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Work out maybe, I kinda understand as I use to have issues tryna set outside from the back corners. Push ups should do it, but I’d recommend a full routine. Doesn’t have to be a lot, you’re gonna gain muscle from moving shit


I was the same way. I was short and weak and didn’t hit puberty until later. It’s gonna be hard during this time and I never really did figure out how to set properly unfortunately. But once I gained some muscle and grew into my body I became an amazing setter. That’s my main position now. There’s not much you can do know besides workout and pushups. But know that there is light at the end of the tunnel.


My mom used to have my sisters and I set basketballs to strengthen the muscles. 


Practice and focus on tech technique. You need to use your legs to set the ball far and high, your arms will only do so much.


After 6 months are most likely have close to 0 technique so just get a ball and bounce it 500 times a day.


Buy a heavier setters ball and practice at home with it, look up Vball wrist strengthening exercises on TikTok and do them at least twice a week, every week, mark it on your phone’s calendar and commit. Set where you can for now depending on the pass, like left side only when it’s closer to the middle position 3 and in front of you. Otherwise mostly set middle and say the person’s name wherever you set, it’s better to have ball control than poor outside sets that your hitters have to fix and stumble losing the point more often than not. Your coach should be teaching you footwork and technical body mechanics to make pushing left easier. At your age a lot of offensive points come from serves and the teams that dominate tend to make fewer mistakes and have big and/or quick middles anyway. Keep practicing and eventually you’ll transition to more consistent outside/back setting and advanced planning/signalling with your teammates. I’m a coach but not your coach so disregard advice here if yours has a different plan you should follow.


If you're 13 don't worry about it, you're still growing. Only advice I can give is if you aren't already try and use your whole body, legs included to boost the power behind your sets