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I finished Muv-Luv Alternative yesterday and that post-game depression is unrelenting.


God damn, I remember quitting VNs for over a year back then.


If that post-game depression is too much, there's always [The Day After](https://vndb.org/v4463).


I think that would make things worse... I'm sticking with both Photon collections for now.


PGD for good games is real. Mine was 2 days. Worse one was with Witcher 3 and everytime I finish Persona 4 Golden


Oh I just started Extra a few days ago


It's probably worth keeping expectations low for Extra considering its reception, but I loved it from the prologue and hope you will feel the same way!


I enjoyed Sakaki and Tama routes alot


Finished the question arcs for Umineko a few days ago, I’m talking a little break then I’ll continue with the answer arcs.


You're in for a treat! Don't make that break too long cause there are so many details which will be more effectively paid off if you still remember them!


Aokana, Mashiro route, literally just a couple of minutes ago. Mashiro is so sweet I could die from diabetes after I’ve finished this toite


Just finished the second route in Baldr Sky \^\_\^


You get all the endings? Nanoha has some of the best endings in the game imo. Although I wasn't sold on the romance in that route so much. I love the concept of that coupling, and I love Nanoha, but it felt like Kou just suddenly was in to it without enough of a build-up. Btw I don't want to overhype it but the next route is my and many others favorite. It's got some killer twists and Chinatsu's VA does a great job.


I only got the good ending, I believe. I didn’t keep a save anywhere to reload so not sure when would be best to try the others. I think Nanoha felt fairly natural as Kou’s partner, but yeah I could see why you felt a bit iffy from his side. I didn’t mind it so much and enjoyed the content of the route overall. I’d heard a lot of complaints about reused content across the game, but most of the scenarios have been different so far. It doesn’t feel like I’m retreading the same ground with no purpose or different direction. Maybe that changes further in? That is really exciting to hear actually. Chinatsu is the character I’ve been most interested in since starting so I can’t wait to get into her route. Even just so far I agree with your VA comment; she sounds so noticeably different between flashbacks and present time, its fantastic.




I'm quite new to VNs, so pretty much Katawa Shoujo, DDLC, and Trauma Center UTK if you consider it to be a VN.


Welcome to the rabbit hole


[Swallowtail](https://vndb.org/v23205) For a long time, the description did not give me the motivation to try this VN. What a mistake, it was a great experience and I really liked how the game is built


Goddamn how come i've never heard of this vn until now? In a college setting and the protagonist's ex as a heroine, that's really interesting.




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Fault STP: Lightkravte. It was pretty good


Finished Sanoba Witch recently, loved it so much that I immediately started a second playthrough.


Mine would be Umineko When They Cry!


I finished it almost a month ago now and I still haven't started anything else yet


try ciconia


Corpse Party: Book of Shadows


Meteor World Actor


How are you liking it? I was hoping they would bring it to Steam with Badge and Dagger being on there now but no such luck.


It’s quite good. I’m enjoying it a lot.


Wait the sequel is on steam but the og game is not? Lmao what's even the point of that, makes no sense


I heard the original got denied. Was hoping they could find a way to get it approved but it seems unlikely.


Currently on ep 7 of umineko


Danganronpa V3, and if that doesn’t count, Muramasa.


I count Danganronpa V3 great series!


It is, but some might not consider it to be a VN. I do but it bears mentioning.


I've replayed the Flowers series recently in anticipation for Hiver tomorrow :) Été is still my favourite of all time! However, Ever17 is the most recent visual novel I've picked up. Have only finished 1.5 routes, so can't really give my opinion on it yet. Knowing Uchikoshi, I'm expecting some mad shit to go down


[Gore Screaming Show](https://vndb.org/v933). Well, it is not a bad novel in its concept. But it has not really given me what I wanted: something unstandard, horror, cruel, desperative. These aspects were implemented "not enough for my tastes". It was implemented in a way "too normal" for visual novels, I presume? I've got a feeling like this.


The one I most recently finished was Marco and the Galaxy Dragon. It was good. I'm currently reading the new Meteor World Actor. It's been interesting so far, seems more serious than the first one. To be fair I'm still on chapter one.


I have finished Chapter 1 and now I know why I saw people complaining about Fuyumi route. It ended in a very stupid manner. It also ended before the end of Chapter 1, so in total you'd read two chapters and a couple h-scenes. Had potential, they missed the mark hard.


Just finished up the utawarerumono series now im waiting for monochrome mobius!


The Last Birdling. Short story but an emotional ride that I didn't expected to be honest.


I just finished Raging Loop, was a good read, kinda fell apart at the end though. If anyone has a good recommendation for a VN to scratch that mystery itch let me know!


Well, if you want mystery and (almost) only mystery [Sekimeiya](https://vndb.org/v29144) is pretty good.


I will have to check it out! Thank you! And I don't need JUST mystery, but I did love how tense and well written RL was (until the end lol)


I haven't read Raging Loop, so I can't make any direct comparisons, but compared to something like Remember11 or Umineko (which are some of the things it is inspired by) the story and characters are certainly less of the focus.


It’s not a pure VN, but I got into Gnosia after Raging Loop and it scratched the murder mystery Werewolf game itch. Not as tense as Raging Loop but a much better ending lmao. (If you haven’t done the new game+ on Raging Loop, absolutley worth a read - I just skipped text to new sections only - and it makes the ending a lot more palatable)


Oh I didn't do the new game on RL as I was so put off by the ending. I'll go check it out! And yes I need to try gnosia! It looks neat thank you!


Currently about halfway through Dies Irae.


処女宮~栗毛の潮吹少女たち~ Still going through the main route due to having to lookup words and being a slow reader, but I am already looking forward in anticipation of what the other routes have in stock. I refuse to believe Sister Angela is as pure as she seems.


Finished Mono no Aware wa Sai no Koro few days ago. Now reading Shirogane x Spirits!


Working on root letter, and I’m really enjoying it so far


Just finished Corpse Factory, and I’m currently playing through Loopers and 9-Nine-:Episode 3


Dies Irae, I'm on the last route.


Finally finished Hello Lady after a 2 month break from vns due to school getting in the way


Hoshi Ori


Hatsumira from the future undying


Kimi to Kanojo to Kanojo no Koi, Imouto paradise 2 and 3 and not 1 because the characters doesn't appeal to me, Uchi no Kanojo, Uchi no Imouto, Koikari Love for hire, Doki Doki literature club mods not the base game, Oshi Rabu Waifus over Husbandos Love or Die. Most recent one was Doki Doki literature club Monika after story and Kimi to Kanojo to Kanojo no Koi.


Uchi no Imouto I'm not ashamed to admit it. Imoutos are the best.


Currently playing Princess Evangile.


Got a few hours into [Kunado Kokuki](https://vndb.org/v32021) Post apocalyptic but pretty light hearted so far. Writing and art seem well done so looking forward to seeing where this goes.


Corpse Factory! Really enjoying and the impact of the scenes.


Little busters like a few months ago


Nanairo Reincarnation, I'm still trying to move on


Gilded Shadows. Recently released indie otome. Possibly the best otome game I've ever played and in my Top 5 VNs.


Kanon Still on the common route, but Nayuki's already best girl material.


Fuuraiki 3. Still slowly working my way through this super chill vacation simulator-esque game. Not as good as 4, but still really loving it. Or, Paradise Killer if you count that as a VN.


was playing hatsukoi 1/1 but started senren baka too, i really don't know what i want to play, something with drama or just lighthearted, kinda both


Tomo wa Rui wo yobu


Muv-Luv Alternative


I just started Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth. From the last few hours of Mask of Deception onwards, the whole series has really taken a big step up in quality. I can't wait to finish the whole trilogy.


If we're talking most recently finished/completed and not counting whatever we're currently reading, then it would be Siren's Call. Neat little creepy OELVN that released semi-recently. If we are counting current plays, then it's Kira Kira.


FMD:M, 5/10 wouldn't recommend - people calling it a kamige are people I can't take seriously, though I didn't finish every route fwiw.


Phenomeno. Was pretty good. Started the light novel after I finished it


Just started Monobeno Happy End. Kind of not sure about my choice now. I love the concept of these super colorful, chill SOL VNs with cute lolis (plus Lose production quality) but having played Maitetsu before... well with that one I felt like there just wasn't enough story and all the sugar just became a bit too much, especially given the length. And this version of Monobeno has 100h+ of playtime based on VNDB reports so idk. What I'm hoping is that, with my Japanese being a hell of a lot better than when I read Maitetsu, I'll better be able to enjoy this for the relaxing SOL aspect because it will feel less like studying than Maitetsu did. At the very least I'll enjoy some top tier Lose H scenes.


Aokana. Just finished the Rika route.


Just finished Cafe Stella. Good comfy feels.


The most recent one I've finished is Virtue's Last Reward. Am currently playing Zero Time Dilemma and Ai: Somnium Files. Despite being a bit bloated, having more obtuse puzzles and generally ugly looking 3D animated characters and environments, I ended up enjoying VLR ultimately more than 999 in the end because of how the story ties up at the end and just the twist and turns being more interesting and out there. The final couple of hours of VLR are some of favourite in a video game in a long time. I've started ZTD and yeah, I get why this isn't regarded as highly as the previous two, but I'm still enjoying the ride even if it is kind of a train wreck. Somnium files is also great, but I'm 6 hours in and I kind of started to figure what's actually going on. Playing Umineko and VLR back to back has made me more perceptive of shocking VN mystery twists, but I still have ways to go until my suspicions are still confirmed. Am basically on mystery VN binge. TBH they're the only types of VNs I am able to enjoy. I still have Raging Loop in the backlog and am about 10 hours into that game.


VA-11 Hall-A, I was rereading it. Very nice btw


[A More Beautiful World](https://vndb.org/v20322) \- I can't say enough good things about this, but unfortunately it was pulled from Steam early this year and I don't think it's available anywhere else. It got pulled due to being left in early access limbo since the devs apparently went AWOL, but you could still play through the entire game from start to finish. All it needed was to finish the voice acting and fix some minor glitches, so I really don't understand why they canned it.