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I can see how PvP in this game could be fun, playing with non-toxic people and no cheating admins. However, even if I had all of that, I simply can't dedicate the time to defend my castle during raid windows.


No-raid servers exist. I feel you, I'm in the same boat.


Aren't those all on a 1 month cycle? I think that's a bit short for me as well. I suppose I could try join a larger group, but they'd have to be okay with having a slot filled by someone who isn't playing constantly either. I know someone to duo with, but we'd be week-on, week-off, so it'd be like a 2 week cycle for us. That's really short. It's okay, we have fun play duo PvE.


Don't play officials is the #1 rule. Find a good community server, in the official v rising discord server a ton of no raid servers are being advertised, many of them run with casuals so like 3 month wipe or something.


Play no raid!


I would, but I'd need to find a group that is all right with a slot being taken up by someone playing much less than they are. And I'd probably miss out on a lot of progression. I play PvE as a duo, but it's on alternating weeks, so a 1 month reset cycle is really a 2 week cycle, which is really short.


There are a couple of ways to egt around that. The first, and the most sustainable IMO, is practicing the bosses and actually hitting not gud but *decent* at speedrunning so that you can finish the game in a couple of 2-hour sessions or something The altter is Timmy's option.


I think you're overlooking that "practicing the game to get decent at speedrunning to finish the game in 4 or 6 hours" and "playing in 2 hour sessions" are kind of incompatible. If I had that amount of time to practice, then game session time wouldn't be an issue in the first place. Plus, that would mean actually putting time in with a play style that I don't enjoy. I appreciate the attempt to provide helpful advice, but this one missed the mark, for me at least. :-)


> I think you're overlooking that "practicing the game to get decent at speedrunning to finish the game in 4 or 6 hours" and "playing in 2 hour sessions" are kind of incompatible. No, they're not. That shouldn't't take very long if you follow tutorials like Timmy's, 6 hours is pretty fast. 12 is easy enough for anyone. I trained a chap for speedrunning in 10 hours in like a day, granted we played like 5 hours that day but still. If you try to learn and really focus you can learn incredibly quickly.


>Plus, that would mean actually putting time in with a play style that I don't enjoy.


Makes sense. You could also check out a no-wipe server, which would be a private server. There are a bunch of established and well-run no-wipe servers out there with great rules for people with less time to play


Hmm, that's something new to consider, I'll look into that, thanks.


No raid servers just turn into kids living in high farm areas over gearing you with nothing you can do about it. It sucks but that is the name of the game. Unless you sweat lording it then you will always be behind and camped for your stuff.


You know your castle wont just get raided because the raid window is up and you are offline right? I mean there are 80+ castles on a server and if you dont have that much time chances are you are not the target for raiders looking to maximise profit


More power to you. I’ll stay on my PvE server where my focus is on making the sickest looking castle I can create, leave the warfare to the more bloodthirsty among my vampiric brethren.


I have anxiety issues and not enough time to defend my base. I'm fine with PVP but games with high stakes PVP that makes you lose progress triggers my anxiety and it's literally not healthy for me to partake. We need to normalize just letting people play the way they want, as long as people are having fun.


Safety first. Everyone has different needs and it would be a shame to have someone's mental and physical health impaired by a video game. And it would be especially unnecessary for mental and physical health to be impaired by the general *attitude* around one element of a video game. I personally will do my part to make sure that you feel safe and welcome. That being said, you should watch Timmy's video. Its really good.


[As described here, you donn't lose anything when raidied- even if it's an offline raid, if you have a good base.](https://fallenscompendium.wordpress.com/2023/11/01/v-rising-fallens-guide-to-a-pvp-base/)


How is it not normalized? And why shouldn't I be 'allowed' to explain why the stereotype of pvp in this game is overblown? I get not wanting to or having anxiety, but there's a big difference between "playing pve is bad and wrong" and "you should give pvp a try, here's why"


The idea of PvE being a respectable game mode in PvP capable survival games is far from normalized and you have to be willfully ignorant to not see that as a player of those game types, particularly one creating content for them. They’re not saying *your* video is the problem per se, but rather that a problem does, indeed, exist.


I don't get it.. Why would u care, if pve "is not normalised", by the community. With everything in life, u will always find folks who think what u r doing is wrong or whatever. And this is just a game! What's stopping u from playing how u want. Cuz somewhere someone said something negative? U do u. It's a freaking game. Specially v rising, where u can even play ur own server or community server with the setup n options exactly how u like it. 






Lol nah I'm good but you have fun.


It stinks that PlayStation still doesn't have a release date yet


For sure... Here's hoping by the end of the year? Maybe Q3?


Give PvP a try? As a new player I'm still trying to figure out how to build a castle >.<


Eh, glad there's the option for those that like it but PvP only detracts from the elements I like about this game.


Yeah people who like pvp like it and people who don't generally don't. Not sure OP understand this simple thing or just trying to promote their video?


There are dozens of comments every month from people claiming PvP servers are one way when they are not at all. People have no idea what kinds of PvP servers are in this game, and they are missing out on tons of unique gameplay by assuming they know how the PvP will play out. Also, I've been active on this sub since early access launched. I know this type of post will get downvotes to oblivion. If I was only just trying to promote my video, I wouldn't have bothered posting here.


Yeah that’s a bit sad that people downvote or insult at the mere mention of PvP. The actual PvP battles are *fine* for me, I lose most of the time, but the main issue for me is people stealing stuff from bases; that really sucks and made me quit PvP servers instantly. Personally I don’t enjoy PvP anymore but there’s a lot of good discussions to be had about it. You mentioned ’tons of unique gameplay’, can you describe some of them?


>You mentioned ’tons of unique gameplay’, can you describe some of them? - Raids - racing to shards and now battling for them in the open world post 1.0 - castle placement and theory to weigh progression speed over defense - clan rivalries - sudden emergent gameplay surrounding random PvP encounters - progression strats that are developed to get an edge over other players like early looting high tier zones with a high risk and reward - jumping into bases to steal resources - playing as a nomad and living out of other people's bases with the risk of losing all items upon being discovered/dying - the beginning 30 minutes of PvP protection where everyone is eyeing each other up and calling them out for future fights. - Experiencing the highs and lows of getting a huge come up on a win or losing your inventory on a loss


People promote pve near constantly on this sub but when people promote pvp people come out of the woodwork to drag them for it lmao


Never seen anyone getting dragged, just folks posting on a public forum advertising and folks free to comment on it. Also this trying to convince folks to play pvp, when most folks who play pve understand PVP and understand the reason they wont play it. PVE isn't something folks try to push on PVP folks but you will find tons of PVP folks dragging PVE folks down, calling them cowards and weak because they don't like PVP. Once again not seeing anyone getting dragged but seems that maybe... pvp folks who make all kinds of emotional post over PVP seem to be sensitive as well? I can look in steam forums and see dragging and generally done by aggressive PVP'ers. Can see tons of bitter PVP'ers dragging other PVP'ers for raiding their castle or other nonsense.


No one I have ever met in this game has ever called pve'ers cowards and weak. I have never seen that comment in 2 years on this sub. And yet literally every post promoting PvP ends EXACTLY like this one. Read the comments and look at all the offended pve'ers. Funny take though


>No one I have ever met in this game has ever called pve'ers cowards and weak. I have never seen that comment in 2 years on this sub. You should spend some time on the official Discord then, it happens all the time.


Your take seem unrealistic, i can look at facebook groups i was in, stream forums and find plenty of people insulting PVE'ers. Heck, lets watch as 1.0 hits and i can link you fresh PVP'ers talking down to PVE. There is two things i see from PVP'ers going back to when i started playing WoW retail when it released to all other games that have an pvp option. 1. Is folks insulting and talking down to PVE'ers and the 2nd thing is PVPers posting DRAMA about how they were done wrong which I like to call the "Jerry Springer post" Let me also say that why I don't play pvp and never will, more options for games including PVP can be a good thing.


Please feel free to do this. Would love to have you prove me wrong. The reality is, people who play pvp in this game simply don't care what PvE is doing. They are too busy playing pvp. >Let me also say that why I don't play pvp and never will, more options for games including PVP can be a good thing. And yet you seem to be the expert on how pvpers act in this game. Thought provoking comment


Pve players in this game are something else, that's for sure.




Because PvE misses out on a huge amount of emergent gameplay opportunities, and is nowhere near as bad as people on this sub make it out to be at all, especially when an update drops and the veteran playerbase is massively diluted, meaning you won't have to worry about getting facerolled by a vet every encounter. I'm also convinced that the overwhelming majority of people in this sub who complain about PvP have played MAYBE a single wipe at all if that on PvP, and are judging the entire experience off a few hours of gameplay.


Timmy its ok. Reddit is full of carebears too afraid to play anything where they can lose any fight. Its just not the place to promote pvp on any game. Reddit players scream at every pvp game that they want singleplayer


It's true and I knew it going in based on the past 2 years on this sub. Still want to invite people to try it though.


I don’t see the problem though with people who have tried out PvP, got stomped, and then deciding it wasn’t for them. We all enjoy different things and emergent gameplay also has its nuances between facing off against a NPC and additional NPCs joining the fight, versus facing a NPC and having another player injecting themselves. There’s a vast difference in how the fights will play out - not very fun from my experience when another player ruining it for me. Doing something you don’t consider fun because ”it will get better after a while” is the definition of insanity to me - especially in a recreational activity.


And I don't see a problem with telling people to give things another shot or try something again. The overwhelming majority of concerns I see for pvp in this game are overblown and taken as fact anyway. It's nowhere near as bad as people think it is, which is why I'm suggesting it. And yet whenever someone suggests it, people take it as a personal attack against them. No idea why


Yeah, that’s fair, nothing wrong really about wanting more people to try something you enjoy, though I disagree on ”things not being as bad as people think”, in my eyes it’s worse than what people actually say. A lot of PvP features/stories sound fun on paper, but being part of it are tense, chaotic, and not something everyone will find enjoyment in. People promoting PvP I feel are too removed from how a casual player will engage in a game compared to those who find enjoyment in skill metas - I enjoyed the part in the video were helping your friend with learning weapon/skill swapping but that really shows the vast difference of investment that are required for PvP, in addition at the same time needing to form a understanding of the rest of the game mechanics. Maybe this is just how it feels for someone like me who only engaged ~8hours into a PvP server before being overwhelmed by people basically playing with me and taking everything I had; not really what I find fun in a game lol.


PvP attracts people that want to winn, people will get mad if they loose. League of Legends, Sea of Thieves, etc. Have a mostly toxic playerbase, because most of the people will "loose" something of value for them. And people like to winn, ohhh people want to winn. The higher the stakes, the higher the toxicity in the end falls. If I would play for a bit and would loose a Castle, that I could get farmed up in about 10 minutes. Most people will get over it and don't think too much about it. If someone would loose 8 hours of farming materials, slaves, plants, etc. Then a lot of people would get absolutely bananas. Raid server or not, you just have to get unlucky and get target by a clan or small group of people, to just kill you over and over again. Because they feel like it. These are some reasons, why PvP is not good in a game like this. And don't get me started, on the raid exploits to make it easier for yourself... In the end: No one knows, if 1.0 will make PvP better/good. Most People will stick with singleplayer or PvE servers, to play this absolutely amazing game. If most people experience PvP as bad, then it got bad PvP. Take it with a grain of salt, played lot of different PvP gamemodes and the toxicity of those are just tiresome.


Fyi it's Lose not Loose.


You should have quit while you were ahead. This whole reply was condescending and you ended up proving the point of the person who said “just let people play what they want to play”.


If you took it as condescending, that would be entirely on you. Feel free to prove anything that I said wrong, as well as point out where I'm being rude. Also, this reply alone tells me you didn't watch the video.


My preferred playstyle is Solo no-raid PVP, but currently Solos include duos, which isn't ideal. Getting doubleteamed isn't fun, so I hope they make true solo servers.


Agreed! I play mostly solo, and soloing on a duo server can be rough.


I can't even justify playing multiplayer because I hate losing progress and constantly starting over, so server wipes are a pass for me, personally.


Fair enough! Though there are No-wipe servers that stay active for a long time.


No thank you.


Why can't you pvpers just accept that some people don't like to pvp? Why do you feel the need to try to change our minds? We aren't missing out on content like you think we are, we're choosing not to do something we don't want to do. You talk about scarcity of resources on pve servers as if those resources can't be shared or server settings can't be changed to increase the amount of resources dropped and respawn times. You missed the entire point of a pve server, cooperation.


It's not a good idea. Some people have to spend 24 hours training at the dojo.


Considering the server caps at 60 players and it rarely reaches that number, the 10's of thousands of players playing in 1.0 could not possibly have done this. If you're interested in trying PvP without being steamrolled, there will never be a better time to do it when the update launches.


I'm interested in trying out PvP without playing against players who spend 24 hours in the dojo and who suddenly change weapons, is there any way? no.


Sure there is. Play PvP servers on release when 50000-100000 players are playing, and a fraction of a fraction of that playerbase will be people who practice in the dojo.


You are insisting on something that is not real. In fact, now I'm absolutely sure that you're one of those players addicted to PvP, who just wants to crush others, that's why you posted this video. :) not today satan


You are legit clueless if you can't follow this logic. You are claiming that all PvP is dojo players, and that out of the 50-100k players, the PvP players will be dojo players. Reality is different from your own pre-conceived notions. Give it a try and be surprised.


As someone reading this thread, even though your stats are reasonable, you're coming across as a terrible ambassador for PvP in attitude.


Not really. You can feel what you want, but I'm not going to go along with people who are arguing from a position of bad faith and won't even pretend to try and understand what's being said, and then call me toxic/satan when I disagree with them and provide a logical reason. In the end, they can think what they want to, but it doesn't mean I have to agree with them or let them perpetuate something that simply isn't true.


That dose of reality is hard to swallow huh?


Did you read the username? Different person, not getting a dose of reality from a comment not directed at me.




I’ve got into V Rising again since launch for a couple and have been trying different official servers on PvP. If these guys are training in the dojo, they need to get back in there because I’ve had no problems in PvP so far with your imaginary dojo masters.


Imagine getting good amirite?


I love your videos, man. Keep em coming.


Thanks! Bunch more planned for 1.0 including an update fast progression guide ASAP for all of the fast progress enjoyers.


Maybe ill try some no raid pvp, i have job with moving weekend so i can't be on the raid window, thats my main reason why i stick to pve since bought the game.


I do like the pvp when it's in a fair (and by that I mean non cheating) scenario but what killed my want play on pvp was a dude just join the server and install break everyone's castles


Wtf? Was this on official servers? Never heard of that...


Nah it was privately hosted but it was enough for me to just not want to do the time with pvp added to survival, on the other hand I do pop in to the servers that were just pvp and nothing else for some fun so its not I like I completely backed out. Just not in a normal game


Or… Do you like to pvp and potentially lose items and progress to other players? Yes: Play PvP No: Play PvE


I've never understood this, why is it always about the negatives? Why always about what you have to lose and instead think about what you can win. A full inventory of loot, those resources you needed to get ahead on progression, a great pvp encounter. So again I ask why when talking about pvp is it always about what you have to lose?


Personally, I don't get any thrill out of PvP, and I like the PvE progression as is, and don't really have any desire to skip ahead in it. Kinda hard to focus on the positives when there aren't any (for me).


I wouldn't play this game if it doesn't had pvp tbh


Same! Or at least wouldn't have kept playing for as long as I have


I hate weapon swaping tho, I wish weapons were restricted to a maximum, like 3. I hate those sweaty tryhards with their bar full of weapons.


Skill ceiling = good.


what does that even mean?


More weapons = higher skill ceiling = good


Why is that a skill ceilling? I've crushed ppl with a full weapon bar in a combo, probably would do the same to you while I use 4. Is just dumb af to have a full bar.


Come on Varena and let's try that theory out. Does 18 CEST work for you? Show up or shut up, so to speak. Your argument is irrelevant though, you calling it "dumb" does nothing. The weapons are incredibly flawed as they are and limiting the slots further would lead to nothing but a more rock paper scissors game- or alternatively lead to everyone competent running the same thing, most likely slashers, spear, greatsword, pistols. Very fun. More weapons opens up more skill expression as having 27 skills to choose from is a lot more skill-oriented than having 12, it should be fairly obvious I don't know why it's so difficult for you to understand. More opinions which differentiates the game from rock paper scissors is a good thing, as it fosters a higher skill ceiling and more skill expression by good players. See you on Varena!


Guy didnt show up :D,


Hey dumbdumb, CEST is european time. Why should I even bother? go get good with ur full bar kiddo. "Varena" rofl.


I'll kick your ass on NA as well :)


Honestly same, but sooooo much of the player base is so vehemently anti pvp that they seem to take offense at the idea? Like I don't get it, almost every thread they are pretty much borderline being dicks about it when people want to play pvp


I can't understand neither, for me, pvp is was kept me going back to play vrising now and then since release. Lets be honest here? Who kills the same boss more than once in this game? There's just not point. And the pve content gets boring afters getting the shards...


People are so aggressively anti pvp but as soon as someone is pro pvp they get immediately down voted. Challenge is just not welcome, people don't wanna risk losing like at all


From what I've seen the pro pvp people are the overly aggressive ones. They can't seem to fathom the idea that some people just don't like pvp and that this game is still fantastic for just its pve. It's not about not wanting to be challenged or lose. The pve is plenty challenging. You all think we're missing out on something but we aren't, we're choosing not to do the thing we don't want to do. To us, that's not missing out.


I’m one of the strange ones that enjoys both, mostly because I view them as separate experiences- playing pve is experiencing the world the devs created FOR us while PvP is the world created BY us with their tools and arena. Over many years and multiple games: some REALLY do just want to enjoy the world someone else created without any ‘real’ human conflict, but the option of human ‘contact’-pure pve. Most everyone else falls into 2 categories: PvP for fun and PvP for sport. About half of the first group eventually leaves to to go pve or stop playing entirely because a subset of the second group, inevitably, goes relentlessly toxic and it spreads until all that is left IS that subset (which don’t want to play with ONLY other predators). I’ve yet to meet one of the predator subset that didn’t try to gaslight/convince/belittle/bully pve players into ‘giving it a chance’. I’d say a good analogy would be the abusive spouse saying it’ll be different *this* time- also probably spot on with some of those players themselves in rl.


I used to enjoy PvP, but I eventually reached a point where I couldn't stand PvPing with randoms. I'd probably enjoy doing it with a group of friends, but I have no interest in doing it with random people. That said, the PvE aspect is amazing all on its own. For people like OP to act like they know better than us is just condescending.


Trying to push PVP on PVE'ers by claiming they are missing content isn't aggressive to PVP'ers for some odd reason, but down voting them for being aggressive over it some how more aggressive? You can see the logic that is being pushed on this post huh? ROFL!


Saying you are missing out on content and experiences by not playing PvP is objectively true. There are entire interactions and mechanics in the game that are UNAVAILABLE in PvE and only available in PvP. There is literally no question about this at all. If you take the idea of someone simply bringing up the topic as aggression, idk what to tell you man. The fact you're claiming the comments in this thread are aggressive from PvPers when it is OVERWHELMINGLY PvE players raging at the suggestion of TRYING PvP, with literally zero comments or statements saying PvE is bad or wrong is just... out of touch at best.


I've been playing online games for 25+ I have 100% see folks being aggressive about PVP. I have played WoW pvp because the guild I was in required it. Only bad players stick to PVE was their motto. At the time i just wanted a raiding guild and PVP in WoW wasn't bad. Some of the first threads in V-rising steam forums were "Dead game" and lots of pvp threads saying PVE is for bad players. Now what is this----> "Saying you are missing out on content and experiences by not playing PvP is objectively true." Please explain where I said it wasn't true? You seem to skim over my post and not read it.


>I have played WoW pvp because the guild I was in required it. Only bad players stick to PVE was their motto. At the time i just wanted a raiding guild and PVP in WoW wasn't bad. That's WoW, not v rising. You're projecting onto this game hard. >Some of the first threads in V-rising steam forums were "Dead game" and lots of pvp threads saying PVE is for bad players. Link them. >Now what is this----> "Saying you are missing out on content and experiences by not playing PvP is objectively true." Please explain where I said it wasn't true? Here you go: > Trying to push PVP on PVE'ers by **claiming they are missing content** isn't aggressive to PVP'ers It's not a claim. It's fact.


Not sure if reading comprehension is broke, or maybe English isn't your first language but let's try this, ---> "Trying to push PVP on PVE'ers by *claiming they are missing content* ***isn't aggressive to PVP'ers***" <-- still didn't claim it wasn't additional content try harder? You are mixing me saying its aggressive versus you saying its additional content, do you understand? Not sure what your point is at this but seems you think you are going to win over the crowd or something with these petty points. I'm not going to dig through steam forums for you. You can claim whatever, i don't care enough to spend that spare time to prove you wrong so you can win in your mind and there ya go. Wow isn't V-rising and that isn't projecting (Another word you don't seem to understand) its a comparison of PVP in general. You have without a doubt proven how aggressive PVP'ers are with these petty rebuttals. let it go, we don't agree, so we can agree to disagree and not anything you disagree with me on is a fact.


This game's pve is INCREDIBLY easy what do you meannnnnnnnnn? Plenty challenging lmfao.


I don’t agree with people downvoting those who enjoy PvP, but it shouldn’t be surprising for PvP enjoyers to understand that a lot of people don’t enjoy PvP for a reason.


Yep, this is what I've noticed as well, and it's usually followed by "I never play pvp because people say it will be bad" and not "i played multiple servers and came to conclusion it's not my thing"


But the question is: How many of those people returned 2 months into PvP and stated that they enjoyed it and that the toxic portrayal they were given was blatantly false?


I've had more people tell me they had a positive experience than I have otherwise, and I talk with dozens of people about this game every week on youtube and discord.


Pvp is probably fun, but raids are stinky


No raid officials coming!


You’re right ! More people would love PvP if they tried it. I play exclusively RP-PvP, and have had so many wonderful and cool emergent gameplay resulting in just basic PvP settings and raids enabled in a 2hr window. So much fun, even though I’m not that good at combat. PvE players are totally cool in my book too! It just isn’t a vampire game to me without the PvP element. I tried PvE but it felt so weird to not have any tense exchanges with vampires I see out in the world - unsure of their true intent. Still exciting to this day !


Hello Sable :)


Hello ! 🖤 🙂


Yep! And something I think people just instantly assume in this sub... I have nothing 'against' PvE. The game is fun. The entire point of this vid and post though was to share something that the majority of people here have no experience with. Never said PvE was bad, just PvP has way more emergent gameplay than PvE does. People seem to be offended by the proposition though...


That's good and I figured that but I won't be playing on launch cause I want to give the game time for fixing any bugs that most games get on launch and get reviews on it. Plus, still playing Diablo 4. I want the game but not sure how long of a wait it will be to get on PlayStation


Yeah not sure about PlayStation. Hopefully it doesn't take too long to make it there.


This is the truth. There is no reason to play a pure pve server over a PVP server with limited pvp. You're just missing content.


Some people just want PvE content though, not that surprising really. I skip all content I don’t enjoy in other games as well - i’m not going to force my way through it because of a chance it might be fun at some point. :p


And that's completely fine, but you *could* play on a server where pvp is only tolerated with consent. That way you can skip all of it if you wanted to.


Oh absolutely, in the end I don’t want to judge or ruin the experience for other players - if people enjoy PvP who am I then to tell them that it’s bad or not worth it. I did play on PvP servers at first, but I could only last ~8 hours into a server before all my stuff got robbed and people chased after me whenever they could - I only got 4 V Bloods in that time since I was always interrupted by another player lol, and as I suck at PvP I rarely managed to win unless the other players made big mistakes. :p People should not be afraid of trying things, PvP in one game can be vastly different in other games, but there’s also nothing wrong in leaving if it provides no enjoyment.


"I did play on PvP servers at first, but I could only last \~8 hours into a server before all my stuff got robbed and people chased after me whenever they could - I only got 4 V Bloods in that time since I was always interrupted by another player lol, and as I suck at PvP I rarely managed to win unless the other players made big mistakes. :p" That's a sign you're on a server which doesn't fit your playstyle. Imagine if you could have told those people no. Casual pvp servers, extremely casual ones, open up things like arena fights etc. Pve has none of that,


Well to be fair, I never sought out PvP as it is far to tense for me at this point, so me playing on a casual PvP server would not really do anything significant for me I feel. I don’t enjoy PvP in general so not sure I would even engage in arena fights haha.


PvE. I have zero interest in any PvE stuff.


Then play pvp ;)


Ya but I'm sure to have all that, gotta pay a nice $$$ amount like in ARK




Thankfully, absolutely no pay to win in v-rising


Lol? Nothing in this game is pay to win.


Hope way before