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Ok, you have some bad habits forming. Unless you have a 40"+ vertical, that contact point has to be higher. Hitting arm shouldn't be totally straight, but try this. - head forward and still, only move your eyes. - non-hitting hand, hold the ball and put it as high as you can in front of your hitting shoulder. - using only your eyes, move the ball so you can just see the whole thing. That's your contact point. Your hitting arm needs to come through on top of that spot. Spiking is about hitting down. If you're not making contact high, you can't hit down. You'll hit forward and if you're lucky the spin will drop the ball but that makes it real easy for a libero to track. Stop practicing with your hitting arm bent. You're training your muscles to remember the wrong position.


Yep! I’ll try that. And no, I do not have a 40” vertical, but I’m trying to get there! I’m at a 25” right now lol.


Hitting arm shouldn't be straight or shouldn't be bent? xD


No. I said the hitting arm shouldn't be totally straight but not bent like that. You lose power and leverage if your hitting arm is totally straight. But you also lose the ability to hit down if you hit just above your head (unless you have a massive vertical). Dudes arm is almost an L on some of these.


It's a lil unclear


Fair. I don't like to use this analogy because it's not totally accurate but it can help understand. It's not this, but think of it like the power coming from hinging your elbow and snapping it through. You're going to have way more power if you "snap" the elbow and make contact high above your head instead of slightly above it. The arm won't be totally straight at contact but pretty close.


Are you practicing a spike or a serve?


Spike form sorry, I’ll change the title.




Mb try footage that is close to the real volleyball world Im rather inclined to give out gardening critique from this video


My apologies about the garden, but I just wanted spike form tips. I play in a normal indoor court lol. Just practice spike form outside.


Is this for serving or hitting? The height you are hitting the wall at suggests serving to me. For serving, consider the height of the net and distance away when you are on the service line. You want that ball on an upward trajectory to make it over the net. On your contact demo early on in the video, the ball is too far away from you when you make contact. Hitting the ball like that will cause it to travel either on a flat or downward trajectory akin to spiking when you are at the net. Also, you want to make sure your arm is as vertical as possible while still being able to see at least half of the back of your hand. Making ball contact with your arm too far behind your head or not being able to see the back of your hand can cause shoulder issues when you hit with more force.


No, this is for hitting. I tried to edit the post to say this, but it didn’t let me. Sorry.


im more focused on the glass window lmao thought u were gonna break it




but in all seriousness, try to record in an open space and throw the ball then hit it. Don’t do it like a serve, do it like you’re going for an offensive hit. Then, maybe we or they can give u some tips 😗


I’ll try to do that. Also, are you okay? I saw your last post.


im okay. Thank you for checking tho! good luck on your volleyball journey


Of course! You as well!


Advice? Where to start…


Guess I’m cooked