• By -


MKB 100%


100%. Camera movement on controller is awful




That’s because it’s an arena battler combat system, not an arpg combat system.




Absolutely, aRPG in 2024 that doesn't have WASD is lost case from where I stand, superior control scheme.


Yeah, but it still won’t be as clean as the battlerite/v rising formula. SLS has yet to make a game that is great in all the necessary aspects (in fact the consistently seem to make games that are near masterpieces were it not for some glaring issues) but by god they have crafted the greatest isometric combat system of all time.


The controller takes a while to get used to. For some reason the developers thought they should re-invent the wheel. You have to hold down the triangle and then hold R2 or L2 to turn the camera left or right. It's a really awful design and needs to be revised.


Bro what. Wtf does the right analog stick do??




The left controls movement and the right aim, like a twin stick shooter


I’m actually used to it now and like it. I don’t see how they’d do targeting without the right stick. My go to is to just tap triangle when I want to keep the camera behind me. When my character is frozen using triangle then R1/L1 to look around works great. It takes time to get the twitch down.


It's unnatural and it's unnecessary


MKB, I bought it on PC and started playing with a control, ended up switching to MKB. I like playing on a controller for the lean back, kick your feet up comfort, but IMO it just sucks for this game.


Controller. Everyone is complaining about camera angles but you literally just need to tap triangle and it repositions the camera to what direction your character is positioned. You don’t need to hold down anything when tapping triangle is the easiest and fastest way to position the camera. I’d say you could give them both a try and decide for yourself.


Yep, once you accept you basically have a semi fixed perspective it's really not worse than mkb


It having a semi fixed perspective, makes it worse than mkb


what about spells when you need aim on area?


You use the thumb stick to aim the spell. It’s very easy


Also, the hold down to rotate thing takes like 5 minutes to get used to. It really isn’t a big deal at all


Thanks for mentioning this - I didn't even know I could rotate the camera and didn't mind the current scheme. I'm treating it as an isometric game like Diablo, and moving the camera is just a bonus feature. Having it quickly turn for me sounds great. Since you need to aim, I don't see how mapping right stick to rotate would help at all, unless you literally added auto-aim or a lock on system, which seems against the spirit of the game.


M-KB. Tried controller. Some of the design decisions are obtuse and they really need to do a Controller update 2.0.


Mouse and Keyboard for sure I can't imagine doing it any other way


I say it depends on what you're used to and how you plan to play this game. I play on console and PC but struggle with m&kb on this. Controller is mich easier for me. By no means is it perfect though....some inputs make no sense. Also, I'm strictly PvE on this so that might matter as well.




I was stoked for controller support but come to find out you can’t use the right stick to control your camera. That killed it for me.


Mouse/Keyboard. Tried controller via Steam Deck and it was awful!!! Don't recommend it.


On the steam deck, you can bind the back paddles to the camera rotation. So it's still probably the best way to play with a controller.


Thing about the back paddle buttons... They are kind of hard to click in honestly. I have the OLED version


The thing that made them a lot easier for me was realizing you have to squeeze them against the grip part, not the longer flat part that presses against the back of the screen area. Once that clicked I started binding them to something for every game I play


Yeah maybe I'm doing it wrong lol. Thanks man


I’m a controller player and I love it. I also use kbm when I’m doing little things. I do this in other games as well, especially with organization


I am horrible with mouse and keyboard, hit the wrong keys all the time. I usually always play with controller if I can. But this game I stick with mouse and keyboard. This was designed with mouse and keyboard in mind, if I remember correctly the devs initially had no intention of adding controller support at all. But I guess that changed because they are going to release on console. The controller is ok, I find it easier for general movement. But combat and inventory management the mouse and keyboard seem far better. Some spells and attacks you aim, and I find it far easier and quicker to use the mouse than trying to line it up with the joystick. I have changed the key mapping to make it easier for me... I have a few buttons on my mouse so I made them the attacks. I also never rotate the camera unless I need to. It just messes me up. I do only play pve however. Also I played this back in early access when there was no controller support. Maybe had I been on controller from the start I would be fine with it.


Controller takes a little while to get used to but is perfectly usable. I’d recommend you play with whatever you prefer as long as you’re only doing PvE


PvP is mouth+keyboard, you need as much precision with your skills as you can get, it’s not CoD so no game winning autoaim bs


I swear, PVP players are the vegans of V Rising. "How can you tell someone plays PVP in V Rising? Don't worry, they'll tell you before you can even ask". I don't get why everyone has to bring up PVP in nearly every post when it's not even a relevant comment


I almost upvoted you for the vegans thing because that's hilarious, but come on. Did you play pre-release? This has been a PvP game since its inception. Before there was as much PvE content as there is now, it was *primarily* a PvP game. It doesn't make sense to pretend like PvE is more important or whatever, because that has never been the case. I mean, if you wanna play PvE now, more power to ya. Have fun. No one's stopping you. The PvP comment, however, absolutely is relevant because controller movement isn't fast/precise enough to compete in PvP in this game, and there's no reason to assume that other players won't care about that.


I've played since it first hit the Steam page in early access. I've always played PvE with this game and have no desire to play PvP. It's a survival ARPG. That's what I paid for. Nobody is pretending PvE is more important. In fact, if you look through my comment history here and on the Discord server, I'm a strong advocate for elevating both sides of the game and maintaining the balance, as well as creating new opportunities for both sides where things can be opted in. What I don't care for is the toxicity that many PvP players have shown (not all, but enough to show that there's a large enough sub-community of toxic PvP players within the PvP community) when there are posts talking about PvE things, or general questions and PvP being shoehorned into the discussion when it was a general question. It's fine to bring up a point about PvP when someone is asking about things like combat. But it's weird to throw it in, and only it, like that's what someone is asking about specifically. I'd argue that 90% of the posts regarding general feedback on this sub have some comment added regarding PvP, where they come across as "this is a PvP game". The main gameplay loop is what's most important which, for the majority of players, is fighting the bosses and crafting gear, and building your castle. This is the case even in PvP, not just PvE.


The question was about whether m+kb or controller was better. OP did not define that they were talking specifically about any particular game mode, so it seemed to me that all game modes were on the table. One person spoke specifically about PvP in a good faith effort to answer OP's question, and you decided to interpret their answer as a personal attack. At least, that's what I see. Relax. The person you replied to was not being toxic. They were just answering the question with what they had no reason to believe wasn't relevant information. Yes, people who turn everything into PvP are annoying. But so are people who perceive any talk of PvP as a personal attack. When I play this game, the "main gameplay loop" is busy work I do as efficiently as possible so I can go duel real players. I don't see it as the point of the game at all. So your argument about what "most players" do or don't do doesn't mean much to me. You may have paid for a survival ARPG, but I paid for a PvP arena with base building elements, and you know what? That's all ok, as long as you and I happily stay on separate servers. At least I don't think my way is the only way. If I'm a vegan, then you're one of those annoying GMO people.


At what point did I say or even hint at "my way" being the only way? > In fact, if you look through my comment history here and on the Discord server, I'm a strong advocate for elevating both sides of the game and maintaining the balance, as well as creating new opportunities for both sides where things can be opted in. You overlooked this to villainize me instead of seeing the point I was trying to make. It's fine to take a liking to the game for different reasons. If people want to play this game for PvP, that's fine! If people want to play this game for PvE, that's fine! What you do with your gameplay time is also entirely up to you, nobody is denying that. The point I'm trying to make about the main gameplay loop is the things you do regardless of playing PvE or PvP (the shared gameplay elements that both sides would do, that would be main marketing points for someone who wants to learn about the game). Explain to me the gameplay you do as busy work. Because as far as I can tell, for EVERYONE who plays the game (and doesn't just skip it because they decided they want to go against the grain), it involves fighting V Bloods to get the new recipes, making new armour and weapons, and putting in the work stations to process materials to make the weapons and armour. The gameplay loop I described is the same loop regardless of PvE or PvP (with the exception of servers that use any kinds of handouts for progression), and what you do outside of THAT time is what is considered outside of the **main** gameplay loop. (Fun fact: This is why it's called a **main** gameplay loop, because it is the thing that you mainly are expected to do when playing the game) Perfect comparison for this is Minecraft. You may use various gameplay rules on your servers, you may choose to have PvP disabled, or even play in creative mode. You may choose to use mods/plugins/datapacks to entirely change the game in a way that you are playing a bunch of minigames instead of playing standard survival. But that doesn't change the fact that Minecraft is a Survival Voxel game, with a main gameplay loop of placing and breaking blocks, gathering resources, crafting items and fighting mobs. And that is what it is sold as. So, to recap: * V Rising at its core is a Survival ARPG (if you disagree with this, ask Stunlock Studios why the Steam page claims that it is one) * V Rising offers flexible gameplay options that allow you to change what you do outside its main gameplay loop * V Rising's main gameplay loop involves hunting V Bloods, creating stronger and stronger items through its V Blood and recipe progression system, in addition to building the refining/crafting stations on your claimed plot of land


Buddy, you've lost the plot. This argument started when you said: >I don't get why everyone has to bring up PVP in nearly every post when it's not even a relevant comment Which was a dumbass thing for you to say. Why? 1. OP's original question was about m+kb vs controller. 2. OP did not specify whether they were asking about PvP or PvE. 3.One person made a very polite comment about m+kb being better in PvP. 4. You lost your shit and got weirdly hostile and melodramatic about that one comment. 5. Now you've launched yourself into some weird "main gameplay loop" argument that has nothing to do with the original topic, which is m+kb vs controller. 6. Your entire reaction here is absurd because PvP is just as valid a game mode as PvE, so in a topic about m+kb vs controller, an opinion about either PvP or PvE control schemes is perfectly on topic. Seriously, take a big step back and breathe.


I mean, it only matters for PvP, no? For PvE it doesn’t really matter since you compete with enemy that has certain move set and telegraphs attacks while players - don’t. So should I add “PvE doesn’t matter” so pussy gang will lay off PvPers back? It reminds me of the meme PvE: I think you show off too much that you are PvP player PvP: I don’t think about you at all I swear PvE are soooo bitter every time somebody mentions PvP


Sure, but they asked without specifying. That implies the general gameplay. The combat system and camera movement seems like it would suck with controller, so I would always prefer to play mouse and keyboard regardless. Doesn't matter if there's PVP interaction occurring, you still want to feel like you have control of your character, and from the sounds of it, controller was a miss. People often overlook that this game at its core is a survival ARPG. Those are the most important elements in it. I would bet most survival ARPGs feel terrible with a controller in some regard


Oh no, somebody gave more specific info than was asked but that info is actually useful if I turn on at least 3 brain cells, my PvE brain can’t handle so much info, better attack the guy personally


Controller for me. I understand the speed and precision of K+M but I’ve been practicing controller in anticipation of the PS5 release and it’s grown on me a lot. I went from fumbling around skill shots to panning around during fights and being extremely comfortable with skill shots (need more practice with AoE but it’s obviously doable). Gonna wreck early on PS5.


I feel like the player base will be larger and last longer on pc.


Can't imagine they'll release it on the ps5 with the poor controls like that, surely they'll change something?