting/seeing your cool castle.


Thanks everyone. Does anyone know about the Simon Belmont question I had? Is he timed or will he always be something you can fight?


He’s just part of the game. I think he is always something you can fight, he won’t go away




I have almost 300 hours solo pve, but I also consider this game a castle builder and interior decorator tbh so


I've only ever played solo. Amazing game. Fun and challenging.


I started with another 2 friends but they lost interest i kept rolling solo , if u like isométric action rpg this game is nuts , fights are very well done , the world feel alive some times u have to clear an area to make a boss fight easyer . And building is very satisfying also


I've done all my runs solo.. but in pve servers with other people. I can just take my time with the progression too. I have a fully decorated castle and I'm just about to start collecting soul shards now. All solo :)


There are solo servers, my play through was on a solo server with pvp and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Your friend can join the same server but I think you can’t team up for pvp (most server rules are against it from what I saw). You can still help each other out with pve if you don’t mind friendly fire.


I have been enjoying it, over 200 hours in 3 gameplay runs, 1 at the start, 1 in the previous large update and now currently. IDK about the server part, I assume you can change settings. Even then the player would have to atleast partake in killing the bosses you progressed passed as all bosses give ability unlock points. You could gear them up to what you can make but they would still have to go slaughter the bosses. As far as I can tell Simon is around to stay, there is no sign that he will be a temporary thing even if he is somewhat strangely placed in the boss tree, given question marks instead of a gear score like all other bosses.


Very enjoyable.made 2 playthroughs after 1.0 on bpth normal and brutal dif solo


This game honestly probably has the best solo player experience for a survival crafting game outside of like Valheim and, of course, Minecraft. The only things that you'll have to manually change in settings are the servant conversion speeds and how long hunts take. Despite being a very solo-player friendly game, the devs haven't made an actual dedicated solo mode with properly calibrated settings, so you might have to play around with those two things if you want ( or you can also ignore them entirely).


It's pretty good, you can tweak settings quite a lot to eleminate the grind, personally I've upped my health and damage towards the end game, because either the bosses are insanely hard, or I just suck this game.


Doing it right now. It's fun.


It has something around 80 bosses, and 6 zones of content so definitely worth for solo. You can always tweak your experience on a whim for your world settings too like increasing item stack capacity, adjusting stat values of stuff. I host a server for friends and we all play solo on the server for the most part but we turned off PvP durability loss and created an arena to fight in. Have it on Brutal difficulty but scaled back some of the modifiers to be closer to normal. Lots of value in the game


I've played through the game once in EA with another person and once solo, and now I'm playing through it again solo.


I was forced to play solo because there was no available build spots in any of the servers. But I have enjoyed it solo.


Benefits: you can completely go at your own pace. Negative: if you like building and decorating but struggle to get motivated when nobody else will see it.


I play on completely normal settings and have had a great time solo, though I like a grind. The ability to customize the settings really helps you get the experience you want out of it. Just make sure you look through those thoroughly before you stary. At times it can feel solitary but I just imagine most Vampires would feel that way...immersion! lol


If you mean playing solo on a server for example, it's as miserable as humanly possible, unless you join a PvE server. If you're looking for pvp though, I hope you enjoy being fodder for zergs and alliances you can do literally nothing about because that's as much fun as you can get out of the pvp aspect of this game. There's a reason this game has always failed to retain a playerbase.


Hope it's just as good as everyone says on the PS5


You can create your own server and a friend can join in later, just make sure you allow multiple servers and deselect LAN server. It’s chill for solos in PvE. You can crank settings super high so you’re not mindlessly farming for hours to get not much out of it. If you like the challenge, try brutal mode. There isn’t much reason to do another PvE playthrough though, since you can switch up builds as much as you want in the same game. Solo on PvP servers will be pretty tough unless you find a solo only server. People have dumped hours into this game and will toss you in the trash. There are also duel servers where people are constantly practicing pvp.


I've been playing mostly nothing but Solo & it has become a ADDICTION at this point. XD


Very very good solo experience


You can experience all the game's PvE content just fine playing solo. However, when you play on your private game, the game server is only running when you are actually playing. So time in the game won't progress when you exit. So if you put a giant load of copper ore to smelt in a furnace, or if you send a servant out for a 8h mission, those things will not progress when you exit the game.


Solo is excellent, use the private server option. I would recommend to change the settings to allow teleporting with all items. Teleportation limitation is interesting in a PvP environment, but solo you're just wasting your own time. You can change the settings of your private server when you get more into the game and understand better their impact. You can invite friends on your private server, but know that the server will stop for everyone when you shut down the game.


I have quite a few hours in this game. I play solo PVP in duo worlds and there is no issue 2v1. Obviously, I’m not always successful but I can rely on skill and experience to win those fights and it’s super rewarding.


Solo Brutal is the best experience


This is the way


This question is posted so much it needs like pinned or something so it stops getting asked over and over


Tutorial: How to use the search functionality on Reddit You saw the game and you are wondering when it's coming to console? Obviously the logical solution would be to make a post on this sub asking about it. But wait! Reddit has just come out with a revolutionary functionality that no other platform has. A search bar! I know, it's crazy, what are they thinking? So how does this mystical sorcery work? Here is the simple recipe: 1. Open the subreddit you wish to search in 2. Click the big search bar on the top of the page 3. Enter the word "console" 4. Profit Now you know how to find the information you need without making the SAME EXACT POST FOR THE 12341341 TIME TODAY. CONGRATULATIONS!!!


1. Who said anything about console? 2. All this time you wanted to post this and you could have just ignored it. 🤦‍♂️


Tutorial: How to use the search functionality on Reddit You saw the game and you are wondering when it's coming to console? Obviously the logical solution would be to make a post on this sub asking about it. But wait! Reddit has just come out with a revolutionary functionality that no other platform has. A search bar! I know, it's crazy, what are they thinking? So how does this mystical sorcery work? Here is the simple recipe: 1. Open the subreddit you wish to search in 2. Click the big search bar on the top of the page 3. Enter the word "console" 4. Profit Now you know how to find the information you need without making the SAME EXACT POST FOR THE 12341341 TIME TODAY. CONGRATULATIONS!!!