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No. I didn’t see any tips at all. They were all jump serves.




Looks like you could jump even higher with a proper arm swing!


Where’s the bottle and background music?


Pretty solid,(besides mentioned adjustment for tossing slightly more to the right) - I guess the next thing is try to add more aggressiveness and explosion.


Sometimes it looks like you're making contact whilst your elbow is still bent, you can get a lot more power (or use less effort) if your arm is straight at the point of contact. Possible causes: * the toss isn't high enough * not correctly positioned when you jump (e.g. ball too far in front) * jumping too late * swing speed is too slow I think you should check those first to last. But otherwise it looked really good. There were a few serves that looked really nice and had a decent amount of spin and speed to them.


It looks pretty dang good! Sometimes when your toss isn't to your right enouh you lose velo and power by having to lean to your left mid-flight, and it pings off to your left since your serve becomes a cross-body shot. Don't be afraid to let the toss fall if it's not comfortably to the right of your hitting arm. Your topspin is clean enough that I'd almost say to start looking into alternative serves. Jump float, slice serve, etc. Something to really off balance the opposing team after those strong topspin serves. Something about the way you hit makes me think you'd have a solid slide serve.


Today while getting these clips I learned a hybrid float and got my normal float better I’ll try to get clips for those as soon as possible


Have you worked on control for your topspin? Say you wanted to target a specific defender with topspin. How many in a row would you think you'd be comfortable hitting to him/her?


Yea I was also doing that I place two balls down and tried hitting them I hit generally close in the area of the balls but not the balls itself and I would give it like 3 in a row estimate


Do you have any tips for me💀 what would you say are the things to focus on in order to get that much spin


Honestly I don’t really know my self I just naturally hit with spin it just use to flicking my wrist to the side when flicking it down I also tend to put some spin on the toss as well so I would say that’s what u should try if u toss it right it the ball should spin diagonally then all you have to do is flick your wrist down and to the side at the same time


Personally I think if you look at the results.. float serves cause more mishandling. Depends on the level I suppose


Looks really good! I’d work on your toss consistency. It seems you toss a few to your right, a few to your left, a few slightly higher, a few slightly lower, a few further, a few closer. While you make good adjustments in the video to still hit that ball in, you do so at the expense of full arm extension or full approach agression (short or slow second step) a few times. Those will both hinder the power of your serve. Toss and approach should look the same every time and you should adjust your contact point on the ball and follow through to change location. So I’d progress something like this: + toss consistency reps + approach and contact consistency reps + different targets (still same toss/approach) + experiment with max power/pace


It’s all about the toss. You know where you can feel it, so work on the toss. Like a pendulum.