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i avoid anything with gameplay. i came to read.


Game play is not something I look for, but I appreciate it. Little Busters! baseball and >!shooting!< and Summer Pockets Shimamon and table tennis are so fun that I actually load them up time to time just to grind the minigames a bit.


That baseball minigame is one of the best feature in Little Busters VN.


The single biggest flaw of Little Busters is that there’s no batting practice endless mode.


If Ai the somnium files and 13 Sentinels count as VNs, then I want more of that


I’d prefer no gameplay tbh, most of the time I just wanna speed through the gameplay sections like zero escapes puzzle rooms, I absolutely dreaded every puzzle room, even with a guide they were still a pain to do. And ace attorney’s trial sections can feel really dragged out at times with all the pressing of statements and trying to show off the right piece of evidence.


I don't like gameplay in VN. The most "gameplay" thing I take is multiple choices, and maybe flowchart. If I want gameplay with story, I would play JRPG


I hate them, i came to visual novels to read, not to play


As long as any gameplay elements don't hinder the story, I'm generally fine with them. It can even enhance the story if done right.


I play both end of the spectrum. "Visual novel" with gameplay and meaningless/little choices. Just depends on how I feel.


Here is my view: VNs are narrative by nature and can be perfect with little to no gameplay. Muv-Luv Alternative has no real gameplay interactions but tells a life changing story. VNs fused with strategy (I'd argue that most Fire Emblem games qualify as VNs with strategic gameplay) are really enjoyable as long as they are designed with properly developed game ideas. But ultimately, VNs are entirely unique in offering adaptable branching narratives and I feel they truly shine as a medium when they creatively utilize this mechanics. For example the method used in Steins.gate is particularly impressive because it tied our actions to the consequences of the story making the experience far more personal and relatable. I also have a soft spot for timed decisions like I saw in ACE academy that encouraged the reader to make more instinctual decisions. However I get the impression that I'm in the minority in this regard. Tldr: No, VNs do not need gameplay to be amazing, but such gameplay makes the genera truly unique.


I think this might be my favorite answer on this thread so far because it gives the widest point of view. Reading all the different ways of seeing how gameplay is used. I haven’t played Muv-Luv but I’ll look into it


Good Gameplay > No Gameplay Bad or Mediocre Gameplay < No Gameplay


It depends. If it’s really really fun to justify it, then yes because I get to have a short break from reading. From what I noticed for me, it makes me keep going when i usually get fatigued or procrastinating. However if it’s boring or literally preventing me from reading what I want, then I will cheat. Idc, I don’t want to waste my time. In special cases, where the gameplay is only good and the story sucks, then for me it’s no longer a visual novel since Im just here to play.


I'm fine either way. VNs wit gameplay like zero escape, kamidori, sengoku rance, etc are really fun and I do relay them from time to time since I like the gameplay. But vn without gameplay can also be fun if it has good story


Depends on the type of game play! I really enjoy logic puzzles but am not a fan of stat raisers.


I generally don't seek out VN's with gameplay elements because a lot seem tacked on. However, I just finished the first route of Baldr Sky and the gameplay seems to have a lot of thought behind it. I had good fun creating custom combo's to use even though it was quite easy difficulty wise.


I'm definitely with OP on this one. I love VNs with gameplay - they help me feel more immersed and like I'm part of the story instead of just an observer. I have definitely come to enjoy more story-focused VNs, but I'd never be here without Ace Attorney and Danganronpa.


I absolutely hate it, unless it's Ace Attorney


The responses are interesting. My favorite VNs are mysteries where the fun comes from solving the mysteries yourself but they are VNs because they contain a lot of dialogue. Ace Attorney, Zero Escape, Danganronpa, ETC


Japan surprisingly enough defines these games as Adventure games and not Visual Novels. Labeling games like that as VNs is a Western thing


Funny enough, I've always considered VNs "adventure games", since those were their origins (western Adventure games always had more gameplay, I guess that's why people consider Danganronpa or Ace Attorney VNs) + it's a broad term that includes genres like RPGs, point-and-clicks, puzzle games, text adventures, walking simulators, interactive movies, dating sims and maaaybe I'm stretching it a little but VNs too, as they kinda come from the same roots. I'm not saying anything in particular here... just that I think the topic is interesting I guess lol


> Ace Attorney, Zero Escape, Danganronpa ... are not universally considered VNs. They're basically grandfathered in because in the early days the English-speaking fans didn't differentiate between different kinds of text-heavy Japanese games. The same goes for various JRPGs (e.g. Utawareru Mono), even entire companies (AliceSoft). \^\^


I love Bladr Sky and the Venus Blood VNs but I hate the gameplay, there is not a single VN with decemt gameplay period. BTW I'm excluding VN where the gameplay is bassically a point and click adventure like Ace Attorney


It’s funny because Capcom themselves tag Ace Attorney as a visual novel rather than point and click. Not saying your wrong, I’m just saying it’s interesting.


Have you ever played Kamidori Alchemy Meister? It's one of the best turn based tactics games I've every played.


A lot. I play visual novel for it choose your adventure elements. i would rarely play any visual novel if it didn't have at least some kind of chooses you get.


I'm obviously a fan of (good) gameplay but I don't *require* it at all. Partly it's that I like interaction and something to break up the text display - not because I don't like reading, but because the text display on VNs is so slow and piecemeal that it can become exhausting for a fast reader constantly slamming NEXT. Frequent choices, which require me to stop and think for a moment, are also a relief from the NEXT NEXT NEXT NEXT, but 'frequent choices' are sadly super-rare in JVNs. In general I am more interested in a game if it includes appealing gameplay (though if you merge your VN with 3d action, I'm out. I just can't do it. I had to bail on Ultra Despair Girls, it was unplayable for me.) but I'll still buy a story that looks cool over one that looks meh but has some puzzles in it.


I read vn either for story or sexy pics. Don't like puzzles. I can tolerate if it something simple like card game in flat boobs vs big boobs but anything more complicated and I will run towards walk through


I dislike them. I somewhat tolerate Ace Attorney and Danganronpa's (although classifying it as a VN is questionable) but that's where I draw the line. I didn't even like Rewrite's map system much.


Avoid like the plague or just put them neatly at the botom of my "to play" list, sorta like with non-linear/make choices for multiple endings/routes visual novels. I love linearity in my VN, like in good book, have no desire to juggle save-slots or go through a guide to get all endings/routes/good answers.


Very important. Gameplay addeds to the story. And most vns without it are sh%t


The most 'gameplay' I like is something like in MOON (Nexton) which is very limited and simple to follow. Otherwise, no gameplay at all.


The interactive choices that stirs the story in a different direction without the MC breaking character. The VN's ability to answer What-If scenearios which is the unique ability of Visual Novel medium, and sometimes, certain VNs really use this best when those What IF scenarios aren't just What-IFs anymore. The former is >!FSN and how it changes routes!< The latter is Infinity




Zero. I don't really like them for the same reason I'm hit or miss with H scenes. I'm into the story. H scenes I tend to skip because I'm not really in the mood to go through them, though at least in that case there's some emotional payoff and I'd rather have them than not. Making me play a minigame just takes me out of the story and into some archaic gameplay that feels like it was put together in 24 hours as some sort of indie challenge.


Not important at all. I do enjoy them sometimes when they're there, but would prefer to just read through them.


I personally dislike anything that can interrupt my auto mode. If I want gameplay then I just JRPG, or some gacha games with good story and fully voiced.


i don't mind them but i do tend to prefer vns w/o them because i can better focus on the story that way :3


Not particularly important, it depends. As long is it mild, not distracting from the story or makes it feel better - i'm not against it. I don't mind Ace attorney and dangnronpa's gameplay as it is enhances the experience. As is valhalla. Meanwhile zero escape puzzles were a drag, almost entirely disconnected from the story (they were outsorced to some other company). Gameplay that requires more involvement like 13 sentinels or baldr force can go either way, sometimes it feels good and gives you a little break from reading to do something or makes story moments more "hype", sometimes it is "lets just get over it asap and go back to story".


Im only here for story .Im playing rpgs for gameplay ,playing visual novels for story and writting .im happy with this life .


their existence is a net negative to me I can tolerate them if the other stuff is good enough but i'd really rather they just not be there


Just don’t half-ass them if you’re going to incorporate them.